Publisher & Creative Director
Debbie Gaylord
debbie@stjohnsmag.com www.stjohnsmag.com
Ozzy Trevino
Ozzy Trevino Photography
Dr. Deckard
Pets R Family
Food Blogger/Partner
Lori Allen @MywanderingFork
To Adverttise
contact: Eric Wolf
St. Johns Magazine is dedicated to covering the topics readers care aboutfrom hometown stories and community spotlighs to food, health & business. St. Johns Magazine is designed to engage readers and inspire them to enjoy the good life in Northern St. Johns!
©St. Johns Magazine LLC. St. Johns Magazine is published monthly and distributed by US postal Service to select homes in Northern St. Johns. It is free of charge to consumers receiving it in the mail. It is also availalble at many drop points in Northern St. Johns. All material is compiled from sources believed to be reliable and published without responsibility for errors and ommissions.
Pets are givers.… Our cats and dogs, birds, and even our reptiles bring us joy and improve our mental health with unconditional love, protection, and loyalty. It is no wonder we often think of them as members of our family.
Our featured story this month is about our beloved Veterinary Hospital, Pets R Family, where pets truly are part of the family. Brad Deckard’s article focuses on why they love and value being a small business specifically in our wonderful community of northern St. Johns.
Please enjoy our annual pet issue with tons of photos from our readers! What a pleasure it is to meet some of the cutest pets of St. Johns! We even have one very special pet who is a veteran! And one who has his own Instagram!
As always, please let our partners know you found them in St. Johns Magazine!
Owning and operating a family-owned business is still a wonderful dream in America. Did you know that 90% of businesses in the United States are family owned and operated. That means that over 5.5M family-owned businesses exist today in the US and employee 60% of our countries workforce. Those statistics have a very dynamic financial and employment impact on our nation. Family-owned companies are the life blood of our country and the pride and quality of our communities.
We all have our favorite pizza place, our favorite hairdresser, our favorite dentist and veterinarian in the areas in which we live. But have you ever stopped and thought about the number of local, family-owned businesses that are in our area that make up the texture of our community? These places are the fabric of what makes us proud to live in the Saint Johns area. Certainly we all have our corporate chains that offer something to our palate of family needs. But it’s the family owned and operated companies that make us special, and bonded together. There’s a special feeling we all get when we realize the owners are neighbors, or remember when their retail store began. In a country with a free market system, we get excited to “Buy Local” as we support those around us that have a real point of difference in the quality and type of products they sell. And when exhibiting American Pride, is there any better way than to support those who have dedicated, worked and sacrificed to provide a good or service to the community in which they live.
Our family moved onto CR 210 twenty-five years ago. At that time there was little more than rows of pine trees on both sides of the two-lane road. We had to drive to the truck stops near I-95 to get a gallon of milk, and over 10 miles to the nearest grocery or drug store. Certainly many things have changed over that time, including the lanes of traffic. One of the most impactful, exciting and alluring changes has been the growth of family-owned businesses. So many of our neighbors and friends have taken the risk and the dedication to bring CR 210 a cornucopia of offerings to meet the needs of the amazing influx of people moving to this area. And whether you are looking for retail goods or service needs, you can find a business here that is locally owned and operated.
As a family that has chosen this path, we can tell you first-hand that our decision to start a local company first came from the love of our community. We declared this wonderful place home when there was virtually nothing here. And as it grew, our excitement for variety and community grew with it. We’ve seen the growth of our neighborhoods and schools, church’s and ballfields. We’ve experienced the exciting addition of grocery stores and doctors offices, and enjoyed the variety of dining experiences we now have. And as part of that community of business’s, we longed to invest in our community and provide needed services to those who call it home. And for us, as with many, it was a desire to raise a family, and invest in the area we live.
This is how many small businesses begin. It’s a dream to be part of something bigger than yourself, and to serve those around you. And with it comes a long-term dedication to quality as you provide for the clients that are your neighbors. What a joy to work and live in the area where your children go to school, and where your family is involved in church activities. What an amazing honor to care and support those you call friends and family with a business you operate from your heart.
The truly amazing result from our locally owned businesses, is without a doubt, the quality and dedication our community receives. As a local business owner, I can attest to the fact that there is no better quality control agent, than to be serving someone you know and love. The level of heartfelt effort is truly endless, and nothing is more satisfying than to serve them well. In direct relation to that effort, is the level of joy that caring for a local client brings those of us who are part of this community. The satisfaction of accomplishment in knowing that you provided a truly positive outcome for a person you live near is second to none.
