Lasallian Roll Call

A Publication for the De La Salle College Community — Malvern

This edition of Lasallian Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of Br James Taylor, fsc who passed away suddenly at Monash Medical Centre on Thursday, 9th March, aged 64 years. A former student and Headmaster of the College, he will be sadly missed by his many friends.
If you feel that De La Salle College in some way contributed to your position in life today, then through your generous support you can help us prepare the De La Salle Old Collegians of tomorrow.
If you would like advice on the best way to help your alma mater, our Bequest Officer, Br Kevin Moloney, would be pleased to assist you. He can be contacted at the College during office hours (8am-4pm) on 9509 3011
Cover Photograph: Monica Costa with Graphic Communications student Karl D’Orazio (see report on page 9)
Photography by Nick Quin
A call to any Old Collegian who would be able to transport three cartons of used science equipment and plastic bottles to the new De La Salle Catholic Secondary School in Hohola, Papua New Guinea. (refer Kinnoull campus report on page 7)
If you work in the science supply industry, we would also appreciate donations of current science equipment. If you are able to assist us, please contact Ms Meg Miller at the College on 03 9509 3011 during office hours (8.00 – 4.00 p.m.)
Welcome to Roll Call 2000. Our modern world is full of intelligent people, but there is a notable lack of wisdom at times.
Intelligent people study stars; wise people follow stars. We used to think that wisdom was reducing a complicated world to its simplest
That may still be true, but let’s not forget that beneath simplicity there is a wealth of complexity; that within the tiny acorn is the massive oak; with in the single cell is the pattern of life and within the simplicity of God is the mystery of the universe.
Every day we discover a new star. Will we follow it or just study it? If we choose to follow, can we accept what we find at the end? Will we have the faith to believe a new idea, the humility to be taught by a child, the courage to change the way we live? Only God knows; so lead, kindly light.
Mr Peter Riordan has been appointed as Head of Tiverton Campus (Years 4–10) this year. Peter is a strong, positive role-model and has much to offer the College — we welcome him and we wish him well. (Refer to Tiverton report on page 7.)
The College Master Plan was tabled at a meeting of the Trustees of the De La Salle Brothers in Sydney in late February. The Plan has to meet the requirements of the Economic Council before discussion takes place with the Trustees.
In January 2000, the College was connected to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) for e-mail and Internet access. This technology was installed by the Catholic Education Office (CEO) in Melbourne, enabling wider access to the CEO system and to education sites on the Internet.
Once again the Peer Support Program has proven to be of great value on the Tiverton Campus. The program, in place at the College for a number of years, involves 80–90 Year 10 boys. Their role is to take a weekly program based on self-confi dence, self-esteem and providing skills for coping with a new school environment for new students in Years 4 and 7. This program, while helping the new students feel settled has also enabled our Year 10’s to carry out real leadership roles.
Mr Paul Woods (1989) has retired from the Roll Call committee. Paul’s contribution has been invaluable and his input will be missed. On behalf of the College community I thank him for his generosity and time. I would like to welcome onto the committee Mrs Robyn Brasher (the College Development Officer), whose knowledge of the De La Salle College community will be an asset.
Br Tim Peter HeadmasterAn edited extract of Ged Cochrane’s address at the Leaders’ Investiture on the 4th February, 2000: I would like to say what an honour it is to be part of this year’s student leadership team. Receiving our badges today is a humbling experience and one we will remember with pride long after the year is through.
During a Lasallian leadership camp held at Sydney University, 52 participants from 17 of our schools in Australia and New Zealand listened to a story titled The Dash. A young man, delivering the eulogy at his best friend’s funeral, read two dates — the date of his friend’s birth and the date of his death. He pointed out that the only thing separating these two seemingly random points in time was the dash between them.
This idea of the dash being a metaphor for life has stayed with me and its message has been made all the more powerful by the awareness that this is my last year here at De La. My dates will read 1992-2000. Whilst it is significant to be a member of the graduating class of 2000, it is what we have all achieved within that time that is of importance. At De La there are many ways to mark the dash between your dates. Simple gestures of support for a fellow student may not get you on the honour board but, by showing compassion, you are having a positive impact on the school community. An act of goodwill adds to the character of the College and should be considered as important as academic or sporting success.
As College leaders we have been given a unique opportunity to enhance the significance of our dash. There are many ways leaders are called to serve…always mindful of the need to act with jus tice and concern for those we represent.
We offer you, and the wider community, our very best efforts.
Ged Cochrane College CaptainGed comes to us from Oakleigh and is in his ninth year at the College. In 1998 he was president of the SRC on the Tiverton Campus and was for many years a class leader. He is a keen student and sportsman. He has represented the College in athletics, football, basketball and volleyball. Ged involves himself generously and enthusiastically in the community life of the College.
Matthew is from Carnegie and is the eldest of three children. He has been at the College for five years. He relates well with people and is respected by his peers for his cheerful and easy-going disposition. Matthew has represented the College in ACC cricket, football, hockey and golf. A young man of diverse talents, he hopes to serve the College to the best of his ability in the coming year.
Tom is from Camberwell and is in his sixth year at the College. He comes from a family of seven and has represented us in ACC hockey and football. Tom is a capable young man who hopes to make a difference in whatever way he can in his service to the school community.
Stephen is from East Malvern and has been at the College for the past six years. He has two brothers at the College. Stephen has represented us in ACC cricket, athletics, cross country and football. He is a reliable student who enjoys new challenges.
This is his sixth year at the College and he hails from Glen Iris. James has represented the College in debating and table tennis and hopes this year to be part of the development of debating at the College. He is a very capable student who was last year Dux of Year 11.
Steve is from Glen Waverley and this is his sixth year at the College. He is a keen basketballer representing at the ACC level and beyond. He also enjoys music and golf and hopes to do well in whatever he tackles in the coming year.
Andrew is from Syndal and has been a student with us for six years. He is a person who gives 101 percent to whatever he does. He is respected by his peers and relates well with them. He plays ACC football and volleyball and will be an honest contributor throughout the year.
Marc has been at the College for the past four years and comes from Ashwood. He was a participant in the Rock Eisteddfod. Possessing a wicked sense of humour and generous with his time and talents, he is always ready to be involved in College activities.
Tom hails from East Hawthorn and is in his sixth year at the College. He has represented the College in ACC athletics. He is a cheerful and reli able young man who is generous with his time and energy.
Aidan started at the College in 1992 and comes from East Caulfield. He is a noted athlete who has been competing in ACC athletics since 1994. In Year 10 he was a member of the SRC. Last year he was a member of the St Vincent de Paul group.
John is in his fourth year at the College and comes from Mentone. He has represented us in swimming and would like to see our involvement with other schools increased in the coming year. He also hopes to keep the student newspaper alive.
Rohan comes from Surrey Hills and this is his sixth year at the College. He is a talented sportsman, representing De La in hockey, cricket and football. Academically, he hopes to achieve a high ENTER score in his final year.
