Edition 17 19/07/18
CLF NEWS “Empowering Learning”
Mayor visits City Academy
ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE... European Champion
Marvin Rees visited City Academy to celebrate the Bristol WORKS programme. Whilst there, the mayor took part in a short assembly with pupils before jumping on board the Engine Shed on Tour bus to see a 360 degree film that City Academy students made with Boomsatsuma at Pukka Herbs, all part of the Bristol WORKS activity. WORKS is a Bristol Learning City partnership initiative that is building a unique collaboration between employers, learning providers and local communities to develop a skilled local workforce. The programme offers bespoke experience of work programmes created with schools, based on the needs of the schools and their young people. Launched in 2015, Bristol WORKS is about to enter a new chapter of work as it reaches out to four new schools that will be part of the initiative during the next academic year. Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said: “When I became Mayor, one of my aims was to improve local children’s experiences of work. Research suggests that young adults who had four or more experiences of work while at school are five times more likely to engage in further education, employment and training afterwards. “We want to make sure children across the city are inspired to achieve more and can access more opportunities. As part of our WORKS programme we have been connecting schools with employers to find new opportunities for children to experience work in a whole new way. It has been great visiting City Academy and finding out how our children are benefiting from this scheme. If you are a local employer who thinks you have something you can offer, I’d encourage you to get in touch with our team to see how we can help.”
Battle of the Bands
Flying Start
Jon Angell, Principal of City Academy said, “Bristol WORKS has been a fantastic addition to our careers and works programme here. We have worked really closely with them around STEM work in Year 8 and 9 and with EDF. That work has continued with one of our partner primary schools Easton Primary School, with our students going there to work with their students. We’ve had some amazing guest speakers talk to our students, Mayor Marvin Rees and Councillor Asher Craig to name but a few. They really raised our students’ aspirations and showed them that there are a number of career pathways available to them. Another initiative is having employers come in and meet and hold careers interviews with our Year 11 students to talk about what their plans were, not necessarily to be employed by those companies, but to ensure students have a career plan.”
“Empowering Learning”
Digitech Studio School scraps school uniform Digitech Studio School has taken the decision that from July students in Year 10 and Year 11 will not have to wear school uniform, this is in line with their Post 16 counterparts. This has been introduced because staff, students and parents believe that non-uniform will suit the ethos and culture of the small 14-19 school. That said, staff will ensure that students are dressed appropriately for a public working environment. As a simple gauge, students should be dressed as if they are going on work experience or an interview for college. The Studio School specialises in creative, digital media and high tech courses. Lis Jolley Principal said, “This is a 14-19 school that has a mature college feel. Students currently are dressed for business, but in reality the business dress does not reflect the employers and sectors that we work with where the dress code is much more casual.”
The RAF fly into Hanham Woods
Over 300 students from Year 7&8 at Hanham Woods Academy were inspired and motivated by a visit from the RAF roadshow. Hanham were extremely fortunate in that the roadshow only visits six schools a year, and Hanham was a chosen school. The ‘fun with flight’ presentation delivered by RAF staff looked at the history of flight, including the science behind vertical take-off. Students got involved in practical activities that included Virtual Reality and a balloon exercise. RAF staff even demonstrated a real mini jet engine which they fired up. RAF staff talked to students about the various career pathways available in the RAF and the importance of STEM subjects that are, Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The roadshow enthusiastically promoted women to look at a career in engineering and sought to demystify the work of engineers and engineering. Allen Williams, Raising Attainment leader at Hanham Woods Academy said, “This has been an amazing opportunity for our students to see what careers are available to them in the future and what qualifications they will require to achieve their ambitions. It is also important for them to realise how far STEM subjects reach into various careers they may be considering.”
