12 minute read
Year 7


7 Dunstan

Back Row: Vincent Arthur, Patrick Harrington, Sean Ellis, Aidan King, Liam Grech Third Row: Michael Crosbie, Liam Ellis, Nathan Coffey, Jack Beech, Sean Geaney, James Walker, Ryan Ellis Second Row: Patrick Harrison, Timothy Foster, Cailin Wrigley, Dominic Sheehy, Mitchell Sarpi, Declan Clifford Seated: Dominic Barker, Fraser Henry, Benjamin Peck, Lachlan Cook, William Kennish, Joshua Fisher Ms Karen Harding Back Row: Michael Higginbotham, Nicholas Gleeson, Anthony O’Toole, Antony Forato, Daniel Nakos, Linton Farrell, Daniel Martin Third Row: James Logan, Daniel Clinch, James Leone, James Mreulje, Simon Cassar, Scott Barnsley Second Row: Adam Russo, Benjamin Stott, Harry Hatzis, Joshua Schultz, Leo Morgan, Dylan Scolyer Seated: Aaron Medoro, Vaughan Wise, Fabian D’Addazio, Ben Forrest, Daniel Boulos, Hugh Nicholson Mrs Carmel Dwyer

7 Solomon really enjoyed making bread (brioche) with our expert helper Mr. Vauzelle, father of Jean -Rene. Dough flew in all directions as the boys tried to master the art of bread making. They realised the difficulty of mixing the right amount of ingredients together as well as the many muscles required to knead the dough. In the end our bread tasted delicious and we gave Miss O’Meara the duty of cleaning up! This ‘hands on’ experience linked in with our study of the novel ‘Boy Overboard’ in which the main character makes bread aboard a smuggler’s boat to Australia.

Sometimes The ones that drop the bombshell Sometimes. The ones that hold their own Sometimes Sheep in the lion’s den Sometimes. There to pick you up There for you when you need it Sometimes. Helping you out of a hunter’s trap. Sticking around just for you Vines to swing on Sometimes Branches to hold on to The Rabbit being hunted Sometimes The hunter Always wanted Sometimes red Sometimes brown Sometimes blue Always needed and wanted Ben Stott

Mr Raymond Hoser from ‘Snake Busters’ came to De La Salle to show us some real animals. He taught us about reptiles and their habitats and showed us how to classify reptiles into their genus and species groupings. He also showed us tips on how to survive if you are bitten by a snake. We were able to hold a variety of snakes — the Red Belly Black, the Brown, the Death Adder, the Tiger and an 8-foot long Python aptly named ‘Cuddles’. We held other reptiles and amphibians such as turtles, frogs, lizards and a placid baby crocodile named Bruce. As well as teaching us about reptiles, Raymond also let us to get up close and personal with all the creatures. In a safe environment we were able to handle these reptiles without the fear of death! Although scary at first, all reptiles were very kind and friendly to all of us. It was an exciting experience and I would love to do it again.
Simon Windley

Year 7 Instrumental Program

The year 7 compulsory instrumental program focuses on giving every student the opportunity to learn an orchestral instrument. Each Homeroom group is set up as a concert band consisting of clarinets, flutes, saxophones, trumpets, trombones and percussion. Rehearsals run from period one through to period eight each Wednesday, allowing each Homeroom to work with their conductor for one period. A total of 8 homeroom bands perform twice; July and late November. The first concert covers performance etiquette while the second showcases the notable development in musical fluency. We look forward to advancing the current Year 7 program into Year 8 next year. Students will be invited to continue as part of our newly formed Intermediate Band. The aim of this ensemble is to prepare musicians for promotion into Concert and Jazz Bands. This opportunity will also be given to Year 7 string players. A year 8 String Group will train cello, violin, viola and double bass players for the College String Ensemble. All students participating in the College Concert Band, Jazz Band, Saxophone Ensemble, Flute Ensemble And Vocal Ensemble will share their talents with schools around regional Victoria in July. We are very excited to announce this tour and invite the De La Salle Community to preview the performance program prior to our departure in June. Adrienne Moran Director of Music
Year 7 Donations
Each year in mid-August the young men are encouraged to bring food items to donate to those in need. The response is always very generous. The food items collected on the Kinnoull campus go to the Malvern Emergency Food Bank, while those from the Tiverton campus go to the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda. The excellent amount of goods donated is due to the hard work of Mr David Hale and his volunteers on Tiverton campus and Mr Graeme Lawler and the St Vincent de Paul group on the Kinnoull campus. Mr Pa trick Jurd