Michael lives in Bentleigh and this is his sixth year at Malvern. He has had various leadership posi tions whilst at the College and has been an active member of the Rock Eisteddfod since Year 8. He is a friendly, open and reliable young man.
Tom comes to us from South Caulfield and is a College veteran of nine years. He is a keen sportsman, representing the College in athletics and football. He hopes this year to make the Sandringham Dragons football team in the Under 18 TAC Cup competition, together with achieving a high ENTER score.
Ged Cochrane, Tom Molan, Matthew Naughtin and Br Geoffrey KennewellThe VCE class of 1999 has achieved some outstanding results with a pass rate of 100%. Twentysix students (15%) scored an ENTER above 90. Eight-eight percent of our students have gone on to further study — 62% at University and 26% at TAFE colleges. The remaining 12% have either returned to VCE studies or are currently seeking employment.
The top ten students have accepted the following places at University:
Dux of the College, Max Walker (99.15) — Melbourne University: Arts/Science College Captain, Simon Ngu (99.05) — Monash University: Science/Law
Andrew Mitchell (98.15) — Melbourne University: Commerce
Eneko Bilbao (97.90) — Melbourne University: Science/Information Systems
Michael Quin (97.65) — Monash University: Deans Scholars Arts program
Mark Brasher (96.80) — Monash University: Deans
Scholars Arts Progam
Jonathan Coquet (96.70) — Monash University: Biomedical Science
Liwa Becker (96.95) — Monash University: Information Systems
Tri-Hung Nguyen (96.25) — Monash University: Formulation Science Nicholas Giummarra (95.50) — Monash University: Behavioural Neuro Science
In terms of destination, the most popular choices of our students were in the following areas:
Business/Economics: ACU, Deakin, Monash, RMIT, Victoria and Melbourne Universities, Swinburne TAFE
Humanities: Deakin, LaTrobe, Monash, Melbourne and Swinburne Universities
Sciences/Human Movement/Health, Sports and Administration: A.C.U., Deakin, Monash, RMIT, Melbourne, Chisholm, Swinburne and Victoria Universities
Engineering: Monash, RMIT, Melbourne and Victoria Universities, RMIT and Swinburne TAFE colleges.
Other course destinations included: Computing and Information Systems Hospitality and Tourism Architecture and Building Art and Design Education Horticulture
The College was delighted to be informed that 1999 Year 11 student Owen Neeson, who under took the Year 12 units in Systems Electronics, has won The Premier’s Award which acknowledges Owen’s attaining the highest marks in the state for that subject. Owen was presented with his award during a ceremony at Government House in April. We all join in congratulating Owen on this outstanding achievement and wish him well this year as he completes his VCE studies. I wish all the 1999 students every success in their chosen courses and pathways.
Mrs Sue Taylor Careers Counsellor/VET CoordinatorLasallian Roll Call wishes to extend a warm welcome to Mr Peter Riordan, Head of Tiverton campus, who was appointed to this position in November of 1999. Peter, married with two children, is well acquainted with the Lasallian ethos, having been educated at St Bede’s, Mentone and subsequently taught there for 19 years. He writes:
In the time that I have been at the College I have been quite overwhelmed by the wonderful spirit, goodwill, generosity and positive attitude of the whole Malvern Community — staff, students and parents.
De La Salle College is a fine school with a great sense of tradition…where students will be given abundant opportunities to be involved in a range of activities. These activities may have a spiritual, cultural, social, sporting or academic dimension. It is imperative that they involve themselves in the co-curricular life of the College and give of themselves so that the fine tradition can continue for many more years. To date there has been a wide range of activities, including camps, dance classes, family barbecues, liturgies, ACC sporting com petitions and Rock Eisteddfod and College Band rehearsals.
It is indeed a privilege to be given the responsibil ity of educating young people. I believe it is critical that parents, students and teachers work together in partnership to ensure the most effective outcomes for the students of De La Salle.
I have become increasingly aware that there are many excellent policies and practices in place at the College, which speaks highly of the very pro fessional and dedicated staff on the Tiverton campus.
I am certainly looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead, and a long and happy association with the College.
Mr Peter Riordan Head of Tiverton CampusThe Kinnoull Campus began the school year with 193 Year 12 students and 215 year 11 students. Six of the Year 12 stu dents and 32 of the Year 11 stu dents were new to the College. The 1999 VCE results were very pleasing and the Class of 2000 is endeavouring to better the results achieved last year. Their progress and attitude to date has been good.
At the end of 1999 we farewelled three teachers from the Kinnoull campus. Mr Laurance Hodgkinson (Old Collegian, 1951) retired after many years of service at Malvern. Mr John Murphy accepted a position at Scotch College and Mr Matthew O’Meara returned to his alma mater, Melbourne Grammar. Ms Marie Hardwick has volunteered to spend two years at the new Catholic senior secondary school in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, which is being set up by former De La Salle student — Br Denis (Terry) Loft, fsc (1965). Ms Ros Whittaker transferred to the Tiverton campus for the first term, after which she will be moving to Ballarat with her husband.
Mr Mark Edwards continues on sick leave whilst undergoing chemotherapy treatment. He calls into Kinnoull frequently to keep in contact with staff and students. We remember him in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
With the developments in Information Technology at the College, a new computer room is now avail able to meet the increasing demand for computer access, and further computers were added to those already available in the library.
Br Adrian Watson Head of Kinnoull CampusIn this year of Jubilee the College theme focuses on cel ebrating and sharing our tal ents
One of the major emphases in curriculum development at De La Salle in 2000 is the promotion of Learning Technologies. The challenge is to ensure technology is used to ignite learning, with the potential to make significant improvements in the way students think and learn, thereby creating an excellent classroom.
The College has established a vision for the inte gration of technology across the curriculum, keeping learning as the central focus and embedding all decisions within a curriculum and learning framework. The development of this vision addresses issues such as improving learning through the use of contemporary equipment and resources, meeting the learning needs and life skills of our students and recognition of the empowerment and motivation that access to infor mation delivers.
Crucial to this implementation is great teachers and great teaching. Teachers must control the technology and the learning it is capable of delivering, requiring them to actively explore the potential of technology and developing new skills and new ways of delivering their curriculum. A willingness to embark on professional development programs becomes increasingly important.
mation. The end product is often developed into a web page. In Years 7 and 8, Technology students use CAD (Computer Aided Design), Crocodile Clips and PCB Wizard to produce electronic simu lation circuit designs and, in turn, generate appropriate artwork representing their designs. Year 9 & 10 pupils are learning advanced skills in the principles of multimedia design, computer science and programming, using the Visual Basic and Toolbook applications
Year 10, 11 & 12 Science classes utilise CBL (Calculator Based Laboratory) to obtain an unlimited array of scientific measurements, with results immediately stored and graphed automatically. Excel, Word and PowerPoint are routinely used to enhance the graphing and analysis of results obtained in practical classes and to present research to an audience, often via a web page. An extensive CD-ROM collection provides powerful research material.
