Preview De Gruyter Arts & Deutscher Kunstverlag | Fall 2023

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FALL 2023


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Dear Friends and Readers,

This autumn, we are again presenting an exciting program with high-quality exhibition catalogues, historically significant anniversary publications, current academic studies, and new art guides. Join us in discovering the Spanish painter Ignacio Zuloaga or the highlights of the Eva Felten photography collection and celebrating 250 years of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and 300 years of the Belvedere in Vienna. Immerse yourself in current debates on the authenticity of digital images and Michelangelo criticism in the Early Modern Period, or travel with our exhibition guide to the Dresden Armory, one of the world's most magnificent costume collections. Speaking of travel, there is now a new offer to help you on your way: Finally, the Dehio, Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler, is available as an ebook, as a “Germany Set” or as individual volumes for your digital hand luggage.

I hope you enjoy discovering these and many other exciting titles in our preview.

Matisse, Derain and Friends. Paris Avant-Garde 1904–1908  4

Mythos Spanien. Ignacio Zuloaga 1870–1945  6

Rudolf Levy. Magier der Farbe  8

Michael Müller & Lukas Töpfer. Am Abgrund der Bilder – „Birkenau“  11

Hoover Hager Lassnig  12

Die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 1773–2023. Kunstgeschichte einer Institution  14

The Belvedere: 300 Years a Venue for Art  16

This is Me, This is You. The Eva Felten Photography Collection  18

Kunstfiguren. Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten  22

New Media in Art History. Tensions, Exchanges, Situations  23

Louisa Clement. human error  24

Ruth Schnell – WORKBOOK. Mirrors of the Unseen  25

Doors to Hidden Worlds. The Power of Visualization in Science, Media, and Art  26

Fiction Fiction. Language Arts and the Practice of Spatial Storytelling  27

Baldwin & Guggisberg. Dans la labyrinthe: Un voyage liminal  28

Glass in Architecture from the Pre- to the Post-industrial Era. Production, Use and Conservation  29

Leben machen. Die Zoëpolitik der synthetischen Biologie  30

Bilder unter Verdacht. Praktiken der Bildforensik  31

Hans Haacke und Pierre Huyghe. Non-Human Living Sculptures seit den 1960er-Jahren  32

Allan Kaprows Activities. Intimität und Sozialität der Kunst der 1970er-Jahre  33

Bildersammlungen als Denkmaterial. Materialismus und Kunsttheorie (1900 – 1960)  34

Objects and Organisms. Vivification – Reification – Transformation  35

Kunstraub für den Sozialismus. Zur rechtlichen Beurteilung von Kulturgutentziehungen in SBZ und DDR  36

Gere cht und fair? Die Empfehlungspraxis des österreichischen Kunstrückgabebeirats im Lichte der Washingtoner

Prinzipien  37

International Yearbook of Futurism Studies  38

Vorträge aus dem Warburg-Haus  39

Jugendstil in Berlin  40

Emil Orlik. Das druckgraphische Werk  41

Symphonie in Schwarz. Eine Spurensuche zwischen Lebensreform, Frauenbewegung und Bohème  42

Tracing Wiener Werkstätte Textiles. Viennese Textiles from the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection  43

Säkularisation und Kunst in Köln. Die Entdeckung und Rettung der Tafelbilder der Alten Meister und ihre frühen Sammler  44

École de Paris global. Die Erfindung von Paris als Kunstzentrum in internationalen Ausstellungen

zwischen 1921 und 1946  45


Das Bild der Herrscherin. Franz Xaver Winterhalter und die Gattungspolitik des Porträts im 19. Jahrhundert  46

Taking the Alhambra to St. Petersburg. Neo-Moorish Russian Architecture and Interiors 1830–1917  47

Im Wandel der Zeit. Die Darstellung der Vier Jahreszeiten in der bildenden Kunst des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts  48

Tischbein im Kontext. Ausstattungsprogramme für die Landgrafen von Hessen-Kassel  49 Grenzgänger. Figuren des deutsch-französischen Kulturtransfers  50

Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century  51

Romantische Thermodynamik. Dichtung, Natur und die Verwandlung der Kräfte 1770–1830  52

Das prächtige Rathaus der Stadt Augsburg. Salomon Kleiners Originalzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1727/28 in der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg für die Edition der Kupferstichfolge des Augsburger Rathauses  53

Das Werk im Zentrum. Kunstgeschichte mit Objekten aus dem Städel Museum und der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung. Festschrift für Jochen Sander zum 65. Geburtstag  54

Zeichnungssammlungen in Wien und Mitteleuropa. Akteure – Praktiken – Rahmendiskurse  55

Die Freiheit der Linie. Callot, Della Bella, Castiglione und die Radierung im 17. Jahrhundert  56

Die verlorene Spur. Ästhetische Reflexionen zur Schraffur in der Vormoderne  58

Restoration as Fabrication of Origins. A Material and Political History of Italian Renaissance Art  59 Bad und Akt. Studien zu Badedarstellungen der Frühen Neuzeit  60

Gegen Michelangelo. Die Bildparodie in der nord- und mittelitaliensichen Kunst des Cinquecento  61

Bramantes Pergamentplan. Eine Architekturzeichnung im Kontext wissenschaftlicher Kontroversen  62

Bilder der Alterität – Alterität der Bilder. Zum transkulturellen Potenzial von Bildern in Übersetzungsprozessen zwischen Neuspanien und Europa im 16. Jahrhundert  63

Zur Intermaterialität geschnitzter Kästen aus Holz. Die Imitation von Elfenbein, Seide und Gold im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter  64

The Nietzsche Archive  66

The Electoral Wardrobe. Guide to the Dresden Rüstkammer  67

Paulskirche  68

Burgruine Henneberg in Südthüringen  69

Arm- und Beinringe. Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.  70

Garden and Metaphor. Essays on the Essence of the Garden  71


Ausgewählte Titel  73

Arthur Fink, Claudine Grammont, Josef Helfenstein (Eds.)

Matisse, Derain and Friends

Paris Avant-Garde 1904–1908

Pages 352

Ills. 200 color

Format 28.5 × 21.5 cm

HC 978-3-422-80119-6 En ca. € 58.00

ca. $ 63.99

ca. £ 50.50


Fauvism – the first avantgarde movement of the 20th century

Brilliant colour experiments in a break with academic conventions

9 783422801196


Kunstmuseum Basel, New building September 2, 2023 to January 2, 2024

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of artists around Henri Matisse and André Derain were carrying out revolutionary colour experiments. The art critic Louis Vauxcelles gave them their name in 1905: the “Fauves”. Translated into English, this means something like “beasts” or “wild animals”. This catalogue is being published for the first survey exhibition on the Fauves staged in Switzerland for decades. It presents the expressive

painting style and unusual colour combinations employed by Matisse, Derain and their companions in the years 1904 to 1908, situating them in the aesthetic and socio-political debates of that time. The male connotation of the term Fauves already suggests the exclusion of women artists on a conceptual level. The exhibition and catalogue challenge this traditional view and draw attention to female protagonists on the Paris art scene. Richly

illustrated and supplemented by new art-historical research contributions, the publication offers an insight into the diversity of the colourful painting by the “beasts”.

With contributions by Elena Degen, Arthur Fink, Claudine Grammont, Josef Helfenstein, Gabrielle Houbre, Béatrice JoyeuxPrunel, Peter Kropmanns, Maureen Murphy, Pascal Rousseau


Roger Diederen, Nerina Santorius, Carlos Alonso Pérez-Fajardo (Eds.)

Mythos Spanien

Ignacio Zuloaga 1870–1945

Pages 224

Ills. 168 color

Format 29.0 × 24.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80094-6 Ger ca. € 48.00

ca. $ 55.99

ca. £ 41.50




Preliminary cover


Kunsthalle München

September 15, 2023 to February 4, 2024

Bucerius Kunst Forum Hamburg

February 17 to May 26, 2024

Catalogue for the first posthumous exhibition on Ignacio Zuloaga outside Spain - the formative artist of Spain’s image abroad around 1900 9

Few other artists have shaped the image of Spain abroad around 1900 as much as Ignacio Zuloaga (1870-1945): proud toreros and spirited flamenco dancers; the simple life of the rural population, ascetics and penitents in vast, barren landscapes, and beggars, diminutive people and witches who invoke the legacy of old masters such as Diego Velázquez and Francisco de

Goya. In times of massive industrialisation and Spain’s increasing orientation towards European modernism, Zuloaga aimed to preserve the “Spanish soul” with such scenes. The artist’s painting was celebrated internationally during his lifetime. This volume is the first comprehensive monographic publication on the artist to appear in German.

With contributions by Carlos Alonso Pérez-Fajardo, Katrin Dyballa, Charlotte Ewers, Ralf Junkerjürgen, Mikel Lertxundi Galiana, Helena Pereña, Nerina Santorius, Johanna Schumm, Birgit Thiemann

  

Steffen Egle, Sören Fischer, Annette Reich (Eds.)

Rudolf Levy Magier der Farbe

Pages 320

Ills. 200 color

Format 27.0 × 22.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80166-0 Ger ca. € 44.00

ca. $ 48.99

ca. £ 38.50




Rediscovery of a great classic of modernism to mark a first retrospective in Germany –Project in international cooperation with the Uffizi Gallery in Florence

Standard work on Rudolf Levy in German

Including a contemporary art and text contribution by Edmund de Waal

Exhibition Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern

October 28, 2023 to February 11, 2024

(Under the patronage of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier)

Painter Rudolf Levy (1875-1944) was a central figure in the Munich and Paris avant-gardes, and enjoyed great success with his colourful portraits, landscapes and still lifes in Berlin during the 1920s, including in the legendary Flechtheim Gallery. When the National Socialists seized power, this brought his career to an abrupt end. After an odyssey of flight, Levy was able to settle in Florence, where his work reached a final impressive climax be-

fore his deportation and murder in Auschwitz concentration camp. The Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern is the first German exhibition house to dedicate a retrospective to the work and life of Rudolf Levy. The catalogue opens the perspective on an artist of European standing whose rich pictorial world can be rediscovered again and again. Contributions by renowned authors shed light on Levy’s fate as a persecuted artist and as a persecuted

Jew, on the artistic kaleidoscope of his time, his years in exile in Florence, and the reception and re-canonisation of his art in the young Federal Republic.

With contributions by Felix Billeter, Brigitte Bruns, Steffen Egle, Sören Fischer, Vanessa Gavioli, Carlo Gentile, Kristina Hoge, Julie Kennedy, Philipp Kuhn, Patricia Nünning, Annette Reich, Susanne Thesing, Eike Schmidt, Julia Voss

9 783422801660


Inge Herold, Johan Holten (Eds.)

Hanna Nagel

2022. 216 pages

29 b+w and 195 color illustrations

27.0 × 22.5 cm


German / English Edition

€ 42.00 / US$ 48.99 / £ 36.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98949-8

Ingrid von der Dollen

Der Maler Leo von König

Ein Zeitbild im Spiegel seiner


2022. 192 pages

77 b+w and 77 color illustrations

24.0 × 17.0 cm


€ 36.00 / US$ 41.99 / £ 31.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98770-8

Anna-Carola Krausse

Lotte Laserstein

Meine einzige Wirklichkeit

2nd updated Edition 2022. 248 pages

72 b+w and 92 color illustrations

28.0 × 23.0 cm


€ 29.90 / US$ 34.99 / £ 26.00

ISBN 978-3-422-99029-6

Felix Billeter, Angelika Grepmair-Müller SachlichkeitenSichtbarkeiten

Der Münchner Maler und Grafiker

Joseph Mader (1905–1982)

2022. 200 pages

150 color illustrations

24.0 × 17.0 cm


€ 24.90 / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98637-4

Johannes Schmidt, Barbara Stark (Eds.)

Franz Lenk

Der entwirklichte Blick

2022. 160 pages

150 color illustrations

26.0 × 21.0 cm


€ 28.00 / US$ 32.99 / £ 24.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98905-4


St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin April 23 to September 3, 2023

This book is devoted to works by Michael Müller commenting on four paintings by Gerhard Richter entitled “Birkenau”. The aim is to reappraise the cruel historical fact of Auschwitz II/ Birkenau extermination camp using various artistic approaches, focusing on the so-called Sonderkommando, a work detachment of Jewish prisoners. From 1942 to 1944/45, they were

Alien Athena Foundation for Art, Gero Heschl (Eds.), Michael Müller & Lukas


Am Abgrund der Bilder –„Birkenau“

Pages 108

Ills. 55 color

Format 31.5 × 25.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80126-4 Ger € 32.00 $ 35.99 £ 28.00


MAY 2023


Can the horror of the Holocaust be depicted? – Müller questions Gerhard Richter’s cycle “Birkenau” using the means of painting

forced to prepare for and clear up after the extermination of their fellow human beings under SS supervision and facing a constant threat to their lives.

Direct as the critical comments on Richter may be, they are accompanied by many less conspicuous, quieter, one might even say wounded works by Müller, which are contextualised in a

comprehensive essay by art historian Lukas Töpfer.

Michael Müller, Conceptual Artist, Berlin Lukas Töpfer, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Also of interest

Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné

Vol. 1.1

HC 978-3-422-99666-3

E-Book 978-3-422-80127-1

Vol. 1.2

HC 978-3-422-99718-9

E-Book 978-3-422-80128-8

Vol. 1.3

HC 978-3-422-99720-2

E-Book 978-3-422-80129-5

Vol. 1.4

HC 978-3-422-99725-7

E-Book 978-3-422-80120-2

9 783422801264


Hoover Hager Lassnig

Pages each 64

Ills. 108 color

Format 23.7 × 16.5 cm

HC 978-3-422-80173-8 Ger ca. € 38.00 ca. $ 41.99 ca. £ 33.50



Art, body, (self-)perception – a focused, concentrated introduction to the work and biography of three 20th century women artists


Kunsthalle Mannheim

November 10, 2023 to February 11, 2024

Nan Hoover, Anneliese Hager and Maria Lassnig are women artists who expressed themselves experimentally and innovatively in various media. They were interested in alienation effects, body perception, and reflections about time and space. All three explored Surrealism early on and found their own individual visual language in different ways: the common denominator is a preoccupation with light, space and the body, as well as

the existential question of self-perception and one’s place in the world. While American Hoover was one of the pioneers of international light, video and performance art and produced a surprising painterly early oeuvre close to pop art, Hager, who is one of the most interesting female photographers of the 20th century, remains very little known. Today, Austrian painter Lassnig is one of the most important female artists of the

20th century, but she only achieved her international breakthrough late – in the 1980s. This publication, three books in one, enables readers to rediscover the three artists, or even discover them for the first time.

With contributions by Inge Herold, Lynette Roth, Christina Bergemann

9 783422801738

Johannes Myssok (Ed.)

Die Kunstakademie

Düsseldorf 1773 – 2023

Kunstgeschichte einer Institution

Pages 400

Ills. 180 color

Format 30.0 × 24.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80165-3 Ger € 48.00

$ 52.99

£ 42.00




Opulently illustrated volume on the 250th anniversary of the Kunstakademie


Art historical overview of the traditional and influential institution

Founded in 1773, the Düsseldorf Art Academy is one of the most important institutions of its kind in the world. During its 250-year history, many internationally significant artists have trained here, and some have returned to the institution as professors during their careers. This volume, published for the anniversary, offers a first overview of the various art movements

that originated here or were closely linked to the institute, and introduces the artists who shaped it. The contributions, based on the latest research, focus e.g., on the 19th-century Düsseldorf School of Painting, while others deal with Joseph Beuys and his work at the Academy or take a look at the Becher School and the tradition of photography at the Academy.

Johannes Myssok, professor of art history, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

9 783422801653 14


Lower Belvedere, Vienna December 2, 2022 to January 7, 2024

2023 marks the 300th anniversary of the completion of Vienna’s Upper Belvedere. Built by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt for Prince Eugene of Savoy, the palace complex has provided a home for fine art since its inception and continues to do so today, with a stunning variety of collections and exhibitions.

In 1777, the Belvedere became one of the world’s first public museums. By ordering its collection according to

The Belvedere: 300 Years a Venue for Art

Pages 398

Ills. 268 color

Format 28.0 × 23.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-118631-3 En € 49.00

$ 56.99

£ 44.50

E-Book 978-3-11-118651-1 En € 49.00

$ 56.99

£ 44.50


JUNE 20 23


Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries

Contributions by Thomas DaCosta

Kaufmann, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Nora Sternfeld, Matthew Rampley, Wolfgang Ullrich, Luisa Ziaja, and others

schools of art it greatly influenced the museum world as well as the field of art history. The intention behind the creation of the Moderne Galerie in 1903 – to present Austrian art in an international context – remains its core orientation to the present day. This publication opens up new research on the history of the museum. It answers questions such as, what ordering concepts are evident in art presentation? How contemporary

were these presentations in an international context? What kind of public were they aimed at?

Stella Rollig, General and Artistic Director Belvedere, Vienna Christian Huemer, Director Belvedere Research Center, Vienna



Exhibition Museum Brandhorst Munich

With over 1,000 works by a total of more than 140 artists from the 1930s to the present, Eva Felten has built up a unique photo collection over the past four decades, which is presented in this catalog for the first time. This Is Me, This Is You is dedicated to the photographic view of people, reflecting on questions of intimacy and desire as well as power relations and structural inequalities inscribed in the medium.

