March 2011 Debtfree DIGI

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Debtfree South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

March 2010


Editors notes




What’s going on


Debt Review Terminated?


Change your Domicilium


Meet the Commissioner


New Software


Service directory

by certain Credit Providers it might be good to look this article over. If you are thinking of buying or possibly selling property you will be pleasantly surprised by recent changes to the duties payable. Also of interest is the first of April this year. No, not for all those silly pranks but because the new Consumer Protection Act will come into force. Do you know who the National Consumer Commissioner is? Well Debtfree will help you get acquainted with her. You may feel that your whole life is a disaster of sorts but with advanced planning and the right tools you will hopefully be on the road to control. Enjoy the issue.

Editor Well, I think we can all agree that the recent natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan have brought home how fragile our day to day existence can be and how quickly things like bonds and account debt can suddenly mean nothing. That having been said we do still have to deal with these things at present. So, this month Debtfree DIGI has rounded up some local industry news to keep you up to speed. We have an article dealing with those horrible calls that consumers get telling them their debt review has been terminated. With the recent spate of termination letters sent out



NEWS Christopher Bornman of PBC Appeals deregistration as a Debt Counsellor, by the National Credit Tribunal

DC’s in SA, these consumers would make for almost 6 consumers per DC!

Christopher Bornman who has over 4500 consumers under his name on the NCR debt help database, has appealed the decision by the NCT to de-register him as a DC. While many feel that this is simply a time gaining exercise and destined to fail, it is the right of anyone who is de- registered. It is however, unlikely that there will be a different finding in this matter, as many irregularities where previously found in regard to his handling of matters. Especially of note, was the 10% “collection commission” which consumers were asked to pay. With recent changes in regard to “codes of conduct” for the debt counselling industry, and the looming Consumer Protection Act, it is likely that future abuses along these lines will not be repeated by any DC firm.

PDA to send out statements

DC Partner Payment Distribution Agency is now to send out sms statements to all consumers (with mobile phones) on their system and will be sending consumers copies of their distribution statements directly. Previously, DC Partner provided the statement info to DC’s and then the onus lay with the DC to distribute the information. This placed a large strain on the DC’s and as a result many consumers where not receiving the monthly reports of how their funds were being distributed. Obviously, this is something that concerns both the NCR and DRAC. All PDA’s have been asked to ensure that consumers are kept up to date with what is happening to their funds. DC’s should encourage their clients to study Bornman and Associates and Prosperitas Bene their monthly distribution statements to check Carpe CC (known as PBC) were previously for possible anomalies. DC Partners have asked ordered by the National Consumer Tribunal their DC clients to update their consumer email addresses on the Debt Wise system to not to hold themselves out to be debt counsellors or offering debt counselling ensure the consumers receive statements at services. Should the Tribunal ratify its decision, the correct email address Bornman will have to turn his files over to the NCR who will reassign them to another DC firm or possibly many different DC’s. The NCR have DCASA announce new NEC not revealed who will receive what portion of the 4500+ clients who represent a large work A new National Executive Committee was load and many thousands of Rands in monthly recently elected at the DCASA meeting on the after-care fees. If divided among the practicing 2nd of March 2011. The 7 permanent members

of the new NEC are: M.P. da Silva, P.J. Davis, N.J. de Broize, A.J. Richards, G.G. Rodrigues, P.J. Slot, A.M. Snyman. Joining them on the NEC will be the 9 elected Provincial Branch Committee members such as: A van de Venter ,S Barkenhuizen ,M Neethling ,W Olivier, R Dickenson, and M Eksteen and others.

Debt Wise program gets a facelift A new version of the Debt Wise Solutions which is a Debt Counseling PDA interface was launched over the weekend of 18 - 20th March.

Debt Wise Solutions have prepared some help files viewable on: Please note that in last months Debtfree DIGI we described the DCASA meeting held on 2nd php?title=Help:Contents March as the “NEC meeting” this is not entirely accurate. Rather, all members in good standing were invited, and a new NEC was elected at that time.

