Headmaster’s Report
90 years of Lasallian education at De La Salle College Malvern!
In 1912 the College began with three Brothers and 53 students and today in 2002 we have 157 staff and 1285 students.
The College is built on the spirit of the founder of the Brothers, St John Baptist De La Salle. This spirit of faith and zeal is still present in the College today.
I am proud to announce a major new building project for the Kinnoull campus. This exciting initiative includes an additional 8-classroom block with a new administration area, the extension of current staff facilities and also the refurbishing of existing specialist areas. Year 10 students will move to the senior campus providing extra classrooms on the Tiverton (High Street) campus. The College will establish a fundraising campaign to help finance the building and refurbishing projects.
One of the practical visions of the College is to reduce all class sizes to the mid 20’s to assist in quality teaching and learning. This year the College has leased two portable classrooms to reduce class sizes in Years 7 and 10, providing real benefits to both staff and students. In 2003 the Year 8 and 9 class sizes will also be reduced. Once the new building at Kinnoull is complete some refurbishing will be carried out on the Tiverton campus.
A highlight of first term was Mission Action Day. This important annual event involves all students and staff and some parents. Money raised through pledges and donations to the students will go to various missions and local charities. This year the amount raised exceeded $40,000 — a mighty effort by all involved! The spirit shown on the day and the generosity of
Portable classrooms being lowered over St Joseph’s School

Executive Officer:
to the
High Street,
Ph: 03 9509 3011 Fax: 03 9509 3993 Website: www.delasalle.melb.catholic.edu.au
Cover Photograph:
Br Tim with Stephen Premier, Eamon McGuire, Matthew Mitchell, Johnnie Lombardo, Tim Maya, Matthew Raymond, Simon Mead and Matthew O’Shea
College Captain Michael Stinear with Br Tim
everyone concerned are very much appreciated — a very special day for a very special cause.
We are celebrating 90 years of Lasallian education with three reunions for Old Collegians. The first, for men who left the College between 1912-1961, was held in April at Caulfield Racecourse where over 200 former students gathered for a mass and dinner. It was a wonderful occasion to renew friendships and revive memories. A report appears later in the magazine. The second reunion for the men from 1962-1981 will be held on Friday 28th June and the third for the men from 1982-2001 will be held on Friday 30th August. Thank you to all the staff who contribute to the success of these important functions.
Br Tim Peter FSC HeadmasterDux of the College 2001

Michael Turner was Dux of the College in 2001. He achieved an ENTER score of 99.60 which gave him entry into his chosen Commerce and Law degree at Melbourne University after which he hopes to make his career as an actuary.
He gained outstanding results in his Year 12 VCE subjects— Economics, English, Specialist Mathematics, Mathematics Methods, Physics and Texts and Traditions. In Economics, Michael received a perfect study score of 50.
Michael was one of our College Vice-Captains in Year 12, and was involved in ACC Cross Country and the Athletics teams. This year he is enjoying his studies at university and spends time with his friends from De La Salle, particularly those who are in the commerce department.
Michael hopes to travel overseas and eventually work in London in the field of actuarial financing. We feel sure Michael will achieve his goals and we wish him well in his future endeavours. Congratulations Michael.
College Captain’s Address
I have been studying a species, a weird and wonderful species. The De La boy, deriving his name from the Latin words De La Sallious Boyous, meaning the transition of a boy into a young man. The De La boy takes a journey that starts with his first step into his natural habitat, (the grounds of De La Salle College) and ends with his first step out after his last exam.
This journey, however, is not always a smooth one. The De La boy encounters many setbacks and challenges along the road.
In the nervous first few days the De la boy retreats into his shell, but with the supportive and caring surroundings of his new found home, he quickly blossoms into a young man.
Soon the De La boy encounters one of his biggest challenges, the challenge labelled “Year 9”. He faces the fear of acceptance with his fellow species and also the personal struggle of discovering his true self and beliefs.
As the species progresses in his journey, he makes the jump from his younger primates, over the road into a new habitat where he will complete his journey with peers of his own age. This period is mysteriously called VCE and no one outside of the species really knows exactly how it operates. This period is considered to be a stressful and demanding time in the De La boy’s journey, however it is just as rewarding. It is also his last chance to impact upon his surroundings and leave his mark on the habitat he will call home for the rest of his life.
But don’t be alarmed, the De La boy does not have to face any of these challenges alone. Throughout his journey, he is nurtured, cared for and encouraged by all amongst his community. Teachers, brothers, parents and peers all travel the road beside the De La boy, giving a helping hand and sharing advice whenever needed. He strives for excellence in all he does, whether it be academically, on the sporting field or in his personal life.
The De La boy is educated along his journey through the ideals and visions of the father of the species, St John Baptist De La Salle. He is encouraged to reach out, lending support to those in need. He takes risks that may or may not succeed, but will receive support either way from his community. He is now prepared to venture forth, with knowledge and experiences from his time in the habitat ready to take on the world.
Bequests to the College
If you feel that De La Salle College contributed to your position in life today, then through your support you can help us prepare the De La Salle Collegians of tomorrow.
Contact: Br Kevin Moloney (our Bequest Officer) through the College.
Award Winners for 2001

At the Year 12 Graduation Assembly in October 2001, the following awards were presented to students in recognition of their academic excellence, sporting achievements, contribution to the Arts, community services, College leadership and special achievement awards.
The recipients of the special achievement awards in 2001 were: Headmaster’s Award — in recognition of a student with outstanding talent who shared his gifts generously — Christopher Weire College Captain’s Award — Matthew Clancy College Vice-Captains’ Awards — Benedict McDonald and Michael Turner Br Damien Harvey Award — in recognition of a student who has applied himself with diligence and enthusiasm to all aspects of his education at De La Salle — Christopher Mitchell Br James Taylor Award — in recognition of a student who has given generously of his talents, been a source of encouragement to his peers and enhanced the College by his commitment to the Lasallian traditions — Matthew Clancy Lasallian Award - in recognition of a student who has pursued excellence in developing his talents, shown a Christian concern for his fellow students, made De La Salle a better place by his commitment to its ideals — Paul Davis
Outstanding contribution to the College for his role in promoting “The Arts” — Edward McLaughlin Outstanding contribution to the College through their co-leadership of the St Vincent de Paul Society Paul Davis and Simon Moloney Outstanding contribution to ACC Sport & ACC Sportsman of the Year — Mark Facciolo Student Athletes of the Year — Peter Riseley and Mark Facciolo Calex Best All Rounder Award — Christopher Mitchell
Thank You
Our thanks go to Mrs Robyn Brasher for her role as the College Development Officer during the last five years. Robyn was always enthusiastic and professional in promoting all aspects of College life. We thank her for her initiative in organising College functions including Grandparents’ Day and the annual Mothers of Former Students luncheon or dinner, and for her role with the Valedictory Mass and Dinner for Year 12’s and their parents.
The opening words from College Captain Michael Stinear’s address at the Leaders’ Investiture:Michael Stinear — College Captain
Michael comes to us from Berwick and is in his sixth year at the College. In 2000 he was the president of the Student Representative Council on the Tiverton Campus and was a Year 7 class leader. Michael has played for the College in athletics, football and crosscountry and he has represented the Dandenong Stingrays in the TAC cup competition. His goal is to excel in his last year at De La Salle and maintain a balance with a successful year of football.
Richard O'Brien — College Vice-Captain
Richard is from East Malvern and has been at the College for five years. He was a member of the SRC for three years. Richard is the Leaders’ representative for the College Council and has represented the College in football and tennis. He aims to help students feel comfortable in all levels of their schooling and to encourage their involvement in College activities.
Tom Sullivan — College Vice-Captain
Tom is from Wantirna South and is in his sixth year at the College. Tom has represented the College in football and cross-country. He was a member of the Student Representative Council on the Tiverton Campus and, as his main aim is to study medicine, he will be working towards a successful academic year.
Ramy Bassily
Ramy is from Bentleigh and been at the College for five years. He has represented the College in football
and the Rock Eisteddfod. He was on the Student Representative Council in Years 8 and 10. Ramy likes to play the guitar.
Damian Clancy
This is Damian’s second year at the College, coming to us from St James College, East Bentleigh where he was a Leader. Damian has been involved with ‘Cosi’, debating and the Monologue Night. He aims to play a strong part in the Leadership team.
Ryan Dhondy
Ryan is from Burwood and this is his sixth year at the College. He has been involved in the Rock Eisteddfod for two years. Ryan was a class leader in Year 7 and Year 10. He aims to have a successful year at school.
Dean Dobric
Dean is from Caulfield and has been at the College for eight years. He has represented the College in athletics and football. Dean was the vice captain of the ACC athletics team in 2001 and was a Leader in Years 9 and 10. Dean aims to be the best that he can be and enjoy his last year at the College.
Antony Garcia
Antony started at the College in 1997 and comes from Surrey Hills. He has represented the College in ACC cricket. Antony was a Leader in Years 9 and 10. He aims to have a successful VCE year and become involved in activities around the College.

