Debtfree DIGI December 2012

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South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

December 2012

DEBT COUNSELLING EXPLAINED Debtfree DIGI asked Debt Counsellor Eugene Cillers of Payplan Solutions to help explain the debt review or debt counselling process. Debt Review is a consensual restructured repayment plan for your current debt commitments. It is intended to free up enough disposable income in order to return to a sustainable lifestyle and at the same time settle all accounts in full within a reasonable period. It will protect your assets and if completed, should improve your credit score by not only clearing up your repayment history, but also by increasing your disposable income which will naturally make you more credit worthy in turn giving you a stronger bargaining tool for future finance requirements. The first thing the Debt Counsellor will do is to notify your creditors that you have made application. In return the Credit Provider will send off exact balances and indicate their acceptance of the debt review process. The Debt Counsellor will use those balances to draw up a repayment plan which will be submitted to all your creditors. Each Credit Provider will send a letter of acceptance of the repayment plan. The Debt Counsellor will take those

acceptance letters and the proposal and lay it before a Magistrate or the National Consumer Tribunal to make this your new legally binding, repayment contract or order of the court. While under debt review you cannot take out further credit. For the same reason that you should not pay the deposit on a rental agreement to the attorney or estate agent’s own business account, but make use of a trust account, so your single consolidated monthly payment for debt review will also go to a trust account known as a Payment Distribution Agency. That account will look at the payment proposal your Debt Counsellor drew up and pay out accordingly. This is to ensure that even if something should happen to your Debt Counsellor, that there will never be a break in the payments to your creditors. When you have completed the repayment process a clearance certificate will be issued removing the debt review status and clearing your credit profile.

Debt Wise Solutions Debt review and distribution software. Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.

CONTENTS 05 Editors notes

Our Editor Zak King Speak his mind

07 News

All the latests events making headlines

12 Codes of misconduct?

NCR withdraw support for the industry codes

14 Fall out at DCASA

Dealing with the NCR decision

19 Living on Less

Our new lifestyle section

20 Need to not speed 2

10 years worth of reasons to slow down

22 Massive

10 years worth of reasons to slow down

30 DC Profile

We interview Eugene Cilliers

32 Service Directory

Administrators of the Debt Counselling Application Process

EDITOR’S NOTE Well, what looked to be a quiet month for the industry was quickly turned into an industry feeding frenzy of finger pointing and remonstrations. The big story of the moment is the NCR changing their mind about the industry codes of conduct regarding debt counselling. Admittedly this will not effect consumers immediately, and it remains to be seen how this withdrawal of approval for these codes will potentially change the way that creditors interact with Debt Counsellors. There are as many different opinions on the matter as there are Debt Counsellors. So a reasonable portion of this issue is set aside to discussing this matter. For institutions like the NDMA and PDASA the announcement by the NCR is a real blow to their credibility and relevance in the industry. Some tough times are ahead for them. Speaking of tough times, with the end of the year being upon us, it means that consumers will need to display even more self control in the face of aggressive advertising by companies desperate to cash in on the end of the year shopping madness. Be strong, avoid becoming a victim of the “silly season”. In our living on less section we look at ways

that consumers can save funds and still have fun. Did you know you could lose your licence if you speed? We discuss the need to slow down out there this December. One of our team speaks about doing the popular Moonlight mass bicycle ride...maybe you too can join in at the end of this month? December and January are, generally speaking, slow months for Debt Counsellors. So many consumers look forward to getting a bonus at this time of year and they plan to solve all their problems with that small bit of extra cash. Sadly after the ‘end of year’ glamour wears off, many consumers awake to a harsh reality. They are worse off than the previous month. Fortunately for them, Debt Counsellors will be there to help steer them toward financial freedom and help them to become debt free.

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NCR reviewed their standpoint on these codes after ever increasing pressure from Debt Counsellors, in particular, who feel that the According to the National Credit Regulator’s Codes set out a process of how to conduct (NCR’s) Credit Bureau Monitor for the second debt review other than that set out in the NCA. quarter of 2012, 9.22 million consumers have Recent pressure on the NCR has been exerted impaired credit records and 19.5% of all credit by theDCI, AllProDc and DCU. When research active consumers are now three or more was conducted only some members of DCASA months in arrears. There has been a 169.6% were found to be in support of the code of year-on-year increase in the number of short conduct for debt counsellors. The NCR have term unsecured credit agreements granted cited contravention of the NCA as their reason (for agreements of 6 months or less.) for changing their mind.


