14 minute read
Year 8
In Maths we have tried to encourage students to enjoy and become actively involved with their studies. There have been a number of opportunities for students to engage further in their interest and development in this subject. Early in the year, the PAC was converted into a small ‘World of Maths’. When the Year 7 students stepped inside, they were amazed by the variety of activities and games available to them. The boys enjoyed the stimulation of thinking laterally to solve problems, with many of the activities being very “hands on”. The Westpac Maths Competition was held on the 4th of August and the results were excellent. In Year 7, there were 66 Credits, 11 Distinctions and 1 High Distinction; in Year 8 there were 45 Credits, 10 Distinctions and 1 High Distinction; and in Year 9 there were 51 Credits and 11 Distinctions. Top scores in the school were achieved by Eugene Twomey, Lachlan Cook, Cailin Wrigley, Matthew Herbstreit, Ryan Gallagher, Vincent Ho, Jack Murray, Justin Calache, Matthew Warr, and Xavier Pattison. An outstanding effort! Two teams, coached by Mrs Manuel, went to Penleigh Essendon Grammar to compete against many other schools in a day of problem solving. The boys – Anthony Bogbadi, Vincent Ho, James Chaplin, George KK, Adrian Pappamiltides, Joel Boardman, Jack Gialamatzis and Alex Kydd– enjoyed the day immensely and returned to school with some new problem solving strategies to try in class. During Maths week the quiz questions in the daily bulletin had many students puzzling over possible solutions and vying for prizes. Lachlan Pezet, Sam Heatley and Michael Draga were successful. Well done – a terrific effort. Also during Maths week, Ms Graham and I ran the De La Maths Challenge. It was an afternoon of mind teasing, brain-stretching activities. Eight teams, each consisting of 2 Year 7s, 2 Year 8s and 2 Year 9s from each homeroom competed against each other. The winning team was from Jerome, with the Hegarty boys being very close behind with a difference of only half a point. The Jerome team consisted of Darcy O’Brien, Nick Husek, Anthony Boghadi, Tom Donaghey and Chris Dunne. Congratulations! All boys who participated deserve to be commended on their enthusiastic and eager approach to the challenge offered to them. It was tremendous to see the boys working cooperatively; sharing their ideas and encouraging and supporting each other in order to come to a solution as a team together. Year 7 students were involved in a poster competition. Many students designed and produced colourful and creative posters with some interesting information about maths in the everyday world. Fantastic work from these boys, especially David De Fazio, Ari Kanoupis, Lachlan Cook, Luke Henrique Gomes, Tim Howard, Craig Sutton, Lee White and Alessandro Formica. Ms Dianne Byers Maths Coordinator
Angus McInnes — Our Mathemagician!
The product of a ‘natural ability to explore numerical ideas’ has helped Angus, a current Year 10 student, to achieve an Academic Award in Year 12 Mathematical Methods this year. The sum of his work in Mathematics this year adds to his earlier prize and ‘High Distinction’ in the Australian Westpac Mathematics Competition and his ‘Credit’ in the Australian Mathematical Olympiad. During the Term 1 break, Angus was also invited to attend the Australian Infomatics Team Selection Trials in Canberra. The sum of all this work equates to an enriching experience as Angus competes mathematically against others in both Australian and South East Asia. We congratulate Angus on all his achievements and wish him continued success with his studies. Mr Frank Goricanec Mathematics Coordinator (Kinnoull Campus)


In October, 8 Miguel set off to camp. We were headed to Allenvale camp site, near Lorne. Our first stop was the You Yangs. Matt, Dom and Mr Atkins showed us how to abseil and rockclimb with harnesses and ropes on the big, rocky, cliffs. That was really fun. The rock climbing was a challenge but enjoyable. Then it was on to the Great Ocean Road to Allenvale camping ground. Tired and hungry, we dragged our bags and equipment to the camping and set up the tents and tarps. When it reached nightfall, we had just started cooking dinner. The second day was bushwalks. Group 1 walked to Phantom Falls, where a few people (including myself) were brave enough to swim in the waterfall WHICH WAS ABSOLUTELY FREEZING! At night, we all drove to Erskine falls to see the waterfall and glow worms. That night, in the tents, it bucketed down with rain and some people got wet that night. The next day we went surfing in the morning at Eastern View beach. Matt took us for a drive down the coast after and showed us some cool campsites. We met up with group 2 at Lorne and had a B.B.Q. The night was fun because we mucked around in the skatepark and had an awesome game of ‘markers up’. At night, we walked along the rocks to the pier and went rock pooling. Everyone was completely exhausted by the time we got back to camp. When everyone finally settled down, everyone snored. VERY LOUDLY! The 4th day was at Camp Wilkin to do the High Ropes course. It was pretty hard but great fun, especially the ‘Leap of Faith’. Year 8 camp was heaps of fun and I’m looking forward to next year where we have to abseil 50 metres.