DCASA continue to grow DCASA report another 30 new members for the month of February 2011.

It’s no joke, Consumer Protection Act in effect from April 1st 2011 The new CPA will be in effect from April 1st this year. Any and all contracts signed from this time will fall under the CPA (unless excluded specifically by the Act itself). So you may want to hold off a few more days before renewing your cell phone contract.

SDC site now features a forum The SDC website now features a forum for DC’s to communicate with one another. Visit:

So Debt Counsellors want specialised ATTORNEYS who can sort out all their DEBT COUNSELLING needs...

RM Brown & associates

WHAT’S GOING ON! Some important dates past and future to keep in mind: 14 March Limpopo DCASA meeting to be held. 16 March Gauteng DCASA meeting to be held. 18 March W.Cape DCASA meeting to be held. DEBT WISE SOLUTIONS updating Debt Wise interface. 21 March KZN DCASA meeting to be held. 23 March PADSA has been requested to review the impact of the new PDA fees once the consumers number of credit agreements has reduced and submit proposal to DRAC. A new Sub Committee has been formed to identify possible amendments to the NCA. The Sub Committee is tasked to identify possible amendments and submit a discussion document to DRAC. 25 March Free State DCASA meeting to be held. 31 March Eastern Cape DCASA meeting to be held. 1 April New Consumer Protection Act in force. New Debt Counselling fees have been accepted at DRAC and will be submitted to NCR Board in March for adoption. Estimated implementation date is 1 April 2011 subject to NCR board acceptance.

Credit Life Insurance and your Debt Review Over the last few months or so there has been a substantial increase in queries around Credit Life Insurance and the effect it may or may not have on a person’s debt review status. Although there is no clear cut answer it may be worthwhile to address this in the hope that the picture will become clearer around this contested issue. Firstly, let’s look at the National Credit Act and highlight a few pertinent points pertaining to credit life. o The credit provider may require a consumer to maintain credit life insurance during the term of the agreement. o The credit provider may offer a consumer optional insurance. o The credit provider must NOT offer insurance that is unreasonable or at an unreasonable cost. o Consumer must be advised of the right to waive the proposed policy and substitute with a policy of his or her own choice. o The credit provider must disclose all costs to the consumer. o The terms and benefits must be explained to the consumer and a copy of the policy document must be handed to the consumer. Now, let us take time to reflect on these 6 points briefly and please feel free to drift back to a time when you applied for credit... Can you recall any of these points being discussed with you? I am quite sure that none of them were even remotely mentioned, let alone you receiving a policy document. Further to this the costs were neatly embedded within your credit agreement and should you not be aware of this, the chances of you claiming would have diminished substantially, even though you may have had a valid event to claim for- like retrenchment, interesting don’t you think?

Eastern Cape: Ellen-Ed Stoltz T: 041 922 87 36 E:

Gauteng Bianca Booysen T: 016 454 2300 E:

Western Cape Sam Haasbroek T: 072 55 104 99 E:

Gauteng Charlene Green T: 016 454 2300 E:

Call us on 0861 33 2875 FSP 30490

Let`s take it a step further, the Debt Counsellors code of conduct and more specifically the Enhanced Debt review process rules under section 3.8, stipulates that the Debt Counsellor must ensure that Credit Life premiums are maintained. Is your Debt Counsellor informing you as such? Have you maintained these premiums? As a Debt Counsellor, do you know how to do this? It does seem to be a rather grey area with if`s and but`s not far off so the need for understanding is of paramount importance as credit providers are looking for ways and means to terminate or at the very least an opportunity, from a contractual point of view, to repossess assets. If this is a grey area, would it not be in the best interest of all to find a workable solution? We are all aware of the fact that the cost of Credit Life Insurance can be quite costly with rates varying from R 2.00 per thousand Rand to as much as R 25.00 per thousand Rand! So, on a simple account with a credit limit of R 10 000.00 you could be paying quite a bit for the cover. Where to from here you may ask yourself? Well at Debtplan we have the solution for both consumers and Debt Counsellors! With a rate of R 3.50 per thousand, we will consolidate all your credit life insurance held with credit providers. Not only will this create a saving, but will also at least take the worry out of the grey areas. The other benefit is the fact that when it comes to a claim, all you have to do is call one company and not run around to all your credit providers to submit a claim! So what does Credit Life Insurance cover? Well that is simple – Death, Disability, Dread Disease and then of course most importantly Retrenchment. Feel free to chat to your Debt Counsellor or call Debtplan to discuss.