The National Credit Regulator (NCR) has announced that as of mid December 2012 they will be withdrawing their support for the industry codes of conduct relating to debt review. This will include the codes of conduct for Debt Counsellors, Credit Providers and Payment Distribution Agencies. They have also stated that they now revoke their recognition of the National Debt mediation Association (NDMA), Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa (DCASA), Credit Ombud and Payment Distribution Agency representative body PDASA in term of these codes. This follows after research into the legality and conditions set out in these codes. The


After the NCR announcement about withdrawing support for the NDMA the NDMA immediately began to talk to the press about their disappointment with the decision. Regarding the NCR’s announcement the NDMA CEO has been quoted as saying: “We obviously don’t agree with what they [the NCR] have put there.”... “I cannot explain to you how upsetting it is; there were so many agreements in place … the NDMA was playing a huge role getting banks to sign concessions... “ Also, in a strange twist she has referred back to the now long dead VDMS project: “After you remove the VDMS, what alternative solution has been proposed?”

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stand against the proposed code since they were first published”. Barkenhuisen says: ”For over a year our members have been saying The Debt Counselling Industry portal, theDCI they do not want to go contrary to the Act and say they welcome the NCR’s findings. Deborah sign these codes which were a thinly veiled Solomon a registered Debt Counsellor and attempt at circumventing important parts of founder of theDCI says “The mismatch the NCA”. between sky-high debt and these codes speaks to the credit provider’s lack of enforcement of their code and the NCA. The banks have BDCF APPLAUD NCR refused to accept law such as the in duplum ANNOUNCEMENT rule. Debt Counsellors welcomed how the NCR The Black Debt Counsellors Forum (BDCF) has applied the law with vigour, so as not to says it applauds the bold action taken by the create sham protection... The NCR is the only National Credit Regulator (NCR) in addressing regulator and everyone needs to respect this.” and taking steps to correct irregularities within the industry that have threatened the debt process. Octavia Hlatshwayo, the DCU SUPPORTS NCR DECISION counselling secretary of the BDCF says: “In light of these The DCU has said that the recent change of recent developments in the debt counselling stance by the NCR regarding the industry industry, the BDCF offers to codes of conduct and recognition of DCASA the National Credit Regulator.” Hlatshwayo and the NMDA shows that the banks are not also says that recent public statements by infallible. Mr Scott Cundill has stated: “This the credit ombudsman, the NDMA and the is heart-warming news indeed ... We cannot Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa continue to operate in a society where a small (DCASA) stating that debt counselling is not handful are allowed to bully an entire industry. working are “irresponsible and unwarranted”. Our primary task right now is to restore the reputation of Debt Counsellors.”


NEC members of the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa have expressed The Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellors concern with the NCR’s decision to withdraw (AllProDC) say that they praise the decision their support for the Debt Counsellors industry by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) to code of conduct. This is unsurprising in light withdraw it’s support for the so called Debt of DCASA’s central role in creating the code Counselling and Credit Provider Codes of of conduct. DCASA say they are concerned Conduct. Simon Barkenhuizen, elected that this could thrust the industry back into president of the AllProDC National Executive unclear waters and that progress made with Committee says: “We feel this is a great victory various credit providers might be lost. They for our members who have taken a strong


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by the DTI. The pending amendment bill which the DTI have been working on covers many aspects of the NCA, not just debt review. The DTI are said to be about to make the proposal to parliament early next year. The various spelling, wording and numbering mistakes in the ministers Bill might also be a problem. Read the Bill here: proposed-amendment-to-the-nca/ Comment on the proposed amendment NDMA SAY THEY DID should be sent to: REPORT... KIND OF In response to the NCR’s statement that the NDMA failed to report to them as per the industry code of conduct for Credit Providers the NDMA have stated that they reported monthly and quarterly to the Debt Review Daily news items on Debtfree DIGI. The news Advisory Committee (DRAC), Joint Debt in 3 min or less. Review Stakeholder Forum and all stakeholders through individual project reports and quarterly newsletters – all of which were brought to the attention of the NCR. The NDMA have said that they have always strived to consult with and seek the guidance NEXT ­PAGE 12 of the NCR on various matters. The NCR seem Codes of to say otherwise. feel that without the code of conduct for credit providers, the various creditors could stop cooperating with the debt review process. Not all DCASA members are in agreement with the NEC and several have called for the NEC to step down in the wake of the NCR’s withdrawal of recognition of DCASA.




MP Mario Oriani-Ambrosini has submitted a very poorly drafted Bill to parliament to amend the National Credit Act. The proposals calls for 2 changes to the NCA. One change relates to what types of debt can be included in debt review and the second change is a recommendation that a clause be added which allows for the suspension of interest on accounts for up to 5 years. It seems unlikely that this Bill will be ratified in light of all the research done recently