“Empowering Learning”
King’s Oak celebrate ‘Good’ Ofsted judgement King’s Oak Academy was recently inspected by Ofsted. The Cabot Learning Federation is very pleased to announce that Ofsted have judged that the Academy remains ‘Good’ in all categories. Ofsted said, “Since his appointment in 2016, the Principal, Richard Clutterbuck, has acted with determination to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment for all pupils. He understands the importance of raising standards without delay but at the same time ensuring that improvements are embedded and long-lasting. This approach has led to a steady, long-term improvement in the quality of education across the school.” They said, “The Principal, supported by the multi-academy trust, has strengthened his senior team. Together, they have a clear-sighted view of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. This has led to continual, steady improvement. The board of governors provide strong oversight of the work of the school. They hold the principal to account well and they have acted to strengthen the school's leadership team. The school has improved as a consequence." On senior leadership Ofsted said, “Senior leaders are challenging pupils and teachers alike to reach those expectations. Leaders have developed a strong assessment system and, as a result, they have a good understanding of the progress that pupils are making over time. They make good use of the common structure in place across the multi-academy trust to check on the accuracy of teachers’ assessments. Pupils enjoy the challenge they now get and respond positively to it, the most able are given challenges that stretch them.” On pupil behaviour they commented, “The behaviour of pupils is good. The conduct of pupils around the school site is typically good. Behaviour has improved significantly over the last few years. The vast majority of pupils move around the school sensibly and treat each other with warmth and good humour. Parents, carers, and pupils, say that behaviour has improved significantly over the last two years.” “Pupils’ attitudes to work are generally positive. They are punctual to lessons and come to school expecting to work. They enjoy answering teachers’ questions and they generally take pride in the presentation of their work. In most subjects they are keen to do well. They know how to improve their work and are diligent in correcting and redrafting their work." There is a broad range of extra-curricular opportunities available across the school. Pupils enjoy these and are keen to take part. There are also opportunities for pupils to take on positions of responsibility, such as those of school council representatives. Pupils who are selected are proud of their success. Ofsted noted the impact of King’s Oak being part of the Cabot Learning Federation, they said, “Leaders make good use of the support they receive from the multi-academy trust to improve teaching and learning. They work closely with the trust’s leaders to get access to training for teachers and to make sure that they are assessing pupils correctly. The Acorn has made particularly good use of the trust’s support as it develops from its early days.” “The multi-academy trust draws on its understanding of the school’s current performance when it deploys resources to provide the additional support the school needs to develop further. This has proved effective in addressing some of the school’s pressing issues.” Leadership of special educational needs (SEN) is good. Leaders make good use of the funding they receive to support pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities. On safeguarding Ofsted said, “All members of staff take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. They are well trained and know what to do should they feel a pupil is unsafe. Acorn staff are vigilant and all the appropriate safeguards and risk assessments are in place. Pupils say they feel safe and they are confident that they can approach a member of staff if they have a concern. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe online and to protect themselves from the dangers of radicalisation.” On early years provision Ofsted said, "The primary phase, called 'the Acorn', is providing a good start for pupils because expectations are high and leaders and staff work hard to meet the needs of all pupils. Children get off to a flying start and all groups of children make good progress over time so that by the end of the foundation stage outcomes are above the national average and improving. Outcomes for disadvantaged groups are improving quickly.” “Leadership of the Acorn is strong. It is in its third year of operation and is thriving as a result of strong strategic oversight and good day-to-day management. Leaders have developed a culture that ensures that they meet the needs of all pupils through partnership between teachers, teaching partners (teaching assistants) and parents. Parents value this approach and pupils are making good progress.” Richard Clutterbuck, Principal said, “I am really pleased and proud that King's Oak Academy is rated as a ‘Good’ Ofsted graded school, particularly under this framework which has raised the bar from the 2013 inspection. Reflecting on King's Oak and its place in the community, this is also good news for Kingswood and South Gloucestershire."
