Wildflower Resource Guide
Wildflower Resource Guide
Austin/Dripping Springs—San Antonio—College Station (512) 894-3479 or (888) 289-9409
Key to Icons Poison, toxic. At least one part of the plant is bad for humans, wildlife or livestock Larval host plant. Butterflies lay eggs which become caterpillars. They lay their eggs on or near plants which are food sources for the caterpillars. Native to Texas Introduced to Texas Historically part of the plant has been used to create a medicine. Deer generally will not eat this plant unless they don’t know they are not supposed to eat it. But if they are hungry enough, they will eat just about anything.
Disclaimer All information presented within is based on information found in various sources. Our goal is to provide you with interesting facts and background information on those plants that you might find on your property. Blooming plants almost always provide nectar for butterflies and other insects, but some of these plants also play a role with other wildlife. Some plants have even played a role in human development, such as herbal medicines or other more practical uses. Do not trust everything you read. Do not eat any plants or parts of any plant unless you know from other sources that it is safe. Do not trust any of the information presented in this resource guide, particularly with your safety in mind. Plateau Land & Wildlife is not responsible if you eat something or try to recreate Native American medicines and you get sick or worse.
Recommended Reading: The Useful Wild Plants of Texas, the Southeastern and Southwestern United States, the Southern Plains, and Northern Mexico, Scooter Cheatham, Marshall Johnston, with Lynn Marshall Peterson Field Guide: A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America, Steven Foster and James A. Duke. Medicinal Plants of the World, Ben-Erik van Wyk and Michael Wink. Wildflowers of Texas, Geyata Ajilvsgi Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country, Marshall Enquist Grasses of the Texas Hill Country, Brian Loflin and Shirley Loflin Field Guide to Butterflies of North America, Jim P. Brock and Kenn Kaufman Caterpillars in the Field and Garden, Thomas J. Allen, Jim P. Brock, Jeffrey Glassberg
How This Book is Organized: The wildflowers are broken down first by color, and then alphabetically by common name. The color order is: White, Yellow, Red, and then Blue. Following the wildflowers are cacti, trees and shrubs, and some common grasses. Last, but not least, is poison ivy.
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Antelope-Horns Asclepias asperula March to May Open grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Primary food source for Monarch caterpillars Highly deer resistant Poisonous to animals and humans Often seen with aphids on it
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Black-Foot Daisy Melampodium leucanthum April to October Dry, caliche soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Able to grow in rocky areas Smells like honey Similar in appearance to white zinnia
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Bull Nettle Cnidoscolus texanus April to September Pastures, Fields, Roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Nuts found inside seed capsules can be eaten Some people are allergic to milky sap from stem Stinging trichomes (hairs) are very painful
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Common Horehound Marrubium vulgare April to July Pastures, fields, roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Used in tea for sore throats Good as a grasshopper repellant in gardens Can be used in cough drops
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Dewberry Rubus trivialis March to April Fence rows, roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Shelter source for birds and mammals Plant provides raw materials for pies, cobblers, jams and preserves Plant is covered with red prickles Leaves can be used in tea Closely related to blackberries
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Dwarf White Aster Chaetopappa bellidifolia April to July Calcareous soils, creeks
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Grows in bare patches of juniper canopy Found only in Texas (endemic)
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Fiddle-Leaf Tobacco Nicotiana repanda March to September Pastures, thicket edges
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Named after its fiddle shaped leaves Narcotic poisonous Flowers have an unpleasant sent
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Frog-Fruit Phyla incisa May to October Dry or moist soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Leaves can be eaten by white-tailed deer, javelinas, feral Hogs and cattle Can invade established lawns Houma Indians of Louisiana used a decoction to make a wash to help weak, lazy babies walk.
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Frostweed Verbesina virginica August to November Semi shaded areas & creeks
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Good source of nectar for butterflies After the first hard freeze, ice crystals form in a beautiful, curling pattern on the base of the plant Nice cut flowers (can be used instead of baby's breath) Dried seedpods are good for dried arrangements
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
10 Green Milkweed Vine Matelea reticulata April to July Climbs along fences & brooks
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Parts of plant are poisonous, handling may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction Most common milkvine in central Texas Can climb high into cedars Unique "pearl" in middle of flower Bad odor when you brush up against it
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Hedge-Parsley Torilis arvensis April to July Moist soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
A noxious weed Native to Mediterranean: Egypt and Iran Seeds stick to clothing and fur Part of the carrot family Black swallowtail caterpillars will eat!