Codes of misconduct? Back in 2009 a Task Team was put together to report to the NCR about Debt Review and problems and hold ups with the process. At that time after several months of research and meetings several suggestions were made to the NCR about how those hold ups could be over-come. At the time not every Debt Counsellor (DC) supported the suggestions made but the Task Team released a nice report of their suggestions and findings that many DCs and even Magistrates kept on hand. Over time many of the proposals, of that NCR Task Team, were implemented by Creditor Providers and DCs. With time and some promotion the task team report suggestions were perceived by some to be seen as industry “rules�. Of course that was not the case and only the NCA itself was the set of rules for the industry. However since the Task Team suggestions were beneficial to Credit Providers the Banking Association of South Africa ( BASA) decided to throw their weight behind these suggestions and with the help of the National Debt Mediation Association (NDMA) began to call these suggestions rules. They went so far as to then create a code of conduct for NDMA creditor members to subscribe to. Part of the Code helped establish the at the time almost defunct NDMA as a credit provider representative body within the debt review space. BASA and the NDMA at great cost developed a piece of software called DCRS which referred back to the Task Team suggestions. Many Debt Counsellors have had great success using DCRS

to make proposals to creditors who subscribe to the NDMA. While this has been less the case more recently due to technicalities and bad follow up by creditors the program is still very popular. At the same time the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa ( DCASA ) proposed a code of conduct for Debt Counsellors. The NCR liked the Code of Conduct and told Debt Counsellors to sign it. This caused a great rift in the debt counselling fraternity. Some DCs were happy to sign however many others were not, since the code contained provisos like: a DC must belong to DCASA and would not accept applications from poorer consumers or those in a lot of financial trouble who could not make nice/neat proposals. The then newly formed group of concerned Debt Counsellors - who would eventually grow to become the Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellors ( AllProDC ) - took a firm stance against the code. They said they were only prepared to stick to the requirements of the NCA and were not prepared to go against the spirit (and letter) of the Act. This fact saw them somewhat sidelined by the NDMA and Debt Review Advisory Committee- DRAC (formed as a result of the Task Teams suggestion). Even the NCR hesitated to support them. The related matter of a DC fee structure was taken to the Competition Commission. The Commission came back and said they did not think Debt Counsellors should be forced to belong to one association and that that association should not be able to set the fee

structure for all Debt Counsellors. This then motivated the NCR to publish the previous DCASA proposed fee structure with a NCR letterhead and they NCR soon changed the wording of the proposed Code of Conduct for DCs to allow for membership to other associations other than DCASA. Once again Debt Counsellors complained that the proposed Code contravened the NCA. Then the NDMA went an extra step and tried to introduce a voluntary debt mediation ( called VDMS but basically non regulated debt review) program based on the Task Team findings and the DCRS computer program and the industry codes of conduct. At this time Deborah Solomon ( the founding member of the Debt Counselling Industry – a online resource and forum for consumers and DCs) became involved and through legal means demanded that the NCR relook at their stance on these matters. Over the previous months many of the past leadership of the NCR had been placed on special leave or come under investigation on a number of allegations ranging from fraud to corruption and more. Things at the regulators office had changed a lot. Finally during this time a new CEO had been appointed at the NCR and it seems that new leadership and changes within the NCR made it possible for them to take a stand and declare that they would investigate the NDMA’s proposed VDMS project. Under continued pressure from theDCI and various DCs around the country the NCR eventually pulled the plug on the VDMS project. They found it to be illegal in terms of the NCA. Strangely even after the announcement by the NCR about the matter the NDMA and DCASA NEC still continued to support the project. The

NCR was firm and told them to stop work on the pilot program. It seems though that this continued resistance to the NCR did not endear them to the regulator and so continued investigations into all things related to the old 2009 Task Team and NDMA continued behind the scenes. This brought the NCR to the industry codes of conduct. They called for comment from the industry including DCASA. DCASA came back with strong support from their polled members for the Task Team findings and the codes of conduct. Comments by DCs from other associations such as AllProDC and the new Debt Counsellors Union showed a very different picture however. Several points of conflict with the NCA were raised and the NCR listened. The NCR has now came out and announced that it is withdrawing it’s support for the Industry Codes of Conduct for Debt Counsellors, Payment Distribution Agencies and Credit Providers. They have specifically made mention of DCASA and the NDMA in their press release. This is a very public embarrassment for these associations and the role they have played in the implementation of the Codes. It does not seem that consumers will immediately be effected by the NCR’s withdrawal of support for these codes and it seems unlikely that progress made will be thrown out by all parties rather it is a case of back to the drawing board. The NCR have been receiving comments from various parties about their decision but it seems unlikely they will change their mind especially since the NDMA and some in DCASA have once again been going around denigrating their abilities and decisions as well as criticizing the NCA and the debt review process.

Fall out at DCASA or AllProDC. In an effort to get a better understanding of the views of members, Debtfree DIGI visited their open forum to see what the general feeling was after the announcement.

