Debtfree DIGI Oct 2011

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Debtfree South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

October 2011

NCR accredited payment distribution agency


Editors notes






Changing Court Orders?


Court review Mpumalanga




Service Directory


is challenging not only for individuals but even countries it seems. A brief look at Europe and the crisis there will send chills down your spine if you consider the potential danger of a European depression (as opposed to a mild economic recession). If entire countries like Greece, Spain and Ireland are struggling to pay their bills how are little old you and me meant to get by? The keys, I guess, are to not let things get too far out of control; to get help when needed (like debt counselling) and cutting back on anything that resembles an unnecessary expense. Fortunately summer is approaching, which means for many they can get outdoors and take the family down to the park to play french cricket, frisbee and touch rugby. Is it amazing how little it costs to have some old fashion fun outdoors. No, you don’t have to spend R15k on a new kite board or the like. Just get out there and take a walk in the sun with your dogs...or something like that anyway. This issue, besides a look at industry news, we ask some tricky questions about the process after a court order is granted and we take a look at the courts up in Mpumalanga. Also we consider ways you can get assistance with tricky creditors and some other goodies as well.

The great thing about sport is that it can distract you from your concerns...for a moment or two. Unless you are concerned about which team will win. Well, in that case you are probably not alone. My wife doesn’t care but many of my friends do. They love to sit around the TV, chat, So enjoy your read and remember: today you drink a cool beer and complain about time zone are one day closer to being debt free. differences. I must say I am concerned about my friends drinking so early in the day but that is a discussion for a different time. The truth though, is that events like the Rugby World cup much like the Soccer World Cup will only distract you for so long. Then it will be back to worrying about paying off your debts. Which

So Debt Counsellors want specialised ATTORNEYS who can sort out all their DEBT COUNSELLING needs...

RM Brown & associates



NEWS FLASH DCASA TALKS TO DTI Four members of DCASA (namely Paul Slot, Tony Richards, Joseph du Broize and Russell Dickerson) met with Senior Officials of DTI who are responsible for the NCA. The DCASA delegation was well received by DTI and a few hours was spent on the substantive document handed to the DTI. Many of the issues identified in the document were discussed in detail. DCASA also provided DTI with a typical Rule 55 application (which was about 100 cm thick), they were surprised to see the voluminous nature of the application. The feedback from DTI was that the DCASA recommendations were very useful and insightful. DTI is already in a process to assess key issues requiring attention in the NCA and many of these issues were also highlighted by DCASA. DTI expects that a draft bill will be ready for submission to parliament during the second sitting next year.

STD BANK CC REPAYMENTS Std Bank lower min repayment amount on all Credit Cards from 5% to 3% of outstanding balance monthly. Making it “easier� for consumers.

SEYFFERT V FRB- A CASE TO WATCH Leave to Appeal has been granted in the case of Seyffert vs. FirstRand Bank. The matter has to deal with bad faith terminations. In this case FNB terminated their participation in the debt review despite the fact that the consumer was up to date with payments in line with a reasonable proposal. Bad faith is illustrated by the fact that FNB requested a postponement on the matter before the Magistrate Court in order to deal with allegations made by the applicant but instead of dealing with the issues FNB terminated the debt review directly after requesting the postponement. This action by FNB was, in the view of the applicant, in total bad faith and the bank was not entitled to terminate the debt review. DCASA has put up the funding to appeal and will be pursuing this matter in the hopes of establishing a well known precedent in this regard.

UPDATING THE NCR DEBT HELP WEBSITE It is one of the conditions of registration of debt counsellors that they must regularly and timeously update the NCR Debt help system on the progress of the debt review applications. The monitoring reports show that not all debt counsellors are loading and updating the records on progress of application. Credit providers have indicated that many consumers who are under debt counselling are not flagged at the Credit Bureaus which place considerable risk to credit providers and consumers and impact on the entire credit industry. It is a requirement in terms of the NCA, that all debt counsellors notify the bureaus when a client has applied for debt review. We appeal to all debt counsellors to adhere to the process set out, by loading and updating the DHS system timeously so that consumer profiles are updated accordingly with the Credit Bureaus. The NCR Debt help has been enhanced to make it more user-friendly and improve its functionality. An added purpose is to ensure that the NCR Debt Help system and credit bureaus` database are in synch as much as possible to ensure that the consumer information on the credit bureau is correct and that the complaints and manual interventions are eliminated. It is incumbent upon all debt counsellors to therefore utilize the system effectively and timely in order to mitigate the risk of consumers obtaining credit whilst under debt counselling. Failure of any debt counsellor to update consumer records on the debt help system constitutes a serious breach of conditions of registration and failure of a debt counsellor to notify the Bureaus when a customer has applied and goes under debt review is a direct contravention of the NCA Regulations.