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Lazy Daisy Aphanostephus Sp. March to June Sandy soils in open areas
Gee Whiz Notes: •
Called Lazy Daisy because it opens in the afternoon
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Milfoil Achillea millefolium March to June Disturbed areas, old fields
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Cherokee drank a tea of common yarrow to reduce fever and aid in restful sleep Said to been used over a span of a thousand years to treat wounds and various other pains Used by Native Americans, by Achilles in the Trojan War and also used during the Civil War
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Peppergrass Lepidium virginicum March to May Sandy, calcareous soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Seeds have peppery taste and can be used in soups Young leaves can be used in salads or cooked as green Most frequently found in disturbed sites
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Milkweed Asclepias asperula May to July Caliche outcrops, hillsides, dry fields
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Parts of plant are poisonous, handling may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction Relatively rare 8 - 12" tall Larval host plant for Monarch butterfly
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Velvet Bundleflower Desmanthus velutinus Spring Calcareous soils, upland areas, drier areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Used in seed mixtures for range seeding Good forage for livestock and wildlife
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
White Evolvulus Evolvulus sericeus April to July Dry, grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Morning glory family Flowers open in the morning and live one day Leaves eaten by deer
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
White Milkwort Polygala alba April to June Sandy, chalky clay soils in mesquite plains and cedar
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Polygala is Greek for much milk Thought to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers and cows Cows tend to avoid because of its bitter taste Sioux Indians used the root to treat ear infections
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
White Prickly Poppy Argemone albiflora March to May Disturbed areas, fencerows, old fields
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Good pollen source for bees and other insects Highly deer resistant Seeds and other plant parts can be toxic and even fatal to humans. Level of toxicity varies with age, weight and size of human as well as growth stage and part of plant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Wild Honeysuckle Gaura suffulta March to June Bar ditches along roads
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Flowers turn pink with age Cooler season annual Grows in rich, moist soils of Edwards Plateau
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Willow Baccharis Baccharis neglecta September to October Disturbed areas, calcareous soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Also known as poverty weed, Roosevelt Weed, New Deal Weed Invades rangelands and pastures Readily resprouts when cut or burned Originally planted after the dust bowl to spur revegetation, but now a prolific problem!
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
22 Broomweed Xanthocephalu dracunculoides July to November Sandy, clayey, gravelly or rocky soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Seeds are high energy and are preferred winter food source for Scaled and Bobwhite quail Can go dormant during drought One of the first species to re-establish after a drought
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Brown-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta April to July Sandy soils, prairies, fields, pastures
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
The flower has no scent Attracts many native bees & butterflies visit it for nectar Seeds are a source of food for birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Bush Sunflower Simsia calva April to October Upland, dry soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Drought tolerant Good source of seeds for song birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Camphor Weed Heterotheca subaxillaris May to October Sandy soils in Llano uplift, alluvial soils elsewhere
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Flowers and leaves are fragrant Crush the leaves to release the smell Leaves can be used for itch relief Range extending northward Unpalatable to livestock
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Columbine Aquilegia canadensis March to May Moist, shaded canyons
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Flowers attract nectar-feeding insects with long tongues and hummingbirds Flowers are edible Roots can be chewed or made into a weak tea to treat diarrhea and stomach aches Native American men rubbed crushed seeds in their hands to use as a love potion
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Common Mullein Verbascum Thapsus April to October Open fields and prairies
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Introduced to the US from Europe and Asia as a medicinal herb for coughs and diarrhea It takes two or more years for the plant to flower Tea can be produced from the leaves and flowers
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Engelmann Daisy Engelmannia pinnatifida March to July calcareous loam and clays in grasslands and prairies
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Readily consumed by deer and livestock Can be used to dye fabric Named after German-American botanist George Engelmann
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Englemann’s Bladderpod Lesquerella Engelmannii March to May Grasslands and rock outcrops in uplands, usually full sun
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Endemic to Central Texas Not edible or medicinal Buds resemble small bladders
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
30 Golden-Wave Coreopsis April to June Deep sandy or limestone soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
A yellow dye was obtained from the flowers to use on cloth Tea can be made from the roots, and used as a coffee substitute Official state wildflower of Florida Annual flower dies with the first frost
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Gray Golden-Aster Heterotheca canescens May to October Dry, shallow soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
The Cheyenne boiled the tops and stems and used the resulting extract as a sedative to aid sleep Not a true aster; called hoary or gray because of the white hairs that grow at 100 per square millimeter If gardening, cut back in winter
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Greenthread Thelesperma filifolium April to June Dry calcacereous or alkaline soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Popular for making tea - is cultivated and marketed – See Navajo Tea below for instructions Beneficial for kidneys, stomach cramps, and the blood Native Indians used as a dye Seeds are a food source for painted bunting
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Lindheimer’s Senna Cassia Lindheimeriana September to November Hills, slopes, mesas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Very important food source for birds Leaves are soft and feel like velvet Described as a “foul smelling legume” Named after German immigrant Ferdinand Lindheimer, the “Father of Texas Botany” who settled in New Braunfels in 1844
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Maximilian Sunflower Helianthus Maximiliani September and October Seasonally moist, fertile calcacereous soils.
