Blue and Gold 2017

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From the Principal


From the Board Chair


Student Life


Learning and Teaching


Faith and Mission


College Captain’s Report



From the Principal Dear Members of the De La Salle Community, As I reflect on our 105th year of operations in Malvern, my first impression is how quickly 2017 has gone by, but also how much has been achieved by so many in our community this year. The theme for the year has certainly been ongoing improvement and innovation as we look to rejuvenate key areas of the school and build a performance and development culture, where each section and group striving to value-add and enhance outcomes is the norm. I recently attended a meeting with Steve Munby, previously CEO of the UK-based National College for School Leadership. Steve spoke of the most effective school improvement leaders and teams being labelled, the “architects”, by researchers. This style of leadership focuses on teaching and learning, coaching and mentoring staff, they collaborate with other schools and look outward to build improvement. The standard of practice and the development it delivers are sustainable should key staff leave; the results may come more slowly but they are maintained. This has been the focus of much of our work

in 2017; slowly but strategically designing and implementing programs, structures and initiatives which are leading to growth and change. We strive collectively as a community to create the best learning environment possible. In April we undertook a review in partnership with ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) which is specifically designed to equip Principals, Boards and staff with the data they need to plot their school’s current position against international effective practice and to plan a focussed approach to school improvement, appropriate to the context of their school. Using the National School Improvement Tool, the report provided feedback on the assessments made against each of the nine interrelated domains of effective school practice, gathered through evidence collection and consultation within our school. The review team affirmed much of our current practice and produced a set of recommended strategies to assist in future planning and to support school-wide improvement.

This enabled and informed a narrowing of the focus in relation to our staff Professional Learning Teams as we drill down on the most effective ways to ensure we are delivering and measuring student growth and progression, not just achievement. The teachers at De La Salle are now well versed in understanding and applying the principles, standards and assessment of the new Victorian Curriculum and have unpacked in more detail the VCE Study Designs. Updated course documentation and contemporary rubrics written with painstaking detail inform progressive teaching and learning, producing a raft of data to help plan the next stage. This has been challenging work for all concerned but 2017 has certainly seen a range of breakthroughs and positive collective, collaborative, team-based professional learning among the teaching staff. As we continue to drive the improvement agenda in all areas of the College our teachers, Learning Support Officers, administration, ICT and maintenance have all had their part to play to some extent in a rapidly changing educational landscape. Reframing so many areas of an organisation requires vision, courage, flexibility and adaptability, all presenting a myriad of challenges. I have been very proud of our staff in all areas of the school. De La is a great place

to work and while change and implementing new strategy doesn’t always suit everybody, the desire to make our College a better place is evident in all our endeavours. As the years go by I continue to be impressed and encouraged by our community’s Lasallian identity. While a good deal of work, planning and structures go into ensuring our heritage informs all our daily operations, to see the ethos so warmly embraced and championed by all in our school is certainly heart-warming. We are very proud of the success of the four House Lasallian Captains concept, with the Year 12 incumbents delivering great results in addressing social justice awareness and initiatives. They were also instrumental in the drafting and presentation of our very first De La Salle College Prayer after 105 years! The Five Core Principles of a Lasallian education have been given a higher profile, which has had the effect of enabling our students and staff to more closely affiliate their everyday work with the timehonoured themes of our Founder. Certainly high among our most exciting developments for 2017 is the tremendous progress on the College Master Plan. All things being equal we should see over the summer the beginning of the renovation and expansion of the science learning area and the demolition of the Dalny Street flats. Landscaping and beautification works are also planned for the front

courtyard at Tiverton. We are moving well into the design and costing stages for the proposed new multistorey building running down from the courtyard to Dalny Street. In these challenging times for educators we are called upon by the media, the community and the Church to provide so much for our students in so many areas. I am eternally grateful to our resourceful and professional Executive Team; Mr Tom Ryan (Staff and Operations), Mr Mark Gustincic (Learning and Teaching), Ms Lisa Harkin (Students), Mrs Rana Brogan (Faith and Mission) and Ms Kerrie Jordan (Finance and Administration), have been wonderful allies. Principal’s PA, Mrs Sandy Wreford’s ongoing and unwavering devotion to the cause,


her insightful assistance and nextlevel organisational skills make life so much easier for the team and me in particular. The College Board of Directors devotes a tremendous amount of time and effort in setting our strategic direction, managing risk and governing fiscal responsibilities. This is a team of men and women invested heavily in the College, bringing a range of skills sets and a united approach to improving all aspects of the school. We are indeed fortunate to have so many visionary, skilful and hardworking professionals in our community so willing to serve on the Board. Mr Tony Morwood, Board Chair, has committed for another three years, his experience and wise counsel have been of great assistance and

we are very fortunate to retain his services especially during the early stages of the Master Plan. I must acknowledge the ever growing influence of the very dedicated team from the Parent Network. President, Cate Robertson and her creative Committee brought so much to our community in 2017. Finally, thank you to all in our Lasallian community for all you have contributed to make our exceptional school even more so this year. Best wishes for a happy, holy and safe Christmas. Mr Peter Houlihan Principal

From the Board Chair The past twelve months has seen the College Board approve the commencement of the first stage of the Master Plan – upgrade and development of new facilities on the Tiverton Campus. Work will commence in 2018. We are extremely excited in launching these upgrades. The Tiverton Campus has needed a significant redevelopment for many years. Now it will become a reality.

Board as our legal representative and the Chair of our Building Sub-Committee, he has made a significant impact and will be sorely missed.

Board for 2018. We are very thankful for the enthusiasm demonstrated for these positions by many members of the De La community.

Whilst the Board will continue to allocate funds towards facility upgrades to provide better learning environments, the teaching and learning focus for our students is the number one priority. Under the leadership of Peter Houlihan and his Executive Team, the academic performance of students is now demonstrably being enhanced, as the College seeks to deliver only the highest standards of achievement in all areas of the curriculum.

Mr Damien Nolan steps down after ten years on the Board. Damien has a finance background, was the Chair of the Finance Committee and is experienced within specific education areas. We are indebted to Damien’s contribution to the College and he will leave a major legacy.

I would personally like to thank my co-directors: Maureen Salter, Paul Shannon, Anne Arbon, Mark Parker, Richard Halasa and Sir Brother Patrick Lynch for their support to the Chair and for giving of their time and experience for the College’s wellbeing and development.

We are in the process of appointing new directors to the

Tony Morwood

I recently attended the 2017 Year 12 Valedictory Mass and Dinner, where I witnessed the wonderfully dynamic morale and culture on display by our students. For all staff who have played a major role in these phenomena, I offer congratulations and thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank two directors who are stepping down from the Board in 2017. Mr Michael Skerrett, who spent five years on the

Standing: Br Sir Patrick Lynch, Mr Damien Nolan, Mr Michael Skerrett, Mr Richard Halasa (Chair Building Committee), Mr Mark Parker. Seated: Mr Paul Shannon (Chair Finance Committee), Ms Maureen Salter (Deputy Chair), Mr Tony Morwood (Chair), Mr Peter Houlihan (Principal), Ms Anne Arbon



Student Life When people walk through the gates at De La Salle, they quickly notice that there is something very special here. Our Lasallian education is built on five core principles and these core principles are the starting point for all of our endeavours at the College. When our Student Leaders are asked to describe the school culture at De La Salle, they easily identify many of our espoused Lasallian values and beliefs. I have found that the most referenced description of our school culture is the sense of camaraderie and brotherhood the students experience at De La Salle College. St John Baptist de La Salle always encouraged his teachers to work, shoulder to shoulder with the students and to stand together by association. Today, this feeling of kinship, brotherliness and fraternity is equally as present for our students. A heartening testimony to the strength of our community at De La Salle College.

With the reinvigorated House System into its second year, we have seen the bonds between our students strengthen. Proudly, the older students are mentoring the younger students, providing guidance as role models for their younger brothers. It was wonderful to see the way in which our students started the year. I managed to attend every assembly at the Tiverton and Kinnoull Campuses and enjoyed hearing each Year Level and House Coordinator emphasise personal excellence, involvement and being prepared to have a go.

Likewise, Founder’s Day was an outstanding success. Behind the scenes, the Year 12 Student Leaders organized food trucks and ice-cream vans, negotiating council requirements and developing a program of activities for the day. This year, the work of the Year 12 Student Leaders was underpinned by three guiding principles: Brotherhood at Heart, Excellence in Mind and Service through Spirit. Their active contribution to the very fabric of our community has encouraged student participation, developed stronger relationships and fostered a sense of Lasallian spirit and belonging. All of the Student Leaders have made an outstanding contribution at our major sporting events; the athletics, cross country and swimming carnivals. A former AFL Footballer, Nathan Burke was engaged to run three high performance leadership coaching sessions with our Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 Student Leaders. This led to a student action team collaborating to develop and deliver a peer mentoring program. In addition, the Lasallian Youth Mission delivered a Young Lasallian Leaders Retreat for the Year 6–9 Student Leaders and Class Captains. It was a privilege to support the Student Leaders on this journey. This year we have sought to consolidate, establish and, where appropriate, develop clear policies and procedures to ensure a

consistent approach to student wellbeing and improved student outcomes. We have implemented a new Positive Student Behaviour Policy in an effort to develop a consistent approach to student behaviour management. Similarly, we have provided specific professional development for our wellbeing leaders to champion the implementation of restorative practices. Other work has sought to develop collaborative and effective case management of disengaged students utilising both individual and group programs together with internal and external resources. All Child Safety Policies have been reviewed by the Australian Childhood Foundation and received overwhelmingly positive feedback.

A working party was established to review our mechanisms to recognise student success. Next year, we will implement a Student Achievement and Recognition Policy in an effort to encourage our students to set higher goals for themselves and to achieve their full potential. The five categories of achievement and recognition will be known as “Lasallian Zeal.” Our students will accumulate nominations over the course of their time at De La Salle College and in time, they will receive a certificate and a Lasallian Zeal badge. I would like to acknowledge the fine work of all staff with responsibilities related to student learning and life. Deo Duce, Ms Lisa Harkin Deputy Principal – Students


Learning and Teaching As a product of the annual curricula program review process the following variations for 2018 have been confirmed: 1. The introduction of Film Scoring, Rock Band, Choconomics, STEM and Exercise and Movement Immersion units. 2. The introduction of Year 10 Health and Human Development, Psychological Science and STEMEngineering units. 3. The introduction of Unit 3 and Unit 4 Global Politics. All proposals involved careful consideration and significant time, thought and debate. There is collective optimism about the benefits of these initiatives, with a great deal of work already completed to ensure their successful implementation next year. In addition to the work of these program-level change initiatives,

the Assessment and Reporting Committee, led by Mrs Lucy Russell, has been very active in devising plans for future reporting arrangements, leading us to realtime online reporting. Supporting this, a Working Group, led by Ms Emily Ryan, has developed systems for the progressive, College-wide use of assessment rubrics. Another two Working Groups were assembled this year. One, led by Mr Rob Bonnici, was tasked with the creation of a Teachers’ Position Description. The other, developing Learning and Teaching protocols for use across the College, has been led by Ms Olivia Wenczel. Both groups are well progressed in their work at this stage of the year.

