Debtfree DIGI may 2014

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South Africa’s debt counselling

May 2014




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Switch to easy! Gerhard Dyzel 082 828 7595 044 873 4532 (ext 126)

Yolandi Meyer 082 338 2680 012 348 7624

Why DC Partner? • National representation - Regular office visits by skilled, trained agents. • Automated e-mails can be sent directly for our system - 17.1, 17.2, Proposals, cascade etc. • Automated client statements per distribution in the form of an e-mail or sms • Daily Distributions on ALL clients • Dedicated account managers for EACH debt counsellor • 24hour access to system, including distributions data - From any PC, Cell phone or tablet with internet access • Individual, dedicated business bank account per debt counsellor • Transparency – Access to all data 24hrs per day • View your bank statements on our system • We will follow up on Default clients, unpaid funds and unidentified deposits • Wide selection of reports available directly from the system


Administrators of the Debt Counselling Process

You take care of your customers,



Chec k thi s Out!

whilst we take care of the administrative and legal challenges associated with the debt counselling process.

Testimonials from our satisfied clients: Hi ADCAP Thank you for the reply. The service is excellent, wonderful teamwork! Through your services I am able to focus on grow ing my business. I believe you have the ex pertise in your field. I am looking forward to your guidanc e. Kindest Regards,


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Why not partner with

ADCAP today?

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Visit: Call: 086 186 7868

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“ It always seems impossible until it is done” - Nelson Mandela Specialist Attorneys dealing with Debt Review matters Magistrates Court and High Court Matters

TEL 021 913 2514 FAX 0866070940 EMAIL PHYSICAL ADDRESS 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Oude Westhof POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 3407, tygervalley, 7536

EDITOR’S NOTE With 5 weeks worth of short weeks with all these public holidays it has been somewhat traumatic to have to do a full weeks work again. It feels like I deserve to have it easier, to sleep more and work less, to have more fun and stress less. I guess most of us feel this way most of the time. Gone are our childhood fantasies about what it would be like, one day, when we were ‘all grown up’. We never dream about paying bills, getting scary letters from attorneys or not answering the phone because we are nervous of private numbers. Rather we dream of the freedom to do whatever we want whenever we want. While access to credit can give us that, sadly debt can do the opposite. It can quickly lock us, in fear, to jobs we don’t like, to pay for things we don’t need (to impress people we don’t like). Thank goodness for debt review. Hundreds of thousands of consumers have been helped through tough times by debt review and the industry continues to mature. However for debt review to work it takes hard work by both credit providers and consumers. So in this issue we look at 2 things you can do that will mess up your debt review. Be warned! Make sure you don’t fall into these traps. Preparation for the industry’s first Debt Review Awards this year continues and you can keep up to date with how things are developing in this issue. We really want to thank all the companies and individuals who have already taken part and submitted names and

comments. You guys are stars. If you have not yet had your say. Read the article and then get involved. We have. You should too. Do you think you have what it takes to sit in the middle between Creditor, Consumer and the Courts and be fair to all parties? If so then you might make a great Debt Counsellor. If you are thinking about doing training to become a Debt Counsellor you may want to read our interview with DC Denver Bright and see how his business runs and the joys and challenges he faces. Also you can check out all the going on in the industry (in our news section) as well as find a good Debt Counsellor or attorney (in the Service Directory Section) should you need one. Whereas in the past having the most expensive of everything (and the debt that comes along with that) was most people’s goal, perhaps perceptions are beginning to shift as we weigh up the costs involved in ‘having it all’ now. In the future it could be that being without debt could be the highest social status of them all, not what car we drive. So let’s not give up on those childhood dreams. Rather let’s make them a reality and achieve the freedom that comes from being debt free.

South Africa’s largest Debt Counsellors



NEWS FLASH For daily debt counselling news in 3 minutes or less visit

The National Credit Amendment Bill signed

The office of the President and the DTI have announced that the National Credit Amendment Bill has been signed and once published in the government Gazette is law. Read more here: national-credit-amendment-bill-signed/

NCA Amendments opposed by tardy creditor

Over the last year the NCR and DTI called for comments on the National Credit Act and improvements that could be made. After many months and public meetings the DTI then proposed a National Credit Amendment Bill. The Bill was set before Parliament and a special portfolio committee researched the proposed Bill. They held public meetings and asked credit providers, consumers and Debt Counsellors to submit comments. Debtfree DIGI covered the process throughout. It seems however that some creditors (or at least one) missed the boat and never got to have their say. Sandton based creditor Transaction Capital feels they were left out of the extensive comment phase of the National Credit Amendment Bill and are not happy about it. Transaction Capital might be better known to you as SA Taxi, Rand Trust or Principa. They have sent letters to members of parliament and spoken to the press about being left out.

