9 minute read
Year 11

11 Dunstan
Back Row: Athan Dalamagas, Anthony Hale, Alex Bressan, Mitchell Smith, Jay Stanford, Samuel Dowling, Mitchell Gilmour Middle Row: Thomas Sargeant, Christopher Shaw, Michael Keating, Callum Vass, Matthew Collins Seated: Luke Pelly, Tomasz Trojak, Adrian Hulston, John Creedon, Anthony Stabelos, Mackinley Cheng, Samuel Williams Absent: Mason Nicola Mr Luke Martin

11 Benilde
Back Row: James Marasco, Sam Fairbrother, Liam Costello, Lloyd Gallery, Nathan Roberts, Dominic Harkins, Jack Morwood Middle Row: Jesse Brown, Nathan Stewart, Simon Brown, Thomas Coultas, Steven Hogan, Samuel Pickett, Benjamin Robson Seated: Nicholas Davies, Simon Frazer, Thomas Buick, Mark Gomizel, David De Luca, Ryan Scanlan, Matthew Peterson Mr Matthew Breen
11 Gehrig

Back Row: Paul-John Evenden, Jake Ellis, Edward Dorian, Nicholas Weller, Kieran Davies, Patrick Suhodobnik, Mark Quamil, David Hunter Middle Row: Michael Davis, Samuel Dillon, Gerardo Sison, Christian Zuanetti, Alessandro Marino, Dominic Stephens Seated: Daniel Gordon, Michael Torrisi, Dylan Howell, Joel Pollard, Christopher Pritchard, Steven Zoumis Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis

11 Foley
Back Row: Sam Faneco, Bradley Wood, Damon Douglas, Andrew Ball, Carey Watkins, Sean Leoszko, Alexander Roberts Middle Row: Dominic Smith, Yana Myhill-Byron, Jakub Lecki, Michael Petruccelli, Rory Higgins, Paul Sansalone Seated: Patrick Monaghan, Sean Morrison, Andrew Corteling, Timothy Clinch, Fraser Paterson, Nicholas Gill, Nicholas Hooker Absent: Robert Saliba Mr Gerard Barns

11 Jerome

Back Row: Simon Finlay, Christopher Merrey, Andrew Donegan, Andre Pentifallo, Christopher Hyland, Matthew Allan, Jonathan Benco Middle Row: Jamil Molinaro, Joshua Cassar, Beau Coyle, James Tolson, Lawrence Colman Seated: Paul Ryan, Kevin Walker, Daniel Conway, Michael Kann, Long Nhat Mai, John Truong, Adam Smith Absent: Benjamin Dwyer Ms Margaret McPhee

11 Hegarty
Back Row: Christopher Brodie, Christopher Soumplis, Alan Stedman, Stephen Wall, Jack Saunders, Charles Herd, Eric Kydd Middle Row: Christopher Howard, James Meade, Peter Nicholls, Stephen Monteleone, Kristian Campbell-Tennant, James Esposito, Timothy McCurdy Seated: James Moloney, Patrick Paczkowski, Jacob Gotch, Adam Speirs, Jason Tiso, James Cleary, Slaven Drnda Mr Robert Hoich
11 Roland

Back Row: James Watson, Jeffrey D’Souza, Gerard Nolan, Corey Glenister, Joshua Junkeer, Cameron Van De Laarschot, Rocky Lomacchio Middle Row: Ravi Arora, Ashley Thomas, Michael Lane, Charles Cattermole, James Comerford Seated: Sean Irving, Joseph O’Connell, Shane Ah-Kan, Jason Fatone, Michael Gemanel, Leigh Pryor, Andrew De Mesa Absent: Anthony Newlands Ms Susan Robertson

11 Miguel
Back Row: Leigh Dimitropoulos, Demian Myers, John Moore, George Santaltzis, Nicholas Parton, Jordan Adams, Andrew Campbell Middle Row: Andrew Bou-Ghosn, Christopher Koh, Daniel Reid, Thomas Baker-Lovell, Mark Nowak, Thomas Briglia Seated: Christopher Espino, Joe Maher, Luke Semmel, James Ly, Craig Rodriques, Timothy Maddocks, Brendan Chung Mr Frank Goricanec,

