LasaLLian RoLL CaLL
A PublicAtion for the De lA SAlle college community — mAlvern APril 2001

The 30th April 2001 is the 350th anniver sary of the birth of John Baptist de La Salle. John Baptist was a man led by the Spirit; he experienced no blinding visions or voices of thunder telling him what God wanted him to do. Instead, like us, he listened to people, saw needs, felt compassion and prayed for God’s spirit. For John Baptist de La Salle, spirituality and day-today decisions about practical matters could not be separated. De La Salle’s spirituality is for all people, in the home, the workplace, the classroom and the neighbourhood. De La Salle’s zeal for education came from his conviction that with education young people could establish a lifestyle for themselves and improve their self-esteem.
On Sunday 11th March 2001 five De La Salle Brothers who were martyred in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, were beatified by Pope John Paul II, in Rome. These Brothers were part of a larger group of 226 Spanish martyrs from the Diocese of Valencia. It is a source of inspiration that 30 Brothers have been beatified or canonised standing alongside St John Baptist de La Salle.
The date for the Annual Old Collegians’ Mass has been changed to coincide with the 350th anniversary of the birth of our founder St John Baptist De La Salle.
Mass on Sunday 29th April 2001 at 10 am will be celebrated at the College in the College Chapel.
To commemorate this important occasion, all families of the College are invited to join the Old Collegians and their families in celebrating together at this mass.
Fr Les Troy CM will officiate on this occasion and the service will be followed by morning tea.
The College enrolment this year is 1270 students with 422 in the VCE years. At the College Investiture in early February the students, staff and parents acknowledged the College Leaders, Matthew Clancy, College Captain, Ben McDonald and Michael Turner, Vice Captains and 10 Leaders. Also at this ceremony the College recognised academic achievers from VCE 2000 (those who received ENTER scores above 90) and Rodney Walton who was Dux of the College.
While senior retreats were taking place in March, a programme (part of Personal Development) was organised for Years 11 and 12, inviting motivational speakers to challenge the students. Among the speakers were Michael Carr-Gregg, Kevin Sheedy, Stan Alves and various tertiary institutions’ personnel. The students found the speakers beneficial and enlightening.
The College’s proposed building plan for new class rooms at Kinnoull is in the discussion stage with Stonnington Council and residents. The College Council has been involved in this process.
2002 is a year of celebration for De La Salle as it is the 90th year of our existence. The College has a wonderful tradition, unique, and encompassing all those who have been associated with it as students, staff, families and Old Collegians. We have a school to be proud of and it is a privilege to be associated with a school with such a fine tradition — I’m sure 2002 will be a special year. There will be various func tions organised and dates will be published soon for these celebrations.
In this issue I would like to specially thank and pay tribute to Mrs Patsy Blight for her involvement in the Roll Call publications over the last few years. The present format has evolved with Patsy’s input. All at the College appreciate Patsy’s involvement and say thank you.
Thank you to all contributors of this edition of Roll Call and especially thank you to Genie Scott, Robyn Brasher and Jonathan Hewett.
Br Tim Peter fsc HeadmasterExecutive Officer: Br Tim Peter
Editor: Genie Scott
Photography/Production: Jonathan Hewett
Reporting/Research: Robyn Brasher
Enquiries to the College at: 1318 High Street, Malvern 3144 Ph: 03 9509 3011 Fax: 03 9509 3993 Website:
The following is an edited extract from our College Captain, Matthew Clancy’s address at the Leaders’ Investiture in February:
On my holidays I visited Uluru (Ayers Rock). It was noth ing short of inspir ing! To my geo graphically ignorant mind there could be no explanation as to why, in the middle of the flat, sandy desert such an enormous piece of stone was there. It just exists! In my mind there is no rational explanation as to why De La exists either. How is it possible that a place exists in which development of one’s self as an indi vidual is valued far greater than the development of a prestigious name?
When I think about the opportunities De La has to offer, I still can’t touch on the one thing that makes it unique. It’s got nothing to do with number of sporting teams, music groups or even the number of subjects you can study. No, the thing that will make me glad I went to De La, Malvern, is the ethos of this school. At Uluru we went on a tour guided by a local Aboriginal elder, Reggie Uluru, who told us stories of his land.There was one word that he kept saying, “Tjukpurra”. It was “Tjukpurra this” and “ Tjukpurra that”, for close on 5 kms. “Tjukpurra”, means living your life according to what you believe in. It means all the teachings of the Dreamtime, all of their laws, cus toms and traditions, lived out daily.
De La has something very similar. The teachings of St John Baptist de La Salle, the tradition that De La Malvern has and the customs we observe, can be seen in every student and staff member. There is an ethos here that you won’t find elsewhere. Milk it, be selfish and make the most of each opportu nity, because when you leave you won’t get that time back.
Your days at De La are like the shadows on that rock. They get longer and longer and they seem to stretch on forever.
Enjoy your time in the sun and enjoy it for what it is.This place and these people — it’s your place and they’re your people. Enjoy the year!
Matthew Clancy College CaptainRodney Walton was announced Dux of our College with an ENTER score of 99.55.
Presentation Night was a very proud occasion for Rodney, his par ents and his three brothers, when he received five awards including the prestigious Headmaster’s Award. He has always been an enthusiastic student and enjoyed all the challenges that his keen academic mind could focus on. The sub jects that he was most passionate about were History and Italian, although his results will show a keen inter est in all the studies he undertook. As Paul Fegan, Year 12 Coordinator last year commented: “He was not a Leader, but he led by example”.
Having made friends with Italian exchange students at De La Salle, Rodney’s ambition was to spend a year as an overseas exchange student before going to uni versity. In January this dream became a reality when he left his many friends and family and flew to Rome. Since then he has emailed his family regularly with vivid accounts of his explorations into the ancient cit ies that surround his home in Bitonto, southeast of Rome. He is looking forward to the European summer when he plans to travel and visit some of the historic sites he studied at school.
His older brother Ted (1999), an engineering student and brothers Geoff (Year 12) and Brad (Year 11), watched as Rodney successfully juggled a weekend supermarket job and a busy social life with a disciplined study routine. Even a broken arm in plaster at the end of Year 12 did not prevent him from missing a day at school.
When Rodney returns from Italy he intends to under take an Arts/Law degree at the University of Melbourne. We wish him well, and congratulate a fine young man.
Genie ScottIf you feel that De La Salle College contributed to your position in life today, then through your support you can help us prepare the De La Salle Collegians of tomorrow.
Contact: Br Kevin Moloney (our Bequest Officer) through the College.
Matthew is from Williamstown and is in his sixth year at the College. In 1999 he was President of the SRC on the Tiverton Campus and was for many years a class leader. He has been involved with the school Jazz band and was a member for the Rock Eisteddfod for five years.
Ben is from Upper Beaconsfield and is the middle child of three children. He has been at the College for five years. Ben is a keen sportsman and has represented the College in athletics, football, cricket, cross-country and basketball. He was a leader in Year 8.
Michael is from Mitcham and is in his sixth year at the College. Michael has represented the College in ACC athletics and cross-country. He was a class leader in Year 8.
Luke is from East Malvern and has been at the College for five years. He has been elected the Treasurer for the leaders. Luke has represented the College in ACC athletics and football. He has been on the Student Representative Council in Years 8 and 10.