“Empowering Learning”
Bristol Met students jet off to Germany
Two students from the Bristol Metropolitan Academy had an exclusive opportunity to travel to Munich, Germany, to participate in a Flying Experience Day in celebration of the Airbus Foundation’s 10th anniversary. The youngsters are part of the foundation’s Flying Challenge programme, and were selected to represent their cohort among fellow students from five countries. While in Germany, Bristol students Evan Grimwood and Joshua Underhill had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fly on a vintage aircraft, tour the historic city of Munich, and network with fellow students from as far as China and the USA. The students also had the privilege to meet Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus, and share with him their dreams of working in aviation after taking part in the programme. The CEO parachuted into the venue from a helicopter to meet the guests. Evan and Joshua are enrolled on Airbus’ Flying Challenge programme, which aims to improve students’ confidence and inspire them to explore careers in the aerospace industry. The programme sees them visiting the Airbus Filton site on a regular basis, where they work with their Airbus mentors to earn themselves a nationally
News in brief......
recognised qualification. Reflecting on the eventful weekend, Joshua said: “I feel really honoured to have been invited to this trip, I’ve had so many great experiences! My highlight was taking off in a small vintage plane and seeing Munich from the air.” Philippa Evans, a teacher at the Bristol Metropolitan Academy who accompanied the students on the trip, said: “The students felt really privileged to have been invited to Munich to celebrate 10 years of the Airbus Foundation. It was a great opportunity for them to meet other Flying Challenge students from around the world and hear about the impact Airbus has had on their generation over the years.” The group also got to meet students and mentors from Airbus’ Broughton site in North Wales, where the Airbus Foundation Flying Challenge programme is in its first year. Airbus in the UK continues its commitment to projects involving schools in the region, with youth development and education being among the core strands at the heart of the company's community engagement policy.
CLF Post 16 Rolls Royce project
Six Post 16 CLF students applied and were selected to be part of the 'Engineering Education Scheme' this year. They worked closely alongside a group of Engineers from Rolls Royce and had the challenge of creating a concept for a 'zero emissions ocean-liner.' The students headed to Bath University to present their findings and pitch their strategy to a group of well-established senior engineers. James Ferguson, Design, Technology & Engineering teacher said, “The students gave an excellent presentation and received many compliments regarding their idea.”
“Empowering Learning”
Hans Price students find out about university life On 11th April 2018, 12 students from Hans Price Academy went on a Future Quest day trip to Bristol University. The day started with a tour around all of the campuses, led by two university ambassadors. The students were given a quiz with riddles to solve on the tour, which helped develop knowledge about the architecture, history of the buildings, different campuses, study topics on offer and also famous people connected with the university (including Winston Churchill and Sir David Attenborough.) Students also walked through the gardens and went into the mirror maze. The students took the opportunity to ask the ambassadors questions on the tour about what it is like to be a university student.
When the tour finished the students went to a conference hall filled with students from different schools. They worked on an activity focussing on study timetables which showed the students how they would be expected to structure their days and fully utilise free study time. After lunch the students met a lecturer who held a detailed session about how to successfully construct a debate or argument. The students had lots of opportunities to share ideas and by the end of the day all students left with a written argument either for or against the ban of social media for children below the age of 16. Katie Warren said, “Feedback for this event has been positive. The trip back to the academy held many conversations about what the students wanted to do in the future and how Bristol University, and other universities, could fit into their future plans and career choices.”
The Chineke orchestra visit inspire students
The Chineke orchestra visited City Academy and Bristol Brunel Academy to perform to students and run workshops. The orchestra champions musicians from black and ethnic minorities who are under-represented in the classical music sector. The organisation aims to be a catalyst for change, realising existing diversity targets within the industry by increasing the representation of BME musicians in British and European orchestras. Students listened attentively to performances before trying some of the instruments themselves with members of the group. Steve Clarke, Curriculum Leader for Expressive Arts at BBA said, “It was the first time that many of our students had seen a live orchestra performing. It was terrific to see our students getting involved in trying new instruments. The success of the workshop was evident when I was inundated with students the next day who wanted to learn how to play clarinet, flute, bassoon and French Horn. Ishani O'Connor from Chineke said, “We are all so pleased that the Chineke Foundation have been able to encourage and inspire your students.”
