RMPI 2020 Change Makers Final E-Program

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Presented Virtually | September 11, 2020

Table of conTenTs 3

How to Get the Most out of RMPI


RMPI Sponsors


Schedule at a Glance


Detailed Schedule


More about AFP Colorado Chapter


Keynote Speaker Bio


Speaker Bios


Scholarship Recipients


Happy Hour and Change Makers Auction

back RMPI Committee

VIRTUal sWaG baG Our amazing sponsors have put together some special offers for RMPI attendees. ClICK HeRe to claim your Swag Bag! 1


Colleagu and Friends, Welcome to the virtual 2020 Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute (RMPI) hosted by AFP Colorado Chapter – I am excited to welcome you to the conference today – you are in store for a real treat! Together, we represent what I believe to be the best of Colorado. We have each dedicated our professional lives to causes and communities who are worthy of support and advocacy. Together, we are the “Change Makers” of our communities. While our work has always been vital, now, more than ever, our profession is called upon to support the ever-increasing needs of our communities. We will generate positive change for the most vulnerable among us. We will continue to create robust and inclusive communities that are welcoming to all. We will advocate for our environment and for the many benefits it provides us. This year’s RMPI is a representation of how agile the fundraising community can be. I want to thank the conference coordinators and our generous sponsors for pivoting quickly to make this event successful – without your time, talents, and trust, this conference wouldn’t have been possible. In particular, I want to thank AFP Board Members, Ann Goldman and Madeleine Binsfrahm for their vision and dedication in bringing this conference to you. I hope you enjoy the keynote speakers, speaker workshops and discussions. I hope you feel a sense of pride in your profession, and walk away inspired to be the best fundraiser and Change Maker you can be; your communities depend on it. Thank you for joining RMPI today. Now let’s go MAKe CHANGe!


Jayne Thompson President, AFP Colorado

We a r e

chang e s r e k a m 2

HoW To GeT THe mosT oUT of RmPI accessing RmPI our platform for RmPI is Zoom meeting. The primary Zoom link will be emailed to you and sent via a calendar invite. You will also receive a special link for your pre-selected speaker Workshop. for both links, you will need to use the same email address you provided when you registered for the conference. The afternoon Speaker Workshops will be recorded, so don’t worry, you can catch them all! The primary Zoom link will be live at 8:30am (Mountain Time) on Friday, September 11.

Tips for a Great RmPI experience

afP code of conduct

As soon as you join the meeting, personalize your name and include the name of your organization. You can do this in the participants tab by clicking MORe next to your name and then ReNAMe. We’d love to see your full name and the name of your organization. You can also include your pronouns here.

AFP conferences are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. By attending this conference, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. The full code of conduct can be found here: http://bit.ly/RMPIConduct


During plenary sessions, we will ask you to disable your video and you will be on mute. This will ensure everyone can hear and see our fantastic line-up of speakers.


You will have lots of time to network and chat with other fundraisers during breakout sessions.


Your video will be enabled during those breakouts, so you might want to be wearing something other than your pajamas! Make sure you test your microphone and camera before we start.


Use the Chat function to participate! Just click CHAT at the bottom of your Zoom screen and then use the Chat window on the right to make a comment or ask a question. l

During some sessions, speakers will invite you to raise your hand. You can find the raise hand icon in the Participants tab. l

When you are in a breakout room, please mute your microphone when you are not speaking! l

Now, get ready for a day of engaging plenary sessions, interactive workshops, peer networking, and an inspirational Change Makers Auction. We’re glad you’re here. l


Technical Difficulties If you somehow get disconnected from RMPI, you can simply rejoin. Please refer to the emails that you’ve received to log into the correct link. If you need to reach someone, Cheryl Dotson is our Technical Support Genius for the day. You can text her at 720.261.5419.

