Crusader ~Inside~ How To Survive a Dungeon: Amazing Book Review. Cover art by Luke LaPrad
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Table Of Contents P-3……………………………………….Logo P-4…………………………...Book review P-5…………………………...Word search P-6……………..Letter from the editor P-8……………………………………...Poem P-9………………………………..Interview P-10-14………………….Feature article P-15…………………………………….Maze P-16……………………….Maze answers P-17…………….Word search answers
Title: The Midwife's Apprentice Author: Karen Cushman Publisher: Clarion Books Genre: Historical fiction
Beetle is a mistreated homeless girl that a woman named Jane takes in and takes advantage of her to do work for one meal and a place to sleep. Beetle secretly watches the midwife Jane and learns how to do her job. An almost cheerful mood in the medieval times. Most everyone is kind, but not to generous. When Beetle finds Jane the midwife sneaking away, she wonders and sets out to find out what she was doing. A few days later she finds out she was visiting the baker and bringing back bread. Beetle starts to learn all of the things a midwife has to learn, threatening Jane the midwife's job. It is a wonderful book describing very well how the medieval times were . It has some mild language, but is ok. Magic is highly influenced but is in a humorous way. After a while, Beetle is almost accepted as one of the towns people which symbolizes peace and harmony in the village.
Dear Reader, I hope this letter finds you in good health and knowledge. Please use this magazine’s information to only benefit your enlightenment. However, beware that some of these articles are bloody and I would not recommend them for young or squeamish readers. I would like to make an extra important thankyou to Luke LaPrad for an excellent front page design. He did a more than exceptional job on it, and I am so honored to have it, and to be friends with him. I'm very glad you chose my magazine to read and to learn from. Now go and enjoy the adventure of your life!!! Very truly yours, Adam Stewart, editor-in-chief
Check out our other magazine!!!
Medieval War Times With Ferl Bomia Interviewing Mr. Bomia was very interesting and I learned a lot about the medieval reenactment club in which he belongs. It is called Dagorhir (dagger here) and is an intense sport where they fight with medieval weapons (with padding of course). However, depending on what night you go on, they might fight in different ways.
What is it about? “Dagorhir is a meDieval re-enactment club that is meant for fun and for some skill building. anyone can join.”
How did you get interested in Dagorhir? “a teen from my church was involveD in it anD tolD me because i alreaDy really likeD that kinD of sort activity.”
How often do you meet for practice? “it DepenDs on the chapter. the monroe chapter meets once a week at munson park on a thursDay evening.”
How old is the age required to play? “you have to be 18 to play without an aDult or a waiver that an aDult has signeD, but you can come at 14 if you have an aDult sign a waiver.”
Is it hard or dangerous ? “well, yes to a certain Degree, but it all DepenD on how you play. the saying or motto is 'take light hit harD', so take a light hit but hit harD.”
Is it fun? And why? “yes, it is Definitely fun. i finD it fun because i can spreaD the worD of goD, like if someone gets hurt I can pray for them. That might be the first time they get exposed to some sort of christianity.”
Going Back In Time To The Medieval Dungeon By: Adam Stewart Strap on your mask, put a bag on your cousin's head and toughen up because you're going to the torture room of a medieval dungeon. The tale of the medieval torture room is a bloody and nerve racking story. This is one of my favorite topics and I want to elaborate on it. So let's start with a virtual trip, then I'll tell how to handle the stress of being a executioner and finish up with some cool facts about how a torture device has evolved. When traveling to the medieval times, you need to be prepared for the unexpected like crusaders and thiEVES ready to pounce. You also need to have some sort of safety for yourself when you get to there like a weapon, guard or guide. When you start your trip to Medieval Times you need to know where you want to go, to what kingdom, which Lord's castle, town or village but, be careful to not get yourself in a crusader battle. Crusader battles are very bloody and if you find yourself in the middle of one, you must find your way out, by either getting a horse and running as fast as you can or using a white flag. However, be wary you made get hit by an arrow while riding your horse. The white flag is a universal means of communicating surrender. It has been used throughout the ages. It would seem like there may be a lot of stress being an executioner. First of all, let's explain what it means to be an executioner. An executioner is someone who beheads the thieves and robbers and people who have committed crimes. They also are torture masters, which are the ones that torture people in the Dungeons anD stretch them with “the rack�.
They hang them and behead them and use all kinds of different torture devices. The devices that they used were so cruel and gruesome. The torture masters and executioners had to have a nerve of steel because when you're beheading people before lunch and after lunch that's basically what you're thinking about during lunch. The same thing with the people in this day and age, who use the electric chair in the police department. They must have to have a very strong will and stomach to be able to kill someone in cold blood. One way I think they handled their stress of being an executioner is probably alcohol. In medieval time, everybody drank alcohol. But I'm guessing that the executioners probably hung out at the pub a lot more. In my assumption of executioners, they had to deal with a lot of stress. I'm positive that I would definitely not want to be an executioner, but it would be a cool reenactment thing to do. I would also love to live in medieval times, except I would not want to be executed, mainly for the reason of I like my life here in the year 2017. How do you survive in a dungeon? Well many more people than just you and I have thought about this especially the people that got tortured! Have you ever found yourself in a dungeon or torture room? Hopefully not, but if you do, here is how to survive (unless you have a death sentence). If you're in the dungeon, most likely they just won't feed you very much until your time is served. So, here are three easy steps on how to survive in a dungeon. Step one: Stay active and strong (if you can). Step two: Don't start trouble. Step three: Eat what you can even if it's a cockroach.
Torture rooms! Sounds intimidating right? Well, that's what they're made for so, unless you have a death sentence you can survive. There are many torture devices, many too gruesome to tell about. But if you find yourself in a not so bad one, then here is how to live. Step one: Say whatever you can to get out of there, but make sure to only tell one story or you might find yourself getting stretched in all directions. Step two: bribe the executioner with gold, food and fine wine. Step three: Pray, pray and pray some more. Step four: If you have an inside man make sure he gets you out. Step five: Even if you're not in a torture room make sure everyone owes you something, you can use that to your advantage. Just imagine your back getting ripped in half or your arms getting ripped off. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Not really, but if your having back problems decompression is the way to go. Before we get into the history of the decompressor, let's talk about what decompression is. Spinal decompression is a nonsurgical treatment option for people experiencing mild to moderate back pain. This type of therapy is used to align the components of the spine in order to relieve pressure on a pinched nerve that is causing chronic pain. By using adhesive friction, spinal decompression therapy increases circulation to the damaged disc, allowing it to begin the natural healing process. Now that you know the modern use, let's look at the historical as-
The Torture rack was not an invention of medieval times and was used in a more historic period. For instance, it was used during the time of Emperor Nero to extract the names of conspirators who had hatched a plan to assassinate the emperor in 65AD. The Torture rack is also mentioned during early medieval times. However, its most widespread use began during the medieval times, when the institution of the Court was in full force. In medieval Britain, the torture rack was introduced by the second Duke of Exeter, John Holland, in 1447. It was used, not very frequently, over the subsequent centuries but several protest were raised against this brutal Medieval Torture Rack device. Since then the use of a torture rack device as a means of torture became almost extinct in Britain, although it was continued to be used in various other parts of medieval Europe. In my conclusion, of all torture devices, dungeons, torture rooms and executioners; people were not to be reckoned with in the medieval times . They were harsh, brutal mean and gruesome. This concludes my elaboration on executioners and dungeons. I hope you enjoyed your trip to the medieval torture room. I know I did!
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