Owen Luby The Rock and Water Program is built on three foundation stones: self-control, where boys learn to control and focus their energy; self reflection and evaluation where boys are challenged to think about their own acts and their impact; finally, self-confidence which flows from the prior foundation stones when, hopefully, the boys can say “I know what I am capable of and what I want”. The physical nature of the program directly appeals to boys’ boundless energy. It taps into this force in a way that makes them aware of the power they have to influence and direct events around them. Rock and Water teaches boys to listen both to their ‘inner voice’ and to the opinions of others. It teaches boys to manage effectively the peer pressure with which they are continuously confronted. In short, it presents them with ways to know themselves and fulfill their true potential, to feel good about who they are and to create positive, worthwhile goals for themselves. Mr David Hale and Mr Paul Fegan

8 Dunstan

Back Row: Darcy Vitacca, Spencer Roberts, Ryan Graf, Timothy East, Anthony O’Shea, John Bernardone, Liam Perea Third Row: Damien Gould, Samuel Stamos, Patrick Cross, James Joo, Luke Terella, Samuel Ayre Second Row: Dean Petras, James Brown, James Russo, Brendan Close, Michael Altidis, Matthew Briglia Seated: Luke McCandless, Christopher Day, Andrew McDonough, Daniel Newell, Timothy Florentzou, James Doohan Mr David Happ Back Row: Corey Maynard, Stephen Byrne, Shane Suzuki, Kane Roberts, Dean White, Michael Lee, Simas Rickevicius Third Row: Hugh Brophy, Simon Lam, Nicholas Hulston, Lachlan Simpson, Matthew Nolan, David Bruce Second Row: David Hutchinson, Jared Dudley, Paul Hussey, Kieran McInerney, Benjamin Kneebone, Trent Bainbridge Seated: Blake Raymond, Daniel Stow, Stefan Nowak, Thomas Mattmann, Samuel Watkins, Rohan Johnson Mr Jon Edgar

8 Jerome

Back Row: Emmanuel O’Keefe, Zohaib Zaman, Matthew Pecora, Samuel Heatley, Vincent Ho, Joshua Quinn, Courtney Scanlan Third Row: Michael Patane, Matthew Burns, Michael Fogarty, Marc Kydd, Victor Wong, Andrew Robson Second Row: Jonathon Gillette, Andrew Crimson, Tahe Antas, Anthony Boghdadi, James Carland Seated: Bryan McNaughtan, Jacques Plompen, James Chaplin, George Kucukbalci-Katsifolis, Thomas Wakefield, Michael Draga Mrs Bernice Manuell Back Row: Roger Madafferi, Declan Smith, Andrew Brown, Andrew Lombardo, Michael Osekowski, Christopher Klidaras, Patrick McNamara Third Row: Thomas Parsons, Matthew Chai, Peter Marinis, Tyler Raymond, Joseph Phillipos, Patrick Holmes Second Row: Jake Evans, Ignatius Howe, Jonathan Dykes, Adam Michaelides, Stephen McConnell, Christopher Smith Seated: Xavier Murphy, Macauley Hughes, Thomas Cardwell, James Harrington, James Leonard, Nicholas Hyland Mr Phil Murton

Year 8 2005

We weren’t the ‘young ones’ any more. Leaving Year 7 stripped us of the excuse that we could continue to make mistakes through ignorance or lack of experience. We were left facing the bigger world of De La Salle as Year 8s and each of us had to adjust. So come rain, hail or unreliable public transport, we made our way to College each day. We knew whilst wandering down this — suspiciously — smooth road that we would encounter speedbumps, but ‘failure’ wasn’t an idea any of us entertained. Rock Eisteddfod rehearsals started early in the year and Mr Bryan Smith was the Year 8 choreographer. The theme, ‘How to Woo Women’ is sure to go down as one of Mary Finn, David Happ and Nicole Muling’s finest works. Midyear, the homework and strain was definitely showing but many of us were keen to run off the pressure in Cross Country. Many people on that day surprised themselves at how fit they were, and thanks to this experience have decided they will run next year. The excitement level went up when the Bushdance was announced. The really exciting news was that we would be dancing with Windsor Students. Every girl was dressed in their newest, most exotic clothes. The guys were partnered up with the girl and, after observing some enthusiastic demonstrations by the instructors, the dancing began. At the closing of the Nutbush, Macarena and, of course, the Chicken Dance, words (and phone numbers) were exchanged over lunch, until we left, the all-girl school becoming a faded image behind a bus window. The end of this unpredictable road grows nearer, and few could say it was a ‘dull’ experience. So as we leave behind the classrooms and the responsibility of Year 9 beckons I cannot help but wonder whether all the drama, the friendships and the chaos of the year was just an indicator of what was to come. We’ll just to wait and see... Jake Stewart