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Excellent for grazing livestock Produces lots of seeds excellent for wildlife Tuberous root was eaten raw or cooked by Native Americans Wool dyes made from flowers
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Mexican Hat Ratibida columnaris April to July Almost all soils and habitats
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
The shape of the flower resembles a sombrero Important nectar source for bees Fabric dyes made from plant Colors range from all red to all yellow
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Navajo Tea Thelesperma simplicifolium May to November Dry, calcareous outcrops
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Excellent for making tea: Harvest the plant just as the buds open Cut a few inches above the soil Wash and dry plants, cut into 4 inch lengths Bundle with string for individual use
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Orange Zexmenia Zexmenia hispida May to September Southern Hill Country, dry ground
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Highly deer resistant Cattle will consume Very drought tolerant Often planted in gardens
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata May to October Northern Hill Country, sandy or alluvial soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Leaves fold when touched Winter food source for wild turkey Favors poor soils for reduced competition
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Queen’s Delight Stillingia texana April to September Dry calcareous soils of fields and hillsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Milky sap is toxic to livestock Presence indicates poor grazing management Poisonous to animals and humans Medicinal uses for constipation, but needs to be used fresh and may leave bad taste in the mouth
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Redbud Menodora Heterophylla March to June Dry flats of uplands or limestone based soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Derives its name from the bright red bud before it blooms Important food source for Northern Bobwhite quail Member of the olive family
• Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Sow Thistle Sonchus All year Disturbed soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Used in rabbit feed When stems are cut the sap was fed to cows to stimulate milk production Leaves are bitter tasting but can be eaten
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Square-Bud Primrose Calylophus Drummondianus March to August Common throughout Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Important nectar source for bees Older flowers fade to pink-orange color Per square foot of bloom, no plant is showier!