The NCR will take enforcement action against contravening debt counsellors, as this defeats the objectives of the Act insofar as promoting equity in the credit market is concerned, by balancing the respective rights and responsibilities of credit providers and consumers. The NCR further recommends that debt counsellors who are employed by an entity should not load clients under their own profiles on NCR Debt Help, but instead load clients under the name of the principal member of the entity. This is because when debt counsellors leave their employment it creates a massive administration process on the NCR Debt Help system to transfer consumers into the profile of a new debt counsellor. Debt counsellors are advised to contact NCR if unsure of the transfer process to be followed. Where clients voluntarily withdraw or are withdrawn from debt review by the debt counsellor, it is incumbent upon the debt counsellor to firstly update the system with the correct status code on the NCR Debt Help system. It also remains the debt counsellor’s responsibility to follow up should there be a query on the withdrawn record. The NCR is inundated with queries from consumers issued with 17.4 forms, but still active on the NCR Debt Help system. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information: Please email The National Credit Regulator at

NEW DEBT COUNSELLORS ASSOCIATION The aims of the ALL PRO DC are: LAUNCHED- ALLIANCE OF PROFESSIONAL DEBT COUNSELLORS • to promote fair credit practice within South Africa and to promote the objectives and aims of the ALL PRO DC; • uphold, protect and develop the Debt Counselling profession; • challenge all discriminatory practices relating to the credit in the Credit industry; • be the national voice for its members; All Pro DCs have officially begun to take on • co-operate with bodies that have similar members from 1st October 2011. Below see objectives; their invite and consider if you wish to join up. • to liaise and represent Debt Counsellors with the NCR, DTI and credit provider forums or any INVITATION TO JOIN ALL PRO DC other interested party; and You are hereby formally invited to become a • to promote fair credit practice within South member of our association ALL PRO DC. Africa and to promote the objectives and aims Our association consists of men and women: of the ALL PRO DC. • who are registered with the NCR as Debt Counsellors & Membership fees will be R100.00 per month • individuals with a vested interest in the Debt until members decides otherwise. Banking Counselling industry. details to be provided. Our association will be in the following The objectives of ALL PRO DC are; city/town for meetings on proposals for • to be a professional body for Debt Counsellors amendments to the National Credit Act: in South Africa as a non profit organization 27 OCTOBER 2011 – PORT ELIZABETH for the purpose of promoting the interests of 28 OCTOBER 2011 – GEORGE members of the ALL PRO DC and a professional 17 & 18 NOVEMBER 2011 - JOHANNESBURG Debt Counselling industry; If you require more information please go to • to keep members informed with the law and for access to practice of Debt Counselling; our Forum. • to insist upon a high and ethical standard Get your application form from documents tab. of behavior on the part of members and to Please send your application form to secretary@ preserve and maintain the integrity and status of the ALL PRO DC; Yours in Debt Counselling • to facilitate the consideration and discussion of matters of interest to Debt Counselling, Adri de Bruyn (NCRDC998) NCR & DTI and persons associated with the Secretary provisions of the National credit act;


the Constitution.

MEETINGS FOR PROPOSALS FOR AMENDMENTS So book the date if you are a DCASA member. TO THE ACT AND INTRODUCTION TO THE ASSOCIATION 27 October 2011 - PORT ELIZABETH 28 October 2011 - GEORGE 17 & 18 November 2011 - JOHANNESBURG During November the committee will be travelling all over Western Cape The DCI DC Forum has 159 members: the Debt Counselling Industry (DCI) look to Concerned Debt Counsellors Forum now has launch mid November 2011. They currently 159 members. Many of these members will have over 200 DC’s who have joined up. now belong to the All Pro DC association. NCR Roadshow - various dates visit: Herewith the dates for the NCR roadshow in the various provinces

DCASA GENERAL MEETING DRAWS CLOSER The DCASA Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2011 is coming up in about a months time. DCASA have as usual invited all (Full) members to attend and participate. Remember to make sure your membership fees are paid up though.