Paul Golding
Paul hails from Moorabbin and is in his sixth year at the College. Paul has been involved with the Rock Eisteddfod since he joined the College in Year 7 and considers himself to be a friendly and honest person.
James Harvey
James comes from Cheltenham and is in his ninth year at the College. He was a Leader in Years 9 and 10. James has had pieces of his art displayed in the College Art Exhibition. He aims to promote interaction throughout the College.
Ryan Hynes
Ryan comes from Yarraville and is in his sixth year at the College. He has been involved in ‘Cosi’, the Blue and Gold Ball and the Rock Eisteddfod over the past four years. In 1999 he was a Year 10 Leader. Ryan is a keen lacrosse player. He would like to maintain consistency with his school-work and finish the year on a high note.
Jesse Sahely
Jesse hails from Glen Iris and is in his ninth year at the College. He was a Leader through Years 8, 9 and 10 and has represented the College in football, basketball, soccer and cross-country.
Ryan Sherman
Ryan comes from Mount Waverley and during his six years here, he has been a keen sportsman and has
represented the College in cross-country, football, swimming, tennis, table tennis and hockey. He was involved in the Rock Eisteddfod in Years 7 and 8 and is a member of the human powered vehicular team. Ryan was a Leader in Years 9 and 10.
Kosta Soupionas
Kosta has been at the College for five years and lives in East Malvern. He has represented the College in athletics and soccer and the Rock Eisteddfod. Kosta aims to involve himself in various extracurricular activities while holding the De La name in high regard everywhere he goes.
World Youth Day
In July this year, De La Salle College Malvern will send six Year 11 students to Toronto, Canada to represent the school at the world Youth Day celebrations.
The students are Perrin Brown, James Casey, Patrick Davis, Thomas McIlroy, Simon Regan and Tim Smith.

World Youth Day is an international gathering of young people from every continent and nation, called annually by Pope John Paul II.
Every second year the celebration is held in a different location around the world.
Thousands of young people from all over the world will converge upon Toronto for the 17th International World Youth Day, 2002.
In addition, the boys will have the wonderful opportunity to visit Rome and New York.
In order to help finance the trip, the boys have organised a number of fund-raising events.
The sale of prints of the Tower Building drawing by John Davis is one such effort. If you would like to buy a print please contact the College office. All the boys will be most grateful for your contribution.
The boys are very much looking forward to this trip of a lifetime and would like to take this opportunity to thank the College community for the on-going support for this wonderful experience.

2001 VCE Results
Congratulations to the 202 students who completed Year 12 in the year 2001 and who were successful in achieving their VCE. An outstanding 33 students gained an ENTER score above 90 with three students in the top 1% of the state. Their results and tertiary selection are as follows: Michael Turner 99.60 Commerce/Law Alex Jozsa 99.50 Arts/Law Matt Clancy 99.15 Journalism
Of the other 30 students who received an ENTER score of over 90, the main tertiary courses of their choice included commerce, science, engineering, arts, computer science, occupational therapy and medicine
For the 176 students who received a tertiary placement, 130 students (64.5%) chose to accept their offers at university, TAFE or a private provider.
Some students (19.5%) chose to reject or defer their offer at this stage, while the remaining students (16%) decided to seek employment or apprenticeships.
The graph indicates that areas of information technology, commerce, accounting, marketing and management are continuing to attract many students.
The College staff join me in wishing the students from Year 12, 2001, great success and enjoyment in their particular pursuits.
Ms Sue Taylor Careers Counsellor/VET CoordinatorPremier’s Awards
The prestigious Premier’s VCE Award presentation ceremony at the Melbourne Town Hall on 30th April recognised three of our 2001 graduates. Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding academic achievements:
Alexander Jozsa Political Studies
Luke Thompson Media Matthew Tyler Psychology
Course Choices for Students from
Sports Administration, Human Movement Science, Biotechnology, Biomedical Multimedia, Media
Medicine, Health, Occupational Therapy Law, Criminal Justice Hospitality, Tourism Furniture Technology
Engineering, Telecommunications, Aeronautical Design, Photography
Computing, Computer Science Business, Commerce, Marketing Building, Drafting, Planning Arts, Psychology Agriculture, Resource Management Advertising, Public Relations
Destination of Students in 2002
University TAFE Private Defer Other
Private CoursesTAFEUniversity
Left to right: Michael Turner, Alex Josza, Christoper Mitchell, Sean Smyth, Br Adrian Watson, Brendan Hegarty, Justin Balbata, Matthew Tyler, Luke Danaher, Matthew Clancy, Jason Green, Michael Hunter, Mike Farah, Chris Hohmann, Mark Facciolo, Julian O’Sullivan, Chris Hibbins, Henry Gardner, Sean Hegarty, Luke Thompson, Paul Davis, David Pereira, Thomas Wood, Anthony Fernon, Br Tim Peter
Defer or Reject

Tiverton Campus Report Kinnoull Campus Report
The beginning of the school year for 2002 on the Tiverton Campus has been very successful. In a short term of only nine weeks, Tiverton students managed to find the time to involve themselves in the many co-curricular activities on offer as well as settling into the academic demands of the College.

