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Communication from the School
It is vital that the school is able to contact families in case of an emergency, and parents are asked to keep the School Reception fully informed of any changes to contact details, including address, email address, telephone numbers for work, mobile, home, relatives and guardians.
The school uses the iSAMS management information system to send email and text updates to parents. The iSAMS text message system is used to provide updates on certain events such as away trips and sports matches. This system allows messages to be sent to all parents (or specified groups of parents) simultaneously.
If you are not receiving messages, please inform the School Reception.
Parent Portal
Here you can access school reports and other key information. You will receive your log in when your child starts at St John’s.
Each class has a dedicated parent representative and Whatsapp group.
@DCSJ_ official
Instagram dcsj_ official
www.linkedin.com/company/dean-close -st-johns
School website and Headmaster’s weekly update
The School website contains information about the school, term dates and uniform, as well as pictures and news items about the school’s current and past events. The Head also writes a weekly email to parents to keep them informed about life at St John’s.
School Calendar
This is issued to all pupils and parents at the start of each term and it contains a guide to the events of the term. The school does try to make this as accurate as possible, but changes will be notified, giving as much notice as possible.
School Reception
The School Reception is situated at the front of the main building through the conservatory and is usually staffed by Hayley Williams. In term time it is open: Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 6.00pm Telephone: 01291 622 045 Email: office@deanclosestjohns.org.uk All urgent emails should be sent to the School Reception. On the subject line of your email please put ‘For the attention of, or FAO’ and write the name of the staff member. Please contact staff directly for any non-urgent matters. All incoming mail should be handed to the School Reception. Outside of regular hours, for enquiries about boarders or children at late stay after 6pm, the school may be contacted via the boarding house on 01291 621008.
Our Staff
We work very closely with parents, guardians and carers to promote the education and welfare of each pupil. All members of staff are happy to be contacted to discuss the progress of any pupil and we use a wide range of printed and electronic means to keep you informed, as well as the many opportunities that arise for face-toface discussions. The Head will always be made aware of any significant issues regarding pupils. Often the Deputy Head will become involved in day-to-day dealings with parents as will the Head when appropriate. The Head is always available to see parents and can be contacted via his PA, Mrs Lorraine Colthart: colthartl@deanclosestjohns.org.uk Non-urgent communication about your child should, in the first instance, be with their form tutor or subject teacher. Please contact any of the staff via email or phone. We will endeavour to respond within 24 hours. It may be more appropriate to arrange a meeting to discuss more complex issues. Academic matters are led by the Director of Studies and Heads of Department. Pastoral matters are led by the Head of Pastoral Care.
Getting in touch
For staff contact details, please see the Curriculum Booklet.
Pupils have a form tutor who they see every day. As well as checking that they are keeping on top of their academic studies and giving relevant feedback from other subject staff, the form tutor’s role is to encourage and support pupils.
Parents should see the form tutor as their first point of contact should there be any concern about any aspect of their child’s life at the school. Form tutors are in the best position to be able to assist children in solving problems at school. Should problems persist, the form tutor will then refer to the Head of Pastoral Care, the Deputy Head and finally to the Head.
Learning Support
The Learning Support Department at St John’s makes provision for pupils who require additional support to ensure that they have full access to the curriculum. Teachers and learning support staff work collaboratively in planning differentiated learning objectives, teaching methods and access strategies, while catering to pupil’s individual learning styles and needs. This integrated, whole-school model of delivery promotes excellent communication between parents, learning support staff and teachers, as well as significantly enriching each child’s development and learning experience. Specifically, learning support staff work closely with teachers to plan in-class support, pair and small group work, as well as the 1:1 sessions for those children requiring intensive support. The more frequent, tailor-made lessons in small groups and pairs throughout the week significantly promote peer learning, which is a powerful way for a child to learn. The School has a clearly defined process for following up concerns relating to any form of learning difficulty in a pupil. Individual and Group Education Plans are devised and reviewed periodically in liaison with all relevant staff and parents, and each child is assessed and monitored throughout the year. Parents play a crucial role in their child’s education and overall progress; therefore, they participate fully in all discussions and decisions around their child’s needs. Some additional lessons may incur a charge.
Equal Opportunities
Promoting equal opportunities is fundamental to the aims and ethos of Dean Close St John’s. We welcome applications from pupils from all ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds and everyone is treated equally. Human rights and freedoms are respected but must be balanced with the needs and rules of our school community and the rights and freedoms of others. St John’s seeks to provide a welcoming atmosphere where all individuals feel valued and can make the most of their abilities, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities, on the proviso that the educational needs of the child can be met within the school’s academic environment. For more information please see our Equal Opportunities policy available on the Dean Close Foundation website.
School trips are an integral part of the curriculum at St John’s and every opportunity is taken to use these to enrich the experiences of the children where relevant. You will be informed about these in advance. Thorough risk assessments are carried out prior to taking any children on a school trip. Staff take nothing for granted where safety is an issue; if necessary they will make a pre-trip inspection of the site and facilities to be visited.