A recent announcement by the NCR retracting it’s support for the industry code of conduct and their recognition of The Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa (DCASA) in this regard, has sparked a conflagration within the association. In the past, DCASA, which was the first Debt Counsellors association to be established in SA, was seen as the powerhouse in representing Debt Counsellors, now with this announcement, all that is at risk. On the subject of the code, members within the association have very divided opinions. These range from disappointment that the NCR has withdrawn support, to joy that they have done so. There are cries of support and those who are calling for the DCASA leaderships heads. Some comments are directly aimed at the current DCASA President in particular, rather than the NEC in general. Some members have simply decided to move on to other associations such as the DCU, BDCF

DCASA host a online forum which is open to the public where Debt Counsellors (both members and non-members) as well as creditors and consumers can discuss debt review. Please note the forum states: THIS FORUM IS OPEN TO ANYONE! We invite you to get involved and enjoy. DISCLAIMER: Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this forum are not necessarily those of DCASA. Here are some comments from the open DCASA web forum: To visit the forum and see all the comments head to: php Please note that only initials of online profile names are shown in this article Summing up the panic within the organisation on member asks: A: What will happen now? G: I am NOT surprised that the NCR took the position that they took on this matter, to the extent that they literally renounced their recognition of DCASA, NDMA, PDASA all-at-

once ! ! You can tell from a distance that they counselling... don’t really give a finger about DCASA, NDMA, etc. That’s a *blow* in the groin guys . . . that’s I just do not understand why you cannot seem to get the message... you are leading debt a major blow :( counsellors and the industry into demise STOP! At this point in time obviously the NCR is pissed G: The DCASA NEC need to get their heads off with NDMA, DCASA, PDASA, etc. out of the sand and face the facts. They have PS: The DCAC [maybe he means DCASA] failed their membership miserably and do not Chairman met with the NCR EXCO on deserve to be allowed to continue to lead and Friday morning and this was followed by an influence the industry in future. emergency DRAC meeting on Friday. A number of possible solutions were discussed with the One has only to read today’s be embarrassed NCR and follow up discussions is scheduled at being a member of DCASA. This latest news article was preceded by the embarrassment of this week. DCASA speaking out in favor of VDMS, after the Members are requested to remain calm ...Call for NCR had announced that their investigations radical action by individuals is not appropriate. found VDMS to be contrary to the best interests ... A numbers of uninformed individuals used of consumers. The conflicts of interests persist this opportunity to spread incorrect and false within the DCASA NEC information. This is not a time to respond other than to say that those individuals have personal Regarding the code of conduct one member made this interesting comment that seems to agendas and are not representing the truth. get to the heart of the perceived problem: Gsm: The truth is that DCSA has so many agendas and promotional interests for G: I think the biggest blunder that DCASA yourselves. Paul. It is time to go, do the industry committed was when they started to prescribe a favour .... your own members are agaist your THE PROCESS of debt counselling in a document that was purporting to be a Code of vested interests. Conduct ! There is no need for your to run around and have emergency meetings with the NCR and I had NEVER seen a code of conduct that tells others. The industry will sort itself [out]... time- employees or its members the tactics of *HOW* and- again you have been advised to leave they should perform the CORE duties in their the stage. Get on with your business of debt daily jobs. Rather what I’ve commonly seen

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is that a Code of Conduct would usually talk about how one should Dress, Communication with Clients, Courtesy and Respect to other employees, management and stakeholders, how one should carry oneself around and present oneself in order to reflect a *positive impression* of the company’s outlook ... NOT anything about the job tactics or processes to be followed when one is performing hardcore duties !

leap forward towards a more meaningful debt regulatory system. There were too many dissenters trying to erect their own little “kingdoms” parallel to the NCR, despite the fact that the NCR is the one and only regulator. There are certain to be other giant leaps after this notice is read by some of these dissenters, but those will be leaps of despair!

another stated: Gsm: You are right you cannot fix a law with codes or agreements outside of D: Now at least we know the NCR is not “dead” - for too long we were wondering whether the the LAW and REGULATIONS. NCR had any teeth! J: I am proud to be affiliated with DCASA... these processes have made Debt counselling a A: my faith in the NCR IS RESTORED.... indeed a rewarding program to use for both consumers victory and DC’s....and its now at a stage that it is Dn: This is a small step on the part of the actually workable! NCR in its reclaiming of its core function as Join whatever association you see fit and that Regulator... This ‘courage of conviction’ from works for you as a DC company or DC, but the Organisation needs our full support and don’t come here and start a petty slanderous commendation. campaign against DCASA or its members, and make out that everything was done is shady Opinions within DCASA remain divided while under the table deals.... other associations and Debt Counsellors seem G: I must say I am highly disappointed by happy with the NCR’s decision. What is quite DCASA ... As from this moment forward I no clear is that the NCR have really given DCASA longer consider myself a member of DCASA. I a very public slap in the face. Where once DCASA were the “golden child” of associations hereby resign forthwith. for Debt Counsellors, this status has taken a severe knock. It remains to see how DCASA will Within other online forums Debt Counsellors weather this storm. have expressed their opinions on the subject as well. Most seem in clear favour of the NCR’s To visit the forum and see all the comments decision. Here are some selected comments: head to: P: This one small step from the NCR is one giant php

LIVING ON LESS Times are tough and we all need to make our money stretch these days. As the cost of living increases it seems that, come the end of the month, there is always a little less cash left to enjoy life with. The Living on Less is a section of Debtfree DIGI which looks at ways wise consumers can keep their living expenses down and save funds. We also consider ways to still have some fun for less. Living on Less is about spotting a great deal and letting others know. It’s about changing our mind set to reflect the reality that times are tough and we need to get savvy. Sure times are tough but you can still have fun while Living on Less.