“Empowering Learning”
The CLF Battle of the Bands rocks on for another year
Winner, Souleimain Gaspard from City Academy
The emerging stars, Year 10 band from Hans Price Academy
On Thursday 21st June, John Cabot Academy hosted the annual musical extravaganza that is the Cabot Learning Federation’s 'Battle of the Bands' event. This event showcased a huge amount of musical talent that we are very lucky to work with in the CLF. The level of confidence from all of the acts, especially the soloists, was really impressive and truly amazing. There was a huge variety of genres and music styles performed and it was great to see students from BBA, HWA, HPA, KOA, CAB and JCA performing live music together. A huge well done to the winner Souleimain Gaspard from City Academy and the emerging stars Year 10 band from Hans Price Academy. Thank you to all who attended and supported and a massive thanks to Mr Sam Bridges and his technical and lighting team, it was a very slick operation from start to finish. Music teacher Miss Grierson said, "The event was well attended by parents and friends of students from different academies and it was fantastic to see so many talented young people performing in collaboration. We hope to do more collaborative performance and musical composition events on the back of this event! A huge success all round and some phenomenal performances from the young people of the CLF, well done to everybody that took part.”
Hanham Woods Academy launch new library Hanham Woods Academy is proud to announce the launch of their new library. The library will play a central role in regard to their new literacy and reading strategy. Some English lessons will take place there to develop students’ reading skills. It will also be a quiet place where students will be able to work and read. Student reading clubs will be developed and students can take books out and read them for the Academy’s ‘Drop Everything and Read’ strategy, which happens in period four each day when students read in silence for 10 minutes. Recently, the Academy became involved with the one hundred million minutes reading challenge, which managed and encouraged students to read more than they had done previously. These strategies are having a very positive impact on students, the academy is already seeing students literacy scores improve across the board. The Academy would like to massively thank The Friends of Hanham Woods who donated £1,500 and Blue Sky Property Solutions Ltd who donated £300 to launch the new library. Steve Kneller, Principal said, “It has been a personal mission for me to make sure the new Academy library was launched. Now up and running, this means that the library will play a central significant role in the development of literacy and reading of all our students.”
“Empowering Learning”
City Academy students win Sharp Shotz film competition Three year 10 boys from City Academy, Zaher Khan, Khlil Moropkhil and Zabiullah Oriakmel have won a competition organised by Sharp Shotz. Sharp Shotz, is a film competition and youth development project involving Bristol Plays Music, UWE and the BBC. Schools from across the city took part in the competition with hundreds of pupils involved in the initial stages. The two teams that made the final were St Bede’s and City Academy, they recently launched their films at a special event staged at the Watershed. The City Academy film, entitled ‘Eat Together Win Together’ was their campaign to provide a space in their busy lunch room for any pupils that might need to make new friends or just fancy a chat with someone they have not met before.
The three boys were filmed for a news item for BBC Points West
The central elements of each campaign were: A short mixed media film using animation and documentary footage which will be shown on various platforms, including the BBC social media outlets. An event that brings the campaign to an end and involved presenting the case to relevant individuals and organisations that can bring change to the issue at hand. The students will be trying to reach as large an audience as possible, increasing their followers across social media. Bristol’s social media community are being urged to watch their videos and support the campaign. Jenny Betts, Faculty Head for Expressive Arts and Hannah Copcutt, Photography teacher said, “This is a really high profile award for these students to win and what is really lovely is that they have had to work exceptionally hard because of the language barrier. This project has given them the opportunity to branch out and work with professionals outside of the Academy and it has really built their confidence. It has also expanded their knowledge of photography and film making to a much greater level. Staff are extremely proud of their achievements.” You can watch the film at- http://sharp-shotz.com/index.php?page=city-academy-eat-together-win-together
Holocaust survivor talks to students at Hans Price Academy
All 200 Year 9 and 10 students at Hans Price Academy listened to testimony from Holocaust survivor, Ernest Simon. The aim of the presentation is to raise awareness and understanding in schools and amongst the wider public of the Holocaust and its relevance today. The Holocaust Educational Trust believe that the Holocaust must have a permanent place in our nation’s collective memory. The testimony was followed by a question and answer session to enable students to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit is part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme, which is available to schools across the UK. Tony Searle, Principal at Hans Price Academy, said, “It is a privilege for us to welcome Ernest Simon to our school and his testimony will remain a powerful reminder of the horrors so many experienced. We are grateful to the Holocaust Educational Trust for co-ordinating the visit and we hope that by hearing Ernest’s testimony, it will encourage our students to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust and make a positive difference in their own lives.”