“They are saying my debt review is terminated” All these things may be reasons why someone’s debt review would be terminated. If this was going to be done though, you would have been contacted by the DC (probably in writing) to discuss your situation with a view to correcting it. Normally the Debt Counsellor will give you Before you start to panic, ask yourself: Who is at least two weeks to try sort the situation out. this person? Who do they REALLY work for? When Credit Providers do not get the amount Can I trust them more than my DC? that has been proposed to them by the DC, Is it possible that your debt review has been they will contact the DC and ask for more terminated as the person claims? Well you information and warn him that the debt review might be cancelled. Normally this is done need to ask yourself: • Have I missed any payments since the debt with a Section 86(10) notice which allows for 10 days to sort things out. During that time review began? • Have I paid less than I should have at some hopefully the matter will be resolved. Often, it is something silly, i.e. maybe it was just an point? • Has the debt counsellor been asking me for incorrect digit on the reference number used info and documents that I have neglected by the PDA, or maybe the Credit Provider had the wrong amount captured on their system. If to send through to them? so, things will be sorted out. • Did I pay late? When you get a call from a creditor saying they want money now even though you are under debt review, it can be a scary thing. Especially when the person on the line says: “well, your debt review has been terminated”.

Image: Filomena Scalise /

However, often time, the credit providers will send out a termination letter simply because they do not want to accept the amount that has been apportioned to them by the debt counsellor (Nedbank sent out an estimated 65000 of these letters at the end of last year in an effort to seemingly get out of the debt review process). In this case, what is important, is whether your court matter is “set down” or waiting at court. If it is, then as was recently resolved in the Wesbank V Papier matter in the High Court, the creditors are simply wasting time, effort and trees trying to go this route. If the matter is set down they are welcome to come to court to discuss the matter with the Magistrate. However since the matter is now a legal “court matter” it would not be proper for them to deal with you without your attorney present (even over the phone).

they may outsource the collection and so you start to get calls. Commonly when you get these calls they will say things like: “it’s not my job to call your debt counsellor” etc. So what do you do?

1. Get the persons name and surname (get them to spell it if necessary), 2. Get the company name that they DIRECTLY work for (not “I’m calling from Nedbank”), 3. Get lots of contact details (email, phone, fax as many as you can), 4. Make sure you know which account they are talking about, 5. Offer to send them documentation proving you are under debt review. Maybe you have a copy of the court application you could sent to them, 6. Ask for a reference number for the call (many companies record their calls), If your matter is not set down at court (ask 7. End the call politely but firmly, and contact your debt counsellor to provide him with all your debt counsellor if it is and who will be the details. representing you) then you have hit a bit of a snag. The National Credit Act does allow for you to have the account put back into debt review Remember that if people pester you, you can if the creditor takes legal action against you. complain to the relevant bodies about the This is called an 86(11) Application. Obviously matter. Your DC can help you do so. However this might only be successful if you have been it is important to keep a record of who exactly paying according to the debt review proposal called and when, as these details will be that the DC made. It would also be very required for the NDMA or Ombud (for example) necessary at that point to have the debt review to investigate. application made at court with all due haste. Don’t be bullied by blustering callers Some creditors will terminate or remove the demanding funds, and definitely do not make debt review status from your accounts on arrangements to pay them outside the debt their internal system regardless of the court review process. Let your DC deal with them status. They will then send your account on - that’s their job! Remember just because to a department within their company to do someone says “your debt review has been collections. Alternatively, as is very common, terminated” does not necessarily make it so.



