Marconi's Magazine

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Edition 1 • June 2012

2012’s first semester

Who is JosĂŠ Marconi? JosĂŠ Marconi Bezerra de Souza Information design lecturer (Part-time)

Besides background in industrial and footwear design, my main expertise is on instructional illustrations, but I am also able to create expressive or artistic images (mixed media). My objective for the next years is to join my craft skills as illustrator (handrawn mainly) with my scientific knowledge on how to design effective graphic and cinematographic instructions. Fifteen years experience as university lecturer including a short experience as teacher assistant at the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication (The University of Reading, UK). I have made presentations about the graphic representation of dynamic events in USA (Philadelphia and Atlanta) and UK (Wrexham, Cambridge, Greenwich and Reading), where my audience included technical communicators, information designers and illustrators.

Curitiba, Brazil


Illustrated Manuals

Products Design




Famous People



Marconi’s Editor: Débora Louzada CEO Media: Kélio Ribeiro Superintendent director: Helliana Pacheco Director of Center: Ilda Gonçalves Director of Writing: Jonas Louzada Redaction: Luiz Andrade Isadora Drummond Roberta Kuster Producer: Ana Clara Maciel Director of Art: Gabriel Bass Art and Design Team: Humberto Sarmento, Edson Matsunaga Reporters: Álvaro Andrade Vinícius Amaral Gabriela Azambuja Caroline Castanheira Isabela Moreira Mateus Gava

Colleagues in this edition: Frederico Augusto, Lucas de Camargo, Jane Valéria, Emerson Pereira, Maria Cristina, Daniele Carneiro, Gilberto de Castro, Júlia Assis, Alessandro Souza, Rafael Almeida, Eduardo Rodrigues, Filipe Freitas, Jardel de Passos, Marcos de Oliveira, Sara Batista, Luana Cabral, David Valentim, Ramon Bitencourt, Denise Zorzaneli, Murilo Pimentel, Caio Ferreira, Rafael Scardini, Sofia Costa, Érika Sena, Jackeline Peterson, Neal Cafrei, Michael Scofield, Víctor Hoffman, Isaque Santos, Lorena Dias, Luan Tozetti, Ana Paula Arósio, Eliane Gomes, Monalisa Daves, Brooke Backer, Ezra Fitz, Daniel Scott, Karen Smith, Samanta Bass, Lúcia Ramos, Ramon Altoé, Filipe Zórtea, Ítalo Bitt, Augusto Kellerman, Peter Burker, George Omaler, Lia Falchetto. Design & Cia Publishinh House



João Negrão Street, 280 - 2º floor CEP: 80010-200 - Curitiba - Paraná Phone: (41) 3360-3360 (41) 3360-7489

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s



Urban and musical sketches Sketches developed in Curitiba and São Paulo during 2011.


Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s

Illustrated Manuals

Graphic representations of motion Collection and “show and tell” about illustrated manuals. This is a small sample of my collection of more than 300 illustrated manuals. The start point was my PhD research, which has a chapter on “graphic representations of motion for instructional purposes”. Besides working as a source of ideas, the collection became a topic of “show and tell” presentations at the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication (The University of Reading, United Kingdom) and Department of Design (Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil).

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s


Famous People

Illustrations of peo


Amy Winehouse

Doctor House

Heitor Villa-Lobos

Is a American musician and com-

Since Dr. House is saying goodbye

March 5, 1887 – November 17, 1959

poser. This illustration is based on

to us, I have decided to express

Was a Brazilian composer.

Bryan Adams’ photo for Harper’s

graphically my feelings about him.


Bazaar Magazine. The technique

In this illustration I have used gou-

chamber, instrumental and vocal

is charcoal and gouache on tracing

ache and indian ink paintings, which

works. His music was influenced

paper (A3 size). The illustration was

later on were digitally remastered

by both Brazilian folk music and by

photographed with Canon Power

using Photoshop. Please contact me

stylistic elements from the Europe-

Shot digital camera.

if you would like to buy this image.

an classicaltradition.

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s




Famous People

ople distinguished Zé Ramalho

Hermeto Pascoal


I have used the scratchboard tech-

A Brazilian musician, caught the

Pixinguinha is considered one of

nique, which fits into Zé Ramalho

international public’s attentionwi-

the greatest Brazilian composers

songs style and the Brazilian culture.

th na appearande on Miles Davi’s

of popularmusic. He was the first

The illustration is based on photo-

1971 album “Live-Evil”. Davis has

Brazilian musicians take advantage

graphies for the cover of his new

said that Pascoal was “the most

of the new professional opportu-

CD “Zé Ramalho sings Beatles”. As

impressive musician in the wor-

nities offered to musicians bythe

soon as I have the photographer´s

dl”. Later collaborations playing at

new technologies of radio broad-

name I will mention it.

many prestigious venues.

casting and studio recording.

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s


Products Design

Footwear design


These are design projects that I

C&J Clark International the biggest

have developed during my MA

British footwear company.

(1992, Birmingham City Universi-

Later on, I had the opportunity to

ty, UK) and for Brazilian north east

work as designer for Brazilian small

companies (1992-1998). Initially, I

companies and artisans´s commu-

was strongly influenced by techno-

nity. “Brazilian North east Sandals”

logical and fashion trends related

collection was designed to be in

to sports shoes design. The pro-

tune with local needs and aesthetic

totypes of the “Hero Collection” of

expressions, tight budget and very

safety footwear were sponsored by

limited technological resources.

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s

Products Design


Informative and conceptual drawings used to develop and express design proposals.

Examples of drawings that incorporate components, materials and fitting features from sandals. Constructive drawings used to guide the production of sandals prototypes.

Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s



Pictorial cards Pictorial cards for alternative communication.

These illustrations were developed for the project “Communis” sponsored by SENAI (Brazilian organisation that deals with industrial training). Communis is a graphic system formed by printed cards with images and text. It is targeted to industrial managers who has to deal with employees that have speech difficulties (e.g. brain damages, intellectual deficiency, autism). In graphic terms, there is an obvious influence from Otto Neurath and Gerd Arntz work for the Isotype. However, later on these drawings had to be changed in order to fit to the in-house designer’s style.

10 Edition 1 • 2012 • Marconi’s

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