This is his sixth year at the College and he hails from
Ferntree Gully. Paul is the elected Secretary for the leaders. He has represented the college in ACC foot ball and cross-country. Last year Paul travelled to Rome for the World Youth Day.
Mark is from Glen Waverley and this is his sixth year at the College. He is a keen sportsman and has rep resented the College in basketball, athletics and cross-country. Mark was a class leader in Year 10.
Jeremy is from East Malvern and has been at the College for six years. He has been an active member in Rock Eisteddfod and music since Year 7 and has represented the College in cross-country and football.
Daniel has been at the College four years and comes from Prahran. Last year he was a member of the St Vincent De Paul group. Daniel has represented the College in football, basketball and swimming.
Simon hails from Elsternwick and is in his sixth year at the college. He has represented the College in ACC football and was a Leader in Years 9 and 10.
Natale started at the College in 1996 and comes from Middle Park. He is the Leaders’ representative for the College Council. Natale has been involved with the Rock Eisteddfod since Year 7 and has been a leader
Simon is in his sixth year at the College and comes from Windsor. He was a leader in Year 8 and has rep resented the College in hockey, football and basket ball. Simon was a member of the St Vincent De Paul group in 2000.
Julian comes from Bentleigh and is in his sixth year at the College. He has represented the College in ACC cricket and football. Julian was a leader for Camp La Salle and was involved in the Peer Support program.
David comes from Caulfield and this is his sixth year at the College. He is a keen sportsman and has rep resented the College in soccer.
On Presentation Night each year, awards are presented to students in recognition of their academic excellence, sporting achievements, contribution to the Arts, community services, College leadership and special achievement awards.
The recipients of the special achievement awards in 2000 were:
Headmaster’s Award — in recognition of a student with outstanding talent who shared his gifts generously — Rodney Walton College Captain’s Award — Ged Cochrane College Vice-Captain’s Awards — Matthew Naughtin and Thomas Molan Br Damien Harvey Award — in recognition of a student who has applied himself with dili gence and enthusiasm to all aspects of his education at De La Salle — Aidan Schanssema and Michael Willans Br James Taylor Award — in recognition of a student who has given generously of his tal ents, been a source of encouragement to his peers and enhanced the College by his com mitment to the Lasallian traditions — Ged Cochrane
Lasallian Award — in recognition of a student who has pursued excellence in developing his talents, shown a Christian concern for his fel low students, made de La Salle a better place by his commitment to its ideals — Tom Sandilands
Outstanding contribution to ACC Sport & ACC Sportsman of the Year — Stephen Brown Student Athlete of the Year — Matthew Naughtin
Br Tim presents the Award for Dux of the College 1999 to Max Walker in Years 7, 9 and 10.Congratulations to the 184 students who completed Year 12 in the year 2000 and who were successful in achieving their VCE. An outstanding 28 students gained an ENTER score above 90 with the three top scoring students receiving the following results: Rodney Walton 99.55 — University of Melbourne Arts/Law
James Hamblin 99.15 — Monash University: Commerce/Law
Craig Allen 99.15 — University of Melbourne: Commerce/Law
The College was delighted to be informed that Christopher Buchanan was awarded an Undergraduate Scholarship to study Commerce at the University of Melbourne.
The graphs show the numbers of students who took up places in University and TAFE Colleges. From this graduating class there was an increase of students deferring their studies to seek employ ment.
An increase in students applying for Computing/ Multimedia/Technology courses reflects the growing popularity of these vocations. There was also an increase in numbers of students choosing sports-related courses and the hospitality industry. I wish all the students from Year 12 great success and enjoyment in their particular pursuits.
Ms Sue Taylor Careers Coordinator/VET CoordinatorBack Row: Shuo Li, Christopher Mercoulia, Rick Davies, Owen Neeson, Tom Molan, Glenn McLeod, Cameron Roberts, Andrew Badrock, Yi-Lik Tsang, Ludo Wilmann, Br Tim Peter
Middle Row: Ged Cochrane, Rommel Mathias, Matthew McCoy, Will Jolley, Andrew Periera, Craig Allen, Phillip Howarth, Joe Roberts
Front Row: Dominic Milbert, Martin Gould, James Oei, James Hamblin, Marcus Davies, Christopher Buchanan
Absent: Rodney Walton, Aaron Saunders, Philip Gruner, Michael Chow
Tiverton Campus students have had a busy start to the school year and grasped the opportunity to be involved in many diverse co-curricular activities and pursuits.
Once again students have again taken on significant leadership roles this year with Patrick Davis, Campus President, and Tom McIlroy, Campus Secretary of the Student Representative Council. The council has been meeting on a weekly basis and the students have made some excellent proposals and suggestions. Our Year 10 students have been work ing closely with Year 4 and Year 7 students in our Peer Support Program, and the feedback on their work with the younger students has been tremendous.
It has been encouraging to observe students involving themselves in the co-curricular life of the College. Our College bands and choir have been busily rehearsing. The Swimming team performed well at the ACC Swimming Championships, and the ACC Athletics team has nearly 120 students training in the squad.
The Rock Eisteddfod rehearsals are well under way and the Year 10 Dancing classes have been very well attended. The Chess and Weightlifting Clubs have had many new students at their lunchtime sessions.
First term culminates with our annual Mission Action Day. Through sponsorship of their 14km walk the students are hoping to raise about $35,000 for the De La Salle Brothers’ mission work in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
I feel sure that 2001 will be both a challenging and rewarding year for everyone on the Tiverton Campus.
Mr Peter Riordan Head of Tiverton CampusThe number of students on the Kinnoull Campus this year — 422 — reflects the increasing number of stu dents staying on at school to complete their VCE. We welcome the 40 new students who entered De La Salle at Year 11 level.
At the Leaders Investiture in February our new College Captain, Matthew Clancy, Vice Captains Benjamin McDonald and Michael Turner and the ten Leaders were inducted into their new leadership roles. This was followed by the presentation of certificates to the 28 students who received an ENTER score of over 90. Rodney Walton was College Dux with an ENTER score of 99.55; overall, the VCE results for 2000 were very pleasing.
Staff changes at Kinnoull this year include the new Year 12 Coordinator, Mr Andrew Cooper, the new Year 11 Coordinator Mr Paul Fairlie and Mr Luke Martin from the Tiverton Campus. We welcome Mr Richard Komiazyk, Mr Patrick Jurd, and Ms Glenda Daley. The end of last year saw the departure of Mr Kevin Gibson (who retired after spending his last 25 years at De La Salle), Mr Paul O’Shannessy and Ms Liz O’Connell. The staff were deeply saddened by the death of their colleague, Mr Mark Edwards at the end of the year, after a long battle with illness.
At VCE level the ACC sport teams are performing well, with the1st and 2nd XI cricket teams, the tennis team and the volleyball A team, all in the top four of their respective competitions and capable of a place in the semi-finals. The College swimming team fin ished fifth in the ACC competition.
I encourage you all to support the Year 12 Theatre Studies production of “Cosi”, as it promises to be an excellent night’s entertainment.