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Stinking Gourd Cucurbita foetidissima May to September Moist canyons and watercourses
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Fruit is poisonous Name came from its bad odor Gourds can be dried and painted
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Straggler Daisy Calyptocarpus vialis April to November Shady areas, lawns, forest edges
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Can be invasive and take over lawns Used as low ground cover in gardens Moderate deer resistance
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Tall Goldenrod Solidago Canadensis September and October Moist soils in or near streams
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Found in nearly every US state and Canadian province Nectar important to honeybees White tail graze after fall flowering Several shades of dye can be produced from the plant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Mulberry Morus microphylla March to April Bluffs or rocky slopes, understory species
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Fruits are used by many bird species Fruits suitable for human consumption Native Americans cultivated and used the wood for bows White tail deer will eat, but given protection will grow into large shrub or tree
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Two-Leaved Senna Cassia Roemeriana April to October Dry, open flats and hillsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Highly toxic to cattle, sheep and goats Birds will eat the seeds Can flower sporadically through the summer
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Western Primrose Calyophus Hartweggii April and May Caliche soils, Western Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Yellow caps live one day Also called Sundrops Hummingbirds will feed on the nectar
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Western Ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya July to November Disturbed sites, dry prairies and hills
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
When in bloom the flowers located high above produce pollen which aggravates allergies Ambrosia is mythic food for Greek gods for immortality If livestock do consume this plant in excess, accumulations of nitrates may occur; gives cows milk a bitter taste
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Yellow Flax Linum rigidum April to May Llano uplift, granite soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Toxic to animals Never more then a few flowers are open at a time on each plant Petals last for only one day
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Yellow Passionflower Passiflora lutea May to September From creeks to dry crevices, climbing on shrubs and trees
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Produces purple black berries consumed by birds and small mammals Passionflower Bee, extremely rare, relies solely on the Yellow Passionflower for Pollen
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Yellow Stonecrop Sedum Nuttallianum April to June Very shallow soils, rocks, crevices
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Excellent cover plant or scattered between rocks or stones Branches and leaves are succulent Can grow directly on rock
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Yellow Wood-Sorrel Oxalis Dillenii March to October All soils, lawns, gardens
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Leaves are sour tasting (due to oxalic acid & high in vitamin C) Should be eaten in small amounts Can be used sooth stomach & relieve indigestion
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Cardinal Flower Lobelia Cardinalis July to October Watercourses, shallow streams
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Name refers to the red robes roman catholic cardinals wear Due to alkaloids it can be poisonous if eaten in large quantities Used by Native Americans, treating cramps, fever sores, upset stomach, and even typhoid; and love charms
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Cedar Sage Salvia Roemeriana March to July Rocky, shaded woods
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Black Chin and Ruby Throat Hummingbirds sip nectar when first arriving from their wintering grounds Butterflies sip nectar
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Golden-Eye Phlox Phlox Roemeriana February to May Dry limestone soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Endemic to Edwards Plateau Crab spiders form bowers using two of the leaves to capture other insects; this also drastically reduces the flower's chance of being pollinated
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Indian Blanket Gaillardia pulchella April to June Fields and roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Also known as firewheel Easily grown from seed Can be used for dying fabric Bees love it and some butterflies come to it also
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Leatherflower, Scarlet Clematis texensis April to June Cliffs and shrubs, near streams
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Moderately deer resistant A climbing vine whose petals are thick and leather-like Plant is extremely drought tolerant Provides shelter for small birds Native to Central Texas Only
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Mountain Pink Centaurium Beyrichii May to July Dry, barren open areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Poisonous to cattle, sheep and goats Suspected of killing big horn sheep in Black Gap Management area Pioneers dried and crushed the flowers to use as a fever reducer Good food source for bees, butterflies, birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
60 Palafoxia Palafoxia callosa June to November All soil types, pastures, fields
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Over a few days the flowers will fade from dark pink to white Good food source for bees, butterflies, birds Invasive
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Pigeon-Berry Rivina humilis May to October Deep, moist soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Leaves & berries are poisonous to humans Berries are a favored food for many bird species Red berries have been used in cosmetics