W. Cape KZN E. Cape Gauteng

25 Oct 2011 31 Oct 2011 2 Nov 2011 3 Nov 2011

If you need more details please feel free to contact the NCR on -0860 627 627

When/Where: The AGM will take place on Tuesday, the 22nd November 2011 at Kempton Park Golf Club from 11H00 to 13H00. Two main topics will be dealt with: 1) the election of the National Executive Committee 2) the signing off on proposed amendments to

An Alternative Solution

Designed for Debt Counsellors Clients This product was specifically designed by SAinDebt Solutions to assist homeowners (new or existing clients) that: - Are under debt review but cannot adhere to the strict repayment schedule, or have defaulted on the scheduled payments. - Do not qualify for debt review. Who can we help? * Clients that own property that has a residual value, i.e. market value less the outstanding bond. (see residual value calculation at Note: No credit is created. “The Alternative Solution” was presented to the NCR. How do we help? * SAinDebt enters into a joint venture with the distressed homeowner to sell the property. * SAinDebt provides the funds to stop the legal action (if any), pay off arrears and/or other creditors. * Cash advances can also be provided to the client. * We buy time for the client to achieve a realistic value for his house, at NO upfront cost. What are the benefits for Debt Counsellors? * Debt Counsellors can provide clients with an “Alternative Solution”. * The counsellor earns a referral fee. Does your client qualify and what does it cost? Go to now or contact us during office hours for an upfront no-cost quotation and more information. Wirie Rust 082 552 8835 / Carin Papenfus 072 616 1099 * we currently serve Gauteng and surrounding areas only. Only exceptional cases in other areas will be considered. We have assisted many distressed home owners to date, who are now in a far better position than they were before.

Westcliff House, 54 The Valley Rd c/o Jan Smuts, Westcliff, Johannesburg. PO Box 3051 Northriding, 2162 Tel: 011 215 0039 (direct) 011 215 000 (switchboard) 072 616 1099 (company cell) 086 274 6862 (fax( SAinDebt Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Reg. No. 2007/023854/07 E-mail / Website



USE THE NDMA TO GET HEARD The National Debt Mediation Association or NDMA have a blury history. Where they originally tasked to try sink debt counselling by providing yet another none legislative alternative to debt review? Who can really tell any more. What is clear that since the NCR Task Team report the NDMA has been filling a different roll in assisting consumers and DC’s deal with non co-operative creditors. The results so far have been very positive with about half of all disputes brought to them going in favour of the consumer. So it is not a one stop get what you want shop but it is another channel that consumers and DC’s can use in trying to resolve issues outside of the court process. In the past however many

people complained that it took so long to fill in the long and confusing application form that it seemed easier to give up and rather let the bank take your house (joking). The NDMA have addressed the conserns of the consumers and have now issued a simplified application form which is a lot shorter and user friendly. If you have probelms that you could use assistance with the NDMA maybe your next Port of call. You can visit their website at to download the form.

n Form

Complaint Initiatio


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Reference Numbe


Date: __________

NDMA Policy tion in terms of the cia so As ion iat ed M bt int to the National De Initiation of a compla ne Ge ral Information MA use only. the form are for ND of rts pa ed ad Sh 1. te all sections complaints comple w vie re bt de r Fo 2. ctions 2 and 3. za plaints complete se m co ed lat re RS 3. For DC 086 670 0834 or em to x fa via rm fo n mpleted applicatio 4. Please send co TAILS 1. CONSUMER DE First Names Surname


Details of the perso complaining Identity Number Occupation

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Number Suburb City P.O. Box

Physical Address Postal Address

Private Bag Postal Code Cell number Fax number

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Telephone E-mail



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Credit Provider



















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Do you need an attorney who specialises in Debt Review matters?