Back Row: Jack Broadhead, Lachlan Shearer, Simon Woodcock, Achilles Ploutos, Jason Terrell, Myles Donegan Third Row: David Re, James Scoutas, Thomas Brunskill, Alan Clark, Michael Quigley, Jack Jopling, Haydn Cowan Second Row: Bryce Jansz, Liam Cummins, David De Fazio, Luke Riley, John Camilleri, Samuel Noble Seated: Samuel Smith, Vincent Musco, Christopher Todisco, Benjamin Ahern, Jack Brammer, Alessandro Formica Ms Dianne Byers

7 Jerome
Back Row: Oscar Szalc, Daniel Stavrevski, Adrian Crisafi, Samuel Brooks, Mitchell Nelson, Ross Pastras, Joshua San Martin Third Row: Kostantinos Paspaliaris, Paul Grigoriou, Michael Badrock, Darcy McCaffrey, Thomas Gaylor, Dimitri Spanos Second Row: Jordan Brown, Alexander Holden, Dominic Pappaluca, Daniel Bendinelli, Ryan Osekowski, Nicholas Husek Seated: Rhys Jones, Peter Angelopoulos, Sebastian Lolicato, James Lolicato, Iryoung Fan, Christopher Frangoulis Mr Andrew Wozencroft

7 Roland

Back Row: Michael Keegan, Callum Nugent, James Amerena, Todd Dover, Jonathan Nikakis, Luke Frazzetto, James Re Third Row: Joseph De Girolamo, Matthew Tropeano, Vincent Ripepi, Shadee Molinaro, Daniel Lagastes, Ross Fattore Second Row: Aristidis Kounoupis, Nicholas Schultz, Jake Kakouros, Emmanuel Arapis, Jordan Braim, Peter Gill Seated: Sebastian Oliver, Thomas Rappos, Tom Molloy, Thomas Payne, Albert Prendergast-Kruger, Nicholas Spencer Mr David Hale Back Row: Joshua Ramsay, Daniel Iacovangelo, David Windley, Sean Dillane, Lachlan Cook, Timothy Howard, Henry Nguyen, Xavier Quigley Third Row: Thomas Hemming, Michael Kharsas, Mitchell Sellman, Lee White, Jacob Maher, Ben Siragusano Second Row: Alexander Hay, Patrick Helsing, Luke Henriques-Gomes, Alex McEwan, Craig Sutton, Jacob Nicolin Seated: Nicholas Bolger, William Allen, Matthew Tucker, David Brace, Jamie Farnell, Danny Eid Mr Shaun Buckley

7 Vincent

Back Row: Declan Kostos, Michael Bohan, Adam Harrison, Romeo Bou-Ghosn, Nathan Beaumont, Shannon White, Matthew Bellion Third Row: David Simon, Alexander Minicz, Stuart Griffin, Nicholas Place, Charles Mottram, Robert Weir, Lachlan Pezet Second Row: Thomas Doherty, Joseph Myers, Stefan Hambleton, Benjamin Jeffery, Christopher Smith Seated: Paul Pritchard-Cseh, Damian Li, Bryce Desira, Hayden Renshaw, Cameron Fyfe, Hamish Hudson Mr Larry Evans Back Row: Joshua Battersby, Michael Keenan, Sean Collis, Eugene Twomey, Simon Windley, David Convery, Michael Doherty Third Row: Marcus Topp, Declan Freeman, Blake Davis, Brenton McDonald, Jeremy O’Halloran, Sam Gates Second Row: James McMahon, Benjamin Sarena, Nicholas Borgia, Nicholas Kent, JeanRene Vauzelle, Anthony Sansalone, Ms A Surkitt Seated: Phu-Dat Pham, Christopher Kuan, Luke Hogan, Garrett McDonough, Harry Irvine, Daniel Guemene Ms Ami Surkitt