With Learning Technologies, our students are experiencing a wide variety of activities. The English Key Learning Area is using relevant web sites to access an extraordinary range of digital material on texts. The ability to locate and utilise assorted information on a novel’s characters, author, themes and background is very exciting. Communicating via e-mail with students overseas studying the same text is also emerging as a valuable practice. Creating, editing, publishing and presenting work is enhanced with programs such as Word and PowerPoint.
Year 7 Information Technology students are devel oping their skills in multimedia presentation using products such as PowerPoint, Microworlds, Hyperstudio and Toolbook to present projects incorporating text, pictures, sound, video and ani
Studies of Society and Environment classes have benefited enormously by accessing the internet for the latest information on volcanoes and earthquakes in their Geography units. Year 8 History boys have delighted in their discovery of The Middle Ages available on the websites researched by staff. LOTE students’ learning has been enhanced by regular use of Language Market soft ware, with interactive activities improving profi ciency in language acquisition and practice, listening skills and sentence structure. Physical Education/Health classes have taken advantage of available information to enhance nutrition units and to effect more comprehensive fitness testing practices.
Usage of the above technology represents a mere snapshot of the breadth of experiences our students have access to. As our vision is put into action and the implementation process unfolds, the entire College community will improve its learning experience. While keeping learning as our core value, the practices and strategies employed have the potential for exciting changes.
Mr Peter Houlihan Curriculum CoordinatorStaff and students at the College can be extreme ly proud of VCE performances in Graphic Communication (Visual Communication and Design). Last year these students achieved the top VCE scores (highest %) at the College with many boys receiving a score of above 40 (high A+). These excellent results placed the College third in the Victorian Catholic secondary schools system.
Past students who have made a successful career after completing Graphic Communication or Visual Communication and Design at De La include Max Marino (1994) and Jason Meldrum (1994). Car manufacturer Holden chose both students to undertake training as designers — a tre mendous honour as only three people were selected in Victoria.
John Beggs (1992) has his own business special ising in computer design and special effects and Nick Ennis (1993) has his own clothing label — Nique.
In 1999, highest achievers in VCE included Dhiren Bhagwandas and Luke Vaughan. Dhiren has taken up a position at RMIT to study Industrial Design and Luke is furthering his skills in design and computer technology. Both boys developed and explored special artistic effects using the G4 Mac computers at the College.
take on the role of designers, problem solvers and creators. Their drawing and computer skills are equally important in the design process. They are guided and trained for industry with access to the best materials and latest computer programs. Most students who complete the Visual Communication and Design course have (and will) pursue careers in Engineering, Architecture, Graphic Design, Advertising and Marketing, Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design.
Ms Monica Costa Key Learning Area Assistant for the Visual ArtsLate last year, the Year 11 VCE Hospitality Studies students prepared and presented an afternoon tea for staff who had provided them the opportunity for “hands on” experience in the library and office during the course of the year. All present thor oughly enjoyed the range of fine quality food and beverages and the professional presentation and service.
This year 22 Year 11 students have enrolled for the above program, which has been offered at the College for a number of years. With practical units and work placements, this program prepares our students for part- or full-time work in a range of occupations in the hospitality industry. The certificate gained is the minimum (nationally recognised) qualification for employment within the industry.
Topics taught include: working with colleagues and customers; clerical procedures; health, safe ty and security procedures, and providing responsible service of alcohol. Students attend Box Hill TAFE to undertake: Basic methods of cookery; organising and preparing food, and cleaning and maintaining premises. Work place ments occur during first and fourth term.
Year 12 students are also able to include these studies in their VCE selection, attending Box Hill TAFE on Wednesday evenings during semester one. They are also assessed on their practical performance in Fountains Restaurant (open to the public on Wednesday evenings during the first semester) at Box Hill TAFE and an end of year VCE examination.
Blake Hellard, Nick Szecsenyi and Max Yodgee Chefs Matthew Lanigan, Marc Redapple, Liam McLaughlin and Matthew PiconeWhat a fabulous morning our primary students had when their grandparents descended upon our school. The students had sent individual invitations to their grandparents or special friends to join them in October last year. One hun dred and fifty people accepted the invitation to see their grandsons at work and play, with some travelling from Sydney and New Zealand to attend this special day.
The boys entertained their guests with an item from the Rock Eisteddfod and music recitals before enjoying a Devonshire morning tea. Proud grandparents viewed the students’ art work on display, a tour of their grandsons’ classrooms and a visit to the VCE Visual Art exhibition.
In November of last year the College submitted an entry to the RACV Energy Breakthrough event, a 24-hour race held for pedal cars in Maryborough, Victoria. Team members included: Peter Riseley, Sam Rix, Leigh Sherman, Richard Derbyshire, Christopher Hohmann, Jason Cameron, Emanuele Corallo, Matthew Muling, Christopher Weir, Lyndon Watt and Damian Smyth. These students were responsible for organising our entry, racing our vehicle, named “Blue and Gold”, around the 1.3km street circuit, including maintenance and repairs during pit stops.
After organising our camp and pits we took the “Blue and Gold” out for its first run. Peter Riseley enjoyed the first lap around the picturesque circuit, passing us in the excellent time of 2 minutes and 20 seconds. We waited to see him on the other side of the track, and after realising that something was wrong, ran to the now affectionately named “Riseley’s Corner” to discover that he had rolled the vehicle. Fortunately, the racing harness and roll bar had paid off with damage being contained to the paintwork of our car and a dent in Peter’s pride!
We completed the Scrutineering and Design/Presentation sections of the event and qualified in the fourth grid position. Starting the race well, we encountered more problems — rolling three times, losing the mirrors and wind screen in the final crash.
With a windscreen repaired with glad wrap, and darkness falling, our drivers navigated the course only to suffer more crashes. In crisis mode, we accepted that a top ten finish was out of the ques tion and made a commitment to simply finish the race.
At 4 am, with our pit crew fast asleep and due for a driver change, two parents — Barbara Rix and Lynne Riseley, finished the race in torrential rain, managing to avoid the ducks swimming across the track! It was a great effort from the entire team to finish and we are now in planning mode for next year’s event.
“Success should not be measured by the performance of others but by an individual’s ability to build on his own personal best.”
After months of training, the De La Swimming Team competed in the ACC Swimming Championships at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on the 25th February. A squad of 43 swimmers, many of whom had been in training for over six months, was reduced to a team of 28 competitors.
Due to the large number of competing schools, these championships now follow the ACC Athletics format with qualifying heats on the Monday followed by finals on the Friday. Our College qualified for all but one of the 55 finals. Once again the team is to be congratulated as it continues to build on past performances. After finishing in sixth place in 1999, this year we came
fourth in a field of 13 schools behind eventual winners Whitefriars, with Parade and St Bernard’s finishing second and third respectively.
