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College Leaders 2005
A Tribute to Brother Quentin
“Greatness is not found in possessions, power, postion or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service and character”. The above quote is a feeble attempt to sum up some of the outstanding qualities to be found in Brother Quentin O’Halloran. He is a man blessed with many skills, positively touching people’s lives and making each person feel extraordinarily special. He is universally well liked, self-effacing, highly respected and admired. He is a gifted and talented teacher who, through his quiet and unassuming presence, is able to inspire his colleagues and students. His love of literature is obvious to anyone who has listened to his sensitive and uplifting morning reflections or discussed a literature text with him. He has an uncanny ability to quote from a variety of classical texts and to interpret the essence of a text. The English Faculty has been fortunate to have him as a member of the Department and has been enriched by his vast knowledge, gentle counsel, pragmatism, innate wisdom and experience. The word “integrity” epitomises Brother Quentin. He is everyone’s confidant without ever seeking this role. Staff and students alike recognise that he is a person with whom they can share their innermost thoughts, hopes and dreams with the full knowledge that they will never be judged. His innate understanding of the needs of adolescent boys and his daily pastoral care of all students is an example he leaves for all of us to follow. Staff and students are drawn to his innate goodness and gentleness of spirit. Brother Quentin’s extraordinary experiences as Provincial of the Brothers, Headmaster of three Colleges, and teacher at many more, are juxtaposed to his humility and gentle demeanour. He takes his life as a De La Salle Brother very seriously and this is demonstrated in his selflessness and willingness to be of service to others. On many occasions he is to be found tutoring students, at lunchtimes and during the holiday breaks, and this generosity is an integral aspect of his character. Brother Quentin’s equanimity is obvious to all those he meets. He remains in close contact with many past students and staff. He is the first to contact people in times of a crisis. What better testimonial is there to demonstrate Brother Quentin’s ability to “touch hearts”? Brother Quentin has a deep and unwavering faith. His abilities and impressive communication skills will help to ensure that his mission is not yet over. He will continue to make a difference wherever this new phase of his life takes him. Brother Quentin can be heartened with the knowledge that those he leaves behind at De La Salle College extend their love, gratitude, profound respect and best wishes for no doubt what will continue to be a rich, rewarding, meaningful and happy future. Thank you Brother Quentin for sharing yourself and your gifts with us. On behalf of the staff, may I say it has been a privilege to have worked with you.
Ms Margaret McPhee
From the Student Body

When Br Quentin retires from teaching this year it will be a sad day indeed, not only for De La Salle as a whole but for the young men who will have missed out on his guidance. The years we spend at high school, particularly the last few are, I believe, our most formative. We finally grow into our bodies, minds and hearts, establishing the paths we will follow for the rest of our lives. In this sense I am, and will forever be, grateful that I had the pleasure, honour and good fortune of seeing through my last two years with Br Q. as a teacher and friend. Br Quentin’s teaching inspired in me a passion for learning, for looking deeper. I will always remember his classroom as an intellectually stimulating place with admonishment coming not in a raised voice, but in a soft sigh, as if to say, ‘think harder, push yourselves, don’t settle.’ However more than the buzz of his classroom, I will remember Br Quentin’s grace, generosity and patience as being examples of virtues that I will spend my life attempting to live out. Br Quentin is a man of extraordinary wisdom, intellect and faith and has inspired in thousands of others and myself a similar faith: in God or in our fellow human beings. For this I will be forever indebted. Thank you Br Q. Matthew Clancy (College Captain — 2001)