Spirit of the Dragon, Vol LII Issue 1

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First Year Dragon Hatchlings Soar Through Orientation BY SIANNA CRUZ It began with First Year Dragons slowly entering the Hall of Champions. You could see trepidation on their faces and almost hear the questions forming in their minds, “Which house will I be? Please not Metal, please not metal.” Suddenly, the Del Dios counselors entered screaming excitedly and running onto the stage where they got the dragon houses pumped up one at a time. After the students were pumped up and ready to go, Mrs. Adkins took the mic and introduced the new assistant principals, Mr. Ngo and Mrs. Peterson.

Then, Mrs. Adkins handed the mic to Mrs. Ayles, one of the counselors at Del Dios, who then introduced the ASB members that were guiding each dragon house. Each house followed their ASB

guides out the door where they played “Icebreakers“. The way Icebreakers works is that First Years wander around their house and say “hi” to one another. Then, an ASB guide calls

WELCOME NEW ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS! WE WANT TO KNOW: WHAT WERE YOU LIKE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL? Orientation Getting to Know Us Bell Schedule Dragon House Info . Interviews Staff

“I wasn’t very involved. In middle school, I was still trying to find out what I liked and stuck to my same group of friends.” — Mrs. Peterson

“Awkward. I played baseball, but mainly awkward.” — Mr. Ngo

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 out a number and everyone has to get into groups of that number. Once in their groups, the ASB guide gives the First Years a question to ask in their groups. The point of Icebreakers is to get to know the people in your house. After each house played a few rounds of Icebreakers, everyone went back to the Hall of Champions. Once all the houses were accounted for, the First Year Dragons learned and rehearsed the Del Dios chant. Then, Mrs. Ayles began to explain the Scavenger Hunt to the First Years. The ASB guides gave three facts to the First Year Dragons in their house. Then, the First Year Dragons went to different rooms where people from Gear Up asked them a question and if the First Year answered it correctly they got a puzzle piece for their house. Each house chose four First Years to sort and tape the puzzle pieces for them onto a poster. Whichever house finished their poster first won. When everyone understood what they needed to do Mrs. Ayles went over the Dragon Pillars (D is for determination, R is for respect, A is for achievement, G is for goals, O is for ownership, and N is for no excuses). Then, everyone left the Hall of Champions to look for the puzzle pieces. Fire started with a large lead, with Metal in second, Sky in third, and Water in last. When all the houses


Clockwise from top: First Years visit the Lower Quad and collect puzzle pieces about the Dragon Pillars which were hidden around campus. Each House had four teams and each team found all six pieces which spelled D-R-A-G-O-N. What a great way to get to know where everything is while learning about what makes Del Dios the BEST!

finished their posters everyone headed back to the Hall of Champions where Mrs. Ayles announced the winning house. Everyone, sitting in the Hall of Champions, waited in suspense for the name of the winning house and hoped it was theirs. Mrs. Ayles walked on stage with the winning poster laying covered in front of her. She lifts the microphone to her mouth and said, “The winner is...FIRE!” Everyone from Fire



jumped in the air and celebrated their victory while the other houses remained silent. Afterwards, the First Year Dragons received their schedules and went around the school reviewing them so they wouldn’t be lost on the first day of school. After running a half hour late, the First Year Dragon Orientation ended when the First Years received their textbooks, if they didn’t get them at registration, and filed out with smiling faces.



2- 8:34-9:19 Nutrition- 9:19-9:29 3- 9:33-10:18 4- 10:22-11:07 Lunch A/Advisory11:11-11:41 Advisory/Lunch B 11:45-12:15 5- 12:19-1:04 6- 1:08-1:53 7- 1:57-2:42

We know what goes on in your House. Do you?? BY ANDY HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER I’M IN A HOUSE... NOW WHAT? Many of you are now in a dragon house... so now what happens? Well, each house has a rivalry with one another. That’s because each house wants the house cup which is given to the house with the highest number of points at the end of each trimester. You can earn house points by participating in spirit days. Spirit days are when you dress up depending on the occasion. For example, if you had to dress up in colors of your house and you’re in water, you would


have to wear all blue. You can also gain points when you participate in competitions and other activities. ASB come up with energetic and fun competitions such as the Dragon Olympics.


Determination Respect Achievement Goals Ownership No Excuses

Last year, the Dragon Olympics contained lots of different stations including a doughnut eating contest, name that song, college trivia, and more. Now you know how to get points, but how many houses are there? There are a total of four houses, but each house has three sub houses for First, Second, and Third Year Dragons. Last year, metal won all three trimesters with fire a

GET 2 KNOW US Spirit of the Dragon Staff How many sprains, fractures or broken bones, altogether?

6 How tall are we on average, in inches?

62.16 How many Journalism members love pizza?


close second. Remember to do all you can for your house and we’ll se if Metal becomes undefeated. AGAIN!


What’s the Latest 411 on the New School Year thing about middle school will be meeting INTERVIEW WITH FIRST YEAR DRAGON, COLE HANNA new people in different classes.” BY SIANNA CRUZ, STAFF WRITER Q: How are you feeling about becoming a middle schooler? A: “I am kind of scared Q: What are your worries about middle school? A: “I’m worried I won’t make a lot of friends.”

think the best thing about middle school will be learning and seeing more.”

Q: What are your goals for this year? A: “My goal is to achieve more than I did in elementary school.”


Q: What are your goals for this year? A: “To read more than I did last year.”

My favorite thing (about being a first year) was meeting new First Year Dragons who came from different schools around the district.


Q: What do you think will be the best thing about middle school? A: “I

because it is not like elementary, yet I’m excited at the same time.”