CHANGING COURT ORDERS? As you know, the debt review process starts with an application to a Debt Counsellor in terms of Section 86(1) and ends once an order is made under Section 87. Should the Court accept the Debt Counsellor’s proposal, the usual order is: 1. Declaring the Consumer over-indebted; and 2. Making the proposed debt restructure cascade an order of court. The question is what to do if there is deterioration in the Consumer’s financial affairs after a restructuring order has been made? Although the obvious answer might be to launch

an application for variation, I have reservations whether an existing debt restructuring order can be VARIED or AMENDED. Consider the following: 1. A Magistrate’s Court is a creature of statute and may only perform such tasks and make such orders as permitted by the Rules or Legislation; 2. Neither Section 86 nor 87 not any other part of the NCA makes provision for amendments to such an order based on changes in financial


But even if I am wrong, and it is somehow possible to apply for a variation of the 3. Section 36 of the Magistrate’s Court Act sets restructure order under Rule 49, this would out the circumstances in which a Court may be present certain practical problems given that approached to vary a judgement: restructuring orders can only be made under 3.1. S36(1)(a): Judgements granted in Section 87 after a hearing has been held – in the absence of the person against whom other words a new hearing will have to be held judgement was granted before the variation can be ordered. 3.2. S36(1)(b): Judgements that are void or were obtained by fraud or a mistake common It seems to me that Rule 49 and Section 36 to the parties were never designed to address the current 3.3. S36(1)(c): Judgement containing patent situation and that relying on these provisions errors closely resembles forcing a square peg into a 3.4. S36(1)(d): Judgements in respect of which round hole. no appeal lies As I have already said, the NCA does not seem 4. Apart from possibly S36(1)(a), variations of to provide for variations to debt restructuring debt restructuring orders do not fall within any orders. category of Section 36; At first I thought that this was another 5. Rule 49 deals with procedure but, I do not shortcoming with the NCA, but on further believe that Rule 49 makes proper provision consideration it seems possible that the for variation due to a change in circumstances; omission was intentional. 6. A simple analogy is to look at Rule 43 of the High Court, which deals with maintenance pendent lite. If it was possible to amend an existing maintenance order in terms of Rule 42 (the High Court equivalent of Rule 49), why was it necessary for Rule 43(6) to be specifically published? 7. I cannot think of any example in the Magistrate’s Court (other than maintenance governed by the Maintenance Act), where a variation will be granted based on change in circumstances alone. Even in the High Court, such examples are rare, but if any do exist can probably be explained by the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction;

Debt restructuring orders can only be made following a hearing under Section 87, but in terms of Section 86, only Consumers who are found to be over-indebted qualify for the relief under Section 87. The prima facie impression seems to be that a Consumer may only be declared over-indebted once and may only apply for debt review once. But is this correct? I am of the opinion that it is possible for a Consumer to apply for debt review more than once provided the following interpretation of the NCA is adopted:

1. Over-indebtedness is not a “status” (such as for instance being “insolvent”) but is rather the description of a particular financial position at a particular point in time;

the debt-restructuring order. The application’s affidavit will also have to be amended to explain why there is a second debt review application.

2. The effect of a debt restructuring order is that so long as the Consumer complies with For the reasons explained, I think that it is the terms thereof, he is protected against technically better to do a new application enforcement steps by Credit Providers; rather than apply for variation, but I have no doubt that Banks and Credit Providers will 3. In other words, the argument may be made oppose the matter either way. that a debt-restructuring order extinguishes the Consumer’s over-indebtedness by placing This is one of many examples of NCA-related him in a position where his expenses no longer issues destined to remain controversial until a exceed his income; Court gives guidance. 4. Should the Consumer’s circumstances change after the debt restructure order has been made and should the Consumer become over-indebted for a second time, it is necessary to make application under Section 86 to seek a new declaration of over-indebtedness and a new debt restructure order;

In the interim, it is CRUCIAL that the Consumer do everything in his ability to keep up to date with the restructuring order to prevent the Credit Providers from issuing summons. If this happens, I suppose that we will have to rely on Section 85.

WHAT HAPPENS TO THE 1ST DEBT On this interpretation of Section 86 and 87, RESTRUCTURING ORDER? the Court will not be functus officio after I don’t believe it will be possible to apply for a redistribution order has been made. The rescission of the existing order because such a purpose of the original order was to relieve procedure does not fit into the mold for which that Consumer’s over-indebtedness AS IT Rule 49 (dealing with rescission and variation EXISTED AT THE TIME, but there is no reason of judgments) was designed. why a Consumer’s position cannot deteriorate even further, placing the Consumer back into Having reconsidered the Rules again, the over-indebtedness. closest solution would be Rule 49(5), which deals with rescission with the consent of the In cases like this, I think it would be better to plaintiff and reads: follow the Section 86 procedure from scratch, i.e. a new Form 16 and new Form 17.1 and 17.2 (5)(a) Where a plaintiff in whose favour a and a new application under Section 86 – the default judgment was granted has agreed important difference being that the Consumer’s in writing that the judgment be rescinded or current expenses will be determined partly by varied, either the plaintiff or the defendant

against whom the judgment was granted, or any other person affected by such judgment, may, by notice to all parties to the proceedings, apply to the court for the rescission or variation of the default judgment, which application shall be accompanied by written proof of the plaintiff’s consent to the rescission or variation.

is finalized.

