Wang, c et al 2014 sound management may sequester methane in grazed rangeland ecosystems scientific

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Received 1 November 2013 Accepted 7 March 2014 Published 24 March 2014

Sound management may sequester methane in grazed rangeland ecosystems Chengjie Wang1, Guodong Han1, Shiping Wang2, Xiajie Zhai1, Joel Brown3, Kris M. Havstad3, Xiuzhi Ma4, Andreas Wilkes5, Mengli Zhao1, Shiming Tang1, Pei Zhou1, Yuanyuan Jiang1, Tingting Lu1, Zhongwu Wang1 & Zhiguo Li1 1

College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, China, 2Laboratory of Alpine Ecology and Biodiversity, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China, 3 Jornada Experimental Range, United States Department of Agriculture, Las Cruces, 88003 NM, USA, 4College of Forest Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, China, 5World Agroforestry Centre, 12 Zhongguancun, Beijing 100081, China.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.D.H. (nmghanguodong@ or S.P.W. ( cn)

Considering their contribution to global warming, the sources and sinks of methane (CH4) should be accounted when undertaking a greenhouse gas inventory for grazed rangeland ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mitigation potential of current ecological management programs implemented in the main rangeland regions of China. The influences of rangeland improvement, utilization and livestock production on CH4 flux/emission were assessed to estimate CH4 reduction potential. Results indicate that the grazed rangeland ecosystem is currently a net source of atmospheric CH4. However, there is potential to convert the ecosystem to a net sink by improving management practices. Previous assessments of capacity for CH4 uptake in grazed rangeland ecosystems have not considered improved livestock management practices and thus underestimated potential for CH4 uptake. Optimal fertilization, rest and light grazing, and intensification of livestock management contribute mitigation potential significantly.


nder the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, signatory countries can elect to report global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from managed lands (e.g., forest, cropland, grazing land and other managed lands), and can use verified emission reductions from managed lands to fulfill their emission reduction commitments. Continental rangelands are a widespread form of grazing land, which play an important role in the GHG budget. Methane (CH4) is the second most important long-living, anthropogenically-modified GHG after carbon dioxide (CO2)1,2. CH4 sources and sinks in managed grazing lands are primarily influenced by farming and rangeland management practices3. However, quantitative estimates of CH4 sources and sinks in managed continental rangelands are particularly uncertain because of high variation across different temporal and spatial scales4,5. Thus, the contribution of changes in management practices in grazed rangeland ecosystems that produce and sequester CH4 remains uncertain. There are 492.8 million ha of rangelands in China, of which 313.4 million ha are grazed. These rangelands are mostly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Ningxia, and the Qinghai-Tibet plateau6. China’s rangelands provide ecological services of global significance. However, provision of many of these services has been impaired over the past 60 years. Human activities, including uncontrolled livestock grazing, wood harvesting, and cultivation in semiarid and arid rangeland regions, are implicated as causes of rangeland degradation and declining ecological service provision. There is now widespread agreement that overgrazing over the past half century has contributed to degradation of more than 90% of Chinese rangelands7. To conserve rangeland ecology, mitigate degradation and desertification, and promote economic development in pastoral regions, since the end of the 20th century the Central Government has implemented a series of policies and programs to restore rangeland ecosystem functions (Supplementary Table S1). To evaluate the effects of these policies and programs on CH4 emissions and uptake in grazed rangeland ecosystems, the overall CH4 budget was quantified by developing an area-weighted average for year-round CH4 fluxes in the main continental rangeland ecosystems of China (i.e., Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Ningxia autonomous regions, and the Qinghai-Tibet plateau). The CH4 budget for livestock production was then deduced at the national scale. We then quantify the CH4 mitigation effects of the SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 4444 | DOI: 10.1038/srep04444


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