Debtfree South Africa’s debt counselling magazine
JULY 2010
Contents 02
Editors notes
Decoding the jargon
Shopping Tips
Task team
Consumer Credit Report
All work and no play
News flash
DCASA meetings
Service directory
So the World Cup of escapism has come and gone. I guess we will miss it. Even those who were not that “into” soccer no doubt had some fun watching a game or two with the sound of 20 000 vuvuselas filling our lounges like a swarm of angry bees. Sadly even with all that cheap entertainment and the distraction of all the upsets and disappointments life still goes on and debt still needed to be restructured and repaid. This month Debtfree DIGI looks at what consumers can now do to have a little fun and how we can all save some bucks when we hit the shops. No, being under debt review does not mean “no more shopping” …it simply means that even more thought needs to be put into how and where you shop. You will also find a report on the NCR task team and their findings as well as some stats and industry news. SA hosted a GREAT World Cup and the world no doubt looked on and was impressed. That has to be good for business…not to mention the cash injection of all those visitors spending their money here during the Cup, which really provided a boost to local small business. Hopefully some of that money will find its way into your pockets. Be sure to check out all the useful contact details in our directory service section.
Decoding the jargon NCR What is it? What do they do? The National Credit Regulator (NCR) was established as the regulator under the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (NCA) and is responsible for the regulation of the South African credit industry. It is tasked with carrying out education (for consumers and industry participants), research, policy development, registration of industry participants, investigation of complaints, and ensuring enforcement of the Act. Also the National Credit Act (NCA) will need regulations to be added to legislation and will need to be amended over time. The NCR are responsible for producing and distribution these regulations.
The NCA requires, among other things, the Regulator to promote the development of an accessible credit market, particularly to address the needs of historically disadvantaged persons, low income persons, and remote, isolated or low density communities
The NCA requires, among other things, the Regulator to promote the development of an accessible credit market, particularly to address the needs of historically disadvantaged persons, low income persons, and remote, isolated or low density communities. For example if a consumer who has an income of less than R2500.00 applies for debt review the NCR will even assist in covering the Debt Counselling fee portion. The NCR is also tasked with the registration of credit providers, credit bureaux and debt counsellors and enforcement of compliance with the Act. Basically they are in charge of the industry. How can the NCR help you? Well other than regulating the entire industry, if you are having a problem with your DC or if you are a DC having a problem with a Credit Provider (or the other way around) then you can approach the NCR with a complaint. Complaints When complaining to the NCR you will need to fill in their Form 29 (complaint initiation form) which has a very short space to enter your complaint. As a result we recommend that you attach a separate sheet as an addendum which
can expand on your complaint. Please try to provide as detailed a description as possible with the names, dates and documents to support your complaint. Do not expect immediate results from your complaint as the NCR receive many complaints daily and are not exactly “over”staffed at present. If several people are all complaining about the same problem you can expect to get a response faster than others. For example: Nedbank had recently issued debt review termination letters which many DC’s felt were unjustified and done in bad faith. As a result of receiving so many complaints by various DC’s the NCR are now investigating the matter in-depth.