The trouble with this Rule is that a Court cannot make a debt restructuring order without a hearing under Section 87 of the NCA, which hearing can only occur after the Debt Counselor has followed the procedure in Section 86 of the NCA.

6. If the Consumer experiences a further deterioration in his financial position, the existing order should not create an obstruction to a new debt review proceeding being launched, because the Consumer is now “overindebted” all over again – the only difference being that he is over-indebted based on restructured obligations.

5. This means that the terms of the restructuring order actually place the Consumer on a clean slate and restructured obligations form the Consumer’s new financial obligations from that moment onwards.

This means that if the Rule 49(5) is to be applied, the application for variation would have to also be a “hearing” for purposed of Section 87 of As I previously mentioned, this is a very complex the NCA – which I am not sure was ever the matter and one to which there seems to be no purpose of Section 87 or Rule 49(5). clear-cut answer. In light of the importance of getting clarity, I would not suggest using the Returning to the question of the original debt- application that I drafted until the following restructuring order, I am not convinced that it has been done: is entirely necessary to set the order aside. My reasoning is as follows: (a) The National Credit Regulator as well as any association regulating Debt Counselors 1. The debt restructuring order is made in in South Africa should be approached for terms of Section 87 of the NCA with a view to guidance on what the correct procedure ought relieving the Consumer’s over-indebtedness. to be; and/or (b) The opinion of a senior counsel ought to be obtained; and/or (c) My views 2. In other words, the purpose of the order is should be shared with other Debt Counselors to restructure the debts of a Consumer, who is for their feedback and to share any legal advice over-indebted, so that the Consumer is able to that they may have obtained on the issue. afford his payments going forward. The best and safest way would be to approach 3. Hence, the Consumer is no longer technically the High Court for a declaratory order. This over-indebted once a Section 87 order is made. might be expensive, but perhaps the NCR would be prepared to assist. 4. The Court that granted the original Section 87 order has completed its task and the matter Zune Coetzer Debt Counsellors

Debtplan is a niche based insurance service provider within the debt review industry. Our aim is not just to consumers during their debt review process, by providing them with debt risk related products that can money, but also serving as the conduit between the debt counsellor and their client`s. Should you as a D or consumer require further information on our products and services, please contact us on our toll free 086 133 2875 or one of our relationship managers. Western Cape & Eastern Cape Sam Haasbroek T: 072 55 104 99 E: Call us on 0861 33 2875

Gauteng & Free State Bianca Marais M: 084 491 0997 E:

to add value n save them Debt Counsellor number

FSP 30490


COURT REVIEW MPUMALANGA Debt Review in Magistrate Courts of Mpumalanga – Nelspruit Area. Being registered in August of 2007 I was the first registered debt counsellor in the Nelspruit area. My background comes from the Credit Industry and I admit I had very little knowledge of courts or of the legal challenge ahead. I was very fortunate to find that the Magistrate in this area ( Nelspruit, Sabie, Graskop, White River and Lydenburg) were all very positive about the National Credit Act and especially Debt Counselling. I was also invited to attend a meeting of the Mpumalanga Civil Court Magistrate Forum to give a presentation on the

different aspects of Debt Review and what was expected from a Debt Counsellors viewpoint and what was expected from all the other relative parties to this process. Mr Serfontein is the appointed Magistrate for Sabie Magistrate Court. Application should be drafted and compiled according to the JOASA Workshop : The following should be attached to all applications – Registration Certificate of Debt Counsellor, All notifications as well as proof of deliverance to creditors as well as Credit Bureaus, Proof that all information and fees were disclosed to the consumer, Income and Expenditure statement of Consumer,

Proposals and Negotiations and if proposals were accepted all should be included. Evidence of Service and Consent to way of service as agreed by Respondents should also be attached to the Founding Affidavit. The consumer should be in attendance. The above are also the requirements for Graskop Magistrate Court .

