2 minute read
We are a developmental program designed so that children learn to play and play to learn. Through play and problem solving, children learn the basic skills necessary to achieve–socially, emotionally, intellectually, physically and creatively.
Our well-rounded curriculum includes opportunities in math, science and nature, literacy, language and listening, dramatic play and daily outdoor play.
PrOGrAM ACtiVitY # DAYS tiMe r/nr MOntHLY tUitiOn r/nr YeArLY tUitiOn
Little Learners — 3 years old by May 1, 2024
2 Day Program 525223-01 Tu/Th 9 — 11A $274/284 $2,466/2,556
3 Year Olds — 3 years old by Sept. 1, 2023
3 Day Program 525223-03 M/W/F 8:45 — 11:15A $403/418 $3,627/3,762
3 Year Olds — 3 years old by Sept. 1, 2023
5 Day Program 525223-04 M-F 8:45 — 11:15A $590/615 $5,310/5,535
Pre-K — 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2023
5 Day Program 525223-06 M-F 8:45 — 11:15A $590/615 $5,310/5,535
Preschool PLUS Discovery Club (sign up for both programs below) Pre-K - 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2023
5 Day Program 525223-06 525323-01 M-F 8:45A — 3:00P $1,493/1,543 $13,437/13,887
DiSCOVerY CLUB - reGiSter in JAnUArY FOr 2023-2024!
Blast into space, dig with dinosaurs, or take a peek inside the human body! Children will take an indepth, interactive and scientific exploration into new and exciting topics. Each afternoon the children will experience art, literature, science and fun as they embark on a journey of discovery without ever leaving school! Discovery Club complements the Deerfield Preschool curriculum. Please send a lunch, an afternoon snack and a water bottle. This program is open to Deerfield Preschool 2023-2024 Pre-K students only. If space remains, we reserve the right to release open spots to Pre-K students from other schools. This program includes the tuition for an 11:15A-12:30P enrichment where the children will eat lunch then participate in a specialized class. Children will be escorted to and from the enrichment by park district staff. Discovery Club will begin the second week of Deerfield Park District Preschool and follow the preschool calendar. Location: Jewett Park Comm Ctr Age: Pre-K
Activity-Sect. Day Time R/NR
525323-01 M-F 11:15A-3P Monthly Tuition $903/928 Yearly Tuition $8,127/8,352
Scan or Click for the preschool information
Discovery Club registration date, payment plan, and cancellation policy are the same as preschool.
LeVeLS OF LeArninG
We welcome two and a half, three and four year old children as they embark on a lifetime of learning through discovery and exploration. Children need to be potty-trained.
Enrolling now for the 2022-2023 school year. (See website for current pricing.) Registration for 2023-2024 will begin January 17 (R) and January 23 (NR). (Priority registration for current students will be in December.)
UniQUe FeAtUreS
• NEW: 5 day option for three year olds! • 11:15A-3P option for Pre-K students by adding Discovery Club! • Low teacher to child ratios • Experienced early childhood educators • All weather, curbside drop-off staffed by preschool teachers • Adjacent, fenced outdoor preschool playground • Summer programs and camp options • On-site “Extend the Day Play” • DCFS Licensed Director: Lynn Braun Coordinator: Judy Cohen Call 847-572-2634 schedule a tour. 847-945-0650 | 17