Hotel Attide - Urban Frame

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Project introduction: Attide Hotel situated near Jakkur air base in Bangalore aims at offering guests a unique experience of quality in hospitality. The seamless contiguity of architecture and interiors has driven the design together with a careful analysis of the hotel management which sets itself apart as a contemporary response to an adaptive reuse of an existing structure previously built for commercial purposes. Due to its close proximity between the city and the international airport along the highway, the design focuses on borrowing the dynamic character of the context it is set in and the green-city vocation of Bangalore. Client: SWATHI GROUP- BANGALORE Designer: URBAN FRAME PRIVATE LIMITED

Contact Details: Giuseppe Morando +918884500462

Challenges: The project possessed extreme challenges in terms of revamping the existing built form to suit its experiential needs as well as its location, juxtaposed to a flyover which connects the city to the airport and the highway on lower level interacting with the surrounding urban fabric. Solutions: To create an impactful connection on both levels the architecture responds as portals which interact with the flyover as an urban lamp and the users of the hotel as a welcoming portal into the hotel. The design intends to establish a subtle interaction with the building on the outside and cater to the dynamicity it offers in its response to the interior design. The fluidity of lines and spaces welcomes the guest since the entrance in a seamless path till the restaurant, across the reception, the lift lobby and the cafeteria. Movement and transition along this path gives an urban character, a sort of an indoor promenade, publicizing the space and instigating an interaction.

Project Impact: The project’s impact as an insertion within the city’s fabric is established as an urban landmark. A visual connection of the hotel with the city skyline offers the guest a dramatic view. It creates a distinct identity as an hotel in transition, as well as sets itself as a precedent for the typology it serves. The interior design offers well crafted responses to the functional needs of the hotel offering variety of experiences on each floor.

Other details‌ The facade was redesigned to transform the hotel in an urban landmark. Two portals link the hotel with the city. The first one welcomes the guest reaching from the city and the airport; the second, on the terrace, establishes a visual connection of the hotel with the city skyline while offering the guest a dramatic view. In between the public floors of ground and terrace lay three bedroom floors offering two different typologies for a total of 55 keys including 4 suites.

Other details‌ The notion of Bangalore is translated in landscape areas in the restaurant, banquet hall and bedrooms. In the third floor bedrooms, an extended dry landscape area connects the inside with the outside giving the user an unwinding experience. The materials, the furniture design, the lighting design, the wall and flooring patterns the detail accuracy and execution make this 3* hotel experience to be of higher category.

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