12 minute read
Year 9

Year 9 on Camp

9 Dunstan

Back Row: Christopher Kaul, Xavier O’Shannessy, Shane Berlangieri, Adam Bonaddio, Stephen Muller, Mark Breda, Steven Tomadin Third Row: Jack O’Halloran, Timothy Austin, Nathan Ferguson, Thomas Jane, Oliver Holmes, Thomas Willis Second Row: Benjamin Carracher, Brendan Wilson, Timothy Mackie, Daniel Nikakis, Ben Nethersole, Xavier Gotch Seated: Francis Smith, Thomas Keegan, Joshua Tyrer, John Greene, Jack Driscoll, Izak Atkin Ms Sandra Troise Back Row: Patrick Lloyd, Kieran Burke, Steven Nakos, Justin Geaney, Tyson Hunt, Samuel Hillier, Anton Pejic Third Row: Benjamin Hausler, Martin Paczkowski, Damien Hale, Shane Griffin, Nathan Gray, Marc Cleland Second Row: Luke Williams, Jarrod MacDonald, Dylan Jansz, Jeremy Baker, Andre Yu, Sam O’Donnell Seated: Anthony Kanellopoulos, Mitchell Wheeler, Joshua Wilkinson, Brenton Fyfield, Joseph Mannix, Nicholas Hogan Mr Peppe Di Ciccio

9 Jerome

Back Row: Thomas Donaghey, John Nicolopoulos, James Corkill, Adam De Luca, Lindon Smith, Benjamin Jones, Christopher Dunn Third Row: Joshua Rowland, Adam Del Pizzo, Xavier Harkins, Ryan McCormick, James Shannon, Kale Pryor Second Row: Simon Francazio, Emmanuel Damianos, Matthew Harrington, James FischerMyall, Thomas Williams, Max Helsing Seated: Andrew Spencer, Damian Giorgini, Nathan Mufale, Steven De Corrado, Adrian Cannizzaro, Jack Molloy Mr Ian Smith Back Row: Benjamin O’Dwyer, Christopher Windley, James Croce, Alastair Moroney, Joshua Porozny, Samuel Howieson, James Stevens Third Row: Mark Collins, Benjamin Payne, Martin O’Meara, Michael Raymond, Benedict Farrell, David Murphy Second Row: Timothy Perri, Cameron Munday, Matthew Hay, James Gray, Kamal Riman Seated: Peter Gourgoulis, Sebastien Haberli, Adam Schultz, Andrew Yarde, Matthew Ellis, Karl Linden Mr Chris Danckert