Monika Bayer-Wermuth, Museum Brandhorst (Eds.)

This is Me, This is You

The Eva Felten Photography Collection

Pages 256

Ills. 220 color

Format 23.0 × 32.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80116-5 En/Ger € 54.00

$ 59.99

£ 47.00




Works by Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Gordon Parks, Richard Avedon, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, Roni Horn, Arthur Jafa, Deana Lawson and many more

Key works from the history of international photography

The book provides an in-depth look at the collection, which includes a variety of renowned positions in the history of photography and contemporary art, from Vivian Maier, Robert Frank, Evelyn Hofer, Gordon Parks, Richard Avedon, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince as well as Roni Horn, Arthur Jafa, Deana Lawson, Zoe Leonard und LaToya Ruby Frazier.

Monika Bayer-Wermuth, Museum Brandhorst, Munich

9 783422801165
October 19, 2023 to April 7, 2024 price until April 7, 2024 only € 45.00 18


Magazine Rundbrief Fotografie

4 issues per year


Print or Electronic SC € 98.00 [D] / $ 113.00 / £ 80.00

Print and Electronic SC € 118.00 [D] / $ 136.00 / £ 97.00

Online-ISSN 2751-0476

Print-ISSN 0945-0327

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Ed.)

Davor Konjikušić

Red Glow

Yugoslav Partisan Photography and Social Movement, 1941–1945

2022. 423 pages

570 b+w and 8 color illustrations

26.0 × 19.5 cm


€ 48.90 [D] / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98640-4

E-Book ISBN 978-3-422-98648-0

Kunststiftung K52 (Ed.)

Nicolaus Schmidt

India Tecton

Gebautes Indien / Architectural Expressions in India

2022. 256 pages

186 color illustrations

24.0 × 30.0 cm


English / German Edition

€ 42.00 [D] / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

ISBN 978-3-422-98762-3

Frédéric Mougenot

Auschwitz. Bild und Hinterbild


2022. 88 pages

69 color illustrations

17.0 × 24.0 cm

SC € 32.00 [D] / $ 36.99 / £ 28.00

ISBN 978-3-422-98721-0

Katharina Steidl

Am Rande der Fotografie

Eine Medialitätsgeschichte des Fotogramms im 19. Jahrhundert

2019. 408 pages

90 color illustrations

24.0 × 17.0 cm


€ 79.95 [D] / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

ISBN 978-3-11- 056780-9

E-Book ISBN 978-3-11-056907-0

Lu Guang. Black Gold and China

2021. 160 pages

120 color illustrations

21.3 × 32.0 cm


€ 40.00 [D] / $ 46.99 / £ 35.00

ISBN 978-3-422-98881-1



Löschung technischer Blider

Bildwelten des Wissens, Volume 16

2020. 112 pages 38 b+w and 45 color illustrations

23.0 × 15.5 cm


€ 19.95 [D] / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

ISBN 978-3-11-070999-5

E-Book ISBN 978-3-11-071529-3

Jadwiga Kamola (Ed.)

Artist Complex Images of Artists in TwentiethCentury Photography

Studies in Theory and History of Photography, Volume 11

2021. 206 pages

83 color illustrations

28.0 × 21.0 cm


€ 51.95 [D] / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00

ISBN 978-3-11-068646-3

E-Book ISBN 978-3-11-074016-5

Johanna Spanke


Fotografische Wandbilder in transnationalen Aushandlungsprozessen zwischen Mexiko und den USA

Verflechtung – Aushandlung – Opazität, Volume 1

September 2023. 624 pages

100 b+w and 20 color illustrations

24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC € 79.95 [D] / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

ISBN 978-3-11-078924-9

E-Book ISBN 978-3-11-107537-2


2022. 160 pages

73 color illustrations

21.0 × 33.2 cm


English / German Edition

€ 48.00 [D] / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

ISBN 978-3-422-98947-4

Sandra Badelt, Robert Pledge Katja Müller-Helle (Ed.) Birgit Koschies, Axel Koschies (Eds.)

Lady Gaga, Jilet Ayşe, Müslüm, Andy Warhol and Sun Ra are nationally and internationally known artistic characters. This publication deals with artistically designed identities at the intersections of visual art, performance, theatre, film, cabaret, stand-up comedy and music, analysing the currently widespread but as yet rarely explored nature of such artistic characters’

Fabiana Senkpiel, Sibylle Heim, Mira Kandathil (Eds.), Kunstfiguren

Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten

Pages 160

Ills. 22 b/w, 11 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-077913-4 Ger € 39.00

$ 42.99

£ 35.50

E-Book 978-3-11-077920-2 Ger Open Access




Who are Maria Marshal, Jilet Ay¸se, Müslüm, and Soya the Cow?

The representational form of artistic characters is investigated scientifically for the first time

representation. These are fictional identities that artists create for themselves, with which they appear in various contexts and media. The contributions focus on aesthetic strategies and performative practices as well as the field of tension between the performing artist and the artistic character performed.

Fabiana Senkpiel, Sibylle Heim, Mira Kandathil, Bern Academy of the Arts, Switzerland

9 783110779134 22

The history of art and new media are inextricably linked — both historically and in the present day. This publication can be described as an interdisciplinary reflection: it examines the confrontation and interaction between art history and new media, highlighting key developments, opportunities, and tensions.

Régine Bonnefoit, Melissa Rérat, Samuel Schellenberg (Eds.)

New Media in Art History

Tensions, Exchanges, Situations

Pages 144

Ills. 55 color

Format 21.0 × 14.7 cm

HC 978-3-11-118592-7 En € 42.00

$ 46.99

£ 38.50

E-Book 978-3-11-118600-9 En € 42.00

$ 46.99

£ 38.50



With new research findings, this book bridges the gap between art history and media studies

With contributions by Aline Guillermet, Catherine Toulouse / Dominik Lengyel, Nina Zschocke, and others

Cooperative project between the Swiss Association of Art Historians (VKKS) and the University of Neuchâtel

In eight studies, eleven researchers present new findings and explore the techniques and methods of new media — from electronic to digital and post-digital media — and the challenges these pose for art history. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the history and historiography of new media to their practical application, use, and reception, as well as creative

processes, material conservation, and mediation.

Régine Bonnefoit, professor, University of Neuchâtel

Melissa Rérat, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Samuel Schellenberg, Le Courrier, Geneva

9 783111185927 23



Louisa Clement

human error

Pages 96

Ills. 40 color

Format 24.5 × 19.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80164-6 En/Ger ca. € 32.00 $ 35.99 £ 28.00




One of today’s most popular young artists

Current social issues such as AI, questions about body and self-image, and possibilities of digital storage

September 2, 2023 to January 21, 2024

The question of identity has always preoccupied artists. Louisa Clement is no different, her central theme is the human being and the human in the digital. In her art, she starts out from herself, but ventures much further, asking how identity will be shaped in the future and examining forms of transformation. In the series of works Repräsentantinnen (Representatives), she creates AI-equipped, adaptive images of herself, with which visitors can converse. In photographic works,

the master pupil of Andreas Gursky continues this examination of the body and its possible optimisations and deals with military legacies under the aspect of transformation. This publication is appearing for an exhibition at the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum - both artists are united in their search for self-expression, as Paula Modersohn-Becker’s Self-portrait on 6th wedding anniversary from 1906 demonstrates in a succinct manner.

With contributions by Frank Schmidt, Katharina Rüppell, Museen Böttcherstraße, Bremen, and Armin Grunwald, Professor for Philosophy of Technology and Ethics of Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum
9 783422801646
Exhibition Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum Bremen

Ruth Schnell’s work interrogates historical concepts of reality that are now being called into question by apparative perception. In the field of media art, Schnell has made a significant contribution to the understanding of this radical transformation: she has gone beyond the moving image, involved viewers in a participatory manner, and expanded object-like or sculp-

Peter Weibel, Katharina Gsöllpointner (Eds.)

Ruth Schnell –WORKBOOK

Mirrors of the Unseen

Edition Angewandte

Pages 360

Ills. 10 b/w, 300 color

Format 27.0 × 21.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-124998-8 En € 45.00

$ 49.99

£ 41.00

E-Book 978-3-11-125010-6 En € 45.00

$ 49.99

£ 41.00




40 years of media art production open up new paths and dimensions in a singular way

Extensive section on the body of work; with prefaces by Peter Weibel and Katharina Gsöllpointner, as well as contributions by Claudia Giannetti, Chris Salter, and Jill Scott

Digital link to the artist’s video archive via QR codes

tural art into immersive environments. Deeply inscribed in her artistic approach is the reference to sociopolitical questions and the latest developments in technology. The monograph offers a documentary reappraisal and contextualization of Ruth Schnell’s work since 1983 and provides stimulus for enhancing competence in the field of media.

Peter Weibel, 1944–2023, media artist, theorist, curator, Chairman ZKM Karlsruhe Katharina Gsöllpointner, media theorist, University of Applied Arts Vienna

9 783111249988 25

The visualization of often-encrypted data reveals new, previously hidden, but quite real worlds to humankind. Art adopts these insights and uses them to create new dimensions. This book brings together a wide range of contributions on visualization in science, media, and art. Renowned experts and associates of the Science Visualization Lab at the University of

Alfred Vendl, Martina Fröschl (Eds.)

Doors to Hidden Worlds

The Power of Visualization in Science, Media, and Art

Edition Angewandte

Pages 400

Ills. 290 color

Format 24.0 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-125000-7 En € 52.00

$ 57.99

£ 47.50

E-Book 978-3-11-125012-0 En € 52.00

$ 57.99

£ 47.50



Insight into the thinking and working methods of renowned scientists, media experts, and artists

Lavish publication with numerous illustrations and AR features

With contributions by Ina Conradi / Mark Chavez, Thomas Matzek, Ruth Schnell, Victoria Vesna / James K. Gimzewski, Manfred Wakolbinger, and others

Applied Arts Vienna present examples of outstanding and innovative visualization projects and provide insight into their working methods. The book follows a variety of approaches to expanding perception and rendering the invisible visible.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.” — William

Alfred Vendl, professor, Science Visualization Lab, University of Applied Arts Vienna Martina Fröschl, Senior Scientist, Science Visualization Lab, University of Applied Arts Vienna

9 783111250007 26

With Fiction Fiction, visual artist Elena Peytchinska and poet Thomas Ballhausen are continuing their linguistic/artistic exploration of space and language, as well as with the intertwining of illustration and literature. While their previous works FAUNA (2018) and FLORA (2020) focused on strategies of rapprochement between the arts and the sciences based on linguistic-artistic premises, their latest work interrogates the relationship between the science of fiction and the fiction of science. Fiction Fiction presents a relational, practice-oriented model of operative fiction, which not only encounters the supposedly unthinkable other but integrates it as an active and necessary part of thought and creative processes.

Elena Peytchinska, Thomas Ballhausen investigate the connection between space and language; they live and work in Vienna.

Elena Peytchinska, Thomas Ballhausen

Fiction Fiction

Language Arts and the Practice of Spatial Storytelling

Edition Angewandte

Pages 320

Ills. 100 color

Format 19.5 × 12.5 cm

SC 978-3-11-125136-3 En € 42.00

$ 46.99

£ 38.50

E-Book 978-3-11-125199-8 En € 42.00

$ 46.99

£ 38.50




Literature and/as artistic research, following on from FAUNA (2018) and FLORA (2020)

Artistic reflections on contemporary philosophy and its sociocritical contexts

With contributions by Lucia D’Errico, Sabina Holzer, Elisabeth Schäfer, and Ferdinand Schmatz

9 783111251363 27

Francine Giese, Sarah Tabbal Vitromusée Romont (Eds.)

Baldwin & Guggisberg

Dans le labyrinthe: Un voyage liminal

Pages 96

Ills. 50 color

Format 24.0 × 24.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-105426-1 En/Fr € 39.00 $ 44.99 £ 35.50



Never-before-exhibited works from the artists’ most recent creative period

Exclusive insight into the artistic practice of contemporary glass art


Vitromusée Romont

June 4, 2023 until Januar 21, 2024

This catalog accompanies the eponymous exhibition at the Vitromusée Romont, for which Philip Baldwin (b. 1947) and Monica Guggisberg (b. 1955) explore the theme of the labyrinth and present several works of glass art from their recent exhibitions in France, England, and Denmark, as well as new works created especially for the Vitromusée Romont.

Their preoccupation with ancient history, the migratory nature of humanity, and the interconnected relationships of objects with form, function, aesthetic beauty, and symbolic meaning combine in ways that illustrate the artists’ unique perspectives across civilizations going back thousands of years. With contributions from internationally renowned specialists, the catalog

reflects the reinterpretation of a classical theme in contemporary glass art.

Francine Giese, Sarah Tabbal, Vitromusée Romont, Switzerland

9 783111054261

Glass is one of the most fascinating and versatile building materials in architectural history. The new insights into glass in architecture are the result of research at the intersection of glass production, construction technology and building culture. Coming from a variety of disciplines, the contributions bridge the divide between natural sciences, humanities and the preservation

Sophie Wolf, Laura Hindelang, Francine Giese, Anne Krauter (Eds.) Glass in Architecture


the Pre- to the Post-industrial Era

Production, Use and Conservation

Arts du verre/Glass Art/Glaskunst 2

Pages 320

Ills. 165 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-079340-6 En/Ger/Fr € 49.00 $ 53.99 £ 45.00

E-Book 978-3-11-079346-8 En/Ger/Fr Open Access



A multi-disciplinary survey of the history of the production and use of flat glass

From the Roman times to the present day

New insights on sheet glass as building material and cultural heritage

and restoration of cultural heritage. They explore the crucial role of flat glass in shaping architecture, particularly since the 18th century, and discuss the in-situ restoration of historic windows and glass façades and the importance of preserving this fragile heritage. The topics range from the manufacture of sheet glass in pre-industrial times to the possibilities

of repair and reusability of insulating glazing.

Sophie Wolf, Francine Giese, Vitrocentre Romont

Laura Hindelang, University of Bern

Anne Krauter, Bern Academy of the Arts (HKB)

9 783110793406 29

Synthetic biology is developing new hybrid forms of life for industrial applications, attempting to “resurrect” long-extinct species to preserve collapsing ecosystems, and intervening directly in the human germline with CRISPR.

Martin Müller combines approaches from cultural history and theory with those from media studies and design theory as

Leben machen

Die Zoëpolitik der synthetischen Biologie

Pages 256

Ills. 7 b/w, 15 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-100397-9 Ger € 69.00

$ 75.99

£ 63.00

E-Book 978-3-11-100410-5 Ger Open Access



First historical-critical monograph about synthetic biology and CRISPR

New theory of power and life

well as the history of knowledge to develop a critique of Promethean biology. In his Genealogy of Zoëpolitics, he formulates a new theory of the “vivification of power” that has occurred around 1800. He shows how the “will to make life” intensified during the molecular revolution in the 20th century and is now escalating with the emergence of synthetic

biology. Nature, from atom to atmosphere, has become a field of intervention for rigorous engineering and design.

Martin Müller, Cluster of Excellence “Matters of Activity. Image Space Material”, Humboldt University, Berlin

Also of interest

Linn Burchert, Iva Rešetar (Eds.)

Atem / Breath

Morphological, Ecological and Social Dimensions / Gestalterische, ökologische und soziale Dimensionen

Pages 401

Ills 47 b/w, 56 color

Format 17.0 × 24.0 cm

SC. 978-3-11-070183-8 En/Ger

€ 29.95 $ 34.99

£ 26.00

9 783111003979


Praktiken der Bildforensik

Roland Meyer

Bilder unter Verdacht

Praktiken der Bildforensik

Bildwelten des Wissens 19

Pages 120

Ills. 100 b/w

Format 23.0 × 15.5 cm

SC 978-3-11-108520-3 Ger € 29.95

$ 34.99

£ 27.00

E-Book 978-3-11-108569-2 Ger Open Access




Interdisciplinary overview of current debate on the truth content of digital images

Including essays on professional, popular and artistic forms of image forensics

Digital images have long been suspected of manipulation, not only since discussions of “deepfakes” and generative AI. Although in the 1990s any digital image evidence seemed questionable, pragmatic responses have now prevailed. In many cases, whether and how digital images have been manipulated can be proven by means of image analysis procedures and

comparative data evaluation. This volume focuses on such practices of image forensics. A look at scientific as well as aesthetic procedures, at criminalistic methods, popular television series, and artistic practices reveals how a suspicion of images becomes productive in itself: not only producing fresh images but also a new, processual understanding of digital imagery.

Roland Meyer, collaborative research centre VIrtual Worlds, Ruhr University Bochum

Roland Meyer (Hg.) Bildwelten des Wissens Band 19
9 783111085203 31

Ursula Ströbele Hans Haacke und Pierre Huyghe

Non-Human Living Sculptures seit den 1960er-Jahren

Schriftenreihe des Studienzentrums zur Moderne – Bibliothek Herzog Franz von Bayern am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte 5

Pages 544

Ills. 260 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-102711-1 Ger € 79.00 $ 86.99 £ 72.000

E-Book 978-3-11-102715-9 Ger Open Access




First comprehensive academic study of socalled Non-Human Living Sculptures

Re-reading of the historiography of 20th century sculpture

Sculptural aesthetics of the living

Since the 1960s, artists have questioned the traditional idea of opposition between art and nature. They have incorporated animals and plants as co-actors in their work, and so established a sculptural aesthetic of the living, which called for a redefinition of the sculptural genre. This study is the first to examine so-called Non-Human Living Sculptures using the examples

of Hans Haacke and Pierre Huyghe. Following a re-reading of the historiography of modernist sculpture, the author re-evaluates and expands on existing theories in individual work analyses. She shows how Haacke’s real-time systems, determined by US systems theory, biology and cybernetics, as well as his rejection of the object aesthetic have shaped contempo-

rary positions such as Huyghe’s situational-aesthetic works.