Other work undertaken in 2017 includes phase three of the Notebook Computer Program rollout. Years 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 have this year employed Collegeissued notebook computers in their learning, with the final stage to be implemented in 2018. Ongoing infrastructure improvements, overseen by Digital Learning Services Manager, Mr Luke Georgiou, has enabled an expansion of effective, reliable services for staff, students and parents. This has included the introduction of a new online learning management system, “OLLIE”. College involvement in the University of Melbourne Network of Schools concludes this year, as our three year term reaches its completion. A recent public ‘Showcase’ presentation of the outcomes of our work in the area of Feedback and Data Literacy had elicited positive responses from the audience. I would like to acknowledge the fine work of the many staff with responsibilities related to the Learning and Teaching area in 2017. Mr Mark Gustincic Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

The Curriculum Standing Committee: Ms Emily Ryan

Learning Area Team Leader – Mathematics

Miss Olivia Wenczel

Learning Area Team Leader – English

Mr Ashleigh Hoogendoorn

Learning Area Team Leader – Commerce

Mr Warren Walker

Learning Area Team Leader – Technology

Mrs Anette Phillips

Director of Primary

Mr David Alexander

Director of Learning and Development – Experiential Learning

Mr Rob Bonnici

Director of Learning and Development – Digital Learning

Ms Rose Connolly

Director of Learning and Development – Curricula Programs

Mrs Lucy Russell

Director of Learning and Development – Student Progression

Administrative Support

Ms Kirsten Morrison Ms Dianne Nikolakopoulos



Faith and Mission As a Lasallian school, at the core of our distinctiveness is the identity of our Founder, St John Baptist de La Salle. We connect to and associate ourselves with the man of St John Baptist de La Salle, as a significant influence on the way we support young people to grow in faith and become what St John himself described to us “Prepare a path for God so that he can enter your heart,” (Med.2.1). This year, was a particularly significant year because it was the year which the College officially introduced and imbedded the profiles of the Five Core Principles in all aspects of College life; Faith and Mission, Wellbeing, and Learning and Teaching. Taken from one of the Five Core Lasallian Principles, “Faith in the Presence of God,” the 2017 College theme was “Faith”. As a Lasallian school, we nurture in our members an awareness of the living presence of God in our world. This theme of “Faith” calls us all to a deeper awareness of the saving relationship we have with a caring and loving God and moves all of us to see the world through the “eyes of faith”.

This theme invited us to be grateful for our lived experience of the Lasallian tradition, our participation in the Lasallian family, and to bring an attitude of gratitude to our lives in general. It also provided us with the opportunity to think about how we will commit ourselves to faith; to think about whom we, as Lasallians, are called to be and how we are called to live with a spirit of faith, service and justice, inclusiveness, respect and quality education. It was also a significant year for the College because of the introduction of the new and official College Prayer. For the first time in the 105 year history of the College, College Captain, James Biviano, presented the College community with the

new and official College Prayer at the conclusion of the Liturgy for the Feast of the Assumption. Over the course of Term 2, I had the privilege of working with James in his role as College Captain, the two College Vice-Captains, Aaron Trusler and Leon Lymbouris and the five Lasallian Captains, Joel Caruso, Chris Groves, Oliver Hart, Peter Nikitas and Anthony Ticinovic to develop an official College Prayer. The process went through many stages, including feedback from College Principal Mr Peter Houlihan as well as the De La Salle Brothers Community at Malvern before a final draft was decided. As Lasallians and in line with the Lasallian Core Principle of Faith, we are called to live by the spirit of faith, to touch the hearts of those in our care, and in the words of the Founder, St John Baptist de La

Salle, we are, “called to hold prayer in high esteem…” I would like to finish by acknowledging the celebration of the inaugural Staff Lasallian Service Awards. The award is awarded to staff, not for years of service to the College, but rather for a demonstration of the Five Core Lasallian Principles throughout various aspects of their work. Brother Visitor David Hawke FSC the Provincial of the De La Salle Brothers was our special guest for the occasion and presented each recipient with their award. Congratulations to Mrs Joan Ferguson, Mr Tim Hogan and Mrs Christine Thompson on being awarded and recognised in such an honourable way. Mrs Rana Brogan Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission

DE LA SALLE COLLEGE PRAYER Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God God, as our leader, and guided by the Lasallian Principles, we commit ourselves to lives of faith and excellence, compassion, courage and loyalty. May we have a humble heart, a generous spirit, and a willingness to serve our community. In the likeness of the Founder, may we live with virtue and love. Inspired by a burning zeal to do what is right and just, we commit ourselves to the blue and gold, Deo Duce. St John Baptist de La Salle – Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts – Forever!



College Captain’s Report There is nothing quite like a community of brothers. 2017 was a year of brotherhood, excellence and service and I am honoured to have been a part of another successful year. De La has never been more united, with the rivalrous House Competitions and camaraderie shared between the year levels. We have also seen the House charities take off this year and the development of the new College Prayer. Our 24 leaders have been outstanding, and have gone above and beyond the call of duty over the course of this year, in successfully creating a heightened sense of community, enjoyment and competitiveness, through living out our motto – Brotherhood at Heart, Excellence in Mind and Service through Spirit. These 24 leaders took a pledge, a pledge to be servant leaders to our brothers and to a College for whose existence we are all grateful. I would like to thank the leadership team of Ms Lisa Harkin and Mrs Rana Brogan, who created a homely environment for our leaders and who committed countless hours to advising and coaching, and ensuring we had the resources to pull off the year we did. I’d like to especially thank this year’s College Vice-Captains Leon Lymbouris and Aaron Trusler.

COLLEGE LEADERS Back Row: Anthony Ticinovic, Jordan Brasher, Jed Roberts, Oscar Cramp, Peter Nikitas, Christopher Ovens Middle Row: Christopher Groves, Cameron Monaco, William Campbell, Andrew Eracleous, Oliver Hart, Harry Gustin, William Callaghan, Adam Martuccio, Joel Caruso, Luke Barron Seated: Harrison Gill, Max Doherty, Aaron Trusler, Leon Lymbouris, Mr Peter Houlihan, James Biviano, Harrison Campion, Alexander Martin, Declan Martin

These two men got involved in every way possible and they never shied away from a challenge, supporting the College and our Year 12 brothers 100% of the way. I would also like to extend my thanks to all the House Coordinators and Mentors for all their hard work, and who have been integral in encouraging and maintaining House spirit. To our teachers: we are grateful for the countless hours you have put into helping us achieve our goals. In so many ways De La teachers surpass expectations; good

teachers show their students the path to success. Our teachers are always there by our side. Thank you Mr Houlihan for the outstanding work in rejuvenating the school, and leading it in new directions. Of course a special thank you to my parents who have always been there to support me through the year. To all the boys who have their Malvern journey ahead: cherish it, thrive off it, and do not hesitate to get involved in all facets of the College.

My advice to you all is – engage with your learning, don’t waste the time you have at school, and be proud of what you achieve. I can proudly say I love De La, and I am honoured to be a part of its proud history. I wish you all the best for your individual journeys and I thank you all for being a part of mine. James Biviano College Captain


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A Word from the Chaplain


Student Wellbeing


Personal Development



A Word from the Chaplain Chaplain and student participation in promoting the prayer life of the College has been a feature of 2017. EARLY MORNING LITURGIES


Over the course of 2017 our Year 7 students engaged in a learning process to develop community prayer services.

New students in Year 4 and Year 7 spent some time exploring the parallels between our family celebrations and how we gather for the Eucharist as a means that brings us all closer together.

The students then invited the College community to gather in the Chapel each week where they led a paraliturgy for their peers, College staff and sometimes parents. The students spent a number of periods planning their theme, choosing Scripture, writing prayers and incorporating appropriate music into these liturgies. They even challenged us with their own homilies based on the readings. This new initiative was highly successful and one that we will continue and extend.

With the support of Father Martin Tanti we celebrated a number of Masses together in the Tiverton Chapel in preparation for the major celebration at St Patrick’s Cathedral to welcome our new families to the College. SACRAMENTS We started the year with our preparation and reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Tiverton Chapel on 31 May.

In Term 2 students from Year 6 and Year 7 began the groundwork for the Sacrament of Confirmation which was celebrated on 10 September by Bishop Peter Elliott. Students participated in a Retreat Day that took them to various places, introducing them to the story and heritage that is theirs in Catholic Melbourne. They learned about the various ways in which people serve God in the Church and how they too might participate. First Communion was celebrated on 19 November at St Anthony’s Parish, Glen Huntly. Mrs Joan Ferguson College Chaplain



Student Wellbeing It has been another busy year for the De La Salle Psychologists. The majority of our work is in supporting students, across both campuses, with their emotional and mental health. Aside from this core business, a great deal of work was undertaken behind the scenes in supporting the Wellbeing Team with the implementation of the Child Safety Standards arising from the Royal Commission. This year, the Wellbeing Team has centred on embedding a restorative approach to relationships in the school. This includes student/student and student/teacher relationships. This type of approach to dealing with difficulties in relationships will continue to underpin all our interactions with members of our College community and we will continue to champion this approach due to the enormous body of evidence that supports this. Student Wellbeing features strongly in the fabric of school life at De La Salle. We pride ourselves in developing character strengths in our young men that prepare them to be leaders. School psychology services play a

key role in supporting whole-school approaches to optimising the student experience at the College including: — Managing and responding to bullying — Running social groups (including the very popular Lego Group that meets regularly in Ms Dubroja’s office). — Targeted groups work about expression of emotions — Focusing on positive studentteacher relationships — Gaining feedback from students about their experience — Collecting data on student wellbeing through the Resilience Survey

— Mental health promotion including activities such as R U OK? DAY which was entirely run on the Tiverton Campus by the Year 9 leadership group and with the wonderful support from many staff and, in particular, the Student Leaders on the Kinnoull Campus — The “Tuning into Teens” program was run for parents over 6 weeks with great feedback. This will be an

ongoing program. Places fill early! — We also hosted our School Counsellors network meeting and focused on how we may include the Respectful Relationships Curriculum into all aspects of College life Relationships has been a key focus in our work throughout 2017. Research has shown the links between strong relationships (family and friendships) and higher levels of happiness, greater capacity to deal with stress. Strong relationships have also been shown to provide meaning and purpose. We hope to continue to focus on prevention and raise the importance and awareness of looking after mental and emotional health into next year. We encourage anyone to

come past and say hello, make an appointment, in person, via email or telephone. We are available to speak to all members of our College community. Our key business remains working with our students and their families. We do this in a number of ways; these include working with individual students, continuously liaising with Year Level Coordinators and House Coordinators on a formal and informal level as well as consulting with House Mentors and Class Mentors. Mr Anthony Freeman Kinnoull Campus Ms Karina Dubroja Tiverton Campus


Personal Development One morning a student approached me, holding back the tears, as he relayed some issues he was experiencing at home and the impact this was having on his learning. He felt overwhelmed, confused and upset about the particular situation and then on top of that, he felt stressed about how he was going to cope with the looming deadlines and responsibilities of being a student. Sadly, this sort of conversation is not uncommon. Research suggests that mental health issues are an increasing concern for Australian society with mental health conditions commonly emerging in the teenage years. Schools play a pivotal role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the young people in their care. The Personal Development program, now in its second year, seeks to address the wide range of issues students are experiencing in order to equip them with the necessary skills to cope. The program covers a variety of topics relating to the developmental stages of teenagers including

study skills, mindfulness, resilience and positive self-talk. Some of the highlights of this year’s program included a presentation for Year 7 students by former Police Officer, Ms Susan Maclean on Cybersafety and a presentation for Year 8 students by Ms Bec Danniher from Fight MND about resilience. Students also experienced a special “Time and Space” evening with their mothers at Year 7 and fathers at Year 8 . This event demonstrated the importance of a structured workshop to open the lines of authentic communication, free from the distractions of technology. As the program continues to grow with the collaboration of the Wellbeing Team, House Mentors and Class Mentors, positive life skills can be fostered to help students deal with their emotions and in turn their learning. Ms Haylene Peipert Personal Development Coordinator

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Mission Action Day


Papua New Guinea


Applied Learning in Wilcannia


La Salle Green Hills


Lasallian Service


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Coolies Mission Action Day. BoysTown also boasts its own Hindu Temple which is frequently used by local Hindu villagers. The centre piece of BoysTown is a technical college which takes in young destitute boys from neighbouring districts, trains them in a technical trade and finds them ongoing employment.