Mr Peter Riordan with 2000 Year 10 Leaders Simon Conway, Michael Stinear, Antony Garcia, Ryan Sherman and Jesse SahelyAn innovation in the manner the College farewells its graduating year level was introduced last year. In addi tion to the Year 12 breakfast, the final College assembly in their honour, and the formality of Presentation Night, the graduating class, their parents and staff, gathered to celebrate the Eucharist and attend a Valedictory Dinner in the Promenade Room at Caulfield Race Course.
The Eucharist was prepared by Br Geoffrey Kennewell and celebrated by Fr Dennis Rochford MSC, whose hom ily reflected upon the values that the College had inculcated in the young men about to take their place in the wider community.
Immediately following, the Valedictory Dinner pro vided a fitting opportunity for all to enjoy a fine meal in each other’s company and an opportunity for the students to reminisce nostalgically on their years at De La Salle. The atmosphere was suitably informal
his valedictory speech, thanking the staff in true oratori cal fashion. Guest speaker for the evening was Olympian and ex-student and former staff member, Mr Damian Brown, who reflected upon his time at De La Salle and gave us an insight into the life in the Olympic Village during the 2000 Games. A musical interlude pro vided by Hayato Takano, one of the College’s most tal ented year 12 music students, gave the audience a sample of his technical expertise on the guitar which was very warmly received.
Judging by the feedback from parents, staff and stu dents, the occasion was voted as a major highlight on the Year 12 calendar. The success of such an evening does not occur without a great number of people work ing tirelessly beyond the scenes and this was recog nized on the evening by presenting many of them with a token of the College’s appreciation. Special thanks must go to Mrs Genie Scott and Mrs Robyn Brasher and their committee of dedicated helpers, as well as Mrs Joy Bew, Kinnoull secretary, for her preparation of the pro gram.
and relaxed. Mr Graeme Lawler proved to be a witty and eloquent Master of Ceremonies and the evening was punctuated by entertainment and toast making. Br Adrian Watson, Head of Kinnoull Campus, presented the toast to the students and Mr Paul Fegan, Year 12 Coordinator, proposed the toast to the parents, perhaps the real survivors of VCE! College Captain Ged Cochrane, presented
The word ‘valedictory’ is a derivative of the Latin verb ‘valeo’ that means ‘to be well’. In saying goodbye to the graduating class, the College wished all the blessings associated with a sense of well-being on the future lives of those young men. Indeed the spirit of friendship on the night, the sharing of De La moments and the sense of celebration all contributed to such a feeling.
Mr Kevin Bourke 12 Dunstan Homeroom TeacherThe language team at De La Salle believes that ‘The ability to use a language other than English and move between cultures is essential for full participation in the modern world’. This is especially so, given an increasingly global society and Australia’s diversity. For this reason we want our students to enjoy the pleasure of using a language in context. Each year our students are offered a wide variety of circum stances where they can do this and we hope that the coming years will further this trend. Languages offered include Italian, French and Indonesian. Our middle school students take part in numerous excur sions, which allow them to get involved in activities with their languages outside the boundaries of the classroom. This year our middle school and VCE French and Indonesian students have already taken part in at least one outing.
Each year more students distinguish themselves by participating in competitions and gain certificates from foreign language institutions and we congratulate them for their efforts.
International exchanges are always very high on our students’ agenda. Students from Italy and French speaking countries visit us every year and assist our students with their oral language skills while they in turn practise theirs. In 2000 one of our Italian stu dents, Paul Davis, had an unforgettable and reward ing opportunity to put his language skills to the test. He travelled with two fellow College students to Rome for the Jubilee, and then to other parts of Italy and Europe. This year another one of our VCE Italian stu dents, Sam Rix, was offered a similar chance to travel to Europe through different circumstances and we are working towards extending these opportunities to all our language students. With this in mind we com menced our student group excursions to overseas destinations last year.
The aim of our staff is to cater for all students and to acknowledge those who take up challenges and extend themselves further. Each year we see a great sense of achievement and personal success in the students who choose to empower themselves in the study of languages.
Mr Thierry Moran LOTE CoordinatorA group of four teachers took fourteen students to New Caledonia in August last year. Accommodation was provided for three of the eight days with ‘homestay’ families, with the five touring days based in a hotel. The students gained a greater knowledge of the culture and diversity of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific from many day trips and excursions. The Museé Tjibaoú which displays the Melanesian ‘Kanak’ culture and a relaxing trip by boat to the Ilot Amedee were among the highlights of the tour. For the students the friendly and stress-free people they met, the different foods they ate and the experience of managing a new currency were all part of the adventure.
On his return from the tour Patrick Campbell (Year 8) wrote, “Going to New Caledonia made me realise how much languages are a benefit to everyone, and to me. It also made me want to travel more. I really am thankful to De La and the teachers for having taken a keen interest in making this trip possible and for mak ing learning French exciting”.
It is always pleasing to witness students’ enjoyment and sense of achievement when they persevere with the study of languages, particularly when they reap the benefits of excursions such as this. Encouraged by this first endeavour we are planning two trips within the next twelve months: One to Bali in September 2001 — a cultural and linguistic tour for Indonesian students from Years 9 to 11, and another to France and Italy in January 2002 for French and Italian students from Years 9 to 11. One of the aims of this trip is to foster international links between Lasallian schools through active student and teacher exchanges.
Mr Thierry Moran LOTE CoordinatorFollowing a long struggle with declining health, much loved and highly regarded teacher Mark Edwards passed away on 3rd December 2000.
At his funeral Peter Houlihan gave the Eulogy of which the fol lowing is an excerpt:
Mark was an inspiring person — his personality and very presence touched us all. He just had that ability to make us all feel good about ourselves.
Mark taught at De La first in 1990 as an Outdoor Education teacher, moved to St Kevin’s and returned in 1997 as Year 11 Coordinator, teaching Legal Studies and Religious Education.
Mark was the consummate professional — a teacher, coordinator and colleague of the strongest principles.
An excellent role model for students and staff, he set and maintained the highest standards in everything he did.
Students felt valued under Mark’s care and direction. His strong principles, unerring faith and belief in him self and a quick wit made him approachable to all boys.
Mark was a tremendous teacher, a superb year level coordinator and a wonderful leader. But most of all he was our friend. Mark Edwards touched everybody in a special way. The cour age he showed in fight ing his illness and his conduct when he returned to work parttime moved us all.
Mark was an inspiration, long before he became ill, and for a long time after. He was a hero to many. He was certainly my hero.
At the end of year Staff Mass, our Headmaster Br Tim Peter fsc, paid the following tribute: It was a privilege for me, and all the College staff, to have known Mark Edwards and to walk with him in a small way until he passed away. There is an old Christian tradition that states that God sends each person into this world; with a special message to deliver with a special song to sing for others with a special act of love to bestow.
I believe strongly that Mark Edwards was one of
I believe Mark walked with me and all the De La Salle College staff, students, parents, and wider community reminding us of one of life’s great mysteries — that
Mark’s special message for me was not to take my God, my life, my family or my friends for granted. Mark’s special song was to be of service to others and to do so with feeling and sensitivity.
Mark’s special act of love was his impact on others and the true Lasallian way he influenced those who knew him. Let Mark’s life and death help us make our special message, our special song, our special act of
Like Mark Edwards, let us live our lives to the full.