Led by team captain Ben Kenhuis (Year 12), vice captain Leigh Sherman (Year 11) and junior team captain Ryan Sherman (Year 10), the team performed with distinction on finals night. With very few exceptions, our students broke their own per sonal best times. Rather than being disappointed with not winning an event, the boys left the pool with great personal satisfaction knowing that their efforts at training had led to a marked improve ment in the pool.
A special note of congratulations to our Year 12 swimmers who represented us for the last time. Training begins in earnest in term two and new swimmers of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Mr Andrew Cooper CoachDe La Salle recorded a magnificent victory in the ACC Athletics Finals to continue its remarkable history in this competition, taking our tally to eight championships in succession.
Despite some fierce competition, De La managed to emerge from the pack to snatch victory from St Bernard’s and Salesian.
Success very rarely comes easy, and this is certainly the case with our team. A lot of time and effort has been required to enable us to enjoy this unprecedented success and this year has been no exception. Our training program has required considerable commitment and effort over a lengthy period and the response has been tremendous.
A squad of 150 athletes trained keenly for a covet ed place in the team; I particularly wish to sincerely thank all who missed final selection (due to the format of the competi tion) for their dedication and enthusiasm. It is quite an achieve ment to represent the College and I encour age all members to seize and capitalise on this wonderful oppor tunity.
Under the motivated and determined leadership of Senior Captain: Aidan Schanssema (who competed in six events, winning four),
Intermediate Captain: James Adams and Junior Captain: Patrick Hassett, the spirit amongst the team was impressive.
In my inaugural year as athletics coordinator, I acknowledge the support of Mr Tim Ford and the many teachers who have committed much time and effort in the teams’ pursuit of success.
Mr Peter Harte Sportsmaster, Mr Tim Ford, on behalf of all at the College, wishes to congratulate the team on their success, highlighted by some excellent individual and team performances. Thanks also to Mr Peter Harte, athletics coordinator, for his outstanding organisation and management of the entire squad.
After a series of lost opportunities costing us victories in our first three matches, the 1st XI finished the season strongly, winning five con secutive matches to finish fifth overall. With Matthew Naughtin as captain and several tal ented players in the ranks, we had looked for ward to a more successful season but despite playing some excellent cricket against Parade and Whitefriars, and having the ever-powerful St Bede’s at 7/80, we fell frustratingly short of victory.
From round 4 onwards, however, things improved dramatically. After winning a heart-stopper against St Joseph’s with three balls to spare, our team dominated the remain ing matches. The bowling was more accurate and varied, fielding picked up, catches were held and our “gun” bats at last ran into form, building some match-winning innings.
Highlights of the season included the superb bowling of Leigh Harrison — 4/1 in various matches, a haul of 6/24 by Rohan Walmsley and the eco nomical, probing spin of Matt McCoy. Matthew Naughtin proved a resourceful leader and contributed outstanding innings of 83 and 92 not out late in the year. Leigh Harrison’s all-round skills came to the fore when he backed up his bowling with a
Murphy also made a dashing 77 against CBC, St Kilda.
My coaching partner, Mr Euan Walmsley, deserves special mention for his dedication and astute cricket knowledge. I would like to thank the team for their endeavour and commitment. They are a fine group of talented young men who each contributed to a harmonious team environment.
Mr Peter HoulihanEarly last year, the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria circulated a pamphlet from the Raoul Wallenberg unit of B’NAI B’RITH Victoria, calling for applicants for a teaching scholarship at Yad Vashem, the International School for Holocaust Studies in Jerusalem.
I applied and was fortunate to be one of three Victorian teachers chosen to undertake a 24-day course (during the Christmas vacation) investigating all aspects of the Holocaust.
Each day we attended lectures by eminent historians and listened to testimonies from various survivors. There were amazing stories from Hanna Pick, one of Anne Frank’s childhood friends; Nachum and Genya Manor who were saved by Oskar Schindler, and Dov Freiberg who was one of those daring individuals involved in the escape from the Sobibor death camp.
As well as the study, we also travelled from one end of Israel to the other. Our tours enabled us to experience kibbutz life near the South Lebanese border, visit the Holy sites in Nazareth and Bethlehem, dine on St Peter’s fish at the Sea of Galillee, float on the Dead Sea and walk through the ruins of Massada.
The experience of living in Jerusalem for an extended period was truly wonderful. On a daily basis we were confronted with the reality that both
The following is an edited extract from out-going president Mr Greg Gleason’s report, reflecting on the activities of the Parents’ Association for 1999. We sincerely thank Greg, his executive and all parents for their tireless efforts.
Activities undertaken during 1999 have been successful, and whilst we try not to focus on money, our impact has been quite pleasing. Hard working members of the executive have teamed well to record some significant results, both in terms of College fund-raising and also in assisting in the many aspects of College life. In helping to raise $55,000, we are understandably pleased with this outcome, but when you note the hours devoted to the numerous non fund-raising events, one starts to gain an appreciation of the real impact that the Parents’ Association has within the College.
We urge you to become involved either by nominating for election to the executive or joining one or more of the sub-committees, offering your sup port as a helper at one of our events or just simply supporting the Associations’ activities as a paying customer.
The Associations’ constitution promotes the regu lar rotation of the presidency, encouraging new
ideas and broadening the organisational strengths. Accordingly, I will be resigning as president at our AGM (to be held in April as this maga zine goes to print).
It has truly been a privilege to serve as the inaugural president and to work with people who are generous, co-operative and effective in managing the Associations’ affairs, and committed to seeing the best possible future for the College.
Mr Greg Gleason PresidentIn 1950, the Catholic Church, together with the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers) celebrated the proclamation of St John Baptist de La Salle as the universal patron saint of teachers, and the Golden Jubilee of his canonisation. The “Blue and Gold” of that year featured a copy of the new portrait of our Founder, painted by Old Collegian Eric Nilan.
The (unsigned) painting, measuring 8’6” x 6’, was originally hung in the front parlour of the Brothers’ Residence, ‘Manresa’, in Stanhope Street, Malvern. Since the demolition of that house, the painting has been hanging in the Administration Building on the Tiverton Campus.
Since Eric’s passing away in June of 1981, his widow Lucy (nee Kelly — sister of Kevin Kelly, the first Dux of the College in 1926) had intended making contact with the College to ensure that Eric was not forgotten. Late last year she visited the College, together with her son, John (1969) — now living in Papua New Guinea — and his two children, Diane and Kevin, in search of the Golden Jubilee painting.
To her amazement and pleasure, she saw the painting — in good condition — accompanied by a plaque which stated it was the work of her hus band and was donated to the College in 1951, 300 years after St John Baptist’s birth in Rheims, France.
Mrs Nilan was delighted to hear that a pho tograph had been taken of a group of Melbourne Lasallian stu dents with the Jubilee Painting, which was then pre sented to His Grace, Archbishop Pell, marking the Centenary of the Consecration of St Patrick’s Cathedral (refer to Lasallian Roll Call, May 1999). This photograph now graces the walls of the Catholic Education Office in East Melbourne.
