wednesbury bid a4 landscape bid proposal final v2

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CHAIR'S MESSAGE .............................................................................3 REACTING TO COMPETITION .............................................................4 WHAT ARE BIDS? ...............................................................................5 THE BENEFITS OF A BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT................6 THE PROPOSED WEDNESBURY TOWN CENTRE BID AREA ................7 FUNDING THE BID...............................................................................8 PROJECT 1 ..........................................................................................9 PROJECT 2 ..........................................................................................10 PROJECT 3 ..........................................................................................11 PROJECT 4 ..........................................................................................12 PROJECT 5 ..........................................................................................13 PROJECT 6 ..........................................................................................14 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR YEARS 1-5...................................................15 THE BALLOT AND YOUR VOTE ...........................................................16 DATES FOR YOU DIARY.......................................................................17 HOW WILL THE BID BE DELIVERED? ..................................................17 HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF THE BID IS WORKING? ..............................18 FINAL THOUGHTS… ............................................................................19 02/05/2017 15:57

CHAIR'S MESSAGE Hello, and a warm welcome to the Wednesbury Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) Business Plan. This plan is here to answer some of the frequently asked questions you may have concerning the BID, and let you know about some of the exciting projects you have said that you would like to see delivered for an even better Wednesbury.



Over the past 6 months, businesses all over Wednesbury have been telling us how they would like to see the Town Centre improved over the next five years.

■■ Making Wednesbury more attractive, tidier and cleaner

The exciting projects outlined in this document will only go ahead if you, the businesses and retailers of Wednesbury vote ‘yes’ to the town centre becoming a Business Improvement District. This vote will be carried out independently by the Electoral Reform Service in March.

■■ A safer and more welcoming Wednesbury

For Wednesbury, a successful BID ballot would mean approximately £335,000 worth of investment over five years. A way to ensure that sustained investment is delivered throughout this period and invested directly into the Town Centre.

■■ Improving the profile of Wednesbury outside of Sandwell

■■ Championing the Town Centre ■■ T his BID Proposal is here to detail exactly what you have said you want for the future of Wednesbury. You will be able to help us realise this by voting ‘yes’ on 23rd May 2017.


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Wednesbury, like many towns throughout the UK, is facing competition from out of town retail parks, online shopping and a squeeze on spending. These factors are changing the way in which town centres operate. One way to combat competition is to market and promote Wednesbury as a leisure destination and not only as a shopping centre. For long term success, it is essential that dwell time for patrons in Wednesbury is increased in order that visitors to the town are encouraged to stay longer and spend more in the Town Centre. The Wednesbury BID will be the ‘business voice’ that makes sure the town is responding effectively to these challenges and will become a successful link between the private and public sectors.

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Town centres are struggling to compete with this competition, but BIDs can shift the divide and provide a five year business plan and the vision for the town to aid its recovery and ensure its success. By introducing a BID into Wednesbury, it will help to reduce the impact of considerable competition from neighbouring towns and cities over the next five years.

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Business Improvement Districts are business-led partnerships that generate significant income through a small extra contribution from local businesses, delivering specific additional projects in a defined area. The detailed content of this BID Business Plan has been developed in consultation with local businesses, and tailored to the needs of the business community.

■■ B IDs are funded by a transparent and fair levy on all eligible businesses within the BID boundary

It is an investment project, where local business and retailers agree how their money should be invested to benefit themselves.

■■ B IDs can only operate when a ballot has taken place and a majority is achieved by both total number of businesses and rateable value

The purpose of a Business Improvement District is to give businesses real control over the delivery of projects and to monitor their success.

■■ B IDs operate for a maximum of five years, at which time a renewal ballot takes place

Over 200 BIDs around the UK are now successfully operating and making a positive, tangible difference to business and the economy.

■■ A ll funds raised by the Business Improvement District are spent in and by the business community

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THE BENEFITS OF A BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ■■ B usinesses and retailers have the control over the improvements and enhanced services that they want to see improve Wednesbury ■■ A ll businesses will be represented and have a stronger ‘voice’ in issues that affect Wednesbury ■■ I ncreased footfall – through inward investment and successful business plan. Consumers from outside the area will have greater cause to visit Wednesbury Town Centre ■■ T he profile of Wednesbury will be raised further afield, through effective marketing campaigns ■■ S takeholders in both the private and public sectors will work together in partnership ■■ A BID is not there to duplicate services that you already pay for through business rates. It exists to provide services over and above baseline that are provided by local authorities

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■■ A ll BID funding is raised by businesses which vote on this final business plan, representing local business requirements following full consultation

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■■ Spring Head

■■ Camp Street

■■ St James Street

■■ Church Hill

■■ The Shambles

■■ Darlaston Road

■■ Trouse Lane

■■ Dudley Street

■■ Union Lane

■■ Great Western Street

■■ Upper High Street

■■ High Bullen

■■ Upper Russell Street

■■ Holyhead Road

■■ Victoria Street

■■ Lower High Street

■■ Walsall Street

■■ Meeting Street

■■ Wednesbury Parkway

■■ Russell Street

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FUNDING THE BID The main source of BID funding is the annual BID levy, which will be applied to all business ratepayers as follows: ■■ The levy will be set at 1.75% of rateable value ■■ T he maximum total annual BID levy payment will be capped at £7,500 for any individual business ratepayer ■■ No relief is proposed for vacant premises ■■ T he levy will be discounted for charitable organisations at the same level of as their mandatory relief, which is 80% ■■ T he BID will also look to other sources of funding, including match funding and available grants

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Following a comprehensive survey of Wednesbury Town Centre, 67% of Wednesbury businesses and retailers stated that they would like to see extra marketing in order to raise the profile of Wednesbury for shopping, eating, business and leisure. This would support the BID’s ambition to attract greater footfall into the town centre, as well as encouraging patrons to stay longer in the town and thus spending more. If a ‘yes’ vote is achieved, Wednesbury BID will have £10k a year to invest into marketing activity. In the 1st term (5 years) of the BID, the BID would look to implement a new website with an aim to promote both national and independent retailers. This will be open to all businesses located in the BID area. We will create a strong brand and identity for Wednesbury. This will be used in the marketing campaigns to attract more visitors. This could include online and social media advertising in certain publications.

