6 minute read
Year 12 Homerooms
12 Dunstan

Back Row: Thierry Weiss, David Evans, James Weston, Samuel Nethersole, Matthew Nayna, Michael Robinson, Ross McLeod Middle Row: Mrs J Henderson, John Karpavicius, Matthew Corallo, Nicholas Trevorah, Joshua Alfred, Christopher Macdonald Seated: William Keeney, Elvin Tjioe, Lucas Scammell, George Farah, Matt Hocking, Dale Fyfe, Benjamin Shipperd Absent: Amir Asady Mrs Jenny Henderson

12 Benilde
Back Row: Andrew Nolan, Daniel Cannizzaro, Benjamin Dax, Luke Deacon, Shane Convery, Anthony Hindle, Timothy Davison Middle Row: Kristiaan Griffin, James Toniolo, Luke Giulieri, Matthew Nagy, Matthew Bryant, Charles McCart, Daniel Rabel Seated: Ricki White, Thomas Savage, Simon Chen, Peter Murray, Arthur Ponte, Benjamin Tarpey, Jonathon Johnstone Br Denis

12 Gehrig

Back Row: Seamus Scanlon, Nikolas Higgins, Julian Meyer, Peter Nucara, Aaron Lazarus, Stephen Price, Peter Fabris Middle Row: Van Hung Vong, Perry Lo-Ngok, Michael Sinclair, Daniel Rowse, Charles Noonan, James Duggan, Sean Palmington Seated: Timothy Stewart, Sean Sutton, Christopher Stubenrauch, Shaun Twentyman, Anthony Silcock, Catlin Lo, Liam Poulton Ms Kylie Busk

12 Foley
Back Row: James Murphy, Daniel Griffin, Kyle O’Brien, David McKenna, Zachary Priest, Alexander Holmes, Glenn Thompson Middle Row: James Moor-Bird, Yuriy Martirosian, Simon Mason, Tony Lolicato, Michael Geaney, Alexander Bolt, Patrick McCluskey, James Fitzgerald Seated: Craig Almeida, Peter McDonald, Nigel Pereira, Jeremy Phillips, Anthony Calo, Jonathon Resciniti, Harrison Murray Ms Glenda Daley
12 Jerome

Back Row: Jack Van De Ven, Dean Noble, Konrad Korzen, James Crowe, Michael Smith, Daniel Meehan, Gerard Winter, Andrew Nguyen Middle Row: Adam Cox, Simon Hunt, Wills Arnost, David Mulhall, Adam Sison, James Barsoum Seated: Paul Tesoriero, Michael D’Amico, Justin Koob, Gerard Grindlay, John Kitchen, Timothy McKenna Mr Stuart Harrison

12 Hegarty
Back Row: Jason Boulos, Nathan Burns, Jonathon Matthews, Ashley Burian, James Muling, Daniel Lombardo, Mitchell Howieson Middle Row: Simon Rawlins, Dylan Picone, Christopher Marchese, William Radita, Adrian Terech, Alexander Kelada Seated: Griffin Zakharov, Mitchell Belden, Anthony Lolicato, Toby Hunt, Nathan Harris, Jarred Fletcher, Christopher Sullivan Mr Paul Maxted
The Class of 2005

During 2005, the Year 12 students were reminded to focus on ‘finding a balance’ in whatever they do and the challenges they face. While many were able to ‘find a balance’, some found the process difficult. I trust the experience has provided all with a foundation in future decision-making. The ‘Class of 2005’ had unique characteristics and qualities. They are a group of young men who enjoy the simple things in life. They were content to sit and simply chat, they enjoyed their sport, and enjoyed one another’s company. The group is made up of many different social groups, each with their own characteristics and interests. Whilst occupying different ‘teritories’ within the school, at the same time, they were closely bound as a year level. They have, as a group, been very supportive and cooperative. The ‘Class of 2005’ comprises 203 students in ten Homerooms, 23 of whom have been with us since Grade 4. Thirty-nine students have joined us since Year 7, many coming from St James at the end of Year 10. During the year, the Year 12 students participated with enthusiam in a number of events. The leadership team organised a very successful ‘Kinnoull Week’ at the beginning of the year, and ably assisted in Mission Action Day fundraising. The Year 12 Formal and Founder’s Day celebrations were notable for their zest and good humour. The VCAL students spread their wings in TAFE courses and work placements during the year. While success may not have been achieved in all sporting events, it is the lessons learnt from participation which help to develop the character of our young men. Our talent was brilliantly showcased in the College production of Breaker Morant as well as the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge, and students who this year studied Studio Arts, Media and Visual Communication & Design showed their flair at the celebration of ‘Art Week’. They can be very proud of their work on display at the annual Visual Arts Exhibition. Members of the St Vincent De Paul group reminded us of the need to be aware of the plight of those who are in need of support. The ‘Class of 2005’ have a sense of occasion. At the Formal, Graduation Mass, Valedictory Dinner and Farewell Assembly, they presented themselves impeccably. They were not only proud of who they are and what they had achieved, but were proud to be part of the De La Salle community and to be Lasallians. In my first year of coordinating Year 12, I have been blessed with the wonderful experience of interacting with so many different personalities. To the parents, Homeroom teachers and staff I say ‘thank you’. To the ‘Class of 2005’, I wish you the very best in your future endeavours and hope you will return to share your stories and experiences with us.
Richard Komiazyk Year 12 Coordinator

12 Roland

Back Row: Darren Sisouw, James Khong, Lawrance Koo, Nicholas Mills, Benjamin Mackie, Lachlan McMahon, Stewart Hyslop, Julian Newington Middle Row: Lachlan Bull, Jozef Dickinson, Fabian Culican, Mitchell Lomas, Peter Tiberi, Timothy Krezel Seated: Rohan Conlon, Michael Lawson, Christopher Hennessy, Paul Harding, Stephen Badrock, Jacob Egan Ms Adrianne Harrowfield

12 Miguel
Back Row: David Smith, William Shannon, Thomas Mottram, Michael Shelton, David Gadsden, Kristian Palumbo, Bradley McDonald Middle Row: Joshua Ferguson, Patrick Roberts, William Adianto, Alexandre Perron, Lachlan Williams, James Hansen, Steven Raffa Seated: Dominic Paynter, Stephen Holmes, Alexander Tyrrell, Nicholas Patane, Joshua Fletcher, Martin Ho, Jeffrian Weston Br Quentin

12 Vincent

Back Row: Martin Chung, Liam Clifford, Ryan Noye, Christopher Gleeson, Charles Dowling, Brendan Carr, Samuel Tyrer Middle Row: Nathan Anstey, Matthew Curry, Thomas Nolan, Steven Loft, Timothy Heffernan, Daniel Liston Seated: John Le, Nikolas Michalik, Simon Banfield, Timothy Harris, Alexander Gow, Jaan Erkan, Rino Precilla Mr Graeme Lawler

12 Solomon
Back Row: David Bentley, Benjamin Anstey, James Mason, Christopher Squire, Joshua Attard-Dickson, Peter Kennedy, Carlos Sojo Middle Row: Luke O’Connell, Alexander Hay, Ryan Semmel, Stephen Collins, Aaron House, Seated: Markus Meyer, Patrick Youens, Ryan Hendry, Jason Sing, Blaize Bainbridge, Andrej Vodstrcil, Phillip Johnson Mr Martin Mahy