Ursula Ströbele, Study Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich

9 783111027111 32

Allan Kaprow is regarded as a key figure of the 1960s happening scene. Little known, however, are the “activities” that he developed in California during the 1970s — exercises for couples, realised without an audience on the basis of a written score. They constitute an attempt to create a participatory art form intended to enable participants to engage actively in the shaping of interpersonal relationships. For the first time, the activities are explored with all their formal and thematic complexity, and discussed in detail. Examined in conjunction with the procedures and concerns of the social sciences and psycho-disciplines in the 1970s, they emerge as an independent, exciting contribution to a new discourse on intimacy.

Clara Wörsdörfer, research assistant, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Clara Wörsdörfer Allan Kaprows Activities

Intimität und Sozialität in der Kunst der 1970er-Jahre

Phoenix. Mainzer kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek 9

Pages 296

Ills. 82 b/w

Format 28.0 × 24.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-099761-3 Ger € 82.00 $ 90.99 £ 75.00

E-Book 978-3-11-102715-9 Ger € 82.00 $ 90.99 £ 75.00



On Allan Kaprow’s work after the


New art- and cultural-historical perspectives on the participatory art of the 1970s

9 783110997613 33


Carolin Behrmann, Steffen Haug (Eds.)

Bildersammlungen als Denkmaterial

Materialismus und Kunsttheorie (1900–1960)

Pages 256

Ills. 100 b/w

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-063484-6 En/Ger € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50


New insights in materialistic approaches in art history

Critical art history

At the beginning of the 20th century, a materialist theory emerged that dealt with the economic and social conditions of art production. This was accompanied by a critique of the previous canon, now considering formerly excluded everyday objects, children’s drawings, folk art or photographs as the material conditions of a culture. Collections of artworks and artefacts

Also of interest

became contexts of thought leading to a redefinition of the relationship between history, form, and society. The contributions to this volume discuss how collections of materials and images were assembled on the basis of theoretical assumptions and had an impact on these assumptions in their turn. Examples cited include Frederik Antal, Walter Benjamin, Bernard

Berenson, Wilhelm Fraenger, Sigmund Freud, Henri Foçillon, Vernon Lee, Meyer Schapiro and Aby Warburg.

Carolin Behrmann, Ruhr University Bochum Steffen Haug, Warburg Institute, London

Martina Griesser-Stermscheg, Nora Sternfeld, Luisa Ziaja (Eds.) sich mit Sammlungen anlegen Gemeinsame Dinge und alternative Archive

pages 304

Ills. 2 b/w, 23 in color

Format 14.7 × 21.0 cm

Br. 978-3-11-070044-2 De € 39,95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


MaterialiSM uS un D Kun S tt H eorie (1900–1960) Herausgegeben von Carolin Behrmann und Steffen Haug Sa MM lungen al S Den KM aterial
9 783110634846

Ella Beaucamp, Romana Kaske, Thomas Moser (Eds.)

Objects and Organisms

Vivification – Reification – Transformation

Object Studies in Art History 5

Pages 236

Ills. 59 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-069415-4 En/Ger € 59.95

$ 68.99

£ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-11-119970-2 En/Ger € 59.95

$ 68.99

£ 54.50



Innovative, interdisciplinary object-scientific contribution to critical ecology

From the early modern period into the 21st century

The interrelations between objects and organisms take many forms, from the microbes known to inhabit medieval manuscripts to the biomorphic forms observable in Art Nouveau lamps, and from the androids cast in American superhero comics to the coral found on Chinese porcelain recovered from shipwrecks. The contributions to this volume investigate various interactions

between inanimate and animate matter in art, literature, technology, and other areas of human perception and expression. The book highlights how certain characteristics allow objects to be understood as living organisms, and vice versa. Via a range of dynamics involving vivification and reification, objects and organisms emerge as unstable, transforming within evolving situations.

Ella Beaucamp, researcher, Turin

Romana Kaske, researcher, Toronto/Munich

Thomas Moser, Vienna University of Technology

9 783110694154 35

What should be done about cultural property confiscated in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR? This legal appraisal commissioned by the Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste (German Lost Art Foundation) enables public institutions and their funding providers to assess the legal position of collection items seized in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR, and

Recently published

Thomas Finkenauer, Jan Thiessen

Kunstraub für den Sozialismus

Zur rechtlichen Beurteilung von Kulturgutentziehungen in SBZ und DDR

Provenire. Schriften des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste Special Volume

Pages 160

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-114495-5 Ger € 39.00

$ 42.99

£ 35.50

E-Book 978-3-11-127981-7 Ger € 39.00

$ 42.99

£ 35.50




First legal compendium on the confiscation of cultural property in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR

Legal analysis and regulatory options for action

Reference work for provenance research

identifies legal options for action. Thomas Finkenauer and Jan Thiessen present a compendium classifying 13 case groups along with the historical circumstances of their confiscation and the legal consequences. The report also serves provenance research through this overview, which has not been available in such a form before.

Thomas Finkenauer, Faculty of Law, University of Tübingen

Jan Thiessen, Faculty of Law, Humboldt University Berlin

Matthias Deinert, Uwe Hartmann, Gilbert Lupfer (Eds.)

Enteignet, entzogen, verkauft Zur Aufarbeitung der Kulturgutverluste in SBZ und DDR

Provenire 3

Pages 326

Ills. 29 b/w, 74 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC. 978-3-11-074450-7 Ger

€ 39,95 / $ 45.99 /

£ 36.50


Nadine Bahrmann, Andrea Baresel-Brand, Gilbert Lupfer (Eds.)

Kunstfund Gurlitt

Wege der Forschung

Provenire 2

Pages 188

Ills. 36 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC. 978-3-11-065813-2 Ger

€ 39,95 / $ 45.99 /

£ 36.50


9 783111144955

The Washington Principles of 1998 call for “just and fair solutions” in handling Nazi-looted art. At that same time, Austria was the only European state to pass its own art restitution law, based on which the Art Restitution Advisory Board has developed a comprehensive practice of recommendation. In Germany, too, the voices calling for a legal solution are growing louder. The practice of the Art Restitution Advisory

Recently published

Anne Dewey Gerecht und fair?

Die Empfehlungspraxis des österreichischen Kunstrückgabebeirats im Lichte der Washingtoner Prinzipien

Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Provenienzforschung, Kunstund Kulturgutschutzrecht 2

Pages 392

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-078993-5 Ger € 99.00

$ 108.99

£ 90.00

E-Book 978-3-11-078994-2 Ger € 99.00

$ 108.99 £ 90.00



First exhaustive systematisation of the Art Restitution Advisory Board’s practice

Clear guidelines for a “just and fair solution”

Highly relevant for the German restitution debate

Board is often seen as a role model there. But does it truly constitute the “just and fair solution” called for? For the first time, the author develops a comprehensive systematisation of this practice, subjects it to a critical analysis in light of the Washington Principles, and thus offers an indispensable comparative perspective for the German restitution debate.

Ulrike Saß, Matthias Weller, Christoph Zuschlag (Eds.)

Provenienz und Kulturgutschutz

Juristische und kunsthistorische Perspektiven

Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Provenienzforschung, Kunst- und Kulturgutschutzrecht 1

Pages 128

Ills. 14 b/w, 8 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC. 978-3-11-066282-5 Ger

€ 49,95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Anne Dewey, legal scholar, Berlin


9 783110789935

International Yearbook of Futurism Studies

Volume 13

Pages ca. 540

Ills. 40 b/w

Format 23.0 × 15.5 cm

HC 978-3-11-131829-5 € 139.00 $ 152.99 £ 126.50


This thirteenth volume of the International Yearbook of Futurism Studies explores some of the many facets of Neo-Futurism from the second half of the twentieth century to the present day. It looks both at the revival and the continuation of Futurist aesthetics, whether in explicit or palimpsest form, in a variety of media: literature, visual art, design, music, architecture, theatre and photography.

The essays delve into the broad spectrum of artistic research and offer a good dozen case studies that document, with a transnational and interdisciplinary orientation, the manifold forms of Neo-Futurism in various parts of the world. They investigate how historical Futurism's intellectual and artistic perspective was appropriated and developed further in a more or less conscious, faithful and original

way, all the while confronting its progenitor's cultural, social and political misconceptions.

Günter Berghaus, University of Bristol

Dalila Colucci, University of Sevilla

Tim Klähn, McGill University, Montreal

RussianFuturismandBrazilianAvant-gardePoetry:Incorporation,Translation,Convergence 257 istcities ³ The volantstructure oftheFiatTaglierostation,asDenisonhascalled it,withitsimpressive wingspan andglass-surroundedupper-storeyoffice,isthe paragonofthisphenomenon; itsinnovativestructureandmonumentalityalignit withcharacteristicsofAntonioSant Elia swork.⁵ Otherscholarshavepositioned theTaglierostationasaniconicexampleofFascistarchitecture,duetoitsreferencestotechnologicalachievementsbyaStatethatsoughttoconstructsymbolsof powerandauthority.WhilecolonialarchitectureinAsmaratypicallyusedspatial divisionasameansofarticulatingItaliansupremacyoverIndigenouscommunities,theTaglierostationarticulatespowerthroughitsrecollectionofaviation,technologicalmodernityandmilitarywarfare.

createworkswitha minimumofconstructiveorganization wastheproductof their descriptivecinematics,[ ]subjectivistfreneticism,[and]excessiveromanticismhypostatizedinthemachine. DécioPignatari,thesonofItalianimmigrantsand confrère oftheCampos brothers wasmoresympathetictothingsItalian.Hewasfluentinthelanguage and,inDecember1957,publishedtranslationsofItalianFuturistpoetryinaseries curatedbythepoetMárioFaustinofortheSundaysupplementofthe Jornaldo Brasil. Theworksincluded simultaneities fromMarinetti s Ilpoemaafricano dellaDivisione 28Ottobre (AfricanPoemoftheDivision 28October ,1937), andpassagesfrom Ilclubdeisimpatici (TheCluboftheFriendlyOnes,1931), whichhecomparedtoOswalddeAndrade Manifestoantropófago (Cannibalist Manifesto,1928).PignatarialsotranslatedworksbyFrancescoCangiullo,thecreatorofpentagrampoems,AntonioBrunoandBenedettaCappa s ViaggiodiGararà: Romanzocosmicoperteatro (Gararà sJourney:CosmicNovelfortheTheatre,1931). AlloftheseexamplesshowthatFuturismresonatedwiththe Noigandres group, butmainlyinsofarasithadthesamesynthetic-ideographicorientationasConcretePoetry. AlongsidePignatari stranslations,Faustino,apoetfriendlytothe Noigandres group,offeredanappraisalthatcouldwellsumuptheirattitude.Heacknowledged Futurism smeritininstillingananti-pastattitudethatmadeartisticrenewalpossible.Theirexperiments,heargued,alsocontributedtoJoyce sproseandtothepoetryofEliotandPound,butheclaimedthatCubismwasmoreinfluentialforpoetry.Moreover,besidescriticizingMarinettiforhisconnectionswithFascism, Faustino,inanechoofHaroldodeCampos sstatementquotedabove,faultedFuturismforanabsenceof finalproducts thatcouldjustifyitstransformationfrom avant-gardeintoanauthenticliteraryschool.Futurism,inhisview,lacked poets andpoemsthat,intime,becomeintegratedtothehumanandaestheticexperience ofpoetry. Still,thefactthatFaustinodevotedfiveeditionsofhisnewspapercolumn Poesia – Experiência (Poetry – Experience)toItalianFuturismbespeakshis admirationforhowthemovement awakenedartisticconsciousnesseverywhere –includingBrazil.

17 Ibid.,p.97 FaustinoandPignatari: Futurismo,IV:MarinettieSoffici ,p.5.ThereispreciouslittlescholarshiponthediscussionsofFuturisminFaustino sdidacticseries Poesia – Experiência ,afascinatingseriesaimedatintroducingavant-gardetendenciestogeneralaudiencesinBrazil. 19 Ibid.,p.7. 20 Ibid.,p.7.

Thetwo-storeystationwasinspiredbyFuturist architetturaaerea anditsrelated manifestationsofaFuturist aerovita (aeropainting,aeropoetry,aerosculptureand aeromusic),associatedwithtechnologicalachievementandattimeswithimperial

conquest. ThebuildingexemplifiesItalyandItalianFuturism sfascinationwith aviation,emergingintheearlytwentiethcenturywhenitseizedthepopular andartisticimaginaryofthecountryanditsnewavant-garde,becoming aeromania bythe1930s.⁸ Marinetticelebratedaeroplanesincountlessmanifestos,from La fondazioneemanifestodelfuturismo (TheFoundationandManifestoofFuturism, 1909)to L aeropitturadeibombardamenti:Manifestofuturista (Aeropaintingsof Bombings:FuturistManifesto,1940).HedescribedtheirusebyItaliancolonialmilitaryinthefirstairraidsinmilitaryhistoryduringtheLibyanorItalo-TurkishWar (1911–12),as themostbeautifulaestheticspectacle hehadeverseen.⁹ Decades later,duringtheSecondWorldWar,FuturistswouldagaincelebrateItalianaerial bombing,asinEnnioConcini scollectionofpoems, Aeropoesiefuturistedibombardamenti (FuturistAeropoemsofBombings,1941).¹⁰ TheFiatTaglieroservicestation,whenrelatedtosuchbellicoseaspectsofFuturistproductionofthe1930s and1940s,begscomplicatedquestionsfromcontemporaryviewers,ascanbe seeninCeresoli LineaTagliero project. The LineaTagliero PrototypesmimictheFuturist(andfuturistic) designof thecolonial-eraFiatstationthroughmirroring,doublingandskewedreproduction, alteringformsandtranslatingthemintoobjectsforahouseinterior.Theobjects aremadeoftransparentmirroredglassandaresometimesilluminatedwith neonlightinghousedinsidethestructures.Theyhintatthedesignelementsof theTaglierobuildingintermsofmaterial,colourandaesthetic.WithCeresoli sreferencesinmind,forinstance,thegroupingofatriooflow-profileglasstables readslikeaformationofaeroplanes(seeFig.1).Theframeofanornatewallmirror(Prototype04;seeFig.3a)iscomposedofcurvedsegmentsofglass;closercom7 Seethe Manifestofuturistadell architetturaaerea byF.T.Marinetti,AngioloMazzonandMino Somenzi(1934).ForanoverviewofFuturistarchitectureofthe1930s,seeSabatino: Architecture pp.75–79. 8 GünterBerghaushasestimatedthe genresalsohelpedtopopularizeFuturism,giventhe popularappealofaviationundertherégime.SeeBerghaus: FuturismandPolitics,p.247. Fuilpiùbellospettacoloesteticodellamiavita. F.T.Marinetti:LettertoAldoPalazzeschi,January1912,inMarinettiandPalazzeschi: Carteggioconun appendicedialtrelettereaPalazzeschi,p. 61.Marinettialsoclosesthefoundingmanifestowithareferencetoaeroplanes: Eventually,they willfindus,[ ]farawayinthecountry,huddlinganxiouslytogetherbesideourairplanes. Marinetti: CriticalWritings,p.16.Onthetopicofflightandaero-Futurism,seeBerghaus: Futurism andtheTechnologicalImaginationPoisedbetweenMachineCultandMachineAngst ,pp.12–14; on aeromania,Fascismandaero-Futurism,seePizzi: ItalianFuturismandtheMachine,pp.222–10 Forareproductionofthecoverofthisbook,whichfeaturesaeroplanesdroppingbombs,see Berghaus: FuturismandPolitics,plate15. 11 CeresolidescribestheFiatTaglierostationas lafuturisticastazionedibenzina (thefuturistic petrolstation).SeeCeresoli: Ritornoalfuturo,s.p.

TechnicalManifestoofFuturistLiterature ispraisedforits vivifying
(Typography )from BÏF§ZF+18:Simultaneità,Chimismiliri-
impulses ,however,HaroldodeCamposalsopointsoutthatFuturism
spoem Tipografia
ci (BÏF§ZF+18:SimultaneityandLyricalChemistry,1915).
256 OdileCisneros
3 Denison: FiatTaglieroServiceStation ,pp.134–135. 4 Ibid. 5 DeSeta: Architetturafuturista,pp.[3]and[5]. 6 Scarlett: Preservedforwhom:ReappraisingAsmara sColonial-EraArchitecture ,pp.184–185. Fig.2: GiuseppePettazzi: FiatTaglieroServiceStation (1938). 316 TenleyBick
PostcolonialRetro-Futurism:AlessandroCeresoli s LineaTagliero Prototypes 317
38 9 783111 318295
Interdisciplinary contributions to neofuturism as a global phenomenon

Band 11


Barbara Schellewald

Victor I. Stoichita

Gregor Wedekind

Wolfram Pichler

Katharina Sykora

Vorträge aus dem Warburg-Haus

Volume 16

Pages ca. 124

Ills. 39 b/w

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-132921-5 Ger € 39.95

$ 45.99

£ 36.50



Highlights from the lecture program of the Warburg House, Hamburg

Interdisciplinary contributions by renowned researchers

The 16th volume of lectures from the Warburg House brings together contributions covering a spectrum ranging from the different modes of perception of late antique and medieval mosaics in the light of modern reproduction techniques to Las Hilanderas of Diego Velázquez, the afterlife of Théodore Géricault’s Raft of the Medusa and René Magritte's „images

peintes“ to new reflections on femininity, the gaze and the „afterlife“ of the Shoah in the work of Boris Lurie. With contributions by Barbara Schellewald, Victor I. Stoichita, Gregor Wedekind, Wolfram Picher, and Katharina Sykora.