This year 205 students began their secondary schooling in Year 7, of whom 172 were new to the College. As we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the College the Year 7 students have been very busy working through their ‘Beginnings’ booklet discovering a great deal about the foundation and history of De La Salle College.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) has also been very active throughout Term One. All SRC representatives attend a weekly meeting and the Year 10 leaders have been particularly active organising various class celebrations and tours for prospective students and their parents.
Our annual Mission Action Day was held on 28th March. Although conditions were somewhat overcast and damp, the enthusiasm and spirit of the students and staff were quite exceptional. With fine preparatory work put into the day by staff and the promised money collected by students, the De La Salle community again showed great generosity to those people less fortunate than themselves.
College Leaders
The College Leaders are an integral part of our school. At the end of last year, fourteen young men were selected by their peers and College staff to be the Leaders for 2002. Prior to Christmas they met at Croydon for three days with the Leaders’ Coordinator, Mr Breen, the Year 12 Coordinator, Mr Cooper and the Faith Development Coordinator, Mr Jurd, to set their aims and objectives. Each week, Mr Breen and the Leaders meet to discuss forthcoming events and issues.
They have many opportunities to represent the College throughout the year. Michael Stinear, and Richard O’Brien, attended the combined Lasallian schools leadership seminar in Narooma, NSW at the start of the school year. Four of the Leaders attended a Combined Schools Leaders’ meeting at PLC during first term. Tom Sullivan was invited to be one of the five student speakers from Victoria to address a student forum at the recent Population Summit where business, political and community leaders looked at the likely future population of Australia.
Damian Clancy participated in the Lions’ Youth of the Year Quest (a public speaking competition) and Ryan Hynes represented the College at a Diocesan schools Leaders’ meeting with Archbishop Hart to discuss issues relevant to the church and young people. The role of the Leaders is recognized by all students at the College, and during first term they made time to meet with Year 7 students and the primary classes, set in place the organization for Kinnoull Week, promoted Kinnoullstock (music performances) supported the athletics carnival and served Mission Action Day’s refreshments. Their efforts are recognized and very much appreciated.

Year 7 History Assignment:
As part of Discovering History (an introductory activity for Year 7 History students) the History staff decided that it would be appropriate to research the history of De La Salle College in its 90th Anniversary year.

Drawing on the expertise of Mr Murray Enniss and Mr Steven Stefan, the students built up a picture of how the College progressed from its inception in 1912. They visited the original buildings and studied memorabilia stored in the Archives.

The results of their studies are reflected in a selection of timelines and essays. They now understand that they too are part of the rich history of De La Salle College.
Paul Fegan Year 7 History Teacher“A long line of my family, the Meades, has gone through De La Salle College. They have seen the great changes that have happened to this school. Now I continue the tradition. I have made the change
“ Coming to a new country would have been really freaky especially if you didn't know much about it. It would have been really hard trying to set up a new school.”
“…. De La Salle College began in 1912 and on the 4th of February Br Dunstan Drumm, Br Leopold Loughran and Br Jerome Foley arrived in Melbourne from Waterford, Ireland and commenced teaching 54

to start a "new life" at De La Salle.
In 1912 my great-grand father Simon Meade went to the newly founded De La Salle Primary School. He had to endure hardship, as the Brothers who came from Ireland were very strict about finishing homework on time. He also went to the De La Salle Secondary College in 1918.
Eight years later, in 1926, the first Blue and Gold was produced by the De La Salle boys. They worked tirelessly to make this book (now in the College Archives).”
Nick Bowe90 Years of Education at De La Salle

“Fortunately in 1928 the secondary school was reopened. One year later the Tower building was opened by Archbishop Mannix.”
“The Brothers were on a mission to expand the College, so in 1953 they purchased the Kinnoull campus for 25,500 pounds for the use of Years 3 to Form 1”
Matt Mitchell“ In 1930 De La Salle opened a boarding house (Tiverton) which 8 years later was moved to St Bede’s in Mentone. After 14 years a new building for the school was opened on the corner of Stanhope Street and Dalney Street.”
“…Another exciting event in the same decade was the first De La Salle schoolbag. It was made of vinyl and showed the school emblem. The very same style of bag was used until 1984.”
Daniel Madafferi“In 1962 the new Hall and Gym (now Performing Arts Centre) was built. In 1987 the Creative Arts Centre was built. In 1988 the new school gymnasium was built next to the Tower Building.
Max Taylor“Not much happened for the next 10 years. Then in 1972 a new administration and library block opened, the Brothers residence (Manresa) was demolished and a new Brothers house was built in High Street.”
“Kinnoull officially became the senior school in 1985.”

“....and in 1994 Fr Les Troy retired as the last full time chaplain of De La Salle College. In 1995 the High Street Campus was officially renamed Tiverton”.
For the future …..
“I see the school expanding even more and getting better than ever with good management, good teachers and hard working students.”
David La China
I hope the De La Salle students continue the traditions of the past students, and I would like to see De La Salle remain a place where each boy feels he belongs and a school where students strive for academic excellence while having fun and making good friends.
Nathan Davey Sam Taylor Mr Murray Enniss explains the history of the Tower BuildingGolf
The field for the 3rd annual De La Golf Masters teed off in great conditions at Southern Golf Club in April. Players were introduced to celebrity guests Trent Turner (1995 VCE), Clinton Harris (College staff), Nick Gardiner (2001 Golf Captain) and Peter Forehan (VCE teacher) who each encouraged the boys to do their best.
After 15 holes the Masters had developed into a closely-fought contest between Michael Conlan, Lucas Mannix, Gareth Davies and Byron Reynolds.
The 16th is a long par 4 requiring a tee shot over water and has a green with large bunkers. The leader, Michael Conlan, found trouble and recorded a triple bogey to fall back into a tie with Gareth Davies.
The 17th hole is rated as the toughest at Southern and Gareth hit a great 3 wood to the edge of the green. He took two putts for par and walked to the 18th hole with a two shot lead.
A birdie at the last was not quite enough to send Byron to the lead but it certainly made for a great finish. Gareth held on to win the 2002 Masters by one shot with a score of 85, a new De La Salle course record.
Trent Turner finished with 71, the lowest score by a College celebrity at Southern Golf Club.
Anthony Hillier won the nearest-to-the-pin prize and also the handicap event with a net 72.
The Longest Drive was recorded by Michael Conlan.

In 2001 Glenn Taylor (father of Max, Year 7 and Ashley, Year 8 2001) suggested the formation of a Sailing Team to compete in the Victorian Schools’ Competition.