Q: How do you feel about having seven periods a day? A: “It will be harder than elementary school.”

Q: Do you like Del Dios’ Dragon mascot and why? A: “I like the mascot because it’s cool and it breathes fire!”

Q: How is Del Dios different from your elementary school? A: “There are more classes and there isn’t as big of a playground.”

INTERVIEW WITH FIRST YEAR DRAGON, JULIANA LOPEZ BY SKYLAR HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER Q: What are your goals for this year? A: “I want to get a good GPA, meet new

INTERVIEW WITH FIRST YEAR DRAGON, SAMARA CRUZ BY LEANDRA HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER Q: What are your goals for this year? A: “Do the best that I can for my grades and all of my classes.”

Q: Do you like Del Dios’ Dragon Mascot and why? A: “Yes because they are cool and breathe fire!”

Q: How are you feeling about becoming a middle schooler? A: “Kind of nervous but I think I’ll get used to it.”

people, and have fun!”

Q: What do you think will be the best thing about middle school? A: “I think the best


Q: What are your worries about middle school? A: “Just worried about getting bullied.”

INTERVIEW WITH SECOND YEAR DRAGON, EMILY LEDEZMA BY LEANDRA HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER Q: What do you want to improve on this year? A: “I want to improve on my grades.”

Q: What is your dragon house and how will you participate? A: “I am in the metal house and I plan to win competitions.”

Q: What are you nervous about becoming a Second Year Dragon? A: “I am nervous about everything.”

Q: What’s your favorite subject and why? A: “Math because it gets me thinking.” INTERVIEW WITH SECOND YEAR DRAGONS, EVELYN MENDOZA BY SKYLAR HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER Q: What was your most memorable experience as a First Year Dragon? A: “My favorite thing was meeting new First Year Dragons that came from different schools around the district.”

Q: How do you feel about the upcoming year? A: “I feel like it’s going to be a great year because I am no longer the new kid at school.”

Q: What is your dragon house and how will you participate? A: “I am in metal house and I will participate by showing my spirit.”

Q: What do you want to improve on this year? A: “I definitely want to improve on my math this year.”




Q: How do you feel about this upcoming year? A: “I feel nervous but at the

Q: What are your goals you would like

same time I feel that I’ll do well.”

to achieve as a Third Year Dragon? A: “The goals that I’d like to achieve as a Third Year Dragon is getting all A’s.”

Q: What do you want to improve on this year? A: “I want to improve in

Q: What do you think will be the best

Language Arts so I can read better.”

Q: What are you nervous about this year? A: “I am nervous because math might be harder this year.”

INTERVIEW WITH SECOND YEAR DRAGON, JESSICA HERNANDEZ BY SIANNA CRUZ, STAFF WRITER Q: What is your dragon house and how do you plan to participate? A: “My

dragon house is metal and I plan to participate by dressing up for spirit day.”

Q: How do you feel about the upcoming year? A: “I’m excited because I finally get to do something rather than sitting around all summer.”

Q: What do you want to improve on this year? A: “I want to get better grades, like all Bs.”

Q: What was your most memorable

experience as a First Year Dragon? A: “Math was my favorite subject as a First Year Dragon because it challenged me.”

Q: What are you nervous about as a Second Year Dragon and why? A: “I’m not nervous about anything because all I have to do is study hard and I’ll be fine.”

thing about this year? A: “I think the best thing about this year will be seeing old friends.”

INTERVIEW WITH THIRD YEAR DRAGON, EDUARDO TORRES BY LEANDRA HEYVELD, STAFF WRITER Q: What is your dragon house and what will you be doing to participate? A: “My dragon house is fire, and I want to earn a lot of house points.”

Q: How do you feel about the upcoming year and why? A: “I think that this year is going to be a really fun and spirited year with lots of events and posters.”

Q: What are you nervous about this

year? A: “I’m nervous about choosing a high school to go to.”


Q: What was your favorite thing about

being a Second Year Dragon? A: “My favorite thing as a Second Year Dragon was all of the ASB events.”

Q: What are you nervous about this

year? A: “I’m kind of worried about all of the work I have to do, but I guess I’m just going to have to do it.”

Q: What do you think will be the most memorable experience as a Third Year Dragon? A: “I think the best part about this year will be graduating.”

Q: What are you nervous about this year? A: “I am nervous about the CSTs.”

Q: Do you have any advice that you would like to give to the new students? A: “My advice is to eat well in order to be healthy.”

Q: How do you feel about being so close to high school? A: “I am pretty scared because in high school you have to put a lot more effort into your work.”



The newspaper, yearbook, facebook page and other social media pages are all about YOU! So join our pages and media groups and share your stories, photos and other fun stuff. Middle school, high school and college are all about what you put into it. Have a great time this year by working hard and contributing to our community. Join us on Facebook! Search for DelDiosMS and Spirit of the Dragon

Sianna Cruz, Evan Fox, Andy Heyveld Skylar Heyveld, Kora Shaw

STAFF Amy Murphy, Editor-in-Chief

CONTACT Room 76 amurphy@eusd.org

Spirit of the Dragon Staff FROM THE EDITORS

We are so excited to publish the very first issue of thi s year’s Spirit of the Dragon. If you are interested in contributing news , stories, comics, advertisemen ts, puzzles, etc., please send the m to us in Room 76. Special thanks to Mr s. De Frain for helping us copy edit and giving us layout assistance.

SPIRIT OF THE DRAGON ISSUE no. 1 VOLUME LII All contributions will be returned on request otherwise become the property of Spirit of the Dragon at Del Dios Middle School, EUSD View the paper online at: issuu.com/ddmsonline


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