NEED 2 NOT SPEED 2 Why 90km and 140km can be the most costly speeds to travel at. If you are found to be going 30kms over the speed limit in a urban area (and 40kms over outside an urban area) you face the possibility of losing your license for a prolonged period. The first time you are caught you will be without your licence for 6 months but the second time For example a driver may enter an area where that will increase to 5 years and the third time the speed limit is reduced but is inattentive and 10 years. misses the posted signage in this regard. Say for instance: you are travelling at 90km an hour If you do face a court appearance for and the speed limit reduces down to 60km speeding and you feel there were extenuating per hour. If trapped at that point, going 30km circumstances at the time (like rushing to more than the speed limit, more is involved the emergency ward etc) then obtain legal than a simple fine. The traffic department will representation to assist you. It is likely the issue you with a notice and demand that you court will not find you guilty or may reduce the consequences accordingly. appear in Court. First off, it is never a good idea to exceed the speed limit, ever! You increase the amount of petrol you use, you put yourself and others at risk and it’s against the law and yet it can happen so quickly without you even noticing.

The bad news is, once you then appear in court you will likely be found guilty and the offence will be captured as a criminal offence on your permanent record. It gets worse, because you exceeded the speed limit by 30kms you will have your licence suspended for 6 months. Oh, and you will be fined. This is in line with changes that were made to the National Road Traffic Act back in 2008.

So before you go out getting all fast and furious, ask yourself: What would the impact of losing your licence for 6 months or 5 years be? What impact would a criminal record have on your future employment opportunities. All in all it is just a good idea to slow down and stick to the speed limit.

MASSIVE Around the world commuters have grown tired of sitting in traffic burning fossil fuels and so people in major cities began to commute to work once a month en mass on bicycles. Normally the ride is held on the last Friday of each month. What originally started in ‘92 in one city, soon popped up world wide. What became known as “critical mass” quickly became more than a simple ride to work. It became a chance to leave home early, ride with friends and neighbours and socialize, in many cases over a cup of coffee half-way to work. Critical mass is now held in more than 300 cities worldwide. With critical mass being such a success, these fair weather riders (and the more serious crowd) began looking for other excuses to hit the streets on their bicycles and thus the concept of Moonlight mass was born. Moonlight mass is a night ride on the evening of the full moon. This provides a well lit and easily indentified evening for the event each month. Cities like JHB, Durban and Cape Town have come to the party and even provide traffic officers to help keep riders safe. With seemingly the best support so far, Cape Town has a new dedicated train from the Simons Town area where riders can bring their bicycles onboard and travel into the city (and home) for the ride.

One of the Debtfree DIGI team joined the moonlight mass ride and tells us of his experience. I remember the day I got to ride my bike without training wheels for the first time. My dad took me to a golf course in the town where we lived down the KZN south coast. I was buzzing with excitement and trepidation. Looking back I doubt that hill was as steep as it seemed at the time, and so with a helpful push my dad sent me tearing down that slope and set me free. I spent the rest of that summer glued to my bicycle. That was years ago and bicycling became less of a priority for me when I got my first motorbike. Nowadays I buzz around town on my scooter in summer and stick to the car in winter. So when our friends invited my wife and I to go on a night time ride through the city and join thousands of other Cape Townians for a bit of sweat and fun I was once again nervous and excited at the same time. First off it would be good to mention I had not been on a bicycle for about 10 years. Secondly with 3 months of bad flu at the beginning of the year, and a distinct lack of exercise since, I was not sure I would be able to handle it. However in the spirit of adventure my wife and I committed to join the ride if the weather was nice. My cunning plan of relying on the weather to keep my at home in front of my TV backfired, and so we headed off to my friends place