Back Row: Patrick Tumale, Hugh McGauran, Michael Dungan, Thomas Cleary, Thomas Kitson, Paul Saunders, Jake Wilson Third Row: Matthew Kelada, Benjamin Ellul, Michael Ryan, Jonathan Stamatelos, Benjamin Francischelli, Marcus Mortale Second Row: Darcy O’Brien, Ryan Gallagher, Daniel Nguyen, Benjamin Tesoriero, Jordan Rogers Seated: Robert Paczkowski, James Bough, Nicholas Enright, Owen Luby, Charlie Wolstenholme, Toby Mayell Mrs Joanne Graham

8 Roland
Back Row: Guilliano Muratore, Michael James, Daniel East, Andrew Pattison, Jake Stewart, Lawrence Martin, Xavier Fitzgerald Third Row: Edward Ennor, Corey Patterson, James O’Donnell, Kieran Winter, Matthew O’Donnell, James Van Der Wolde Second Row: Matthew Bertucci, Gianfranco Lolicato, Thomas Stubbings, Andrew Di Cosmo, Nicholas Green Seated: Xavier Pritchard-Cseh, Edward Turner, Liam O’Rourke, Dean Dragonetti, Jack Taylor, Barry Tjahjadi Absent: Matthew Herbstreit Mr Ian Oliver

8 Vincent

Back Row: Alex Kydd, Marcus Nonnis, James France, Jeremy Karitzis, Adrian Papamiltiades, Michael Husek, Matthew Marshall Third Row: James Theodoridis, Vladimir Gorbik, Shane Cosgrave, Bradley Dobney, Daniel Calman-Orr, Jack Gialamatzis Second Row: Robert Sita, Michael Blakebrough, Alejandro Silva, Jackson McMahon, Joshua Ladigus-Grange, Nicholas Ibarra Seated: Timothy Soumplis, Nicholas Thanos, John Cooper, Maxwell Tucker, Joel Boardman, Anthony Cormick Mr Brian Smith Back Row: Haimish Rix, James Steel, Jack Gray, Sam Driscoll, Nathan Berenger, Tristan Moore, James Salanitri Third Row: Michael Sauer, Thomas Miles, Matthew O’Connor, Dominic Baker, Aaron Robinson-Bodin, Luke McShane Second Row: Paul Siarabalos, Patrick Hogan, Kevin Nguyen, Ryan Harris, James Fagan, Jack Lewis Seated: Darcy O’Kane, Daragh O’Brien, Alexander Nikoloudis, Lachlan O’Connell, Sean Corcoran, Nicholas Bolt Br Gerry Barrett

Year 8 Coordinator's Report

Making The Most of Our Opportunities
The Year 8 class of 2005 was challenged all year to make the most of their opportunities available at De La Salle. Year 8 is a challenging year for adolescents as they begin to grapple with the many distractions that compete for their attention. ‘Getting involved’ and ‘Having a go’ at new and interesting pursuits can help soothe the ride and make school a happy place. Many students took up the challenge and involved themselves in new activities. New faces appeared in the Rock Eisteddfod, athletics and cross country teams. Students found they had talent in public speaking or football on the Lightning Premiership day, while others discovered how smooth they were on the dance floor with girls from Presentation College, Windsor. Year 8 students enjoyed representing the school at the Rally Day and La Salle Cup, their Homerooms during the Basketball Competition and supporting their mates during their Indoor Soccer Competition. The introduction of the House system added a new dimension to school involvement through the Athletics Cross Country and Swimming Carnival. The students took time out to think of others less fortunate visiting the Urban Seed Centre in the city, raising money for Mission Action Day, and providing donations to the Sacred Heart Missions in the lead-up to the social justice mass. Students had the opportunity for personal development through the Rock and Water program, the Reach Day and Rethinking Drinking programs. The culmination of the year saw all students participate in a four-day camp based at Lorne. I hope the boys will remember Year 8 with fondness and continue to make the most of their opportunities in the future. Many thanks to the Homeroom teachers for their care and patience of the students during the year and to Mr Peter Riordan, Damon Jacobs and Geoff Martin for their support of the Year 8’s.
Year 8 Leaders
Standing: Mr Tim Ford, John Cooper, Mark Kydd, Adrian Papamiltiades, Sam Heatley, Haimish Rix, Joel Boardman, Michael Hussek Seated: Nicholas Hyland, Jack Lewis, Dean Petras, Ben Francischelli, Matthew Chai, Darcy O’Brien, Xavier Fitzgerald
Congratulations to Academic Achievement Award winners Semester 1 Roger Madafferi 8H, Stephen McConnell 8H, Michael Osekowski 8H, Anthony Boghdadi 8J, Vincent Ho 8J, Benjamin Ellul 8M, Ryan Gallagher 8M, Jonathan Stamatelos 8M, Andrew Di Cosmo 8R, Patrick Hogan 8S, Luke McShane 8S, Haimish Rix 8S, John Cooper 8V, Jeremy Karitzis 8V, Adrian Papamiltiades 8V