De La Salle College competed with over 2,000 stu dents from around Australia in the 10th RACV Energy Breakthrough, held in Maryborough on 17th –19th November 2000.
Our Human-Powered Vehicle (HPV) was entered under the new team name of “Eddie” in honour of the late Mark Edwards.
This rewarding exercise gives students practical skills in teamwork, engineering and electronic principles, design, construction and controlling every facet of a complex project. Our 2000 HPV was a completely new design built on knowledge gained from the previ ous year.
After a slow start the team was in 42nd place but started to gain on the leaders. The team clawed its way through the night continually setting the fastest lap times. Daylight found us dic ing with last year’s win ners for sec ond place. Spirits lifted, “Eddie” forged to the lead, a mon umental effort that was shortlived. To their credit, Bendigo Senior College won the event by 30 seconds, with De La and “Eddie” a wor thy second!
Although we were just ‘pipped’ at the post, I was informed by the whole team, “Hoy! Now we know how to win!”
Mr Keith Hoy Teacher in ChargeDe La Salle College strives to make boys feel wanted, respected and appreciated for who they are and what they are able to achieve. To meet these needs a sub stantial Personal Development Program from Years 4 to 12 covers major themes including self esteem, drug education, sexuality, relationships and provides tools for senior students to cope with the challenges of their VCE years.
Through the self esteem units students are encour aged to understand the purpose and meaning of rules in their lives, helped to understand themselves and their values, encouraged to set and achieve personal goals and helped to have a sense of their own personal compe tence.
Sequential pro grams are in place which address the issues of tobacco smoking, cannabis and other illicit drugs. The students look at heroes and role models and complete a unit on “Rethinking Drinking”.
Personal safety dealing with conflict, bullying and dis crimination is anoth er area of focus along with study skills, personal management (finances) and health issues.
A peer support program for Year 7 run by Year 10 stu dents involves small groups discussing issues chosen to help with the transition of boys from primary to secondary school.
There is a strong sense of partnership between par ents and the College in the area of Personal Development.
“What lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny compared to what lies within us”
Over the course of six hours, all Year 12 students were challenged to explore their present and contem plate their future as part of their ‘personal develop ment day’. Presenters from Monash and Melbourne Universities and from Holmesglen and Swinburne TAFEs presented ‘Pathway’ options for VCE gradu ates. It was refreshing to see recent graduates expounding the virtues of their respective institutions and their presentations were a helpful reminder of the
many vocational options available to our students. In addition to the careers presentation two guest speakers, both leaders in their respective fields, gave addresses on what could be loosely titled, ‘vision and application’.
Kevin Sheedy, Essendon Football Club’s highly respected coach, fascinated students with his person al outlook on how to fulfil potential. Kevin’s message was as simple as it was inspiring. Using himself as his principal example, Kevin outlined that identifying
cess. He emphasised the importance of ‘prioritising’. Kevin concluded his presentation with a solemn reminder about relationships. Having experienced the loss of his father, Kevin strongly urged his audience to cherish the relationships they have with their parents.
Michael Carr-Gregg is recognised as one of Australia’s leading Adolescent Psychologists and is the founder of the world’s first national teenager can cer patients’ support group ‘CanTeen’. Michael gave an intimate look into his own personal journey as well as an exposé on the ‘myths and reality’ of the VCE year. He addressed two key topics: ‘stress and the VCE year’ and ‘study techniques’. He provided the students with useful tools for dealing with the many challenges they face.
Like Kevin Sheedy, Michael concluded his powerful presentation by urging the students to make the best with what they have. Our students left buoyant with optimism.
Mr Andrew Cooper Year 12 CoordinatorAfter weeks of hard work including training sessions and lead-up carnivals, we were quietly confident about our chances for success against our major long-standing opponents, St Bede’s College.
From early in the day it became apparent that we had a genuine chance to claim our first title since 1994.
Through sheer determination on the part of every run ner, when the ACC Carnival at Bundoora Park in September 2000 concluded we had managed to push ahead of reigning champions St Bede’s by a margin of 81 points.
As Tom Bellomo (2000) lifted the Champions’ trophy high into the air, the team celebrated their richly deserved reward. This was for them the culmination of a long period of committed and intense training. Each team member could be proud of his effort as collectively they achieved a great result for the whole team.
Within this winning team were many outstanding indi vidual performances including two age group champi ons:
De La students have the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of sports and activities apart from ACC sport on Tuesday afternoons.
These include indoor cricket at Oakleigh, table tennis at Carnegie, weight training at ReCreation gym and squash, tennis and self-defence at Malvern. The College relies heavily on outside venues and employs the services of outside umpires and instructors to sup port the teachers with the program.
Roller hockey is a popular activity on Tuesday after noons with Mr Darren Thomas from “Learn2skate” taking the sessions. Students are instructed on inline skating and taught the skills of the game of roller hockey. Students may hire equipment from Darren or bring their own gear. A highlight for the term is the trip to the Ringwood Ice-Skating Rink for an ice-skating session.
Mr Tim Ford Director of SportKevin Smyth: First place U/15 3km course in 9:48 minutes
Peter Riseley: First place U/17 5 km course in 15:58 minutes
Congratulations to both Kevin and Peter!
The outstanding success of our cross-country team was also due to the enthusiasm of the age group coaches. Thank you to the following staff members for your time, effort and support:
U/14 Mr Gerard Jackson
U/15 Mr Michael Naughton / Mr Kieran Grafen
U/16 Mr Andrew Cooper / Mr Shane Slavin
U/17 Senior Mr Matt Breen
To Mr Tim Ford, Director of Sport, thank you for your continual support as well as your superb organization of the ACC Carnival.
Let’s hope that our magnificent victory in 2000 will begin a ‘De La domination throughout the new millen nium!’
Mr Peter Harte Cross-country CoordinatorWe are enormously proud to have won the past eight ACC titles but recognise that we must continue to train hard as we strive for nine in a row.
During Term 1 there have been early morning training sessions, after school training sessions and trial carnivals. Our training pro gram demands great commitment and effort and once again the response has been tremendous. Our training squad consists of approximately 200 students from Years 5 –12, who are all training keenly to gain a spot in our ACC team. The terrific enthusiasm of our squad can be attributed to the great example set by staff in this area. We are very fortunate to have a highly dedi cated group of coaches who commit so much time and effort to assist our squad in its quest for success.
We are looking forward to the challenge of the athlet ics finals when we will attempt to retain the ACC title. I am sure that unique ‘De La spirit’ will be evident once again at Olympic Park as…. “Number nine would be mighty fine”!
Congratulations to the ACC Swimming Squad on another great performance in the 2001 Championships in February fin ishing fifth! This squad continues to improve with average times for each age group considerably faster than last year’s. With fewer than 30 points between fifth and second at the Championships, De La Salle can defi nitely take the next step to greater suc cess.
The squad trained hard for over six months prior to the ACC Championships. Josh Rix (1996) took over the coaching role and developed an excellent rapport with the squad. His expertise as a coach and his enthusiasm for anything blue and gold was contagious. Old Coll Stuart Nicholl (1974) provided excellent support along with coaching staff (Mr Hoy and Mr Cooper) and captains, Leigh Sherman, Samuel Rix (Senior) and Michael Brown (Junior).