The level of personal and financial sacrifice to be a local business owner is absolutely a challenge to us all. There’s not a small or large family business that hasn’t felt the impact of time and money in starting a business and then keeping it going successfully. It’s a deep and heartfelt dedication to the companies business plan and the impact on the community. But it’s a labor of love, and a focus on the great things the business can provide those it serves.
I can share that our family has absolutely felt the influence of many dedicated hours in the office that can stretch our few hours at home together very thin. But the rewards of our families involvement in a dedicated effort to serve our community, is a family bonding experience with lasting impact on us. I’m not sure there’s a better way to raise children than in a family-owned company, dedicated to serving.
First of all, these are the people of your community that are sacrificing to serve your community. They have taken the risk to provide the goods and services your community needs and wants. So support them! Take a chance on them as they took for you. Second, these business owners are most likely, supporting a level of quality that you may not find in a large corporation or entity that is so much larger than a community business. And thirdly, these businesses are the independent texture of who we are in the Saint Johns area. Is there a better way to differentiate ourselves as a community, than through the quality, customer caring businesses we propagate?
Buy local and invest in local. Our Saint Johns Family businesses and our community thank you!
Brad and Dr. Kathleen Deckard with their children
Abigail and Gavin Deckard, are the owners of Pets R Family Veterinary Hospital on CR 210 since 2015.
What an amazing honor to care and support those you call friends and family with a business you operate from your heart.
“Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” —
John Grogan, Marley & MeBara medically retired from Air Force Lackland and became my PTSD service dog. Bara has been part of our family for over 5 years and people continue to know her throughout St Johns because that’s the area I work for the Army National Guard.
Bara was trained to be an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) bomb dog. Unfortunate she didn’t pass all sections and was medically retired. After knowing that they would put her down I decided to bring her home.
"Bob is a rescue from SAFE. He was 4 when he adopted us and is now 13. He is very furry, very funny and a joyful companion."
.he opens doors
The "Valley" what exactly is that? Some of the locals know I bet. But because there are so many transients that have moved here from all over I thought it would be fun to bring a little history along with some of the most mouth watering, unique cocktails, best viewing and comfort food places that I think you would really enjoy exploring with me. This will be a multiple part discovery of some of the interesting facts and delicious culinary delights found in "The Valley"
In 1908, a canal was dug through Diego Plains connecting the San Pablo River to the north with the Tolomato River near St. Augustine to the south. This intracoastal canal made access to the valley much easier for the residents that had settled in this area. In addition to raising cattle, they farmed, logged, and sold palm fronds to religious groups. The many palm trees growing in the region led some of the settlers to decide on the name Palm Valley for their community and is now shortened to "the valley" ...cont. (tbc)
So for my first stop on this historic food and drink tour is V Pizza & Julep Palm Valley. As you stroll in from the heat of the beach, your eyes adjusting to the darkness you can see the most beautiful and impressive custom bar that goes almost all the way to the ceiling! . The vibrant array of colored bottles and just the shear height of it makes you want to grab a seat and enjoy the ambiance.
I of course ordered the Mint Julep. Hello! Perfectly muddled mint bringing in the aromatics, simple sugar for some sweetness
along with the best bourbon around served over crushed ice in a chilled cup of steel. If that doesnt bring your temperature down after a long day at the beach nothing will!
Juleps aims to become the bar with the largest whisky and bourbon selections in the southeast! But if bourbon is not your thing then they have a long list of hand crafted cocktails that not only cool you off but have you begging for another.
V's pizza is food on hand which is always freshly made and delicious. My favorite is their signature wings, marinated in fresh lemon, rosemary, garlic, EVOO and a special V spice mix and if that is not enough flavor they top them off with these tangy caramelized onions. Every bite is juicy and dripping with flavor. The bar area also offers a Charcuterie Board with some of the most flavorful cheeses and meats perfect for snacking if you are just popping in for a cocktail or two.
It has been said that this bar could be the crown jewel of bar concepts and its paying homage to the area of Palm Valley. There are tons of horse farms around this area so when people think of horses, they think of the Kentucky Derby, they think of Julep! I know you will be as impressed as I was! Off to the next adventure.....
Wehave a major health crisis here in Northeast Florida. The impacts of the pandemic continue to be felt throughout the community, especially thru chronic diseases. In fact, of the five local counties (Nassau, Duval, St. Johns, Clay, and Baker), at least three of them rank above the state average for arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The leading causes of hospitalization for all five counties? Either diabetes or heart failure. We must do something before more members of our community slip into potentially fatal circumstances.