“Empowering Learning”
CLF students tread the boards at the world famous Bristol Old Vic
JCA students
Over 75 Students from City Academy, Bristol Brunel Academy and John Cabot Academy took part in the ‘Young Blood Theatre Festival’ staged at the Bristol Old Vic. The performances were played out on the main stage of the Bristol Old Vic in front of an audience of over 280 family and friends and even included the Lord Mayor Cleo Lake! They were approached by the Young Blood Theatre Festival to create a piece of Key Stage 3 devised drama based on a theme, that theme being about technology and the future. The Young Blood Theatre Festival is a new free pilot festival working in partnership with the Bristol Old Vic and The Arts Council, championing Drama Education in Bristol Schools. John Cabot students devised a play about Snapchat entitled, ‘The Party’ it explored how Snapchat effects
CAB students
their lives and was directed by Sam Bridges. Bristol Brunel’s piece was directed by Anna Shaw and Laura Harry entitled ‘Cybernight’ this explores the idea that with the growth of mobile phone use teenagers may forget how to communicate face to face. City Academy students, under the direction of Rebecca Pearce produced a piece entitled, ‘The Story Of Malala.’ This was based on the real-life events of Malala Yousafzai, who defied the Taliban in Pakistan and demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. The CLF Performing Arts team said, “We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to take part in this amazing festival. We think it is an incredibly important addition to Key Stage 3 Drama and the Arts to inspire our students to go into Key Stage 4 and take it on as an exam subject.”
News in brief...... Hans Price Academy students visited the Bristol and Bath Science Park Six Year 9 students from Hans Price Academy (HPA) visited the Bristol and Bath Science Park, where they had the opportunity to collaborate with Boomsatsuma and HiETA. HiETA Technology Centre delivers high performance products using additive manufacturing. This visit was a great opportunity for students to work alongside both Boomsatsuma and HiETA and to interact with staff. The students asked staff about their roles within the organisation. HPA students also had the opportunity to make a short film using 360 degree cameras, the short films were edited back at the Boomsatsuma Boom box mobile hub. Sharon Cox, Fortis College leader said, “The short films will be used within the Academy to allow others to think about their own aspirations and career choices and to also show the wide variety of jobs available.”
“Empowering Learning”
The work of Engage: What we do
Engage students get involved in various activities
Engage is a secondary alternative provision within the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF) based on Russell Town Avenue, across the road from City Academy. They provide a dynamic and supportive learning environment for students who learn with us at various points in their secondary education. This is supported by students working in smaller groups, studying core subjects as well as PSHE, Art, PE, project based learning and students who choose their own options. Each student has a designated key worker that will liaise with home, school and other professionals if appropriate. Project based learning programmes and working with outside agencies offer our students support for their personalised growth. Each student has one thing in common they are struggling within a mainstream educational setting. Thrive, as an intervention, is at the heart of all we embed. They have two trained thrive practitioners and currently they are in the process of updating their room for September. We strive to ensure a personalised learning journey for all our young people that will provide not only academic, but social and emotional support programmes to support and empower all of our students for their life ahead. They currently offer a revolving door system. This is based on a two, six and twelve week admission. They also provide a long term placement for some Year 11 students.This is not a full time option but three days a week, supported by Work Experience or College placements. The aim of Engage is to engage, motivate and empower all our students focusing on a safe learning environment that supports all young people from different backgrounds and schools so they may have the opportunity to have a positive and fulfilling educational experience. All our staff are committed in supporting these students and their aspirations. We have a small dedicated and motivated team of professionals at Engage, that strive on building effective relationships with students and families, ensuring all students are given the opportunity to make expected or better progress in their chosen pathways. Referrals are made through specific staff from their school with parental permission and involvement. This is paramount, as we aim to work closely with our families. Appropriate academic, behaviour, medical and learning requirements for each individual student is to be included on the referral form. A meeting with us at Engage with a parent, key staff and the student will enable us to see if we are the appropriate provision. Following a successful two week induction each student will access a personalised timetable, with targets for learning/behaviour. Progress meetings with school and home will continue regularly and a plan of action will be tailored between the key staff, school and home. Angela Hart, Engage.