Barbara Schellewald, University of Basel

Victor I. Stoichita, University of Fribourg

Gregor Wedekind, University of Mainz

Wolfram Pichler, University of Wien

Katharina Sykora, Ruhr University Bochum

39 9 783111329215

Jugendstil in Berlin

Pages 448

Ills. 293 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80068-7 Ger € 52.00

$ 59.99

£ 45.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80169-1 Ger € 52.00

$ 59.99

£ 45.00




First comprehensive account of Art Nouveau in Berlin

The first comprehensive account of Art Nouveau in Berlin introduces seven artists who shaped Art Nouveau here: Bruno Möhring, Alfred Grenander, Otto Eckmann, Henry van de Velde, August Endell, Theodor Schmuz-Baudiß and Peter Behrens. The second part unfolds a panorama of Art Nouveau works in both public and private

spaces, which presented themselves to contemporaries but have largely disappeared today: public and private buildings, transportation buildings, design and furnishings of offices, stores and private homes. Art stores and department stores presented works and goods in Art Nouveau in a great variety and quality. It can be

seen that Berlin was a center of Art Nouveau to a far greater extent than previously assumed.

9 783422800687

Peter Voss-Andreae (Ed.) Emil Orlik

Das druckgraphische Werk

I Holzschnitte

II Radierungen 1891–1915

III Radierungen 1916–1930

IV Lithographien

Pages Vol. 1 240 pages

Vol. 2 368 pages

Vol. 3 336 pages

Vol. 4 656 pages

Ills. ca. 2300

Format 31.0 × 25.0 cm

Four volumes in a slipcase

HC 978-3-422-98841-5 Ger € 198.00 $ 227.99 £ 180.00


JULY 2023


The first catalogue raisonné of Emil Orlik’s extensive graphic oeuvre (ca. 2,300 works)

Bibliophile edition—four volumes, embossed linen cover, in a covered slipcase

Emil Orlik (1870–1932) was a painter, graphic artist, photographer, medallion maker, and craftsman: an all-round talent. A decisive factor in his artistic development was a trip to Japan in 1900–01, during which he learned the art of woodcarving from Japanese masters. He was a member of the Secession in Vienna, and was appointed in 1904 as a professor in Berlin, where

he created designs for stage sets and costumes for Max Reinhardt. His portraits of personalities from art, theater, music, literature, film, cabaret, and politics are a kaleidoscope of the intellectual, cultural, and economic life of the Weimar Republic. Orlik’s extensive graphic oeuvre — woodcuts, etchings, and lithographs — has now been documented in detail for the first

time and is presented in this catalogue raisonné.

With a preface by Peter Voss-Andreae

With contributions by Birgit Ahrens

9 783422988415 41

In 1904, Saxon artist Oskar Zwintscher painted the portrait of a lady smoking a cigarette. Her hair loose, a burning cigarette held casually in her hand, the sitter in a black reform dress is sitting in front of a black curtain. But who is behind the young woman who looks out of the picture so confidently?

Andreas Dehmer and Susanna Partsch embark on a fascinating search for

Dehmer, Susanna Partsch Symphonie in Schwarz


Eine Spurensuche zwischen Lebensreform, Frauenbewegung und Bohème

Pages 112

Ills. 60 color

Format 13.0 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80115-8 Ger € 24.00

$ 26.99

£ 21.00


MAY 2023


Following the mystery of a modern Mona Lisa

A fascinating view of the intertwining of art and life around 1900

clues to the identity of the lady smoking. They find emancipated women who earned their living as artists, actors or writers, preferred reform dress to the corset, and regarded smoking as a symbol of independence. They follow them to metropolises like Berlin, Dresden or Munich, where they lived as part of the bohemian scene. A captivating picture of the way art

and life intertwined around 1900 emerges in this search for the unknown.

Andreas Dehmer, Dresden State Art Collections Susanna Partsch, art historian and non-fiction author, Munich

9 783422801158 42

Régine Bonnefoit, Marie-Eve Celio-Scheurer (Eds.)

Tracing Wiener Werkstätte Textiles

Viennese Textiles from the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection

Pages 208

Ills. 27 b/w, 56 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

Geb. 978-3-0356-2764-0 En € 52,00

E-BOOK 978-3-0356-2771-8 En $ 57.99 £ 45.50



New research and archival findings on the Wiener Werkstätte textile design

International project by the University of Neuchâtel, George Washington University Museum / Textile Museum, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Contributions by Susan Brown / Caitlin Condell, Rebecca Houze, Janis Staggs, and others


George Washington University Museum / Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.

July 8 to November 5, 2023

This book presents new research and archival findings on the textile and fashion designs of the Wiener Werkstätte movement (1903–1932). Textile specialists, art and design historians offer insights into the most important collections and archives in Austria, Switzerland, and the US. The publication explores works by lesser-known female textile artists; the influence of

Eastern European folk art, Japanese patterns, and ornamentation textbooks on textile designs; applications in fashion, interior design, film, theater; and marketing strategies used to enter new markets in the US. It includes numerous illustrations of textile samples, many drawn from the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection (George Washington University Muse-

um / Textile Museum), one of the largest collections of Wiener Werkstätte fabrics in the US.

Régine Bonnefoit, professor of art history and museology, University of Neuchâtel Marie-Eve Celio-Scheurer, Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva

9 783035627640

Andrea Deichmann

Säkularisation und Kunst in Köln

Die Entdeckung und Rettung der Tafelbilder der Alten Meister und ihre frühen Sammler

Pages 352

Ills. 31 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80112-7 Ger € 68.00

$ 76.99

£ 64.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80162-2Ger € 68.00

$ 76.99

£ 64.00




First chronological monograph on the history of the collection of Cologne panel paintings during the secularization

Source-based elaboration

Inclusion of previously unnoticed collectors

In 1794, the almost 20-year-long French foreign rule began in Cologne. Interwoven with the historical events, the study follows the medieval panel paintings from their rediscovery in the monasteries and foundations, whose existence was threatened, to the private rooms of their collectors and to the first exhibition in 1817. In addition to the well-known personalities, ne-

glected and unknown collectors in the literature come into focus. In addition, the question of which collectors provided decisive impetus for the establishment of the exhibition and a public gallery is explored. The analysis of early writings on medieval painting, which promoted the recognition and re-evaluation of the Middle Ages, completes the elaboration.

Andrea Deichmann, researches Franco-German art transfer in the 19th century and works freelance in paleography

9 783422801127 44

The story of Paris as the international center of art at the start of the 20th century has been told many times. This book asks what contribution exhibitions between 1921 and 1946 made to the development and propagation of this story. It sheds light on exhibitions in the cafés of the Montparnasse quarter of Paris and the international exhibitions of the “École de Paris”. The

École de Paris global

Die Erfindung von Paris als Kunstzentrum in internationalen Ausstellungen zwischen 1921 und 1946

Pages 464

Ills. 200 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-99067-8 Ger € 68.00

$ 74.99

£ 59.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80104-2 Ger Open Access




Offers a new


on the “École de Paris”

History of exhibitions of modern art

Catalog of the café exhibitions in Montparnasse and the international exhibitions of the “École de Paris”

emphasis is on competing views of Paris as a center and crossing point for the art world. This book provides a chronological and topographical overview of these exhibitions for the first time. It also detaches art-historical research on the “École de Paris” from a perspective focusing on Paris and analyzes its subject matter on the horizon of transcultural dynamics.

Annabel Ruckdeschel, research assitant at the Justus-LiebigUniversität, Giessen

9 783422990678 45

Franz Xaver Winterhalter, one of the most sought-after and productive artists of the 19th century, developed various types of portraits in strategically composed portraiture programmes, which shaped the image of male and female rulers across different political systems. This example is taken in order to discuss how recognition of rulership is conferred in concrete terms, and to

Das Bild der Herrscherin

Franz Xaver Winterhalter und die Gattungspolitik des Porträts im 19. Jahrhundert

Ars et Scientia 26

Pages 416

Ills. 80 b/w, 40 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-108487-9 Ger € 79.00

$ 86.99

£ 72.00

E-Book 978-3-11-108507-4 Ger € 79.00

$ 86.99

£ 72.00




Fundamental study on portraiture of female rulers

New perspectives on one of the most successful and productive 19th century court artists

Women in positions of political leadership

what extent the visualisation of claims to power is dependent on office and gender. The author identifies three reproducible patterns of legitimation, defining new terms of investigation — fashion, regalia and virtue portraits — that will assist future research across epochs.

Titia Hensel, University of Siegen

Titia Hensel
9 783111084879 46

Little is known of Russian architects’ in-depth engagement with IberoIslamic architecture, especially the medieval Nasrid palaces of the Alhambra in Granada, in the so-called Moorish Revival. This study, rich in material, analyzes 19th-century Orientalizing buildings and interiors in St. Petersburg and traces the routes by which the formal vocabulary of the

Taking the Alhambra to St. Petersburg

Neo-Moorish Russian Architecture and Interiors 1830–1917

Pages 368

Ills. 290 color

Format 28.0 × 22.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-071065-6 En € 84.00 $ 96.99

£ 76.50

E-Book 978-3-11-114137-4 En Open Access


The first examination of St. Petersburg’s orientalizing architecture in a pan-European context

Russian architects as pioneers of the Moorish Revival

Alhambra reached Russia from Spain. Incorporating essential aspects of Russian cultural history and 19th century European notions of the Orient, it shows that Russian architects and the Imperial Academy of Arts were among the pioneers of the Moorish Revival.

Katrin Kaufmann, University of Zurich
9 783110710656 47

Friederike Voßkamp Im Wandel der Zeit

Die Darstellung der Vier Jahreszeiten in der bildenden Kunst des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts

Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien

Pages 360

Ills. 13 b/w, 102 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98686-2 Ger € 68.00

$ 74.99

£ 59.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80110-3 Ger € 68.00

$ 74.99

£ 59.50


JUNE 2023


First monographic study of the subject

Pointed presentation on the basis of four selected examples of works across genres and countries

embedding in the history of science

References to Enlightenment research, literature, music and natural sciences

Natural phenomena such as the four seasons have always been part of human experience and are increasingly coming to the fore in the wake of current climatic changes. Present in art since antiquity, the motif reached the peak of its popularity in the 18th and early 19th centuries. At the same time, a change in the conception and the mode of representation can be

observed. This publication focuses on these processes of revision and detachment from conventional ideas and, using selected examples of works by William Hogarth, Jean-Antoine Houdon, Caspar David Friedrich and Bertel Thorvaldsen, explores the transformation of the image of the seasons in the face of increasing scientification, an altered experience of nature and an

enlightened understanding of the world.

Friederike Voßkamp, research associate and head of collection at the Max Ernst Museum Brühl of the Landschaftsverbands Rheinland (LVR)

9 783422986862 48

Hessisches Landesmuseum (Ed.), Justus

Lange, Malena Rotter, Christiane Ehrenforth Tischbein im Kontext

Ausstattungsprogramme für die Landgrafen von Hessen-Kassel

Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel –Wissenschaftliche Reihe

Pages 107

Ills. 61 color

Format 21.8 × 14.2 cm

SC 978-3-422-80111-0 Ger € 15.00

$ 16.99

£ 13.50


MARCH 20 23


Object history in art history and art technology

New research on the landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel

Anniversary of Johann Heinrich Tischbein the Elder

Johann Heinrich Tischbein the Elder (1722–1789) played an important role for Kassel. His decades of activity as court painter to the Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel meant that many works of his authorship are still present today in the historic buildings and various collections of the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel. The rediscovery and restoration of three ceiling

paintings from the former Kassel Residence Palace put a spotlight on his work as decorative artist. Their programmatic orientation and position within Tischbein’s activities as a decorator for the Hessian landgraves is the subject of the present volume and is completed by an art-technological contribution on the latest restoration project.

Justus Lange, Director of the Old Masters Picture Gallery, Kassel Malena Rotter, Research Associate of the Old Masters Picture Gallery, Kassel

9 783422801110 49

Winfried Eckel, Gregor Wedekind (Eds.)


Figuren des deutsch-französischen Kulturtransfers

Phoenix. Mainzer kunstwissenschaftliche

Bibliothek 10

Pages 192

Ills. 15 b/w

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-132119-6 € 48.00

$ 52..99

£ 42.00





Having grown up in Germany or France, they have crossed the border between the linguistic and cultural areas several times, both literally and metaphorically. As border crossers/ frontaliers, they have also become cultural mediators/passeurs de culture. In their respective fields – art, literature, science – they have provided impulses and opened up new pos-

Also of interest

New perspectives on intercultural exchange between Germany and France

sibilities by building bridges. They have developed cultural syntheses that others have been able to build upon, whether in Germany, France or beyond.

This volume brings together individual studies on David d'Angers, Louis Aragon, Ernst Robert Curtius, Émile Durkheim, Hans Hartung and Wols, Victor Hugo, Julius Meier-Graefe,

Edgar Quinet, Germaine de Staël and Johann Georg Wille.

Winfried Eckel, Gregor Wedekind

Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

Valérie Kobi, Alexander Linke, Stephanie Marchal (Eds.)

Spannungsfeld Museum

Akteure, Narrative und Politik in Deutschland und Frankreich um 1900

Pages 299

Ills. 17 s/w

Format 17.0 × 24.0 cm

HC. 978-3-11-053096-4 Ger € 59,95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50



Phoenix. Mainzer kunstwissenschaftliche BiBliothek
Winfried Eckel, Gregor Wedekind (Hrsg.) GrenzGänG Figuren des deutsch-Französischen KulturtransFers
9 783422801196

The 18th century was the age of the connoisseur. It was also an era of an expanding global consciousness born of accelerating trade and imperial conquest. This volume puts into dialogue the consolidation of connoisseurship as an empirical mode of artistic analysis in Europe and Asia and the increasing exposure to different modes of artmaking facilitated by local and global networks over the course of the long 18th century. Focus-

Valérie Kobi, Kristel Smentek, Chonja Lee (Eds.)

Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century

Pages 256

Ills. 75 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-099695-1

€ 49.00

$ 53.99

£ 45.00

E-Book 978-3-11-123541-7 En/Ger Open Access




Expansive focus on practices and networks in India, Japan, and Europe in the 18th century

Complexities and asymmetries of connoisseurship in an expanding world

ing on exchanges between India, Japan, China and Europe, the contributions examine the complex and nuanced impacts on connoisseurial practice of encounters with artworks from different regions of the globe, the international networks that made those encounters possible, and the intricate transactions through which connoisseurial knowledge of art was generated.

Valérie Kobi, Assistant Professor of Early Modern Art History and Museology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Kristel Smentek, Associate Professor of Art History at MIT, Cambridge (MA), USA

Chonja Lee, lecturer in Early Modern Art History, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

9 783110996951 51

Romantische Thermodynamik

Dichtung, Natur und die Verwandlung der Kräfte 1770-1830

Cornelia Zumbusch

Romantische Thermodynamik

Dichtung, Natur und die Verwandlung der Kräfte 1770–1830

Imaginarien der Kraft 5

Pages 424

Ills. 2 b/w

Format 24.0 × 15.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-125297-1 Ger € 59.00

$ 64.99

£ 54.00

E-Book 978-3-11-125320-6 Ger € 59.00 $ 64.99 £ 54.00


der Kraft Imag I nar I en


Rewrites the long history of force in natural philosophy and poetics of the 17th and 18th centuries

Takes up current initiatives of energy studies

Goethe and Novalis as observers of the entry into fossil combustion cultures 9

The power of poetry, a topos since Plato, undergoes a radical transformation in literary texts between 1770 and 1830. Concepts of divine or unconscious inspiration or of the overwhelming impacts of poetry are recast in notions of the transformative potentials of poetry. The author discusses these reconfigurations of poetic power in

the context of early thermodynamic thinking, where the world presents itself not as a mechanism but as a self-organised metabolism. In images of nature as well as in machine-like arrangements for burning and consuming, breathing and eating, Goethe and Novalis develop models of a formal dynamic that, along with

Herder and W. v. Humboldt, can be understood as energeia, i.e., as continuous shaping and reshaping.

Cornelia Zumbusch, University of Hamburg, co-directress Warburg-Haus and DFK-Centre for Advanced Studies Imaginaria of Force

Recently published

Adrian Renner, Frederike Middelhoff (Eds.)

Forces of Nature

Dynamism and Agency in German Romanticism

Imaginarien der Kraft 4

Pages 256

Format 24.0 × 15.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-078377-3 En € 59,95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50


Thomas Moser, Wilma Scheschonk (Eds.)

