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Tiverton Campus Report
Tiverton Campus
As you would expect, the Tiverton Campus has been a place of much activity throughout 2005. It is a challenging task to capture the many varied and diverse co-curricular activities that have taken place throughout the course of the year. I continue to observe a strong sense of community amongst the students, parents and staff on a daily basis on the Tiverton Campus. The relationship between these groups is based on respect from which open, honest, caring and genuine relationships continue to develop even further, and consequently enhance the learning environment for all students. The continued support of parents in regard to the education of their sons has been greatly appreciated by the College throughout the year. This year the traditional Sports Houses have been re-introduced for our House Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals. The four Houses — St Edwin’s, St Austin’s, St Leo’s and St Mark’s — have been embraced by the staff and students, which I am sure will further add to the fine atmosphere of the respective carnivals in the future. It is hoped that this initiative will be a starting point to help maintain and build on the tradition of the Sports Houses that have been such an important aspect of De La Salle over the years. The Student Representative Council has again been extremely active on the Tiverton campus. Under the excellent guidance of Ms. Dianne Byers the students met regularly and worked very well together on fundraising activities, the Social Justice Mass and various other College activities. I thank those students who represented their peers on the SRC this year in such a positive manner. The generous spirit of all members of De La Salle College continues to be quite extraordinary. The hundreds of Christmas presents donated to the St Vincent de Paul Society, the $60,000 raised on Mission Action Day and the thousands of food items distributed to the Sacred Heart Mission are all very practical examples of this enormous generosity and a means of helping those less fortunate than ourselves. In my role as Deputy Headmaster/Head of Tiverton Campus, I am very grateful for the support given to me by a number of people. I particularly thank Br Bill for his fine leadership of the College and his much valued support throughout the year. I sincerely thank the other members of the Leadership Team, the Year Level and Primary Coordinators, the Homeroom Teachers, the Campus Counsellor, Subject Teachers, the Daily Organiser, Key Learning Coordinators, Director of Sport and ancillary staff for their loyalty, dedication and commitment to De La Salle throughout 2005. I would also thank my Executive Assistant, Mrs Joan Ferguson and the office/administrative staff for their much appreciated assistance this year. De La Salle College is a school of many different facets. These facets can be of a spiritual, academic, cultural, sporting or social dimension which greatly influences the very positive environment which underpins the Tiverton Campus and the wider College community. I congratulate and thank all members of the De La Salle community who have contributed to the life of the College in 2005 in such a positive manner. Mr Peter Riordan Deputy Headmaster/Head of Tiverton Campus Peer Support

Earlier in the year, students from Year 9 were asked to submit applications for the positions of leadership in the College in the Peer Support Programme. The response was overwhelming! Some 65 boys took a two-day intensive training programme where the boys learnt skills they would need to run peer support sessions with Year 7 students. The sessions were an extension of the current Personal Development course which is a vital part of the school curriculum. One of the advantages of the programme is that senior students can relate their own personal experiences to younger students to help them through an often trying period of transition in their lives. Year 9 students were often able to deal with issues the younger boys felt more comfortable discussing with students rather than a teacher. The feedback from both year levels was very positive. After having a great deal of contact with the Year 9 students involved in this programme, I would like to extend sincere congratulations to these boys. They were dedicated in their endeavours, striving to give their very best at all times. Their enthusiasm and commitment to the programme can only be commended. Thank-you to Mr Harte, who helped with the training days as well as ensuring that the boys were organised. Thanks also to the teachers who supported the programme.
Ms Dianne Byers