Lakextreme magazine

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this month


preconceived ideological view of women, narrowly defined by the parameters of youth, slender sizing and conventionally attractive appearance. Social norms in western culture has defined beauty in this way, becoming a social construct, that only this fixed representation of the female gender can be considered acceptable and profitable within advert. This is seen through works of theorist Judith Butler; she believes and describes gender as a performance, that it is what a person does at particular times, rather than a universal who you are. “There is no



gender identity behind expressions of gender, identity is per-formatively constituted by the very ‘expressions’ that are said to be its results” Gender Trouble (1990:25) In relation to advertisements Butler’s argument draws upon the conception that the signifiers of gender used within the advertisements, they are shown and known


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F O E D I R R LIFE U O Y w t n fe o

s l e e h w o

nts, s poi eorists. ry e s u o oc th key f cted key ult; ‘Hist ble’ e e r a u h e c t l und ion of se chel Fou nder Tro o r a i rat ted ;M ; ‘Ge direc the explo s include h Butler ths and f three s i y t ; My rist is o udi om stud The ucted fr and theo (1976), J r Society ith a bas bolic r e m ’ t w s cons ed work ume One ‘Consum e study oduct sy r h t ; l t c p o d , e r d V Sel ty illa ide earance ower. xuali audr prov p t of Se ), Jean B 8). This fiers app gender f train zine is i 0 9 s o n 9 9 n g n 9 1 i o ( s o 1 c i a ( ; tures g points xaminat n the ach mag lication c o u p r t u e S in ub es. E ted s the ocus crea magazin fashion p rket, and s i key f as well a y , ma ion the stud value f the male fash g ends of high end o n in he atio two fe t of t ppos f form The nation o n of the o statemen i o exam esentati agazine a r p a re ; Vogue m e rang


Sports feature


look magazine a glossy high street magazine. The magazines have also been selected upon their publication statuses, Vogue being a monthly published magazine and Look a weekly publication. This provided a further difference in variables between the magazines scales to contrast conceptions and theories against.

The study also investigates the hypothesis that branded products; using female perfume advertisements as the casing study, are only seen to be found within a selected market of the publication range; and how in which they do not appear to interest across the marketing field. My hypothesis reveals that this is due to the style, brand and status of the magazines in which have been selected to advertise the product. Theoretically the magazines support the same collective targeted audiences as to which the advertisers of the product wish to attract and influence. Subsequently the publications should in theory, sensitively select the branded products that wish to be advertised within the magazine. This would ensure that each advertised brand conforms to fit within the branding style and identity of the magazine. However the motivation and reasoning behind the paper is presenting an evaluative analyses of the research findings in comparison to the selection of theorists and key focus points. The paper’s main focus of the examination of key focusing topics, is investigated using that of a focus group to assess and explore how such subject topics are conveyed. The analysis of their interpretations of the advertisements have been considered and reflected upon how they see and believe the advertisements to represent the female gender and what significant links and themes they possibly able to identify. The choice of key theorists, Baudrillard, Foucault and Butler and were selected upon their works and theories into the exploration of human sociology, psychology, and philosophy. This in turn has been reflected against the publication of magazine advertising, revealing how in which advertisers play upon cultural societies perceptions of the female gender shown within that of female fashion magazine advertising.

Theorist Jean Baudrillard was selected upon his theories of consumer society, with his semiotic conception of symbolic value and exchange. His theoretical framework of studies challenged many modernists of the Marxist social and political theory. His work of ‘The system of objects’

“ Nothing

Sports feature

compares to the simple pleasure of � riding a bike

- John F Kennedy


“the b

e are th st rides where e ones bite of you can much a f as can ch s you live th ew and rough it ”

- Doug



(196 8 socie ) argues ty w the c e prod ucts, have be onsumpt came cultu ion p the ‘ i r proli e has re mplosion inundate rocess in p f d theo eration o laced all of mean with m which as ry w i ass r f a n e s g a ymb ithin Struc ols a lity and .’ This is markete h t u i s mean n o d res’ ( into ing f how o 19 work o d signs t of th he prom 70) whe f ‘Consu . Baudril with th ur o e m r e l the c meanin tion and e he outl er Socie ard furth g of t ines ty; M hoice e the ‘ rs th h c h the s y tudy of produ e object oding of ow cons ths and is . Hel u tisem ping ct adver itself. Th signs’ rat mers bu e n t t i s t h y i s with o s a er th i i r s n r ea ev g re out t he us ble to en eal ways which fo flected i an that rm n in c e of s Theo mell ourage a which p s the foc that of rist M . n er us d pro and iche p mote fume adv of belie hilosoph l Foucau er t heir l v i prod Iden es peopl cal ideas t was sel uct e t e to ho ity is wh do not h of identit cted upo a n y w gene the sig t is comm ave a ‘rea and dis his theo c nifie rated ries l o u o urse nica r fi rs are u sed i to appea within ted to ot xed’ iden . Foucau view the a n me r or b lt tity. A hers e . d the f r and or ans of co ehave w vertisem This is p n o m i r a his t cusing to eader. T munica thin a cer ents are rallel heor h t t i p e n a ic of in w ga wo ie peop le do s of iden gender rks of Fo message ay. They po uc tit to not o wn o y, power wer. He ault also the sugg r hav reve is so es a m e; po wer ething i ts, like th led is ex n at of w h ercis ed an ich d



top climbs and views

The selection of female fashion magazines in preference to female celebrity magazines, allowed there to be a direct contrast comparison, as there is no luxury high end equivalent to compare and evaluate effectively from. The selection of Vogue magazine, is a clear statement of the high end market of the female fashion magazine range, as voted as ‘most profitable British magazine’ (2007). To represent the opposing end of the marketing range, Look magazine rated ‘3rd in top ten UK female magazine’ (2010). This provides a further difference in variables between the magazines to compare and contrast ideas and theories. A secondary limitation upon which of examining only that of two female perfume advertisements in order to create a more direct focus and analogy. Advert one: ‘Paco Rabanne, Lady Million’ selected from Look magazine dated 4th November 2013. Advert two: ‘Viktor and Rolf, Flowerbomb’ taken Vogue magazine December issue 2013. Both magazines released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s. This ensured overall that there was an equal balance basis to support the field of research. From the research


top picks analysis of the selected key theorists; Michel Foucault, Judith Butler and Jean Baudrillard. Three key focusing points



released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s.