Energetic Bodies

Sciences and Aesthetics of Strength and Strain

Imaginarien der Kraft 3

Pages 196

Ills. 27 b/w, 32 color

Format 24.0 × 15.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-076706-3 En € 49,95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50



Staats- und Stadtbibliothek

Augsburg (Ed.),

Karl-Georg Pfändtner

Das prächtige Rathaus der Stadt Augsburg

Salomon Kleiners Originalzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1727/28 in der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg für die Edition der Kupferstichfolge des Augsburger Rathauses

Schatzkiste – Preziosen der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg 1

Pages 52

Ills. 79 color

Format 29.0 × 45.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80107-3 Ger € 48.00

$ 63.99

£ 50.50



An historical documentation of the “best parlour of Augsburg” rediscovered –a minor sensation, even outside Augsburg!

A publication on the occasion of the anniversary of Elias Holl, builder of the Augsburg City Hall

Salomon Kleiner, born in Augsburg in 1700, is a famous veduta artist and engraver. In 1732, Jeremias Wolff’s heirs published Das prächtige Rath Hauß der Stadt Augspurg, an edition of copper engravings with views, ground plans and elevations of the famous town hall in Augsburg and its magnificent, richly furnished interiors,

created by Elias Holl from onwards. Little known to researchers, Augsburg State and City Library holds the original drawings by Kleiner produced for this edition and presents them for the first time here in their original size and colours, with the same view from the 1732 prints on the opposite pages. The text explains the originals, describes

the interior views in detail, and presents the paintings that have survived to the present day in colour illustrations.

Karl-Georg Pfändtner is director of the Augsburg State and City Library since 2017 and is a specialist in book art.

9 783422801073 53

Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, Berit Wagner, Heidrun Lange-Krach (Eds.)

Das Werk im Zentrum. Kunstgeschichte mit Objekten des Städel Museum und der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung

Festschrift für Jochen Sander zum 65. Geburtstag

HC 978-3-422-80088-5 Ger ca. € 78.00 ca. $ 89.99 ca. £ 68.00

Highlights from the collection of the Städel Museum and the Liebieghaus collection of sculpture from the Middle Ages to the present day

Developing an art-historically relevant and innovative question based on a key object is a complex matter. Each focused examination not only opens up specialist knowledge; at the same time, it provides a deep insight into a living piece of art history. With this in mind, the present volume brings together over 40 contributions by international authors who subject objects from the Frankfurt collections of the Städel Museum and the Liebieghaus collection of sculptures to focused

analysis using various methodological approaches. Individual questions are developed and trenchant art history(s) told on the basis of works from the Middle Ages to the present day. These objects are showcased in order to reveal their many facets, somewhat like a kaleidoscope. Jochen Sander, who is closely associated with both collections, has advanced object-centred research in numerous publications and broken new methodological ground. This book is dedicated to him.

Jochen Sander, Städel Museum; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Berit Wagner, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart

Heidrun Lange-Krach, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

130 color
Pages 384 Ills.
Format 24.0 × 17.0
9 783422800885 54

Christof Metzger, Stephanie Andrea Sailer, Sebastian Schütze (Eds.)

Zeichnungssammlungen in Wien und Mitteleuropa

Akteure – Praktiken – Rahmendiskurse

Sammler, Sammlungen, Sammlungskulturen in Wien und Mitteleuropa 5

Pages 352

Ills. 127 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-119798-2 En/Ger € 69.95 $ 76.99 £ 64.00

E-Book 978-3-11-123541-7 En/Ger € 69.95 $ 76.99 £ 64.00



Drawings as a distinct area of collecting

Tracing the beginnings of the graphic cabinets in Berlin, Dresden, Hamburg, and Vienna

The contributions to this volume shed light on the emergence of important collections of drawings in Vienna and Central Europe, many of which form the basis of today’s large museum holdings in Vienna, Berlin, Dresden and Hamburg, for example. They investigate the relevant players and their international connections and motivation, special collection foci and acqui-

sition strategies, as well as systems of storage and classification. The media dissemination of the collections in reproductive engravings or through catalogues is discussed as well as the structures of the art and auction trade and the interplay between collecting, connoisseurship and the study of graphic art. The volume also shows the extent to which collections of

drawings influenced art history and the methodological development of the discipline, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Christof Metzger, Albertina, Vienna

Stephanie Sailer, Sebastian Schütze, University of Vienna

9 783111197982 55

Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe

Rheinland-Pfalz (Ed.)

Die Freiheit der Linie

Callot, Della Bella, Castiglione und die Radierung im 17. Jahrhundert

Pages 208

Ills. 150 color

Format 28.0 × 22.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80113-4 Ger € 42.00

$ 46.99

£ 37.00




New state of research on Baroque etching

Etching, the origins of which as an intaglio technique can be traced back to the beginning of the 16th century, unfolded its full glory in the 17th century. Famous engravers such as Albrecht Dürer had rejected etching as an inferior technique to copperplate engraving, but a century later it experienced its Baroque heyday. The etching technique owes its albeit late

success to the freedom of its lines. Unlike the laborious method of copperplate engraving, the artist’s hand can playfully transpose the drawing onto the etching plate with ease. This catalogue provides fascinating insights into the working processes and aesthetics of Baroque printmaking. The focus is on works by three artists who excelled in the etching technique:

Jacques Callot, Stefano della Bella and Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione.

With contributions by Maria Aresin, Marion Heisterberg, Stefan Morét, Ad Stijnman

9 783422801134 Exhibition Landesmuseum Mainz September 8 to December 3, 2023 56

This publication is devoted to a hitherto little examined aspect of hand drawing and printmaking: How was hatching reflected upon in the period between c. 1500 and 1700? Central aspects of the artistic technique are examined on the basis of five case studies. The perspective extends beyond European national borders. Methodologically, approaches of discourse history and

Die verlorene Spur

Ästhetische Reflexionen zur Schraffur in der Vormoderne

Pages 288

Ills. 74 b/w, 31 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-076280-8 Ger € 79.00

$ 86.99

£ 72.00

E-Book 978-3-11-076286-0 Ger € 79.00

$ 86.99

£ 72.00



First monograph on the technique of hatching in the early modern period

Artworks by Michelangelo, Hendrick Goltzius, Luca Ciamberlano, Claude Mellan and others

reception aesthetics are combined. The promising source situation discloses a treasure trove of historical texts, many of which were transcribed and translated for the first time in this context. Detailed image analyses show the full potential of hatching and the way it functions in the artworks and their viewing.

Elvira Bojilova, University of Düsseldorf

9 783110762808 58

The aim of this publication is to clarify the relationships between material restoration and politics in Italian Renaissance art. The focus of this research is on the question of origin as a foothold for political, patrimonial, and cultural identity. These claims were enacted within a system which, rather than restoring the initial forms and meanings of existing objects,

Henri de Riedmatten, Fabio Gaffo, Mathilde Jaccard (Eds.)

Restoration as Fabrication of Origins

A Material and Political History of Italian Renaissance Art

Pages 200

Ills. 92 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-107227-2 En/Fr € 49.00

$ 56.99

£ 44.50

E-Book 978-3-11-107273-9 En/Fr Open Access



Restoration practices in Italian Renaissance art

Reassessing the concept of Renaissance Recoding of ancient works for political purposes

remodeled the past according to new identity requirements: spaces were reorganized, and works of art invested with new meanings. Their material and aesthetic reality was thus transformed and redefined. The aim is therefore to analyze the potential physical modifications of these artefacts in light of their symbolic recoding.

Henri de Riedmatten, Fabio Gaffo, Mathilde Jaccard, University of Geneva, Switzerland

9 783111072272 59

Jan-David Mentzel Bad und Akt

Studien zu Badedarstellungen der Frühen Neuzeit

Pages 368

Ills. 40 b/w, 75 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-98875-0 Ger € 48.00

$ 55.99

£ 41.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80106-6 Ger € 48.00

$ 55.99

£ 41.50




Well-founded overview of the rich pictorial world of the bath in the 15th and 16th centuries

New evaluation of bath depictions as a field of artistic experimentation

Presentation of the most important bath iconographies in painting, graphic art and book art

Physical cleansing is an anthropological constant. The bath serves hygienic as well as ritual purposes and can also refer to spiritual healing in a figurative sense. Above all, however, it refers to the body in need of care, which must be uncovered for washing. Mythology, theology and medicine cannot be imagined without this theme. Re-

presentations of bathing people are correspondingly diverse. Jan-David Mentzel uses selected works of art to present the rich pictorial world surrounding the bath and traces the manifold cultural connections of the theme. In doing so, he shows how artists such as Jan van Eyck and Albrecht Dürer used the subject as a

field of experimentation during the Renaissance in order to test new images of the body

Jan-David Mentzel, director of the Museum of Faience in Kellinghusen

9 783422988750 60

Peterlini Gegen Michelangelo

Die Bildparodie in der nord- und mittelitalienischen Kunst des Cinquecento edition

Pages 260

Ills. 63 b/w, 112 color

Format 30.0 × 23.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-80108-0 Ger € 98.00

$ 107.99

£ 85.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80109-7 Ger € 98.00

$ 107.99

£ 85.50




Gegen Michelangelo

The first comprehensive study of pictorial and written criticisms of Michelangelo in 16th-century northern and central Italy

A study of the theory, function, and manifestations of pictorial parody in the early modern period

The European art scene of the 16th century was dominated by the person and work of Michelangelo Buonarroti. However, Michelangelo’s rapid artistic rise, loud adoration, and elevation to the status of norm and unsurpassable authority in art triggered criticism as early as the Cinquecento. One of the critical art techniques used at the time

to delegitimize norms, disparage competitors, and vituperatively discredit works of art was image parody. This study is dedicated to examining this particular technique of comization and devaluation through a systematic and exemplary exploration of the “negative” reception of Michelangelo in northern and central Italian art of the period.

Giuseppe Peterlini Die Bildparodie in der nord- und mittelitalienischen Kunst des Cinquecento Giuseppe Peterlini, assistant at the Chair of Art History at the University of Bamberg. Giuseppe
9 783422801080 61

Steffen Krämer Bramantes Pergamentplan

Eine Architekturzeichnung im Kontext wissenschaftlicher Kontroversen

Pages 103

Ills. 35 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80102-8 Ger € 28.00

$ 30.99

£ 24.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80103-5 Ger € 28.00

$ 30.99

£ 24.50



Reappraisal of Bramante’s parchment plan in the context of art historical text- and image-materials

Answer to the question of whether the parchment plan is a central- or longitudinal-building

Critical review of the existing research literature

The planning history of St. Peter’s in Rome at the beginning of the 16th century has been an important topic of art historical research since the 19th century. The so-called parchment plan by Donato Bramante, which has only been preserved as a draft fragment, is the focus of the scientific investigations. In the present study, this plan is comprehensively analyzed and placed

in a historical context with other textand image-materials, ranging from architectural precursors from the late antique imperial period to the baroque planning phase of St. Peter’s in the 17th century. On the basis of various scientific approaches, the fundamental question should be answered as to whether the parchment plan was a central- or longitudinal- building.

Steffen Krämer, lecturer at the Munich Institute for Art History and director of the Winckelmann Academy for Art History

9 783422801028 62

Bilder der Alterität –

Alterität der Bilder

Zum transkulturellen Potenzial von Bildern in Übersetzungsprozessen zwischen Neuspanien und Europa im 16. Jahrhundert

Pages ca. 560

Ills. 240 color

Format 17.0 × 24.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-129428-5 € 68.00

$ 69.99 £ 65.50



Mexican art of the 16th century analyzed as a testimony of transcultural processes

This study focuses on mural paintings, sculptures, picture writings and body images from 16th-century Mexico. Julia Kloss-Weber analyses the extent to which many of the images produced during the New Spain mission address alterity, i.e. identity-creating otherness. At the same time, she investigates the form of alterity assigned to images as

fields of tension within an “iconic difference” (Gottfried Boehm). This brings together two areas of discourse that had developed largely independently of each other: Reflections on constructions of the “other” in the context of postcolonial studies, and debates on image theory. Thus it emerges that images not only mediate

between cultures, but are also themselves the subject of processes of transcultural negotiations.

Julia Kloss-Weber, University of Hamburg



Verflechtung – Aushandlung –

Opazität 1

Pages 400

Ills. 100 s/w, 20 in Farbe

Format 24,0 × 17,0 cm

HC. 978-3-11-078924-9 Ger

€ 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

Das Herz in den Bildmedien religiöser Frauengemeinschaften

Verflechtung – Aushandlung –

Opazität 2

Pages 520

Ills. 151 s/w, 32 in Farbe

Format 24,0 × 17,0 cm

HC. 978-3-11-102778-4 Ger

€ 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50







9 783111294285
in preparation
Johanna Spanke

Arne Leopold Die Materialität

geschnitzter Kästen aus Holz

Zur Imitation von Elfenbein, Seide und Gold im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter

Materialität und Produktion

Pages 700

Ills. 60 color, 1 tables

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC 978-3-11-119357-1 Ger € 99.95

$ 109.99

£ 91.00

E-Book 978-3-11-119310-6 Ger € 99.95

$ 109.99

£ 91.00




Comprehensive examination of carved boxes from the 12th to 14th centuries

Innovative contribution to research on the relations and interactions of materials, production and reception in the mediaeval period

How does materiality affect artistic processes of object creation and reception? This volume examining carved boxes from the High and Late medieval periods deals with interrelations between material and technique. It compiles details of the origin, provenance and function of numerous boxes, and embeds production techniques, material preferences and

reception aesthetics into the context of contemporary awareness. One focus is on interactions and transfers of materials. Wood was used to imitate and evoke ivory, silk and gold, which might bring about social rapprochement between the lower nobility and the higher nobility, or between the carving craftsmen and the bourgeoisie. This analysis of intermateriality

establishes that materials, forms and techniques cannot be grasped in isolation.

Arne Leopold, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

9 783111193571 64

Now! Digitally on the road with Dehio!

The Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäle r, a handbook of German cultural monuments established by Georg Dehio more than 100 years ago, has remained a highly reliable guide to Germany’s monument landscape.

It is published by the Dehio-Vereinigung and the Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger (VDL, an association of state conservators). The “Dehio” is an ideal travel companion, informing readers about the origins and eventful histories of German monuments. Numerous plans, layouts and maps make orientation easy.

And now also as an E-Book— individually or as a set Deutschland.

Dehio E-Book Set Deutschland



ISBN 978-3-422-80171-4 999.00 € [D]; 869.00 £; 1,100.00 $ Oktober 2023

Allavailablevolumesas E-Books.
Dehio. Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Hessen II. Der Regierungsbezirk Darmstadt

Villa Silberblick where a mentally deranged Friedrich Nietzsche spent the final years of his life, was originally a middle-class home. Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche not only looked after her ill brother but also exploited the cult-like admiration the philosopher enjoyed for her own ends and installed the Nietzsche Archive in the building. Initially very popular

Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)

The Nietzsche Archive

Im Fokus

Pages 136

ills.. 47 b/w, 79 col.

Format 23.0 × 15.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98716-6 En € 14.90 $ 17.99 £ 13.00


The Nietzsche cult has a home: the Nietzsche Archive

A MUST-HAVE for Nietzsche fans and lovers of Art Nouveau

Weimar beyond the classics: discover new places

amongst Europe’s avant-garde later Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche allowed the archive to be instrumentalized by the National Socialists before it became a taboo topic in the GDR. Featuring many colored illustrations, the book relates the turbulent history of a memorial that reflects the ambivalence of modernism.

With contributions by Alexandra Bauer, Helmut Heit, Katrin Junge, Jonah Martensen, Franziska Rieland, Christoph Schmälzle, Corinna Schubert, Sabine Walter

9 783422987166 66

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Marius Winzeler (Eds.)

The Electoral Wardrobe

Guide to the Dresden Rüstkammer

Pages 144

Ills. 100 in Farbe

Format 23.0 × 15.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80137-0 En ca. € 19.00

$ 20.99

£ 17.00



Clothes make the man – clothes make politics: rulers’ costumes and haute couture from the period 1550 to 1650

The permanent exhibition in the north wing of Dresden’s Royal Palace presents the surviving, magnificent vestments from the possessions of the Saxon electors, dating from around 1550 to 1650. This unique treasure trove of European fashion and textile history from the Renaissance and early Baroque has now been re-opened to the public after more than 80 years in

storage and many years of conservation and restoration measures. This exhibition guide is the first work to do justice to a collection rich in silk, gold and silver. It covers all the rulers’ robes on display, including complete costume ensembles, suits with doublet and trousers, ladies’ dresses, and individual garments. There are also introductions to the many portraits, acces-

sories and sumptuous armoury on display.

With contributions by Jutta Charlotte von Bloh, Christine Nagel, Viktoria Pisareva


Among the towers of high finance, one of the most important buildings in German history appears almost modest. Built of red Main sandstone between 1789 and 1833, the Paulskirche served as Frankfurt’s main Protestant church until 1944. In 1848/49, the delegates of Frankfurt National Assembly, the first freely elected representative body of the people, met in its classi-


2nd edition

Publikationen der Frankfurter Bürgerstiftung

Pages 96

Ills. 23 b/w, 22 color

Format 20.0 × 12.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80132-5 Ger € 12.00 $ 13.99 £ 10.50


APRIL 2023


Will appear on the occasion of the Paulskirchenfest on May 18, 2023

cist rotunda. Incorporating a wealth of visual material, this volume describes the architectural significance and the history of this national monument to the present day.