RmPI 2020 sPonsoRs golD SpoNSor

SilvEr SpoNSor

broNzE SpoNSorS

ScholarShip SpoNSorS


program SpoNSor

auctioN SpoNSor


scHeDUle aT a Glance 8:30

RMPI Opens


Welcome and overview of day


Plenary Session and Networking: Nia Wassink and Brittny Wilson

10:20 sponsor spotlight** 10:30 Plenary Session and Networking: Tim Kachuriak 11:30

lunch preparation and optional networking


Keynote: Trabian Shorters


speaker Workshops**


sponsor spotlight**




Plenary Session and Networking: emily Davis


Happy Hour Networking


Auction Closes


Closing message and prizes

*Note: there are self-care breaks built in throughout the day. Schedule is subject to change. **The sessions noted above in blue have to be pre-selected. If you haven’t yet made your selections, reach out to DeAnn ASAP at deann@afpcc.org

rmpi 2020 Emcee Reggie Rivers President and auctioneer, The Gala Team Reggie Rivers is a former Denver Bronco and the Founder and President of The Gala Team. He has performed as a benefit auctioneer at more than 300 fundraising events, and he has helped his nonprofit partners raise tens of millions of dollars. Because of COVID-19, The Gala Team recently pivoted to become The {Virtual} Gala Team and has about 60 virtual fundraisers on the calendar for 2020. 5

scHeDUle 8:30 am conference and silent auction open

Please see speaker photos and bios later in the program

9:00 am - plenary Session #1

fundraising superPoWeRs: The Dynamics that Propel and Hold Us back brittny Wilson & nia Wassink of The nonprofit Reframe You’ll laugh along as Brittny and Nia share hilarious stories from the frontlines of fundraising, while also addressing some of the structural issues that make fundraising difficult and downright infuriating at times. With decades of experience between the two of them, they’ve seen it all and are ready to expose what isn’t working for nonprofits. Power dynamics are at play that both hold us back, but can also be leveraged for real change as fundraisers. 10:20 am sponsor spotlight

10:30 am - plenary Session #2

Unlocking the Generosity center of Your Donor's brain Tim Kachuriak of nextafter Effective fundraising doesn't just happen by accident. It requires careful planning, a clear value proposition...and the right psychological cues. In this fast-moving session loaded with real-life examples, we will explore ways you can increase your fundraising results by applying lessons learned from neuroscience. 11:30 am lunch preparation and optional networking

11:50 am - Keynote address

asset-framing: shifting the narrative and How We Define People Trabian shorters In the non-profit world, we are often tasked with telling the story of the communities we serve. These narratives are what we use to secure funding, gain publicity, and obtain public support. From the boardroom to the newsroom, foundation and nonprofits have historically used tales of deficit and despair to incite action from stakeholders and gain the sympathetic ear of the public unaware of the stigmatizing effects. Asset-framing is the shift to narratives that define a people by their aspirations and contributions. Shorters and his organization, BMe, train leaders working in social innovation, philanthropy and education to apply asset-framing to achieve greater success, diversity, equity and impact. Commended by leading institutions such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, New Schools Venture Fund, and The Heinz Endowments, asset-framing is a game-changer for nonprofits. 6

scHeDUle 1:00 pm - Speaker Workshops  The Ultimate Dance Tami lack crawford & Genevieve laca How executive directors and development directors learn to work together and learn from each other.

on the frontline lara Jakubowski Learn how to help your organization build an adaptive culture that is responsive to community perspectives learned in your fundraising role.

changing channels abby Jarvis Understanding multi-channel marketing for your next fundraising campaign so you know where and how to talk to your donors.

