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Communication & Parental Links

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Our Values

Communication & ParentalLinks


Open Mornings

We have Open Mornings throughout year. Parents are taken on a personal tour of the School and the grounds and meet the Head, Mr Nick Thrower, along with staff and Year 8 pupils, for coffee and an informal chat. The visit provides an opportunity for conversations about every aspect of your child’s learning and character, talents and interests, allowing us to demonstrate how we support and develop them at St John’s.

St John’s School Shop

The School Shop is a one-stop-shop for uniform, conveniently located on the school grounds. The shop is run by the school for the benefit of the pupils and prices are as competitive as they can possibly be, taking into consideration quality and durability.


In order that uniform may be purchased for the new school year, the shop operates a system of personal appointments for both new starters and current pupils, and has regular opening hours during term time that are conveniently scheduled around drop off and pick up times. Email Jo Wardshop @deanclosestjohns.org.uk or call on 07785 550911 to make your appointment, or to place an order. The shop holiday opening hours are available on the school website or via the School Reception.


These include:

• Mobile phones • The possession of toy guns or any other toys that maybe used to harm others

• The possession of illegal drugs and the abuse of solvents

• Smoking or drinking or the possession of tobacco or alcohol • Chewing gum,spitting,swearing, gambling • Buying and selling from/to each other without authorisation

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