Christian Welzbacher, Art Historian and Journalist

9 783422801325 68



Burgruine Henneberg in Südthüringen

First Edition

Amtliche Führer der Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten

Pages 80

Ills. 40

Format 13.0 × 19.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80172-1 Eng/Ger € 6.80 $ 7.99 £ 6.00

Impressive ruins in the Bavarian-Thuringian border area

Surveillance tower in the military restricted area of the GDR during the time of German division

The ruins of Henneberg Castle, located in southern Thuringia near the Bavarian border, are among the most important testimonies to a long-gone dynasty. In the High and Late Middle Ages, the Counts of Henneberg not only had a decisive influence on events in southern Thuringia and Lower Franconia; they also played a prominent role in the history of the Empire. Few remains of the castle destroyed in

the Peasants' War of 1525 have been preserved. Archaeological excavations and the work of historians and building researchers have, however, contributed significantly to illuminating the historical inventory. It is worth seeing the late medieval curtain wall, the mighty keep, and especially the remains of the wooden parlour – one of the oldest structures of its kind at castles in German-speaking countries.

Ines Spazier, Prehistorian Dr. Ines Spazier from the Thuringian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Archaeology is an expert on the castle complex. As the former area officer for Southern Thuringia, she supervised the archaeological excavations at Henneberg Castle and has now written a comprehensive monograph.

9 783422801721 69

Angelika Abegg-Wigg, Ronald Heynowski

Arm- und Beinringe

Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.

Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie 9

Pages 448

Ills. 439 b/w, 56 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-80138-7 € 22.00

$ 24.99

£ 19.50




First comprehensive systematics of pre- and early historical arm and leg ornaments

Suitable for academics as well as interested amateurs

Arm-rings are among the most common items of jewellery. From the earliest times, they have appeared in various shapes and materials. The wearing of leg-rings was limited to the Bronze and Iron Ages. Together with spiral rings and mountings, arm- and legrings form an essential aspect of our archaeological legacy. They not only decorated the body but also accumulated value.

This volume offers a comprehensive, systematic guide to the object groups. Typical forms are presented, described, and illustrated in a study of jewellery in German-speaking countries from the Palaeolithic era to the Middle Ages. This reference work is aimed at any interested reader but also provides a practical tool for recording and indexing museum and archaeological collections.

Recently published

Ulrike Weller, Ronald Heynowski (Eds.)

Messer und Erntegeräte Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.

Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie 8

Pages 200

Ills. 131 b/w, 16 in color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC. 978-3-422-98924-5 Ger € 19,90 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50



Angelika Abegg-Wigg, Museum für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig

Ronald Heynowski, Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen, Dresden

9 783422801387

9 783035626551

Ana Kučan, Mateja Kurir (Eds.)

Garden and Metaphor

Essays on the Essence of the Garden

Pages 320

Ills. 10 b/w, 110 color

Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm

Geb. 978-3-0356-2655-1 En € 40,00

E-BOOK 978-3-0356-2656-8 EN $ 47.00 £ 35.00


The importance of the garden for our present time and in the future

Internationally renowned authors

A beautifully designed, attractive volume with photography by Anne Schwalbe

Never before had the garden to fulfil so many demands as it does today. It is a refuge from digitalised life and acts as a bridge to nature. As a manmade place where plants grow, it is cultivated and untamable at the same time. While for centuries the gardener’s ambition was to control and subjugate nature, today it serves more as a place for retreat, a possible surro-

gate for wilderness, a habitat for animals or it fulfils the dream of self-sufficiency. In this book, landscape architects, sociologists, architects, artists, philosophers and historians illuminate different aspects of the garden in the Anthropocene in six chapters: the garden as a place of community, garden as art, garden as a place of enchantment and rapture,

opening up questions of what garden as a model could stand for.

Ana Kučan, professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Ljubljana

Mateja Kurir, philosopher, researcher, editor, Ljubljana



Abegg-Wigg, Angelika 70

Ahrens, Birgit 41

Aresin, Maria 56


Bahrmann, Nadine 36

Ballhausen, Thomas 27

Baresel-Brand, Andrea 36

Bauer, Alexandra 66

Bayer-Wermuth, Monika 18

Beaucamp, Ella 35

Behrmann, Carolin 34

Berghaus, Günter 38

Billeter, Felix 8

Bloh, Jutta Charlotte von 67

Bojilova, Elvira 58

Bonnefoit, Régine 23, 43

Bruns, Brigitte 8

Burchert, Linn 30

C Celio-Scheurer, Marie-Eve 43

Colucci, Dalila 38


Degen, Elena 4

Dehmer, Andreas 42

Deichmann, Andrea 44

Deinert, Matthias 36

Dewey, Anne 37

Diederen, Roger 6

Dyballa, Katrin 6

E Eckel, Winfried 50

Egle, Steffen 8

Ehrenforth, Christiane 49

Ewers, Charlotte 6

F Fink, Arthur 4

Finkenauer, Thomas 36

Fischer, Sören 8

Fröschl, Martina 26


Gaffo, Fabio 59

Gavioli, Vanessa 8

Gentile, Carlo 8

Giese, Francine 28, 29

Grammont, Claudine 4

Griesser-Stermscheg, Martina 34

Grunwald, Armin 24

Gsöllpointner, Katharina 25


Hartmann, Uwe 36

Haug, Steffen 34

Heim, Sibylle 22

Heisterberg, Marion 56

Heit, Helmut 66

Helfenstein, Josef 4

Hensel, Titia 46

Herold, Inge 12

Heschl, Gero 11

Heynowski, Ronald 70

Hindelang, Laura 29

Hoge, Kristina 8

Holten, Johan 12

Houbre, Gabrielle 4

Huemer, Christian 16

J Jaccard, Mathilde 59

Joyeux-Prunel, Béatrice 4

Junge, Katrin 66

Junkerjürgen, Ralf 6


Kandathil, Mira 22

Kaske, Romana 35

Kaufmann, Katrin 47

Kennedy, Julie 8

Klähn, Tim Florian 38

Kloss-Weber, Julia 63

Kobi, Valérie 50, 51

Krämer, Steffen 62

Krauter, Anne 29

Kropmanns, Peter 4

Kučan, Ana 71

Kuhn, Philipp 8

Kurir, Mateja 71


Lachner, Walter 68

Lange, Justus 49

Lange-Krach, Heidrun 54 Lee, Chonja 51

Leopold, Arne 64

Lertxundi Galiana, Mikel 6

Linke, Alexander 50

Lupfer, Gilbert 36

M Marchal, Stephanie 50

Martensen, Jonah 66

Mentzel, Jan-David 60

Metzger, Christof 55

Meyer, Roland 31

Middelhoff, Frederike 52

Morét, Stefan 56

Moser, Thomas 35, 52

Müller, Martin 30

Murphy, Maureen 4

Myssok, Johannes 14


Nagel, Christine 67

Nünning, Patricia 8


Partsch, Susanna 42

Pereña, Helena 6

Pérez-Fajardo, Carlos Alonso  6

Peterlini, Giuseppe 61

Peytchinska, Elena 27

Pfändtner, Karl-Georg 53

Pichler, Wolfram 39

Pisareva, Viktoria 67

Pollmer-Schmidt, Almut 54


Reich, Annette 8

Renner, Adrian 52

Rérat, Melissa 23

Rešetar, Iva 30

Riedmatten, Henri de 59

Rieland, Franziska 66

Rollig, Stella 16

Roth, Lynette 12

Rotter, Malena 49

Rousseau, Pascal 4

Ruckdeschel, Annabel 45

Rüppell, Katharina 24


Sailer, Stephanie Andrea 55

Santorius, Nerina 6

Saß, Ulrike 37

Schaller, Maria 63

Schellenberg, Samuel 23

Schellewald, Barbara 39

Scheschonk, Wilma 52

Schmälzle, Christoph 66

Schmidt, Eike 8

Schmidt, Frank 24

Schubert, Corinna 66

Schumm, Johanna 6

Schütze, Sebastian 55

Senkpiel, Fabiana 22

Smentek, Kristel 51

Spanke, Johanna 63

Spazier, Ines 69

Sternfeld, Nora 34

Stijnman, Ad 56

Stoichita, Victor I. 39

Ströbel, Birgit 40

Ströbele, Ursula 32

Sykora, Katharina 39


Tabbal, Sarah 28

Thesing, Susanne 8

Thiemann, Birgit 6

Thiessen, Jan 36


Vendl, Alfred 26

Voss, Julia 8

Voss-Andreae, Peter 41

Voßkamp, Friederike 48


Wagner, Berit 54

Walter, Sabine 66

Wedekind, Gregor 39, 50

Weibel, Peter 25

Weller, Matthias 37

Weller, Ulrike 70

Welzbacher, Christian 68

Winzeler, Marius 67

Wolf, Sophie 29

Wörsdörfer, Clara 33


Ziaja, Luisa 34

Zumbusch, Cornelia 52

Zuschlag, Christoph 37


Monika Huber Archive OneThirty Monika Huber, Bernhart Schwenk, Ernst Alphen, Mieke Bal, James W. Davis, Antje Kapust, Ute Schae er, Ulrich Wilmes

2023. 192 pages. 28.0 × 20.0 cm

100 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80081-6 Ger

978-3-422-80085-4 En

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80098-4

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Machine Room of the Gods

How Our Future Was Invented Vinzenz Brinkmann (Ed.)

2023. 280 pages. 25.5 × 17.5 cm

350 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99636-6 En

€ 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 1.1, Painting 1982–2016 Michael Müller (Ed.), Anne-Marie Bonnet, Tobias Vogt

2023. 352 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm

144 color ills.


978-3-422-99666-3 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50


978-3-422-80127-1 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50

Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 1.2, Painting 2017–2019 Martin Engler

2023. 328 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm

140 color ills.


978-3-422-99718-9 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50


978-3-422-80128-8 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50

Sabine Groschup –


Barbara Kolb, Karl Borromäus

Murr, tim Staatliches

Textil- und Industriemuseum

Augsburg (Eds.),

Silvia Eiblmayr, Katja Gasser, Peter Weibel

2023. 156 pages. 26.5 × 23.0 cm

52 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99564-2 Ger

€ 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 28.00

Detlef Waschkau Urban Vibes Gerhard van der Grinten

2022. 80 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm

60 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99930-5 Ger

€ 29.00 / $ 33.99 / £ 25.00

Die Jenaer Hofvernissagen

1986–1989 Autonome Kunst und Kultur in der späten DDR

Katharina Kempken, Michaela Mai (Eds.), Anna Ebert

2022. 160 pages. 23.0 × 16.5 cm

70 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80078-6 Ger

€ 26.00 / $ 29.99 / £ 22.50

Schmähung –Provokation – Stigma Medien und Formen der Herabsetzung

Lea Hagedorn, Marina Münkler, Felix Prautzsch (Eds.)

2023. 120 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

62 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98948-1 Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 27.99 / £ 21.00

Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 1.3, Painting 2020–2021 Lukas Töpfer, Rudolf Zwirner, Oliver Koerner von Gustorf

2023. 496 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm

131 color ills.


978-3-422-99720-2 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50


978-3-422-80129-5 En/Ger/Cn

€ 119.00 / $ 130.99 / £ 103.50


yet published not

Kunst, Musik und Peter Brötzmann

Free Music Art Production

Sarah Czirr, Jürgen Wiener (Eds.)

2023. 160 pages. 23.0 × 15.5 cm

15 b/w ills., 25 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99065-4 Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 26.99 / £ 21.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80049-6 Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 26.99 / £ 21.00

Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 1.4, Der geschenkte Tag: Kastor & Polydeukes Hubertus von Amelunxen, Rudolf Zwirner

2023. 420 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm

138 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99725-7 En/Ger/Cn

€ 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00


978-3-422-80051-9 En/Ger/Cn

978-3-422-80120-2 En/Ger/Cn

€ 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00



Werner-Reinisch-Institut e.V. (Ed.), Andreas Kühne

2022. 96 pages. 21.5 × 33.0 cm

100 color ills.

978-3-422-99032-6 Ger/Fr

€ 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 28.00

Der geschundene Mensch

Günther Ueckers konzeptuelle Historienbilder Günther Uecker Institut e.V. (Ed.), Katrin Nahidi

2022. 96 pages. 21.0 × 14.8 cm 28 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80077-9 En/Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 27.99 / £ 21.00

LOVE STORM Ein interdisziplinäres Kulturprojekt Gesellschaft für DeutschChinesischen kulturellen Austausch e.V. (Ed.)

2022. 88 pages. 21.0 × 15.0 cm

45 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99752-3 Ger/Cn

€ 25.00 / $ 28.99 / £ 21.50

Liebermann zeichnet

Das Berliner Kupferstichkabinett zu Gast im Max Liebermann Haus Evelyn Wöldicke, Anna Marie Pfä in, Andreas Schalhorn (Eds.)

2022. 160 pages. 28.5 × 23.0 cm 136 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80071-7 Ger

€ 28.00 / $ 32.99 / £ 24.50


Max Liebermanns Druckgrafik Lucy Wasensteiner (Ed.)

2022. 128 pages. 28.5 × 23.0 cm 5 b/w ills., 80 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98682-4 Ger

€ 28.00 / $ 32.99 / £ 25.50

„Schreibe mir nur immer viel.“

Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Hans und Lea Grundig Kathleen Krenzlin (Ed.)

2022. 244 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 139 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80060-1 Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 27.99 / £ 21.00

Hans Purrmann und Willibald Gänger

Ein Briefwechsel über die Kunst und Kultur der 1950er-Jahre Sören Fischer

2022. 128 pages. 21.0 × 13.5 cm

38 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98813-2 Ger

€ 18.00 / $ 20.99 / £ 16.50 not yet published

Briefedition Friedrich Preller d. Ä.

Ich habe die Feder in Bewegung


Reinhard Wegner

2023. 696 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

60 b/w ills.

HC 978-3-422-99064-7 Ger

€ 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80117-2 Ger

€ 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

Kunstkammer Weltsicht und Wissen um 1600 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Eds.), Christine Nagel, Dirk Syndram

2023. 144 pages. 25.5 × 21.0 cm

72 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80095-3 Ger

€ 26.00 / $ 29.99 / £ 22.50

Hinterglasgemälde aus vier Jahrhunderten im Schaezlerpalais Augsburg Bestandskatalog der Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg aus der Sammlung

Steiner Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg (Eds.), Wolfgang Steiner, Christof Trepesch, Alexandra Ulrich

2022. 336 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm

150 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99231-3 Ger

€ 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Ein Gebet der Tat

Die frühe Genrekunst und die Frömmigkeit

Sandra Braune

2023. 464 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

11 b/w ills., 109 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98864-4 Ger

€ 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80114-1 Ger

€ 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

Der Barockbildhauer Philipp

Jakob Straub Sein künstlerisches Scha en mit Blick über die Alpen

Christina Pichler

2023. 320 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

106 b/w ills., 39 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-80074-8 Ger

€ 82.00 / $ 94.99 / £ 71.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80075-5 Ger

€ 82.00 / $ 94.99 / £ 71.50

Altar von Schloss Tirol Kunsttechnische Studien zum Reliquienretabel von 1370 Peter Assmann, Laura Resenberg (Eds.)

2023. 256 pages. 26.0 × 21.0 cm

500 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-80079-3 Ger ca. € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Schloss und Park Altenstein

Daniel Rimbach, Thimm Günther, Doris Fischer, Susanne Rott

2nd edition

2023. 88 pages. 19.0 × 13.0 cm

6 b/w ills., 29 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80093-9 Ger

€ 6.80 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.00

Frankreich in Potsdam Stiftung Preußische Schlößer (Ed.)

2023. 72 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm

61 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80099-1 Ger

€ 6.95 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.50

Dampfmaschinenhaus (Moschee) von Sanssouci Stiftung Preußische Schlößer (Ed.)

2023. 32 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm 4 b/w ills., 20 color ills. SC 978-3-422-80100-4 Ger € 5.95 / $ 6.99 / £ 5.50

Der Dom zu Magdeburg

Giselher Quast, Jürgen Jerratsch

4th edition

2023. 96 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm

90 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-80084-7 Ger

€ 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.00

Dolche und Schwerter Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben

Ulrike Weller

2nd edition

2022. 312 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

360 b/w ills., 100 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99027-2 Ger

€ 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50

Glaspasten im Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg, Vol. 2 Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg (Ed.), Erika Zwierlein-Diehl

2023. 584 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 543 b/w ills.

HC 978-3-422-80058-8 Ger

€ 109.00 / $ 125.99 / £ 95.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80082-3 Ger

€ 109.00 / $ 125.99 / £ 95.00

E-Book Vol. 1 978-3-422-80163-9 Ger Open Access

Der Sammler Curt Glaser

Dekoloniale Kunstgeschichte

Eine methodische Einführung

Carolin Overho Ferreira

2022. 302 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

110 b/w ills.

SC 978-3-422-98758-6 Ger

€ 32.00 / $ 35.99 / £ 28.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80086-1 Ger

€ 32.00 / $ 35.99 / £ 28.00

Vom Verfechter der Moderne

zum Verfolgten

Anita Haldemann, Judith Rauser (Eds.)

2022. 240 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 360 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98876-7 Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Der Sammler Curt Glaser / The Collector Curt Glaser Vom Verfechter der Moderne zum Verfolgten / From Champion of Modernism to Refugee Anita Haldemann, Judith Rauser (Eds.)