The consumer must contact the credit bureau concerned to raise an objection or lodge a complaint. The bureau has 20 business days in which to resolve the issue. If the bureau is unable to resolve the issue, the consumer should refer the matter to the Credit Information Ombudsman Complaints about staff members at the NCR: Should you have a complaint about someone at the NCR itself please provide a detailed description of your complaint against the NCR staff member (include NCR employee names obviously) via email (emails are directed to the CEO and COO) you can use this email address for such complaints:
How else can the NCR help a consumer? Complaints against a Credit Bureau regarding problems with a credit report. However certain steps must be taken first: The consumer must contact the credit bureau concerned to raise an objection or lodge a complaint. The bureau has 20 business days in which to resolve the issue. If the bureau is unable to resolve the issue, the consumer should refer the matter to the Credit Information Ombudsman (CIO); Should the CIO be unable to resolve the issue, the NCR will intervene on the request of the CIO. Note that the National Credit Regulator will not be able to deal with the complaint until the complainant has first contacted the credit bureau directly. Are you an employer with many employees undergoing financial strain? The NCR also conducts workshops for employers, NGO’s, tribal authorities, unions etc nationally at no cost. Employers are urged to contact the NCR for workshops where employees will be educated on the NCA/NCR, budgeting etc. Should you wish to contact the NCR here are their contact details: Switchboard: 011 554 2600. Toll Share: 0860 627 627 (0860 NCR NCR)
The Bridge Bridging the Gap between Theoretical Knowledge and the Practical Application of Debt Counselling
EQUIPPING ASPIRING DEBT COUNSELLORS WITH THE TOOLS, TECHNIQUES AND SKILLS NEEDED TO EXCEL. Now that you have completed the Debt Counsellor’s course, you need to consider how you are going to go about acquiring the practical experience needed to supplement your current theoretical knowledge. The Bridge is a 3 day workshop that has been specifically designed to provide newly trained Debt Counsellors with an environment where they can apply their theoretical knowledge to simulated real-life scenarios covering the entire Debt Review process. The training program is interactive, loaded with practical examples using a registered NPDA training program, and guaranteed to give you the confidence needed to successfully embark on your new chosen profession.
Do not wait until you are registered and then learn by trial and error- Enroll now for The Bridge __________________________ If you need to start earning but not registered yet, please contact us for negotiations. For more information about The Bridge, or if you would like to find out about our other service offerings, contact:
Workshop Overview ¾
I n t e r v i e w Te c h n i q u e s
P r a c t i ca l e x a m p l e s
Application Form Completion
C o m p l e t i o n o f F o r m 1 7 .1 ; 17.2; 17.3; 17.4 etc.
B u d g e t C a l cu l a t i o n
P r o p o s a l P re p a r a t i o n
C o u rt D o c u m e n t s ; L e g a l P r o c e d u r e s & I n s o l v e n cy d e t a i l s , p re s e n t e d b y a n Attorney
What if scenarios
NPDA training program
Business Fundamentals
N C R R e q u i re m e n t s
Christina: 082 450 7459 Peter: 082 782 0595
The cost of living continues to increase with soaring electricity and transport costs. Not to mention municipal increases and the ever rising cost of groceries. As a result, all consumers need to adjust the way they shop if they wish to save a penny or ten. We asked some of our staff and clients under debt review for their top tips on smart shopping and this is what they told us: The top tip was: Shop at factory shops. Remember how your mom always used to be so fascinated with them? Well... now you should be too! This was recommended for clothing - even for things like suits, socks and underwear- and even for food products like cheese and ice-cream etc. BEFORE SHOPPING (PREPARATION) You can save yourself money even before you leave home. Here were the suggestions for shopping preparation: • Make a list of items you need and then remember to stick to it when you hit the shops. The trick is to only buy things on your list… if you really needed it, it would be on your list. If it is not on your list add it to your next shopping list for next time. Be strict with yourself and plan ahead. • Keep the junk-mail adverts to watch for specials. Talk to your friends about shopping specials. Ask your friends to look out for specials, and to let you know • Carry a note book with you to jot down items
on special. When it comes time to make your shopping list consult your little black book and see what specials you have recently seen. • Try arranging your grocery shopping in 2nd week of the month, as prices tend to drop then. Also less crowded stores means you can take your time and look for bargains rather than feel rushed and pressured to hurry through the store. • Buy fruit & veg in bulk maybe at a specialist fruit and veg store in your area or at the market. If you are worried that buying in bulk will result in some of the products going off then make arrangements to go ½ ½ on the fresh produce with another family. • Try to do one big shop a month. Then maybe one small shop every few days or even once a week for consumables. Cut down on daily shopping runs. If you are going to the shop daily…make a list of the items you will buy… and stick to it. • Ask yourself: do you REALLY need it? JUST BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE SHOPS • Don’t buy plastic bags, take your green pick ‘n pay bags, or use older plastic bags (recycle) • If you do use plastic bags, why not use them as garbage bin liners later in the month. • Don’t shop when you are hungry. Hungry
shoppers give in to impulse purchasing much more readily. So make sure you eat just before going shopping, and take a bottle of water with you – bargain shopping is thirsty work! • If you are visiting more than one shop, plan your route in advance to save you petrol. Don’t drift aimlessly from shop to shop. • Don’t forget your list WHILE SHOPPING • Stick to your list. • Know how much in your budget you have to spend and keep a rough running tab in your head as you shop. • Don’t go over your budget. Put items back • Shop at stores which you know are cheaper. Don’t fall into old habits and head off to “something”worths if there is a cheaper store around the corner. Generally if a shop is prepared to give you a “store card” ...well… maybe you are in the wrong place. • Compare your favourite brand prices with noname-brands. Often you can save a significant amount (over many items) shopping this way. • Look at the top and very bottom shelves for cheaper products, as the most expensive brands are usually placed at eye level • Beware! Check prices per item, strangely it is not always cheaper to buy bulk. Many stores actually display a price per item to compare. • Look for “marked-down” table, items that are nearing their sell-by date • If you are a meat eater- some meats and cuts are cheaper than others AFTER SHOPPING • Keep till slip to compare prices from last month this way you can keep track of any adjustments you may need to make to stay within your budget.
