Grazing Management on California’s Mediterranean Grasslands LYN N H U NTS I N G E R, JAM E S W. BARTO LO M E, AN D CA R LA M. D’ANTO N I O
Grazing management uses ungulates to achieve desired ecological, social, and economic outcomes. It is the least costly and in some ways the most flexible tool for managing vegetation on California grasslands. Grazing can be used to manipulate plant community structure, decrease fuel loads, control invasive weeds, create wildlife habitat, and enhance species diversity (Marty 2005; Pyke and Marty 2005). Grazing is an important natural process in grassland ecosystems (McNaughton et al. 1989; Milchunas and Lauenroth 1993; Perevolotsky and Seligman 1998), and a number of studies have recorded higher biodiversity in grazed compared to ungrazed systems (Noy-Meir et al. 1989; Harrison 1999b; Hayes and Holl 2003a). Like almost any other human-directed or influenced activity in grasslands, grazing can also harm vegetation and wildlife if improperly managed (Painter and Belsky 1993; Fleischner 1994; Freilich et al. 2003). The history of livestock grazing and its impacts in California is controversial and complex (D’Antonio et al., Chapter 6; Jackson and Bartolome, Chapter 17). This chapter concentrates on what is known about goals of contemporary grazing programs and the manipulation of vegetation using domestic livestock. Understanding the effects of grazing on vegetation in the California grassland is complicated by a large climatic gradient, pronounced interannual variation in weather, strong variation in topography and land-use history, and regional variation in the species pool. At any one site, the impact of grazing arises out of the interaction of land use history, the current and recent grazing management scheme, the abiotic environment, and the species pool in the local plant community (Heady 1984). The influence of the abiotic environment, including soil type, elevation, precipitation, and temperature, is particularly important in the California Mediterranean environment. Because so much of the grassland is composed of annual species, composition, density, and productivity are highly influenced by the annual pattern and amount of rainfall, with production varying by orders of magnitude among
years. California’s heterogenous soils also add to the heterogeneity of the grassland and response to management actions. For these reasons California grassland scientists have developed methods for managing the grassland that emphasize coping with variation and recognizing the overwhelming role of abiotic factors. Management programs that are based on a conceptual model of long-term, competition-driven vegetation shifts in a relatively consistent environment (e.g., equilibrium-based theory) have limited application in California grasslands, particularly annual-dominated sites. This chapter first highlights the common grazing management goals of the agencies, private landowners, and conservation organizations that manage most of the California grassland. Next, general principles for developing management practices and plans based on the existing knowledge base for grazing and vegetation in California are presented and discussed. The final section of the chapter reviews the knowledge base for implementing specific practices to achieve some common management goals. It is widely acknowledged that management varies widely from place to place on California grasslands, potentially providing abundant examples of sustainable and unsustainable management practices on private and public lands. In this chapter we do not attempt a catalog of historic or current practices, an assessment of their detriments and benefits, or a referendum on different kinds of management. Instead, the focus is on the common goals of grazing management in California Mediterranean grasslands, and what we know about the practices that can contribute to achieving these goals.
Landowners, Managers, and Management Goals Most annual grasslands in California are privately owned (Table 20.1). The United States Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and Department of Defense also own a small but significant amount of California