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Pink Evening Primrose Oenothera speciosa March to July Rich, moist soils, fields, roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Can be invasive, a disturbance plant Poisonous if ingested In central Texas it flowers in the day, but in north Texas behaves like a typical evening primrose Food source for bees, moths, hummingbirds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Prairie Paintbrush Castilleja purpurea March to May Dry, rocky, caliche soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Considered semi-parasitic because roots tend to penetrate surrounding plant roots for nutrients Colors can vary between red, yellow, orange, purple and pink
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Prairie Verbena Verbena bipinnatifida March to October Open grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Abundant nectar make them a favorite of butterflies Blooms across Texas up to Alaska
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Purple Bindweed Ipomoea trichocarpa April to October Disturbed areas, flower beds
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Can be invasive and will strangle other plants Favorite for English gardens Leaves eaten by white-tail deer, seeds eaten by Quail Attracts Hummingbirds Morning glory family
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Ratany Krameria lanceolata April to June Open areas, pastures, prairies, hillsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Fruits are very sharp-pointed sand burs Often overlooked due to being low to the ground
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Scarlet Gaura Gaura coccinea April to July Sandy or calcareous soils throughout Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Disturbance plant Flowers open in evening for pollination by night flying insects; moths are main pollinators The Lakota Indians chewed this plant and rubbed it on their hands to aid in catching horses The Navajo used a cold infusion of this plant to settle children’s upset stomachs
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Sensitive Briar Schrankia April to July Granite or limestone soils throughout Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
High in protein - good food source for deer, livestock, small mammals When leaves are touched they immediately fold up Come from Mimosa Trees originally from Japan Food source for butterflies, bees, birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
69 Standing Winecup Callirhoe digitata March to May Sandy or gravelly soils, fields, thickets
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
May also be called Fingered Poppy Mallow Drought tolerant Roots are edible Food source for bees, deer, rabbits
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
70 Texas Lantana Lantana horrida Spring to fall Almost any habitat in the Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Outstanding heat tolerance Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction Scientific name comes from the horrible smell of the foliage
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Vervain Verbena Halei March to June Open, grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Flowers and leaves are used as teas and have medicinal properties for the bladder Only live a couple of years Known as the "herb of enchantment"
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Tropical Sage Salvia coccinea February to October Sandy soils or alluvium
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Food source for hummingbirds, bees, butterflies Introduced from Brazil Deer resistant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicans May to September Deep alluvial soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Attracts long tongued bees and is the premier plant to attract hummingbirds The sap can cause skin irritation on contact Can become a pest if not controlled Moderately deer resistant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
74 Turk’s Cap Malvaviscus arboreau June to October Margins of woods near creeks or rivers
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Received its name because it looks similar to a Turkish Fez(hat) May also be called a wax mallow Produces sweet red fruits that can be eaten or made into jelly Late blooms are extremely important to migrating hummingbirds in the fall
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Wild Garlic Allium canadense March to May Open grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Can be poisonous to dogs Food source to humans Juice of the plant is used as moth repellent Flowers are hermaphrodite
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Wild Onion Allium Drummondii April and May Open grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Bulbs eaten by humans Bulbs and leaves eaten by wild turkeys Plant can rot in standing water
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Blue Mist-flower Eupatorium coelestinum July to October Moist soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Can form in large clusters in open fields Flower heads can contain 30-70 flowers per head Can be invasive unless in rocky, thin soil Makes a good cut flower
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Blue-Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium ensigerum March and April Open woods and open grassy areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Leaves look similar to grass but is not a grass Can be found in all 50 states and from Canada to Greenland Flowers live one day
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Common Wild Petunia Ruellia nudiflora April to October Common throughout Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Flowers bloom every morning and fall the same afternoon Will bloom over long periods Not related to the Petunia Can be invasive Moderately deer resistant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Day Flower Commelina erecta May to October Common throughout Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Also known as Widow's Tears: gentle squeeze on the spathe of the plant produces a tear-like drop at the tip Important food source for white-tailed deer Quail & doves eat the seeds Reaches heights of 6 to 18 inches, then usually bends over to spread outwards up to three feet