They are even thinking of spending a whole lot of money at court level to delay the Bill being properly enacted. Transaction Capital have raised concerns that the process for comments on the National Credit Amendment Bill was not followed correctly. They say that the call for comments should have been published in the Government Gazette and not mailed to creditors and Debt Counsellors on the DTI mailing list. Transaction Capitol say they need about 4 months to draft a response to the National Credit Amendment Bill and the ramifications thereof. The new Bill and the Regulations that will now be published will make it a punishable offense to try reactivate prescribed debt to sell and buy old debts. The changes will also stop creditors from trying to ‘duck out of’ the debt review process. SA Taxi in particular has not got the best reputation in the industry in regard to debt review. Their fight with certain Debt Counsellors and the debt review process is a much discussed topic in the industry. There will also now be consequences to creditors who over charge for certain things. Are these the items that they wish to comment on? Is this a delay tactic to allow collections firms more time to try activate prescribed debt? Has there been a serious breach in the proper way of calling for comment? Did other creditors miss the chance to have their say and influence the outcome of the Portfolio Committee’s final draft which was approved by the National

CreDit ProteCtion – Debt review Applied to go under debt review? Why not insure all your accounts on the One Credit Protection? we will contribute towards your accounts in the event of the following: Death – we settle the account temporary Disability – we pay the Debt Review payment for 6 months Permanent Disability – we settle the account Critical illness – we settle the account retrenchment – we pay the Debt Review payment for up to 9 months


At a rate of R 3.25 per R1000, our rates are among the best and our benefit structure is the best in the market.

CREDIT PROTECTION – DEBT REVIEW Applied to go under debt review? SinGLe Joint Why not insure all your accounts on the One Credit Protection?

AMoUnt inSUreD

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We will contribute towards your accounts in the event of the following: Death – we settle the account R47,50 R10 000,00 R37,50 Temporary Disability – we pay the Debt Review payment for 6 months R15 000,00 R53,75 R68,75 Permanent Disability – we settle the account Critical Illness – we settle the account R20 000,00 R70.00 R90,00 Retrenchment – we pay the Debt Review payment for up to 9 months At a000,00 rate of R 3.25 per R1000, our rates are among the best and our benefit structure is R25 R86.25 R111,25 the best in the market.

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Marijke Wessels Portfolio Manager, Gauteng, KZN & Free State Mobile 082 729 3833 Email ContACt Marijke or yoUr Debt CoUnSeLLor! Sam Haasbroek Portfolio Manager, Western, Eastern Cape & Northern Cape 3833 Mobile 082 550 7294 Email

082 729

terms & conditions apply

ONE Financial ONE Services Holdings (Pty) Limited Reg Reg no: no: 1998/005199/07 Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Limited 1998/005199/07 is a juristic representative One Commercial Motor and Liability (Pty)(Pty) Ltd.Ltd. FSP: is a juristic of: representative of: One Commercial Motor and Liability FSP:8783 8783 by Absa Insurance Risk Management Services Ltd. Ltd. UnderwrittenUnderwritten by Absa Insurance Risk Management Services A Division of

NEWS CONT. Council of Provinces? Rumor has it that the President has already signed the Bill and it is scheduled for publishing in the Government Gazette. It is unclear what Transaction Capital’s comments might be and why they missed the deadline. Maybe they were too busy reading the Government Gazette to check their email or a newspaper. NCR cant afford special Training for Debt Counsellors The National Credit Regulator (NCR) has finalised how they want their Debt Counsellor monitoring “tool” to look. The Tool is a checklist of items that the NCR use when visiting Debt Counsellors across the country to see if they are up to standard. Though originally the NCR had promised that specific training in this regard would be rolled out across the country they have realised they do not have the money to do so. In a recent circular they stated: Due budgetary constraints, we will no longer conduct workshops on the tool as planned, instead the tool will be discussed in all our future DC workshops. Debt counsellors are advised that the tool is a guideline and does not bar the monitoring officers from raising any other observations during the visit. Download the final Monitoring tool here: Final NCR DC Monitoring Tool. Download the full circular here: NCR Circular no. 7 of 2014

through their doors. Debt Counselling firm Debt Rescue told Debtfree that the number of people applying for debt counselling has recently more than tripled at their Rustenburg branch. “Most of the people approaching us for help are now more than three months behind in their payments,” he said. “Many have been threatened with legal action and going under debt review is the only way to secure their property and prevent further legal action.”