Compare what you are spending to what your Debt Counsellor recommended…are you on target? Those are our top savings tips. The main thrust seeming to be: make a list and stick to it as this will help you stick within your budget and reduce impulse buying. Also if you are looking for bargains head off to the factory shops. If you have more tips, which you feel you would like to share, feel free to send your tips to:
TASK TEAM ON DEBT COUNSELLING UPDATE The National Credit Regulator (NCR) set up a Task Team to address blockages in the debt review process and reduce the backlog of cases under debt review. Previously we told you a bit about who they were and what there job was. Now we bring you some of the latest details on their findings. In their summary of observations the Task Team recognises that debt counselling is playing an
import role in assisting consumers in dealing with the impact of the financial crisis and the resulting job losses and negative impact on household incomes. The Task Team further recognises that debt counselling may have played an important role in curtailing repossessions and in preventing a decline in the housing market, with all the negative consequences that this would have
had for both consumers and the banking sector. The Task Team is concerned by the financial implications which the backlogs have on both credit providers and consumers. The Task Team urges every role player to make a concerted effort to address the factors which cause these backlogs. The Task Team has identified a number of serious problems and obstacles as well as a number of areas where the operational policies and practices of the different stakeholders are contributing to the backlogs. The problems revolve around four areas:
restructuring proposals which are inconsistent or unreasonable. These factors lead to credit providers rejecting debt restructuring proposals and perhaps rightly so.
3) Lack of capacity and administrative delays amongst credit providers: The policies and business practices of credit providers also play a significant role in the backlogs. Many credit providers (including mainstream banks) are still not able to provide accurate certificates of balance to DC’s within the allotted time. This delays the debt counselling process and means that DC’s are not able to do an accurate assessment of 1) A lack of capacity and delays in the the consumer’s financial position. Although Magistrate Courts: most DC’s will admit there has been a recent Combined with uncertainty on the improvement from many Credit Providers. interpretation of the relevant sections of the Unrealistic demands by different product NCA, the lack of capacity and delays in the houses within certain banks and unwillingness courts has DC’s crying out for dedicated courts to accept write-offs on unsecured debt, often to handle these matters. Although the volume prevent settlements from being reached. of cases processed by the Magistrates Courts increased significantly since the High Court 4) Problems related to the receipt and Declaratory Orders in August 09, there is still a distribution of payments by consumers: substantial difference between the volume of Account number inaccuracies mean that cases finalised by the Magistrates Courts and consumer payments are often transferred the number of new applications per month. into the wrong accounts, while opposition to This implies that the backlogs continue to cancelling existing debit orders means that exist and indeed increase. Needless opposition the new debt counselling debit orders are at Magistrates’ Court hearings is a further often rejected. contributor to the backlogs in the Magistrates’ It is notable that nearly all credit providers Courts. recognise that debt counselling has a critical role to play, given the impact of the financial 2) Inefficiency and non-compliance by Debt crisis. It is also encouraging to note that more Counsellors: than 90% of consumers regard debt counselling Debt Counsellors may be contributing to as beneficial. the backlogs by accepting applications from consumers who do not qualify for The way forward: debt counselling and by developing debt The Task Team see the need for DC’s make
every effort to ensure that credible and realistic debt restructuring proposals are developed. Also that DC’s and Credit providers engage in good faith in order to achieve consensual settlements in the greatest number of cases possible They also see a need for DC’s to accept consumers for debt counselling only where debt rehabilitation is realistically feasible.