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PROJECT 2 CALENDAR OF YEAR ROUND EVENTS, CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS AND LIGHTING Following consultation, the Wednesbury business community revealed that they would like to see a yearlong events programme covering the whole of the BID area. This is predominantly to attract increased footfall into Wednesbury all year round.

Creating a year-round programme of activities, from larger signature events through to a small-scale sector focused promotions, to build on the existing events and to identify gaps and opportunities for further provision to enhance the business performance in the area. The BID will look to deliver events straight away, following a successful BID ballot, holding a minimum of 5 events per year.

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Wednesbury has already proven its great success with the Christmas Light Switch-On of 2016. The BID would enable the town to capitalise on this success and produce further Christmas events to increase footfall at the most crucial time of the year.

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Like many high streets up and down the UK, Wednesbury is working hard to deal with the problem of empty units throughout the town centre. Following consultation, around 74% of you would like to see this dealt with as priority through the Business Improvement District. The BID would look to introduce a project to vinyl and decorate empty units with generic advertising to improve their appearance, resulting in a chance of filling these units and therefore increase chances of future inward investment.

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It is usual for extra security measures to be provided via Business Improvement Districts. 75% of Wednesbury businesses surveyed stated that they wanted to see more CCTV coverage throughout the BID area. The BID would be in a position to provide enhanced CCTV, particularly in problem areas of the town, further enhancing Wednesbury’s reputation as a safe and secure town.

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PROJECT 5 ONE BUSINESS ‘VOICE’ FOR WEDNESBURY BUSINESS Creating a way to ensure that all sectors and businesses within the Wednesbury BID have their voice heard at a strategic level.

The BID would also provide regular business communications and briefings as well as hosting forums and networking activities.

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We know that the income from the BID is not enough to solve these complex issues on its own, but the BID will explore changes that could be made that would ensure our car parks are easy to navigate, keep parking charges low, promote the car parks and the parking charges and look to introduce alternative payment methods which could make the town more accessible.

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High Profile marketing and events with a focus on independent businesses


Yearly Events Programme


Measurement of footfall in the town centre

Improved CCTV coverage


Evaluation of crime statistics and reports

Improving empty units


Number of units transformed

Measure media coverage Tourism Surveys


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All eligible businesses with a rateable value will be entitled to vote if they were listed as a non-domestic rate payer within the proposed BID area on the date the notice of the ballot is published. Businesses with more than one hereditament that is liable to the levy will receive a vote for each eligible property. In the case of an empty property, the property owner will be eligible to vote. Registered charities will be entitled to the same percentage discount as applied to their business rates For the BID to go ahead, the ballot must obtain majority support (over 50%) of those that vote, both by total number and rateable value. If the BID is approved by you, the business community, all businesses will be liable to pay the levy, whether they voted yes or no in the ballot.

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DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Statutory (Latest) Date: Notification of Ballot

Tuesday 9th May 2017

Statutory (Latest) Date: Despatch of Ballot Papers

Tuesday 23rd May 2017

Latest Date to Appoint Proxy

Saturday 10th June 2017

Latest Date to Cancel Proxy

Thursday 15th June 2017

Issue of Replacements

Wednesday 14th June 2017

Close of Ballot

Tuesday 20th June 2017

Issue of Result by 5pm

Wednesday 21st


Following a successful ‘yes’ vote, the BID’s first term will run from 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2022. The Wednesbury BID will need to seek re-election beyond this point for the Business Improvement District to carry on.


Over the past year, we have undertaken a programme of 1-2-1 visits with Wednesbury retailers and businesses. If you have not yet had the opportunity to discuss your priorities for the BID, then please call John Hodgkiss, BID Coordinator on 0121 553 3074.

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Initially, if the BID is effective, then you should notice an increase in business. You will also notice physical improvements around the town such as regular events. As the BID will become the vehicle for business in Wednesbury, specific key performance indicators will be put into place. The BID will be responsible for achieving targets which will be measured as follows: ■■ Footfall – regular footfall counts will be taken and reported during the five year term of the BID ■■ Customer Satisfaction – quarterly customer satisfaction surveys will be undertaken ■■ Annual BID Survey – finding out your opinion on how Wednesbury is performing as a Business Improvement District ■■ Car Park Data - by analysing car park figures, we will be able to ascertain the number of visitors to the town centre

HOW THE BID WILL BE ORGANISED AND MANAGED? The management of the BID and its budget will be overseen by the BID Board, who will all be representatives from the levy paying community. ■■ The BID Board will be responsible for: ■■ Effective and efficient delivery of the projects outlined in this proposal ■■ Ensure that the BID’s objectives are met

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Over the past 6 months, we have been in consultation with you, the businesses, and you have given positive feedback for Wednesbury Town Centre being developed into a Business Improvement District. You have informed us about your priorities for BID delivery and the projects that mean the most to you.


The Wednesbury Town Centre BID is a unique opportunity for you, the businesses to help make a difference to the future of Wednesbury. With a significant £335,000 worth of guaranteed investment, you have a ‘one off’ chance to make a difference to your town. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve Wednesbury. Voting ‘yes’ gives you the chance to improve our town and make Wednesbury a better place to be.

TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN WEDNESBURY! | 19 A1175cg Wednesbury BID A4 Landscape BID Proposal.indd 19

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