Glenn’s idea was realised this year with 7 students participating: Max Taylor (7S), Jarrod Tuma (7H), Woody Eke (7D), Liam Poulton (9R), Adrian Mylius (10B), Robbie Kennedy (11G), and Peter Aquilina (11F).
Glenn is the driving force and coaches the team using the Sandringham Yacht Club equipment most Wednesday afternoons after school.
Competitions are held on weekends 3 or 4 times a year.
Back: Robert Kennedy (Year 11), Peter Aquilina (Year 11), Adrian Mylius (Year 10) Front: Liam Poulton (Year 9), Max Taylor (Year 7), Woody Eke (Year 7), Jarrod Tuma (Year 7)
The team’s first competitive outing was the Grand Prix Regatta at Albert Park in March with 140 students from 20 Victorian schools competing in identical Pacer Class dinghies.
De La won their races against Brighton SEC, Beaconhills and Geelong Grammar, but lost to St Bede’s, MHS and St Joseph’s.
Despite first-time nerves and a tough draw, De La had achieved a creditable final result of 12th out of 20 teams.
The advent of the Sailing team signals an exciting new era in De La sport.
The ACC Swimming Championships were held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre in February. For many, this night represents the culmination of over 30 weeks preparation, including up to 100 hours of squad training and over 4,000 laps of the Harold Holt 50 metre pool.
As in recent years, most swimmers recorded personal best times on the night. Swimmers were highly competitive in all events particularly in the U13 & 14 age groups. De La finished fifth. The future for the De La Salle Swim Team looks very bright indeed!
The Swim Team is represented by a fine group of young men that challenge themselves to do their best. The age group champions are as follows:
Year 4 Ryan Ellis
Year 5 Hamish Rix
Year 6 Tim Allan
U13 Max Taylor
U14 Glenn Membrey
U15 Stephen Collins
U16 Steven Fisher
U17 Michael Brown Senior James Westcott
Joint winners of the Old Collegians’ Race were Leigh Sherman (2001) and Joshua Rix (1996)

Come on 2003. We will be ready for you!
After a slight hiccup last year, De La regained the mantle of ACC Athletics Champions in March, 2002.
We were engaged in a titanic struggle all day with our nemesis from 2001, St Bernard’s, Essendon. Following the final event we had managed to record one of the narrowest victories in ACC history, by 6 points. In racing terms this is a short half head margin!
On carnival eve I asked our 53-strong team to enjoy the experience, be their best and understand that every point contributed would be vital. Well, they responded in the best possible way with a magnificent team effort. Although athletics can be considered mainly an individual sport, the catalyst for our success was our willingness to work for and with each other. Our great team spirit and unity was clearly evident by the team’s reaction when the final result was announced. It was party time and rightly so!
Hassett (Intermediate Captain) and Glenn Membrey (Junior Captain).
With 9 ACC titles in the past ten years the De La domination in athletics is alive and well!
Peter Harte Athletics CoordinatorSwimming Leaders: Michael Herkess (Year 10), Mr Andrew Cooper, Steve Fisher (Year 10), Leigh Sherman (2001) Ryan Sherman (Year 12) Mr Stewart Nicoll (1973)
Weight Training
The long-standing tradition of weightlifting is continuing at De La Salle, largely thanks to coach, Will Kelly. Will is a father of four sons, all involved in the sport, and travels to De La from Eltham to coach the boys during school lunch-times. He is a former Junior Victorian representative lifter and is now an accredited coach linked with the Hawthorn Weight-lifting Club.

Will and staff members, David Hale and Ken Stokes, have prepared the students for many competitions including the Victorian Schoolboys’ Championships and the Schools’ League competition.
Weight-lifting gives the boys a chance to achieve and to improve their self-esteem and confidence.
Last year Simon McCoy Year 12 was awarded Best
Under 18 male lifter in the Victorian Championships then won a Bronze Medal for Australia in the Oceania Junior Championships in Kiribati.
The De La Championship winners for 2001 in their weight categories were Jack Haley – 47kg, Mark Nowak – 51kg, Peter Nicholls – 56kg, Anthony Hale –62kg, Anthony Vanzella – 69kg and Matt Nayna –94kg.
Jeff Weston (Year 9) with coach Will Kelly
This year, the team has started well, finishing 2nd in Round 1 of the Victorian Schools’ League competition, ably led by Joshua Johns (captain) and Matthew Benvenuto (Junior captain).
Joshua Johns Year 12 has been nominated for the 2002 Leader Newspaper Sports Star of the Year Award.
Tim Ford Director of SportCricket
The 2002 Senior cricket teams enjoyed good results with the 1st XI finishing third and our 2nd XI runners-up. The 1st XI went through undefeated with one wash-out which proved costly as they finished second in their pool on percentage, setting up a clash with St Bede’s who finished on top in the opposite pool. The winner of this game would advance to the Grand Final. On the day St Bede’s proved too strong for De La who nevertheless comfortably won the play-off for third against Parade.

The 2nd XI went through the season losing only one game to ensure a Grand Final match against St Bede’s. The team was looking forward to the clash as the previous game against St Bede’s had been a wash-out. In a close encounter St Bede’s passed De La Salle’s total with only 10 balls remaining. School Captain Michael Stinear had a great game, scoring 68 runs and taking 1/4 off 6 overs.
Back: Mark Darmain, Josh Pereira, Tom Donegan, Tim Donegan, Tim Hynes, Julian Roberts, Shane Jeffree, Michael Beer, Rishton McArdle
Front: Simon Conway, Antony Garcia (Capt.), Peter Mercoulia, James Gaynor
Simon Conway, Year 12, and Mark Darmanin, Year 12 — Outstanding Openers’ Award; Shane Jeffree, Year 12 — Best All-rounder; 2nd XI Sam Merriel, Year 11 — Best Batsman.
Congratulations to our 2002 Trophy winners: 1st XI
Tim Ford Director of SportScience
Stopping Distance Investigation
In the accompanying photo Year 9 students Chris Marchese, Simon Chen, Tom McLean, Daniel Cannizzaro, Ryan Holland and Michael D’Amico perform an investigation into the factors affecting the distance that a model car takes to stop. These budding scientists were using new skills developed in the first topic of study in science for this year called “Working Scientifically”, designed to develop the students’ ability to think scientifically. In this
investigation, students were given a model car and wooden ramp and asked to develop a hypothesis that could be investigated and then perform an experiment to test chance to see if claim “Water goes anti-clockwise in Hemisphere” (in the Bart vs. Australia episode) was actually correct!

Want to do your own investigation? How about investigating if the old Chinese proverb “At equinox time you can stand an egg on its end” is true….
Peppe Di Ciccico Year 9 Science Teacher
Lord Somers Camp
During the summer holidays we spent a week at the Lord Somers Camp. With one hundred boys attending the youth leadership camp, we were put into five groups of 20. Our group became our family and gave support and motivation and we became great friends.
We were taught the Lord Somers Camp ideals of tolerance, equality, charity without recognition and the importance of friendship and leadership. In order to achieve these ideals we experienced physical challenges in sporting activities like tunnel ball, tug of war, medicine ball runs, relays, iron man contests and cross country races. These activities helped to break down personal barriers and build character and bonds of friendship that we feel can never be broken.