meet their repayment obligations in respect of the debt restructuring proposals. There is also a need for unsecured credit providers to adopt a more realistic approach towards debt restructuring, so that unrealistic demands by unsecured creditors do not obstruct successful debt restructuring and aggravate the negative impact of the financial crisis on consumers and the financial sector. One interesting suggestion that the Task Team put forth was regarding the creation of They state that all major dedicated bank accounts by credit providers credit providers must for debt counselling payments to be made to by the PDA’s. implement clear acceptance Another idea put forward was that an effective and termination policies, adjudication system is established, to adjudicate in order to accommodate on individual cases and facilitate ‘out-of-¬court resolution’ of the greatest possible number of consumers who are making cases. reasonable payments, but The NCR Task Team have urged credit terminate debt reviews providers to accommodate consumers who are participating in good faith and are meeting and proceed with legal the restructured payment obligations, but to enforcement against terminate debt counselling and to pursue legal consumers who do not meet action for debt enforcement in respect of any consumers who are not meeting the statutory their repayment obligations requirements for debt counselling and are not in respect of the debt making the payments which were indicated restructuring proposals. in the debt restructuring proposal. (Note: in the proposal) The Task Team have stated that banks and other The Task team says it was encouraged by the major credit providers must establish a dedicated level of commitment that has been displayed unit within each institution with a full mandate by both DC’s and credit providers in assessing to deal with all debt counselling agreements. the problems and in developing proposals to They state that all major credit providers must deal with the challenges. Once the detailed implement clear acceptance and termination proposal have been finalised, this will be policies, in order to accommodate consumers submitted to the NCR as recommendations for who are making reasonable payments, but consideration and implementation. terminate debt reviews and proceed with legal enforcement against consumers who do not
5th NCR Consumer Credit Report The National Credit Regulator (NCR), recently released its fifth ‘Consumer Credit Report’, which is based on data submitted by registered credit providers. This fifth edition covers credit market information from December 2008 up to December 2009. Gabriel Davel, CEO of the NCR said that the latest statistics indicate a significant recovery in consumer credit. The total value of new credit granted increased from R53,58 billion in the quarter ended September 2009 to R63.30 billion for the quarter ended December 09 , an increase of 18.13% compared to the previous quarter, though still a decline of 3.75% compared to the previous year. This indicates that after a two year period of ongoing decline in the volume of credit granted, credit volumes may be recovering. The number of consumers applying for credit increased by 11.03% when compared to the quarter ended September 2009. The number of consumers, whose applications for credit have been declined, remained at 44%. The following were some of the most significant trends
• The value of new mortgages granted increased by 18.33% from R17.82 billion in September 2009 to R21.08 billion in December 2009; • Secured credit which is dominated by vehicle finance, showed an increase from R20.17 billion in September 2009 to R23.67 billion in December 2009 (a quarter on quarter increase of 17.32%); • Unsecured credit increased from R8.37 billion in September 2009 to R10.54 billion in December 2009 (a quarter on quarter increase of 25.83%); • Individuals who earn gross monthly income of more than R15, 000 per month received on average 80% of the mortgages granted over the period December 2008 to December 2009. The NCR pointed out that although this was the most significant increase in credit granted for two years, the gross value of credit granted for the quarter was still significantly lower than
the amount granted prior to the period of contraction. R63.3 billion of credit was extended in the December 2009 quarter, compared to R102.3 billion for the December 2007 quarter. The position for mortgages is similar, with R21.08 billion in mortgages granted in this quarter compared to R53.14 billion in the quarter to December 2007. Unsecured credit has grown most significantly, with a growth of 25.8% over the last quarter and an increase of 32.7% since the December 2007 quarter. As at December 2009, the total outstanding consumer credit balances (or gross debtors’ book) was R1.13 trillion.