Form 42 report by debt counsellors due

The 15th May was the due date for Debt Counsellors to submit their NCR Quarterly Report (Jan - March) to the National Credit Regulator. The report has all their recent statistics in regard to who they have been helping, how many enquiries they are getting and how far along their clients matters are in the process. Debt Counsellors also have to fill in this information on an ongoing basis on the NCR’s Debt Help system.

DTI planning new regulations already

The DTI recently called for comments regarding their upcoming new regulations for amended sections of the National Credit Act. The DTI have already contacted various organisations in the debt review industry to ask for suggestions/ Mining strike skyrockets proposals in regard to the new regulations. applications for debt review As the strikes in the Platinum Belt continue Various Debt Counsellor associations have more and more people are having to turn to been approached to ask their members for debt review to help them through tough times. input. You can download a quick look sheet A secondary effect of the strike is less business for the main amendments which will receive for local companies and businesses are feeling regulations in the near future here: DTI List of the pinch as customers are not coming NCA Regulatory sections

THE NATIONAL CREDIT AMENDMENT BILL The National Credit Amendment Bill has now providers, debt counsellors and consumers have to obey the new amendments. The NCAB been signed into law by President Zuma. 2014 also provides additional authority to The National Credit Amendment Bill (or NCAB the Department of Trade & Industry Minister 2014) amends parts of the National Credit Act to issue more regulations about such things which introduced the idea of debt review into as affordability assessment guidelines, the South African law. Over a period of almost 2 registration of Payment Distribution Agencies years the NCR and DTI worked to prepare a and Alternative Dispute Resolution Agents. Bill which was given to a special parliamentary portfolio committee to further research. The It is hoped that the changes to the NCA will Bill was then debated in the General Assembly greatly benefit consumers and reduce some and passed on to the National Council of issues in regard to debt review. Be sure to read Provinces. From there it made it’s way to the next month’s (June 2014) issue of Debtfree Presidents office where after consideration DIGI as we delve deeply into the changes and if any parts of the Bill go contrary to the consider how they will effect Consumers, Credit constitution it has been signed. The Bill is Providers, Payment Distribution Agencies, The law from the moment it is published in the NCR and Debt Counsellors. Government Gazette meaning that credit



With the National Credit Amendment Bill the National Credit Act is changing. Make sure you have an up-to-date copy of the National Credit Act. Pre-order your Revised National Credit Act Booklets now






Missing a payment , even your very first payment is a sure way to ruin your debt review. One missed payment and it all comes crashing down. Don’t expect your Debt Counsellor to take your side either. The Debt Counsellor has to have all parties best interests at heart and if you miss a payment this means you don’t take the process and the Court order serious. One missed payments and you will revert to your old contracts with your creditors meaning you may face huge shortfalls on your home and car which the bank will want immediately (if you have these) and could lose both. Don’t delude yourself into thinking your Debt Counsellor has some sort of power over your creditors or is “on your side”. They will help where possible but if you don’t stick to the legal arrangement they will have no choice but to end the debt review. If you do miss a payment or short pay you will quickly find credit providers sending you termination notices and beginning a whole new legal process (which you will end up paying for). Be sure to view debt review as a last chance situation. Missing a payment so you can help a friend out with their financial situation or even paying for important things like school books instead of your debt review payment could see your kids homeless so think hard before missing a payment.



Just because you are under debt review does not mean you can ignore a summons. If you receive a summons then you need to go to court and defend yourself (or have someone do so). If you receive a summons tell your Debt Counsellor and they will contact the creditor involved. They will try get written legal assurances that the creditor and their legal team will not proceed but it may be necessary for you or a representative to go to court and argue at court. This may involve you showing the court that you already have a legally binding debt restructuring court order in place and have been making debt review payments. This is a big pain and can take time and effort. Fortunately most of these matters are dropped if you let the creditor know that you will defend the case and will ask the court to order them to pay your legal bills. If not it is worth it to go to court and defend your home or car from a possible auction or repossession which will complicate your life no end. If you get a summons let your DC know straight away.