The year 2000 has already brought many progressive changes to De La, as you will have read in the previous pages. One that affects and enhances the Alumni Office is the connection to the Internet, giving us our own e-mail address. This will enable all Old Collegians to send information for the “Did You Know” section of Roll Call, or notify changes of address and updates on careers, etc. directly to:
Alternatively, you can contact the Alumni office by visiting the College website:
The latter part of 1999 saw four reunions take place in various hotels and clubs around Melbourne. The 1969,1979 and 1989 functions were well attended and, as always, the presence of former teachers was very popular with the Old Collegians. A detailed report on the very special 50th anniversary reunion of the class of 1949 is on page 17.
The success of these reunions is due to the determined effort of self-formed committees who track down their former classmates.
For some time many (former De La Salle College) religious have been discussing with Fr Troy the possibility of holding a reunion for priests and brothers. The Jubilee Year 2000 presented itself as an appropriate time. Br Tim Peter invited 77 Old Collegians who are priests and brothers, together with 32 brothers who have taught at De La Salle, to attend a Mass and dinner at the College on Friday, 28th April. A report will appear in the September issue of Lasallian Roll Call.
As we go to press the Old Collegians based in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane will have received an invitation to the second Sydney Reunion Dinner to be held on Saturday, 6th May at the Greenwood Hotel in North Sydney. Br Tim will welcome former students, teachers and broth ers to an evening guaranteed to bring back many memories.
As the College approaches its 90th Anniversary (in the year 2002), it is our aim to collect as many stories from the early years of the College’s history. Accounts of the people who have become legends within that history, and incidents and anecdotes that have con tributed to develop the unique “De La spirit”, are of enormous importance. In order to con tinue the great work started by Br Damien
Harvey in collecting and storing archival materials, we need to capture the memories of our Old Collegians and preserve them forever.
Steven Stefan, the College Archivist, and I will be collecting oral histories (on tape) from our senior Old Collegians and former teachers (brothers) during the next few months; we would welcome all Old Collegians to join in this project.
We would be very grateful if those who live out of Melbourne could also contribute to this by writing about their years at the College and either posting or e-mailing them to the Alumni Office.
It is hoped that a history of the College will be written for the Centenary celebrations and this material will provide a valuable resource for the historian as well as a great reference for our students. We are proud of the diversification of our archival material and we welcome all donations of both written material and College memorabilia.
Due to the Priests’ and Brothers’ reunion held on 28th April, it was necessary to shift the Annual Mass from the advertised date to April 30th, enabling Fr Troy to celebrate the Mass for us. As this occasion coincided with us going to print, the Lasallian grapevine worked overtime to alert as many people as possible to this alteration, and we apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused. A report will appear in the September edition.
Bequest brochures have been sent to the next group of thirty-year-olds and to new contacts the Alumni Office has made in the last year. Br Kevin Moloney, our Bequest Officer, is available to discuss or clarify any aspect of the brochure. All gifts, large or small, are sincerely valued; philan thropic support is needed to ensure our students’ future.
Mrs Genie Scott Alumni Officer Andrew Mullin, Tony Cannizzo, Peter Coburn and Joe Tesorioro at the 1979 20-Year Reunion“A tribute to our Br James whom we all loved, respected and admired…who stood out as a man of courage and loyalty; an outstanding Lasallian educator and a man who lived exem plary fidelity to community life; a man, who in the complete sense of its meaning, was ‘Brother’ to us all.”
Br David Hawke, fsc, Visitor for the District of Australia, NZ and PNG who delivered the eulogy
De La Salle College, Malvern, was sadly informed of the sudden death of Br James Taylor fsc, Headmaster of De La Salle College from 19781988, who passed away, aged 64 years, at the Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, in the early hours of Thursday 9th March, after undergoing heart surgery. A Requiem Mass to celebrate his life was held at St Peter’s Church, East Bentleigh on the 14th March. On the following day, a Requiem Mass and Internment was conducted at the Chapel of St John Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers’ cemetery at Oakhill, NSW.
Born in Melbourne on the 23rd of October, 1935, James Michael Taylor was educated at St Aloysius’ Primary school, Caulfield. He completed his secondary education at De La Salle Malvern in 1953 and then entered the Brothers’ Castle Hill Novitiate. Taking the religious name of Everard Aloysius, his tour of duty included St John’s College, Lakemba: 1957–60; De La Salle, Cronulla: 1961–1963; St Bede’s College, Mentone: 1964–1973 (study leave in 1971 at Armidale). In 1974 he was appointed to De La Salle, Malvern as Head of the Senior Campus, assuming the role of Headmaster in 1978. 1989 saw Br James as Director of the Kensington community in NSW, and District Secretary. From 1991–1994 his talents were required as Principal of St James’ College, East Bentleigh. At the time of his untimely passing, he was Director of the East Bentleigh community.
Br James had a special affection for his alma
mater, firstly as a student, and subsequently strengthened by his out standing teaching and leadership roles. As keen student, he went on to challenge and encourage the young men to whom he was called to take care of.
Heeding the call of the Brothers’ Rule in his ministry, Br James was a faithful ambassador of Jesus whom he proclaimed to his students as he strove to give them a quality education. As Headmaster, he placed special emphasis on the selection of staff — a number whom are still at the College — and have felt his passing with deep regret but fond reminisces. His kindness, graciousness and sensitivity to the needs of others shone through and a personal sense of gratitude permeated his life. It was also noted during Br David’s eulogy (where he acknowledged Br Quentin O’Halloran’s assistance in preparing his tribute), that Br James’ teasing was a source of many a laugh, together with his insistence on having the last word! Loyalty to his family was one of his many special gifts, and at this time we remember his brothers — Alan (class of 1956) and David (class of 1959) together with their wives Marjorie and Val, and their respective families. His other loyalty lay with the Australian Rules football club, Hawthorn, where he was a proud, paid up and passionate supporter!
Reflecting on Br James’ life, Br David recalled the importance Br James placed on community life and the Province he served so loyally. St de La Salle would have been justifiably proud of his fol lower in this important aspect of religious life. He was indeed a prayerful, compassionate man with simple needs who spoke his mind and was fierce ly loyal to the members of his community.
May James rest in peace with The Lord, St John Baptist de La Salle and all our Lasallian Saints
Max Walker (pictured at right) fondly remembers his introduction to De La Salle College as a Year 9 student in 1995. Headmaster at the time, Br Gary Coyte, used the theme Let the Gold Shine and Max, as a young fourteenyear-old, did not understand that “there might be gold inside him.”
During his two previous years of high school he had never been challenged, or had the initiative to challenge himself, but Br Gary spoke with warmth and understanding. Max decided to accept the challenge.
Apart from obvious academic talent, Max is musically gifted and plays the guitar. He is remembered for several performances at Presentation Night and assemblies. He plays in two bands. The first band goes by the name “The Fuzz” and two De La Salle alumni are fellow members — Andrew Furze and his brother Jeremy. This band concentrates on Top 40 music and plays at weddings, twenty-firsts, etc. His second band, known as “Fungus” plays original music which Max writes.