(4.82%) Short term credit was R692.93 million (0.06%).
The NCR pointed out that although this was the most significant increase in credit granted for two years, the gross value of credit granted for the quarter was still significantly lower than the amount granted prior to the period of contraction.
Special thanks to: Bullion PR & Communication Lola Lazarus On behalf of: National Credit Regulator
The breakdown was as follows: Mortgages accounted for R740.95 billion (65.38%) Secured credit agreements was R211.98 billion (18.70%) Credit facilities were R125.14 billion (11.04%) Unsecured credit was R54.60 billion
The banks’ share of the total outstanding consumer credit as at December 2009 was R1,01 trillion (89.35%) with the retailers at R39,27 billion (3.46%), non-bank vehicle financiers at R36,74 billion (3.24%) and “Other credit providers” at R44,68 billion (3.94%). (Other credit providers consist primarily of pension backed lenders, insurers, non-bank mortgage lenders and securitized debt). Though these statistics lag behind where we stand today, they show a definite change in the consumer credit market.
creditors. There are however many different ways that one can have fun that is much less costly. In fact many cost you nothing. Debtfree has a look at a few suggestions: Join the library You may recall there was a time before movies and TV even existed- Really! Reading is a very pleasant way to pass the time and engage your imagination. Relaxing in a chair in the sun or curled up in bed with a hot cup of coffee is a favourite of many. Ask your friends if they have any books they would recommend you read and could loan you, or join your local library.
We all need and deserve a little “down time”, a little “me time”, a chance to just relax. However relaxing can cost a lot of money these days. You may ask: “my Debt Counsellor cut all my entertainment out of my budget- now what am I meant to do for fun?” Going to movies or buying new PS3/WII games or heading to a spa for a treatment are all very expensive and though they are fun and may be what you used to do to relax, you really could not affords to spend money on items like these. The fact that you may have been paying for subscription TV or spending money on entertainment may have been one of the direct causes of your experiencing financial pressure when it came to repaying one or more of your
Shed some KG’s Haven’t you always told yourself that the reason you don’t exercise as much as you should is because you don’t have the time? Well, this may be your golden opportunity to get back into shape. Finally, you may now have that 30 min a day you should have been using all these years to go for a walk or a run; to do some sit-ups or push-ups anything to work up a sweat. Maybe you can even haul those old dusty weights out and give them a go. Mans best friend Haven’t you been worried your poor dog has been neglected, stuck at home in the yard? Well why not take your dog for a walk in the park? The fresh air will be good for both of you.
A novel idea You always wondered if you had what it takes to write a novel. Well, here’s your chance. Set time aside each week or each day to hammer away at that story bouncing around in your head. No more stalling buying books for inspiration or books giving advice on writing. Just start to write each day. Soon you will figure out what’s wrong, and right, about your story and eventually once you have a first draft of your story you can go back and edit it, filling in the gaps and making changes.
Play some cards Are SNAP and Rummy the only card games you know? Well, there are thousands of different card games out there. Ask around; someone in your family or one of your friends may be a card shark in disguise and know a fun game or two. This is an extremely cheap form of entertainment that allows for some good conversation while you sit around the table with you friends. Just watch out when one of them suggests you “make things interesting” and play for money.
Spend some time with the family When last did you do a painting with your kids or read them a bed time story? When last did you take them to the park or beach? Feeling guilty because it has been a while since you visited someone in your family?
Invite your friends over and tell them to bring a DVD If you can’t afford to head to the cinema with the family… why not let the cinema come to you? Enjoy a lazy evening with a small group of friends - especially ones who know times are tough and understand that you can’t cater for dinner and lots of snacks.
Play sport with your friends Why not get a few of your friends together to play a game of soccer or cricket in the park or beach or at a local school field (don’t forget to ask permission). Not only will you spend some time with your friends but the exercise will be good for you.