2022. 288 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 360 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98879-8 En/Ger

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50 (German book with English supplement)

Tanz auf dem Vulkan

Leben und Glauben im Schatten des Vesuv Diözesanmuseum Freising (Ed.), Christoph Kürzeder, Ste en Mensch, Dieter Richter, Carlo Knight, Erri De Luca

2022. 412 pages. 27.0 × 20.0 cm 200 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98854-5 Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Kunst und Leben 1918 bis 1955

Karin Althaus, Sarah Bock, Lisa Kern, Matthias Mühling, Melanie Wittchow, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München (Eds.)

2022. 400 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

180 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99066-1 Ger

€ 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

Becoming CoBrA Anfänge einer europäischen Kunstbewegung Inge Herold, Johan Holten (Eds.) 2022. 240 pages. 27.0 × 22.5 cm 200 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99091-3 En/Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50


Das Stundenbuch der Herzogin Philippa von Geldern Jean Coene IV. und die Buchmalerei in Paris um 1500

Ina Nettekoven

2022. 144 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 120 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98695-4 Ger

€ 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80010-6 Ger

€ 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 34.50

Goldgrund und Perspektive Fra Angelico im Glanz des Quattrocento Saskia C. Quené

2023. 332 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

111 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98938-2 Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-422-80053-3 Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Die Kreuzigung Petri von Rubens Andrea Pufke (Ed.)

2022. 256 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm

128 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98952-8 En/Ger

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Körperbilder der Macht in Europa: 1300–1800

Beiträge zu einer Ikonographie des Politischen in Aktion

Jörge Bellin, Ulrich Pfisterer (Eds.)

2022. 456 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

2 b/w ills., 193 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98767-8 Ger

€ 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 49.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80087-8 Ger

€ 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 49.00

Watteau – kolonial Herrschaft, Handel und Galanterie im Frankreich des Régence Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (Ed.), Charlotte Guichard

2022. 128 pages. 21.0 × 12.5 cm 35 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99046-3 En/Ger

€ 16.90 / $ 19.99 / £ 14.50

Reframing Friedrich Nerly Landschaftsmaler, Reisender, Verkaufstalent

Claudia Denk, Kai Uwe Schierz, Thomas von Taschitzki (Eds.),

2022. 320 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

190 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98950-4 Ger

€ 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Lotte Laserstein

Meine einzige Wirklichkeit

Anna-Carola Krausse

2nd edition

2022. 248 pages. 28.0 × 23.0 cm

72 b/w ills., 92 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99029-6 Ger

€ 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Franz Lenk Der entwirklichte Blick

Johannes Schmidt, Barbara Stark (Eds.)

2022. 160 pages. 26.0 × 21.0 cm 150 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98905-4 Ger

€ 28.00 / $ 32.99 / £ 24.50

Das subversive Bild

Festschrift für Jürgen Müller

Bertram Kaschek, Teresa Ende, Jan-David Mentzel, Frank Schmidt (Eds.)

2022. 448 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

138 b/w ills.

HC 978-3-422-98769-2 Ger

€ 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00

E-Book 978-3-422-80067-0 Ger

€ 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00

Hanna Nagel

Inge Herold, Johan Holten (Eds.)

2022. 216 pages. 27.0 × 22.5 cm

29 b/w ills., 195 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98949-8 En/Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

See the World Like a Human Being Drawings and Short Stories About the Future half past selber schuld

2022. 192 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 140 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-98955-9 En

€ 28.00 / $ 32.99 / £ 24.50

Future Bodies from a Recent Past Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s Patrizia Dander, Museum Brandhorst (Eds.)

2023. 240 pages, 29.0 × 22.0 cm 201 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99024-1 En

€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 42.50

Naga Land Voices from Northeast India Stiftung Humboldt Forum (Ed.)

2023. 96 pages. 26.5 × 21.5 cm 100 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99080-7 En

€ 22.00 / $ 25.99 / £ 19.00

Against the Current The Omaha. Francis La Flesche and His Collection Stiftung Humboldt Forum (Ed.) 2023. 128 pages. 26.5 × 21.5 cm 100 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99076-0 En

€ 22.00 / $ 25.99 / £ 19.00

Ancestors, Goddesses, and Heroes Sculptures from Asia, Africa, and Europe

Stiftung Humboldt Forum (Ed.)

2023. 96 pages. 26.5 × 21.5 cm 100 color ills.

SC 978-3-422-99090-6 En

€ 22.00 / $ 25.99 / £ 19.00

Contemporary Art in the Humboldt Forum Stiftung Humboldt Forum (Ed.)

2022. 192 pages. 28.0 × 24.0 cm

150 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-99031-9 En

€ 34.00 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

HANS SCHAROUN. Architektur auf Papier Visionen aus vier Jahrzehnten (1909–1945)

Eva-Maria Barkhofen

2022. 322 pages. 23.0 × 27.0 cm

150 b/w ills., 150 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98763-0 Ger

€ 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.50

Vom Zauber der Handbewegung

Eine Geschichte der Zeichnung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert

Sören Fischer (Ed.)

2022. 304 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm 200 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-98870-5 Ger

€ 40.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 35.00


Can Art History be Made Global?

Meditations from the Periphery Monica Juneja

2023. 348 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

20 b/w ills., 40 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-071629-0 En

€ 49.00 / $ 45.00 / £ 44.50

E-Book 978-3-11-121706-2 En

€ 49.00 / $ 45.00 / £ 44.50

Francis Bacon –In the Mirror of Photography Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting

Katharina Günther

2022. 446 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

107 b/w ills., 51 color ills., 1 tables

HC 978-3-11-072062-4 En

€ 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-11-072064-8 En

€ 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Aby Warburg – Briefe Michael Diers, Ste en Haug (Eds.), Thomas Helbig

Aby Warburg Gesammelte

Schriften - Studienausgabe V

2021. 1430 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

418 b/w ills.

HC 978-3-11-053369-9 Ger

€ 89.95 / $ 103.99 / £ 82.00

A General History of Chinese Art, vol. 1–6 Xifan Li (Ed.)

2022. 2701 pages. 26.5 × 21.0 cm

185 b/w ills., 545 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-079063-4 En

€ 799.00 / $ 920.00 / £ 726.50

China and the West Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting Elisa Ambrosio, Francine Giese, Alina Martimyanova, Hans Bjarne Thomsen (Eds.)

2022. 292 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

152 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-071175-2 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-071177-6 En Open Access


Werkverzeichnis – Œuvrekatalog

– Catalogue raisonné

Ingrid Pérez de Laborda, Aya Soika, Eva Wiederkehr

Sladeczek (Eds.)

2023. 392 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

60 b/w ills., 70 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-073887-2 Ger

€ 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

E-Book 978-3-11-073449-2 Ger

€ 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

Energetic Bodies Sciences and Aesthetics of Strength and Strain

Thomas Moser, Wilma Scheschonk (Eds.)

2022. 196 pages. 24.0 × 15.0 cm

27 b/w ills., 32 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-076706-3 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-076716-2 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Angkor Wat – A Transcultural History of Heritage

Volume 1: Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions.

Volume 2: Angkor in Cambodia.

From Jungle Find to Global Icon

Michael Falser

2019. 1150 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm Numerous ills.

HC 978-3-11-033572-9 En

€ 172.95 / $ 198.99 / £ 150.50

E-Book 978-3-11-033584-2 En

€ 172.95 / $ 198.99 / £ 150.50

Forces of Nature

Dynamism and Agency in German Romanticism

Adrian Renner, Frederike Middelho (Eds.)

2022. 256 pages. 24.0 × 15.0 cm

SC 978-3-11-078377-3 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-11-078382-7 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

The Sculptural in the (Post-)Digital Age

Mara-Johanna Kölmel, Ursula Ströbele (Ed.)

2023. 242 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 68 b/w ills.

SC 978-3-11-077505-1 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-11-077514-3 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

Photomurals Fotografische Wandbilder in transnationalen Aushandlungsprozessen zwischen Mexiko und den USA

Johanna Spanke

2023. 624 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 b/w ills., 20 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-078924-9 Ger

€ 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

E-Book 978-3-11-107537-2 Ger

Open Access

Gestalterinnen Frauen, Design und Gesellschaft im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit

Elana Shapira, Anne-Katrin Rossberg (Eds.)

2023. 272 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

33 b/w ills., 64 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-077188-6 En/Ger

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-11-077194-7 En/Ger

Open Access

Looking Into the Rain

Magic – Moisture – Medium

Barbara Baert

2022. 235 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

40 b/w ills., 46 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-072684-8 En

€ 99.00 / $ 113.99 / £ 86.00

E-Book 978-3-11-076062-0 En

€ 99.00 / $ 113.99 / £ 86.00

New Apelleses and New Apollos Poet-Artists around the Court of Florence (1537–1587)

Diletta Gamberini

2022. 296 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

21 b/w ills., 7 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-074355-5 En

€ 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

E-Book 978-3-11-074366-1 En

€ 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Dynamis of the Image Moving Images in a Global World Emmanuel Alloa, Chiara Cappelletto (Eds.)

2020. 388 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 b/w ills., 32 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-052874-9 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-11-053054-4 En

€ 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Les Français et la Renaissance Idées et représentations de l’architecture, 1760–1880 Antonio Brucculeri

2023. 456 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

218 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-069956-2 Fr

€ 79.95 / $ 87.99 / £ 73.00

Britain and the Continent 1660–1727 Political Crisis and Conflict Resolution in Mural Paintings at Windsor, Chelsea, Chatsworth, Hampton Court and Greenwich

Christina Strunck

2021. 528 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm

124 b/w ills., 117 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-072961-0 En

€ 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00

E-Book 978-3-11-075077-5 En

€ 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00

Art and Protest

The Role of Art during the Campaign which led to the New Forest Act (1877)

Charlotte Yeldham, Tim Craven, Jonathan Spencer 2023. 76 pages. 23.0 × 15.5 cm 11 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-102335-9 En

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-11-102545-2 En

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50


Broken Myths Charles Sheeler's Industrial

Landscapes Andrea Diederichs

2022. 267 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

102 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-076945-6 En

€ 89.95 / $ 103.99 / £ 82.00

Possession and Dispossession Performing Jewish Ethnography in Jerusalem

Lea Mauas, Michelle MacQueen, Diego Rotman (Eds.)

2022. 312 pages. 20.0 × 15.0 cm 80 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-078578-4 En

€ 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 39.00

E-Book 978-3-11-078627-9 En

Towards a New Culture of the Material

Frank Bauer, Yoon-Ha Kim, Sabine Marienberg, Wolfgang Schä ner (Eds.)

2023. 304 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

115 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-071467-8 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-11-071488-3 En

Open Access Thilo Westermann et l'art de dessiner sous verre

Francine Giese, Elisa Ambrosio (Eds.)

2022. 278 pages. 21.0 × 14.8 cm

119 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-078419-0 En/Ger/Fr

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Open Access Notions of Temporalities in Artistic Practice

Anamarija Batista (Ed.)

2022. 172 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 16 b/w ills., 25 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-073803-2 En

€ 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

E-Book 978-3-11-072092-1 En Open Access

The Colors of Photography

Bettina Gockel (Ed.), Nadine Jirka, Stella Jungmann

2020. 333 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

113 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-065028-0 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-11-066148-4 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Silvia Gertsch Licht und Gegenlicht / Lumière et contre-jour

Francine Giese, Vitromusée Romont (Eds.)

2022. 124 pages. 24.0 × 24.0 cm

80 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-076043-9 Ger/Fr/It

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

The End of Diversity in Art Historical Writing North Atlantic Art History and its Alternatives James Elkins

2020. 221 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 7 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-068110-9 En

€ 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

E-Book 978-3-11-072247-5 En

€ 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

Image Acts

A Systematic Approach to Visual Agency

Horst Bredekamp

2nd edition

2021. 361 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 199 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-072569-8 En

€ 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

E-Book 978-3-11-072582-7 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

A plus minus Z Payer Gabriel. Abwesenheit –Zufall / Absence – Accidental Payer Gabriel

2023. 246 pages. 28.5 × 20.5 cm 85 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-106624-0 En/Ger

€ 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

E-Book 978-3-11-106658-5 En/Ger

€ 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Wenn der Wind weht / When the Wind Blows Luft, Wind und Atem in der zeitgenössischen Kunst / Air, Wind, and Breath in Contemporary Art Liddy Sche knecht, Ernst Strouhal (Eds.)

2022. 232 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 65 b/w ills., 125 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-078520-3 En/Ger

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-11-078524-1 En/Ger

€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Stefanie Kitzberger, Cosima Rainer, Linda Schädler (Eds.)

2022. 352 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 50 b/w ills., 120 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-078906-5 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-078913-3 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Barbis Ruder. Werk – Zyklus – Körper / Work – Cycle – Body

Madeleine Frey (Ed.)

2023. 400 pages. 26.0 × 21.0 cm 27 b/w ills., 679 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-106146-7 En/Ger

€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50


978-3-11-106256-3 En/Ger

€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50

Jari Genser – It Is about Time 10 Jahre – 16 Werke / 10 Years – 16 Works Jari Genser 2023. 132 pages. 32.0 × 24.5 cm 35 b/w ills., 16 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-106650-9 En/Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

E-Book 978-3-11-106656-1 En/Ger € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00


Zwei Werkserien / Two Series of Works

Barbara Herbst (Ed.)

2023. 112 pages. 31.0 × 22.0 cm 150 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-106622-6 En/Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00


978-3-11-106659-2 En/Ger

€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

Barbara Holub –Stiller Aktivismus / Silent Activism Başak Şenova (Ed.)

2022. 312 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 43 b/w ills., 278 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-079081-8 En/Ger

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50


978-3-11-079082-5 En/Ger

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Judith P. Fischer –Linie Form Raum / Line Shape Space Theresia Hauenfels (Ed.)

2022. 256 pages. 26.0 × 20.5 cm 123 b/w ills., 169 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-054250-9 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-11-076986-9 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Liddy Sche knecht –Points in Time

Arbeiten / Works 2010–2020

Ernst Strouhal (Ed.)

2021. 248 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 28 b/w ills., 306 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-076943-2 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


978-3-11-076956-2 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50




Linda Berger, Maria Christine Holter (Eds.)

2021. 224 pages. 25.8 × 21.9 cm

12 b/w ills., 78 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-074475-0 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-074703-4 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Rini Tandon. to spaces unsigned Works, Concepts, Processes 1976–2020 / Arbeiten, Konzepte, Prozesse 1976–2020

Sabine Folie (Ed.)

2020. 328 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm

304 color ills., 96 duotone

SC 978-3-11-070045-9 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Toxic Temple

An Artistic and Philosophical Adventure into the Toxicity of the Now

Anna Lerchbaumer, Kilian Jörg (Eds.)

2022. 256 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm

112 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-076914-2 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-11-076924-1 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


Educational Turn / Bildungso ensive

No. 01/2022

Ruth Mateus-Berr (Ed.)

2022. 136 pages. 29.7 × 14.8 cm

5 b/w ills., 13 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-079163-1 En/Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 27.99 / £ 22.00


978-3-11-079171-6 En/Ger

€ 24.00 / $ 27.99 / £ 22.00

Fake Hybrid Sites Palimpsest Essays on Leakages Madhusree Dutta, Nanna Heidenreich (Eds.)

2021. 300 pages. 25.0 × 19.0 cm

6 b/w ills., 139 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-076995-1 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-11-077527-3 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

inframince infra-mince infra mince TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna / TransArts an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Stephan Hilge, Roman Pfe er, Nita Tandon, Gudrun Ratzinger, Franz Thalmair (Eds.)

2021. 304 pages. 21.6 × 16.3 cm 303 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-072418-9 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50


978-3-11-072424-0 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Plastic Ocean:

Art and Science Responses to Marine Pollution Ingeborg Reichle (Ed.)

2021. 272 pages. 25.0 × 20.0 cm

164 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-074472-9 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-074477-4 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Oskar Kokoschka: Neue Einblicke und Perspektiven / New Insights and Perspectives Régine Bonnefoit, Bernadette Reinhold (Eds.)

2021. 452 pages. 21.0 × 14.7 cm

20 b/w ills., 43 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-072420-2 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50


978-3-11-072422-6 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Kabarett Fledermaus @ Bar du Bois Aktualisierung eines Experiments der Wiener Moderne / Update of an Experiment of Viennese Modernism

Cosima Rainer (Ed.)

2020. 176 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 73 b/w ills., 125 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-072306-9 En/Ger

€ 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body

Mariella Greil

2021. 368 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm

168 b/w ills., 365 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-073939-8 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-073598-7 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Arts & Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Ruth Mateus-Berr, L. Vanessa Gruber (Eds.)

2020. 400 pages. 24.2 × 17.0 cm

32 b/w ills., 182 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-072047-1 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-11-072055-6 En

€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Data Loam Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft. The Future of Knowledge Systems

Johnny Golding, Martin Reinhart, Mattia Paganelli (Eds.)

2020. 496 pages. 23.0 × 17.0 cm

19 b/w ills., 1054 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-068007-2 En

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-069784-1 En Open Access

COMPANY. Fotografien und Fragmente über das Arbeiten

Photographs and Fragments on Working Beatrix Zobl, Wolfgang Schneider

2019. 296 pages. 24.5 × 21.0 cm

Numerous ills.

SC 978-3-11-065766-1 En/Ger

€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50


A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art

Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukić (Eds.)

2019. 208 pages. 26.0 × 19.0 cm

Numerous ills.

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€ 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50


Conservation Goes International Gabriela Krist (Ed.)

2019. 328 pages. 27.0 × 22.0 cm

Numerous ills.