11 Vincent
Back Row: Andrew Batley, Lachlan Graf, Liam Carolan, Timothy Arbon, David Millar, Patrick Smith Middle Row: Adam Miller, Callum Richards, Peter Apostolopoulos, Alexander Phillipos, Alexander Smyth, Joel Phillips Seated: John Tsaousidis, James Nicoll, Luke Pearson, Peter Grouios, Mitchell Lyons, Christopher Bryant, David Quamil Absent: Anthony Vanzella Mr Norm Stewart,
11 Solomon
Back Row: Hugh Rennie, Christopher Lobo, Daniel Lawlor, Aaron McLay, Adam Kovarik, Thomas Bloom, Michael Ryan Middle Row: Luke Lally, Neil Chen, James Francis, Julian Hirst, Aidan McInerney Seated: Ron Licen, Kenny Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, William Carey, Fabian Lange, Benjamin O’Neill, Daniel Price Mr Euan Walmsley
Year 11 2005
The year started much as l expect it to end, with Jacob Gotch at the microphone in one of our assemblies in Morgan Hall. In fact Morgan Hall has seen much of the Year 11 group this year, they of course sit studiously and in silence for study periods but there has also been much laughter and sharing of stories. Glenn Manton was the first of our guest appearances for the year, his inspirational ideas focussed around the need for ‘quality of thought’ and ‘being part of the process’ and provided the students with much food for thought as we reflected about the world beyond school. Retreats were the next item on the agenda for Year 11’s and they proved to be a very valuable and worthwhile experience for all students involved. The opportunity to form lasting friendships in homeroom groups is a chance that many other schools don’t offer their students, and the bonds formed on these retreats can often form the basis for friendships that last well beyond the final days of Year 12. Whilst undoubtedly not a lot of sleep was had (and there were some mysterious cow stories) staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was during this term that we welcomed the talents of Scott Barlow and his band who entertained us with great music and at the same time informed us of the plight facing Aboriginal communities across Australia. I doubt however that they will again witness the talents displayed by Corto as he sang, danced and hugged his way into all our hearts. As the year progressed many of our students began to unlock the mystery of Unit 3 and 4 studies, as over 60 Year 11 students completed a Year 12 subject. Much credit must go to these students for tackling such an onerous task; they have done so with distinction and great enthusiasm. It was a great recognition of the achievements of these students when Mitchell Smith, Chris Brodie, Bradley Wood, James Meade and Adam Smith received the award for academic excellence in their chosen study. The World Youth Day contingent headed off for a whirlwind tour of Europe and regaled us with tales of marvellous places visited and awesome people met. Adrian Hulston and Sam Williams were selected to represent the College at the World Day Youth Convention and although I have serious doubts about the banana in pyjama outfits, they assure me they were great ambassadors for the school. The pressure mounted for a social and the Year 11 Business class ably led by Ms Busk, undertook the organising of the evening. Attended by girls from schools including Star Of The Sea, OLSH, and Windsor, the social proved to be a great success and our students handled themselves with great decorum and confidence. We were also fortunate enough to be invited by OLSH to participate with them in a Christian Leadership day at Bayview Conference Centre. The workshops run by the Reach organisation and our host for the day Mark Dobson, provided not only great entertainment but also many strategies for dealing with the issues facing young people today. The singing of our students was a wonderful thing to watch! The sporting prowess of this year level has again proven itself to be second to none, competing only with the extraordinary variety in hair colour (Mark’s smurf look was one to be applauded for its courage). Whilst not one of our teams actually won a grand final this year there were many moments to celebrate, my personal favourite being the assembly that recognised these achievements. Who could forget Mr Wadley’s tales of Twinkle Toes Pentifallo in the soccer, or Mr Barns’ extraordinary recount of the year that was in ACC footy. Mr Walmsely managed the Hockey team who made the grand final only to be denied a win by a disallowed goal. Not only denying the team of bragging rights, but thankfully denying all of us having to hear about it from Fairs for the rest of the year. The second half of the year has flown by in a blur, with a few moments offered to reflect upon why so many students need to rest in the shade of the containers on Kinnoull oval or why Anthony Hale’s sports bag was so appealing to the ‘dim-simmers’. This year level is a delightful blend of young men from all walks of life with an extraordinary variety of inter-

ests. This is exemplified in the way all of our students (be they the Camberwell boys, the soccer lads, the jocks, the card players, the Harvey Building court-yarders, the hackey-sackers (whose merge with the Mt Waverley boys seems to have gone smoothly) the RockEders, the Europeans and The Wanderers) can blend harmoniously when the need arises. I have been very proud of the ways in which the boys have offered unwavering support and friendship to each other over the course of the year as some of our students face incredibly difficult times. The votes have been tallied for the leaders of 2006 and congratulations must go to all students who participated in the process. I am confident that all Year 12 students in 2006 will be a fine example for the rest of the school, be they elected leaders or not. It has been both a privilege and a pleasure to be so involved in the lives of the Year 11 students in 2005. I wish them the best of luck as they move into the final year of their schooling at De La Salle. Mrs Sally Buick Year 11 Coordinator

Year 11 Leaders
Standing: Craig Rogriguez, Gerard Nolan, Nathan Roberts, Alex Phillapos, Ming Nuen, Sally Buick, Seated: Kevin Walker, Chris Brodie, Patrick Suhodobonik, Alex Roberts, Samuel Williams, Carey Watkins
Recipients Of Year 11 Study Awards Semester 1, 2005
Physical Education Christopher Brodie French Andrew Campbell Physical Education Eamonn Crellin (Year 10) Physics Kieran Davies Art DamonDouglas
VCAL – Building & Construction
SamuelDowling Italian Slaven Drnda
VCAL - Intermediate (work-related skills)
Dominic Harkins Economics Matthew Hearn (Year 10) Sport & Recreation Charles Herd Industry & Enterprise Studies Steven Hogan Legal Studies Christopher Howard Legal Studies Adrian Hulston Physical Education Michael Keating Visual Communication & Design Eric Kydd English Daniel Lawlor General Mathematics (Specialist) Ron Licen English Timothy Maddacks Media Studies Joe Maher Information Technology Eamon McGuire (Year 10) Mathematical Methods James Meade
Business Management
Christopher Pritchard Geography Timothy Slavin (Year 10)
General Mathematics (Specialist)
Adam Smith Psychology Dominic Smith Accounting Max Taylor (Year 10) Texts and Traditions Michael Torrisi
Religious Education (school-based)
John Truong Design & Technology John Tsaousidis Studio Arts Anthony Vanzella General Mathematics (Methods) Kevin Walker English Samuel Williams English Christopher Bryant Media Studies Christopher Bryant General Mathematics (Specialist) Matthew Mitchell (Year 10)
Mathematical Methods
Matthew Mitchell (Year 10) Foundation Mathematics Jack Morwood
Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Jack Morwood Chemistry Peter Nicholls Religious Education (school-based) Peter Nicholls Biology Michael Petruccelli English Michael Petruccelli English Craig Rodriques Economics Craig Rodriques English Sean Irving Literature Sean Irving Legal Studies Sean Irving General Mathematics (Further) Luke Pearson History Luke Pearson Music (Solo Performance) Luke Pearson