All of these and many other fun activities are within your reach. Many of them you have wanted to do for a while but have just not had the time. Well now you do! Where possible, try to avoid spending money on these activities. If you are playing a sport and suddenly you feel Catch some rays like you “need” a new racket (or pair of shoes Have you always wanted a killer tan? Why not or set of weights…whatever) … the truth is head down to the beach this summer? Take you don’t. It would be nice to have, but you a book and occasionally dash wildly into and don’t actually “need” it. The reason you are out of the freezing water? No beach nearby? taking these steps is because you don’t have Why not put a towel down in the back yard and disposable income to blow on items like that. picture yourself on a tropical island? According So be strong and go out there and just have to scientists being in the sun contributes to a some fun. You deserve it. general feeling of well being. Just make sure you hide under an umbrella or head indoors during those dangerous midday hours.
ABSA have sent out a message to all DC’s talking about changes in their Debt Review Department/ Practices. Pascal Sinclair the head of Business Partner Interaction, Debt Review said:” the Debt Review Team is very excited ... and it is hoped that once you know about it, you will be equally excited. This development stands to bring positive changes to ABSA’s Debt Review processes which you will also benefit from. This is just but a taste of what is to come and we will keep you posted on the big announcement.” Meetings with DC’s to communicate the changes will be held on the following dates and venues: JHB – 14 July - DCASA meeting in Krugersdorp KZN – 19 July - DCASA meeting in Durban WC – 21 July - DCASA meeting in Cape Town
All other regions and those who cannot attend these meetings will receive the detailed communication in the form of an email from ABSA in due course. This announcement may be closely linked to the fact that Consumer Friends debt review mandate from ABSA is coming to a close on the 2nd of August 2010. Consumer Friend have stressed that the existing data held by Consumer Friend will be transferred to ABSA during this hand over period. They have also assured all DC’s that a communication detailing all contact points for your organization to use with regards to all future correspondences with ABSA, will be made available shortly.
Debt Counselling in the news
You are welcome to attend these informative THE CITY PRESS will publish a special review on Debt Counselling on 25 July 2010 forums and interact with ABSA. Cost DCASA Members can attend for free. Non members traditionally pay R50 to attend DCASA meetings.
DCASA Meetings Western Cape If you are in the Western Cape and are interested in staying in touch with other DC’s and what’s going on with DCASA you are welcome to attend the DCASA meetings held in the Cape Town area. 14 July (10h00) DCASA Feedback Meeting. 21 July (12h00) ABSA Bank Talk to DCASA 4 August (TBA) Easton-Berry Attorneys
Kwazula-Natal Durban ABSA will attend Date: 19 Jul 2010 Directions: Venue to be advised Contact: Beatrice de Beer 033 345 4639
Mpumalanga Nelspruit Cost Date: 23 Jul 2010 Members: Free Directions: To be advised Non Members: R50.00 If you need to find out more about venues etc Contact: Erna Scott 017 634 3510 please call Kornel Steyn (Phone: 086 111 5695). Gauteng Krugersdorp Date: 14 Jul 2010 ABSA will attend Directions: Noordheuwel Sports Club Contact: Rael Zimerman 011 824 5444
Stats Based upon the NCR’s statistics (up to March 2010): 1, 642 DC’s are registered with the NCR, More than 160,000 consumers have applied for debt counselling since the implementation of the NCA, An average of 7,500 new applications for debt review are being received each month. There has been a significant increase in the monthly payments by consumers under debt counselling over the last few months, from R11,05 million in June 2008 to R167.9 million in the month of March 2010.