released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s. This ensured overall that there was an equal balance basis to support the field of research. From the research analysis of the selected key answered by a diverse collaboration of people that theorists; Michel Foucault, Judith Butler and Jean would form a focus group. The focus group included Baudrillard. A construction of three key focusing a selection of individuals, chosen upon their gender, points were formed that of; the signifiers age, sexual preferences and religious beliefs. This appearance, the products symbolic value, as well would provide a broad range and variance of resulting as the exploration of gender power. From there answers of identify other people’s perceptions and I was then able to formulate a set of questions interpretations of the advertisements representation specific from the research developments of the of the female gender. Upon the examination of the two magazines and advertisements chosen, initial upon how selected key theorists conceptions. See appendices one, (2013) questionnaire, December. The women are portrayed, as well as the determination of questions were devised and created around the three key topics. Appearances of the signifiers; did the models produce a true representation of the female gender? Do women aspire to be like the signifiers depicted within the advertisement? Focus topic of symbolic exchange; how does the advertisement appeal to you, what benefits do you believe the product can produce for you? As well as the final focusing topic of gender power; who is the main gender in which the product attracts? In addition an inclusion of questions that reflected opinions towards my own hypothesis for example; ‘do you believe that the adverts would still be as successful if they swapped advertisement locations- switched magazines from which they were originally advertised in?’ The questions formed the supporting basis to the qualitative primary research report, created to be

“All mountain

landscapes hold stories the ones we read the ones we dream and the ” ones we create - George Michael Sinclair Kennedy


released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s.


that of gender attributes shown within gender performances; masculinity and femininity, which results in the cause of desire, usually seen towards that of the other gender. Butler The selection of Judith Butler was based upon her argues that we all put on a gender development of Foucault’s work upon the subject of performance in some form or another. sexuality. Adding her own original contributions, both It is not seen as what gender Butler and Foucault agreed that ‘you’ your destiny life performance to ‘do’ but of which shape and power is not determined by ‘descriptive facts.’ and form the performance will take. Examples such as gender, class, race, age or ethnicity. This is comparable to how signifiers of It is based upon how individuals choose to behave, and gender shown within advertisements utilise the characteristics of a certain gender role; masare seen to portray a particular gender culine or feminine. Butler in her work of ‘Gender Trouble’ role. The objectives of this study is to (1990) her theories suggest that biological sex reveals identify the variables that determine the representation of the female gender within advertising. The use of two female fashion magazines as casing studies; reveals how magazine advertisements convey such key topics of; signifiers appearance, product symbolic value, as well as the examination of gender power. The limitation and constraint use of the two female fashion magazines; Look and Vogue, was restricted in this way to provide a smaller point of direct focus, however still obtaining references from a high end and low endly sis of the reflection and influence the magazines have upon the advertisements. This supports my hypothesis in which advertised branded products; in this example female perfume advertisements, are only seen to be found within a selected market of the publication range. How in which they do not appear to interest across the

“ You dont‘

need to climb a mountain to know that its‘ high ”

- Paulo Coelho


top picks released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s.


“ There is

wisdom in climbing mountains For they teach us how truly ” small we are - Jeff Wheeler

money and social standing associating the perfume with financial exclusivity. This is in comparison to the signifier of advert two: ‘Viktor and Rolf, Flowerbomb’ where the model is seen as completely nude, similarities and differences of the conveyance of such with only the placement of strategically subject topics and matters were discovered. Straight positioned logo branded ribbon to away recognition of the similarities of the signifiers cover her modesty. The signifiers used within the advertisements, by in which both very nudity is implied to be natural; the alike in appearance; young, slim, white, beautiful and model with her exaggerated head wear, with notable exposition of the feminine form by the symbolising a flower reveals the exposure of their breasts. The signifier publicized in association between the product and advert one: ‘Paco Rabanne, Lady Million’ is depicted the physical female ideological wearing a sequined ‘party dress’ with primary focal ‘perfection’ creating connotations of point of her exposed breasts by the extremely low cut of the neckline, conversely with a secondary focus upon the brands naturalness and beauty. This implies the inextricable linkage finance and wealth resulting from the title ‘Million.’ This plays upon the linkage in western culture between between the product and the models physical appearance. In comparison to image and nudity of advertisement one, where in which is greatly forced, deliberately portraying and emphasizing the signifiers appearance to be overtly attractive via her low cut dress. Both models; signifiers, are seen as a portrayal and representation of the female gender, an ideological image of the ‘perfect model’ of how in which the female gender is considered and believed to should look. The signifiers are enhanced to appear more attractive to the opposite gender and viewer of the advertisement by the exposing of their ideological femininity, by their ‘perfect’ slender proportioned figures; a


released within the same week and have the same intended target audience of women in their 20’s to early 30’s.


Extreme photos

Winner of photo of the month comp


EXTREME only to that sex by their ‘gender performance.’ This known from their acting, behaviour, and appearance. This is created via the manipulation of signs costumes, makeup and facial expressions, all falsifying the image, however still forming the identity and attributes of femininity. This used


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