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Drummond’s Skullcap Scutellaria Drummondii March and April Moist or dry calcareous soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Named after the seeds which can be seen during the fruiting period and have small cap like covers Foliage can be toxic
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Giant Spiderwort Tradescantia gigantea March and April Limestone soils at edge of woods and roadsides
Gee Whiz Notes: •
• •
The flower color can be an indicator of the pH of the soil. Acidic soils produce bluer flowers while more alkaline soils create varying shades of pink and purple Berries are poisonous Plant oils are irritants and can cause blistering
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Low Milk-Vetch Astragulus lotiflorus March and April Barren, caliche soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Poisonous to Livestock Bean family - includes clovers, alfalfas and peanuts Food for grasshoppers
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Mealy Sage Salvia farinacea April and May Dry, limestone soils
Gee Whiz Notes: •
Food source to native bees
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Purple Horsemint Monarda citriodora May to July Sandy loams to rocky soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Bergamot, a main ingredient in Earl Grey tea is made from the leaves Can be used for several fabric dyes Can form large colonies up to several acres in size
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Scurf-Pea Psoralea latestipulata March and April Dry rocky slopes
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Also known as Indian Breadroot Roots can be boiled and eaten Endemic
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Silver-Leaf Nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium April to September Common on dry soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Toxic to animals Berries can be used for sore throat or toothache Native Americans used the berries to curdle milk to make cheese Contains the chemical solasodine which is used in steroids Invasive
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
88 Snapdragon Vine Maurandya antirrhiniflora March to September Southern Hill Country, fences, bluffs
Gee Whiz Notes: • •
Mostly used in gardens and floral displays Usually grow in large quantities and lasts long
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis March to May Roadsides and fields
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Seed is poisonous if ingested by humans or animals Can randomly give off all white flowers or all pink flowers Moderately deer resistant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Western Ironweed Vernonia Baldwinii June to September Calcareous clay soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Roots travel in all directions and can be difficult to control Drought resistant Food source for birds and butterflies
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Lace Cactus Echinocereus Reichenbachii May to September Limestone or granite soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Gets its name "lace” from the pattern of spines Also known as lace hedgehog cactus Very small, at most 1 foot
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Prickly Pear Opuntia macrorhiza Spring Fields, pastures
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Can be used in recipes such as nopalitos Invasive Fruit can be used for candies and jams
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Tasajillo Opuntia leptocaulis May to June Prefers sandy and heavier bottomland soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Red berries are eaten by deer, small mammals Provides nesting sites for cactus wrens Invasive
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Twist-Leaf Yucca Yucca rupicola April to June Brush country, rocky open woods
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Rupicola means "lover of rock" Flowers only pollinated by yucca moth Native Americans cooked the roots as potatoes
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Agarita Berberis trifoliolata February to April Dry rocky flats and slopes
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Roots were used by early American pioneers to produce a yellow dye Songbirds eat red berries Used for cover by quail and small mammals Considered a good honey source Red berries are still used to make jelly and wine
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis June to September Margins of streams and pond
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Fruits are highly favored by more than 25 species of birds Food source for small mammals Native Americans chewed the inner bark for toothaches Flowers are extremely fragrant
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Catclaw Acacia Acacia Roemeriana April and May Rocky ground of canyons and hillsides
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Common name is due to the short recurved spines found on branches Great source for honey Used by birds, bees, insects, small mammals for food Cover for small mammals and birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Cenizo Leucophyllum frutescens May to October Rocky limestone hills
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Blooms after summer rains Also known as Texas Ranger or Texas Barometer Bush Is very slow growing Has a high tolerance for salt Native to the Chihuahuan desert of Texas
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Elbowbush Forestiera pubescens Early spring Open pastures and thickets
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
"Spring herald" as it is one of the first plants to bloom Blooms are important for bees Very important for wildlife cover and food It's in the olive family
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Huisache Acacia Farnesiana March and April Heavier, wetter clays
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Showy, fragrant, gold blooms are one of the first indicators of the arrival of spring Cultivated extensively in southern Europe for it's fragrant flowers which are a perfume ingredient Deer browse, bees use pollen, small mammals eat seeds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Kidneywood Eysenhardtia texana May to September Dry, rocky soils