Service Directory Debt Counselling AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032 Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954 Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621 Consumer Assist Andre Snyman Tel: 0861 628 628 Darran Manikam NCRDC704 DebtSafe 0861 100 999 Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Smith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809 Debt Counselling South Africa Cape Town Branch Tel: 021 919 66 94 Rod De Witt NCRDC831 Visit:
Debt Knowledge Debt Counselling 082 379 2337
Debtonators 041 585 0276
Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615
Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249 Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 MG Consulting For your Debt Counselling Service M.C. Cambouris NCRDC1403 Telephone: 021 919 4618 082 450 7459 082 782 0595 Fax: 086 622 0690 Bellville NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112
Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 Ramonti Debt Counselling Jacob Ramonti - NCR DC 932 Cell : 082 962 4537 Fax: 086 658 7627 Soweto U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos NCRDC509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241
Support services Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell no: 083 3028163 Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150 E- Mail:
Blank Design For all design and marketing needs including websites, brochures, business cards etc. Steve Rosenberg 083 700 2020 Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource
Financial ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0860 356 356 Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837 Experian 011 799-3400 Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912
Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558
Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279
PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783 36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619
STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402
Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378 Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236 Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589 Nedbank
TransUnion 0861 482 482 Thinkmoney Financial comparison website Contact: Gareth Mountain Tel: 079 0996 798 WIZARD Vereeniging Making Mortgage Magic Wanine Smit Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967
Financial Planning Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912
Legal Brett Carnegie Attorneys Tel: +27 (21) 4470332 Fax: +27 (21) 4470338 Mobile: +27 (0)82 320 6099 Physical Address: Suite 23(B) Unit 8 Waverley Business Park Mowbray 7700
Legal Prinsloo & Associates Attorneys and conveyancers Nanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 also at:14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 Cell: 072-8558-106 Fax: 086-623-5986
Credit Bureaus Compuscan 0861 514 131 Computer Profile Bureau 0861 28 7328 Experian Business- 0861 63 60 70 Consumer- 0861 10 5665
Micro Lenders Credit Bureau 0861 28 7328 TransUnion 0861 886 466 XDS 0860 937 000
Other Association of Debt Recovery Agents: 011 781 3337 Banking Ombud 0860 800 900 Credit Bureau Association 011 886 8519 Credit Providers Association 011 789 6825 Department of Trade and Industry 0861 843 384 Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Ombud 012 470 9080 Financial Services Board 012 428 8000
Furniture Traders Association 011 789 6770 Legal Resources Centre 011 836 9831 Long Term Insurance Ombud 021 657 5000 Micro Finance South Africa 012 345 0809 Motor Industry Ombud 012 841 2945 National Credit Regulator 0860 627 627 Ombud for Short term Insurance 011 726 8900 Pension Funds Adjudicator 021 674 0209 South African Fraud Prevention 0860 101 248 The Banking Association 011 370 3500
Identity theft
DC Training
SA fraud protection service (free service) 0860 101 248
UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA Date: 19-23 July 2010 Venue:Midrand Johannesburg, Gauteng Tel: 012 420 4155 / 012 420 5910 Fax: 012 362 5277 Contact: Ms Aniki van Wyk
EVENT South African Law Clinic will be hosting a training workshop for Debt Counsellors on the 19th of August 2010 in Bryanston (JHB) Debt Counsellors Workshop – Practical Compliance Topics: Debt Counselling in South Africa - an industry overview (Peter Setou) Ethical conduct and the Consumer Protection Act – best practice and how to act in the client’s best interests (Stephen Logan) Changes resulting from the NCR’s Task Team into debt counselling (Neville Melville) How to bring Debt Review applications (Mareesa Erasmus) Johannesburg: The Forum, Bryanston; 19th August R4 000.00 per person - Groups of 5 or more from the same company receive a 20% discount To make a booking, please contact Gunther Deutsch at:
COMPUSCAN ACADEMY Date 2-6 August 2010 Email: 021 888 6000 0861 51 41 31 Contact: Nicole Workshops on Consumer Rights & Insolvency Prinsloo & Associates ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS DATE: To be advised Cost: Free Contact: Nanika Prinsloo Cell: 072-8558-106 email: Fax: 086-623-5986
JOBS Vacancy at DRS Boland in Paarl Marius Coetzee is looking to employ a registered DC for his new office which will be opening soon in Paarl. Please contact Marius on 082 978 4407 or email him directly for further information.
If you want to subscribe, advertise or be listed in our directory please contact us! Would you like your after care clients to recieve Debtfree each month? All you need to do is forward us their email address to