De La has a proud swimming tradition and many gift ed swimmers of the 60’s and 70’s are now returning as parents of present students who exhibit similar strengths in the pool. At the recent DLS Championship Night, 20 past-students aged between 21 and 44 shared more than a common history as DLS repre sentative swimmers. They also shared the ‘agony’ of
returning to the pool for the Veterans’ 50m Freestyle. Nick Brasher (1997) won in a time of 28 seconds, and there was no need for resuscitation of any competitor! We look forward to future swimming seasons with pride and confidence.
Mr Andrew Cooper ACC Swimming CoordinatorA great year has been planned with many diverse social activities for par ents and families.
The text book sale was most success ful financially, and I sincerely thank the many volunteer parents and students who helped with the distribution.
Parents have responded wonderfully to our request for helpers for all areas of our activities. It certainly makes the life of our Executive much easier as ‘many hands make light work!’ We have ben efited by having an extremely hard working Executive Committee for the past year with plenty of input from other parents as well.
Our Opening Mass for the year was very thought provoking and extremely well attended.
Year 4 parents: Antoinette and John Siarabalos, Loretta Muratore, Christopher How, Kathryn McFarlane and Thomas Muratore
The Morning Tea and the Cocktail Party for parents of new students were both very well attended. The enthusiasm of the new parents augurs well for the future of our Parents’ Association.
In March a group of mothers enjoyed a relaxing and most enjoyable weekend at Jan Juc and I’m sure that there was lots of shopping done at the Torquay surf shops!
Our popular family “Wetlands” Fun Run was held on Sunday 8th April. The mind-bending Trivia Night is planned for Saturday 26th May in the Performing Arts
Centre. I suggest you arrange your tables now, as numbers are limited!
Our Wine Night is scheduled for Saturday 11th August and our annual famous Fashion Parade for Wednesday 12th September. Again both events will be held in the Performing Arts Centre.
Let’s all enjoy the rewards and the fun of our Parents’ Association, while raising funds to help our boys!
Mrs Judith Clancy Parents’ Association SecretaryPhilanthropy is a word that incorporates many worth while characteristics, including generosity, patronage, charity and benevolence. It is some of these attributes that have encouraged parents of the departing Year 12, 2000 students to leave a gift to the College as a parting gesture.
The generous contributions from the families of those graduating will go towards the College Library Fund, which has an ongoing need for constant funding as we move into a more technological era.
Donations are still most welcome. This innovation, instigated by the departing parents of the Year 12 1999 students, will hopefully continue and build in the years to come as a means of a departing family’s gratitude.
The College expresses sincere thanks to the following generous donors:
Mr & Mrs P Buckley
Mr & Mrs N Cavell
Mr & Mrs V Cerra
Mr & Mrs B Derrick
Mr & Mrs T Donovan
Mr & Mrs P Flanagan
Mr & Mrs B Flockhart
Dr & Mrs P Hamblin
Mr K Heng & Ms H Lim
Mr & Mrs J Meyer
Mr & Mrs W Nankervis
Mr & Mrs M Redapple
Mr & Mrs M Smith
Mr & Mrs M Tuchener
Mr & Mrs J Van De Ven
Mr & Mrs P Walton
Mr & Mrs L Woodman
Anonymous - 4 Donors
Mrs Robyn Brasher Development OfficerWith the College nearing its 90th Anniversary, a search has begun to collect memoirs and document our history.
In order to help obtain the anecdotal aspects of the life at the College, all Old Collegians, past staff, past parents of students and the wider College Community are asked to help document the social aspect of the school’s history.
Genie Scott and I have begun the enormous task of interviewing Old Collegians to gather their memories on audiotape. We have interviewed John Lloyd (1917), Peter Strickland (1943), John Sullivan (1935) and Michael Kennedy (1943). The recollections of their years at the college are as colourful today as they were then. When two or more men gather together for these oral histories they seem to prompt each other to reveal long forgot ten events and misdemean ours. We are seeking not only the distant memories, but also those of men who left the College as recently as the 1990s.
We have invited all the Brothers who either attend ed the College as students or who taught here, to write about their memories and anecdotes for inclusion in
Tickets $10:00
our rich historic tapestry. To date, we have received the fascinating recollections of Brothers Stanislaus Carmody, Xavier Johansson, Baptist Will, Claude Sweeney and Francis Sullivan. These men spoke of the good times and also the difficulties they faced. Our College’s history will be commissioned ready for publication in 2012, in time to celebrate the first 100 years of De La Salle College.
Mr Steve StefanContact: Michael Hegan — 9659
Thorn — 0409 221
Friday April 27th at Kingston Links Commencing at 12.30 pm with sandwiches and drinks and concluding with finger food and drinks $90 all inclusive
Contact Carmel Bolt:
2002 sees the beginning of the 90th year of celebra tion of the establishment of the College. To mark this milestone, the College community will come together on several occasions to commemorate this historic event. Plans are still being formulated for the Old Collegians’ celebrations to be held next year. During the course of the year we intend to hold a Celebratory Mass and several dinners.
Due to the historic nature of these functions, decade reunions (1942, 1952, 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992) for 2002 will be incorporated into these gatherings. You are encouraged to draw together as many classmates as possible to form a reunion within the larger param eter of these functions. This is an enormous undertak ing so I would welcome any help in tracing former stu dents for inclusion in these grand celebrations.
Please take a minute to think about these questions: Do we have your correct address on our database? Did your grandfathers, father, brothers, uncles or cousins attend the College?
Do we have their addresses?
Are they receiving Roll Call?
Do we have your classmates’ addresses?
Do they receive Roll Call?
If not, it means we do not have a current address on file for them. It means that we cannot contact them with invitations to reunions or inform them about College functions.
If you wish to confirm any details please contact me at the Alumni Office, so that your De La family mem bers and De La friends’ details can be added to our ever expanding database.
With the help of several men from each reunion group and the distribution of a “Missing Men” list, many for mer students were found and invited to the reunions held in the latter part of 2000.
The men from 1955 gathered for dinner at a city hotel, however they found that their advancing years had dampened their enthusiasm for their usual late night card games.
For the 1970 graduates, the Hawthorn Football Club was the venue selected for over 40 classmates to cel ebrate together. Br Mark Murphy joined the men on this occasion.
The 1980 and 1990 reunions drew large numbers to the Orrong Hotel in Armadale, with over 40 and 70 men respectively. Although they are now men, it is easy to see the young boy in them still and they recounted with joy their school memories and misde meanours.
‘Year 12 Revisited’, the annual get-together and barbeque for the immediate past year’s graduates was again held at the College. The teachers who attended this function enjoyed catching up with their former students.
Please note that the 2001 reunion dates are on the back cover of the magazine.
Mrs Genie ScottFollowing the reformation of the Old Collegians Association in 1946, a fund was established to raise money for the building of a shrine in memory of Old Collegians who fought and lost their lives during World War II.
In 1948, Archbishop Dr Daniel Mannix DD blessed and unveiled the Shrine, located near the entrance to the College in Stanhope Street. Memorials to Vietnam and Korean Veterans who lost their lives were later added to the Shrine.
Due to irreparable decay to the shrine and the need to eventually remove the building supporting it, a new shrine was created, located on the entrance to the historic Tower building.
