Rizky Lia Nurlina Portofolio of 2018
Portofo lio
rizky lia nurlina Faculty of Medicine Hang Tuah University
introduction Hai, on this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is Rizky Lia Nurlina. I was born in Sidoarjo, February 06th 1998. Currently, I live in Jalan Sidosermo 2 number 360 C, Surabaya. Speaking of a hobby, visual design is one of my hobbies. I love an art since in Junior High School. I want to express my softskills in here. I want to explore more experince especially in medical art. Hopefully, my dream can come true. That’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank You.
contact lines Email : rizkylia10ipa3@gmail.com mobile : 081234408648 Blog : www.ki-aile.blogspot.co.id
knowledge Corel Draw Adobe Photoshop
Portofolio Best works of 2018