Change your Domicilium Address When you sign a contract you will be asked to provide your domicilium address. Basically, this is an address where your primary residence is and where documents can be served on you. Most consumers don’t think twice about what address is on their contracts and it is a rare consumer who will notify their credit providers in a documented manner of any change to their domicilium.

their advantage to send documents to your domicilium address. If you have filled in a bond application with your “old” address from before you got the bond... well the bank can just pretend they didn’t know you are now living at the bond address (and indeed in all fairness, you may not be) and they can send documents and Summonses to your “old” address. This may mean that you will not get a chance to defend any summonses in court simply because you did not know they had been served on you. Many courts are upholding the idea that it lies with the consumer to inform the creditor of a change of address (as your contract may require) and just because you did not know about the legal action, it is not enough to change things after legal action has happened.

Some consumers even think it is a good idea not to let credit providers know where you live so that “the Sheriff can’t find me” or other such reasons. The reality is, however, quite the opposite. Should you fail to inform your credit providers of a change in your domicilium address they would be within their rights to send Section 129 or 130 Notices and Summonses to the address you have filled in on your old contract. This could mean that the first you hear about a judgment or warrant If you are under Debt Review, it is important to against you will be when the Sheriff knocks at inform all your creditors in a verifiable manner (e.g. via fax with the fax report or via email with your new address. the read receipt or with a signed receipt copy True, it seems that credit providers can find from a staff member of the credit provider) of you easy enough when they want to try your current domicilium address. This will help reposes your vehicle or write up and sell your protect you from missing out on important assets. After all, they just need to call you. information, which may have a serious impact However, some Credit Providers still find it to on your life, if not received.

Do you need an attorney who specialises in Debt Review matters?

MEET COMMISSIONER mAMODUPI MOHLALA The new Consumer Protection Act comes into effect as of 1 April 2011. South Africa’s newly appointed National Consumer Commissioner, Mamodupi Mohlala, has been working hard to make sure everything is in place for the big day. She says: “The National Consumer Commission is a revolutionary institution. Consumer rights are critical and if enforced to the letter will result in the socio-economic advancement of all South Africans.” The National Consumer Commission, which she heads, is made up of a relatively small team of 26 staff, considering the 40 odd million consumers they will be looking after. Their mandate is to initiate complaints on systemic problems affecting consumers; investigate complaints referred by consumers; negotiate settlements of complaints where businesses want to settle maters without referral to the Consumer Tribunal, and to issue consent orders and refer matters to the Consumer Tribunal and the Equality Court. But in simple terms, their role is one of dispute resolution and advocating consumer rights.

“We are going to be very proactive rather than reactive with a very strong investigative focus. We intend going out in terms of the Act and identifying specific industries and investigating whether there are any transgressions of the CPA.” Mohlala promises. Ms Mohlala has not identified specifically which industries will be investigated first, but it could be the pharmaceutical industry and in particular, companies that produce skin lightening products, which can be hazardous and have been banned in some overseas countries. National Consumer Commission also has big plans to establish a code of conduct for each industry in the near future. Ms. Mohlala says: “We are busy working behind the scenes to... deadline to ensure we can open our doors on April 1 and can offer relevant services to consumers.” We wish her all the best.


