Generate datings 75 ways!!

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Dating HOW TOs! Generally future datings come from current datings/parties. You will find that each party is the best place to get bookings. That is why it is so key to have fun, informative and exciting presentations. Keep the guests attention, show your products off with enthusiasm to generate sales, and make sure everyone has fun so that the guests want to book their own parties. One major key to getting datings from parties is to let every guest know what your hostess’ receive for having a party. If your hostess receives a special dating gift, present it to her at the beginning of the party. If she earns a percentage of sales, make sure you announce the total value of her gifts once or twice while you’re gathering sales and present the total at the end of the party. During your presentation/party you can use your personal party average to demonstrate how many gifts a hostess is likely to receive. If your average party is $500 and your hostess receive 15% in gifts, take $75 of product from your display or have it already set up separately from the display. During your presentation, place those items in one of your guests’ laps, and explain, “This is what my hostesses receive on average. Would you like to receive this much in FREE gifts?” Of course they do! And you tell them that by hosting a party she can have that much or more. A great way to show the MOST is to have that level of the host gift from the catalog or flyer!!

More tips on dating parties: Always grow your contact list. Instead of just handing out a business card or flyer, ask for the person’s name, email & phone number and set a day and time to call her. Blank sticky notes already on them allows for them write their information on and you just pull it off! Try to make at 2- 3 calls per day for datings and recruits. Do this faithfully and assure yourself a full date book. Have an open house in your home and invite your neighbors. Make it a ‘get acquainted’ party and share with them what you do and about who you and your family are. Have a Mystery Hostess drawing; this is where you award the hostess credits to one or more of the guests. Attend trade shows, fairs, expos, events. Check on local activities and reserve well in advance. Be sure to have a drawing for a small prize, this assures you many names and phone numbers to call as booking and recruit leads.

Advertise in local newspapers, penny-savers, on restaurant placemats, etc. Give out your catalog or brochures at the dentist, doctor’s office, the bank or anywhere you do business. Use “past season’s” catalogs with a sticker containing your name, email address, and/or phone number and a note saying something like, “contact me for a newer catalog, price list, and specials & receive a gift.” Show on the Go/Dating in a basket. Your hostess takes the basket to her work place (Excellent for having on a desk at the office if her place of work allows it). Place several small items (tiny treasures, key chains, magnets) in a basket and one larger one (dating gift or conversation starter). When an order of $30 is placed, the customer can select a small gift. When all the gifts are gone, the hostess has a good-sized party! At a party, offer the hostess an additional gift when she re-dates herself with-in 3 months. You may want to offer her an extra incentive for holding 3 shows within a year. Offer party guests a gift for giving you referrals of people they know who would possibly book a party with you. They receive the prize when you have booked and held 3 shows from the referrals they gave.

75 Ways to Get Bookings!! 1. Send a catalog to a co-worker that has moved. 2. Send a catalog to consultants of other companies you know or Exchange Shows. 3. Post a catalog in the teachers’ lounge at your child’s school. 4. Post a catalog in the employee lunch room. 5. Hold an Open House 6. Have a booth at a school fair 7. Advertise in your Alumni newsletter and or local newspaper 8. Give a Catalog to the receptionist at your doctor’s or dentist’s office 9. Include a wrap or flyer with your bill payments if you mail them. 10. Call past hostesses 11. Put current catalog or wrap in your neighbors door. Include a 10% off coupon. 12. Ask friends to have a show

13. Advertise in your church bulletin 14. Take a recipe to every potluck. (That has something to do with your business!) 15. Host an office party or brunch. 16. Mail out samples, catalogs, and a wish list 17. Host your own show. Could even be a fund raiser for your favorite charity. 18. Get a list from welcome wagon. New people may be looking for a consultant or a new job in your area. 19. Set up a display at a craft fair 20. Participate in a school fund raiser 21. Have your husband or significant other promote the products at work. 22. Have you and/or your family members wear a shirt promoting your product. 23. Hold a Christmas shopping show for men. 24. Offer a Christmas wish list to your guest and then call the gift giver. 25. Put a flyer hanging out of your purse everywhere you go. 26. Ask past hostesses at shows to talk about their free products. 27. Hold an opportunity night. 28. Random mailings. Open a phone book and randomly choose. 29. Mention Hostess half price gifts and other benefits at least three times per show. 30. Hold up higher price products and mention half price opportunities to encourage datings. 31. Mention how much your average hostess gets in products. 32. At the beginning of your show mention the hostess’ goal. 33. Share upcoming specials at shows and during phone calls. 34. Tell your hostess how much she saved by having a show. 35. Encourage frequent customers to regularly plan shows. 36. Encourage Hostesses to rebook a show in 6-9 months. She’ll be the first to see the newest catalog/brochure and try new products. 37. Treat Hostesses to a special Hostess appreciation party.

38. Encourage relatives to book a show. 39. Call your realtor with suggestions for new home packages. 40. Start an email mailing list of customers who want to know what the monthly specials are. Don’t forget to mention the hostess specials & business opportunity! 41. Encourage your hostesses and guests to refer potential hostesses to you. 42. Offer a bridal registry. 43. Promote the bridal shows. 44. Describe and highlight the hostess plan during the party. For Example: “All my hosts receive a dating gift, a thank you gift, ½ price selections AND 15% of the party in gifts! 45. Be friendly and enthusiastic. 46. Follow through on every dating lead. 47. Ask, Ask & Ask! IF YOU DON’T ASK, IT’S ALWAYS 100% A NO 48. Use your products and samples at home, office, camping, parties, etc.. 49. Read sales, self-improvement, and positive thinking books. 50. Call at least two potential hostesses every day/night. 51. Dream and imagine the possibilities!! 52. Set goals and review them constantly, post them where you your family can see them. 53. Ask friends to help you get started or reach a certain goal. 54. Use hostess & opportunity flyers. 55. Use postcards and or newsletters to continue to spark interest. 56. Follow up phone calls to particularly interested guests. They may decide later to have a party. 57. Have the hostess tell why she decided to have a show – her friends listen & relate to her. 58. Give products as gifts or donations. 59. Don’t be shy talking about your products or business. 60. Smile when talking on the phone. People can hear you smiling! 61. Review orders from the past shows–who have bought frequently, what they bought, etc. Good information for whom to call when certain specials are going on!

62. Call the most familiar people first. 63. Call potential hostesses who postponed or never booked. 64. Spend time every day working on some aspect of your business. 65. Be willing to share the business opportunity. 66. Call anyone who has said maybe or sometime. 67. Contact schools. 68. Leave your business cards or flyers with your contact information on bulletin boards or in local businesses. (For example: Laundry mats are a good choice as people have to wait for their laundry and will read the boards!) 69. Talk about upcoming specials with everyone. 70. Keep a list of special requests and let those guests know when that product is on sale. 71. Suggest hosting a show to do Christmas shopping without leaving home. 72. Offer an extra bonus for hostesses who book on days or months you need and extra show. 73. Give extra service and time to good customers-they will be repeat hostesses and potential consultants with you. 74. Carry a note pad to jot down names as you think of them. 75. Let guests keep a catalog or sales brochure to keep on hand or pass around work.

Love what you do! Always Smile!

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