The First Coast YMCA is addressing this ongoing crisis by launching/re-launching seven, evidence-based programs that advise the community how they can monitor their chronic diseases and potentially make changes to reduce their symptoms. They include: Exercise is Medicine, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Self-Management & Education, 12-Week Weight Loss, Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring, LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA, and EnhanceFitness. We’re working with local healthcare providers to make the referral process to these programs even easier so we can pick up where you left off with your doctor.
Let’s take diabetes, for example. Many people don’t know they have it. If you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes or think you might have it, you can enroll in our Diabetes Prevention Program, which is recognized
by the Centers for Disease Control. It’s a year-long program broken down into 16 one-hour sessions every week followed by bi-weekly and monthly sessions. A trained lifestyle coach facilitates a small group of participants in learning about healthier eating, physical activity, and other behavioral changes.
Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and aren’t sure how to manage it? Our Diabetes Self-Management & Education class consists of eight, one-hour classes that covers detailed information on nutrition, exercise, monitoring, medications, reducing risks and stress management. It’s open to anyone over the age of 18 who’s been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Perhaps you or someone you know is battling cancer? Nobody should have to face those challenges alone and the First Coast YMCA offers a truly remarkable program called LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA, which is open to anyone who is facing or has beaten cancer. We’re offering the program at seven locations this summer, including at the St. Augustine YMCA for the first time.
One of the most important things to remember about any of these seven programs is that you don’t have to be a member at the YMCA to participate. They’re available in all five counties in Northeast
Florida and we can work with you to address any financial barriers that exist. All we need from you is that you reach out to us. Contact us at myhealth@fcycma.org and ask about the chronic disease prevention programs and let us help you live a healthy lifestyle while turning the tide on these terrible diseases.
"Her name is Chancla (Flip Flop), a Hispanic thing. She’s a rescue, super sweet and kind. She’s the perfect doggy."
"Tall enough now to learn how to do the dishes"
"My sweet boy that I’ve had since he was 7 weeks old. Theo is now 10 years old".
If you have been saving into retirement plans for a couple of decades or even longer, chances are the bulk of your nest egg sits in what I like to call a “taxdeferred” retirement account (401k, 403b, IRA, TSP, 457b etc.). These accounts allow for tax deductions on contributions but are fully taxable as ordinary income when distributions are taken.
Roth conversions allow retirement account owners to “convert” some or all of their balances to Roth IRAs. For those of you who don’t know, Roth IRAs allow for tax-free growth and tax-free distributions (if certain rules are followed). Additionally, when you pass these accounts to your beneficiaries, they can also benefit from tax-free distributions.
This illustrates a temporary drop in income during the early years of retirement. Once you quit your day job, your W2 income will go away. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) may not begin until age 73 or 75 for most account owners. This temporary period of low tax brackets is known as the “Retirement Distribution Hatchet,” and is the time
frame when Roth conversions can really move the needle. By filling up certain tax brackets in the hatchet you can benefit from reducing your RMDs later in retirement. And believe me, RMDs are one of the biggest tax traps for these traditional 401ks and IRAs.
This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Of the last dozen or so clients I have analyzed Roth conversions for, about 50% would benefit and 50% would not benefit. Factors like age, life expectancy, marital status, beneficiary status, and other sources of retirement income all come into the equation. However, the most recent analysis illustrated a saving of over $400k in taxes throughout their retirement years. Here’s how.
A client we recently started working with is about to enter the Retirement Distribution Hatchet. He is 65 and his wife is about the same age. Therefore, we have approximately 8 years until RMDs begin. We illustrated “filling up” the 22% tax brackets with conversions for the next decade. The result is their entire $1.1mm 401k and IRA balances will be converted to Roth accounts. Their breakeven point happens around age 86, but
they both have longevity in their family history and could very well live well into their 90s. If we projected they lived until 95, they would save $427,533 in taxes throughout retirement!
Not only will this client save hundreds of thousands in taxes during their lifetime, but it will also make their Social Security more tax efficient. Additionally, they will avoid Medicare premium penalties known as IRMAA. And finally, the assets they pass on to the next generation won’t get eaten up with huge tax payments.
Even if you are pre-retirement or have already retired, it’s worth running the numbers. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is expiring after 2025, so tax brackets will go up for most taxpayers. Additionally, the market has been quite volatile, and Roth conversions during a downturn provide those shares with tax-free growth instead of tax-deferred growth! Make sure to consult with your tax planner or reach out to us if you would like to discuss your situation!
"Fletcher passed away in April of this year. We would like to bring awareness to bladder cancer in our furbabies. He was our beloved rescue who rescued us."
"His name is Odis. Rescued from Miami from an outside shed. He loves to play and eat, as you can see. He’s a cutie. We love him very much."
"Chloe is Our Stray That Stayed. She loves being outside hunting lizards, bird watching and squirrel watching."