On November 3rd, 2000 the blessing of the new College Shrine took place. Headmaster, Br Tim Peter fsc, welcomed families of the fallen Old Collegians, Old Collegians (many of whom were present at the original Shrine’s dedication), parents of the College, De La Salle Brothers, College staff and the members of the Student Representative Council to this historic
College Choir sang a number of hymns throughout the service and tenor, Mr Frank Clancy, father of stu dents Richard (Year 12) and Iain (Year 10), delivered a beautiful rendition of “Bring Him Home”.
occasion. Guests were seated facing the Tower Building with the choir standing on one side and the Student Representative Council standing on the other forming a colourful backdrop with their blue and gold blazers.
Honorary Old Collegian Chaplain, Fr Les Troy CM, officiated on this occasion with the assistance of Mrs Ruth Hunter, Religious Education Coordinator for the
John Sullivan (1935), the first secretary of the newly reformed OCA, delivered the Reading, followed Br Julian Watson fsc and a group of Old Collegians from the 1940s, who participated in the service by the reading of prayers. Following student Daniel Wall’s playing of the ‘Last Post’, wreaths were laid by former Headmaster Br Stanislaus Carmody fsc and student Julian O’Sullivan (Year 11) on behalf of the College, and by Peter Strickland (1943) and Len Cosgriff (1941) representing the Old Collegians’ Association. The service was followed by morning tea for all in the Br James Taylor Gymnasium. Here a comprehensive photographic display of the 1948 dedication of the Shrine and other historic College photos gave rise to a lot of discussion. It was an opportunity for sharing details of bygone events between the Old Collegians present and the students.
A comprehensive collection of photographs from this historic occasion along with numerous other Old Collegian events, are held in the Alumni Office. Visiting Old Collegians are welcome to view these at any time.
Br Stanislaus Carmody fsc was a teacher at De La Salle College, Malvern from 1941–1963 and Headmaster from 1959–1963. His Malvern years were just one period in a long and wonderful career in the De La Salle Brotherhood. He currently lives at Cronulla and recently penned his fond (and some times irreverent) memoirs for our archives. Here is an excerpt:
I found the De La Boy to be unique in many ways. He was slow to accept a new member of staff. Once acceptance was there he gave full support. St De La Salle impressed upon the brothers that the students were their family. He gave them the title ‘Brother’ to remind them, not only of the fraternal union among themselves but that they were to be ‘older brothers’ to their pupils. While it was important to develop their earthly talents, it was much more important to develop their faith and love of God. The De La boy matured in the faith, developed a keen sense of humour and was
The ‘De La’ boy was com petitive in all fields of endeavour.
In 1958 we played St Kilda in a football final. We were three goals down with three minutes to go! John Murphy galvanised the team at centre half forward. He scored two quick goals and was lying on the ground in agony after a heavy bump as he kicked the second goal. With seconds to go M. McClelland won the ball from the centre bounce. Murph jumped to his feet and flew above the pack to pull down a screamer. He was harrassed by the oppo sition while lining up his kick, but unperturbed, sent the ball spiralling 60 metres right through the centre of the big sticks! The siren blew! De La were premiers!
The competitive spirit!
In the fifties the College was fortunate to have inspir ing choir-masters. Br Gerard had the senior boys fighting to join his choir. The singing at the College Masses was superb. People thronged to these and to the annual con cert to be enthralled by the majestic singing of these young men. They swept all before them at the Dandenong Musical Festival!
De La men have been prominent in many fields — the church, the judiciary, parlia ment, ambassador ranks, military, research
R.E. classes were the first and most important les sons of the day. The ‘reflection’ and lesson were well received and entered into as evidenced by the num ber of lads who visited the Brothers’ Chapel each day; by attendance at Mass; by devo tion to prayer; and by the num ber of vocations produced by the College each year.
Br Fridolin used to kick the kids’ kit bags if they were in the aisle. So one day they filled their bags with bricks. Frid ended up with a sore foot and a good laugh!
On the day that the name of the city of Constantinople was changed to Istanbul, I walked into my classroom to find writ ten on the board in large letters: “IS- STAN-BUL?” One had to laugh!
The swimming team at training at the Malvern Baths, captained by John Murphy. De La cadets on paradeDr John Sherman (1963) is a leading authority on drug rehabilitation in Australia and has visited our College to speak about drugs to our senior students as part of their personal development program.
Both John and his cousin Garry (1964) chose careers in medicine with John favouring general practice. He opened a practice in St Kilda and found more and more of his patients had drug related problems.
At present 30% of his patients come to his clinic with regular medical problems, the remaining 70% are patients with drug problems. His clinic has the largest methadone program in Australia. Methadone is the major treatment for people who are heroin-dependent, cannabis-dependent people or amphetamine (speed) users. Recently he has been treating alcohol-depen dent people with two newly-available drugs and has set up a Hepatitis C program, as most drug-dependant patients carry this infection.
Due to his expertise in this area, John has lectured Australia-wide to medical, pharmaceutical and health professionals. He has been a presenter on two radio
stations, one on dealing with drugs and the other a medical talk back program.
John founded the Windara Society that cares for drug-dependant people. The Society provides a commu nity integration program offering counselling and safe houses, a therapeutic community in Pakenham and a withdrawal centre in St Kilda.
For the past six years John has been running clinics for drug treatment at the Bendigo Community Health Centre and at the Tarrengower Women’s Prison.
John has been married for 30 years to his wife Sue and has a daughter and three sons. His favourite forms of relaxation are golf and reading history.
Jules Lund (1996) admits he was not always the easi est student to teach during his early years at De La Salle. This situation changed dramatically however, when during a Personal Development lesson, two guest speakers from Reach, Jim Stynes (Brownlow Medalist) and Paul Currie (film director) motivated him to push beyond the stereo-type boundaries he was rebelling against and realise his dreams.
A Bachelor of Graphic Design course was deferred and Jules pursued his involvement with Reach. The opportunity to work overseas with Camp America has extended his experience of working with teenagers and he has recently initiated interstate camps, here in Australia. His busy schedule also includes running motivational workshops and five-week courses within secondary schools.
Since its inception Reach has assisted over 120,000 young Victorians in a variety of experi ential activities, ranging from school programs and workshops, courses, camps, seminars and major events, all of which com bine group interaction with cre ative expression. The philosophy behind Reach is to help young people follow their dreams, to express themselves and to pre pare them for problems they will inevitably encounter as adults.
Jules’ involvement with young people has created several other ventures for him. With his friend Jessie Martin (world solo yachts man) and another mate he has
just launched a production company, which is working on producing a television special aimed at the teen age audience. He is also about to host a live televi sion program for young people (8–16) to be screened each afternoon.
Jules has offered to return to De La sometime in the future to speak to students about positive life skills.
When Michael Coughlan missed the 1960 Reunion because of the weather, we knew he meant work prevent ed him, not the outside tem perature!
It’s now over ten years since Michael set off for the USA with his family for one, maybe two, years ‘sabbatical’ from the Bureau of Meteorology.
That expected period in Washington DC, working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, actually extended to five years. Instead of returning to Melbourne, he accepted an offer to head up a climate research project office at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. From the USA experience he expected that posting would also last about five years.