Coming away from the camp we took with us valuable lessons and skills that will help guide us through life. The experiences and friendships formed were unforgettable. Lord Somers Camp was a once in a

Year 12 Mass and Valedictory Dinner 2001

In addition to the Year 12 Breakfast, the College Graduation Assembly and the formality of being farewelled by the entire College, the graduating class with their parents and staff gathered at Caulfield Racecourse to celebrate the Eucharist with Fr Denis Rochford, MSC. At the conclusion of the Mass each student was presented with his Graduation Certificate. The Valedictory Dinner followed and immediately the air was full of a sense of celebration. The spirit of friendship, the sharing of De La moments and the unspoken awareness that this night was the end of an era, heightened the emotions of everyone present.
One of the highlights of the evening was Br Quentin’s Address to the Year 12 graduating students. Here are some edited extracts:
“I encourage you not to let the shadows of your fears dominate your life. You are your greatest resource. While always being mindful of your human frailty, strive to use the unique gifts God has given you.
Some of the well-known fears you will have to confront are associated with:
Lack of self-esteem
Image - how you measure up for “good looks”
Pressure from your peers
Success in your future studies
Gaining employment.
The danger is to be trapped into thinking too much about personal deficiencies. When all is said and done:
Jesus — the boy next door, the carpenter’s son,
Mother Teresa — a frail, old, wrinkled lady,
Ben Chifley — an engine driver living in a tiny house in Bathurst — were very real human beings who faced up to their fears and what a difference they made to people’s lives!
As I strive to persevere in serving Christ in others, I draw daily inspiration from the following reflection. Perhaps, young men, it can help you in your lives:
“I am only one, BUT I AM ONE. I cannot do everything, BUT I CAN DO SOMETHING. The something I can do I SHOULD DO. What I should do with the grace of God, I WILL DO.”
Parents’ Association
What a great start to the year! The New Book Sale was very successful. With a large number of parents helping with the distribution, we achieved the best profit for many years.
Our 2002 Opening Mass in February had an overwhelming response, with over 380 people attending. Fr John Barry, CM said the Mass and a special collection for the Margaret Oates Soup Kitchen in Collingwood was taken.

The Morning Tea and the Cocktail Party for parents of new students were great successes. With over 300 people attending the Cocktail Party the host couples from each year welcomed and entertained our new parents and everyone enjoyed the evening.

The 16 mothers who attended the child-free weekend at Jan Juc in March had a great opportunity to relax and meet other mums from the College. As one new Year 7 mother remarked after the weekend ”I knew no one when I arrived. I enjoyed a lovely two days in the company of a group of gracious and affable ladies. I hope to meet more in October.”
The Fun Run, held on a wonderful autumn morning in March, was a chance to test fitness and win prizes. This occasion was, as always, a popular day with College families.
The annual Easter raffle was a great achievement with 10 prizes given away. The donation of chocolate eggs from families for this event was greatly appreciated and the total raised was $750!
May 21st and 28th – First Aid Course
July 27th – “90 Not Out” Anniversary Dance September 11th – Fashion Parade.
The new Parents’ Association committee, elected in March consists of President: Judith Clancy Vice President: Tony Tesoriero Treasurer: Gary Squire Secretary: Trish Woodman Publicity: John Davies Committee: John Davis John Hindle Elizabeth Kortum Ann Manning Ann Nolan Stephen Quirk
From The Heritage Centre
Opening of Original College Building.
Although the Brothers were promised their own school building on their arrival in Australia in 1912, it wasn't until 9th April, Easter Tuesday that they were able to commence classes in their own, purpose built school in Stanhope Street West.
When Br Dunstan Drumm FSC, Br Leopold Loughran FSC and Br Jerome Foley FSC arrived in Melbourne on the 4th February 1912, they commenced teaching 54 boys in the St Joseph’s Parish Hall (formerly the church). Although very unsatisfactory, the conditions were endured for only a short period of time.
On Sunday 31st March 1912, the first De La Salle school in Victoria was blessed and opened by His Grace Archbishop Carr in the presence of Fr Simon Hegarty, CM. Covering this major event were The Advocate and The Tribune, Melbourne's Catholic newspapers and both gave a detailed account of the days proceedings.

During the speeches, Mr Hagelthorn M.L.C. said “It must be very gratifying to the Archbishop and Fr Hegarty to see the building erected so quickly and so effectively with all modern requirements in the centre of Malvern”.
Br Dunstan thanked all guests “on behalf of the Brothers, I desire to say that we feel extremely grateful to his Grace for coming here this afternoon, at great personal inconvenience to perform the solemn ceremony of blessing and opening our new school.” The “new school” was later sold to the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board and is now home to the Malvern Tramways Museum.
Steven Stefan ArchivistAlumni — 90 Years Reunion
The 90th Anniversary Reunion
The 90th Anniversary Of DLS Malvern was convened at the Heath Centre at Caulfield Racecourse on 19th April. 260 guests were present from the years 1912-1961, many with wives and partners, 13 old boy priests and about 15 guests from interstate and overseas. There was preliminary fellowship among the early arrivals and the formalities commenced with Mass concelebrated by Most Rev Eric D’Arcy, retired Archbishop of Hobart and Ron Mulkearns, retired Bishop of Ballarat, with eight other Old Collegian priests. This was an impressive and soul satisfying ceremony.

Following the final blessing we all disbursed to allocated tables arranged to mix old boys with classmates or contemporaries. Br Tim Peter gave a brief formal welcome and Grace was said by Fr Peter Rankin (1954). An excellent meal and liquid refreshments were enjoyed by all present. Guest speakers were Br David Hawke, Australasian Provincial and Bishop Ron Mulkearns who each gave short and interesting addresses. The ubiquitous and ever jovial raconteur Br Stanislaus Carmody was at his witty best and all the Old Collegians from the 40’s onwards could relate to his humorous and highly entertaining reminiscences. A most interesting segment of the evening was a video clip with John Lloyd, 98 years young, the only surviving student of the College’s opening day in 1912. The photo shots covered the early period of the schools history and the scenes, buildings and frères shown were readily recognised by all Old Collegians.
The finale to a most enjoyable night was the Toast to the College by Bernie Hoy (1954) and the leading of the rousing chorus of “Cheers Cheers” by Stricko (Peter Strickland –1943). On leaving we had just another look at the class and group photographs on display at the end of the room. A great night it surely was, and each Old Collegian received a ‘show-bag’ of memorabilia containing souvenirs of the occasion.
Bryan Raftis (1951)
Br David Hawke’s Address
Ninety years is a significant milestone in the life of a person and indeed the life of an institution and this year we celebrate 90 years since the foundation of De La Salle College, Malvern.
To me, the celebration of any Jubilee in the life of a school points to the sharing of memories, the memories of people into whose fabric of life has weaved the history we celebrate this evening.
Late last year the De La Salle Brothers launched the History of the District of Australia, NZ & PNG, "For Youth and the Poor" which documents well the foundation and growth of De La Salle College, Malvern.
education of youth at De La Salle I thank God for ❐ this College, our longest remaining foundation in the District ❐ the unswerving loyalty of the Old Collegians who have great pride in the Blue and Gold ❐ the contribution Old Collegians have made to Australian society in a multiplicity of professions ❐ the extraordinary number of Old Collegians who entered the priesthood, the De La Salle Brothers and other religious orders ❐ the number of Old Collegians sportsmen who serve as role models for youth ❐ the Brothers and lay staff whose faith and zeal underpins the education of thousands of young men at the College ❐ the unswerving support of parents, mothers and fathers auxiliaries and Board members I ❐ the present College community who stand proudly on the shoulders of those who laid the foundations of this College and respect and live its tradition and heritage.
Congratulations to Br Tim, Headmaster, and all who constitute the College community celebrating 90 years in 2002.
May the College motto, Deo Duce, continue to inspire you.