As a therapist, I help clients from all walks of life feel, function, and communicate better; teaching them the skills they need to access their own resiliency and strength, empowering them to be their own best advocates and to mindfully create the lives they desire.
• 7th grade
• Swiss Point Middle School Golf Team
• Starter 6th and 7th grade
• Home Course: St. Johns Golf & Country Club / Junior member
New works by the “best of the best” make up this exhibit featuring St. Augustine Art Association’s award-winning artists from the past three years. Annual Honors Show is on display both in-gallery and online. Gallery hours are currently Tuesday-Sunday, noon-4 p.m. Free admission. 904-824-2310 www. staaa.org St. Augustine Art Association, 22 Marine Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084 (904) 824-2310 Admission Free
Join Art Galleries of St. Augustine the first Friday of every month from 5-9 p.m. for new exhibits, refreshments and live music at many participating galleries. For easy mobility downtown, patrons and visitors can enjoy the complimentary shuttle service that runs from 6-9 p.m. provided by Old Town Trolleys. Tour maps are available at participating galleries or online. 904-824-2310 www.staaa.org/ art-galleries-of-st-augustine
Local models will highlight fashion from the Betty Griffin Thrift Shoppes during the thirdannual ‘Fashion for Action’ fundraising event from 6-9 p.m. at Hardage-Giddens St. Johns. All proceeds will benefit the Betty Griffin Center, which provides shelter and support for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse in St. Johns County.Tickets are $35. 1284 St. Johns Parkway., St. Johns. www.bettygriffincenter.org Hardage-Giddens St. Johns
Presented by The Stetson Kennedy Foundation and St. Johns County Parks, this monthly folk music concert series features artists who reflect the values, spirit, and goals of Stetson Kennedy. Shows are from 2-4 p.m. Tours of Beluthahatchee (Stetson's cottage) may be available. (904) 206-8304 Admission $10 suggested donation. Beluthahatchee Park, 1501 SR 13 N., Fruit Cove. www.facebook.com/
June 11 | Lee Hunter
Lewis Auditorium at Flagler College. Beautiful is the inspiring true story of Carole King’s journey from teenage songwriter to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Before she was hit-maker Carole King, she was Carole Klein, a spunky, young songwriter from Brooklyn with a unique voice. From the chart-topping hits she wrote for the biggest acts in music to her own life-changing, trailblazing success with her 1971 hit album Tapestry. Beautiful show times are at 7:30 p.m. Friday and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $25-$30. 14 Granada St., St. Augustine. www.apextheatrejax.com/events
9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Classic Car Museum of St. Augustine. The outdoor show is free for spectators and general admission to Museum is $15 for adults, kids under 12 years are free!. www.ccmstaug.com Classic Car Museum of St. Augustine, 4730 US Hwy 1 South, St. Augustine, FL 32086 (904) 806-4625,
Presented by House of Prism. Join the Pride Parade in Downtown St. Augustine! The parade begins at the City Gate at 9:45 a.m. Participants are asked to meet at 9:30 a.m. The Parade heads south on St. George Street to the Plaza de la Constitucion for entertainment and guest speakers from 10 a.m.-noon. www.facebook.com/houseofprism
From 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Nocatee Farmers Market. Located at Nocatee Station Field, enjoy a traditional market with a new and unique theme. The Nocatee Farmers Market is full of activities, shows, and demonstrations for the entire family. This market offers a wide variety of selections including the freshest locally grown produce and herbs as well as homemade jams, jellies, home-baked goods, hand-stitched quilts, plants, art, and pottery
items. 400 Nocatee Center Way, Ponte Vedra. www.facebook.com/NocateeLiving
Join Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTM) for a beach cleanup \Enjoy coastal views while helping remove debris and microplastics from the beach. GTM Rangers will supply gloves and trash bags at 9:30 a.m. at a different meeting location each month. Visit www.gtmnerr.org/ events for information on where to meet.
Must love Coffee ~ Must love Classic Cars! If you do then cruise over to Classic Car Museum for Cars & Coffee from 8-10 a.m. Enjoy the morning checking out over 150 beautiful classics, and enjoy free coffee and doughnuts. Classic Car Museum offers this free event every 4th Saturday of the month. Event sponsored by Bozard Lincoln. 4730 US 1 South, St. Augustine. 904-806-4625 www.facebook. com/classiccarmuseumstaug
Join a St. Johns County Master Naturalist and Marineland Dolphin Adventure for a guided beach walk to learn about the dolphins in our area. This free walk leaves from the Vilano Beach Pavilion, reservations are required. 2752 Anahma Dr., St. Augustine. 904-2090752 www.sjcfl.us/recreation 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Disney’s Frozen (kids version) is based on the 2018 Broadway musical, bringing Elsa, Anna, and the magical land of Arendelle to life onstage. Performances are at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. with doors opening 30 minutes prior to the show. Tickets are $10.95. 1050 A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-209-0399 www. pvconcerthall.com
Millions of families trust Kumon’s practice-based enrichment programs to prepare their kids for success in high school, college and beyond.