Why do you think a credit provider that is dealing with a Debt Counsellor or already has a debt review court order in place with you would want to make new negotiations? Do you think it is to benefit you? Some consumers have made telephonic arrangements with credit providers without any paperwork or legal assurances. Then later when things go awry they ask the credit provider for the recording of the conversation only to be told the credit provider cannot find the call. Beware. If you are under debt review then let the creditors deal directly with your Debt Counsellor who knows what arrangements have been made for every account you have, not just one in isolation. Is a credit provider offering you a lower instalment at a lower interest rate? Ask for it in writing and send it on to your Debt Counsellor.

Paying extra to your credit providers is a great idea. The more you can pay the sooner you will no longer need debt review. However it is vital that if you are paying your debts via a Payment Distribution Agency and you have extra funds to pay you do so via the PDA as well. The PDA track what the balance on your accounts should be (in accordance with your court order). This is important since often credit providers do not implement or capture the court ordered repayment plan on their computers timeously. This results in them adding all sorts of extra fees and interest. The only way to later resolve what the balance on the account should be is to compare the PDA and credit providers balances. If you pay a credit provider extra money without telling the PDA or the Debt Counsellor these funds could get lost and you will have wasted all those extra funds. If you have extra funds talk to your DC and discuss what can be done.



Debt Review will help you get out of debt while covering your monthly needs. Be careful of these common pitfalls and you will avoid a lot of heartache and stress.








telephone +27 (0)21 462 7533 email

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A few years back when debt review was young the National Credit Regulator (NCR) began to force Debt Counsellors and their consumers to pay credit providers via independent companies called Payment Distribution Agency or PDAs. The NCR felt that it would be better for Debt Counsellors not to have access to consumers money (in case they ran off with it) and for an independent company to track payments (rather than simply take the credit providers word in regard to whether payments had been received or not). An additional benefit was that it simplified things for the consumer in that they only had to make a single payment to

one account rather than lots of small payments all over the place. At first there were 5 of these companies but now that number has dropped to 3. Some consumers are making their own payments via other systems that do not currently have service level agreements with the NCR but the NCR does not like it. The NCR even changed the conditions of registration for most new Debt Counsellors to include a clause which forces the Debt Counsellor (not the consumer) to use a PDA to receive funds.

Steyn Coetzee Attorneys recently put the exact status of a PDA to the test in the Western Cape High Court when ABSA took their client, Mr Coetzee, to court in regard to his debt review. ABSA submitted papers asking for a summary judgment against Mr Coetzee as he had at one stage not made full payments as per his debt restructuring Court Order for 6 months and they therefore wanted the consumers vehicle back. Steyn Coeztee, represented by Liddle & Associate’s Attorney Quintin Zimmermann, argued that the consumer was not in default of his debt restructuring court order and that ABSA thus could not proceed in terms of NCA Sect 88(3). The argument was that Mr Coetzee had paid even more than ordered each month to the PDA. When ABSA told the consumer and Debt Counsellor that they were not getting the proper payment on the vehicle (in fact the PDA were sending the money to Wesbank instead) the matter was investigated and payments were sorted out and ABSA were asked if the debt review could continue. ABSA indicated that they were happy to continue debt review payments on the consumers credit card and overdraft accounts but now wanted the consumers vehicle back.

Papers submitted by Steyn Coetzee Attorneys pointed to the court case (also in the Western Cape) of ABSA Bank Ltd V McEpieow where the court found that the PDA, in that case, was a court appointed intermediary or representative and not an mandated agent for the client. In the matter of Nedbank v Ngqeleni another court found that essentially the consumer was forced by the system put in place by the National Credit Regulator to make payments to his creditors via a Payment Distribution Agency. The Ruling In his ruling on this matter Judge Baartman reviewed ABSA and Steyn Coetzee’s arguments and found that like in the matter of ABSA Bank v Kevin Rudolph Lubbe and Another (from Nov 2013) the distribution agent [the PDA] is not the consumers agent instead the agent [PDA] is the court-appointed intermediary with no authority to represent the [consumer]. The application for summary judgement was thus denied.

