3 minute read
S.R.C. 2005
Student Representative Council
Stepping up from Year 8, where one didn’t have much status to Year 9, where you now were at the ‘top end’ of the Tiverton Campus was a huge jump. It was tough getting used to at first, but as De La students always do, the Year 9s welcomed this challenge with open arms. As the year progressed they were able to show that everyone is capable of leadership. Leadership skills weren’t only evident in Year 9. Students from years 4 to 8 also ‘stepped up to the plate’. This was evident in the many S.R.C meetings held regularly during the year, where many juniors displayed an ability to voice their opinions and ideas in order to improve the school in any way possible. Throughout the year the S.R.C. were able to put forward a number of suggestions to help the College environment. One initiative was to put forward the introduction of Food Technology into De La Salle. It is hoped that in the future it will become a subject in the school curriculum. The SRC also organised and ran fundraisers which went to worthy causes. We encouraged students to reach the College goal of $60,000 for Mission Action Day, which the College successfully achieved. A new College record was the result! There was the food drive for the Social Justice Mass and Sacred Heart Mission. Another record from the De La boys! It was amazing to see Year 7 Hegarty’s line of cans that stretched from their classroom in the Duffy Building, to the green basketball court and back. Great job boys! 2005 was also a time of change. We saw the appointment of our new College Headmaster. A former pupil of De La Salle College and School Captain in Year 12, Br Bill took over the leadership role from Brother Tim this year. We wish Br Tim all the best on his new journey. 2005 was a time for triumphs in the sporting arena, especially for the Year 9’s. Both Football and Basketball teams won their ACC Premierships in super fashion. A full house at “Dairy Bell Stadium” witnessed De La defeat two-time premiers St Bernard’s, by four points. The Basketball A and B teams also achieved their highest goal by defeating undefeated Whitefriars. It was the first time in the history of any De La sport that both A and B teams went ‘all the way’. Congratulations to all the boys involved. 2005 was a fantastic year for the Tiverton Campus. I’d like to thank Ms Byers for all the hard work she has put into the S.R.C. program and the Peer Support program, all the teachers who helped out during the year, letting the students attend meetings during class time. Thanks also to Mr. Riordan for his guidance and encouragement, and the rest of the Student Representative Council members, especially the Year 9s who contributed to running meetings and taking minutes. Last but not least, I’d like to thank my side-kick, ViceCaptain Shane Griffin for his assistance, laughs and wisdom. Good luck to all SRC leaders chosen to lead the Tiverton Campus next year.
Mark Breda Tiverton Campus Captain 2005
The Student Representative Council (SRC) is elected by students in Term 1. The students who have been elected are chosen because they are responsible, reliable, honest, good communicators and well able to represent the views of their classmates. They have had the chance to have a voice in raising issues that are important to the students as well as raising funds for various charities, such as RecLink and Sacred Heart Mission. It has been a privilege to work with Mark Breda and Shane Griffin this year as leaders of the Tiverton Campus. They have been enthusiastic, conscientious in carrying out their duties, always dependable, and able to show initiative when necessary. I congratulate them on the job they have performed this year and for being excellent role models to the rest of the student body. Ms Dianne Byers SRC Coordinator.