New software for a new industry postponements/feedback not available With any new industry that develops, new to the Debt Counsellor and consumer software solutions are found to automate, immediately record and simplify, and debt counselling seems to be no different. The volume of • Attorneys not being able to see latest payment distribution statements from PDA correspondence, number of role-players in any one matter, and the complexity of the process • Consumers not seeing counter offers immediately has made it virtually impossible to run the business efficiently, from a filing cabinet. It is important to understand what we need The problems can be seen on all sides and it and which software “tools” do that job. The is not just debt counsellors struggling with only bespoke software developed for the sharing of information. Think of a matter you are industry by the PDAs or larger debt counselling currently dealing with; the attorney has already firms have focused on critical solutions such as: obtained a court order and yet, the collections department is still phoning the consumer to • Debt counselling process collect arrears. Another typical example of • Proposal calculation the problem can be seen in the handover of • Form Generation the file between the Attorney and the Debt Counsellor. During the first 60 day period the I don’t mean to make light of these functions, Debt counsellor creates and hands over a file as they are the most critical components, of documents to the attorney, and by the time but my concern is that some of the software the debt counsellor gets back to his office, that is venturing into territories that have been file is out of date as he has probably received developed more efficiently by others. Imagine some kind of correspondence regarding the an opposition company to Microsoft coming client. The greatest danger is that from that out with a single programme that tries to handover point on, there are two “consumer” combine the basic functions of Outlook, Excel files growing independently, one with the and PowerPoint all in one programme, on a fraction of the R & D budget of Microsoft. This Debt Counsellor and one with the Attorney. is perhaps an over simplified and very facetious analogy, but it is just to illustrate the dangers Typical problems might include: of recreating inferior software solutions that • Latest proposal not recorded in the strive to touch on the basics best left to the Software industry leaders with better off the attorney’s file • Copies of court orders/details of shelf products that are tried and tested.

One such area of concern for me is Document Management Software (DMS) which is one of the most essential tools for legal firms with more than one office. It is a virtual filing cabinet that will allow you to create one electronic folder that can store all documents from Word documents and excel sheets to PDF docs and even voice logged calls for your clients. Each consumer will have their own file. It will be shareable and permission based, so the consumer will be able to log in securely and see the files that you give them permission to view. The attorney and debt counsellor will both be able to add documents to it like proposals and

leaders. Your debt counselling software creates a handful of important documents which it might store for you, but because you also have a fax-to-email number and the vast majority of your correspondence comes in via email; Outlook creates ten times more client and creditor correspondence daily which also needs to be retained. Are you forwarding the important emails to the attorney and the rest go unrecorded currently? If your Document Management system therefore does not integrate with Outlook automatically then 90% of all correspondence and documentation is lost or not visible to all.

affidavits etc. It will allow document versioning so that you will always know which proposal is the most recent. I can hear you saying that some of the latest debt counselling software solutions have some of these functions built in already. But let’s take a look at the industry

Document Management Software should also be fully searchable as a basic feature. Documents should be searchable by title and within the document, so as an example, if an attorney wanted to search for all the matters currently in one magistrate’s court

to add specific information required by that multiple users (including attorneys and debt judge, one should have the option to call it up counsellors) logging in from offices anywhere. It must be scalable so that it can handle 1 user immediately. or 1000 with the same ease. The data must Pro-active secure publishing of information be exportable, so that if one ever decides to with automated notification is vital. Too many change to another system, it is possible to man hours are lost reactively answering calls export all data and documents to upload onto from parties requesting information, from a new system. It must provide an audit trail creditors wanting 17.1s, creditors and clients and therefore must make use of features like wanting feedback on court proceedings to document versioning and archiving. clients wanting latest statements. All this should be automated, with an email notification going What should one pay for a system like this? to the client the minute a new document There are systems available that charge per arrives in their folder, albeit from the creditor, user so could cost you as little as R280 per month for both the software and the hosting attorney or debt counsellor. of your data. Leading DMS systems also integrate with Customer Relationship Management software I don’t think our industry is mature enough (CRM), but that is perhaps another discussion yet to develop its own all singing, all dancing software. What we need is reliability with proven on its own. off the shelf products. The Debt Counselling software developers should stick to process, form creation, proposal calculations and integration with the PDAs and we should be able to pick the right solution for the business to perform the other functions according to our budget.

