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College Captain’s Report
College Leaders 2005
Row 3: Peter Murray, Nathan Harris, Alex Gow, Alex Tyrrell, Craig Almeida, Row 2: Mr Matthew Breen, David Bentley, Stephen Badrock, David McKenna, Adam Cox, Br Adrian, Br Bill Row 1: Mr Peter Riordan, Seamus Scanlon, Tim McKenna, Jonathon Matthews, Ben Shipperd, Mr Richard Komiazyk
This year I was given the unique opportunity to be College Captain, an honour beyond my most optimistic dreams. With 12 other College Leaders of 2005 I set my sights on helping make the year enjoyable and memorable for all. The theme for the Class of 2005 was ‘Finding a Balance’, no straightforward goal considering the demands placed on year 12 students in their final year. Yet the student involvement in College activities this year shows how successfully a balance was struck throughout 2005. All College Leaders were actively involved in the creation of College events. ‘Kinnoull Week’, sets out to create a strong bond between senior students involving live bands and other shared activities. The De La Salle Community once again gave generously to the Mission Action Day, in excess of $60,000 to worthy mission causes. Having now experienced my last Founder’s Day, I appreciate it is a day embracing the true spirit and tradition of De La Salle, Malvern, that will continue to be valued by all. I would like to thank each member of our leadership group for showing patience, intelligence and generosity of spirit; you truly did make this year one to remember. To Jonathon Matthews and Seamus Scanlon, our Vice-Captains, I thank you for your friendship, your tireless work and your constant good humour and camaraderie. On behalf of all the Leaders, we owe a debt of gratitude to Mr Breen, a fine example for any leader and a true mentor to his students. His experience and expertise impressed all of us. Our thanks are extended to Mr Komiazyk, Br Adrian and Br Bill for their constant support of our endeavours. All were voices of reason and sound judgment, keeping us directed and task-oriented with never a criticism of our ideas; their doors were always open to us. To Mrs Bew, whose organisational skills and kindness of spirit is acknowledged by all, we give thanks. Our deepest appreciation goes to all our teachers who, amidst the frenzy of — sometimes— misguided energy, gently and constantly reminded us that we were studying in our most important academic year. Their commitment was an inspiration to us all. To our parents, (in particular my mum and dad), our Year 12 group shares with me an undying respect for you all. You have encouraged us when we have faltered and reminded us that we are members of loving and caring families. Finally, to each of my fellow De La students: I have been sustained by your friendship and support. Each of you has made a unique contribution to the Class of 2005 and ensured, through your individual talents, that our final year remains an indelible memory for all.
Tim McKenna College Captain