Throw out the Plan celina maggi How to connect with supporters, raise funds, and inspire change with virtual events in the time of a pandemic.

making best better elvira Ramos & maegan Vallejo Adapt fundraising best practices to a more diverse and inclusive model so you can support the community change your mission aims to achieve.

leadership Resiliency Dr. cole struhar Learn what three abilities resilient leaders need to remain whole in the face of suffering, uncertainty and complexity.

mindfully creating meaningful major Gifts from scratch Joshua Zmroczek Fostering major gifts looks different for every agency – learning where to focus your attention will help you identify and build impactful relationships.


scHeDUle 2:00 pm sponsor spotlight

2:25 pm - plenary Session #3

funny and fundraising: Is that Really a Thing? emily Davis of emily Davis consulting Let's call you what you are - a fundraising badass. Every day you overcome pervasive fundraising myths, challenges, and assumptions. We've all heard some of these phrases thrown around: "fundraising is sales," "I don't want to beg for money," "our board doesn't do fundraising," and "we'll just make up the budget by throwing a house party." [Insert eye rolls here.] As if it hasn't been tough enough, now we all have a good 'ole pandemic to make this work even more real. Go on a mini-vacation from development demands and laugh out loud together. Laughter brings us closer together and in a field based on relationships, we all need to shorten the distance between us. Come join in this interactive session to crack open the comedies, tragedies, and joys of fundraising. Wrap up a historic RMPI with Emily Davis who brings the real fun to fundraising. 3:00 pm Happy hour networking 3:30 pm closing message and prizes

We are

change makers 8

moRe aboUT afP coloRaDo cHaPTeR Have you ever attended an AFP

Do you have questions about

Coffee Chat? We are virtual for now

scholarships? AFP Colorado Chapter

but hope to return soon to Fluid

offers scholarships toward AFP

Coffee Bar. Coffee Chat is on the

membership, monthly program

second Thursday of each month.

attendance, and RMPI registrations.

Details at https://bit.ly/30NjSgr Would you like to attend the AFP Need CFRe hours? Our programs and

International Conference in

audio webinars are approved

Minneapolis on May 22-24, 2021? If

providers. Be sure to check the

you have never attended before,

presentations folder for the Ce

you qualify to apply for our chapter

tracker for RMPI 2020 hours.

Chamberlain Scholarship. Watch the Thursday Thoughts email for details.

Save the date for RMPI 2021, which is scheduled for September 9-10, 2021

Are you looking for a new position?

and fingers crossed we can be at

Be sure to check out the job postings

Beaver Run in Breckenridge in person.

on the AFP website. https://bit.ly/3gQRT53

Are you an AFP member but not quite sure how everything works?

Are you or is someone on your staff

Join us later this fall for our New

30 or younger? AFP has a Young

Member Orientation. We welcome

Professional membership category

new members or anyone wondering

to save on membership dues.

about what all the chapter has to offer.

Do you have some great ideas to share? AFP Colorado Chapter welcomes committee members in all areas. learn more at bit.ly/AFPCommittee

stay in Touch with the afP colorado chapter! 9



KeYnoTe sPeaKeR trabian Shorters Trabian Shorters is a New York Times bestselling author, social entrepreneur, and the leading authority on an award-winning approach to Diversity, equity, Inclusion, and Impact called “Asset-Framing.” His pioneering work in Asset-Framing earned Shorters recognition as one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs, as well as prestigious Ford Foundation, Ashoka and Aspen Institute fellowships. Among senior leadership teams that utilize asset-framing are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, New Schools Venture Fund and The Heinz endowments. Shorters’ organization, BMe Community, proves the power of asset-framing by operating remarkable leadership fellowships for Black men and women. BMe Community’s 300+ Fellows have earned 67 major national awards and helped over 2 million families secure educational, economic, human rights, health and wellness opportunities. By acknowledging and supporting their incredible strength, leadership, and contributions, BMe has attracted 40,000 subscribers and proven a path to positive community engagement in matters of race, cities and America’s future. Shorters is a retired tech entrepreneur, former vice president of the John S. and James l. Knight Foundation and doting father to two brilliant, black twin girls who will live in the better world that we are making together for them. His work has been featured in publications including The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Forbes, Black enterprise, The Skillman Foundation, and Stanford Innovation Review.