BoysTown in India could be best described by Australian standards as a working farm. Many of the BoysTown students, who range from 16 to 20 years of age, are orphaned or from extremely poor families from the Dalat or Untouchable caste. The property is nestled at the base of Nagamalai, a hill range west of Madurai in Tamil Nadu. The property, which spans several hundred hectares, supports coconut palm plantations, goats

and chickens as well as abundant natural flora and fauna including peacocks, deer, peccaries and monkeys. The property includes many buildings made mainly from local stone, including the Brothers House, a Chapel, a small post office, a technical college, student and staff accommodation and Benildus House, where the 2016 Coolies group were accommodated. Benildus House, which can accommodate up to 30 people, has been completed largely thanks to the hard work of the De La Salle Coolies and the fundraising efforts of

The Administrator of BoysTown, Br John Fernando commended our boys: “The De La Salle Malvern Coolies groups have made an enormous contribution to bringing BoysTown back to life. Not only the financial contributions made by De La Salle Malvern but more importantly the social and spiritual contribution for our students. The Coolies boys make such an impression on our boys and the social exchanges they have are invaluable. BoysTown provides Coolies students with an experience beyond their imagination and will challenge them beyond their expectations. I have been impressed by the Malvern students adaptability and resilience. They are very tough, adapting well to the different food,

the climate, the physical and the mental challenges that being in another country can bring. This experience will give them a whole new perspective. They have gone beyond the borders of comfort.” Ms Kerry Martin Coolies 2016

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Mission Action Day De La Salle has a long standing reputation for its outstanding fundraising efforts through its annual Mission Action Day (MAD) walk, and this year’s MAD was no exception. Once again pipping the $100,000 mark, the College community is to be congratulated for its generosity in giving to the Lasallian missions in the region. Staff and students completed the 12km walk along Gardiner’s Creek Trail in perfect autumn conditions making it another wonderful MAD. Ms Kerry Martin


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Papua New Guinea The trip of a lifetime started at Tullamarine Airport at 6:30am on a cold Sunday in September, as 14 students and five staff members took to the skies, on their way to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. On arrival the climate instantly took our breath away as the heat and humidity hit us like a freight train. We were welcomed with open arms and leis by the local workers and students of De La Salle College, Bomana. Instantly the generosity and happiness of locals was illustrated to us as they would help in any way possible to make our time in PNG as enjoyable as possible.

the repair of floorboards. The days of work were unbelievably challenging, with the heat and humidity making even the smallest of task seem a great deal more difficult. The help we were lucky enough to have from the students and maintenance team of De La Salle, Bomana was incredible, with many of them giving up their holidays to help us make a difference to their community.

Overall we spent 12 days in PNG, working and living alongside the locals that call De La Salle, Bomana home. The majority of our time was dedicated to helping renovate the six Year 9 classrooms that were in desperate need of restoration after close to 80 years of neglect. As a team we completed a wide variety of jobs that the majority of us had never attempted before. Jobs included the digging of holes, replacement of walls, painting of walls, and construction of stair cases, removal and concreting of posts, paths and landings as well as

After each solid days work we would head down to the local oval and spend hours playing footy or rugby with the local boys. The times playing and socialising with these locals were some of the most rewarding times on the trip and no matter how tired we were at the end of the day’s work, we would all make time to head down and experience the amazing culture PNG has to offer. The hospitality we experienced while staying at the Bomana Brothers residence was unbelievably generous as they opened up their

doors, gave up their food and welcomed us into their homes. Occasionally we would have an afternoon off work and we would pile into the truck and head out to explore Port Moresby. These trips included visits local craft markets where many locals would sell their handmade creations. Probably the most memorable trip was out to the beginning of the Kokoda trail. The drive to reach Kokoda took us along the dirt roads of the countryside while passing many of the remote

communities that live in the PNG highlands. We also had the privilege of walking the first 500m of the trail, which was the hardest 500m walk any of us had attempted. However I am happy to say that with the help of our guides we all made it back in one piece. On arrival back into Australia we had the opportunity as a group to reflect on the amazing experience that we had just been apart of. It was unanimous that we had been on a journey that we would all experience for the rest of our lives and one that

we could not recommend enough. I am confident in saying that it was two of the best weeks in my life, and to future boys thinking of applying for the trip or anyone thinking of visiting PNG I cannot recommend it enough. PNG is a beautiful country, filled with beautiful people who are incredibly grateful for your presence within their community. Joshua Paul Year 11


Applied Learning in Wilcannia In August the Year 12 VCAL students, under the guidance of staff members Mr Tim Hogan and Mr Dave Murray, travelled to St Therese’s School in Wilcannia, a small town located within the Central Darling Shire in north western New South Wales. The Wilcannia trip, which replaces the trip to Balgo now that is no longer open to school visits after a change in administration, is an important part of the College’s social justice program. Deputy Principal Faith and Mission, Mrs Rana Brogan congratulated staff and students involved. “Making a connection to the community at Wilcannia is a wonderful way for our young men to connect with an Indigenous community and to offer support and assistance to a community in dire need,” she said. “To be Lasallian is to have compassion, to always have in view,

the promotion of justice to support and work directly for the poor and those neglected by the rest of society.” Mr Tim Hogan VCAL Coordinator

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La Salle Green Hills From 21 April through to 4 May, De La Salle College hosted 12 students and three teachers from our brother school, La Salle Green Hills in Manila. This was the latest chapter of our Cultural Exchange program which has been conducted for over 20 years. A reflection from Kristoff Soliven (Year 10): What was it like hosting a La Salle Green Hills Boy? As a whole, hosting a Green Hills boy was a very positive experience. From the moment they came here, they loved it here and some, already grasping the Australian culture. However, what I really took note was how culture shocked they were when they arrived here, from how little traffic there was to them being able to drink the tap water. For my exchange student and myself, we had a great time with each other, from going out to watch an AFL match to visiting the Australian wildlife in the Dandenong ranges. Personally, this would have to be one of my most enjoyable moments in my time in De La. Enjoyable because I had the privilege to show a fellow Lasallian the culture of our school, of our society and, especially for me coming from a Filipino background, our way of living as a Filipino in Australia. Kristoff Soliven Year 10

The success of the Cultural Exchange depends on the generosity and commitment of so many people, I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Marta Webster, Mr Chas Thompson, Mr Andrew Wozencroft and Mrs Joan Ferguson for their assistance this year. On behalf of our guests I would also like to thank the following host students and their families; Michael Fabian, Lachlan Joseph, Kristoff Soliven, James Suffolk, Jordan Burns, William Hogan, Alex Parker, Eli Te Moni, Joel May, Jacob Mundy, Benjamin Brownhill and William Gorman. Mr David Happ Philippines Cultural Exchange Coordinator


Lasallian Service Throughout the year, our Year 9 students had an opportunity to help out in their local communities through our community service program – Lasallian Service. Lasallian Service takes students beyond their own needs and concerns to an appreciation of their life as it relates to others around them. On Tuesday afternoons, local aged care residences, special needs schools, childcare centres, kindergartens, volunteer groups and opportunity shops welcomed an influx of helpful De La Salle students in Terms 1, 2 and 3 – and the general feedback from these various placement organisations (and their residents) is that our boys are wonderful. We know! Mr Heath Tregear Lasallian Service Coordinator

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Tiverton Report


Primary Report


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Primary Art


Grandparents Day


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 9 Rural Experience



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Tiverton Report “Don’t be discouraged by troubles and anxieties. Life is full of them” St John Baptist De La Salle, Letter 102 – to an unnamed Brother. Many of the young men here at the Tiverton Campus will have or are likely to experience events that trouble them for one reason or another. It is, as our Founder pointed out, not unusual for young men to experience this. Part of their school journey is hopefully about developing into resilient individuals able to work through whatever challenges confront them. The recent House Swimming Carnival at Carnegie Pool highlighted to me the wonderful spirit our students have when they put their minds to something. It was wonderful to see so many students competing but also enjoying the thrill of representing their Houses even if their swimming abilities did not match their enthusiasm.

students had their first taste of MAD and it was another terrific day where students and staff get to mingle and socialise in a far more relaxed manner than any classroom. The monies raised simply put the icing on the cake and I would like to congratulate all Tiverton students for their efforts in fundraising over the course of Term 1.

There have been an incredible number of wonderful school events that students have had the opportunity to be involved in, and for most of our young men they have embraced this with the full enthusiasm of youth. Our brand new batch of Year 7 and Year 4

As I write this the Year 7 and Year 8 Production, run in partnership with Sacré Cœur, is set to hit the stage and I look forward to the end product. This is just one example of the opportunities students can avail themselves of. A lot of effort goes into all of the extra-curricular

activities the College runs and both staff and students should be congratulated for their dedication to training and rehearsals and the final product they bring to the field and stage. There were many highlights for the ACC teams this year and it is always amazing to see the huge turn up for tryouts. We had over 100 students trying out for football, table tennis and basketball and huge numbers for the other sports also, especially at Year 7. For those students who miss out on a place I encourage them to heed the words of our Founder above and keep persevering. The efforts of all students representing the College in ACC at secondary level and the primary students in their Dendy District carnivals was a credit to all of you and I congratulate you and thank you for your participation and endeavour. As I write this, Mr Andrew Wozencroft is currently enjoying the company of the Year 9 students

on their Rural Experience and we have heard the students are managing despite the weather and the difficulties they have been faced with. Hopefully our Founder’s words are echoing with them in Gippsland. This ‘new’ initiative within the Inquiry unit at Year 9 has been added this year to broaden their experiences but also to take students out of their comfort zones – something I am

sure they will all benefit from. The monitoring of student academic performance, work ethic and behaviour is one that has taken huge leaps this year and we now have data ranging from internal testing, external data such as NAPLAN, examination data and progression data from staff enabling us to track students and intervene when necessary. This will be ongoing as the young men transition from Tiverton to Kinnoull in the hope that these students will begin to independently monitor their own output and behaviour. Finally I wish all our families a very safe, happy and holy Christmas. Mr Luke Kenealy Director of Students 4-9


Primary Report It has been another eventful year and in the words of St John Baptist de La Salle – “Example makes a much greater impression on the mind and heart than words”. This year we welcomed three fabulous new staff members – Mrs Katherine Aldcroft in Year 6 and Mr Andrew Kearns in Year 5 at the start of the year and Mr Michael Chippendale in Year 4 for Semester 2 to replace the wonderful Mr Tim Curran. Katherine, Andrew and Michael, together with Tim and Mr Terry Atkins made a fantastic 2017 Primary Team and together we have achieved so many things. These staff members have inspired the students in many ways and everyone has benefitted from their outstanding effort, excellent teaching and great wisdom. We also greeted several new students who added to our dynamic group. This year we had 74 students in Primary (19 Year 4 students, 27 Year 5 students and 28 Year 6 students). It has been a fantastic year. It was a pleasure to see eight Year 6 students elected as Primary, Vice, Class and House Captains at the beginning of the year. Cohen Pedruco, Alexander Rehfisch, Thomas Windsor, Zane O’Keeffe, Michael Gashi, Evan Hermus, Oscar Sahin and King Le have been great role models for all students and developed terrific leadership skills. They have risen to the challenges of leadership and always maintained a positive outlook. Congratulations to them and to all Year 6 students who supported each other and have

become a closely connected group. The Primary classes explored new camps in 2017. All students had a fabulous time at the various places and each group experienced something different. Year 4 students went to Grossmans Cottages, Torquay to explore Airey’s Inlet Lighthouse, Bells Beach, and the high ropes course at Anglesea Recreation Park. They also spent some time at the beach having fun. Year 5 students went to Sovereign Hill to discover what life was like in the 1850’s. They panned for gold, saw the Red Coats, went on a coach ride and watched how gold bars and lollies were made. They enjoyed living on the goldfields and learnt more about the Eureka Stockade by participating in the light and sound show, ‘Blood on the Southern Cross’. Year 6 students went to Cave Hill Creek for a glamping and camping adventure. They canoed and rode bikes on the first day spending the night in the luxurious glamping huts. On the second day they went on a gruelling four hour hike in the Mount Cole State Forest and abseiled. They pitched tents to rest their weary bodies. It was a test of stamina and strength and the students loved being part of the great outdoors.