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Disturbance plant Good to use in deer plots & plant restoration projects Nectar makes good honey Wood can be used to make dyes
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
102 King Ranch (KR) Bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum Most of year All across Texas Hill Country
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Highly invasive and undesirable Introduced from Asia TxDoT planted along roadsides to help stabilize soils, but has nothing to do with King Ranch Does provide seeds for birds and small mammals, but is not very good for cattle
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
103 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium August to December Prairies, hills, forest borders
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Tolerates drought and moisture Fairly nutritious for livestock during growing season Poor wildlife forage Seeds consumed by birds Host plant for several larval butterflies
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Seep Muhly Muhlenbergia reverchonii August to November Seep, wet areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Attractive grass often used for landscaping Provides fair forage for livestock and wildlife Warm season, native grass
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Sideoats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula May to November Dry, open grasslands
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
State grass of Texas High quality and nutritious forage Wild turkeys use for food and cover
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Silver Bluestem Bothriochloa saccharoides May to November Prairies, roadsides, waste areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Warblers and other migratory birds perch on seedheads and pick out seeds Native Americans used the stem for toothpicks Only fair forage for cattle and poor for wildlife
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
107 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum August to October Moist lowland prairies, creeks, streams, open woods
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Roots can reach ten feet in depth Stems are hollow Good forage for cattle but fair for wildlife Provides excellent cover for wildlife
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Tall Grama Bouteloua pectinata July to November Limestone outcrops and hilltops
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Only fair forage for cattle and wildlife Similar to, but twice as tall as Hairy Grama Some landscape use
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Grama Bouteloua rigidiseta April to November Dry plains, rocky hills, disturbed sites
Gee Whiz Notes: • • •
Poor forage for wildlife and livestock Provides seeds and forage for birds and small mammals Parts of plant used for nesting and denning material
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Texas Wintergrass Nassella leucotricha March to June Open areas, slopes, bottomlands, sunny areas
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • • •
Also known as Speargrass Good to fair grazing in early spring Most abundant cool weather grass in Texas Found throughout the state Seeds consumed by many birds
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Scientific Name: Bloom Period: Where Found:
Yellow Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans Mid-spring to November Bottomlands, tallgrass prairies, and savannahs
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
One of the most important grasses Very nutritious and readily consumed by cattle Produces many seeds consumed by a wide variety of birds and small mammals Larval food for butterflies
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Common Name: Poison Ivy Scientific Name: Toxicodendron radicans Bloom Period: Woody, shady areas Where Found:
Gee Whiz Notes: • • • •
Urushiol is the chemical that causes the allergic reaction It is found in all parts of the plant, but especially the sap Woodpeckers, flickers, and quail are fond of the berries and promote disbursement Three leaves can form two mittens and a glove
Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Observed: ________________________________
Index to Plants Agarita Antelope-Horns Black-Foot Daisy Blue Mist-flower Blue-eyed Grass Broomweed Brown-Eyed Susan Bull Nettle Bush Sunflower Buttonbush Camphor Weed Cardinal Flower Catclaw Acacia Cedar Sage Cenizo Columbine Common Horehound Common Mullein Common Wild Petunia Day Flower
95 1 2 77 78 22 23 3 24 96 25 54 97 55 98 26 4 27 79 80
Dewberry Drummond's Skullcap Dwarf White Aster Elbowbush Engelmann Daisy Engelmann's Bladderpod Fiddle-Leaf Tobacco Frog-Fruit Frostweed Giant Spiderwort Golden-Eye Phlox Golden-Wave Gray Golden-Aster Green Milkweed Vine Greenthread Hedge-Parsley Huisache Indian Blanket Kidneywood King Ranch (KR) Bluestem
5 81 6 99 28 29 7 8 9 82 56 30 31 10 32 11 100 57 101 102
Prairie Verbena Prickly Pear Purple Bindweed Purple Horsemint Queen's Delight Ratany Redbud Scarlet Gaura Scurf-Pea Seep Muhly Sensitive Briar Sideoats Grama Silver Bluestem Silver-leaf Nightshade Snapdragon Vine Sow-Thistle Square-Bud Primrose Standing Winecup Stinking Gourd Straggler Daisy
64 92 65 85 39 66 40 67 86 104 68 105 106 87 88 41 42 69 43 44
Index to Plants (continued) Lace Cactus Lazy Daisy Leatherflower, Scarlet Lindheimer's Senna Little Bluestem Low Milk-Vetch Maximilian Sunflower Mealy Sage Mexican Hat Milfoil Mountain Pink Navajo Tea Orange Zexmenia Palafoxia Partridge Pea Peppergrass Pigeon-Berry Pink Evening Primrose Poison Ivy Prairie Paintbrush
91 12 58 33 103 83 34 84 35 13 59 36 37 60 38 14 61 62 112 63
Index to Plants (continued) Switchgrass Tall Goldenrod Tall Grama Tasajillo Texas Bluebonnet Texas Grama Texas Lantana Texas Milkweed Texas Mulberry Texas Vervain Texas Wintergrass Tropical Sage Trumpet Creeper Turk’s Cap Twist-leaf Yucca Two-leaved Senna Velvet Bundleflower Western Ironweed Western Primrose Western Ragweed
107 45 108 93 89 109 70 15 46 71 110 72 73 74 94 47 16 90 48 49
White Evolvulus White Milkwort White Prickly Poppy Wild Garlic Wild Honeysuckle Wild Onion Willow Baccharis Yellow Flax Yellow Indiangrass Yellow Passionflower Yellow Stonecrop Yellow Wood-sorrel
17 18 19 75 20 76 21 50 111 51 52 53