and the money was still transferred into the consumer’s bank account . Bayport did appoint an attorney to oppose and filed a Notice to oppose . However after the case was postponed several times the Defence never made any further court appearances and the Magistrate granted the order

I was very surprised and relieved to find that the Magistrates take a keen interest in Reckless Lending and therefore encourage all Debt Counsellors to discuss Reckless Lending with your Magistrate so as to ensure how she or he will approach this subject and what their requirements will be in to these applications. I have been successful in several reckless lending applications with orders being granted against several creditors including Bayport Financial Services – Case 210/2011 Sabie Court - This was a clear case of reckless lending as the client was over indebted before application to the loan was made. Here the Consumer was earning a basic salary of R2900, supporting a family of five with a total debt exposure of R51 000, Bayport approved a loan of R11 750 and total amount after fees and interest calculate to R38 221. The Consumer withdrew from the credit agreement informing the Branch with a written note which he faxed to the consultant at the Branch where he made the application. Bayport did not accept this termination notice

A strong will, a settled purpose, and invincible determination, can accomplish almost anything (Thomas Fuller)

The secret to success in this area is to know the Mrs Joubert is the appointed Magistrate Magistrate from each court and to familiarise for Nelspruit Magistrate Court. Although all yourself to what standards and requirements notices and proof of deliverance should be are needed for a debt review application. available to court it is not a requirement that I found that they all have slightly different all these documentation should be attached to requirements and it is very important to make the application when served or filed with the the necessary adjustments to each drafted court. application.

Michelle Barnardt NCRDC94 Logikos Credit Mpumalanga)



Debt Wise Solutions

Debt review and distribution software. Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.

As one of the five NCR accredited PDA’s (payment distribution agency’s) DC Partner has been part of the debt review industry since August 2008. Situated in George in the Western Cape, we are also the only PDA south of the Orange River. The systems, infrastructure and staff of DC Partner have been exposed to collection and distribution of payments for the past decade. DC Partner strives to render services of the highest standard to customers. DC Partner makes use of excellent software, provided by Debt – Wise. The PDA module is locally based and inherently linked to the Debt – Wise Debt Counseling software, which is internet based. Consumer information seamlessly passes from the Debt Counseling System to the Payment Distribution Agency. We are very excited to announce that we have integrated our PDA distribution system with the Debt-Wise front end software. The distribution system was developed to integrate into the Debt-Wise software in such a manner that the user will not need to change anything in their systems, but could just continue with their day to day work and would see the distribution side as an additional tab on their home screens.

At this stage we are systematically moving all our current clients to the new system and this goes hand in hand with in office training by one of our skilled training officers. Our main focus during the planning and creating of this system was to maximize data availability and accuracy. The DC can log into the system from anywhere in the country and with the click of a button he/she will be able to see what is going on in their dedicated PDA trust account, which clients made payments within the last 1, 2, 8 or even 24 hours, what fees are due to be paid to him/her, which files have distributed, which clients are in default. We do daily distributions on this system and it is therefore important to make the system as user friendly and interactive as possible as things happen very quickly. This will enable the DC to always see and be on top off what is happening to all of their clients and react, if needed, immediately. DC Partner offers free in house training at any location in the country and we will also give all interested DC’s free access to our system for a trial period of up to three months.

For any further queries please feel free to contact our offices at any time. DC Partner George Office Willie Boshoff – Arnold Steyn – Herman Joubert – 044 873 4440, 044 873 4530, 044 873 4532 DC Partner Gauteng Office Francois Van Zyl – Konstant De Vos – 012 348 7624

It seems that because ABSA have issued so many 86(10)s and because their Debt Review Department are unwilling/unable to assist, they have been getting tons of calls from DC’s and consumers looking to talk to someone (anyone) in the different product houses. It has been tricky to reach the correct people and the folks in the various departments often don’t know what’s going on either. Can they help you? They don’t know. They would really like to have the Debt Review Department handle debt review matters (otherwise “why even have such a department ?” they say). Sadly they don’t know about the whole 86(10) post Collet bad faith termnation nonesense that is plaguing many matters. Just because the Debt Review Department wont help a consumer any more does not put an end to the debt review process - no doubt the 86(11)s will eventually move these so

called “terminated” matters back into the debt review department so they will be able to help and when the debt restructuring Court Orders are granted they will once again assist. Hopefully the 86(11)s will happen fast enough that they will still be busy enough so long to justify an entire department rather than just a few computers sending out automated CoBs and 86(10)s and running proposals through DCRS- but for now with these coupious amounts of 86(10) matters they want little or nothing to do with you. Their hands are tied by their own internal policies. But then who do you call? You need to speak to someone. Right?. Well, here is a useful list of contact details (helpfully provided by the friendly ABSA Debt Review Department folk themselves) of who to speak to and thus you can begin negotiations for the various types of accounts all over again:

Twitter link here

SERVICE DIRECTORY DEBT COUNSELLING AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032 Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954 Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621 Consumer Assist Andre Snyman Tel: 0861 628 628 Credit Matters 021 431 9100 CS Debt Counselling Bernidene Smith NCRDC 764 057 352 4115/352 5000 Welkom - Free state Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Debtbusters 0861 663 328 (NO DEBT) Debt Budget ph. 021 701 7744 Debt Solve Debt Counsellors Office: 033 397 0945

DebtSafe 0861 100 999

Debtonators 041 585 0276

Debt Rehab Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619 Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website:

Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts

Debt Rescue Neil Roets NCR DC 474 Cell: 083 644 7406 Tel: 0861 800 009 Fax: 086 523 0617 E-mail: Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Sm ith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809 Debt Counselling South Africa Cape Town Branch Tel: 021 919 66 94 Rod De Witt NCRDC831 Visit: Debt Knowledge Debt Counselling 082 379 2337

Holistic Debt Counsellors Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249 Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 MG Consulting NCRDC 1403 Strand - Helderberg Area Telkom : 021 853 4537 Mobile Phone: 082 450 7459 / 082 782 0595 Fax Number: 0866 220 690 E-Mail: info@mgconsulting /

NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112 Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615 Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 Zuné Coetzer Debt Counsellors NCRDC 1599 24 van der Stel Street Dan Pienaar Bloemfontein Tel: 051-4364515 Fax: 086 5870 845 Email:

DRS ALGOA Marius Weyers Cell: 083 497 3219 Email:

BORDER REGION: DRS BEACON BAY Johan Pretorius Cell: 082 324 4038 Office: 043 748 1139 DRS BUFFALO CITY Herman Marias Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 043 7210652 DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWN Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: DRS CRADOCK Office: 043 721 0652 DRS QUEENSTOWN Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: DRS MTHATHA Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: EASTERN CAPE: DRS ALBANY Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS BOND CHOICE P.E. Andrea Atkinson Office: 041 393 7000 Email: DRS CENTRAL EXPRESS Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693586 2020 Email: DRS DESPATCH Isabe Landman Cell: 072 337 3328 Office: 041 933 1189 Email: DRS HUMANSDORP Morne Steyn Cell: 083 298 8182 Office: 042 291 0135 Email: DRS NKONKOBE (Fort Beaufort) Bernadine von der Decken Cell: 083 2859289 Office: 046 645 1898 Email: DRS KIRKWOOD Keith Le Roux Cell: 073 207 1675 Office: 041 451 0474 Email: DRS PORT ELIZABETH Derryn Fish Cell: 084 515 6135 Office: 041 453 8961 Email:

DRS SIDWELL EXPRESS Keith Le Roux Cell: 073 207 1675 Office: 041 451 0474 Email: DRS SOMMERSET EAST Luther De Bruyn Cell: 082 568 2970 Office: 042 243 1107 Email: DRS UTENHAGE Lynn Lindoor Cell: 083 7174 183 Email: FREESTATE: DRS GOLDFIELDS (Welkom) Irvin Billy (Derryn Fish) Cell: 072 114 4427 Office: 081 319 0083 Email:

GARDEN ROUTE: DRS DE AAR Veronique Louw (Derryn Fish) Cell: 076 382 2020 Office: 053 631 1189 Email: DRS GEORGE Francois Van Zyl Cell: 079 522 1930 Office: 044 874 2820 Email: DRS EDEN (Hartenbos) Bruno Mertsch Tel: 042 291 1083/4 Email: GAUTENG: DRS CENTURION EXPRESS Amanda Johnon Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS MANGAUNG Amanda Johnson Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS LYNNWOOD Junique Julius Office: 012 807 4339 Email:

DRS FOREISTATA EXPRESS (Bloemfontein) Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS PRETORIA EXPRESS Ben Vermeulen Cell: 082 442 8654 Office: 012 331 2145 Email:

DRS SOUTH FREESTATE Nelmarie De lange Cell: 079 236 3615 Office: 053 591 0734 Email:

DRS PRETORIA NOORD Office: 041 373 9693 Email: DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESS Derryn Fish Office: 041 373 9693 Email:

DRS RUSTENBURG Amanda Johnson Office: 041 373 9693 Email: KWA ZULU NATAL: DRS GREYVILLE Vyas Juggernath Cell: 083 206 0300 Office: 031 309 8716 Email: DRS KOKSTAD Melanie Louwrens Cell: 083 269 0424 Office: 039 727 1430 Email: DRS MORNINGSIDE DURBAN Erica Mtshali (Amanda Johnson) Cell: 076 578 8660 Office: 031 301 5990 email DRS PHOENIX Vyas Juggernath Cell: 083 206 0300 Office: 031 309 8716 Email: DRS PIETERMARITZBURG Sanele Zulu Cell: 083 543 3487 Office: 033 394 8319 Email: WESTERN CAPE: DRS BELLVILLE Patricia Bekker Office: 021 948 8523 / 4 Email:

DRS DIAMOND Clive Palmer Office: 021 421 8563 Email: DRS TYGERBERG Craig Lakey Cell: 082 627 0957 Office: 021 945 4062 Email: DRS WEST COAST Marius Coetzee Cell: 082 978 4407 Office: 022 713 3766 Email DRS SALDANHA Marius Coetzee Office: 022 713 3766 Email: DRS SOLUTIONS Christelle de Villiers Cell: 084 586 5600 Email: U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241 Rihanyo Debt Counselling (012) 804 50 57 SUPPORT SERVICES Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell no: 083 3028163 Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150 E- Mail:

Blank Design For all design and marketing needs including websites, brochures, business cards etc. Steve Rosenberg 083 700 2020 Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource TRAINING Compuscan Academy 0861 51 41 31 FINANCIAL ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0860 356 356 Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837 Experian 011 799-3400 Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558 PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783

36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619 Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378 Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236 Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589 Nedbank Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279 STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402

TransUnion 0861 482 482 Thinkmoney Financial comparison website Contact: Gareth Mountain Tel: 079 0996 798 WIZARD Vereeniging Making Mortgage Magic Wanine Smit Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967 FINANCIAL PLANNING Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912

LEGAL Brett Carnegie Attorneys Tel: +27 (21) 4470332 Fax: +27 (21) 4470338 Mobile: +27 (0)82 320 6099 Suite 23(B) Unit 8 Waverley Business Park Mowbray 7700 Scheepers Attorneys Gerhard Scheepers

LUCID Attorneys Tel: 011 880 1100 Fax: 011 880 1101 Email: Ludick Attorneys

Experian Business- 0861 63 60 70 Consumer- 0861 10 5665 Micro Lenders Credit Bureau 0861 28 7328

Prinsloo & Associates Attorneys and conveyancers Nanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 Cell: 072-8558-106 Fax: 086-623-5986

TransUnion 0861 886 466

RM Brown and Associates 601 Pier House, 13 -17 Heerengracht, Cape Town Docex 138 Cape Town t: 021 431 9127 f: 021 425 0875 e: Agiliti CC Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website:

Association of Debt Recovery Agents: 011 781 3337


Department of Trade and Industry 0861 843 384

Compuscan 0861 514 131 Computer Profile Bureau 0861 28 7328

XDS 0860 937 000 OTHER

Banking Ombud 0860 800 900 Credit Bureau Association 011 463 8211 Credit Providers Association 011 789 6825

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Ombud 012 470 9080

Financial Services Board 012 428 8000 Furniture Traders Association 011 789 6770 Legal Resources Centre 011 836 9831 Long Term Insurance Ombud 021 657 5000 Micro Finance South Africa 012 345 0809 Motor Industry Ombud 012 841 2945 National Credit Regulator 0860 627 627 Ombud for Short term Insurance 011 726 8900 Pension Funds Adjudicator 021 674 0209 South African Fraud Prevention 0860 101 248 The Banking Association 011 370 3500 SA FRAUD PROTECTION SERVICE (FREE SERVICE) 0860 101 248

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