Br David Hawke, Provincial

Reflections of Br Stan Carmody Outstanding Lasallian Leaders

The following irreverent tribute to several outstanding De La Salle headmasters is an edited excerpt from an address given by Br Stanislaus Carmody at the De La
organization was not his strength. During the war, the Brothers’ house was the Air Raid Wardens’ post. One day a letter appeared in the paper pointing to a
trenches along the fences next to the Primary School. The Melbourne climate soon ensured that they filled with water. So one had the choice of being bombed or drowned!
Br Peter 1947–52
Peter was a tough man — tough on himself and on others.
One April Fool’s Day the matric class deposited alarm clocks in the ventilator shaft and under the teacher’s dais, timed to go off during Br Oswald’s class. Nothing happened until the next class, Br Peter’s, when the first alarm went off. Pete hit the roof as only he could! However before the class ended the other alarm went off! I took over a very subdued class.
To me this is coming home. To look around this gathering and see so many that I taught, coached or went to cadet camp with, brings back many memories.
Half of my teaching career was spent at De La and I thank God and my superiors for that.
In 1959 Br Jerome suggested that I be appointed
“For Youth And The Poor”
Book Launch — “For Youth and the Poor. The De La Salle Brothers in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand 1906–2000”
The launch by Professor Peter Drake of this important Lasallian history at De La Salle College, Malvern on 26 November was an occasion that celebrated the story of the De La Salle Brothers’ foundation and ongoing presence in the District. Brothers, Lasallian partners, old boys and students from throughout the District graced this significant event.

The author, Peter Donovan, gifts the District with a history which records admirably the achievements of many, faithful to the human and Christian education of youth in the District. Professor Peter Drake’s address unfolded a glimpse of that history both from his reading of the text and his personal experience as an Old Collegian of De La Salle College, Malvern.

Circular 435 from the centre of the Institute in Rome refers to the Brothers as: “The heart, the memory, the guarantors of the Lasallian charism!”
As time passes, memories fade. However “For Youth and the Poor” records for the future generations St John Baptist De La Salle’s vision as lived in the unfolding story of the District of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
Br David Hawke, FSC ProvincialThe result is a rich text, with great issues, triumphs and developments leavened by passing events, personalities, conflicts, escapades and humour; and all wonderfully illustrated by a very large collection of photographs. The book is fascinating and pleasurable
Some edited extracts from Professor Peter Drake’s speech:
Peter Donovan’s history is right on target and in keeping with the high aspirations of the De La Salle Institute. It is the story of generations of men striving, and sometimes failing, to infuse temporal things with spiritual values. The work is solid, professional scholarship, well grounded in documentary records and embellished by oral accounts.
Peter Donovan writes from a position of sympathy with the ideals of the Institute and with a subtle understanding of the Brothers’ way of life; but he does not shirk his critical responsibilities as an historian.
true of the Brothers of the future – as Br Superior Pablo said in 1980, “Our brothers ought to disappear when there are neither young people nor poor”.
Some Memories of De La Salle Malvern
I arrived at Malvern in January 1951 from NSW with Brothers Edward Gehrig, James Thomas and Celestine Gavin. For all of us this was our first appointment after four years training and we soon learnt that the unexpected was always waiting to happen.
Br Celestine took his 5th class to cricket at Glen Iris but was unaware that one of his pupils, Guy Gianni from France, had little English and certainly no experience of cricket. Having been directed by his captain to field close up to the bat, poor Guy copped a full-blooded hit from the bat across his forehead! Br Celestine recalls the wholesale panic from some boys who insisted that “if the blood reaches his eyes, Brother, he’ll go blind!” New to his surroundings, Br Celestine advised by his class, took the bleeding Guy to a nearby doctor’s surgery and then had the task of getting his flock and Guy back home without a car. And that was only the day after beginning at school! By 1962 De La Salle had made great progress in becoming a “singing school”. Brothers Cormac,
Candidus and Gerard took charge of training the boys so that all classes were covered. Founders’ Day masses at St Joseph’s had become very full-throated events so the College was ready to celebrate its first 50 years in the same style in St Patrick’s Cathedral. There was a special a capella choir which had previously won its section at the Dandenong Festival. For the 50 Years’ celebration day the choir was augmented by the famous tenor, Lorenzo Nolan whose son Paul was one of the choristers, together with Br Cormac Brophy, a fine tenor and Ron Conway who sang bass with the cathedral choir. The performance of the choir on this occasion was so outstanding that one of the presiding bishops was led to remark that he had never heard the cathedral choir in such fine voice! But it was also the singing of the whole school which made this a very special occasion.
Br Gerard Rummery
Asia Pacific Lasallian Youth Congress
In December 2001, over 150 young Lasallians from the Asia Pacific region gathered at St Josephs College, Hunters Hill NSW, to participate in the 6th Asia Pacific Lasallian Youth Congress. The Congress began twelve years ago and this was the first time that the District of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea hosted the event.

The congress welcomed delegates, teachers and Brothers from Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and our ‘district’. Br David Hawke, Provincial for the District of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, officially opened APLYC6. We were honoured, too, with the presence of Br Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, the 26th successor of St John Baptist De La Salle, on his first visit to Australia as Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers. Br Victor Franco, General Councillor, accompanied him and also fully participated in the congress program.
The Organising Committee, lead by Br Anthony Cummins (De La Salle -1980), developed the theme of “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”. As Youth Ministry in the District focuses on
Faith, Service and Community the three pillars for which young people can help those who are marginalised, it played a critical role in the program.
In order to remain sensitive to the various religions of delegates, the Faith Team lead by Br Peter Ryan, created a “sacred space”. This was a peaceful, quiet area in which delegates could reflect on their faith and how they could use it in providing service to the community.
The Service Team, lead by Br Owen Mason, organised a series of service projects for all delegates. The purpose of these visits was to highlight that while Australia is “the lucky country” there are many marginalised people because of poverty, drugs, alcohol, mental illness or
The Community Team, coordinated by Br Ray Khan, ensured that each delegate arrived and departed safely and thoroughly enjoyed the congress. The group created a program which allowed delegates to experience our culture through a concert, Lasallian presentations, guest speakers and a tour of Sydney. APLYC6 enriched and inspired all participants and facilitated the creation of many new friendships between delegates from the Asia Pacific region.
Fish La Salle
Fish La Salle is a non-profit organization formed late last year by several Lasallian Old Collegians with the aim of taking students from the Lasallian schools fishing. The aim is to give them the chance to relax and learn new skills in an area in which they may not have had any previous experience, with the least possible cost to their parents.

St James College in East Bentleigh is the first school to participate and last year they enjoyed two day trips to Kilcunda surf beach and a fourday trip to Apollo Bay. This year they have already enjoyed fishing successes with a day trip to the Docklands on the Yarra River behind Colonial Stadium and a four-day trip to Bemm River, held during the April holiday. The 16 students, five Old Collegians and a Brother, caught over 250 fish. Plans are underway to extend this opportunity to
the students at Malvern very soon.
Fish La Salle is committed to funding their operations through the help of the wider community. Expenses are kept to a minimum by heavy subsidies, which come from donations and finance from the government and Fish La Salle readily accept donations of money, fishing tackle and equipment (new or used) and boats or water sports equipment.