“Empowering Learning�
HWA student BMX European champion
Hanham Woods Academy student Betsy Bax is a European BMX champion. Aged 12, the Year 7 student won the competition for under twelve girls held in Belgium. Betsy fought off fierce competition from an international field of over 50 riders to claim this coveted prize. Betsy is in the England team and was previously world champion in 2015. Betsy has been British and national champion four times and is currently the UK’s number one for her age group. Betsy rides for and is sponsored by the Stay Strong team, an international BMX brand, and is in their worldwide squad. Betsy started riding at the tender age of four and was inspired to ride by her older brother who also competes. Betsy trains on her bike twice a week, 3 hours per day and also works out in the gym to build strength and endurance 3 times per week. Future competitions include regional, national and international races. Betsy said, “My achievements make me happy and proud. I would like to thank my sponsors Stay Strong for their continued ongoing support and also my family for driving me around the country to races, without them I could not do this!” Steve Kneller, Principal of Hanham Woods Academy said, “We are extremely proud of Betsy and her accomplishments to date and we wish her future success in the years to come from all at Hanham Woods.”
Summerhill Academy play at Ashton Gate Summerhill Academy Girls football team had the opportunity to compete in an annual football tournament at Ashton Gate stadium. To qualify for this they had previously finished second out of sixteen teams in a central Bristol tournament. Summerhill were drawn in a league alongside: Elmlea, Cheddar Grove and St Peter's. Their first game against St Peters ended in a 0-0 draw due to some fabulous defending from Kamaria, Sainab and Nourjana. During their second game against Elmlea, it was clear they were now warmed up and ready to play, with some fabulous attacking passing from Leah and Shayla, which resulted in a great goal from Erin. The game ended 1-0 to Summerhill and they were incredibly excited for their final game of the league stages. This game against Cheddar Grove was to be Summerhill’s hardest as Cheddar Grove were aiming to defend the title from last year. Summerhill fought hard and played well as a team passing the ball with flair and conviction, with some great attacking play from Megan, but unfortunately, they went 1-0 down. In goal, Abagael made some fantastic saves to keep the score line at the final whistle1-0 to Cheddar Grove. It was a nerve-wracking experience waiting for the other results to be announced. Unfortunately, Summerhill came third in their league due to a one goal difference. This meant that they did not progress to the final match or the third place play off. Instead, Summerhill played some friendlies against teams from the other league, who they had not yet played. This resulted in another cracking goal for Emily. Rachel Scammell, Principal said, “In all, a fabulous day all round and here’s looking forward to next year’s tournament!
“Empowering Learning”
Team CLF run the Bristol 10K On Sunday 13th May, eighty-one members of our staff across the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF) and from all our schools ran, jogged or walked the Bristol 10k. This was the second year in a row the CLF had entered a team in this prestigious race. Starting on Anchor Road near Millennium Square and Bristol Cathedral the course runs parallel to the historic Bristol Harbour before continuing along Avon Gorge and taking in the iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge.