The Year 9 Social

Year 9, 2005

Year 9, 2005, was a year of challenge and leadership, with our theme being ‘We are all Leaders’ and the goal to involve ourselves in at least one extra curricular activity. The year was relatively different to Years 7 and 8, as we now were introduced to elective subjects, Tuesday Sport (Including ACC sport), being the oldest year level on campus and, of course, the horror of the Dreaded Exams. Term 1 started relatively smoothly, as we settled into our new Homerooms and new subjects. The school swimming carnival was a huge success, with everybody giving it their best. We no longer competed in Homerooms but in Houses, named Austin’s, Leo’s, Edwin’s and Mark’s. The ACC athletics at Olympic Park was a great event, where schools from all over Melbourne compete in a wide range of running and distance events. Years 7 and 9 were lucky enough to go to the venue and support our school. At the end of Term 1, the whole College made their way down to Kooyong, for the annual Mission Action Day. The 14 km walk is a tradition at De La – and other Lasallian schools – to raise money for needy children in Papua New Guinea. At the end of the walk there was a sausage sizzle and the students had raised close to $61,000 dollars. Term 2 had a busy atmosphere. Amidst all the preparations for mid-year exams, our Year Level still had time to attend camps at the Grampians National Park. Activities on this four day experience included bush walking, camping out and abseiling. The Lightning Premiership was a day of fierce competition, football skill, lots of talent and sudden but deep rivalry between friends. The day was one of the highlights of the term, and at the end of the day Dunstan, led by their fierce coach Ms Troise, finished triumphant. Term 2 also saw De La Salle defeat St Bernard’s at ‘Dairy Bell Stadium’ in East Malvern to claim the title of Year 9 ACC Football Premiers, 2005’ with 59 boys participating in at least one game during the season. Then the day almost every student had been wishing would never come: EXAMS!! All the hard work and effort we had put into the term would finally pay when we completed these exams. We all tried our best. Some excelled, and all realised how much harder we were going to have to work harder during preparation for the final year exams. Term 3 saw the Rock Eisteddfod team again reach the finals. The boys who were involved in this had been practising with Mrs Finn since early Term 1. Their theme this year was ‘How To Woo Women’ and with the reputation of being the only all-boys school in the Statewide competition, De La had extremely high hopes for the finals in September at Rod Laver Arena. In August the annual Social Justice Can Collection began where boys from every year level collected cans, food items and groceries for the less fortunate were distributed by the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda, and the Malvern Emergency Food Bank. The Mass was celebrated by Fr Keane, the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Mission. The Year 9 Social was held. Year 9 boys, dressed, waxed and gelled, arriving with girlfriends for a night of fun, socialising, dancing and music provided by a professional DJ. This great night concluded around 10:30 and, judging by the feedback, was enjoyed by everybody. Towards the end of Term 3, the Year 9s had an R.E. reflection day at the Phoenix Park Community Centre. The day was hosted by the N.E.T Youth to Youth association, and our theme for the day was ‘sexuality.’ The day was not what I expected. Usually these days are dull but on this day we communicated through games, and activities. The day lasted from about 9:00 am until about 3:00 pm. During the term, Ms Martin and Mr Buckley, along with approx 15 Year 9 students, started a Year 9 newspaper, consisting of current events in the Year Level, comics, sports reports, movie reviews and recipes. The term ended with Founder’s Day, a day which celebrates the life of Saint John Baptist De La Salle. The day began with a celebratory Mass, which was followed by 2-3 hours of festivities, food, refreshments and excitement as teachers and students relaxed after a hard term’s work. Term 4 started off with a bang with the students just back at school, spending a week at a chosen destination for Lasallian Service Week. Students went to retirement homes, disability centres, soup kitchens and charity venues to help the community in the spirit of giving to the less fortunate. The end of year exams were something many of us were not looking forward to. Still, on the bright side, once these were over, the hard work would pay off, and we could relax until the end of the year. Special thanks should be given to the following people who helped Year 9 students during the year: Mr Harte, Br Bill, Mr Riordan, all the Homeroom teachers who do such a great job, and of course all the Year 9 subject teachers who put in their tireless effort to help us learn and mature during the year. They have done a great job educating us.

Year 9 Coordinator's Report

Having been Year 7 Coordinator in 2003, I eagerly awaited the beginning of this year to renew acquaintances with the Year 9 class of 2005. I viewed it as a real advantage to know already the students in my care so that our relationship could grow and be further enriched, as the year progressed. Our theme for this year was “lead to make a difference” and the students embraced this theme with enthusiasm and attempted to lead with maturity and respect. I have been very impressed with the manner in which the boys have involved themselves in all aspects of the school life. For example, they have been very generous raising money for various charities. The many boys involved in the Rock Eisteddfod were passionate about their performances and helped create a marvellous performance. Nearly 70 students volunteered to become Peer Support leaders. They attended several training days and worked hard to acquire the necessary skills to successfully run some excellent sessions with Year 7 boys. Lasallian Service in Term 4 was a very positive experience for the boys who spoke excitedly about the interesting people they had met, and the duties they performed during the course of the week. Their supervisors spoke glowingly about their students and the contributions that they made. The Social this year was also a huge success. The boys and the young ladies who were invited enjoyed themselves immensely and their maturity guaranteed a great night for all. The entire Year 9 student body should be very appreciative of the time and effort given them by all Year 9 teaching staff. They were always supported and encouraged by a dedicated group of Homeroom teachers: Mr Peppe Di Ciccio, Mr Shane Slavin, Mr Ian Smith, Mr Chris Danckert, Ms Sandra Troise, Ms Carmel D’Andrea, Ms Kerry Martin and Mr Chris Fleming. This year has given me the opportunity to see my ‘Year 7 Crew’ grow into young men. This group of students can be proud of their contribution to De La Salle as members of Tiverton campus. I wish them well in 2006 and beyond as they enter the next phase of their Lasallian experience on the Kinnoull campus.