What does this mean? It means that there is now, thanks to Mr Zimmermann and Steyn Coetzee Attorneys, another precedent saying that where a consumer is paying in good faith and the PDA Mr Zimmermann pointed out that the makes a mistake the consumer is still sticking consumers debt restructuring court order to the court order. So creditors can’t then just obliged the consumer to pay funds to the PDA easily use NCA Section 88(3) as an excuse to try (not the creditor) and that the problem thus get a consumers assets back instead of taking lay with the PDA system not the consumer. He the payments from the consumer or the PDA also pointed out that the accounts had been when they sort it out. brought up to date in terms of the court order. This raised an issue: Is the PDA the consumers “agent” (does what the consumer says)?



TEL: 021 872 1968 FAX: 021 872 2678






The Debt Review Awards will give all sides Africa and the Debt Counselling Industry of the debt review industry the chance to (theDCI is an online forum for consumers and acknowledge hard work being done by others Debt Counsellors). in their industry. Nedbank and FNB continue to play a crucial Recently a call went out, not only to specific role in contributing toward the process and credit providers and Debt Counsellors but have shown their reputation for engaging with also Credit Provider associations and Debt other parts of the industry is deserved. They will Counsellor Associations. Suggestions in regard both be there on the evening helping make it a to possible candidates for nominations have success and will say a few words. been pouring in to nominations@debtfreedigi. Media Our media partners are now really circling the Individuals from all over have volunteered their story and are very interested to see who will be time to help out and assist in various ways. It nominated. They will be giving a lot of positive has really been great to see new supporters and press to the Gala event where the awards will be sponsors come on board such as Credit Matters handed out. The Gala will be held in July 2014. (a debt counselling firm) MAXIMUS (software will feature photos providers) and Steyn Coetzee Attorneys (who and video interviews of all those attending and nominated so be sure to visit the dedicated work with debt review matters). page : have had a lot of support from MFSA, the awards/ Since the Debt Review Awards gala Banking Association of South Africa, as well as, will be held in Cape Town this year and there the Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellors, are only a limited number of seats you may not the Debt Counsellors Association of South be able to attend on the evening of the gala

but you will be able to watch videos and see pictures and be part of the process via social media so you will not miss out no matter where you are in SA.


In the next few weeks the expert panels will go through all the candidates and the nominations will be announced (in the June 2014 issue of Debtfree DIGI) and media relating to the event will be posted on the website. Public voting The public portion of the Debt Review Awards will also begin shortly as members of the public are invited to nominate and vote for their favourite credit provider or Debt Counsellor. Voting will be done via the website (www. as well as Facebook and Twitter (#debtreviewawards). Individual companies (PDAs, DCs and CPs) can submit their own names for nomination (or you can nominate them in this category) but they will then need to get the public to then come and vote for them if they hope to win. It will be interesting to see how the public get involved. Is your Debt Counsellor or PDA worth the time and effort of going online to vote for? Do consumers care enough? Are they getting good enough service from their creditors and DCs to do so? Time will tell. If you have not had your say in regard to who you feel should be nominated for awards yet then contact and tell us who you think should be considered for a golden piggy bank.

Administrators of the Debt Counselling Process

You take care of your custo

whilst we take care of the administrative a challenges associated with the debt coun

Testimonials from our sa Hi ADCAP

insurance done right

Thank you for the reply. The service is excellent, Through your services I am able to focus on grow I believe you have the ex pertise in your field. I am forward to your guidan ce. Kindest Regards,


DEBT COUNSELLOR PROFILE How long have you been a DC? I have been a registered DC for a year but have previously been involved in various roles in DC Companies since 2008. What did you do before becoming a DC? I have been involved in various consumer focused companies, from Law Firms to Administrators, in a multitude of capacities since 1995. What area (of SA) do you practice in? We are based in East London where our main focus is, however we have Clients from as far afield as Pretoria and Nelspruit. We also assist consumers via “road trips” in the area between East London and Mthatha.