Image: Keerati /

Before deciding on a DMS solution, keep this in mind. You will need it to integrate with other software, most importantly Outlook. It must be cloud based (internet based) so that you do not have the expense of running or hosting servers and so that you can have

Eugene Cilliers Tel 0861 626 859



Transfer Duties Change From the 23 February 2011, there has been EXAMPLES OF SAVINGS great news for all prospective buyers in regard to the reduction of Transfer Duties. New duties Natural Persons are now in effect Transfer on purchase price of R1,000,000 PURCHASE PRICE


R0 – R600,000 R0 From R600,000 – 3% of the purchase price from R1,000,000 R600,000 From R1,000,000 – R12 000,00 plus 5% of the purR1,500,000 chase price from R1 million From R1,500,000 – R37 000,00 plus 8% of the purunlimited chase price from R1,5 million

MAJOR CHANGE Previously Companies, Close Corporations and Trusts paid an 8% flat rate of the purchase price as transfer duty irrespective of the purchase price which made it very expensive to purchase properties in legal entities. From 23 February 2011, Companies, Close Corporations and Trusts will now pay the same transfer duty as natural persons.

Old tariff New tariff Saving

R25,000 R12 000 R13 000

Transfer on purchase price of R1,500,000 Old tariff New tariff Saving

R65,000 R37,000 R28 000

Legal Entities Transfer on purchase price of R1,000,000 Old tariff New tariff Saving

R80,000 R12,000 R68,000

The changes in transfer duty tariffs will be a Transfer on purchase price of R1,500,000 great boost to the property industry particularly to buyers, thereby promoting more sales and Old tariff R120,000 thus sellers will benefit as well. New tariff R37,000 Saving R83,000

READER POLL The question posed last month:

Is the BASA Termination Moratorium a total waste of time? Here are the results (from most votes to least votes):

40% - No, i told all my clients about it 30% - Yes, (because of the Wesbank V Pipier judgment) 30% - Banks should not dictate terms to DC’ 0% - What is that? So at least everyone seems to know what the Moratorium is all about.

This month our Poll is: Are you CPA compliant? the options are:


• Yes, (we have changed all our documentation) • No, (I’ll get to it when I have a chance) • What does the CPA have to do with Debt Counselling?

Email: or visit our Blog to vote Blog:

Service Directory Debt Counselling AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032 Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954 Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621 Consumer Assist Andre Snyman Tel: 0861 628 628 Credit Matters 021 431 9100 Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Debtbusters 0861 663 328 (NO DEBT) DebtSafe 0861 100 999 Debt Rehab Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619 Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website:

Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Smith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809 Debt Counselling South Africa Cape Town Branch Tel: 021 919 66 94 Rod De Witt NCRDC831 Visit: Debt Knowledge Debt Counselling 082 379 2337 Debtonators 041 585 0276 Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts Holistic Debt Counsellors Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249

Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 MG Consulting For your Debt Counselling Service M.C. Cambouris NCRDC1403 Telephone: 021 919 4618 082 450 7459 082 782 0595 Fax: 086 622 0690 Bellville NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112 Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615 Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675

DRS BOND CHOICE P.E. Office: 041 393 7000 BORDER REGION: DRS EAST LONDON Office: 043 7212 656 DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWN Harry Light Cell: 082 573 5803 Office: 043 643 3024 Email:

DRS CENTRAL 041 586 2020 Email DRS DESPATCH Office: 041 933 1189 DRS HUMANSDORP Office: 042 291 0135 DRS KIRKWOOD EXPRESS Office: 087 8080 500

GAUTENG: DRS PRETORIA CENTRAL Ivan Mabuthu Cell: 082 266 6210 Office: 012 320 8304 Fax: 012 320 8388 DRS CENTURION EXPRESS Office: 012 653 0127 DRS HARTEBEESPOORT Office: 012 253 1231

DRS CRADOCK Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Fax 045 838 6572 Email

DRS PORT ELIZABETH Office: 041 453 8961

DRS QUEENSTOWN Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 045 838 9764 Email

DRS SOMMERSET EAST Luther De Bruyn Office: 042 243 1107

DRS MTHATHA Herman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 047-5323356 Email