Year 9 Leaders
Standing: Mr Peter Harte, Kale Pryor, Mark Breda (Campus Captain) Oliver Holmes, Steven McGlade, Edward Clinch, Christopher Windley, Christopher Nayna, Thomas Donaghey Seated: Trent Balthazar, Andrew Yard, Samuel Hillier, MIchael Pierce, Shane Griffin (Campus Vice-Captain), Zachary Dickinson, Kieran Ellis
Congratulations to Academic Achievement Award winners Semester 1: Andre Yu 9B, John Di Natale 9M, Guy Ripepi 9M, Justin Calache 9R, Sebastian Coulson 9R, Mitchell Robertson 9S, Andrew Scott 9S, Daniel Esposito 9V, John Palombi 9V
9 Roland

Back Row: Christopher Dimattina, Callum BarryMurphy, Keiran Brown, Paul Torrisi, Simon Lowe, Jack Murray, Tomas Sabbatucci Third Row: Luke O’Connor, Redmond Casey, Geoffrey Davey, Shane Renshaw, Christopher Nayna, Ben Fricke Second Row: Jack Sullivan, Justin Calache, Sebastian Coulson, Tomas Paturzo-Polson, Jack Noble Seated: Jack Hubbard, Vincent Meager, Michael Hogan, Shaun Koob, Xavier Pattison, Thomas Forbes Ms Carmel D’Andrea Back Row: Michael De Corrado, Timothy Kershaw, Kieran Grant, Timothy Allan, Andrew Sanders, Jordan Harris, Kieran Ellis Third Row: Daniel Mercuri, Robert Kemp, John Di Natale, Steven McGlade, Marcus Schrampf, Tristan Tiso Second Row: Nicholas Seel, Guy Ripepi, Michael De Luca, Nicolas Fyfield, Matthew Henricus Seated: Stefano Crocilla, Lachlan Campbell, Jake Semmel, Thomas Gheller, Daniel Campbell-Tennant, Julian Balthazaar Absent: Jack Peterson Ms Kerry Martin

9 Vincent

Back Row: Edward O’Toole, Mark Nazzari, Paul Millar, Zachary Dickinson, Peter Selwood, John Palombi, Vaughan Stedman Third Row: Daniel Esposito, Sheldon Oski, Richard Spillane, Joshua Scipione, Samuel Minogue, Patrick Pelly Second Row: William Riman, Edward Clinch, David Gonzales, Nicholas Kyriazis, Jordan Pollard, Seated: Simon Pentifallo, Adam Dioguardi, Richard Monaghan, Travis Moseley, Michael Baines, James Siakavelis Mr Chris Fleming Back Row: Nicholas Hart, Andrew Hibbins, Alexander Zaia, Cameron Watts, Bill Vlahos, Daniel Speirs, Mitchell Robertson Third Row: Joseph La Delfa, Andrew Scott, Kushan Managey, Michael Pierce, Thomas Dobson, Richard Naylor Second Row: Trent Balthazaar, Luke Sutton, Christopher Mercuri, Callum Jackson, Thomas Smith, Ryan Paturzo-PolsonSeated: Patrick Ioannidis, Christopher Waters, Justin Chin, Luigi Perri, Joshua Storai, Nicholas Woodgate Absent: Jesse Howell Mr Shane Slavin