There were numerous excursions and incursions in 2017 linked to the Inquiry units. All Primary students visited the Treasury Building in Term 1. Year 4 students explored St Patrick’s Cathedral, Year 5 students explored China Town and the Chinese Museum and Year 6 students visited the Shrine of Remembrance. Melbourne Football Club players ran a clinic and reading program, Read like a Demon (RLAD). A world champion kite flier helped students to make their own kites and the Library staff ensured that Book Week was the best ever. Illustrator

Mr Marc McBride taught students how to draw dragons, author Ms Sally Rippin gave tips and hints on how to write great stories and author and illustrator Ms Gabrielle Wang showed everyone how to paint bamboo and birds using ancient Chinese ink and brushes. Other excursions included launching rocket with Year 4 students and Mr Tim Curran at Caulfield Racecourse, Year 5 students visited the Royal Melbourne Zoo and Year 6 students planted trees along Gardiners Creek, visited a recycling factory

and joined in the fantastic Read Like A Demon Gala Day with the Melbourne Football Club Men and Women League players at Hisense Arena and the MCG. They also attended the East Malvern RSL for the Remembrance Day Service and Australian Military Projects Scholarship Awards presentation. The Year 12 Arts Captains, Luke Barron, William Campbell, Andrew Eracleous and Christopher Ovens attended the weekly Primary assemblies to update everyone on what was happening in the College


and to encourage students to do their best. Peer mentors, Year 12 VCAL students, worked with the Year 6 class to help with English and Mathematics. All Primary students gained a lot from these young men and we thank them for being great role models and showing the Primary students how to be true Lasallians. Thanks to the amazing Primary Team – Mrs Katherine Aldcroft, Mr Andrew Kearns, Mr Tim Curran, Mr Terry Atkins and Mr Michael Chippendale, Learning Support Officers – Ms Robyn Miller, Ms Sharon Richards, Mrs Melanie Livera and Ms Kerrie Harman and all specialist staff. We say farewell to Mrs Katherine Aldcroft who has taught the Year 6 students with

passion and enthusiasm, preparing them perfectly for their secondary years. Katherine has been an asset in the Primary Team and we will miss her positive outlook and outstanding teaching skills. Congratulations to all students especially our Year 6 students as they move onto the next stage of school life. It has been great to recap 2017 and reflect on all of the achievements in Primary. Mrs Anette Phillips Director of Primary School

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Year 4 I was looking forward to my first year at De La Salle College as my two older brothers, Keagan (Year 9) and Samuel (Year 5) are here. I met my new teachers Mr Curran (Mr C.) and Mr Atkins (Mr A). I learnt that Mr C is really into space and all the Apollo missions and Mr A likes telling bad jokes and loves coffee, donuts and chocolate. For Italian I had Ms D’Angelo, for Sport I had Mr Ryan, for Drama I had Mr Murrell and then Mrs Finn in Semester 2, for Art I had Mr Hayward, for Library I had Mrs Kennedy and Mr Hayes and for Music I had Ms Williams. We had an Athletics Carnival, which was fun but sadly for me Leo’s house won. (I am in Edwin’s House). We went on camp in early Term 2 to Torquay and it was my first school camp. I really enjoyed it and by then I had made lots more friends. With Mr C we made rockets. We decorated them in Art and then we got to fly them at Caulfield Racecourse when they were finished. They went more than 100 metres up in the air! Mr C and Mr A read many books to us. Mr C read Matilda and Mr A read The Iron Giant and Terror Castle. With Mr C we presented speeches about famous explorers and I did mine on Alan Shepard. Half way through Term 3 it was very sad for Primary, especially Year 4 because Mr C announced he was leaving. We were lucky to have a new teacher called Mr Chippendale who played VFL for Collingwood. (Go the Pies!) I really like Mr Chippendale and he is very good at coding.

In Term 4 all of Primary are trying some new things that we do all together. These are Reader’s Theatre, Guided Reading Reciprocal Teaching and a Technology Inquiry where all classes are split into three groups and we have groups with students from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday we go to a different teacher to do different things. Mrs Aldcroft (Monday and Wednesday) and Mr A (Friday) are teaching Food Technology and cooking. Mr Kearns is teaching Design and Creativity and we are making a latch hook rug. Mr Chippendale (Monday and Wednesday) and Mrs Phillips (Friday) are teaching Coding. We also had the Swimming Carnival which was fun but sadly again for me Leo’s house won. Overall, it has been a great year at De La Salle, I have learnt a lot, made some great friends and I am ready for Year 5. I am a true Lasallian. Oliver Hillemacher Year 4 Class Captain


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Year 5 At the start of the year we had to get to know our four new Year 5 members. From the first day they were able to fit in and bring new things to the table! Our new teacher, Mr Kearns, also started off really well as he got to know us all. In Term 1 we learnt about the Gold Rush. We learnt how there were lots of miners digging in dangerous conditions looking for this yellow stuff called GOLD! We also learnt about the fights with the police and miners which led to the Eureka Stockade. We thought we should get in on the action so we went on a school camp to Sovereign Hill to make some money by panning for gold! While we were there we learnt about the schools, mining equipment and living space during the 1850’s and watched the Red Coats parade. We also saw the light and sound show, ‘Blood on the Southern Cross!’ It was really good! At the end of the term we did a 12 kilometre walk for Mission Action Day (MAD) to raise money for the Lasallian Foundation. We had fun! When we came back from holidays it was Work! Work! Work! We had the whole school Cross Country race and Leo’s House came first! We started learning about the animals of the world and after exploring many different animals we presented a PowerPoint on our chosen animal that we researched. We then went on an excursion to the Zoo and we learnt that we should cut back on using palm oil. There are so many things that we take for granted that have palm oil. We should stop using

it. We walked around the Zoo and saw heaps of animals. It was a great day! The first two terms have been really good! In Term 3 we did swimming for Friday afternoon sport. We did this for four weeks. In class we focused on meditation as a way to calm down and prepare for classes. We learnt three different types of meditation. The first was tensing different parts of your body then relaxing them. The second was closing your eyes and clearing your thoughts to focus on learning and the third was listening to the sounds inside and out with your eyes shut. We did the meditation for roughly two minutes. In Term 4 we started on Reader’s Theatre where we read aloud and acted out plays or stories in small groups. There was a script that had characters and everyone in the group got to be a character and read their part. We had a special farewell assembly for the Year 12 students. The teachers of these students called them all up and presented them with a medallion. First was Austin’s House then Edwin’s House. Next it was Leo’s House and finally Mark’s House. After that was done the College Captain, James Biviano made a speech about how much he loved

the year and then we said the school prayer. At the end of the assembly before the Year 12 students made their way out of the gym we formed a guard of honour to say goodbye! On October 27 we had our school swimming carnival. The first few races were won by Leo’s House but then all the other houses came through and everyone was winning. At the end on the day however Leo’s House won, Edwin’s came second, Marks third and finally Austin’s last.

Everyone was a winner really for having a go and being in as many races as possible! We are just about at the end of another year and are trying to become great role models to the Year 4 students as we will be the leaders of the Primary students next year. We have to keep up the good work right to the end of the year and so do our teachers! Xavier Corrie and Joshua Summers Year 5


SOVEREIGN HILL CAMP On 27 February all Year 5 students, Mr Andrew Clements, Mr Dale Hood, Mr Andrew Kearns, Ms Kylie Upton and I arrived at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat for a two night camp. We had an action-packed three days planned and made the most of being on site at Sovereign Hill in some of the best accommodation. Panning for gold and shopping for some of the home-made confectionary were high on the list of things to do. We also visited the gold pour and watched a $160,000 gold block being created. Three of the students were lucky enough to hold it, closely supervised by the Sovereign Hill staff. We enjoyed a live theatre production, a horse-drawn coach ride, sampled the yummy pastries from the Hope Bakery, experienced the Blood on the Southern Cross light and sound show, and imagined living on the Goldfields of the 1800’s. It was a terrific way to live the inquiry unit being explored in Year 5 during Term 1. It was also a great time for all 27 Year 5 students to get to know their classmates even better. Mrs Anette Phillips Director of Primary School

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Year 6 Our final year of Primary has been a real learning curve for all of us. Our teachers Mrs Aldcroft and Mrs Phillips have taught us everything we need to know before heading into Year 7. From the start of the year to now they have pushed us to reach our full potential as Primary Leaders. Learning this year has been like no other! We do all types of English such as comprehension cards, Sound Waves spelling (which we do every week), grammar book, persuasive writing, Guided Reading Reciprocal Teaching, Reader’s Theatre and more. In Mathematics our teachers have made us work harder than we have every worked before. Every week we have done a new topic and we have benefited more than ever. Inquiry this year has been mind blowing. The Science Expo in Term 2 was a magnificent experience for all of us. Mrs Aldcroft introduced us to Science. Learning about the three different sciences was incredible. From the chemical reactions and the eleven systems to the interesting parts of the body, it had it all. After all of this hard work and effort, it was time for the Science Expo. It was just amazing watching everyone, including our parents, so satisfied with our work. Over the year we have had plenty of excursions. We have been tree planting, visiting the Recycling Plant, attending the MCG Read Like a Demon program and for ANZAC day we went to see the Shrine. The Shrine was an experience like no other and the Read like a Demon

Gala day couldn’t have been more fun. Throughout all of the excursions we have learnt a lot and had so much fun! Specialists are always a part of a day where you just can’t wait to start. We have a range of specialists like Music, Art, Library, Drama, LOTE (Language Other Than English) Italian and our favourite subject Sport. We also have interschool sports where we played soccer, football, Hoop Time basketball and cricket. Another part of sport are our carnivals - swimming and athletics. These are great competitions where we can try our best and be as competitive as we want. Our school every year does a walkathon to raise money for the Lasallian Foundation. This is a great opportunity to come together as a community and give to the poor. We also celebrate the feast day of our founder St John Baptist de La Salle where we go on rides, play with our friends and have fun. Our teachers this year Mrs Aldcroft and Mrs Phillips have shown us how fun school can be. They have brought our level of learning sky high and prepared us for Year 7. We would not be where we are without their dedication to our learning.