MANGAUNG Zune Coetzer Office: 051 436 4515 Email

DRS ZAMBESI EXPRESS Office: 012 7555 225

SOUTH FREESTATE Office: 053 591 0734

DRS MORNINGSIDE Ericah Mtshali Cell: 076 578 8660 Office: 031 301 5993 email DRS DURBAN NORTH EXPRESS Office: 031 584 6305

EASTERN CAPE: DRS ALBANY Office: 041 365 5857 DRS ALGOA Craig Wheetman Cell: 083 299 0311 Office: 041 364 1888 Email

DRS SIDWELL EXPRESS Office: 041 451 0474


GARDEN ROUTE: DRS GEORGE Office: 044 874 2820 Email

DRS LIMPOPO CENTRAL Office: 015 297 1387 DRS PRETORIA NOORD Office: 012 546 2187 DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESS Office: 011 472 4171 DRS RUSTENBURG 083 740 4620


DRS GREYVILLE Office: 031 309 8716 DRS KOKSTAD Office: 039 727 1430

DRS PHOENIX 082 374 7040

Rihanyo Debt Counselling (012) 804 50 57

WESTERN CAPE: DRS BELLVILLE Office: 021 948 8523 / 4 DRS DIAMOND Office: 021 421 8563 DRS TYGERBERG Office: 021 945 4062 DRS WEST COAST Marius Coetzee Cell: 082 978 4407 Office: 022 713 3766 Email Debt DRS SALDANHA Office: 022 714 3939 DRS SOLUTIONS 084 586 5600

Debt Counselling cont’d Ramonti Debt Counselling Jacob Ramonti - NCR DC 932 Cell : 082 962 4537 Fax: 086 658 7627 Soweto U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241

Support services Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell no: 083 3028163 Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150 E- Mail: Blank Design For all design and marketing needs including websites, brochures, business cards etc. Steve Rosenberg 083 700 2020 Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource

Financial ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0860 356 356 Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837 Experian 011 799-3400 Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912

Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558 PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783 36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619 Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378 Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236 Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589

Nedbank Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279 STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402 TransUnion 0861 482 482 Thinkmoney Financial comparison website Contact: Gareth Mountain Tel: 079 0996 798 WIZARD Vereeniging Making Mortgage Magic Wanine Smit Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967

Financial Planning Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912

Legal Brett Carnegie Attorneys Tel: +27 (21) 4470332 Fax: +27 (21) 4470338 Mobile: +27 (0)82 320 6099

Suite 23(B) Unit 8 Waverley Business Park Mowbray 7700

Credit Bureaus

Scheepers Attorneys Gerhard Scheepers

Computer Profile Bureau 0861 28 7328

LUCID Attorneys Tel: 011 880 1100 Fax: 011 880 1101 Email:

Experian Business- 0861 63 60 70 Consumer- 0861 10 5665 Micro Lenders Credit Bureau 0861 28 7328

Ludick Attorneys Prinsloo & Associates Attorneys and conveyancers Nanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 Cell: 072-8558-106 Fax: 086-623-5986 RM Brown and Associates 601 Pier House, 13 -17 Heerengracht, Cape Town Docex 138 Cape Town t: 021 431 9127 f: 021 425 0875 e: Agiliti CC Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website:

Compuscan 0861 514 131

TransUnion 0861 886 466 XDS 0860 937 000

Other Association of Debt Recovery Agents: 011 781 3337 Banking Ombud 0860 800 900 Credit Bureau Association 011 886 8519

Credit Providers Association 011 789 6825

South African Fraud Prevention 0860 101 248

Department of Trade and Industry 0861 843 384

The Banking Association 011 370 3500

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Ombud 012 470 9080

SA fraud protection service (free service) 0860 101 248

Debtfree South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

Financial Services Board 012 428 8000 Furniture Traders Association 011 789 6770 Legal Resources Centre 011 836 9831 Long Term Insurance Ombud 021 657 5000 Micro Finance South Africa 012 345 0809 Motor Industry Ombud 012 841 2945 National Credit Regulator 0860 627 627 Ombud for Short term Insurance 011 726 8900 Pension Funds Adjudicator 021 674 0209

February 2010

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