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€ 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00


Re-inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies

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2018. 304 pages. 24.0 × 16.8 cm

Numerous ills.

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€ 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 21.50

E-Book 978-3-11-052770-4 En

€ 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 21.50

Drawing A Hypothesis

Figures of Thought Nikolaus Gansterer

2nd edition

2017. 351 pages. 21.5 × 14.3 cm

Numerous ills.

SC 978-3-11-054661-3 En

€ 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Sales Catalogue / Verkaufskatalog

A product catalogue of the art market critique Verkaufswerke (Works for Sale) since the beginning of the 1990s / Ein Produktkatalog der kunstmarktkritischen Verkaufswerke (Works for Sale) seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre Kurt Ryslavy

2020. 160 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 33 b/w ills., 162 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-072310-6 En/Ger

€ 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00


Cover Roni Horn, This is Me, This is You (Detail), 1997–2000, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth © Roni Horn

4 above Émilie Charmy, Berthe Weill, 19101914, oil on canvas, 90 × 65 cm; below left Albert Marquet, Affiches à Trouville, 1906, oil on canvas, 65.1 × 81.3 cm, © National Gallery of Art, Washington, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Whitney; below right Henri Matisse, Intérieur à Collioure. La Sieste, 1905, oil on canvas, 60 × 73 cm© Succession H. Matisse / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich, Merzbacher Collection, Zurich

5 Maurice de Vlaminck, André Derain, 1906, oil on canvas, 27 × 22.2 cm, © 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

6 bottom left Ignacio Zuloaga, The Sacrifice of the Fiesta, 1910, oil on canvas, 284 × 344 cm, The Hispanic Society Museum & Library, New York, on loan Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao © Arte Ederren Bilboko Museoa - Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao; bottom right Ignacio Zuloaga, Portrait of Countess Mathieu de Noailles, 1913, oil on canvas, 152 × 195.5 cm, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, gift of Ramón de la Sota y Llano 1919, © Arte Ederren Bilboko Museoa - Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao

7 Ignacio Zuloaga, Junge Gitana, 1902, oil on canvas, 182 × 102 cm, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

8 bottom left Rudolf Levy, Selbstbildnis IV, 1943, oil on cardboard, 41 × 33.5 cm, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Gemäldesammlung; bottom right Rudolf Levy, Stillleben mit Früchten, Messer und Wasserglas, 1943, oil on canvas, 32.7 × 54.7 cm, private collection

9 Rudolf Levy, Torero, c. 1934/36, oil on canvas, 91.5 × 72.5 cm, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Gemäldesammlung

11 Michael Müller, Figuren zur Befragung

empathischer Reaktionen, 2022, clay, engobe, steel, wood, and mirror, © Studio Michael Müller, Berlin. Photo: Frank Sperling

12 above Maria Lassnig, Selbstporträt mit Stab, 1971, oil, charcoal on canvas, 193 × 129 cm, Maria Lassnig Foundation; below left Maria Lassnig, Ich trage die Verantwortung, 1981, oil on canvas, 127.5 × 106.2 cm, Maria Lassnig Foundation; below right Nan Hoover, Impressions, 1978, Video, Copyright

Nan Hoover Foundation, Courtesy Sebastian Fath Contemporary

13 above Anneliese Hager, Untitled, 1950s/1960s, gelatin silver print (photogram), 38 × 29 cm, Harvard Art Museums/ Busch Reisinger Museum; below left Anneliese Hager, Untitled (Portrait A.H. ), 1947, Gelatin Silver print, 18 × 24 cm, Harvard Art Museums / Busch-Reisinger Museum, Gift of the German Friends of the Busch-Reisinger Museum; bottom right Nan Hoover, Two moons and a half, 1972, mixed media on canvas, 90 × 85 cm, Courtesy Sebastian Fath Contemporary

14 above Manfred Kuttner, Gazebo, 1963, tempera, fluorescent color on décor fabric, © Ursula Hauser Collection, Switzerland

15 above Karl Ferdinand Sohn, Portrait of the paintress Marie Wiegmann, 1843, oil on canvas, © Museum Kunstpalast – Horst Kolberg/ARTOTHEK; middle Jörg Sasse,

1546, 1993, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023 & Jörg Sasse; bottom Georg Meistermann, Window of the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bottrop (architect: Rudolf Schwarz), 1957

16 left Library of the Belvedere, Vienna; photo: Belvedere, Vienna, Stefan Lehner; right Photo: Belvedere, Vienna, Johannes Stoll

17 top photo: Belvedere, Vienna; center photo: Raimund Stillfried von Rathenitz, Austrian National Library, Vienna, Picture Archives; bottom photo and scan: Image Archive of the Belvedere, Vienna

18 left Evelyn Hofer, Girl with Bicycle, Dublin, 1966, © Estate of Evelyn Hofer. Courtesy Estate of Evelyn Hofer; middle Bruce Wrighton, Woman with Sunglasses, ca. 1987, © Estate of Bruce Wrighton. Courtesy Laurence Miller Gallery; left Leonard, One Woman looking at Another (Carolyn Roehm Fashion Show), 1990, © Zoe Leonard. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

19 above Roni Horn, This is Me, This is You (Detail), 1997–2000, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth © Roni Horn; bottom left Thomas Struth, Hermitage 2, St. Petersburg, 2005, © Thomas Struth. Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery; bottom right Vivian Maier, Untitled, 1959, © Estate of Vivian Maier. Courtesy Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

22 left Jilet Ayşe © Idil Nuna Baydar. Photo: Cengiz Karahan; right Müslüm © Semih Yavsaner. Photo: Roger Reist

23 left photographer unknown; © Vera Molnár archives, used with the artist’s permission; right photo ©: Tim Klauser

24 bottom left Louisa Clement, dt 2, 2021, inkjet print, 138 × 180 cm; bottom right Louisa Clement, repräsentantin, 2022, exhibition view

25 left © Ruth Schnell, photo ©: Ruth Schnell; center © Ruth Schnell, photo © Ruth Schnell; right © Ruth Schnell, photo ©: Otto Saxinger

26 left photo: Glenn Bristol, © Science Visualization Lab, University of Applied Arts Vienna; right © Science Visualization Lab, University of Applied Arts Vienna

27 © Elena Peytchinska and Thomas Ballhausen

28 left Baldwin & Guggisberg, Amphore Harappan, 2022, free-blown glass, under-and overlay, cold-worked, metal, 52 × 15 cm, © Baldwin & Guggisberg. Photo: Alex Ramsay; right Baldwin & Guggisberg, Moniliti Humani, 2020, free-blown glass, underlay, cold-worked (satinated), assembled, 52 × 15 cm, © Baldwin & Guggisberg. Photo: Alex Ramsay

29 left Prime Tower Zurich, Annette Gigon / Mike Guyer Architects, 2011, © Vitrocentre Romont. Photo: Sophie Wolf; middle

Examples of different colored ornamental glass (rolled glass process), around 1900, © Vitromusée Romont, VMR 487, permanent loan from Historisches Museum Basel, Inv.-Nr. 1989.5008. Photo: Anna Salamin; right Tour des Imprimeries réunies, Lausanne, Jean-Marc Lamunière Architect, 1964, photo taken after the replacement of the facade in the year 1998. © Photo: Zacharie Grossen [CC BY-SA 3.0]

31 left Forensic Architecture, Exterior – 2,; right Trevor Paglen, They Watch the Moon, 2010. C-Print, 91.44 × 121.92 cm, © Trevor Paglen, Courtesy artist and Metro Pictures, New York, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco

32 left Hans Haacke, Monument to Beach Pollution, 1970, © 2023 Hans Haacke/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn; right Pierre Huyghe, Untilled, 2011-2012, Kassel, dOCUMENTA (13)1970. Courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Hauser & Wirth, London; Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

33 Allan Kaprow, Affect, 1974, Booklet 2

Measures (Martano Editore, Turin), with photographs by Bee Ottinger, © Allan Kaprow Estate, Courtesy Hauser & Wirth

35 left Louis Majorelle, Daum Frères, Magnolia Lamp, around 1902/1903, gilded bronze and glass, 60 cm, Museum Wiesbaden, © Museum Wiesbaden / Bernd Fickert ; right Brooch or Pendant with a Black Man, Germany, around 1700, Baltimore, The Walters Art Museum. The Walters Art Museum: brooch-of-an-african/ (last accessed 10 October 2022)

39 left Boris Lurie, LOAD, 1972, photography and tape on paper on canvas, 60 × 88 cm, New York, Boris Lurie Art Foundation, © New York, Boris Lurie Art Foundation; right René Magritte, La trahison des images, 1929, oil on canvas, 60.3 × 81.1 cm, Los Angeles, County Museum of Art

40 Bruno Möhring, railway station Bülowstraße, Berlin-Schöneberg, 1902 Landesarchiv Berlin: Abb. 11

(Photo: Waldemar Titzenthaler)

Henry van de Velde, Einrichtung des hairdressing salon Haby, Mittelstraße 7, 1901, Berlin, Stadtmuseum Berlin

41 left Emil Orlik, Ein Windstoß, 1901, woodcut, 33.1 × 23.9 cm; middle Emil Orlik, Japanerin vor einem Wandschirm, 1900, woodcut, 31.4 × 20.6 cm; right Emil Orlik, Porträt Albert Einstein, 1923, drypoint, 25 × 19.8 cm 42 right Hugo Erfurth, Oskar Zwintscher, 1906, black gum print, 25.2 × 18.3 cm, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Inv.-Nr. Da 1992-5/7. Photo: Herbert Boswank; middle Nikolaus Gysis, Poster for orient cigarettes of the company Pan, C. Papastathis, Munich, before 1897, color lithograph, 74 × 52 cm, Stadtmuseum München, Inv.-Nr. P-A13/71, https:// Papastathiscigarettes-munich.jpg; left Anders Zorn, Girl with cigarette, 1891, Leinwand, 52,7 × 46,2 cm, Stockholm, privat collection,,_Anders_ Zorn,_1892_%2817361208422%29.jpg

43 Courtesy of The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, photos: Bruce M. White

44 Master of the Bartholomäus-Altars, around 1490, Oak, 43 × 30,5 cm, Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Inv.-Nr. GK 31 Anonym, um 1817, Zeichnung, ink, Köln, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, Grafische Sammlung, Inv.-Nr. A I 3/574


45 Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

46 left Das Interessante Blatt, 29 September 1898, title page, archive of the author; right Héloïse Leloir, Four ballroom dresses, 1863, 30.8 × 23.5 cm, pencil, gouache and ink on paper cardboard, Paris, Palais Galliera, Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris. CC0 license via

47 left Vladimir Palace, St. Petersburg, mirror in the neo-Moorish boudoir of Maria Pavlovna, architects Aleksandr Rezanov, Viktor Schröter, Ieronim Kitner, 1867–1872. © Katrin Kaufmann 2017; right

Vladimir Palace, St. Petersburg, cupola of the neo-Moorish boudoir of Maria Pavlovna, architects Aleksandr Rezanov, Viktor Schröter, Ieronim Kitner, 1867–1872. © Katrin

Kaufmann 2017

48 Caspar David Friedrich, 1803, brush, ink, Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinett © Kupferstichkabinett. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1835/1836, marble, Aulendorf, Schlossmuseum (Württembergisches Landesmuseum), © Landesmuseum

Württemberg, P. Frankenstein / H. Zwietasch

49 detail restoration, photo: Silvia Behle, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Detail), © Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel

51 ʿAli (calligrapher, left) and Mughal painter (right), Reconstruction of an opening with a calligraphy of a poem from the Gulistān (Rose Garden) by Saʿdi (left) and a crouching woman at her toilette (right), ca. 1774–1780, opaque watercolor, ink and gold on paper, 40.5 × 28.5 cm (per folio), in: album assembled for Antoine-Louis-Henri Polier, Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin, I. 4598, fols 7v–8r; Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst. Photo: Johannes Kramer

53 Two pages of Salomon Kleiners preliminary drawings for the edition of copper engravings of Augsburg City Hall, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, Graph 23/1

54 left Das Paradiesgärtlein, Upper Rhine, c. 1410-20, oak, 25.6 × 32.8 cm, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum; right Rembrandt, Die Blendung Simsons, 1636, canvas, 206 × 276 cm, with later addition 219.3 × 305 cm, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum

55 above Albrecht Dürer, Agnes Dürer (“Mein Agnes”), 1494, black pen, 15.7 × 9.8 cm; unten links Albrecht Dürer, Head of the infant Jesus (detail from “Jesus before the scribes”), 1506, brush drawing in black and grey, grey wash and heightened with opaque white, on blue paper, 27.3 × 21 cm; unten rechts Albrecht Dürer, Innsbruck von Norden, um 1495, watercolor, heightened with opaque white, 12.7 × 18.7 cm, all Wien, Albertina

56 bottom left Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, Kopf eines Mannes im Schatten, Kopf eines Mannes mit federgeschmücktem Turban und zwei Pastoralen, etching (1st state), 207 × 275 mm © GDKE, Landesmuseum Mainz

(Photo: Astrid Garth); bottom right Stefano della Bella, Fünf Kopfstudien (Blatt 16 der Folge “Recueil de divers griffonements...”), etching, 57 × 112 mm © GDKE, Landesmuseum

Mainz (Photo: Astrid Garth)

57 Jacques Callot, Dame mit Maske und Blume (from the series “La Noblesse”), etching, 144 × 94 mm © GDKE, Landesmuseum Mainz (Photo: Astrid Garth)

58 left Cornelis Cort, Allegory of Poverty, ca. 1565/70, pen and brown ink on heavy laid paper, 42.6 × 28.5 cm, Washington D.C., National Gallery, Washington, D.C., Inv. Nr. 1984.17.1. © Washington D.C., National Gallery; right Abraham Bosse, Manieres de graver (…), Paris 1645, table 4

59 left Hagesandros, Athanadoros, and Polydoros, Laocoön, 40–20 BCE, marble, 208 × 163 × 112 cm, Vatican City State, Vatican Museums, Inv. 1059, 1064, 1067. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Jastrow; right Lorenzo Lotto, Portrait of Andrea Odoni, 1527, oil on canvas, 104.6 × 116.6 cm, London, The Royal Collection (RCIN 405776). Photo: London, The Royal Collection

60 Anonym (dutch) (after Jan van Eyck): 16. century., oil/oak, 27,2 × 16,3 cm, Havard, Fogg Art Museum, inv. 1969.83.Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Francis H. Burr, Louise Haskell Daly, Alpheus Hyatt Purchasing and William M. Prichard Funds

Albrecht Dürer, um 1496, woodcut, 38,8 × 28,2 cm, (Blatt: 39,6 × 28,4 cm), Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Inv. Nr. ADürer AB 2.265H. Sebald Beham, 1530–1540, Ø 21,9 cm, Ø 29,3 cm, Middletown CT, Wesleyan University, Davison Art Center, 1967.34.1, Friends of the Davison Art Center funds, 1967, Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (photo: R. Lee)

61 Lo stregozzo, © New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Inv. 49.97.146

Giulio Romano, © User: Sailko, Wikipedia Commons, CC BY 3.0

62 Donato Bramante, Pergamentplan UA 1 recto (Florenz, Uffizien, Gabinetto dei Disegni e Stampe), Henry A. Millon und Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (Hgg.): The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, Venedig, Mailand 1994, S. 167, with permission Ministero della Cultura, Gallerie degli Uffizi. Heinrich von Geymüller: Die ursprünglichen Entwürfe für Sanct Peter in Rom von Bramante, Raphael Santi, Fra Giocondo, den Sangallo’s u. a. m., Wien/ Paris 1875, Bl. 4 Cristoforo Foppa Caradosso, Gründungsmedaille von Neu St. Peter, sog. Caradosso Medaille, 1506 (Mailand, Civiche Raccolte Archeologiche e Numismatiche), James S. Ackerman: The Regions of Italian Renaissance Architecture, in: Henry A. Millon und Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (Hgg.): The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, Venedig, Mailand 1994, S. 325 64 left Box from Attinghausen, around 1250, Zurich, Landesmuseum, LM-3405.34, © Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum

DIG-3526; right Box from Dolberg, Westfalen, 1200, back, detail of the lid, Münster, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Westfälisches Landesmuseum, E 5 LM, © CC

BY-SA 3.0 Leopold

66 bottom left Weimar, Garden Nietzsche

Archive / Klassik Stiftung Weimar / Photo: Thomas Müller; bottom right Friedrich Nietzsche, Photo W. Höffert Leipzig

67 top State dress of Electress Magdalena Sibylla of Saxony, Dresden Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Rüstkammer, photographer: Jürgen Karpinski; bottom left Exhibition view “Electoral wardrobe” in the Dresden Residenzschloss, photo: Jürgen Lösel; middle Electress Magdalena Sibylla of Saxony with her son Christian, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Rüstkammer, photographer: Elke Estel/Hans-Peter Klut; bottom right ceremonial dress of Elector Moritz of Saxony, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Rüstkammer, photographer: Jürgen Karpinski

68 Johann Andreas Liebhardt, Design for the new building of the Paulskirche, 1782, © Institut für Stadtgeschichte (above), View into the interior, © Uwe Dettmar (left), Ludwig von Elliott, The National Assembly June 1848, © Institut für Stadtgeschichte (right)

69 left The measuring 15 m in diameter tower (Tower II) from the middle of the 13th century; right Western view, a 1703 pen and ink drawing by Christian Juncker

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