Max was Music Captain in Year 11 and a College Leader in Year 12. His excellent score of 99.15 has enabled him to undertake an Arts/ Science Degree at Melbourne University, where he hopes to major in Psychology. He is also studying Spanish and keeps fit by training four times a week in Kung Fu.
Recalling his time at De La Salle he says, “We were privileged to have been taught with the pas sion and sincerity found amongst the staff. I think De La Salle was like a house — going to school every day was like going home. Teachers are parents who put food on the table, encourage and nurture. Students are siblings who sometimes take a lot for granted, but in the end, we can look back and say thank you. Thank you for the friends, thank you for the challenge, thank you for the past, present and future.”
This award was initiated through the generosity of Old Collegians Peter Strickland (1943) and his grandson, Simon Alder (1999) in memory of the late Brother Damien Harvey. The criteria states that this award shall be presented “to recognise a student who has applied himself with diligence and enthusiasm to all aspects of his education at De La Salle College.”
Inaugural winner, Julian Hynes, a most deserving recipient, was presented with the award at Presentation Night in October of last year.
Julian came to De La Salle from St. Mary's Primary School in Williamstown. During his time at the College he represented us in various ACC competitions including athletics, cross-country, swimming, football and basketball. He was a member of the College band for four years and vice captain of the swimming team. He was also an active member of the College fundraising activities for the disadvantaged.
Julian is a quiet all-rounder who enjoys sport (he hopes to play football with the Old Collegians this year) and relaxes with a spot of surfing or just sitting on the couch. He is studying Social Science at Swinburne, but as yet is undecided as to future career aspirations.
He has three brothers: Tim, currently in Year 9, and Luke (1994) and Ben (1996), both of whom were active members of the De La Salle community.
We extend to Julian our congratulations and best wishes for the future.
Every year brings new educational challenges and goals. We must strive to improve facilities and learning opportunities for all present and future students of the College.
The parents of all Year 12 1999 students were asked to consider a gift to the College as a part ing gesture from their sons. Their donations were directed to the College Library Fund. Donations are still being gratefully received and it is anticipated that Year 12 2000 parents will continue this generous trend in an area that would benefit greatly from additional financial support. The College expresses sincere thanks to the following generous donors:
Our thanks to Ralph Francione for providing a detailed report of the 50th anniversary reunion luncheon for the class of 1949, held in November 1999 at the Naval and Military Club, Melbourne. Celebrating the occasion were Len Brazel, Jack Burgess, John Campbell (organiser), Mick Cash (New Zealand), Peter Drake (Sydney), Ralph Francione, John Hedigan, John Kennedy, Jim Mannix, Bruce McDonald, Paul O’Brien, Terry Sabine (Sydney), Dudley Scullin (Bateman’s Bay) and Chris Stocks. A most important guest was Br Christian Moe who had probably aged better than any of the assembled gathering! Br Kevin Moloney represented the Headmaster and nine apologies were received.
John Campbell performed the introduc tion, Br Christian said grace and Ralph welcomed the guests, paying tribute to Br Christian for his significant contribution to the education of those present. Bruce McDonald proposed a toast to the alma mater to which Br Kevin responded. Chris Stocks, as treasurer, discovered the group had made a profit on the day and proposed that surplus funds should be donated to the College to assist with the War Memorial relocation.
Much has happened since these men, as seventeen-year-olds, walked into the second last classroom on the top floor at the eastern end of the Tower Building to prepare for their matriculation. This special reunion provided a wonderful opportunity to reminisce, observe what
the ravages of time had done to the physiognomy of colleagues, and to find out what had transpired in those fifty years (in some cases) since they had last met. The number of audible asides, between and during speeches, assured that everyone made a contribution to formalities — behaviour perhaps questionable by their Headmaster in ’49, Br Peter Duffy!
In the courteous traditions of the College, the day wound up with drinks at the bar with all agreeing that they must not wait fifty years for another reunion!
Congratulations to Old Collegian Ron Banks (1949) who was awarded an OAM in the Australia Day Honours this year. Ron received this award for his dedicated service to many charities in Tasmania. Some of those to benefit from his tireless work include the Australian Catholic Relief — now known as CARITAS; the Red Shield Appeal — where he assists the group to raise over $1million per annum; the Save the Children Fund and the Olympic Corporation Committee to send Tasmanian athletes to Sydney.
After leaving De La Salle, Ron studied Advertising at RMIT, joined the Advertising Institute of Australia and married Christine, a Tasmanian. In his new hometown of Hobart he opened a retail business which Chris ran whilst he worked in an advertising agency. Since 1968 he has been Managing Director of Banks Paton Advertising, which he established, catering for all aspects of multi-media advertising.
As well as helping raise three sons, Simon, Matthew, Damian and daughter — Nicole, Ron has found time to give to not only the charities as pre viously mentioned but also to business groups such as AICD (Australian Institute of Company
Directors) where he is a Life Member and CEDA (Committee of Economic Development) where he has recently been appointed Trustee Emeritus. Ron travels extensively, and when he is in Victoria he endeavours to catch up with family members including his three brothers John (1940), Geoffrey (1941) and Alan (1942). He is hoping to attend the Sydney Reunion if that date can be scheduled into his busy program.
We salute a man who has given so much to so many — a man with a true Lasallian spirit!
Michael Gravener (1977) consented to this inter view, hoping that his story “would encourage young people to have a look at alternate ways of living”.
He confesses to being an average student at De La, but enjoyed football and choir. He made many friends, with whom he still maintains contact. His ambition was to learn to fly, but also tucked away was an inner recognition of a life called to serve.
On leaving the College his first ambition was real ised, working as a commercial pilot for three years, followed by twelve months in outback Queensland, flying the local Fransiscan priest to all points of a huge parish. It was during this time that Michael’s perception of life began to change. Becoming acutely aware of indigenous people, the spiritual awareness of his youthful days at Malvern was re-ignited.
Returning to Melbourne, he continued flying and also worked with autistic children. He fulfilled another dream when he volunteered to fly medi cal supplies to remote villages in Papua New Guinea for two years. A fulfilling experience and another turning point in his life. After contracting malaria, he was grounded and returned to Melbourne, where he took 18 months to recover. He eventually completed a Theology degree and, over a period of five years, experienced the “awesome” responsibility of caring for his terminally
ill parents and intellectually disabled sister, whilst also undertaking a Social Work degree.
In 1996, aged 37 years, he decided to join The St John of God Brothers, influenced by their handson approach to the marginalised. He has worked with the intellectually disabled, Vietnam veterans, trauma and abuse victims, drug addicts and male prostitutes.
In March this year, he took his first vows and is combining his community life and ministry with further studies.
We thank him for sharing his inspiring story with us.