Do you have a small/med/large DC company? We are a small practice and prefer to limit our number of clients which allows us to provide a more focused and personalised service to each client that comes through our doors. What makes your business a success? I, and my hand-picked staff, are extremely passionate about consumer assistance. We only accept the best and you will find us all, DC’s and support staff alike, going the extra mile to assist a client. We have two sayings that are often repeated in discussions, “Consumer First” and “Is it Right?”. These are taken to heart and applied in each scenario that we face. Where do you find new business? Due to the high standard of service which we provide to our existing clients, we tend to

receive most new clients from referrals. We also do “road trips” to the schools, police stations, hospitals and clinics around us and give Financial Health talks. These consist of general financial health advice and tips on ways to manage credit better. Lastly we also maintain an active Facebook page which brings in referrals as well. We have found that the more traditional advertising channels do not seem to work for this type of service and interaction with consumers directly works best. Who are your most co-operative and least co-operative credit provider at the moment? The Good: Consumer Friend is always going the extra mile to assist in achieving a suitable arrangement that will assist a consumer. The Bad: Unfortunately we are finding that Nedbank and Standard Bank are very quick to litigate or terminate without taking into account all relevant aspects. The Unfortunate: Edcon still seems to send out system generated letters but never meaningfully actually participates in the debt review process. What is the biggest challenge facing Debt Counsellors at the moment? We find that the biggest challenge is currently, and has always been, the refusal of some of the bigger creditors to work together with DC’s to assist a consumer. They will work to the letter of the law but refuse to allow any leeway when it comes to negotiations. Banks refusing to timeously cancel Debit Orders also causes frustrations and undue hardship for the Consumer and Debt Counsellor.

What is the biggest challenge facing your consumers at the moment? Many of our clients are not employed in salary earning positions and our current tight economy is causing extra strain on already limited finances. We are finding that more often our consumer’s income is shrinking instead of growing and this obviously is not ideal. In these situations we attempt to renegotiate with the credit providers for a short term solution. We are also finding that credit providers are approaching consumers more often these days and offering alternative options. Look closely at what is being offered and discuss the options with your DC.

What advice do you have for consumers under debt review? Stick it out, it does get better. The feeling of achievement when a consumer reaches the end and is able to look back and say “I did it!” is awesome. As long as you stick to the plan you will also reach that point. TEL: 0437260158

NAME: Andronicca Baloyi AREA COVERED: Limpopo , Mpumalanga and Part of Gauteng CONTACT DETAILS: 012 348 7624 or 0849031122 FAVOURITE FOOD: I love every meal that has chicken! For e.g. a delicious KFC crumbed chicken burger. Yum! Debt review is such a wonderful way of helping people. Too much debt leads to too much stress. Debt Counsellors go to so much effort to relive stress from consumers by making their debt their problem too(a problem shared is a problem halved). Where consumers need a PDA to help them through the process to distribute their money we are glad to also be part of the solution. A clear benefit is that PDAs create trust in the community since consumers then know that the Debt Counsellor is not possibly mishandling their money.

don’t be a twit

DEBT COUNSELLORS ASSOCIATIONS ANNOUNCEMENT BOARD DCASA will send out the Debt Counselling Fee increase shortly to all Debt Counsellors. Keep an eye out for the survey.

Have our courts been compromised?

Next DCASA meetings: 3 June: W Cape EXPO at Parow Golf Club from 10:00.

A Director of one of SA’s top law firms implicated:

For more information on meetings in your area, contact DCASA at 086 143 2272 or e-mail

Read how the ‘Securitisation Defence’ saved one consumers home:

W CAPE - PROVINCIAL MEETING Date: 6 May 2014 Location: Parow Golf Club (upstairs) Time: 9:30 for 10am RT WE

BDCF met this month with Lewis and our members have been impressed by their willing spirit to make changes to improve the process. Lewis asked DCs to clearly state the purpose of our emails to their single email address. First repayment dates, annual reviews and Credit life were discussed. BDCF will continue to engage with them as they implement changes.


26 June: Eastern Cape Branch Meeting at Bluewater Guest House from 12:00. Meeting dates for North West and KZN will be announced shortly.





NEWSLETTER Are you having a problem with a specific court? We request that all Debt Counsellors submit specific Court/magistrate issues or problems to by 15 June 2014. Now is your chance to try solve these issues. Please mail. Comments from any Debt Counsellor are welcome. Please spread the word.

Solving the end balance differences debate and in this regard submitting recommendations to simplify matters and reduce this problem. All of our members are facing this issue.