However, after two years he and his family found themselves heading south to Geneva, Switzerland.
Here he took up the position of Director, World Climate Programme Department in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). For many mete orologists throughout the world, working with the WMO is a major goal to work towards, and he was no exception. “The last three and a half years have cer tainly been the most stimulating and challenging of my career” Michael says.
Michael’s particular speciality, Climate, has gained enormous world-wide interest with the growing threat of human-induced climate change.
Apart from the day-to-day task of keeping up to date with the myriad influences that climate change and ongoing variability bring to life on the planet, there is for Michael the continually rewarding experience of mixing and working with people from many nations.
On a more practical level he enjoys the experience of living in one country (France) and commuting across the border into Switzerland to work every day.
Michael has asked if there are any old classmates (or teachers) heading his way to please give him a call.
Eighty of our past mothers enjoyed din ner together in October at ‘The Gables’ reception centre. They have been linked to the College not only through their sons, but also through the enduring bonds of friendship with each other. Many of these friendships have lasted a lifetime as Nita Raynor testified. At 90 years of age she was our most senior guest and one of the liveliest women at the function. The youngest were mothers whose sons had left the previous year. The venue was intimate and relaxed and full of happy chatter and reminiscences complemented by a delicious dinner. Br Tim Peter spoke on the changes that had occurred at the College recently and touched on the plans for future building extensions. Fr Les Troy was our special guest and Robyn Brasher reflected on his time at the College, the close association he shared with the students during his period as College Chaplain and his sup port of the Mother’s Auxiliary. He has a special place in the hearts of all De La families.
Mrs Marie Grafen asked for the opportu nity to express her gratitude to the College for not only educating and recog nising the individual needs of her four sons but also for the ongoing support and prayers she received in times of stress. The evening finished far too early for most. Fortunately, there will be another opportunity to meet at our next function, a luncheon, to be held at the
Please notify the College if you would like to be included on our new database of Past Mothers.
Genie Scott Robyn BrasherCongratulations to Australian Sports Medal winners’ former presidents Barry Lyons and Col Glover and to coach Bernard Dunn. The Federal Government awarded these prestigious medals for services to our club.
The Year 2000 season saw an improvement with De La finishing 4th in the Seniors, 2nd in the Reserves, 3rd in Club 18, 6th in U/19 (1), and 8th in U/19 (2).
Highlights included:
Robbie Bonnici, VAFA “B” grade ‘Best and Fairest’ Steve O’Connell, 3rd ‘Best and Fairest’ in the VAFA U/19 Premier Division
Shane Rudd, 3rd ‘Best and Fairest’ in the VAFA Club 18.
Significant milestones were reached when Damian Toohey and Shane Rudd played their 200th games, Brendan Hoy his 150th, and Mark Butler and Tim Silvers their 100th games.
Club Best & Fairest award winners were: Seniors Damian Toohey/ Craig Swift Reserves John Doak/ Matt O’Donnell U/19 (1) Steve O’Donnell/ John Stinear U/19 (2) Luke Danaher/ Grenville Wise Club 18 Shane Rudd/ Ash Tucker
The coaching panel has undergone substantial change with three new appointments complementing returning Senior Coach Paul Cooper and U/19 Coach Greg Buntine with: Reserves Damian Carroll Club 18 Mark Williamson U/19 Blue Brian Brown
For the first time we will field an U/17 team in the Moorabbin Saints Junior Football League, playing home games on Sundays at 3.00 pm at Waverley Oval. New players can contact Paul O’Brien on 9571 5080.
New players at any level are welcome to the club. Contact: Greg Spithill on 98852548 or Col Glover on 97814133
We are looking forward to season 2001 with great confidence!
View the club website:
Mr Colin Glover DLSOCFC Secretary
The 2001 season has been very successful, with the club finishing 3rd in the finals at Box Hill at the end of March. Outstanding athletes on the day included Shane Asbury (1994) who competed in the high jump, 110m hurdles, triple jump, 400m sprint and 100m sprint and the 4x100 relay team. Simon Ngu (1999) was outstanding in the 400m sprint, 100m sprint and the 4x100 relay team. Jack Di Giantiomasso (1967) has made a great ‘comeback’ following an injury to compete again in the shotput.
Our current membership is made up of a considerable number of ‘veteran’ athletes. Lou Ferrari(1969) contin ues to compete successfully and is the Veteran Champion of Australia. The remainder of the club is composed of a group in the mid-twenty to mid-thirty age range and a growing number of young athletes straight from school.
But we need more members! We welcome students, former students, staff and friends of De La of all levels of athletic ability and all ages to join us.
Please contact: Jack Di Giantiomasso 98579354 Simon Ngu 98192549
The climax of the DLS Swimming Championship Night in February for eighteen fit and finely tuned bodies was the Old Collegians 50 metre dash. Although all had made history in the pool in their respective eras, they shared over twenty years difference in their ages, so it was decided to hold three heats, with the winning time taking out the coveted champion’s tro phy. Nick Brasher (1997) won in a time of 28 sec onds, beating his brother Mark Brasher (1999) by .04 of a second! They were closely followed (in alphabet ical order) by Michael Brazel (1978), Peter Dickinson (1975), Tim Fisher (1997), Julian Grainger (1995), Phil Green (1983), Stephen Hoy (1991), Brian Letson (1996), Peter Mackintosh (1991), Brendan Maher (1995), Matt McConville (1988), Peter McConville (1984), Paul Meehan (1993), Tim More (1992), Stuart Nicoll (1974), Josh Rix (1996), and Chris Windley (1984).
Congratulations to you all, you are all champions! We feel this event will become a popular fixture in the Old Coll’s calendar and that next year we will have more competitors to compete for the trophy and of course more supporters to share the ‘after swim refreshments’!
Mrs Genie ScottEdward Duyker (1973) has received the equivalent of a knighthood with France’s highest academic award, the Palmes Academiques (introduced by Napoleon in 1808), for his research on French explo ration in the South Pacific and their settlement in Australia. Our sincere congratulations go to you, Edward.
Adrian Barry (1983) has worked in the building industry since leaving De La and recently successfully pushed for reform in the Federal Government for builders to receive tax relief for protective sun-coverhats, sunglasses and sunscreen.
Matthew Brown (1979) as Head Coach was proud to be able to lead the Australian Paralympic swimming team in the opening of the Sydney games.
Tony Young (1978), an accountant with a plastics firm, recently holidayed in Europe with his brother Greg (1979) and while in Paris visited the St John Baptist De La Salle Chapel. Greg remains overseas travelling while Tony finds relaxation at the Riversdale Golf Club.
Graham Wetzler (1951) is kept busy with his proper ty development work in the Mosman area of Sydney’s north shore. He works with architects designing suit able homes and then selling when completed. At present, grandchildren occupy his recreation time.
Peter Ickeringill (1977), a partner in a firm of solici tors, returned from four years in charge of their Hong Kong office in the mid 90’s and has since also taken on positions of responsibility with the Deafness Foundation of Victoria and Autism Victoria. (Peter’s sister, Leanne is a highly-valued member of the College Library staff.)
Daniel Webster (1980) has spent the last 15 years in Tasmania working as a forest operations manager in the north-west of the State. He is currently studying for a graduate diploma in business.