sPeaKeRs lara Jakubowski la Piana consulting, senior consultant lara works with nonprofits to address organizational issues and partner with others for sustainable impact. She specializes in working with complex collaboratives working toward shared goals, helping them identify successful strategies and design plans for action. She also works with nonprofits on strategic planning, change management, mergers and restructurings, business planning, and governance. Prior to joining la Piana in 2017, she served as executive director of the Nonprofit Centers Network. She served as executive Director of the Impact Development Fund from 2000 to 2005. lara has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business.

abby Jarvis Qgiv, nonprofit education manager In her 7 years at Qgiv, Abby has become passionate about studying industry best practices, learning how they can help nonprofits be more effective, and sharing that information with fundraisers. When she’s not teaching fundraising workshops at Qgiv’s Fundraising labs or at conferences, she chairs the fundraising committee on a nonprofit board in her hometown of lakeland, Florida. Qgiv is a company dedicated to building powerful online fundraising tools that empower nonprofits to thrive and grow.

Genevieve laca The Denver foundation, senior Philanthropic services officer Genevieve has had a decade or more in the nonprofit industry in Denver, including major development and corporate relations roles at Colorado Neurological Institute, Community Shares - and now as a Senior Philanthropic Services Officer for The Denver Foundation.

Tami lack crawford University of colorado, Department of neurosurgery, Director: strategic Planning & Program Development Tami lack Crawford is a seasoned development professional and has served as executive director, program director, board member and more. She is well known in the Denver Metro area and is the founder of our "AFP Coffee Chat" on Thursday mornings. She is currently the Director of Strategic Planning & Development for the Neurosurgery Department at CU School of Medicine.


sPeaKeRs celina maggi little Green House consulting, Principal As a child of a former non-profit executive Director, Celina Maggi often jokes that fundraising is in her DNA. Professionally, Celina has over ten years of non-profit experience, spearheading fundraising growth, and providing organizational strategy. Originally from Detroit, MI, Celina attended loyola University Chicago, becoming the first in her family to attend and graduate from a university. Since graduation, she has worked as a fundraising professional in the education sector. In January of 2020, Celina launched her own consulting business, hoping to provide other growing organizations with her knowledge and experience to see them grow.

elvira Ramos community foundation boulder county, Director of leadership fellows elvira Ramos brings more than 30 years’ experience in nonprofit management, planning, development, grantmaking and community relations. She recently left from her position as Vice President of Programs and Inclusive leadership at the Community Foundation Boulder County and “downshifted” to a part-time role running the Foundation’s inclusive leadership programs. She has served on boards of local and national organizations, including the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council, Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, and the Komen National Multicultural Council. An experienced trainer and facilitator, she continues to consult with nonprofits in board and leadership development, diversity and inclusivity, and planning.

cole struhar, PhD The Perfect circle Dr. Cole Struhar has a master’s in Counseling Psychology, a PhD in International Psychology, and a lifelong passion for the human condition. She studied under diverse spiritual teachers globally, and moonlights as a humanist chaplain. She has worked with organizations of all sizes on five continents. Her expertise is bringing people together with honest appreciation for our differences, and integrative leadership resiliency. She works on behalf of individuals and teams who are committed to remaining whole in a complex world (www.circle.coach). Cole currently hangs her hat in lakewood, CO, with her person, Sally, two sweet tomcats and their finally-housetrained puppy, luna.


sPeaKeRs maegan Vallejo maegan Vallejo consulting, Principal Maegan Vallejo has over a decade of professional fundraising experience, for both grantee organizations and a community foundation. She knows how to connect people’s values to a nonprofit and a community in a way that is strategic and transformative, both for the individuals and the public. Maegan’s ability to take the big picture of the philanthropic landscape and shrink it down into actionable items at the organizational or grassroots level, and vice versa, has strengthened her commitment to diversity and inclusion. She has led conversations and developed strategies with nonprofit staff, boards, and donors about grounding fundraising in inclusive practices.