Year 6 Graduation Class Top Row: Charlie Windsor, Leigh Bouyoukas, Aiden Bird, Max Higginbotham, Thomas D’Amelio, Nathan Ramagnano, George Kocolis, Ronan Shaw, James Mazur Middle Row: Mrs Katherine Aldcroft, Ryo Hayashi, Scott Sisson, Julian Bunnik, Benjamin Mazur, Henry DeVries, Cooper Attree, Elijah Bazley, William Walker, Ryan Barr, Gavin Ng, Jamie Ranca, Mrs Anette Phillips Front Row: Evan Hermus – Edwin’s House Captain, Oscar Sahin - Leo’s House Captain, Thomas Windsor – Primary Vice Captain, Zane O’Keeffe – Year 6 Class Captain, Cohen Pedruco – Primary Captain, Alexander Rehfisch – Primary Vice Captain, Michael Gashi – Austin’s House Captain, King Le – Mark’s House Captain

Throughout the year we have learnt a lot in Mathematics and English, but the thing that we have learnt that is more important than subjects, is learning how to be Leaders, how to respect people for who they are and to always be positive towards everything. This has been a very successful year and we all cannot wait for Year 7. Cohen Pedruco Primary Captain


The Primary Science Expo The Performing Arts Centre was literally buzzing as Year 6 students presented their science inquiry projects to parents and community during the inaugural Primary Science Expo. This event was the initiative of Year 6 teacher, Mrs Katherine Aldcroft who inspired the students to really explore the fabulous world of Science. The Expo showcased all things science, from Stick Insects to mouldy bread, electrical circuits to rainbows, recycling to water bugs; it was a true battle of the Inquiry brains. The Science Expo was the culmination of an investigation into three sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics and included some amazing creativity. Students were delighted to share the results of their inquiry into science, many of them for the first time. One student reflected: “When we first started science my goal was to be more creative and take more risks. This is because I used to like playing it safe but now it has taught me that I need to start thinking outside the box. I loved doing science and can’t wait to study it further when I go to Year 7 and beyond.” Mrs Katherine Aldcroft Year 6 Teacher

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Primary Art


Grandparents Day In July, Primary students were treated to visits from their grandparents, parents and friends. The morning was full of stories and sharing memories and there were many comments about how learning and education has changed over the years. Some student activities included completing a ‘Personality of the Week’ about their special guest; a comparison on their grandparents educational experience and the current student activities of today; hand tracing; puzzles and other special activities. It was great to hear the perspective of grandparents who are looking at education through the eyes of the younger members of their families. After the classroom activities the special guests were invited to enjoy morning tea and a chat in the boardroom. Ms Kerry Martin

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Year 7 As I reflect on the year, I’m reminded of how quickly twelve months pass in a boy’s life. Taking over halfway through the year from Mr Chris Martin has been an enjoyable and busy experience. Getting to know the students learning about their achievements and watching them work and grow together are just some of the joys in the life of a Year Level Coordinator. Year 7 is very much a time of transition, learning to live alongside one another, accepting our differences and supporting and encouraging one another in the many activities of College life. Experiences which help the boy transition into a teenager and beyond. This is perhaps best demonstrated when the students are challenged to get involved in the activities outside of the classroom. Supporting our carnivals in House colours, bonding through experiences in the ACC program or involving themselves in the music, arts and cultural activities highlight the strength of character our students commit to the College’s ethos.

The Year 7 cohort of 2017 have made me proud to be their Coordinator and I wish all them the very best as their journey continues into the future. Mr Shaun Buckley Year 7 Coordinator

Year 7 Leaders Tully Baxter-Spinks, Max Miller, Roch Dargan, Mr Shaun Buckley, Daniel Van den Berg, Angus Kerr, Harry Podeu


De La Salle at the Da Vinci Decathlon 2017 marked the commencement of our Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program. Seventeen Year 7 students greatly benefitted from additional mentoring they received from multiple staff to support and enhance their abilities. Under the program, students represented the College in the National Da Vinci Decathlon Competition and completed the 16 week Euler Challenge from Australian Mathematics Competition. They also attended a half day Incursion with me called ‘I’ where they were introduced to the complex amalgam of philosophy, psychology and ethics. In Semester 2, they worked on the CSIRO CREST Program. Using creative thinking and problem solving skills, they worked with multiple staff to modify current inventions and create a new ‘thing’. Jumperpack (Jumper + Backpack), glasses with

distance sensors and flashing football goal posts are some of the inventions boys are currently working on. Students will aim to complete these inventions and present them to the rest of the College during the 2018 Science Week Celebrations. As the GATE Coordinator, it has been a pleasure working with this group of talented boys and to receive support from so many staff. I look forward to expanding this program to support Year 7 and Year 8 students in 2018. Mr Shardul Kaneria GATE Coordinator

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Year 8 The Year 8 students have experienced an exciting and dynamic year. We have continued with many of the established excursions, activities and programs, but there have been a number of new implementations that have proved to be of benefit to the students. The most apparent of these is the introduction of our Five Core Lasallian Principles; Faith, Quality Education, Justice, Respect and Inclusion. Faith: In Religious Education Year 8 students have embarked on a new curriculum with the theme Melbourne, Australia and the World and explored their beliefs in new and relevant ways. Quality Education: The introduction of the Positive Student Behaviour Policy and Student Management Plan have assisted us in guiding the students to become more responsible for their behaviour and application to their studies. In September Year 8 students completed the Academic Assessment Services testing in Numeracy, Literacy and Reasoning Skills which has provided more

information regarding each individual student’s progress and strengths. Justice: Year 8 students have continued to explore the concept and practice of Social Justice through generously supporting Mission Action Day as well as the Social Justice Mass. We have also investigated the concepts pertaining to sympathy, empathy and compassion. Respect: As part of the Personal Development program, students have taken part in numerous presentations and discussions relating to the importance of respect for themselves and for others. This has addressed some of the situations and dilemmas that the students may face online and on social media.

Inclusion: The Personal Development presentations and discussions have also addressed the concept of inclusion, focusing on those with specific and additional needs. The students were also involved in discussions on how and why some individuals are excluded or marginalised. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Year 8 Class Mentors for their tireless dedication to the wellbeing needs of the students in our care. Mr David Happ Year 8 Coordinator

Year 8 Leaders Standing: Andre Mackie, Mr David Happ Seated: William Skehan, Thomas MacFarlane, Sebastian Hadaway, Will Dwyer, Ryan Pires, John Beddeo


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Year 9 Year 9 has as always been a busy year. Apart from the varied curriculum and ACC sports program, the Inquiry program at Year 9 entered its second year. It is always great to see the students working in their groups in the city discovering things they never knew! It is amazing how every time I met with a group they told me something I myself didn’t know about the city. The expo night gave the boys an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and set them on their way to further develop their research skills. As I write this, the first rural experience is underway in East Gippsland. Again, students have taken the time to focus on a particular area of research to better understand an issue facing rural Victoria. They will, I am sure, return to Melbourne having a greater appreciation of the environment and the comforts they often take for granted. It will be for many that they discuss an interest or a skill they

never knew they had as they are exposed to activities such as rock climbing and abseiling. I am very grateful to the Class Mentors for the time they have put into shaping the boys over this year. Also to Mr Heath Tregear for his time coordinating the development of the Year 9 In9uiry Program. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 Leaders, in particular our Campus Leaders, Flynn Bulman, Antonios Valcanas (Campus Captain), and Oliver O’Brien, for their mature approach to their leadership positions, and for their contributions to the running of the year level. I wish all of our students well as they head into Year 10. With the range of subjects available to them I am

sure they will find 2018 an engaging year. I also thank all parents for their decision to trust us with their sons education and their support over the year. It really does take a community to raise a well rounded young man. Mr Andrew Wozencroft Year 9 Coordinator

Year 9 Leaders Standing: Patrick Burrows, Spencer Kerr, Solomon Campbell, Maxwell Green, Finn O’Kane Seated: Andrew McGaw, Harry Vossos, Lucas Molino, Connor Franes, Oscar Schwab, Thomas Quin


Year 9 Rural Experience Having completed their In9uiry reports in preparation for the Rural Experience, our Year 9 students set off for a week in the Snowy River National Park with mixed feelings of excitement, uncertainty and anxiousness. Upon arrival, we were greeted by our Outward Bound guides and immediately split into our camp groups for the week. It wasn’t long before we were faced with our first challenge – a storm, which brought with it heavy rain for most of the first afternoon. But the wet weather didn’t dampen our spirits and the boys soldiered on, working closely as a group as they quickly acclimatised to life in the bush. The week was fun, challenging and, at times, uncomfortable, but all-in-all it was truly unforgettable. The boys enjoyed activities such as rock climbing, abseiling, caving, rafting and (a lot of) hiking. They were also responsible for setting up camp, cooking, cleaning and packing up. Everyone came away with a great sense of achievement, and many surprised themselves by how well they coped in such unfamiliar circumstances. Hopefully (for parents) this translates into some extra productivity around the house! Mr Heath Tregear In9uiry Coordinator

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Kinnoull Report


Founder’s Day


Year 10


New Zealand Camp


Year 11


The Debutante Ball



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Kinnoull Campus Report This past year has seen a continuation of the growth of the House System that was introduced to the College in 2016. It has been another year of opportunities, but this is what De La Salle is all about - involvement, enthusiasm and participation. As you read through this issue of ‘Blue and Gold’, you quickly understand that so much happens in a year. Then again, this is what you come to expect from a Lasallian school. The opportunity for students in different year levels to spend time with each other, to develop new friendships and share experiences, has been the focus of 2017. A very special thankyou must go to all of our 2017 Student Leaders, and in particular our Year 12 Student Leadership Team, led superbly by James Biviano, Aaron Trusler and Leon Lymbouris, for the tremendous support they have shown in all activities, both campus-based and House-based, and the manner by which they have embraced their leadership responsibilities. The Year 12 Student Leaders and the Year 11 and Year 10 House Leaders have once again created an environment

within in the senior school which is united by spirit. Particularly the work that each House devoted to their individual House Charities, which you will read further about in the House reports. There is a visible sense of community amongst the staff and the students, exhibited tangibly across the entire school population. Through the work and effort of all students to once again raise over $100,000 for Mission Action Day (MAD). This is an incredible achievement with all students and parents to be congratulated on such a tremendous gesture of generosity. It is easy to speak of being “Lasallian” and to respect the

work of the Brothers from afar, but efforts like this confirm a substantial support of their mission. Our students continue to astonish us with their energies to assist those who are less fortunate. Not just with their efforts for MAD, but in other areas such as the College social justice programs to Papua New Guinea (Year 11), Wilcannia (VCAL) and Sri Lanka (Year 12). These students travel to parts of the world where our assistance is vital, and they are to be congratulated on their commitment to help others. This is just a small glimpse of the many things that happen at De La, but if it wasn’t for the committed staff who assist the students with these ventures – these things would simply not happen. The commitment of all stakeholders in the unique campus that is Kinnoull has made 2017 a truly great year. Whilst it is easy for me to reminisce over a series of snapshots for the year, none of it would materialise without the hard work of many people; without the committed staff, the responsive students and the supporting parents. My sincerest thanks and gratitude to

all of the House Coordinators, Mr Shane Mackintosh, Miss Jessica Stevenson, Mr Michael Watty and Mr Paul Harrup for the dedication and time they have given their students in their respective Houses. Their efforts, and those of the House Mentors, have gone a long way to making the implementation of the House System a success and adding to its growth over the last two years. I wish to also make mention of Mr Anthony Freeman in the role of College Psychologist on the Kinnoull Campus, his contribution this year cannot be understated.