Greg James (1980) has been teaching at St Patrick’s Primary in Murrumbeena for over two years after many years at St Anne’s in East Kew.
Noel Fiddock (1980) has been working for the last 16 years for IBM following his completion of a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computing. He is married with two children and says he is still keen on all sport.
David Turley (1980), a landscape architect, has been in his own business partnership in Ballarat for the last three years. He and his wife and two sons enjoy their new lifestyle.
John Wilson (1980) has taken a position on the senior management team at NRMA after spending most of his career working in banking, following his completion of a banking and finance degree at Monash University.
Michael Miitze (1980) has spent the last eight years living in Canberra where he has established his own management consultancy business. He returned for the 20 Year reunion and the opportunity to catch up with his classmates.
Tim Matheson (1980) is married with two children and has worked in the printing industry for the last 20 years.
Anthony Angliss (1980) has his own screen-printing business where he produces a variety of textiles and fabrics for the homeware goods market.
Brendan Byrne (1980) is married and has three chil dren. He works in an executive position for Australia’s largest printing and publishing company, which he joined 20 years ago as a printing apprentice.
Peter Buckley (1980) has spent years working and travelling overseas and interstate and is now happy to be back in Melbourne working in the building industry.
Dinny Darras (1980) was instrumental in establishing the CBS (Certificate of Business Studies) course, which was conducted at the College for many years. He went on to work in a real estate business where he has continued for the last 17 years. Dinny is mar ried and has one son.
Bruce Kennedy (1980) runs his own restaurant in St Kilda, “Bar Corvina”, and extends a warm welcome to all De La Old Colls and their friends.
Brendan Lloyd (1970) was sorry to miss the 1970 reunion; he works as a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Byron Bay and has just completed his PhD in psychology.
Greg Maher (1988) returns to Melbourne after having worked for the last three years in aboriginal communi ties, teaching in the Cape York area.
Michael Convery (1970) is a second-generation De La graduate. He is married with five children and the first two of his four sons are currently attending the College, James in Year 9 and Shane in Year 8. He has been a fire fighter for over 24 years and is cur rently the South Caulfield Station Officer.
Gary Pedecini (1970) has worked in many divisions of the YMCA and is currently managing student accommodation for the University of Melbourne where up to 1500 students, mainly from overseas, require lodgings.
Stefan Wojcicki (1970) is a QANTAS aircraft interior designer based with his family in Sydney. He has spent the last two years in Fiji on secondment to Air Pacific designing interiors of their aircraft. In August he combined a visit to his parents and attended the 1970 reunion.
Michael Pichler (1970) has spent his career in the real estate industry and is currently in management for the investing and body corporate areas of his com pany.
Ted O’Connor (1970) followed tertiary studies in agri cultural science and property valuation with a career in the valuation of rural properties. Ted has recently completed valuations of the State Forest and National Parks.
Nick Martin (1970) initially taught business studies and wrote textbooks for secondary and tertiary stu dents. Then after seven years in Canberra with the Dept. of Trade and a couple more in management consultancy he now has his own strategic planning consultancy business in the CBD and Ivanhoe.
Bob Valent (1970) has his own company that produc es scenery backdrops for GTV9 as well as general signs for real estate boards. He has had a long-stand ing interest in the histories of World War I and the American Civil War and is a member of the Lawrence of Arabia Society of Australia. He is married with three children.
Justin Balsillie (1990) graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1995 after having served as Student President and participating in a semester exchange at the University of the Pacific in California, USA. Justin is currently studying for his real estate licence and was awarded Stockdale and Leggo’s “Novice Auctioneer of the Year” in 1999. He is married and has a son, William.
Alfie Dimalanta (1990) is currently working in his fourth year as a qualified Chiropractor and is happily married with a young daughter. His brother Albert (1995) graduated in 1999 in Nursing from Monash University and is wanting to pursue further studies in this area.
Billy Chow (1990) graduated as a Chiropractor in 1998 and is currently working in a Carlton practice. He was keen to catch up with former classmates at the 10 Year reunion last November.
Dirk Barrow (1990) has been an air traffic controller at Tullamarine for the last four years following his year of training in Brisbane and Melbourne. Dirk is married to Debbie, a fellow air traffic controller.
Rob Dixon (1990) and his wife, Gaenor, have enjoyed the last two years in Queensland where he has worked as an aircraft maintenance engineer with Ansett Australia (where he has been since leaving school).
Peter McConville (1984) is a Squadron leader with the RAAF working as project manager in the logistics area. During his career he has been stationed in
Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. He is currently based in Williamstown where he lives with his wife and three children. Peter’s brother Matthew (1988) has spent a lot of time in the air also but as a passen ger in the course of his job as sales manager for a large fabric importer. Paris fashion shows are work, playing football is his passion. Peter is a member of Ormond Football Club and has been in a State side in the amateur football association.
Simon McGuinness (1981) has worked for many years in the arts/cultural industry and although he maintains a personal interest in that area he has recently taken on a new career challenge. He is developing a Leadership Program for students at the University of Melbourne where he incorporates train ing sessions and workshops on leadership and encourages participation in volunteer and community services.
Ross Calia (1995) has been touring Australia with the stage production of “ Buddy, the Musical”. He was on stage playing the backing for Buddy on piano/organ and obviously enjoying the whole experience. Ross is active in the international music scene as a performer and composer and is soon to release his self-pro duced debut album.
John Molloy (1989) holidayed in Melbourne late in 2000, before returning to the USA where he has worked in the nursing profession for the last eight years. John has worked and travelled extensively throughout the USA and is currently living in Seattle.
Tim Ferguson (1989) recently completed his PhD in Philosophy at Monash University where he continues to work in the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering. He was recently engaged to Leah Munnery and plans to marry this year.
Damien Tampling (1995) completed his Bachelor of Business/Marketing and after working the following two years with Deloitte has taken a position as a senior consultant with a multimedia consultancy. He also graduated as a Second Lieutenant in the Australian Army Reserve, through the Royal Military College in Duntroon ACT, and is presently stationed in Ringwood.
Frank O’Shannessey (1940)
Robert Menner (1940)
John Russo (1948)
Brian Duke (1950)
Joseph Lionnet (1950)
Philip O’Brien (1955)
Benjamin McFarlane (1989)
Simon Monguilot (1988)
Donald Reyes (Year 10, 1999)
Condolences and prayers of support from the Lasallian community are offered to these families.
May 7th & 8th
“Cosi” Year 12 Theatre Studies Production
May 26th Trivia Night — Parents’ Association
June 20th Grandparents’ Day for Primary students
June 27th Past Mothers’ Luncheon
T.B.A. “Wakakirri” Primary Rock Eisteddfod T.B.A. Senior Rock Eisteddfod
July 13th Presentation Ball
August 11th Wine Night — Parents’ Association
October 15th-19th Festival of Visual and Performing Arts
April 29th Old Collegians’ Mass
July 25th 50 Year Reunion
July 27th 10 Year Reunion
August 10th 40 Year Reunion
August 17th Year 12 “Revisited”
August 24th 30 Year Reunion
August 31st 20 Year Reunion
“Tower Building — De La Salle College Malvern” by John Davis, father of Paul Davis (Year 12), presented as a gift to the College in December 2000