If you would like to donate to Fish La Salle, or would like further information, please contact either Terence Farrell on 0414 903 109 or Mark Farrell on 0416 251 025
Keiren RogersLuncheon For Mothers Of Former Students
Another wonderful day!’ said a guest as she left the luncheon. The third and biggest group to gather for the annual reunion of mothers of former students met in the Performing Arts Centre at the College late last year. Each year an increasing number of women gather to enjoy good food and wine, share in the telling of stories from their days associated with the College and, of course, passing on the latest news of their sons and their families.
Br Tim, in his address to the ladies, spoke on some of the highlights of the College year and extended an invitation for them all to come and celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the College in 2002. The choir and the jazz band performed several numbers for the ladies during the luncheon. Then it was back to more chatter for everyone. Mrs Robyn Brasher welcomed the new mothers from the
graduating class of 2000 and encouraged all the ladies present to notify their friends who had sons at the College to phone the College and have their names placed on the database of Mothers of Former Students to ensure inclusion when the invitations go out for the big 90th Anniversary Dinner on Tuesday 6th August, 2002 at the College. Hope to see you there.

OCA Football
Your Old Collegians’ footy club has returned to “A” grade for season 2002! This follows a very successful 2001 season in VAFA “B” grade, where a youthful team was gallant in defeat in the Grand Final against Old Ivanhoe. De La had defeated Old Ivanhoe in the 2nd Semi final and led them in the Grand Final by 24 points at half time but were unable to hang on for victory.

Committee for 2002:
Patrick McConville (third year) heads up an Executive comprising VP John Corin, Secretary Colin Glover, Treasurer Loretta Crowe with members Carmel Bolt, John Bolt, John Bowden, Phil Brasher, Ben Corin, David Duggan (Sponsorships), Michael Hegan, Paul O’Brien (U17’s), Martin Shields (VAFA Member), Greg Spithill (Football Manager) and Sam Thomas. Br Mark Murphy and Br Jack (John) Kidd are the Old Collegians’ Association and the College representatives respectively on the committee.
Coaching Appointments:
Paul Cooper returns for his third year as Senior Coach with former Club 18 coach and recent advance spotter Noel Jenkinson as his assistant. Terry Russell, much-respected Under 19’s coach, takes on the Reserves’ coaching role. Mark Williamson returns for his second stint with the Warriors (Club 18). Denis Bilston (successful 2001 U17’s coach) steps up to the Under 19 (1) role.
Robin Smith takes on the role of Under 19 (2) coach for a second time. Nigel Buckley, father of Seniors’ star, Rohan, takes over the important coaching role for the Under 17’s who play in the MSJFL.
Gym at Bert Healy Pavilion: The club commenced operation of its gym at our home ground, Waverley Oval in September 2001. The $35,000 cost of the gym, the construction and the equipment were financed entirely from Club resources with planning and administration support from Stonnington Council, and tax deductibility obtained through the Australian Sports Foundation. Thanks to Kieran O’Donnell for his management of the project and Ron Faul for overseeing the fitting out.