Br Michael with his former teachers Br Urban and Br MarkDaniel McGrath (1995) recalls always having a bat or ball in his hand as a child growing up in Melbourne. Baseball entered his life, understandably, as an eight-year-old, whilst living in Connecticut, USA. He had also previously lived in the States (as a very young child) due to his father’s Embassy appointment in Washington, DC. It was during his time in Connecticut that Daniel began playing Little League and was a member of the 1989 Trumbull Little League World Series Championship Team.
On returning to Australia his parents, Daniel and Sue, and sister, Tennille, moved to Hampton, and young Daniel was enrolled for Year 7 at the College in 1990. His achievements in baseball continued, representing Victoria on five occasions and Australia at U16 and U19 level where he was part of the bronze medal-winning team at the 1995 World Championships.
Upon graduation, Daniel was offered a full scholarship to the University of Minnesota in 1996, studying Psychology. A left-handed pitcher, he has won many scholar/athlete awards. Now in his fourth year, he lives on campus and his hobbies include reading Stephen King novels, watching movies and attending University sporting events. Due to a serious arm injury last year, Daniel will not be playing representative baseball this year,
enabling him to comply with the conditions of his scholarship which pro vides five years to graduate, with only four years of athletic participation permitted. Next year he is considering study for a Masters degree in counselling, focussing on school edu cation.
One day, we may eventually see Daniel back on home ground, as he would like to pass on his vast knowledge of sport, study and life experiences to the next young crop of baseballers.
dents, it was decided that a Past Mothers’ Luncheon would be in order. A fantastic day was held last October in the Performing Arts Centre with approximately 60 women enjoying delicious food and wine, whilst being entertained by the College Jazz Band and Choir. The Headmaster, Br Tim, joined us and highlighted the intentions of the College in the future. Much chatter and reminiscing about the good old days of the Mothers’ Auxiliary when there wasn’t the luxury of a College caterer and all were required to bake cakes!
Mrs Sue Taylor, the College Careers Councillor and VET coordinator, would like to hear from Old Collegians (particularly recent graduates) with current expertise in a range of occupational areas who would be willing to participate in the Careers Evening. If you are able to assist us as a guest speaker at one of our most important College events, please contact Sue for further details during office hours (8am-4pm) on 9509 3011.
The De La Salle Junior Football Club was formed in 1976 and was established under the banner of the Old Collegians’ Senior Football Club. We have our own committee of management made up of parents, friends and Old Collegians. The majority of players are students of the College, but this is not a condition of membership.
We endeavour to field teams in each age group from Under 12 to Under 17 in the Waverley Junior Football Association (WJFA) competition which is affiliated with the Victorian Metropolitan Football League.
Home games are played at the Old Collegians’ ground in East Malvern.
The objective of the club is to provide a facility for young peo ple to partic ipate in a healthy sporting activity, in a properly constituted and administered competition, whilst creating an envi ronment that players and supporters enjoy.
The club has a proud record, with eight premier ships and seven players winning the Association’s Best and Fairest Award in various age groups.
If you would like further information, please contact:
President: Kevin McDermott: 0418 139 000 (mob) or 9887 6292 (home)
Secretary: Keith Williams: 9296 4416 (bus) or 9570 5589 (home)
Patrick McConville replaced Mark Lowe as president of the club at the 45th AGM held last October. The club reported an income of $165,401 and outgoings of $166,166.
The club will play in “B” grade of the VAFA this year after 10 years in “A” grade, which yielded one premiership (1991) & 2 runner-up achievements.
The club will field five teams this year with Old Collegian Paul Cooper (1986) being appointed Senior Coach. Paul played 81 senior games with Hawthorn and his main objective for season 2000 is to rebuild the club to the point where it can return to “A” grade in
2001. Greg Spithill’s (Under 17 premiership coach in 1998) appointment as Football Manager, with his perception, experience and emphasis on discipline, is a critical factor this season.
Important dates: The Old Collegians’ Luncheon will be held prior to the match against Old Paradians on June 24th. Contact Michael Hegan on 9659 7678. The Annual Dinner Dance will be held at the Malvern Town Hall on July 1st. Contact Mick Thorne on 0419 221 679.
Colin Glover Secretary 9781 4133 (home)
Having achieved premierships at local and interstate level for a number of years, the club (despite declining numbers) was still in a position to enter four teams in the athletics competition held each Saturday between October and March.
Competing in Sections 2, 3, and 4 (two teams) our teams enjoyed a reasonably successful season finishing second, sixth, fifth and last respectively. All of the current members are Old Collegians, who enjoy regular exercise, the never-ending challenge to perform and the camaraderie and socialising after competition at the Box Hill athletic track in Elgar Road.
As we do not have any current students competing, we invite you to contact us for the 2000 sea son. Events such as sprints, middle and long dis tance, throws and jumps must surely be attractive to some of our up-and-coming athletes.
Remember, you don’t have to be a champion to be a member of the Athletics Club. Just be willing to have a go and participate!
If you would like to know more, please contact:
President: Jack Di Giantomasso on 9857 9354 (home) or Secretary: Greg McHenry on 9739 7226 (home)
Dr Constantine Tam (1992 Dux) graduated with first class honours in Medicine at the University of Melbourne in 1998, and is now an intern at St Vincent’s Hospital. He married fellow medical student Katherine Lin in January at St Joseph’s Church, Malvern.
Paul Hogan (1967) younger brother of John (1965) and Allan (1963) following 20 years working over seas in Foreign Affairs and Trade settled in Aspen Colorado USA in 1994 with his wife and two teenagers. Amongst his new responsibilities is the management of properties in Aspen, Houston and London. Paul noted in our last issue of Roll Call that his former teacher Br Colin Griffin was in Santa Fe and through the Internet was able to locate him. He was thrilled to catch up after 32 years!
Chris O’Gorman (1969) has spent the last four years in corporate planning for the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre.
Greg Hoare (1969) after 24 years in the Department of Employment, Education and Training has spent the last year working for the Department of Veteran Affairs. Greg is married with three sons.
David Morrissey (1969), father of three and a veterinary surgeon, has given up his former profession and started his own business — “Live Smart”, a course of advanced learning skills for secondary students.
Dr Paul Nash (1969 Dux) gained a PhD in Astro Physics at Monash University and became Senior Lecturer in Computing there until 1987. Paul then left the academic world to work in the private sector, in insurance software.
Dermot Breen (1969) is married with two children and has worked for the past 20 years for Regency (wardrobes and shower screens), where he is their National Credit Manager.
John Connell (1969) is currently working for the Immigration Department in the Translating and Interpreting services after 20 years in the Department of Employment, Education and Training.
Chris Geehman (1969) a Civil Engineer, is married with two daughters, and has worked for 25 years in the water industry. He is currently working with South East Water.
Julian Billings (1969) has been teaching History, Geography and Drama at Hopetoun in the Mallee. Julian is the only Firearms Safety Instructor in the area and is concerned that all students are proper ly trained in the their use.
John Nihill (1969) is married with two daughters and is currently working as a Recruitment Officer in Oakleigh.