Last but certainly not least, I wish to thank the Kinnoull staff, who as House Mentors and subject specialists, continue to be professional in their teaching, generous with their time and unswerving in their commitment to the young people they teach. A staff that is united in its endeavour has the best chance of succeeding in the all important enterprise of education. It has been my privilege to work with such a staff this year and I wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable vacation break. Mr John McAlroy Director of Students (Years 10 – 12)


Founder’s Day Each year we celebrate Founder’s Day with great gusto. As is our custom, we commence the day with Mass, thanking God for all His blessings and graces which he gives to us in De La Salle. Following the Mass, we adjourned to Kinnoull where the College Leaders had prepared a fiesta of games and activities that created much fun, laughter and involvement for our students. The success of the day is due very much to our College Leaders, who are to be commended for their hard work in preparing for the day. Mr Jon Hewett


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Year 10


New Zealand Camp

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Year 11


The Debutante Ball

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Year 12 2017


The Year 12 Formal


Farewell Breakfast


Final Assembly


Final Mass


Valedictory Dinner



Year 12 2017

The Veterans: Year 12 – 2017

The Veterans: Year 4 – 2008

Back Row: Michael Dickson, Jordan Vlahogiannis, Leon Lymbouris, Sebastian Young Middle Row: Benjamin Northey, Oliver Smith, Anthony Indovino, Mr Terry Atkins Seated: James Howat, Tyrone Bonfitto, Nicholas Buccheri Absent: Oliver Lindsay, Nicholas Duncan, Evan Chatterton,

Back Row: Michael Dickson, Jordan Vlahogiannis, Leon Lymbouris, Sebastian Young, Mr Terry Atkins Middle Row: Benjamin Northey, Oliver Lindsay, Oliver Smith, Anthony Indovino Seated: Evan Chatterton, James Howat, Christian Leuzzi, Tyrone Bonfitto, Nicholas Duncan, Nicholas Buccheri Absent: Jai Rodrigo, Nils Sandgren, Samuel Emberton, Benjamin Paine

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The Year 12 Formal


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Year 12 Retreat The Year 12 Retreat provided an opportunity for students to foster a closer relationship with God. The Retreat is both a time to reflect and a time for personal searching in an environment of challenge. It was time away that allowed for sharing and greater intimacy for relationships to develop between students, their peers and staff, to foster a greater understanding of what it means

to be a man, to be Christian and to be Lasallian in today’s society. Year 12 Retreat allows students time to reflect, share and wonder in an environment that is open, honest, peaceful and trusting. Mrs Rana Brogan Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission


Farewell Breakfast The Farewell Breakfast was again held in the Performing Arts Centre on the Year 12 students’ last day of school at De La Salle College. The students are served a hearty breakfast by their teachers before their final assembly.

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Final Assembly AWARDS St John Baptist de La Salle Senior Lasallian Award Luke Yaksich Fr Les Troy Service Award

Christopher Groves

Hilary Hayes Outstanding Student Award

William Callaghan

Br James Taylor Sportsman of the Year

Leon Lymbouris

Br Gerard Rummery Arts Award

Christopher Ovens

The Anthony Molan Athlete of the Year Award

Charlie Aitken

Australian Defence Force Award for Leadership Charlie Aitken Caltex All-Rounder Award

Cameron Monaco

Outstanding Contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Performing Arts Henry PrendergastKruger John Lloyd Trophy for to the life of the College through his involvement in Music Benjamin Northey Outstanding Contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in Visual Arts Luke Barron Br Damien Harvey Award In recognition of leadership and service College Captain James Biviano Leadership Award College Vice Captain

Leon Lymbouris

Leadership Award College Vice Captain

Aaron Trusler

ACC Basketball

Ulysses Urban

ACC Cross Country

Benjamin Northey

ACC Swimming

Charlie Aitken

ACC Football

Charlie Aitken

ACC Soccer

Tristan CiancioKnauer

ACC Volleyball

Leon Lymbouris

ACC Athletics

Aaron Trusler

ACC Hockey

William Campbell

ACC Tennis

Anthony Ticinovic

ACC Cricket

Benjamin Paine

ACC Chess

James Howat

ACC Table Tennis

Cameron Monaco

ACC Weightlifting

Nicholas Chatgoglou

ACC Golf 2017

Benjamin Paine


Final Mass

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Valedictory Dinner De La Sale College celebrated the graduation of our 2017 Year 12 class with Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral and a Valedictory Dinner at the Sofitel, Melbourne on Collins. It was a truly special evening in celebration of our graduating class of 2017. Jon Hewett


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The Duke of Edinburgh Award


Year 9 City Experience






Health and Physical Education








Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre 69 Mathematics


Religious Education








VET and Careers



The Duke of Edinburgh Award This year the College introduced The International Duke of Edinburgh Award program, offering Year 9 students the opportunity to achieve the Bronze Award. The program is an exciting worldwide award program aimed at offering young people (aged 14-25) the chance to challenge themselves, learn new things and work in exciting new areas. It requires commitment and perseverance; but it is also about flexibility, choice, fun and reward. There are currently 25 Year 9 students at the College participating in the Bronze Award. To successfully complete the award students are required to complete four sections: Skills, Physical Recreation, Service and Adventurous Journey. Each student must participate in an activity for three months for two of the sections, and six months for one section of their choice. Additionally students embark on two adventurous journeys including a two-day hike and camp.

Students who complete the Bronze Award can also progress to the Silver or Gold sections of the award, which we hope to offer them when they reach Year 11. The award offers the boys the chance to expand their skill sets in preparation for life beyond school. Through this challenging journey of self-discovery, our students are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best, learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices, become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community, learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success, learn important life skills and increase their career opportunities. Universities and employers world-wide recognise the award and its prestigious reputation. Mr Noel Patterson The Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator

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Year 9 City Experience In May our Year 9 students embarked on a four-day City Experience as part of their In9uiry research project. They had been working in small groups since the start of the year, investigating a real-world issue related to the City of Melbourne and preparing a detailed itinerary for their time in the city. Each morning the boys met on the steps at Federation Square before being dismissed to carry out their investigations, which typically included: · Visiting a number of the CBD’s main tourist attractions; · Meeting with people and/ or organisations related to their research topic; · Participating in a range of activities; and · Collecting authentic evidence (e.g. photographs, video footage, survey responses). The weather was kind and the boys are to be commended for their general enthusiasm levels and overall behaviour. The only real mishap

occurred on the very first morning when nine De La boys became stuck in a lift at the State Library for about an hour. Thankfully, all ended well and the boys emerged with smiles on their faces, eager to share their story with their mates. The results of the City Experience were put on show at the In9uiry Expo night in June, where students presented their key findings and recommendations. The Expo was well attended by families of the students and feedback from the night was overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to everyone who was involved. Mr Heath Tregear In9uiry Coordinator


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English It has been another busy year in the English Department. Students have participated in a range of creative activities. THE PITCH


In March, the Year 8 cohort participated in a half day incursion called ‘The Pitch’. The event connected to their Media and Advertising unit where students are required to apply methods of persuasion to create a product, conduct market research, develop a pitch and make a presentation to a company. Keying into real world experiences, students applied skills that were relevant to the workplace.

In July, 22 students ranging from Year 7–12 participated in the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ fundraising competition for The Kids Cancer Project. In just a single day, students managed to plan, write and bind their own original books for sick children aged 12 to 16. The books produced needed to incorporate a specific set of parameters, for example; particular characters: such as a nun or a shoemaker, settings: such as a dungeon or a house, and plotlines: including the discovery of magic powers or a birthday surprise gone wrong. The task required strong collaboration and communication skills to ensure that the end products were fluent, coherent and complete.

READING MATTERS In June, Kinnoull Library Book Club members had the opportunity to attend the Reading Matters Conference held at the State Library of Victoria. The conference brought together an array of guest YA authors, illustrators and publishers to discuss, debate and celebrate books for young adults.

DEBATERS ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA (DAV) COMPETITION In 2017, De La Salle had two Year 9, two Year 10 and one Year 11 team/s participate in the Debaters Association of Victoria Caulfield Debating competition. Whilst not making it to the finals this year, we did have a number of successes throughout the round robin season. Best Speaker recipients included: Blair Hopkins, Jacob Ellul, William Sidji, Edward Carrick, Jovan Stefanovski, Joseph Kaminsky, William Martin, Amedeo Perri, and Daniel Papalia. Special mention goes to Joseph Kaminsky who was a shared recipient of the Swannie Award for the Caulfield region. The Swannie Awards are awarded to the speaker in

each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score after completing at least three debates during the year. LASALLIAN PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION In October, De La Salle hosted St James College and St Bede’s College for the Lasallian Public Speaking Competition. The competition was instituted in honour of Br Quentin O’Halloran – former Principal of St Bede’s College and former De La Salle English teacher – and requires students to perform a prepared and impromptu speech. Highest commendations go to our six competitors on the night: Luke Cornell (Year 7), Kai Xie (Year 8), Oliver O’Brien (Year 9), Timothy Loughnan (Year 10), Jordan Burns (Year 11) and Adam Crestani (Year 12). Special mentions go to Daniel

Papalia (Year 11), who played the role of MC on the night. ACC JUNIOR (YEAR 7 - 8) DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION In November, De La Salle entered one team in debating and four students in the public speaking competition. At the time of printing they had not yet competed. MELBOURNE WRITERS FESTIVAL In August, our Year 10 All Lit Up and Year 12 Literature classes attended the Melbourne Writers Festival held at Federation Square. Students attended a variety of lectures that engaged with Shakespeare in some capacity. The day complemented the Year 10 study of Hamlet and the Year 12 study of Coriolanus.

Year 9 Debating

Year 10 Debating

Standing: T. Quin, E. Carrick, W. Martin, J. Stefanoski, H. Vossos. Seated: J. Kaminsky, S. Deriu, O. O’Brien, H. Carver, H. Reed

Standing: J. Thompson, A. Perri, D. Gehrig Seated: N. Pho, J. May, T. Krogh, L. Jenkins Absent: W. Sidji.


MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE In October, students were given the opportunity to participate in the Model United Nations Conference. This was the third time De La Salle has hosted the conference. There were 24 De La Salle students from Year 10 - 12 that participated in the event, and six surrounding schools

(St John’s Dandenong, Sacré Cœur, Parade College, Mazenod College, Siena College and Avila College) also attended on the day. The topic for the conference was Combatting Climate Change: Committing to Global Action. Ms Olivia Wenczel Learning Area Team Leader English

Year 11 Debating

Lasallian Public Speakers

Standing: L. Side, D. Papalia Seated: P. Menidis, B. Hopkins, R. Garrido

Standing: T. Loughnan, D. Papalia O. O’Brien Seated: L. Cornell, J. Burns, K. Xie (Absent: A. Crestani)

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Humanities One of the goals of the Humanities Learning Area 2017 and beyond is to provide a quality curriculum which will allow our young men to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals who are both active and informed citizens. Sounds great, but to what extent have we achieved this aim in 2017 in Civics, History, Geography, Legal and Politics? It is not possible here to document everything that has happened in each of the subjects, so we have chosen to present some of the activities in which the boys were involved in the Humanities Learning Area 2017. YEAR 11 GEOGRAPHY In Year 11 Geography Unit 1, the students travelled to the Kinglake region to investigate the impact of the Black Saturday bushfires on Kinglake and the surrounding region and the subsequent management of the environment. In Unit 2, the students looked at the Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Precinct as a premier tourist destination. This study included developing an understanding of the region and how it is being managed to ensure that it maintains this status.

