Science & Society
Trends in Plant Science April 2014, Vol. 19, No. 4
Special Issue: Systems Biology
How plants water our planet: advances and imperatives Douglas Sheil1,2,3 1
Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Ås, Norway School of Environment Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW 2480, Australia 3 Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor 16000, Indonesia 2
Most life on land depends on water from rain, but much of the rain on land may also depend on life. Recent studies indicate that vegetation, especially tree cover, influences rain and rainfall patterns to a greater extent than is generally assumed. Here, I briefly highlight some of these findings to show that vegetation sciences will have an increasing role in understanding climate and its vulnerability to changes in land cover. Rainfall patterns in a changing climate The lives, wellbeing, and environment of most people depend on reliable rainfall. Between 1900 and 2013, over 11 million people lost their lives due to drought and over 7 million lost their lives due to floods, whereas over 5000 million required emergency assistance due to one or other ( Vegetation influences many aspects of the climate on Earth. Large-scale loss of forest cover is typically associated with increased seasonality, reduced cloud formation, and less rain. Declining rainfall and weakening monsoons have been linked to deforestation in various regions of the tropics, although the nature and significance of these landcover influences remains uncertain [1–3]. Recent results indicate that vegetation is more important than was previously assumed. Climate researchers view the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface as components in a physical system. Despite major investments in incorporating land cover in climate simulation models, much remains uncertain, especially concerning the influence of land-cover change on cloud cover and rain [1–4]. One recent commentary on climate models noted that rainfall over land remains hard to simulate because it is largely determined by ‘unresolved processes’ [5]. This is a challenge in itself and also represents the ‘main limitation in current representations of the climate system’ and ‘a major roadblock to progress in climate science’ [5]. Nonetheless, there has been progress concerning the flows of atmospheric moisture within and among regions (Box 1) and the important role of tree cover in generating atmospheric moisture (Box 2). Here, I briefly examine some Corresponding author: Sheil, D. ( 1360-1385/$ – see front matter ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
recent studies in which plant sciences cast additional light on these processes. Atmospheric moisture The share of atmospheric moisture derived from vegetation is higher than previously recognised. This transpired water (vapour emitted from plants through their stomata) can be distinguished from other evaporated water (vapour drawn from moist surfaces and water bodies) by its influence on isotopic ratios of oxygen (18O/16O) and hydrogen (2H/1H). Jasechko and colleagues evaluated these isotopic ratios in the water from 73 lakes and inland seas worldwide [6]. By using additional data to summarise the flows in and out of each catchment, they estimated that transpiration produces 80–90% of the atmospheric moisture derived from continents. This figure substantially surpasses previous estimates (20–65%; see [6]). Even in deserts, transpiration contributes approximately three-quarters of the land–atmosphere water flow [6]. In some regions, this likely reflects deep-rooted trees, such as Boscia albitrunca (Capparaceae), which reaches 68 m beneath the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa [7]. Transpiration has a profound impact on the energy budget of the atmosphere. The 62 000 8000 km3 of water released to the atmosphere each year by vegetation [6] is not only a source of cloud and rain, but also lowers local temperatures. Vaporising water consumes nearly half the solar energy reaching the surface of the Earth (approximately 33 Wm 2 of the approximately 70 Wm 2), causing local cooling [7]. Cloud cover influences both planetary albedo (a measure of the solar radiation reflected into space) and radiation of heat energy (water vapour is a powerful ‘greenhouse gas’). Until the processes underlying vegetation control of the water cycle are resolved, the potential impact of land-cover change on the regional and global temperature regimes cannot be estimated with confidence. If the share of atmospheric moisture derived from vegetation is larger than previously acknowledged, then changes in vegetation may also have greater impacts. In the next sections, I consider some of these influences in greater detail. Condensation Condensation occurs when air is saturated with water. The threshold depends on temperature and also on the presence and nature of any surfaces. All else being equal, saturation in air containing suitable surfaces (typically aerosol particles or droplets called ‘condensation nuclei’) 209