Conant, r t et al 2016 grassland management impacts on soil carbon stocks a new synthesis

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Ecological Applications, 27(2), 2017, pp. 662–668 © 2016 by the Ecological Society of America

Grassland management impacts on soil carbon stocks: a new synthesis Richard T. Conant,1,2,4 Carlos E. P. Cerri,3 Brooke B. Osborne,1 and Keith Paustian1 1Natural

Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, 1499 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA 2Institute for Future Environments, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 3Unversidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil

Abstract. Grassland ecosystems cover a large portion of Earths’ surface and contain substantial amounts of soil organic carbon. Previous work has established that these soil carbon stocks are sensitive to management and land use changes: grazing, species composition, and mineral nutrient availability can lead to losses or gains of soil carbon. Because of the large annual carbon fluxes into and out of grassland systems, there has been growing interest in how changes in management might shift the net balance of these flows, stemming losses from degrading grasslands or managing systems to increase soil carbon stocks (i.e., carbon sequestration). A synthesis published in 2001 assembled data from hundreds of studies to document soil carbon responses to changes in management. Here we present a new synthesis that has integrated data from the hundreds of studies published after our previous work. These new data largely confirm our earlier conclusions: improved grazing management, fertilization, sowing legumes and improved grass species, irrigation, and conversion from cultivation all tend to lead to ­increased soil C, at rates ranging from 0.105 to more than 1 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1. The new data include assessment of three new management practices: fire, silvopastoralism, and reclamation, although these studies are limited in number. The main area in which the new data are contrary to our previous synthesis is in conversion from native vegetation to grassland, where we find that across the studies the average rate of soil carbon stock change is low and not significant. The data in this synthesis confirm that improving grassland management practices and conversion from cropland to grassland improve soil carbon stocks. Key words: carbon; grassland; management; sequestration; soil land use.

Introduction Even accounting for historic losses, grazing lands still contain a substantial amount of the world’s soil organic carbon. Integrating data on grassland area (FAO 2015) and grassland soil carbon stocks (Sombroek et al. 1993) results in a global estimate of about 343 Pg C (in the top 1 m), nearly 50% more than is stored in forests worldwide (FAO 2007). These grazing land soil carbon stocks are susceptible to loss upon conversion to other land uses (Paustian et al. 1997) or following activities that lead to degradation (e.g., overgrazing). Over the last decade, grassland area has been shrinking while arable land area has been growing, suggesting continued conversion of grassland to croplands (FAO 2015). Around 20% of the world’s native grazing lands have been converted to cultivated crops (Ramankutty et al. 2008), leading to losses of as much as 60% of soil carbon stocks (Paustian et al. 1997, Guo and Gifford 2002). Grassland degradation has also expanded (Bai et al. 2008), likely prompting the loss of grassland ecosystem carbon stocks. Arresting grassland conversion and degradation would preserve grassland soil carbon stocks. Manuscript received 7 July 2016; accepted 1 November 2016. Corresponding Editor: David S. Schimel. 4E-mail: 662

Reversing practices that have led to grazing land degradation can prompt increases in ecosystem carbon stocks, sequestering atmospheric CO2 in grazing land soils. Estimates of the potential for carbon sequestration in grazing lands are substantial, but also highly uncertain (e.g., Smith et al. 2007). These uncertainties stem from a few limitations. First, knowledge about how the world’s grazing lands are managed and the propensity of grazing land managers to adopt improved management practices is limited. Data on grazing lands are collected less widely than data on forests and cropland and tend to be of lower resolution and limited extent (Conant and Paustian 2004). Second, information on how grazing land management affects soil carbon stocks has been limited to a subset of regions and management practices. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize information on grazing land management effects on soil carbon stocks. Substantial work has been conducted since other earlier syntheses (e.g., Conant et al. 2001, Follett et al. 2001). The world’s grazing lands are a key element of livestock production systems globally (Bouwman et al. 2005, Erb et al. 2016) providing livelihoods for about 1B of the world’s poorest people and one-­third of global protein intake (Steinfeld et al. 2006). Here we build on recent regional syntheses (Wang et al. 2011) and studies of particular aspects of grazing land management (e.g., McSherry and

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Conant, r t et al 2016 grassland management impacts on soil carbon stocks a new synthesis by Food production & climate issues - Issuu