20TH CENTURY HISTORY Year 11 20th Century History investigates the Vietnam War as a Cold War conflict. Ray Weston from the Vietnam Veterans Association spoke with the students about his call up, experiences in Vietnam, the anti–war movement and posttraumatic stress. It was a moving and fascinating discussion and we thank Ray for being so open about his life. Ray also presented us with the small white cross adorned with a poppy in remembrance of Corporal John William Norris who was killed in action on 25 July 1966. 2016 marked the 50th Anniversary of this battle. Australia lost 521 service personnel during the turbulent Vietnam War. 91 have their final resting place within Victoria.

YEAR 7 HISTORY At noon on 21 February 2016, a small white cross with hand knitted poppy was placed on the grave site of each of these 91 Victorians. On Vietnam Veterans Day, 18 August 2016, 521 white crosses were placed in the forecourt of the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance as the Veterans marched towards the Shrine. Most of the white crosses have been presented to families and friends of the ex-service personnel, however some have not been claimed and we are fortunate to be able to both remember and keep Corporal John William Norris’ cross.

In Year 7 History, the Ancient worlds of Rome and China as well as early civilisations are the focus. Boy study aspects of historical periods, creating models and garments.


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YEAR 10 GEOGRAPHY EXCURSION In March, Year 10 Geography students carried out fieldwork at Melbourne Docklands as part of a unit on Environmental Change and Management. Leading up to this fieldwork, students had completed an individual inquiry that required them to investigate a type of environmental change. The results of this inquiry were presented in digital format, reflected on and evaluated, encouraging the students to use skills that will be important for their future growth. At Docklands the students spent time looking at how this environment has changed from a former industrial wasteland to an area that caters for tourists, sports fans, concert goers, residents and workers. The students observed, sketched, recorded information, took photos

and evaluated how well this urban environment has achieved its aims. A bonus for one of the classes was a photo opportunity with this year’s Brownlow Medal, courtesy of the aunt of one our Year 10 Geographers. This day enabled the students to learn outside the classroom, work cooperatively with each other and experience what one student described as the “best excursion ever”.


YEAR 8 GEOGRAPHY Year 8 Geography students travelled to three different beach locations to understand how coastal areas are managed, examine some of these management practices and comment on the effectiveness of such techniques.

History units fall under the title of The Modern World and Australia. One unit allows the students to investigate the causes of World War II, the major battles of the war including the war in the Pacific and the atrocities experienced by the POWs. The Jewish Holocaust is also studied and the students are taken to the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Elsternwick to listen to the experiences of a survivor, view the museum and then leave with the

message “Never Hate” clearly in their minds. The image above was taken in October at a visit to the Holocaust Centre. Students are pictured with Mr Szaja Chaskiel, a survivor, who spoke frankly about the killing of his parents, the Catholic priest who gave himself and other Jews shelter, his struggles in the Lodz ghetto and his liberation from Buchenwald by the allies. Mrs Christine Thompson Learning Area Team Leader Humanities


Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of our students at De La Salle College. Our Physical Education (PE) program focuses on students enhancing their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts. PE at De La Salle offers students an experiential curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable and physically active. We encourage students to pursue a variety of sports in which they can proudly represent De La Salle College in the Associated Catholic College’s (ACC) competitions. The students are taught the value of leading a physically active lifestyle and the development of good habits, which we hope will carry on throughout their lives. PE at VCE level is considered more of an exercise science. This year students had the opportunity to enhance their studies at Exercise Research Australia where they engaged in exercise laboratory work, and were given the opportunity to conduct a variety of advanced fitness tests including; VO2 Max treadmill tests, anaerobic capacity tests, fuel depletion analysis, dehydration level monitoring and calculating a blood lactate curve through a peak power test. VCE PE remains to be a very popular and engaging subject for our senior students and proves to provide an excellent pathway into the health industry at tertiary level.

Next year the Health and Physical Education Learning Area is very excited to be introducing Health and Human Development at Year 10 which will prepare students for the opportunity to study at the subject at VCE in years to come. As a department we strive to be a high performing learning area within the College and aim to increase awareness of the importance of physical health and wellbeing within our students. Thank you to all of the Health and Physical Education teachers for all of their care, hard work and dedication to our students throughout the year. Mr Michael Wilson Learning Area Team Leader Health and Physical Education


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Commerce Financial literacy plays a pivotal role in the lives of all young people preparing for life outside the boundaries of school. What has been quite alarming is the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report on financial literacy found that only 15 per cent of Australian 15-year-olds are able to detect a scam financial email and only about 37 per cent can read a payslip. What we should take from this report though is that the study found Australian 15-year-olds are equal fifth in the world, with the Netherlands, scoring an average of 504 in the PISA test, above the OECD average of 489. However, despite the country’s high ranking, the average financial literacy score in Australia has fallen significantly from 526 in 2012, in line with the country’s falling maths, reading and science scores in other PISA assessments. What can we learn as a school and as a nation

about these results? We should not see financial literacy which includes Accounting, Business Management, and Economics as separate from Mathematics and Science. We must begin to see these as interdisciplinary and begin to show students that the calculation of depreciation and interest actually crosses from Commerce subjects such as Accounting into Mathematics. This year saw the introduction of a new Business Management Study Design for Units 1 to 4. This new

course for Year 11 students provided significant flexibility for teachers and students to apply the theory learnt in class to many different real life business case studies. In Unit 2, students had to create a marketing and public relations plan. Luckily, our school community has some ambitious and talented parents. Mr Nelson Yiannakou, the father of Izaak Yiannakou who is in Year 7, has developed an app called ‘ThinkShop’. This app was developed to assist busy individuals to purchase gifts for loved ones and ensure that the gift purchase will be enjoyed by the person receiving it. Mr Yiannakou requested the assistance of our Year 11 Business Management students to assist him to devise a marketing and public relations plan to assist him to target his customer base as a way to link theory to a real life business proposal. This

type of rich learning exercise does not happen frequently, however, it is quite a valuable exercise for students to be exposed to so they can develop an understanding of the complexity of life outside of school and to begin to develop problem solving skills; to think creatively and importantly; to collaborate with others and work as a team. Next year in 2018 will see the Commerce faculty introduce and offer a new Immersion subject to our Year 7 students to assist to develop students’ financial literacy skills. The Immersion subject which will be known as Choconomics will integrate basic economic theory to the chocolate industry. The students who select this Immersion subject will learn the fundamentals of

economics which includes demand and supply diagrams as well as the ethical dilemmas associated with the chocolate industry and the health consequences associated with chocolate which includes obesity and the policy-makers response to try and mitigate these social issues. Mr Ashleigh Hoogendoorn Learning Area Team Leader Commerce


Languages As we reflect on our 2017 school journey, I am proud of the achievements our language students have reached over the course of the year. From our Primary students right through to our VCE classes, students have been given the opportunity to become immersed in the French and Italian cultures. Our students have been very much involved in establishing their language skills not only within, but beyond the confines of the classroom. Competitions, recitals, immersion experiences and presentations have been just a few highlights our students have been involved in, all the while improving and establishing their language skills. Of course, all of this has not been possible without the brilliance of the language teachers. I’d like to thank Mrs Kath Marino, Mr Thierry Moran, Mrs Grace Giudice, Mrs Liliana Russo, Ms Emma D’Angelo, Ms Christine Cooper and Ms Marisa Di Giacomo for all their hard work and the enthusiasm they bring into the language classroom. PRIMARY Our Primary language classes are always full of excitement and energy, and this year was no different! They have been involved in many interesting activities, from presentations on Italian personalities, discovering the delicacies of Italian food to producing weather broadcasts all in Italian.

DANTE ALIGHIERI POETRY COMPETITION As is tradition at De La Salle, our Italian language students from Years 9-11 were involved in the annual Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition; a competition for all schools around the state where students from Year 9-12 participate in poetry recital in Italian. Our day started at Melbourne University, where the boys nervously awaited their turn to recite their poems. Once they were all over, the students were then treated to a true Italian experience… walking up and down Lygon Street, eating pizza and gelati and soaking in the authentic atmosphere! Here at De La Salle we pride ourselves on the way our students prepare for the competition. Many of our students were quite successful in receiving distinctions and merits for their hard work. Furthermore, a number of our students reached the finals and came within the top 10 in the state. Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding efforts: Aaron May (Year 9), Louis McCaughey (Year 9), Noah Wooldridge (Year 9) and Benjamin Gibson (Year 10).

YEAR 7 AND YEAR 8 The Year 7 and Year 8 students have been diligently working on their languages skills. Having the opportunity to study both French and Italian throughout the year has given our Year 7 students a true appreciation of languages, while the Year 8 students have been refining their knowledge and language speaking skills. Story-telling, songs and movie making are just some of the highlights they have been involved in.


The Alliance Française Competition The VCE French class was prepped and ready for an exciting day at the Alliance Francaise. Six boys, along with their teacher, Mr Moran, headed off on the tram to St. Kilda. We were bristling, nervous yet enthusiastic about the oncoming competition. We were going to be thrust into a five minute conversation about our general life, navigating through the twists and turns of a foreign language, then we had to have an informed discussion about a topic we had been researching in class. For the five Year 11s, this was Le réchauffement climatique, which means ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’. For Sebastian Young, our Year 12, the topic was Robespierre, the supreme leader of France during the revolution. We arrived at the Alliance and were welcomed inside. Flurries of French could be heard all about the building and our teacher got into a conversation with one of the staff there. We were told that we were the first school to take part in the competition this year, so we had to set the standard for everyone else. One by one we were sent up to the room, first Sebastian then the Year 11 students. A student would go up there trembling and come back

smiling, proud of what he had accomplished. The idea of the day was not so much to get an excellent mark but rather to have a genuine conversation with another person in French and to use the language practically. Once we realised that, we could all accomplish a fluent and interesting discussion with the Alliance Française representative (who was extremely supportive and charismatic). Afterwards, we headed to a pizza restaurant to celebrate our achievements.

This really epitomised the whole reason that we learn a language: to be able to share what we have with each other. And to top the day off, Sebastian was a finalist in the competition! He was invited back to the finals and received an award from the Alliance Française at the farewell assembly. Jordan Burns and Lachlan Kappa Year 11

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Libraries Building on our achievements in 2016, the De La Salle College Libraries’ online presence has continued to grow, and can now be called a true success! The Library homepage is constantly evolving and is becoming more and more indispensable to the research needs of our students. Have a look! As well as our curriculum guides, Library catalogue, and Clickview for online videos, we now have access to the journal and newspaper database ANZRC, The Age online, current magazines on Flipster and a number of other resources. Extended opening hours are wellpatronised at Kinnoull, with an average of 40 students utilising this valuable service each school day. Maths Help continues to be hosted by the Tiverton Library each Wednesday afternoon, as well as the Chinese language class each Tuesday afternoon, and Mrs Bonnici’s Reading Club every second Thursday. The Tiverton Library was used as the venue for Year 9 In9uiry Presentation Night in Term 2. The Fiction collections on each campus continue to be the most heavily borrowed resources in the Library.

