4 minute read

Computers & Email

The school has a computer suite which is available for independent use by all pupils at various times of the day. Pupils do have access to the internet although there is control software installed to prevent access to undesirable materials. Children in Year 5 and above are expected to bring their own Chromebook into school.


Children are given strict guidelines regarding the use of the internet and those who persistently try to access undesirable or blocked sites will have their access to the computers restricted. All pupils have an email address and are free to use this facility to contact family and friends. There are strict guidelines as to what they may and may not send via email. The ICT department has the facility to take a random sample from all outgoing and incoming email. These samples are taken on a weekly basis and children who persistently break the rules regarding the use of email will have the facility removed.


Seminars on e-safety are held for both pupils and parents to highlight potential dangers when using computers. The school encourages parents to similarly monitor their children’s use of computers in the home.

Acceptable use of ICT

The policy for the Acceptable Use of ICT has been produced to ensure protection of all parties – the pupils, the parents, the staff and the school. The school reserves the right to monitor, view or delete any data that may be held on its computer systems and to monitor network, internet and email use. Any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action. The following section of the policy is signed by the pupils at the start of each year.

ICT Policy Agreement

The school has provided computers and internet access to help you learn. You are responsible for your own behaviour on the internet just as you are on the playground. Our internet is carefully filtered to screen unsuitable sites at source. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, are blocked on the school system as are other sites we consider to be unsuitable for your age groups.

For my own personal safety:

• I understand that my use of technology will be supervised and monitored • I will keep my passwords safe and will not use anyone else’s (even with their permission). • I will keep my own personal information safe as well as that of others.I will not share my address or phone number with anyone online. • I will never arrange to meet anyone and I will tell a teacher if someone asks to meet me. • I will not contact people online,or enter competitions or chat rooms. • I will tell a trusted adult such as my form tutor or Miss Duncan if anything makes me feel uncomfortable or upset when I see it online. • I will not access computers at school, including my Chromebook if I have one,without a teacher being present to supervise me. • It is my responsibility to look after any device I am allowed to bring into school and will carry it safely and sensibly,not leaving it in unsafe places.

I will take my Chromebook home every day.

For the safety of others:

• I will not interfere with the way that others use their technology. • I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others. • I will not communicate negative comments about others which may cause hurt or distress or have a negative impact on their online reputation. • I will not take or share images of anyone without their permission. • I will not send or receive chain emails.

For the safety of the school:

• I will not try to access anything illegal or inappropriate. • I will not download anything that I do not have the right to use. • I will not make unauthorised copies of software or unauthorised recordings. • I will not download Chrome extensions without permission • I will charge my Chromebook at home to keep the classroom a safe place to move around. • I will not bring my mobile phone into school. • If I am a boarder I will keep my phone in the boarding house and use it according to the boarding house rules. • I will not deliberately bypass any systems designed to keep the school safer. • I will tell a responsible person if I find any damage or faults with technology, however this may have happened.

Mobile Phones

The school is a mobile and smart watch free zone and they should not be brought into school unless permission has been granted by the Deputy Head. In such circumstances phones should be handed in to the School Reception at the beginning of the day and collected before the journey home. The school can accept no liability for a phone that is lost, tampered with or stolen. Boarders must leave their mobile phones and smart watches in the Boarding House during the day, but are allowed access once school is over.

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