where he had 2 bicycles waiting for us. After adjusting this and that it was time to hit the streets. The sun had set and it was a beautiful moonlit evening without a breath of wind. You couldn’t ask for better conditions. After riding up and down the road a few times to see if my brain and legs remembered what to do, we rode up a hill (I know, a hill really! I was just trying to get back into the swing of things and already there was a hill). In retrospect I don’t think that hill was as steep as it seemed at the time. After a little bit of huffing and puffing we made it to the meeting point in my friends neighbourhood. Then along with 10 other happy and very chatty cyclists we made our way slowly into town. I must say that as we travelled and began to see more and more cyclists on the road and as our bunch of 10 became 15 then 20 then more and more all heading to the new stadium in Green Point I began to see the attraction of the event. Arriving at the pedestrian circle outside the stadium we were surrounded by what must have been thousands of riders. People came dressed up as clowns, wearing suits, Elvis costumes you name it. Most were dressed in casual clothes. No need for cycling gear. It was amazing to see how many different types of bicycles are out there. From fixies to electric. from fold-ups and easy riders to unicycles. You don’t even need to own a bicycle as several places will rent you one for the evening. There was a real hubbub of conversation as anticipation for the ride

grew. Bells started ringing and people began whooping and then at some unseen signal it was time to go. We joined in a stream of riders who rode over pavements, around hand railings and through the Mc Donald’s parking lot as we headed off. The pace was leisurely and the atmosphere congenial. Strangers chatted for a moment or two before differences in paces separated them. Despite the large number of riders we managed to stay with our group throughout the 10 km or so of the ride. We took a break at Greenmarket square for a warm cup of coffee and then after another chat it was time to head on home. I was surprised the next day when I was not sore and stiff. I think it was the slow and even pace of our ride that helped me avoid any aches and pains the following day. That was when I decided to become a moonlight mass regular. You can find out more about critical mass at and moonlight mass at: http://moonlightmass. or by following them on twitter https://twitter. com/moonlightmass or @moonlightmass

COMPETITION Were you inspired by our article on moonlight mass? Do you feel like dusting off the old bicycle and hitting the streets? Well you might need a little help getting it roadworthy again. Don’t worry BMC and Debtfree DIGI are here to help. Bicycle Maintenance Company (BMC) are industry leaders in bicycle care and servicing. They specialise in the custom spaying of frames and building up of fixies. Based in Cape Town, they remain industry leaders in the bicycle maintenance field. This month BMC are giving away one bicycle maintenance service to a Debtfree DIGI reader from Cape Town. If you would like to win this prize simply visit and then email us and tell us: What is BMC’s address? Send your response to: email:

Details: Prize consists of 1 x Mini Service to one reader. Entry will be randomly selected. Debtfree DIGI’s decision regarding the winner is final.

DebtWise Tutorial DebtWise is constantly looking for ways to help our Debt Counsellors lives simpler. Our system now has improved SMS functionality. We look at 3 of the SMS options on our system. Debt Counsellors can generate notification SMS’ while working on consumers Form 17.1 and 2s

The Form 17’s sms’s


Applicant documents:


Scroll down to “SMS”

Another otpion that Debt Counsellors have while using the DebtWise system is to send a consumer an SMS at antime using the SMS function All the DC has to do is select: Other Options and SMS, then you can choose the template you would like to use, by choosing from the dropdown box and choosing your template and click on “use” to allow the template to appear.

4. SMS function will pop up with a template that correlates with the specific document chosen:

(Please note that the template is editable and could be amended as required.)

An additional tick can be placed to send it to the secondary applicant/spouse, if required.

What if the expected payment from the consumer has not come in? Well now the DC can send a Default SMS for Non-Payment:

This SMS function is to make life easier for the Debt Counsellor to contact the client’s that are in Default and this template is also editable, for example, should it not be the client’s first payment, the word “first” can be removed.

Debt Wise Solutions Debt review and distribution software. Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.


Eugene Cilliers Pay Plan Solutions

How long have you been a DC? 3 years

Standard Bank, ABSA and SA Multiloan/Bridge Loans.

What did you do before becoming a DC? I have always worked in Financial Services. I worked for a Debt Management company in Manchester called Sterling Green. Prior to that I worked in Private Client Equity Sales with a Nominated Broker in London.

What is the biggest challenge facing Debt Counsellors at the moment? Overcoming both scepticism of each other and fear of the unknown. We need to remember that we cannot function in this industry alone.

What is the biggest challenge facing your consumers at the moment? Do you have a small/medium/large DC Completing payments through the debt review company? It is a small company opperating in the Western process must be the hardest thing to do. When you have in years past, spent 20% more than Cape. you earned every year and now have to live on 20% less than what you earn just to get What makes your business a success? DCRS, DCASA, NDMA and perhaps a slightly back on track, the difference in lifestyle can be different approach to information sharing with crippling. clients. Hopefully also because of the fact that we are so small, it gives us a slight advantage in What advice do you have for consumers that we can personally get involved in under debt review? ensuring success with the debt review process. See this as your financial weigh less programme. I imagine it is harder for a company trying to Only when you reach your goal will you be able achieve 100% success when they are taking to reflect positively on the hard times. on 150 new clients per month than it is for us, when we only have a handful of clients to worry about. Where do you find new business? Referrals and Staff presentations are still best, but also through affiliate marketing on the internet Who are your most co-operative and least cooperative credit provider at the moment? Most co-operative – Almost too many to mention, but certainly Consumer Friend, FNB (& Wesbank), MFC, Nedbank, SA Homeloans, Edcon & African Bank. Least co-operative –

