5 minute read
Mary McKillop Enhancement Centre
Administration Staff
Standing: Br Gabriel O'Shea, Peter Riordan, Genie Scott, Anne Lawler, Trish Woodman, Joan Ferguson, Br Bill Firman, John Marshall Seated: Sandra Glazebrook, Donna Yorgey, Mary McLellan, Elaine Tyrrell, Pat Phelan, Joy Bew, Maria Giacomantonio Absent: Mrs Ellenor Harris
Maintenance Staff
Clinton Harris, Steven Broughill and Robert Oldershaw esq.
Recreation Officers
Ben Woodland and Nick Roberts
Canteen Staff
Kris Bebbibngton, Kerry Thomas-Roscrow and Bruce Trappett Joanne Walters, Mary Trappett and Symone Armstrong 102
Outdoor Education Staff
Simon Finnigan, Domonic Farrell and David Atkins
Mary MacKillop Learning Enhancement Centre
In 2005, the focus of the Mary MacKillop Learning Enhancement Centre [MMEC] has been on Integration and Special Needs Students. This year the MMEC team members includes Integration – aides: Mrs Karen Tillotson (Mrs T), Mrs Eve Mc Lellan, Mrs Mary Thomas (Scully), Mr Ben Shore and Clare Needham. Our teaching staff includes: Mrs Jacinta Ryan, Mrs Maria Zanelli and Mrs Nicole Flynn-Jones. Each member endeavours to work with students, parents and College staff in looking after the individual educational needs of this diverse range of students as well as developing and implementing programs that reflect these needs. Intrinsic to the work of the MMEC is the support of parents. Regular Program Support Meetings [PSG’s] with students, parents and College staff help to discuss academic programming and other on-going issues to ensure that College life is as fulfilling and supportive as possible. Foremost in the work the MMEC attend to, is the individual and small group support for students who have been identified as requiring assistance in classrooms, study periods and before school. In 2005, the MMEC programming witnessed the introduction of the Year 7 Literacy Support Group classes to complement Jacinta’s work in the Year 8 Literacy Support Group. In 2006, we will be expanding the Literacy Support Group classes to support Year 9 and 10 students. MMEC staff work with students across all year levels including primary classes, in particular with students who exhibit severe language, intellectual or emotional needs. They also liaise with staff and support students who require individual and small group work. Again, the Mary Mc Killop Learning Enhancement Centre staff have attended Year 4 & 7 Entrance Test mornings, spoken at Year level information nights, Year 7 school transition meetings, attended Catholic Education Office student support network meetings, Student Services Conference 2005 and various other professional development opportunities to further develop their skills and knowledge in these areas. An integral part of the work done through the MMEC is the belief that all students can be successful when outcomes set are based upon realistic and achievable goals. This certainly is inspired by our patron Blessed Mother Mary MacKillop in her work for those who were less able to look after themselves. The words of Mary MacKillop echo the attitude and reflect commitment of the MMEC staff : “We must teach more by example than by word” (Mary MacKillop — 1867). Finally, thanks to the De La Salle College community, especially Headmaster, Brother Bill Firman, Deputy Headmaster Mr Peter Riordan and Kinnoull Campus Head, Brother Adrian Watson, level coordinators and all staff for their support and encouragement throughout 2005. I wish to thank Karen, Eve, Mary, Jacinta, Maria, Clare and Nicole for their work ethic, professionalism and care for the students at De La Salle College.
Mr Damon Jacobs Coordinator
Mrs Mary Thomas, Mrs Karen Tillotson, Ms Clare Needham, Mr Damon Jacobs, Mrs Nicole Flynn-Jones, Mrs Jacinta Ryan and Mrs Maria Zanelli Absent: Mrs Eve McLellan and Mr Ben Shore
Canberra Study Tour
The four-day study tour to our nation’s capital in March was an integral part of the Year 12 Legal Studies and Political Studies students’ academic year. Our itinerary was packed with visits to key institutions and places of interest that enhanced the students’ knowledge and understanding of how our legal and political systems operate, and more importantly, their role within them. Our visit to Old Parliament House gave the boys an insight into the historical development of our Federal Parliament. Sitting in the chamber and re-enacting key events that have shaped our parliament, helped everyone appreciate the uniqueness of the Australian legislature. The opportunity to play “dress ups”, brought out the would-be actors within the group. The contrast with the ‘new’ Parliament House on Capital Hill prompted many discussions about security, expense and just how fit and geographically savvy the politicians are/should be, to manoeuvre the kilometres of corridors. We were particularly fortunate to be able to meet privately with Mr Peter Costello, Member for Higgins, Mr Simon Crean, Member for Hotham, Mr Daryl Melham, Member for Banks, (a De La Old Boy from Benilde High School, Bankstown) and Mrs Anne Corcoran, Member for Isaacs. Our “questions without notice”, relating to topics such as, leadership aspirations, party politics, the role of the Senate, the challenges of being in Opposition and “life” in Canberra, did not seem to faze our panel of pollies. Exploring the Australian War Memorial gave students the chance to reflect on Australia’s involvement in conflicts, pay their respects in the Hall of Memory and at the Roll of Honour, and be mesmerised by the light and sound displays in ANZAC Hall. Visiting the High Court of Australia, helped make sense of the significance of our Constitution and our judicial system. To cap off our hectic schedule, we were able to test ourselves against the achievements of Australia’s elite athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport, then return home more enlightened citizens. Ms Sandra Venneri VCE Legal Studies Teacher