All Old Collegians are invited to sponsor the club in any of the three levels available: Gold, Silver or Bronze. Membership of the President’s Club ($209) or Supporters Club ($55) is also available and the Club would appreciate any support Old Collegians and their friends can provide. Contact David Duggan (0419 508 921) or Colin Glover 0419 889 635 for details.
Keep abreast of your Old Collegians’ footy club by visiting the website at www.delafootball.com.au where you can register your email address and receive weekly editions of the De La Footballer produced by Old Collegian, Steve “shippa” Hoy.
De La fielded four teams this season at the Box Hill Athletics track and enjoyed vigorous competition in Sections 2, 3 and 4.
The section 2 team finished in fifth position, section 3 sixth, and the section 4 teams eighth and twelfth.
The wonderful De La spirit is exemplified by Old Collegian, Shane Asbury, who competed in between five and seven events on a regular basis at a high standard, covering everything from sprints and middle-distance to throws.
We warmly invite all current and past athletes from
the College to join the club, whether as a participating athlete, administrator, or official with Athletics Victoria.
Jack Di Giantomasso, President 01/02, 98579354(AH), 98392838(BH)
Email jacko_digi@hotmail.com
Lou Ferrari, Treasurer 00/0198593851(ah), 96978469(bh)
Greg McHenry 97397226(ah), 97298999(BH)
Did You Know ?
John Lloyd at 98 is our oldest Old Collegian. At the age of 8 he was one of the 54 students who attended the first day of the newly established De La Salle College in 1912. Much has been said this year about our beginnings 90 years ago and John is constantly being mentioned and referred to as our longest living scholar. John is also the oldest living retiree of the former State Saving Bank and the oldest surviving soldier from his battalion. His son John (1953) lives in Dungog, in rural NSW, and his two youngest grandsons are also Old Collegians. Simon Watmough (1993) is an Arts/Commerce student and his brother Nicolas (1997) is completing a Law/ Computer Engineering degree.
Jack Dyer (1932) “Captain Blood”, famous for his 312 games in the AFL with his beloved Tigers and then a dominant figure in the media for years to follow, is almost as old as the College. Born in 1913, and one of our earliest students, he honed his skills in the playgrounds of Stanhope Street. Jack is currently convalescing in Camberwell.
John Sullivan (1935) received an AFL award during 2001, the “Year of the Volunteer”, in recognition of his contribution to Australian Football. Wayne Jackson and Kevin Sheedy signed the Volunteers of Australian Football Award. The OCAFC and College community congratulate a dedicated Old Coll.
Gerard Woods (1985) is a partner at Allens Arthur Robinson solicitors. He and his wife, Karen have four children and live in Murrumbeena. Nick (1986) joined the in-house legal team at Coles Myer in 1999 and is presently based in Sydney as legal counsel for the liquor division. Damien (1988) left the teaching profession to join Corpfit, a vocational training company, as a manager. Damien lives in Burnley. Paul (1989) returned to Deacons Solicitors after his year as Aide to the Governor of Victoria and in January this year his wife Louise gave birth to their first child. Andrew (1992) completed his law degree last year and travelled overseas for four months before commencing articles of clerkship at KPMG Legal in March
Brendan Kennedy (1976) has recently been made an associate professor at the School of Chemistry at Sydney University where he has worked for fifteen years. Brendan and his wife have two teenage daughters.
Chris Cassidy (1983) is a client manager for the company Salary Packaging Solutions and after living ten years overseas he and his wife are busy renovating their Melbourne house.
Peter Mackintosh (1991) sent an email to the College, proudly advising that his brother Andrew (1988) and wife Peta, had a boy, Lachlan James, on Valentine’s day at Cabrini Hospital. The College sport staff is hopeful for another Mackintosh footballer at De La.
Gavin Hynes (1988) and his wife Prue have also produced a son, Joshua Patrick, born in July 2001 and fellow class mate Brendan Hoy (1988) and his
wife Ann-Maree were delighted to receive an early Christmas present in the form of their first baby, Bridget Denise born on December 24th Michael Edge (1971) followed a naval officer’s career until 1993 and has now settled in Sydney where he works in the entertainment business that involves yet more overseas travel.
Richard Vidakovic (1982) now Richard Callaghan BSc PhD has spent years carrying out research projects in Canada and is currently lecturing at Oxford University and Merton College in the UK, while running his own laboratory researching drug resistance in cancer, hypertension and visual disorders. He and his wife have two children.
Tom Frost (1952) maintains that the highlight of his musical career was being selected as the rehearsal pianist for Barbra Streisand when she visited Melbourne recently. He was overwhelmed by her sincere manner and says that it was his ability to read and feel the music that she appreciated.
Tony McManus (1974) and his family are enjoying living in Perth where he hosts the morning programs on radio station 6PR. He recently discovered that he and frequent guest on his program Fr Brian Morrison (1951) shared a De La Malvern education.
Tony Pagone (1972) was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria in October 2001. With a distinguished legal career and many academic achievements (including a Master of Laws from Cambridge University with first class honours), he has served on numerous legal boards, commissions and councils. He has been admitted to practice in all Australian states and territories as well as the Republic of Ireland. Although taxation has been his key area, he has lectured to post graduate Law students, served on the executive committee of Amnesty International and his social commitment has extended to the Italian community where he has worked for the Italian social welfare organization.
Congratulations Tony!
Simon Ngu (1999) backpacked alone through much of western Europe during uni holidays and met up with his brothers Phillip (1999, Year 9) Charles (1990) and David (1992) in Paris for the festive season celebrations. He worked in Tuscany before returning through Poland and Russia to commence his third year of a Science/Law degree.
Patrick Doyle (1996) received the top honours award for a student of Philosophy at Melbourne University in 2001. Congratulations Pat!
Bernie Carolan (1970) is the Commercial Director for National Express (owner of trams, trains and interstate passenger trains). He finds it amusing that, like many other De La students over the years, he caught trams and trains to school, and now he is helping to operate them! His brother Peter (1963) has been working for the past three years with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies based in Geneva after more than twenty years with the Red Cross Blood Bank in
Melbourne. His wife Lillian and daughter are adapting to the lifestyle change and son Simon (1996) is living and working in Sydney.
Simon Janes (1992) has moved to The Hague with his new job at BHP Billiton. As their Senior Analyst he will assist in setting up the company’s new Global Treasury Department.
Justin Thompson (1993) completed an industrial design course during which he won the Holden Design Award and a scholarship to Chiba University in Japan. Since then he has been a member of the Holden Design Team at GMH, Port Melbourne.
Adrian (1995) headed overseas after completing a hospitality management course and joined the Ritz Carlton Group. He worked firstly in Cleveland USA then returned to work at Double Bay in Sydney during the Olympics and is presently working in Sales and Marketing at the Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey.
Terry Maher (1963) retired recently as the CEO of Knox City council after 38 years in local government. He commenced his career at Melbourne City Council, served in Vietnam and then worked at Essendon Croydon and Monash councils. Terry is married and has four grown children. Noel (1961) is a pharmaceutical chemist and Peter (1965) is an associate professor of Gynaecological surgery at the Mercy Hospital. Peter says they are all are proud to be graduates of De La!
Fr Stuart Hall (1980) has been performing his duties as HMAS Anzac’s chaplain, in the Persian Gulf. He spends much of his time being flown by helicopter to the various US warships nearby to offer the Eucharist. After his ship has been relieved on duties in the Gulf, it will return to Australia. Fr Stuart will then be sent to East Timor for six months to serve as chaplain to the forces there.
Andrew Hickey (1998) has been studying Sport Management at Deakin University and will leave soon to continue his study at the University of Massachusetts in Boston USA. Martin (1995) is moving to Darwin to continue his flying career having obtained both his commercial and instructors licences. David (1993) is also on the move — to work in Ireland. He will continue his work as a civil engineer involved with the construction of road systems.
Xavier Russo (1994) having completed his Arts/ Engineering degree has been working as a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton for the last three years. In March he and his wife Bronwyn were married and they are living in Kensington.
Liam Hammer (1991) and his wife Joanne spent several months travelling throughout Europe last year before taking up teaching positions at an international school in Bangkok. They are enjoying the life style changes of living as expatriates, the opportunity to continue to travel to surrounding countries and the challenges of teaching in a new educational organization.
Damian Brown (1987) has received a
Commonwealth scholarship to train for the 2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games. Damian has an unrivalled record representing Australia in international weightlifting competition. He will become the only Australian weightlifter to compete at four Commonwealth Games if he is selected in the squad. Best wishes at the trials Damian.
Giuseppe Cosentino (1998) took part in a competition with more than 1400 dancers during the three-day Dancesport championships in December. Dancesport is regarded as one of the most athletic and spectacular sports in the world today.
Mark Farrell (1993) and his bride Nadia had to find time to vote before their wedding on November 10th last year. Nadia called into her local primary school where other voters stood back to make room for the bride, her gown and train as she stepped up to the booth before rushing off to exchange vows with Mark. David Williamson (1987) is an occupational therapist with TAC in Melbourne. He is married with one child.
Mark (1986) worked as primary teacher prior to changing careers and working for Bayside Area Network as a project coordinator. Nick (1988) recently finished a music degree at the College of Art and is now studying for his Dip Ed.
Mark Ryan (1991) is a fully qualified baker/pastry chef living and working on the Gold Coast where he enjoys surfing and playing football for Labrador in the QAFL.
Andrew Scott (1991) works in property development in the Melbourne area. He and his wife Brigitte have a son Nicholas.
Jonathan Brabner (1991) followed his science degree with a postgraduate degree in environmental science. He works at CSIRO in the forestry products and information areas. Andrew (1987) is studying environmental horticulture at Burnley and works part time with Peter Manning (1987) at the Peninsular Golf Club.
Michael Juliff (1980) followed his commerce study with nearly ten years performing with the Australian Ballet. He left the ballet world and has settled in Perth where he is the Senior Accountant for Perth Central TAFE. He and his wife have a son.
Mr David Rummery who taught for ten years at De La Salle Malvern from 1957-1966 died in September 2001 at Armidale NSW. His former students will remember him with affection as an enthusiastic teacher of English, History and Geography and for his assistance with debating and cricket. David was subsequently well-known throughout the north-west of NSW as a drama teacher and an adjudicator at drama festivals. He is survived by his wife and his seven children.
90th Anniversary Reunion Dates
All Old Collegians from the following years are invited to the following reunions:
June 28th Dinner for all Alumni 1962-1981
August 30th Dinner for all Alumni 1982-2001
College Dates to Remember
June 14 Year 12 Dinner Dance
July 12th Blue and Gold Ball
July 27th Parents’ Celebration “90 Not Out”
September 11th Fashion Parade
Old Collegians
June 28th Reunion Dinner for all Alumni from 1962 – 1981
August 2nd Year 12 Revisited 2001
August 6th Dinner for Mothers of Former Students
August 30th Reunion Dinner for all Alumni from 1982 – 2001
Rest In Peace
Condolences and prayers of support from the Lasallian community are offered to these families.
Edward Cairnes 1931 Graham Campbell 1951
John Tracey 1936 James Chalk 1937
Brian Donegan 1948 John Kingston 1981
Barry Felstead 1954 Kevin Johnson 1941
Leo Wall 1930 Max Linard 1951
Alexander Splatt 1939 Geoffrey Martin 1951 Kevin McBeth 1960 Fr “Joe” O’Dea (Br Joseph)
“Tower Building — De La Salle College Malvern” by John Davis, father of Paul Davis (Year 12), presented as a gift to the College in December 2000