Final Essayist Paper 5/5/2014 It’s a New Day for me! From the Point of View of Lars Eighner who wrote: “On Dumpster Diving”
Exam Questions Based on a Study of Non-Fiction Essayists (ENGLISH 1301, MUNDLE)
A Symposium Setting: A group of illustrious writers, studied this semester, are present. Your responses must be directed to them, and if needs be, you may even refer to a point made by any one of them, if it furthers your position. In essence, your audience is this group of essayists. Convincing and reaching out to them is your goal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Begin by introducing yourself to this group of writers. Include information about your life and works. Explain what the motivating force behind the writing of your essay was. Were you or someone you knew personally involved in the issues that you raised in your essay? Describe the type of audience you had in mind as you wrote. Were you able to reach them? What changes did you hope to make in society? Were you successful? If yes, provide examples. Did you follow a particular writing strategy to accomplish your goal? If so, what was it? This is the 21st century! Can we connect any of your themes to our present day society? Explain how. What would you criticize/applaud in our current society? What changes do you recommend? Today, what advice would you give student writers who aspire to be essayists like you? What aspects of your life, works and philosophy would you like to include should you publish an autobiography one day?
EXAM ANSWERS ~ I received a 96% for this!
1. Good day to you all, my name is Lars Eighner. Long ago (smerky, yet serious smile on my face) in 1948, I was born in Corpus Christie in the grand state of Texas. Many of my writings came from my journeys in life’s
roadways as I adventured homelessly with my beloved companion Lizbeth, my dog. We journeyed over much territory in the southwest region of America, a very wide and spacious area to journey and soak on the waters of life. In the late 80’s I wrote “Travels with Lizbeth” which was generated from our years traveling from place to place. There have been others such as “On Dumpster Diving”, along with “Pawn to Queen Four”, a novel, written in 1994. Today’s discussion will be about the essay, “On Dumpster Diving”, one of my most desired writings.
2. My motivating source was the definition of the Dumpster and its’ origin. The response that I received originally kept my intellect on high alert in how to truly explain the art of Dumpster diving. While actively living the life to learn and also questioning those whose path joined with mine, at that moment.
3. Yes, (firm faced and a bit saddened) I, myself was personally involved with the issues I raised within the essay. My need to know how, what, when and what-if scenarios on the art of living in the abstract. 4. The audience is the public, all those who are interested in the betterment of their community and those who live “in” the community, our homeless population. I believe strongly that I was able to reach them. Many had great responses, hence the sales of my book and the wonderful and exciting moment for the interview with all you grand folks today. (smiles politely & humbly)
5. The changes that I had hoped for were to bring awareness on the what-to-do & what-not-to-do in the art of Dumpster diving, although I preferred to call myself a scavenger. alert to living consciously and keeping the environment clean. Do I believe that I caused people to be aware, Yes; do I have substantial proof, No.
Along with the causing the community to be more
6. No, I did not follow any particular strategy. 7. Yes you can certainly connect it to today’s society. As each day goes by there are more and more people losing what they call “home”, the same way I lost what I called “home”. Life teaching us much if we take the time, to listen, to see, to be quiet, to walk into, just so many ways to learn, if only the time is taken to seek the knowledge.
8. To criticize would not be the way I would approach this topic. For many reasons a person is homeless. Many are unspeakable, that alone denies my ability to criticize homelessness. I would applaud our society today for
recognizing that this a true and sincerely sad issue today and it is growing immensely. This is America, we shouldn’t have 1 homeless person for even a moment in time. The tenants of this land are truly blessed and wasteful, ungrateful and repulsive at times on how they care for the gift of our country. My recommendations would be: Take the time in all you do, get involved with your direct community, find out who, what, when, where and why regarding electing government officials and love your neighbor as yourself because you have no idea what their world has going on it.
9. Take the time is all you do. Think, pause, breathe, take notice and listen. Then write with all you are. 10.I do believe that I have already covered most but if there were to be more, it would my overall impression I made on society since they have read my writings. Certainly I’d have to request a survey of sorts, but essentially that is what I would do. Thank you for the interview, it was wonderfully enlightening. Good Day.