• Students can lose up to 2 months of reading skills over the summer.
• Students can lose up to 2.6 months of math computational skills over the summer.
• By 6th grade, students can lose more than 18 months of learning due to summer learning loss.
• Reserve your child’s spot now. Summer enrollments are filling up fast.
Milo (pronounced Merlo) loves to go adventuring. He is out and about almost daily in this beautiful town. Kayaking, sailing, climbing trees, chasing leaves and lizards are just some of the things he enjoys. He makes new friends wherever he goes because he enjoys people. He even has his own Instagram@ milosmeanderings.
full-service veterinary care, boarding, & grooming
we’re your other family doctor!
Pets R Family is a full-service 11,000 square foot Veterinary Hospital nestled in a private and serene wildlife preserve. Family-owned and operated right here in St. John’s, we are NOT a corporate veterinary facility — no pre-designed packages or sales tactics here!
We believe in treating all pets with love, care, and compassion. Our large team of doctors, technicians, and customer service members are at your service to provide you with the very best care and experience.
• Pups N Play social day care
• Pet birthday parties
• Long-term and short-term boarding care
• Hospital boarding for pets with special needs
• Professional grooming and bathing services
• State-of-the-art medical facility
• Experienced team of compassionate doctors and veterinary technicians
• Same-day sick appointments available
• Home visits available by appointment
• Premium veterinary-grade pet food
• Full pharmacy
• Teeth cleanings and dentistry
• Specialty care including ultrasounds, thermal imaging, and K-Laser treatments
Take advantage of our loyalty program, appointment scheduling, reminders, and more. Download the app to start earning rewards today!
Many dogs and cats have acute or chronic gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, and/or anorexia which is sometimes also associated with lethargy. In these cases, some minor outpatient supportive care can be effective at getting them back to normal without major treatment. In many of these cases, the cause for these signs is unknown until the pet has more severe clinical signs, in which case more tests are run which can point to pancreatitis.
The pancreas is an organ in the upper part of the abdomen responsible for producing enzymes that break down the food that we eat in the small intestine, as well as producing insulin that helps regulate blood sugar. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed which causes abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and lethargy. Sometimes pancreatitis is initiated by an increase in fat in the diet, but also there is an increase in incidence in dogs with obesity, certain hormonal imbalances, cancer, certain drugs and particular breeds that are predisposed (such as miniature schnauzer, yorkie, poodle, cocker spaniel). Sometimes we don’t actually have a reason why the pancreas flares up.
The diagnosis can be made using several different tests paired with exam findings and clinical signs consistent with pancreatitis. X-rays are used to rule out other causes for gastrointestinal disease such as foreign body obstruction, constipation, and tumors, but here can be some subtle changes on x-ray that point to pancreatitis. Bloodwork including a routine chemistry that includes amylase and lipase can be an initial screening tool, but a cPL pancreatitis test is the most specific blood test. This test can many times be run immediately in the office, with a result in approximately 30 minutes. Abdominal ultrasound is another tool that can be used that has a 65% sensitivity in detecting pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis can be treated either on an outpatient basis or many patients can benefit from hospitalization with more aggressive supportive care. Care is aimed at treatment of nausea, pain, dehydration, low fat diet, appetite stimulants, motility problems, +/- antibiotics. Most patients require a few days in the hospital with intravenous fluids in addition to the medications mentioned above. A long
term prescription low fat diet will be recommended long term.
A brand new drug that will revolutionize our way of treating pancreatitis has just become available. PANOQUELL®CA1 is an injectable medication that is administered intravenously once daily for 3 days and it works by blocking the inflammatory cells that flare up the pancreas. This drug results in a faster recovery, sometimes without the need for hospitalization. It is only labeled to work in dogs and has been shown to be very effective and with a low risk of side effects.
Most cases of pancreatitis can be treated with good success, however, most patients do have waxing and waning signs during their lifetime of varying degrees. A low fat diet can definitely help reduce the frequency and severity of pancreatitis. In rare cases, pancreatitis can result in diabetes or worse case scenario, death can occur. With this new treatment available, we hope to be able to treat this condition with a more targeted effective drug that can save lives and improve the outcome for many of our canine patients.