The return route takes in Spike Island and the Cumberland Basin before passing the soaring Gothic St Mary Redcliffe, finishing on Anchor Road close to the start line. A total of 6.1 miles. Alongside the fitness challenge, they also ran for charity and had a challenging target of £5,000 to achieve. The fundraising was shared equally between three charities this year The Grand Appeal is the Bristol Children's Hospital Charity, saving lives and supporting sick children and their families at Bristol Children’s Hospital since 1995. St. Margaret’s Hospice has been at the heart of Somerset’s community for over 37 years, delivering high quality, responsive and compassionate care to patients and their families facing a life-limiting illness, and Conductive Education Bristol which enables children with neurological movement disorders to lead active and independent lives. In total over £2000 was raised for these worthy causes. Andy Ling, Head of IT for the CLF and organiser said, “It was a fantastic day, this is the biggest team ever to enter the Bristol 10K and we are very proud of that. I would like to thank all those people that sponsored the team and supported us on the day, your encouragement really helped!”
CLF Rugby coaching stars of the future If his current rate of progression is anything to go by, Post 16 Cabot Learning Federation (CLF) rugby player Tomi Adegbite, 18, certainly looks destined for a potential top flight career in rugby. Playing in the back row, Tomi only started played rugby at the age of 14 but has already played for Bristol Under 18’s and Bristol United, after being identified by the club and working in their Academy. The CLF have presented Tomi with a Bristol Rugby shirt to celebrate his achievements. The Cabot Learning Federation Rugby Team has a history of supplying players to top flight clubs. In addition to Tomi; Sam Tiley, Dan Thurston and Nathan Chamberlain, have all played for Bristol United this season. Nathan Chamberlain has also recently represented Scotland Under 18s. All are recent CLF students.
Matt Leek pic left Tomi Adegbite pic right
At the pinnacle of their careers are, Ellis Genge who plays for Leicester Tigers and England and Mitch Eddie who plays for Northampton Saints, they both attended John Cabot Academy. Matt Leek, Head Coach of the CLF Rugby team said, “It makes me massively proud that these boys have gone on to play rugby at a higher level and shows what talent we have here in East Bristol. I have a huge amount of support from Matt Sheppard, CLF and Gary Townsend from Bristol Rugby Club and would like to thank them for that. The aim of the CLF rugby team is to improve rugby participation in the local rugby combination and I believe we are helping achieve this in a major way by working with the likes of Bristol Rugby and the local clubs. The next generation of boys and girls in the CLF Rugby squads are working really hard and achieving representative success too.”
“Empowering Learning”
Plain sailing at the CLF Regatta
Wednesday 6th June 2018 saw the CLF Watersports Regatta take place at the Bristol Harbourside. A total of 30 students were involved from Bristol Met, Bristol Brunel and King’s Oak Academies in the training programme. After three weeks of practice and training the students’ enthusiasm for the competition was at its peak especially in the canoeing and rowing where every drop of energy was expended. Time trials were conducted in canoeing, sailing and rowing. Many thanks to Tim Down from British Rowing for the latter. BMA gained the trophies for both canoeing and sailing whilst KOA gained success at the rowing. Nigel Cooley, BMA School Sports Co-ordinator said, “I would like to thank all the KOA and BBA Staff involved in the sessions/regatta. Finally, of course much appreciation to All-Aboard Watersports for their expert coaching of the sessions and fantastic hosting of the regatta, the students thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Sports roundup Football Well done to Hanham Woods Under 14 girls football team - Bristol & South Glos champions. Congratulations to Hanham Woods Academy Year 7 boys football team who are now South Glos champions after beating Abbeywood 4-1. Rounders Congratulations to Bristol Brunel Academy’s Year 7 girls rounders team who won by 1/2 a rounder in their first ever game against Bristol Met! Great win for Bristol Brunel’s Year 8 rounders team beating Oasis John Williams 10-8 with a fantastic team performance. Well done to Hanham Woods Academy Year 10 Rounders team who won their tournament beating King’s Oak, Downend, and John Cabot Academy. Cricket Great win for Bristol Brunel’s Year 7/8 cricket team in a home game against Ashton Park. Chasing down a tough score of 72 in just over nine of their 12 overs! Great win for Bristol Brunel Academy Junior cricket team against St Mary Redcliffe winning the Bristol Final by 30 runs defending their score of 80!
Cabot Learning Federation
Cabot Learning Federation
www.cabotlearningfederation.net “Empowering Learning”