1 minute read

Figure 4. Isothermal distribution of temperature

Figure 4. Isothermal distribution of temperature in the corner of an uninsulated wall (Source: WUFI 2D v 3.4 software)

7. Conclusion


Phase 1 completion will identify the locations of mould growth in the Pierhead building. These can be segregated between condensation and those which show signs of mould spores. Completion of Phase 2 will provide the data necessary to create LIM isopleths for all data points. The conditions necessary for mould growth can then be identified. The points which showed signs of condensation, but no mould spores can be tested in Phase 3 to assess whether they are likely to show signs of mould growth or not. A conclusive iterative IRT and hygrothermal monitoring in the Phase 3 will identify areas with favourable temperature and RH conditions for mould growth.

An occupant survey in Phase 1 can help identify whether they show any signs of respiratory ailments. If yes, then these can be examined with their time spent in the areas with mould spores.

As per BS 7913-2013 Guide to conservation of historical buildings, appropriate ventilation measures can be applied to the problematic areas. These can be in the form of sensors and dehumidification devices. These can be permanent or even portable ones to cater to the needs of the problematic space.

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