SERVICE DIRE DEBT COUNSELLING AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032 Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954 Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621 Consumer Assist Johann Vermeulen Tel: 0861 628 628 Credit Matters 021 431 9100 CS Debt Counselling Bernidene Smith NCRDC 764 057 352 4115/352 5000 Welkom - Free state Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Debtbusters 0861 663 328 (NO DEBT) Debt Budget Tel: 021 824 8885 Debt Solve Debt Counsellors Office: 033 397 0945

DEBTINC NCRDC’s 1071, 1188, 1189. Tel: (022) 713-2021 Fax: (022) 713-2028 Share Call: 0861 20 21 20 E-mail: Website: SMS: HELP to 35075

Debt Rescue Neil Roets NCR DC 474 Cell: 083 644 7406 Tel: 0861 800 009 Fax: 086 523 0617 E-mail:

DebtSafe 0861 100 999 Debt Serious We are serious about debt Vida Scheepers NCRDC1792 Po box 394, Garsfontein, Pretoria 0042 Fax no: 086 553 9403 Debt Rehab Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619 Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website: Debt eezy Your Debt Solution made Easy Ashley Carstens NCRDC858 Tel: 021 839 2809 Fax: 083 512 4160 / 086 665 9125 Email: Website:

Debt Management & Counseling Services “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela Derry Burge NCRDC108 140 Irene Avenue, La Concorde, Somerset West, 7130 Tel: 021 855 5997 Cell: 074 177 5375 Fax: 021 855 1195 or 0865413200 E-mail: Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Sm ith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809

ECTORY Debt Counselling South Africa Cape Town Branch Tel: 021 919 66 94 Rod De Witt NCRDC831 Visit: Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts Holistic Debt Counsellors Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249 Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross

Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 MG Consulting Strand - Helderberg Area Telkom : 021 853 4537 Mobile Phone: 082 450 7459 Fax Number: 0866 220 690 E-Mail: info@mgconsulting NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112

Penny Wise Debt Counselling Cathy Foster Debt Counsellor - NCRDC1977 Tel: (011) 794 9912 Fax: 086 719 3378 Mobile: 083 298 4467 Email: Rihanyo Debt Counselling (012) 804 50 57 Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615

The best angle to approach debt is the Triangle Caledon - Western Cape Contact Person: Yolande 8 Hoop Street, 7230 Caledon Tel: 028 212 2537 Ceres - Western Cape Leyll str 61, 683 Ceres Tel: 023 312 1292 Fax: 023 312 2119 Worcester - Western Cape 71 Porter Street 6850 Longitude: 19.44305 Latitude: -33.64942 Tel: 0233420576 Fax: 086656801 Bloemfontein - Free State 94 Zastron, 9301 Bloemfontein Contact Person: Yolande Tel: +27 51 448 2828 Fax: +27 51 447 9481 Viljoenskroon - Free State 35 Denyssen Street, 7230 Contact Person: Johann Olivier Phone: +27 56 343 0352 Fax: +27 56 343 035 Welkom – Free State 329 Stateway, 9460 Welkom Contact Person: Susan Roux Email: Tel: +27 57 352 6117 Fax: +27 57-352 2355

SERVICE DIRE U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241

DRS MTHATHA Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email:

DRS KIRKWOOD Keith Le Roux Cell: 073 207 1675 Office: 041 451 0474 Email:


ZunĂŠ Coetzer Debt Counsellors NCRDC 1599 24 van der Stel Street, Dan Pienaar Bloemfontein Tel: 051-4364515 Fax: 086 5870 845 Email:

DRS ALBANY Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS PORT ELIZABETH Derryn Fish Cell: 084 515 6135 Office: 041 453 8961 Email:

DRS DEBT RESTRUCTURING SERVICES BORDER REGION: DRS BEACON BAY Johan Pretorius Cell: 082 324 4038 Office: 043 748 1139 DRS BUFFALO CITY Herman Marias Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 043 7210652 DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWN Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: DRS CRADOCK Office: 043 721 0652 DRS QUEENSTOWN Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email:

DRS ALGOA Marius Weyers Cell: 083 497 3219 Email:

DRS SIDWELL EXPRESS Keith Le Roux Cell: 073 207 1675 Office: 041 451 0474 Email:

DRS BOND CHOICE Andrea Atkinson Office: 041 393 7000 Email:

DRS SOMMERSET EAST Luther De Bruyn Cell: 082 568 2970 Office: 042 243 1107 Email:

DRS CENTRAL EXPRESS Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693586 2020 Email: DRS DESPATCH Isabe Landman Cell: 072 337 3328 Office: 041 933 1189 Email: DRS HUMANSDORP Morne Steyn Cell: 083 298 8182 Office: 042 291 0135 Email: DRS NKONKOBE (Fort Beaufort) Bernadine von der Decken Cell: 083 2859289 Office: 046 645 1898 Email:

DRS UTENHAGE Lynn Lindoor Cell: 083 7174 183 Email: FREESTATE: DRS GOLDFIELDS (Welkom) Irvin Billy (Derryn Fish) Cell: 072 114 4427 Office: 081 319 0083 Email: DRS MANGAUNG Amanda Johnson Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

ECTORY DRS FOREISTATA EXPRESS (Bloemfontein) Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693 Email: DRS SOUTH FREESTATE Nelmarie De lange Cell: 079 236 3615 Office: 053 591 0734 Email: GARDEN ROUTE: DRS DE AAR Veronique Louw (Derryn Fish) Cell: 076 382 2020 Office: 053 631 1189 Email: DRS GEORGE Francois Van Zyl Cell: 079 522 1930 Office: 044 874 2820 Email: DRS EDEN (Hartenbos) Bruno Mertsch Tel: 042 291 1083/4 Email: GAUTENG: DRS CENTURION EXPRESS Amanda Johnon Office: 041 373 9693 Email: DRS LYNNWOOD Junique Julius Office: 012 807 4339 Email: DRS PRETORIA EXPRESS Ben Vermeulen

Cell: 082 442 8654 Office: 012 331 2145 Email: DRS PRETORIA NOORD Office: 041 373 9693 Email: DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESS Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693 Email: DRS RUSTENBURG Amanda Johnson Office: 041 373 9693 Email: KWA ZULU NATAL: DRS GREYVILLE Vyas Juggernath Cell: 083 206 0300 Office: 031 309 8716 Email: DRS KOKSTAD Melanie Louwrens Cell: 083 269 0424 Office: 039 727 1430 Email: DRS MORNINGSIDE DURBAN Erica Mtshali (Amanda Johnson) Cell: 076 578 8660 Office: 031 301 5990 email DRS PHOENIX Vyas Juggernath Cell: 083 206 0300 Office: 031 309 8716 Email:

DRS PIETERMARITZBURG Sanele Zulu Cell: 083 543 3487 Office: 033 394 8319 Email: WESTERN CAPE: DRS BELLVILLE Patricia Bekker Office: 021 948 8523 / 4 Email: DRS DIAMOND Clive Palmer Office: 021 421 8563 Email: DRS TYGERBERG Craig Lakey Cell: 082 627 0957 Office: 021 945 4062 Email: DRS WEST COAST Marius Coetzee Cell: 082 978 4407 Office: 022 713 3766 Email DRS SALDANHA Marius Coetzee Office: 022 713 3766 Email: DRS SOLUTIONS Christelle de Villiers Cell: 084 586 5600 Email:

SERVICE DIRE SUPPORT SERVICES Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell no: 083 3028163 Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150 E- Mail:

Information resources & services Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource TRAINING Compuscan Academy 0861 51 41 31 You & Your Money Western Cape: NCR Debt Counsellor Training: For a Cutting Edge Course with practical input contact: You & Your Money Dawn Jackson net Cell: 072 1769789 (021) 761 3287 FINANCIAL ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0861 005 901

Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837 Experian 011 799-3400 Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558 PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783 36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619 Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378 Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236

Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589 Nedbank Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279 STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402 TransUnion 0861 482 482 Thinkmoney Financial comparison website Contact: Gareth Mountain Tel: 079 0996 798 WIZARD Vereeniging Making Mortgage Magic Wanine Smit Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967 FINANCIAL PLANNING Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912


RM Brown and Associates 601 Pier House, 13 -17 Heerengracht, Cape Town Tel: 021 431 9127, f: 021 425 0875 Email:

Karen van Staden Scheepers Attorneys Tel: 012 998 9117 / 012 993 2132 Gerhard Scheepers Fax: 086 721 6467 / 086 662 1153 IsEmail: it to expand your Debt Counselling practice? Agiliti CC Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Do you need specialist Attorneys with a national Tel: 083 290 0848 footprint? LUCID Attorneys Tel: 011 740 7374 Do you need expert advice on how to protect Tel: 011 880 1100 Fax: 086 716 9694 your practice and your clients? Fax: 011 880 1101 Website: Are you informed about recent statutory and Email: legal developments within the industry? CREDIT BUREAUS

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Attorneys servicing individual needsCompuscan

Pretoria: +27(0)12 998 9117

0861 514 131

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O’Connell & Associates Attorneys at Law Keegan O’Connell Tel 021 462 1663 Fax 0866 504 550 303 Millborough, 70A Upper Mill Street, Vreedehoek, Cape Town, 8000 Prinsloo & Associates Attorneys and conveyancers Nanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 Cell: 072-8558-106 Fax: 086-623-5986

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