CYCLES, VOL. 13, NO. 1, PAGES 59-70, MARCH 1999
Consumption of atmosphericmethane by soils: A process-basedmodel
AndyJ.Ridgwell, 1Stewart J.Marshall, andKeithGregson Schoolof BiologicalSciences, Universityof Nottingham,SuttonBoningtonCampus,Loughborough, Leicestershire, England
Abstract.A process-based modelfortheconsumption of atmospheric methane (CH4)by soilswas developed to identifythemostimportantfactorsaffectinguptakeratesandto determinewhetherthe currentuncertainties in theestimated sizeof theglobalsoilsinkmightbe reduced.Descriptions of diffusionandmicrobialoxidation processes, whichtogether determine theCH4 flux,wereincluded.
Theresults suggest thattheglobal sinkstrength lieswithintherange 20-51Tgyr-1CH4,witha preferred valueof38Tgyr'l CH4.Drytropical ecosystems account foralmost a thirdofthistotal.Here microbialactivityratherthandiffusionis limitinguptake.It is alsoin theseareasthatthe impactof any intensification in agriculture will be themostpronounced, with a possiblefuturereductionin uptakein
excess of3 Tgyr-1CH4.Thisisincontrast totheoverall impact ofglobal warming, whichisexpected to leavethesizeof theglobalsoilsinkrelativelyunchanged. 1. Introduction
An alternativeapproachis to constructa "process-based" model. Here the most importantbiogeochemical processes determining Methaneis currently presentin theatmosphere at a concentration tracegasexchangeare modeledexplicitly,usuallywithina regular of about 1.72 ppmv [Houghtonet al., 1996], contributing an array of cells representingareas of the Earth's surface. Soil, estimated 15% to anthropogenic globalwarming[Rodhe,1990]. ecosystem, and meteorological data are providedby linkingwith CH4 is removedfromtheatmosphere largelythroughreactionwith suitableglobaldatabases. However,scaleincompatibilities can still hydroxyl molecules (OH) in thetroposphere [Funget al., 1991]and be a problemwith thisapproach. Descriptions of tracegasprocesses alsoas a resultof microbialoxidationin soils.Althoughrecent are typically developed using single-locationstudies with
estimates of 15-45Tgyr-1CH4 forthesizeoftheglobal soilsink
characteristic scales of the order of a few centimeters. This is in
putit at onlyabout10%of thatdueto reaction withOH [Houghton contrastto their applicationover the entire globe, where et al., 1995],theestimated excess of sources oversinksforCH4, characteristic scales canbe over100km for a 1øby 1øgridnearthe whichaccounts for thepresent rateof atmospheric increase, is of a equator.Processdescriptions mustthereforebe reparameterized so similarmagnitude. Therefore, changes in the strength of the soil asto be applicable at thecoarser scale,whichwill inevitably result sinkcouldpotentially havea significant effectonfutureatmospheric in a lossof accuracy andwhichmayintroduce significant errorsif CH4 concentrations and thus on the rate and extentof global theprocesses involvedrespond in a nonlinear fashion[Schimel and warming. Potter,1995].Use of a finergridscalemay reducetheseerrors,but Globalestimates of tracegasfluxesare commonly madeby themaximumresolution thatcanbe employed is ultimatelylimited extrapolation fromfieldandlaboratory studies; pointmeasurements by theresolution of suitable datasetsandalsoby consideration of are scaledup, assuming themto be representative of all locations thecomputational resources available.Thistypeof modelhasbeen sharing somecommon classification suchassoilor ecosystem type successfully appliedto a numberof tracegasprocesses, suchasthe [Matsonet al., 1989; Schimeland Potter, 1995; Steudleret al., production of N20 [Bouwman et al., 1993]andCO2 [Potteret al., 1989]. Global fluxes are then estimatedby multiplyingthe 1993]by soilsandCH4 by wetlands [Caoet al., 1996a]andrice representative flux by the areawithineachclassification [DOff et paddies [Caoet al., 1996b]andtheconsumption of CH4 by soils al., 1993;Ojimaet al., 1993;Potteret al., 1996].However,the [Potteret al., 1996]. assumption that point measurements madeat a limitednumberof
Consumption of atmospheric CH4 by soilshasbeenshown tobe locations andfor a limitedtimeperiodcanreallybe representative the resultof an entirelybiologicaloxidationprocess[Benderand of all locations overanextended timeperiodcanleadto significant Conrad,1994; Whalenand Reeburgh,1990]. The activityof errors[Aselmann, 1989;Matsonet al., 1989].Suchextrapolations methanotrophs (andthusthepotential rateof CH4 oxidation within are valuableas initial estimates and for definingmaximumand the soil)is regulatedby a numberof environmental factorssuchas minimumlimits,but theycannotnecessarily provideinformation temperature, soil moisture,soil nitrogencontent,organicmatter aboutfluxesundernovelconditions, particularly thosearisingasa
content, andpH. However, theprimary control onthefluxof CH4 intosoilsis usually considered to betherateof diffusion of CH4
resultof climaticchange.
withinthetopsoil[Bornet al., 1990;DOrr et al., 1993],whichis
1 Nowat School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia,Norwich,England.
controlled by boththephysicalstructure andmoisturecontentof the
soil.Asa result,in fine-textured and/orrelatively water-logged soils,
Copyright1999by theAmericanGeophysical Union.
lowgaseous diffusivity tends torestrict uptake, andthefluxofCH4
Papernumber 1998GB900004.
intothesoilis notsignificantly affected by thedegreeof microbial activity.Underconditions of highdiffusivity, ontheotherhand,the rateof microbial oxidation is oftenlimiting,especially in extremely
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