6 minute read
The library is stocked with thousands of fiction and nonfiction books, to which we add continually. All pupils have regular access to the library and can borrow books to take home. The library is catalogued with one of the most advanced library management systems available. This includes an Accelerated Reading Programme, which allows us to track and tailor the progress our pupils make.
All pupils take part in the Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHE) programme. This aims to prepare pupils for life, raise their awareness of their own needs and those of others as part of a community, as well increase their understanding of wider global issues. Within the PSHE programme many issues are addressed including: drugs and substance abuse, sexual relationships (in Years 6, 7 and 8), current affairs and topics associated with itizenship. In line with current policy, there is a Prevent module about safeguarding people from the threat of terrorism, which is delivered at an appropriate level to the various age groups.

The Boarding House caters for up to 30 boarders, including those who stay on a flexible basis whether it be for a weekday, the weekend or longer. It actively promotes the safety and welfare of all children by providing a stable, caring atmosphere within which each child’s physical, emotional and intellectual needs can be met.
It is very much a family based, home-away-from-home environment, with the Houseparents responsible for the children every morning, and from 4:30pm onwards on most evenings and at weekends.
St John’s offers its pupils the chance to experience boarding life through flexi-boarding opportunities. For more information on how this works please contact the School Reception.
School doctor
The school doctor for boarders is based at the Vauxhall Practice, Tutshill Surgery, Chepstow. Boarding pupils also require a completed and signed Doctors Registration Form (GMS 1) (purple form). Without these boarders cannot be registered with the School Doctor and obtain medical treatment. Boarders must not re-register with their family doctor during the holidays but can obtain treatment as a temporary resident.
Children living overseas
It is essential that children’s passports and any necessary visas are kept up-to-date. Parents are asked to ensure this and then to pass all such documentation to the Boarding Parent for safekeeping. When children are travelling overseas as unaccompanied minors, it is essential that parents complete the necessary unaccompanied minors forms from the airline and send these to the Head of Boarding in advance of the day of travel.
All children whose parents reside abroad must have an independent guardian who can fulfil the role as laid out on the guardian form and in line with the Guardian Policy. These forms should be signed by both parents and guardians and returned to the School Reception. Parents who normally live in England or Wales, but who have to be away or abroad for a short time, must leave an address and telephone number with the Head of Boarding.
Escorted Travel
Children travelling abroad can be escorted to and from all major airports at the beginning and end of term (there is an extra cost for this service).

First Aid
The fully-equipped Treatment Room is located next to the School Reception and is staffed by the Health Care Coordinator. We also have facilities for administering first aid at various locations around the school. First aid boxes are situated in key areas of the school. We always take first aid kits with us when groups of pupils go out of school on organised trips or to participate in sporting events. Most members of the teaching staff are trained to provide basic first aid. We keep records of all accidents and injuries, and have a procedure in place for ensuring that they are reviewed regularly in order, where possible, to minimise the likelihood of recurrence. We will always contact parents if a child suffers anything more than a trivial injury, or if he/she becomes unwell, or if we have any worries or concerns about their health. If a day pupil needs medication during the school day a form, available from the School Reception, must be filled out giving consent for the Health Care Coordinator to administer the medicine. The medication will be locked in the medicine cupboard or fridge in the Treatment Room. Medicines must be collected at the end of the school day. St John’s acknowledges its responsibility under RIDDOR to report certain occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive. Parents are always informed about illness or accidents involving a visit to the Hospital Casualty Department. Day children are cared for in the Treatment Room if they become unwell during the school day. Parents are informed if it is necessary for them to be taken home. Boarders will be cared for under the guidance of the Health Care Coordinator, in the Boarding House. Parents/guardians of boarding children will be kept informed and if deemed necessary, arrangements will be made for them to go home.
Medical Conditions
Pupils who have or develop a long-term medical condition (e.g. allergies, asthma, and diabetes) during their time at St John’s will have a care plan drawn up to meet their needs. This will be completed by the Health Care Coordinator in conjunction with information gained from the parents and doctors. Pupils with medical conditions will be fully integrated, wherever possible, into the school community and supported in every aspect to ensure they have the same opportunities as their peers whilst being kept safe and their condition well managed. Management of minor short-term illnesses (e.g. chicken pox, impetigo, diarrhoea and vomiting) and guidance on exclusion from and returning to school will be taken from Public Health England. For further information see guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings at www.gov.uk Parents are asked to inform the school about any illnesses as soon as possible so appropriate precautions can be taken to prevent them spreading.
Safe in the sun
Form tutors and games staff will instruct pupils as follows:
• Self-application of sunscreen of at least factor 15 provided by parents • Wearing of hat when appropriate • Sit in the shade whenever possible • Encourage intake of fluids
Scheduled immunisations on the NHS programme will be administered by visiting nurses from Gloucestershire Child Health. Parental consent is always obtained in writing before any vaccines are given. Travel vaccinations will not be given in school. These will need to be obtained through your own GP service. If boarders require additional vaccinations, a written request must be submitted to
the Health Care Coordinator who will liaise with the school GP.
Dental,Optical,Orthodontist appointments
Please use the holidays for routine checks to avoid interruptions to school life. Treatment may be continued during term time when necessary. Parents should contact the School Reception to report pupil medical appointments and provide as much notice as possible. Boarding pupils are accompanied to any hospital or dental appointment by our Health Care Coordinator. Taxi fares may be payable for routine appointments.

The school has arranged for all pupils to be covered by the Pupil’s Personal Accident Insurance Scheme at no additional charge. The following pupil insurances are available on an opt-in basis.