UNTER R GHOST HUNTE with Hubert Hobux
Hubert’s “Supernatural” Shielding
Day 103: Paranormally Grateful of the courage of our frontline Key Workers… Typically of me, I spend most of my working life in lowly jobs that if I were working still I would be now classed as a “key worker” one of the many heroic people who have been on the frontline for many, many months, protecting us and continue to do so. Instead I’m sat twiddling thumbs at the haunted bungalow... waiting for the lock down to be fully lifted so that the inn I nearly started working at reopens & wonders “if we actually need that old, decrepit shirker after all?” Alas I live too far from any hospital to volunteer service, (lengthy train rides would be required) ... I contemplated helping at a close enough nursing home, but they have wisely taken isolation to the extreme and will not let strangers through the door at all, at the moment... My sister actually does work in a care home, miles away from me in the old town of where we were brought up … and has done for years so she can officially be declared a ‘front line’ heroine in this war against Coronavirus, I think! .. She, also, “has the gift of seeing” and the Care Home she works at has hosted some of the strongest paranormal activity I have ever heard of ‘to boot! ‘ Obviously I can’t name the establishment as it has had a lengthy history of caring for the infirm... and will maintain that role for a good while to come hopefully... but I may be able to abstrusely relate some of the weirdness that has ensued there during her tenure as carer... The place was built in 1894 and became known locally as the “Civil Service rest home” as the Government had requisitioned the private residence for a convalescent home during world war two, there afterwards reserving the patient occupancy for those retired from that genteel profession; until they sold the establishment for private nursing use in the 1960s that is.. and the bedrooms were finally opened to anyone who could afford round the clock care... the home never seemed to have a haunted reputation... until quite recently, when further management changes to the running of the place had to be implemented (the reasons of which I will not speak), and this drastically recent paranormal dust storm seemed to have been unleashed in the vacuum of that... As with many similar health care facility buildings, the haunting started with the night shifts, many of the long
Hubert’s “Supernatural” Shielding
term residential clients were well loved but extremely aged, nature ran its due course and all of a sudden, familiar old faces were being missed in the roost, one by one they were quickly dropping off the perch.... resulting in several rooms standing empty for quite a while, and when a well-respected staff manager tragically died unexpectedly, team moral heavily dipped.... but the provision of care was paramount, and the night staff diligently sat in their station watching over their steadily declining ‘wards’... The reports started filtering down that most nights, the carers would frequently hear sobbing on the top corridor... heart wrenching sounds of despair... they would check each and every room to see who needed comforting, and mostly found all the elderly patients soundly sleeping.... yes that did involve entering the unoccupied rooms, in case some stray confused resident had found themselves in one by mistake... but the vacant rooms were devoid of life every time... strangely there was one empty room in particular that was having issues with a seemingly faulty “call button “, the bell had started ringing for attention several times a week.. mostly in the early hours of the morning.... the carers always double checked, though they knew full well no one would be in there... and the Maintenance man could never find any fault on the system.... Noticeably the electrical wiring in the building started playing up on a regular basis, plug sockets faltered, lights flickered, electricians were always in attendance... searching for faults but finding none... “they were frankly baffled... “ and highly disconcerted one day when an unidentifiable “green slime” started appearing around the electrical fittings, all about the same time that that particular empty room had had its errant call button removed.... and had developed a very eerie feel! The whole building was beginning to whiff of earthy decay... surveyors were brought in to check for rising damp, but the staff were whispering that there were more of the grave than the fungus about the odious odour! Disembodied footsteps were heard in the corridors, television sets would turn themselves on and off and all of a sudden... something invisible that brought an air of caution with it had decamped in the dark cellars, no member of staff would go down there alone they had decided, though none of them could put their finger on just why not exactly! The resident bookings started to improve with a change of care home executive and the Home was just about at full capacity again, though several of the old folk were not happy in that ‘particular bedroom’, and there were a