At the beginning of this year, 200 boys from 58 primary schools gathered for their first day of secondary education at De La Salle. Perhaps not quite knowing what to expect, the first few weeks of Year 7 would see these boys deal with the numerous challenges that present themselves in a new and much bigger school environment. Controlling nerves, making friends, meeting a greater variety of teachers, coping with a wider range of subjects, dealing with a new timetable, finding new rooms, managing musical instruments, mastering locks and computer codes, rising earlier in the morning, travelling on public transport and meeting increased demands on organisation and independence are just some examples of what the boys confronted. Having been taken beyond the familiar surroundings that they had become accustomed to over seven years of primary schooling, it is no wonder that these first few weeks were possibly an anxious and bewildering experience for both students and parents. However, the staff and I have had the privilege of witnessing these boys not only meet and conquer the challenges of those early days, but also grow and develop into a talented, vibrant, friendly and united year level. Their sense of expectation and excitement, their natural enthusiasm, their generosity and their willingness to embrace new experiences and opportunities has enabled this group to display and share a tremendous spirit of which they (and you as parents), can be justifiably proud. In reviewing the many, varied activities that have occurred throughout the year, a notable constant emerges – the endeavour of the Year Level as a whole to involve themselves in the life of the College and to grasp with both hands the opportunities that come their way. Whether trying to do their best in daily classes, completing homework and assignment tasks, responding to advice or taking part in the many cultural, sporting, academic, spiritual and social pursuits available, the goodwill, cooperation and enthusiasm shown by the vast majority of boys deserves recognition. Hopefully, they can maintain this positive attitude as they continue to make their way through their secondary schooling. To all Year 7 staff, I would like to offer my congratulations and appreciation for the care, professionalism, support and tireless effort you have given throughout the year. As well as giving time and talent to many special events that have taken place (e.g. Rally Days, Rock Eisteddfod, Camps, Reading Club, Chess, Weightlifting, Personal Development Programs, Competitions, Peer Support, Excursions, Coaching, Music and Drama Nights to name just a few), I would particularly like to recognise your day-to-day work which lies at the heart of the care given to the boys. It has also been my privilege to work with a fine group of Homeroom teachers - Mrs.Carmel Dwyer, Miss Karen Harding, Ms. Dianne Byers, Mr Andrew Wozencroft, Mr Shaun Buckley, Mr David Hale, Miss Ami Surkitt and Mr Larry Evans - whose friendship, support, openness, guidance, sense of humour, patience, encouragement, frankness and concern for the students in their care has been inspirational. Finally, on behalf of myself and Year 7 staff, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to you, the parents, for your wonderful support through the ‘ups and downs’ of the school year. Without your interest, cooperation, understanding and feedback, we cannot be as effective as possible in our task as co-educators of your sons. We wish you and your families a happy, holy and safe festive season and wish your sons every success as they tackle a new set of challenges in Year 8.
Standing: Mr Chris Martin, Garret McDonough, Simon Windley, David Windley, Jack Broadhead, Sean Dillane, Michael Bohan, Vincent Ripepi, Declan Clifford Seated: Michael Keegan, Hugh Nicholson, Simon Cassar, Ryan Ellis, Bruce Jansz, Darcy McCaffery, Michael Badrock Absent: Chris Smith
Congratulations to Academic Achievement Award winners Semester 1: Scott Barnsley 7B, Fabian D’Addazio 7B, Michael Higginbotham 7B, Daniel Martin 7B, Hugh Nicholson 7B, Benjamin Stott 7B, Vaughan Wise 7B, David De Fazio 7H, Jack Jopling 7H, Alexander Holden 7J, Darcy McCaffrey 7J, Lachlan Cook 7M, Luke Frazzetto 7R, Matthew Tropeano 7R, Nicholas Kent 7S, Brenton McDonald 7S, Garrett McDonough 7S, Marcus Topp 7S, Michael Bohan 7V, Lachlan Pezet 7V