The CIF are going to be submitting a paper on the implementation of “induplum” in accordance with NCA Section 103(5) (Gerald will be chairing this meeting). As we know there has been little agreement and almost no Credit Industry Forum We continue to play a part at the Credit Industry implementation of this aspect of the NCA since Forum and are beginning to have our presence it’s inception. felt by other parties. This is due to all the hard work of Gerald and those members who have AllProDC have also stated our opposition to been making written submissions. Thank you any procedure that does not make provision for the proper implementation of the court very much. orders. Here are a few of the current CIF matters that Branch Meeting we are driving or contributing toward: There will be a Western Cape Branch meeting The need to urgently formalize a standardized on the 6th of June at the Parow Golf Club in Cape Town. Members are welcome. Please feel withdrawal procedure for consumers. free to invite others to join us. There is a small The current DCRS system and our concerns fee of R150 each to cover costs on the day (including lunch). about certain specific issues


SERVICE DIRE DEBT COUNSELLING AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032

Financial Synergy Group Credit Awareness & Rescue Services DEBTINC 0861 20 21 20 Financial Planning & Growth CONFIDO 022 713 20 21 Legal 012 643 1423 Employer Group & Wellness Services 012 643 1423

Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954

Cape Debt Clinic Your Guide to Financial Wellness and Recovery Karin Augustyn 021-828-2658 073-903-6942 Cape-Debt-Clinic Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621 Consumer Assist Tel: 0861 628 628

Call Centre Services 0861 20 21 20 Credit Matters South Africa’s Largest Debt Counsellors 14th Floor, The Pinnacle Cnr Strand & Burg St Cape Town Tel: 086 111 6197

Fax: 021 425 6292 CS Debt Counselling Bernidene Smith NCRDC 764 057 352 4115/352 5000 Welkom - Free state Darran Manikam NCRDC704

Debt Budget MAXIMISE YOUR LIFE, MINIMISE YOUR DEBT Bruce Leslie Borez Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC1643 48 Church Street “Medical Mews” Wynberg, Cape Town Tel: 021 824 8885/021 820 4946 Fax: 086 607 6429


For Professional, Responsible and Effective Debt Restructuring Services

John Harvey NCRDC 1370 Newcastle – KZN Tel: 034 312 1767 Fax: 034 315 3441 Email: Web: Debt Solve Debt Counsellors Office: 033 397 0945 DebtSafe 0861 100 999

ECTORY Debt Serious We are serious about debt Vida Scheepers NCRDC1792 Po box 394, Garsfontein, Pretoria 0042 Fax no: 086 553 9403

Debt Therapy Hans Pettenburger-Perwald NCRDC49 Tel: +27(0) 21 556 4935 Fax: +27(0) 21 556 4937 Toll Free: 0800204728 Cell: 0823358232 Email: Debt Rehab Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619 Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Debt eezy Your Debt Solution made Easy Ashley Carstens NCRDC858 Tel: 021 839 2809 Fax: 083 512 4160 / 086 665 9125 Email: Website:

Debt Rescue Neil Roets NCR DC 474

Cell: 083 644 7406 Tel: 0861 800 009 Fax: 086 523 0617 E-mail:

The best angle to approach debt is the Triangle Caledon - Western Cape Contact Person: Yolande 8 Hoop Street, 7230 Caledon Tel: 028 212 2537

Debt Management & Counseling Services “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela Derry Burge NCRDC108 140 Irene Avenue, La Concorde, Somerset West, 7130 Tel: 021 855 5997 Cell: 074 177 5375 Fax: 021 855 1195 or 0865413200 E-mail: Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Sm ith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809

Ceres - Western Cape Leyll str 61, 683 Ceres Tel: 023 312 1292 Fax: 023 312 2119 Worcester - Western Cape 71 Porter Street 6850 Longitude: 19.44305 Latitude: -33.64942 Tel: 0233420576 Fax: 086656801 Bloemfontein - Free State 94 Zastron, 9301 Bloemfontein Contact Person: Yolande Tel: +27 51 448 2828 Fax: +27 51 447 9481 Viljoenskroon - Free State 35 Denyssen Street, 7230 Contact Person: Johann Olivier Phone: +27 56 343 0352 Fax: +27 56 343 035 Welkom – Free State 329 Stateway, 9460 Welkom Contact Person: Susan Roux Email: Tel: +27 57 352 6117 Fax: +27 57-352 2355

SERVICE DIRE Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Fair Finance Solutions Your debt is our priority Amanda Fair Registered Debt Counsellor NCR946 553 Jacqueline Drive Garsfontein Pretoria Tel: 0861 26 26 32 Fax: 082 921 7093 Cell: 086 564 3674 Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts

Finesse Debt Counsellors NCR Registration No: DC1262 Address: 478 Windermere Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Phone: 031 209 2356/ 084 250 2356 / Fax: 086 5732433 e-mail

Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249 Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 Christina Cambouris NCRDC1403 Strand Western Cape Tel: 0824507459

Holistic Debt Counsellors Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967

Mzansi Debt Counselling Octavia Hlatshwayo Tel: 011 868 1185 Fax: 0861 00 22 70

NCR DEBT (PTY) LTD National Counselling and Review of debt Amelia Hayward Tel: (012) 364 2490 Cell: 0877 201 057 NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112

New Deal Debt Counselling Jason Riley (NCRDC868) B.Com (Financial Management) Cell 0723792108 Fax 0866628789 SFA Debt Relief Consultants Adri de Bruyn NCRDC998 11 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 872 1968 Fax: 021 872 2678

ECTORY Penny Wise Debt Counselling Cathy Foster Debt Counsellor - NCRDC1977 Tel: (011) 794 9912 Fax: 086 719 3378 Mobile: 083 298 4467 Email:



Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell: 083 3028163 Tel: (011) 468 - 2150

ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0861 005 901

Experian 011 799-3400

Rihanyo Debt Counselling (012) 804 50 57

Information resources & services

Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615

Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource

U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241

Compuscan Academy 0861 51 41 31

Zuné Coetzer Debt Counsellors NCRDC 1599 24 van der Stel Street, Dan Pienaar Bloemfontein Tel: 051-4364515 Fax: 086 5870 845 Email:

Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837


You & Your Money NCR ACCREDITED DEBT COUNSELLOR TRAINING COURSES: Training and mentoring since 2007 Want to make a contribution as a registered debt counsellor? Need to empower and upskill staff in your debt counselling business? Courses devised to suit all needs: Flexible timeframes to accommodate workflows. On site/inhouse training for staff. Contact Dawn Jackson

Cell: 072 1769789

Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558 PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783 36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619 Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378

SERVICE DIRE Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236 Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589 Nedbank Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279 STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402 TransUnion 0861 482 482

FINANCIAL PLANNING Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 LEGAL

O’Connell & Associates Attorneys at Law Keegan O’Connell Tel 021 462 1663 Fax 0866 504 550 303 Millborough, 70A Upper Mill Street, Vreedehoek, Cape Town, 8000

Karen van Staden Prinsloo & Associates Tel: 012 998 9117 / 012 993 2132 Attorneys and conveyancers Fax: 086 721 6467 / 086 662 1153 Nanika Prinsloo Email: Is it time to expand your Debt Counselling Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 practice? P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 Do you need specialist Attorneys with a national 14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 footprint? Cell: 072-8558-106 Do you need expert advice on how to protect Fax: 086-623-5986 your practice and your clients? Are you informed about recent statutory and legal developments within the industry?

RM Brown and Associates Thinkmoney 16th Floor, The Pinnacle Liddles & Associates Financial comparison website “It always seems impossible until it Attorneys servicing individual needsCnr Strand & Burg St Contact: Gareth Mountain Cape Town is done” N. Mandela Tel: 079 0996 798 Tel: 021 431 9127, f: 021 425 0875 Tel: 021 913 2514 Pretoria: +27(0)12 998 9117 Nelspruit: +27 (0)13 752 7084 Email: Fax: 0866070940 Email: WIZARD Vereeniging Scheepers Attorneys PO Box 3407, tygervalley, 7536 Making Mortgage Magic Gerhard Scheepers 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Oude Wanine Smit Westhof Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 LUCID Attorneys Cell:+27 82 445 3967 Tel: 011 880 1100 Fax: 011 880 1101 Email:

ECTORY Agiliti CC Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website: CREDIT BUREAUS Steyn Coetzee Attorneys / Prokureurs Adri de Bruyn 11 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 872 1968 Fax: 021 872 2678

Thinus Dreyer Candidate Attorney Office: 011 326 0347 Office Cell: 071 658 9438 Cell: 082 471 3625 Fax: 086 509 3548 Thomson Wilks inc. Meet Thomson Wilks Meet Excellence Tel 021 671 6935 / 021 820 4319 / 021 424 4599 Cell 072 554 0935 Fax 086 570 8741 Website Suite 14, 3rd Floor, SunClare Building, Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708 The Chambers, 3rd Floor, 50 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001

Compuscan 0861 514 131 Experian Consumer- 0861 10 5665 TransUnion 0861 886 466 XDS 0860 937 000

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