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Figure 12.1: Sectoral Objectives and Methodology

throughout various historical events from the British period. There are a total of 3 subdivisions, 23 tehsils, 22 blocks & 3212 villages in the district. The identified sectoral objectives were:

● To identify the gaps in the present governance structure ● Analyze the e-governance infrastructure & identify gaps ● To propose a good governance model for the district ● To assess the levels of environmental sensitivity in the existing governance system.


Figure 12.1: Sectoral Objectives and Methodology

The Good Governance framework which has been used here considers and builds upon the fact that good governance acts as a means of effectively delivering the

necessary services such as education, healthcare, enabling economic growth and development in sectors such as agriculture, industry; and access to legal protection thereby covering major components of what constitutes governance. Several existing national and international indices were reviewed and considered to understand their conceptual approaches and arrive at what has and has not worked in the past. This was then compared with the overall data sources available in this online mode of education and research so that block wise data for the entire district was available for comparison. While the stakeholder consultation could not be achieved due to the existing scenario, the review of relevant literature has been crucial in identifying sectors and indicators to compose the index. The constraints led to the following guiding principles for the selection of the indicators:

● Simple and measurable ● Output and outcome oriented ● Usability of data and applicability across blocks within the district

12.3 Baseline Study

As per the available report on the district planning procedure from the year 2013, The following 10 step planning process was identified:

1. Methodology formulation 2. Designing of tools 3. District Consultation 4. Finalization of Planning Team 5. Orientation of Planning Team 6. District Consultation Workshops 7. Block/ULB level workshops 8. GP level consultation 9. Data Collection 10.Plan Compilation

The existing planning process takes into consideration all the stakeholders and hence is an efficient and democratic planning method. This implies that the governance model existing int the district is taking into consideration how the schemes and procedures being employed by the authorities are impacting the populace living in the district. Following eight major sectors were thus identified for the regional planning exercise and Following were the existing department objectives as identified from the available data both from the sectoral reports or the websites of the district government and respective authorities:

1. LULC, Forest and Biodiversity a. Protect forest and wildlife b. Silviculture c. Law enforcement d. Stakeholder participation: Minimization of forest dependence e. Manage forest for yield 2. Settlement Hierarchy and Infrastructure 3. Primary Sectors of Economy a. Agriculture: i. Provide seeds and new agriculture technologies ii. Livelihood support to youth iii. Forming Co-operative's & SHG for community participation b. Animal Husbandry: i. Animal Health Care ii. improve the genetic potential of the livestock iii. educate the livestock owners in the field of modern animal husbandry practices iv. promote animal welfare measures c. Fisheries: i. Optimize Utilization for Pisciculture ii. Maximize utilization of Brackish water iii. Provide training for employment 4. Water Resource Management a. Maximize conservation of water b. Establish a Ground Water budget c. Installation of Groundwater structure 5. Industries and Connectivity a. Generate Employment and uplift the Economical Status b. Provide training for employment c. Prime Ministers' Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) scheme 6. Tourism a. Tourism events b. Own and develop tourist spots c. Increase income of commercial operators d. Promote understanding of multicultural society e. Create regional Identity 7. Disaster Management a. No identified departmental objectives 8. Coastal Management a. No existing sector

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