Josh Zmroczek Dumb friends league, manager of major and Planned Giving With over 15 years of fundraising experience, Josh approaches fundraising from both the analytical and human side minding financial goals and professional relationships. Persistence, creativity, and heart are only three of the superpowers he shows up with daily to manage the major and planned giving program at the Dumb Friends league.



RmPI scHolaRsHIP RecIPIenTs We are thrilled that we have 26 scholarship attendees at RMPI. Thanks to our sponsors – Animal Assistance Foundation and In the Know, llC – for making this experience possible. Iris Abraham, Growing Home liz Atwood, The Women's Bakery Jasmine Brewer, Urban leadership Foundation of Colorado Brenna Clendaniel, Arvada Center for the Arts & Humanities Alejandra Colmenero, Colorado latino leadership Advocacy Research Organization Natalie Cutter, Dumb Friends league Shana Devins, Mountain Valley Horse Rescue Cynetra Freeman, Mississippi Center for Re-entry Kathy Gaines, longmont Humane Society David Henderson, American Water Works Association Kenny Howard, University of Colorado Foundation emily Karol, iDe Allison Kerr, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Jennifer lucero-Alvarez, Adams County Animal Shelter Jenny Martin, Girls Inc. of Metro Denver Sarah McCloskey, lamar Animal Shelter lindsay Molly, Denver Animal Shelter Cookie Murphy-Pettee, Mountain Valley Horse Rescue Anna Murrin, Denver Animal Foundation lauren Pietrek, Girls on the Run of the Rockies Ryan Ross, Urban leadership Foundation of Colorado Mary Clare Sobon, CSU - Athletics ellen Stein, Community Connections Megan Tillotson, Roice-Hurst Humane Society Morgan Weinrich, Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural land Trust Kalli Wilson, Rifle Animal Shelter AFP is a membership organization committed to advancing philanthropy. We offer resources and create opportunities to help fundraising professionals be the best they can be. We bring fundraisers together to network, grow professionally, and advance our field. learn more about the value of being an AFP member online at afpcc.org. look in the presentation folder for a coupon to save $50 on a new Professional Membership.


HaPPY HoUR! Please bring your favorite mocktail/cocktail and join us at 3:00 pm for networking, prizes, and RMPI happy hour! This happy hour time will be the perfect way to wrap up the conference! change makers mule

Ground breaker mocktail

1 ½ ounces Vodka

1/6 ounce lime juice

1/6 ounce lime juice

4 ounces Sprite or any carbonated

4 ounces ginger beer

beverage you have on hand

RmPI change makers auction This year our silent auction features independent and local business owners. Please put your bids in throughout the day to support these entrepreneurs. The auction will close at 3:10 today.

Join us for this upcoming educational meeting: october 9 – Major Gift Cultivation : how to move a donor to the next level of giving Virtual program with Jen Darling, Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation

Join us on November 13 for a virtual celebration for the National Philanthropy Day in Colorado 2020.

stay connected to your RmPI colleagues. Join our groups! 18

Thanks to our 2020 RmPI committee co-chairs Madeleine Binsfrahm, The Women’s Bakery Ann Goldman, Ann Goldman Consulting committee DeAnn Acosta, CFRe, AFP Colorado Chapter lauren Archuletta Andrea Arkow, Invest in Kids Charlee Crouse, Mosaic Cheryl Dotson, The Meeting edge Nancy Freimuth, Dental lifeline Network Seth Goddard, Colorado Mountain College Foundation Cindy Grubenhoff, In the Know, llC Dana Hamilton, American Cancer Society Ashley Hanson, SmudgeBox Spi[RITUAl] Gifts Savanna Hanson, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver Michelle Hektor, American Water Works Association lynn Perez-Hewitt, HCe Online Raffael Hoffman, laradon Rob Johnson, Denver Public Schools Morgan Shea, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

We are

e g n a h c s r e k a m

afP chapter office PO Box 24745 | Denver, CO 80224 | 303.394.6388 info@afpcc.org | www.afpcc.org

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