Peter Sherman (1969) is a Financial Planner and is married with four children. His sons Leigh and Ryan are currently attending De La in Years 11 and 10 respectively. His brother Garry (1965) is a leading Melbourne Ear, Nose and Throat specialist.
Lou Ferrari (1969) is an accountant for Connell and Wagner Engineering. Lou is a strong supporter of the OCA Athletics Association and still competes with the club.
Dr Geoff Campbell (1969) has been a G.P. in Warragul for the past 20 years, with his wife and three children.
Michael Chisholm (1969) has worked for the past 21 years in Veterans Affairs. He has spent the last eleven years competing in Competitive Scrabble competitions and any spare time is given to his interest in amateur theatre.
Tony McIlroy (1969), a Director of Finance and Administration with Bayside City Council, is chairman of the De La Salle College Council this year. He is married with four children. His son Tom is in Year 9 at De La.
Paul O’Shannessy (1979) who lives in Perth with his wife and two daughters was disappointed to miss the 1979 Reunion last October. He was helping commission a new Vanadium plant neat Mt Magnet in WA. He hopes fellow classmates travelling west would not hesitate to look the family up.
Michael Dyson (1979) is working as a contractor for IT at Hewlett Packard following eight years in the Army. His brother Gerard (1980) is currently the executive chef at the Tennis Centre having spent many years with the RACV. Greg (1982) teaches Drama, has written plays and directed some local fringe theatre as well as participated in TV commercials. Tim (1984) is enjoying life in Murchison working as a landscape gardener.
Joe Tesoriero (1979) a Pharmacist, worked for 16 years with his brother Angelo (1965) in a Prahran pharmacy until late last year when he took on his own pharmacy in South Yarra. He is married with two children. The third brother Guy (1964) has a white goods merchandise business.
John O’Shea (1979), married with three children, is the National Marketing Manager at KPMG after having a similar role at the Bank of Melbourne. His brother Peter (1973) is a Financial Planner with AMP.
Andrew Mullaly (1979) is the Principal of St Agnes Primary School in Highett; he is married with three children. His brother Gerard (1978) is a Barrister, practising in the city, although he and his wife and two children live in Geelong. Their father is Paul (1946), a Judge in the County Court.
Richard Hoy (1979) is married with two children
and has just completed an MBA. He works at the Royal Children’s Hospital as a Profusionist assist ing in heart operations. His brother Tim (1981) is married with two children, and works for the Taxation Department while studying Law as a part-time student.
David Mullaly (1979), son of John (1944) and cous in of Andrew and Gerard, is the Managing Director of a property development company, specialising in large construction works. He is married with three children. He has three brothers: Stephen (1980) who is married and works as a risk insurance executive for American Re-Insurance; Philip (1982) who is married with one child, is a teacher and has taken up a scholarship to study in Texas, USA; youngest brother Justin (1993) is studying Philosophy at Monash University.
Andre Zandeau (1979) has had a challenging flying career. After spending five years in general aviation, eleven years in the Air Force (which included three years as VIP Captain in Canberra, and two years teaching flying) and two years working for the Saudi Air Force, is now a Qantas Captain flying the long haul routes.
Christopher Slattery (1979) is married with one son and has his own engineering design consultancy business in Melbourne. Chris has an interesting hobby in amateur drama and opera.
Brother Anthony Cummins (1979) regretted not being at the 1979 Reunion last October. Although
stationed in Sydney, his position as Director of Vocations and Youth Ministry for the De La Salle Brothers takes him to all the schools and communities in NZ, PNG and Australia.
Fr Stuart Hall (1980), who was featured in our May 1998 edition, keeps in contact with Br Urban Murray who tells as that Fr Stuart was assigned to HMAS Jervis Bay for a tour of duty to East Timor over the Christmas period.
Steve May (1987) had a March wedding where his best man was Eddie Dickens (1987) and his groomsman was Paul May (1985). Steve married Susie Massie, a teacher at Genazzano.
Mick Hegan (1981) a former player and staunch supporter of the OCA Football and Athletics Clubs married Sharn Gallow at the Sandringham Yacht Club on March 5th and honeymooned in Noosa. He was attended by his three brothers Gavan (1989), David (1993) and Tony (1985) and former school mates John Ryan (1981) and Stuart McDonald (1982).
Des Spain (1941), who passed away in July of last year, was honoured by the Yarra Glen Racing Club just recently in memory of his outstanding contribution not only to that Club, but to the Racing Industry in general. The Des Spain Hurdle — a feature race — will be run each year and a trophy will be presented by members of his family. His wife Marie is an Honorary Old Collegian and remains an avid reader of Roll Call.
Historically, the College Archives began in 1912 when Bros Dunstan, Jerome and Leo, at the invi tation of the Rev Fr Hegarty, CM, parish priest of Malvern, travelled from Ireland aboard the ship Friedrich d. Grosse, to share the vision of St John Baptist with Australian students. Arriving in Melbourne on 4th February, they commenced classes (the following day) for 54 boys in St Joseph’s parish hall. Little did it register to these three founding brothers — with all the demands they encountered — the legacy we would inherit.
In reality, our collection began when the late Br Damien Harvey saw the need to put our “bits and pieces” together, which had been stored and largely forgotten, in what was fondly termed the “giraffe room” — a narrow but tall void in the Br Oswald Murdoch building on the Tiverton cam pus. From humble beginnings, and a relatively sparse assortment of items, Br Damien’s vision is perpetuated today with our collection now provid ing us with a valuable snapshot of the life of the
College. With enthusiastic support over the past decade, our Archivist, Steven Stefan (class of 1992) has been in a position to further develop, preserve and ensure the long-term survival of the collection.
Today, we are proud to be able to present De La Salle, Malvern’s 88 years of existence to the entire Lasallian family. It is through the generosity of alumni that our living and growing tradition con tinues.
We sincerely thank all those who have generously donated memorabilia, including recent gifts from Bros James Beasley and Paul Rogers. If you happen to be cleaning out your cupboards, please remember that your trash may very well be our treasure! Donations of College memorabilia will always be gratefully received by Steven, who can be contacted each Thursday at the College on 9509 3011, mobile: 0418 546103 or e-mail: sste
Br Luke Beltran, fsc (La Salle House, Sydney: taught at Malvern in 1975)
Desmond Black (1943)
Kevin Carroll (1955)
Robert Coy (1965)
Vincent Leo Darcy (1950)
Arthur Francis (1943)
Patrick Kelleher (Waterford, Ireland)
Br Amedy Molloy, fsc (La Salle House, Sydney: taught at Malvern from 1945-1957)
Sean O’Halloran (1978)
Andrew Reed (1960)
Br James Taylor, fsc
Condolences and prayers of support from the Lasallian Community are offered to all families in their time of sorrow
“One of your main preoccupations should be to apply yourself to prayer and to your classwork, for these are your two principal occupations and the ones for which you will have to give an account to God”
St John Baptist de La Salle