Reading, catching up with homework and printing are the most popular activities at recess and lunchtime in both libraries; classtime is most often used for reading classes as part of the English program, research classes booked in with their teacher, Year 12 study periods and private study, with meetings and the Kinnoull Book and Movie Club also being conducted in the Library. The Primary Library Program continues to be run by Mrs Clare Kennedy and Mr Brian Hayes, with one lesson a week for each class. Book Week 2017 included visits from two author/illustrators, Ms Sally Rippin and Mr Marc McBride, with Primary and Year 7 students being invited to attend. Mr Hayes also took a group of students to “Reading Matters”, the biennial State Library of Victoria conference on Young Adult Literature. All students, in particular our senior students, are encouraged to apply for a membership to the State Library of Victoria. It provides a depth of knowledge that truly enhances the resources available at De La Salle, and most are available online. Ms Susan Jost College Librarian

Book Week Book Week 2017 was a week-long celebration of books, author visits and the annual dress up parade. The College Library team – Ms Susan Jost, Mr Brian Hayes, Mrs Clare Kennedy, Mrs Rebecca Grech and Ms Rachelle St Ledger turned the library into a place for all students to ‘Escape to Everywhere’, the 2017 Book Week theme. They hosted illustrator Mr Marc McBride, an established illustrator of over 50 books including the popular fantasy series Deltora Quest, written by Ms Emily Rodda. During his visit Mr McBride wowed the students with his ‘airbrush’ illustrations where he created some original dragons, coached all students to draw their own with glowing critiques of how wonderful their efforts were and then generously donated his three illustrations to the College Library. The Book Week Parade had an honour roll of characters with all Primary students and staff dressing up. Thanks to Ms Sandy Wreford, Principal PA, she created Passport costumes for both herself and Principal Mr Peter Houlihan to get into the theme ‘Escape to Everywhere’. Primary students also had the pleasure of various staff from across the College and

Mrs Anne Arbon, a member of the DLS College Board and a former primary teacher and librarian as judges on the day. It was definitely one of the most difficult jobs as all students went to so much effort and all the costumes were excellent. Ms Sally Rippin, author of many books including Billie B Brown, Hey Jack and her new book Polly and Buster added to the list of special guests and told the students many inspirational stories, providing them with a thirst to keep writing. The pièce de résistance was learning

from author Ms Gabrielle Wang, a long-established Melbourne author/illustrator whose books include The Garden of Empress Cassia, The Pearl of Tiger Bay and A Ghost in My Suitcase, who delighted primary students with her designs and taught them how to paint bamboo and bird pictures using Chinese inks and brushes. It was a fantastic week filled with so many great events where all students and many staff were able to ‘Escape to Everywhere.’


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Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, all schools must ensure that students with a disability are able to access and participate in education on the same basis as those without a disability. To achieve this, schools must provide “reasonable adjustments” for students, where necessary, and consult with the students and/or their parents/carers. The Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre (MMEC) facilitates this legal obligation for students with a disability or learning difficulties.

Mrs Eve McLellan, Mrs Jacinta Ryan, and Miss Georgina Skinner – and Learning Support Officers (LSO’s) – Ms Michele O’Mahoney, Ms Jacquline McKinnon, Ms Muriel West, Mrs Gabrielle Windley (Semester 1), Mrs Melanie Livera, Ms Kerrie Harman, Ms Robyn Miller, Mrs Carolyn Green, and Miss Carly Walsh. We were also lucky enough to have some fantastic casual relief LSO’s throughout the year – Ms Freda Siomos, Ms Catherine Gadzinski, and Ms Sharon Richards. This team of dedicated educators worked with students across all year levels from Primary to Year 12, who have specific learning needs.

In 2017, the dedicated staff of the MMEC have worked consistently with these students to assist them in accessing the curriculum. St John Baptist de La Salle said, “Know your students individually and be able to understand them” (Med 33.1). As the Patron Saint of Teachers, he implores us to “touch the hearts” of all our students, especially “the lost, the least and the last.”

This year, 69 students were funded under the Catholic Education Melbourne Students With Disabilities (SWD) program, and received in class support from our LSOs who collaborated with teaching staff and parents to facilitate and support the individual learning needs of these students. Regular Program Support Group (PSG) meetings occurred for these students and others with additional learning needs, where academic planning and pastoral care were discussed with parents. Decisions from these meetings were implemented by MMEC staff, parents and teachers, to enhance student learning and maximise effective teaching.

We believe that all students can experience success when learning outcomes are based on realistic and achievable goals. The words of our patron, St Mary of the Cross, echo the attitude and reflect the commitment of the MMEC staff, “We must teach more by example than by word” (1867). This year, the staff included specialist teachers – Mrs Gemma Austin,

The Literacy Support Program (LSP) classes continued again this year, with three groups at Year 7, four groups at Year 8, two groups at Year 9 and one group at Year 10,

Standing: Ms Sharon Richards, Mrs Carolyn Green, Mrs Eve McLellan, Miss Carly Walsh, Ms Robyn Miller Front Row: Mrs Jacinta Ryan, Ms Muriel West, Ms Kathleen Holmes, Mrs Gemma Austin, Miss Georgina Skinner, Ms Michele O’Mahoney Absent: Ms Kerrie Harman, Ms Jacqueline McKinnon, Mrs Melanie Livera

with a total enrolment of 96 students. These students have experienced the expertise of the MMEC teaching staff in assisting them to improve their literacy skills and, in Year 9, developing knowledge and skills in some Humanities areas. The Year 7 and Year 8 LSP curriculum continued as an intervention program with success, according to the data from regular literacy assessment. At the Semester 1 Awards ceremony, it was pleasing to see 30 students under the MMEC umbrella receive awards for either Achievement or Endeavour, with quite a few of them receiving multiple awards. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the contribution of Mrs Gemma Austin (who will be leaving

De La Salle at the end of the year) to the MMEC department, to the students with whom she worked, and to the College community at large. Gemma’s experience in the area of Special Education is varied and comprehensive. Consequently, she has been a wealth of knowledge and support for those who work with students with additional needs, and approach her for advice. She has “touched the hearts” of the many students with whom she has supported. As a staff member, Gemma’s professional demeanour has been an inspirational example of living the Lasallian teachings and ethos of St John Baptist de La Salle. Thank you, Gemma, for your dedication, support and friendship. We wish you well in the future.

I wish to thank my wonderful team for their caring dedication, perseverance and professionalism as they work to enhance the lives of our students. I also acknowledge the support from our Principal, Mr Peter Houlihan, Deputy Principals, Mr Tom Ryan, Mr Mark Gustincic, Ms Lisa Harkin, and Mrs Rana Brogan, Directors of Students, Mr John McAlroy and Mr Luke Kenealy, and the Directors of Learning and Development, Ms Lucy Russell, Ms Rose Connolly, Mr David Alexander, and Mr Rob Bonnici. “To touch the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.” (Med 139.3—feast of St Peter). Ms Kathleen Holmes MMEC Coordinator


Mathematics The Mathematics Learning Area at De La Salle have been involved in a number of initiatives this year to ensure all students are able to achieve success and learn Mathematics effectively. We have seen an enormous amount of growth from our Year 7 and Year 8 students learning with Maths Pathway, where students learn skills at their level, work collaboratively on Rich Tasks, and receive regular feedback from the teacher. A more student-centred model of learning will extend to our VCE Mathematics classes in 2018 through Edrolo, which is an online resource to supplement the textbook that provides students with instructional videos and questions. Both of these initiatives empower the student to take ownership of their learning, and move away from a model where the teacher is the source of all information.

from the Australian Mathematics Trust to attend digIT – a six-month mentoring program, designed to further develop the algorithmic thinking and coding skills of students in a fun and supportive environment.

A number of different Maths competitions have been offered this year, with many students seizing the opportunity to be involved in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) Competition and the Australian Mathematics Challenge. The CAT Competition is an online problem solving competition that seeks to identify computer programming potential. Congratulations to Marcus Herman, Anthony Lew, Ryan Gumanti and Matthew Deen, who each received a Distinction certificate. In addition, Marcus Herman’s exceptional performance has led to an invitation

Weekly Maths Help sessions have continued to run in 2017 with maths staff on hand to assist. I encourage all students to make the most of this opportunity. Maths Help at Tiverton runs on Wednesdays and SumAid at Kinnoull runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you to all staff who have been involved.

The Australian Mathematics Competition was held in July this year with 113 students participating and achieving some excellent results: 38 credits, 16 distinctions and 3 high distinctions. A special mention to our three High Distinction recipients – Andre Mackie, Joshua Salmon and Jordan Burns, who in receiving High Distinctions performed in the top 3% of all students who completed the competition.

Ms Emily Ryan Learning Area Team Leader Mathematics


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Religious Education I began last year’s article with a reflection on one of our core Lasallian principles – Quality Education. As I said then, the Religious Education Learning Area has a unique dichotomy of providing both an education on religion and providing faith opportunities for each student we teach. We have continued the journey of improving and enhancing Religious Education at the College, working this year on developing changes to our assessment practices, to ensure that each student has an opportunity to see where they are at on their educational journey. The introduction of assessment rubrics, over the coming years, will enable students to develop their growth mindset and reduce the competitive responses that a numbered grade produces. The renewal of the College curriculum has continued this year and the Religious Education Learning Area has been active in

this area. This year has seen the introduction of an interesting and challenging seminar day program for our Year 12 students. Seminar sessions included “Women in our Lives”, “Courageous Discipleship” and “Ethical Decision Making”. The seminar program was highly appreciated by the Year 12 students, as it let them take a step back from their study to appreciate where they have come from, where they are at now and most importantly what will guide them in the future as they depart the spiritual embrace of the College. Additionally, there has been the challenge of incorporating a new VCE curriculum in Year 10 and Year 11. The VCE program highlights the

seriousness we place on ensuring the students leave De La Salle ready to understand the world which they will explore and live. I am thankful for the hard work and effort made by the seminar leaders and the VCE Religion and Society teachers this year. The renewal of the Year 7 to Year 9 curriculum continued this year, with our Year 8 students having undertaken the new curriculum this year and planning almost complete for the introduction of the new curriculum at Year 9 in 2018. The new curriculum aims to recontextualise the Catholic

faith and draw from students’ own experiences to develop understanding. Our learning and teaching plans call for the use of inquiry based components more frequently than teacher directed learning. The Year 8 students this year explored the theme of the World, Australia and Melbourne, covering topics such as “What is Courage?” and “We should forget the past”. For the second year now, the Year 8 students visited the Australian Jewish Museum in St Kilda and the National Gallery of Victoria. These experiences open the eyes of these young men to worlds they may have never seen

before. The students and teachers really enjoyed this excursion and I’m happy to note that it will happen again in 2018. The feedback from students on the new curriculum offerings has been overwhelmingly positive and the teaching team is excited with our plans for the Year 9 curriculum next year.s Mr Christopher Church Learning Area Team Leader Religious Education


Science This year marks my first year as the Science Learning Area Team Leader, and this year, like every year before, has been composed of the same key ingredients that have made Science such a success at De La Salle. At De La Salle, we believe that science must be discovered through curiosity and not simply read from a book. Supporting knowledge development through experimental investigations is the mainstay of our philosophy. By nurturing a spirit of inquiry and bringing current, relevant and real-world science into the classroom, we actively prepare our students to become educated citizens capable of analysing global issues. All this has been made possible in 2017 by firstly, an incredible team of talented, generous and enthusiastic teachers and laboratory technicians who work tirelessly to ensure students are provided with an opportunity to be as hands-on as possible during their science lessons.

Secondly, a wonderfully talented, enthusiastic and attentive group of students who try to achieve their best in this subject. Last year, 83% of students who achieved an ATAR score of 90 or more pursued at least one VCE Science subject. Only through striving for excellence in science during their entire time at the College can students achieve such great results. To know that science played such a large role in helping these students succeed is a real thrill to us all. I would like to thank all staff and students who have trusted me to lead them in a subject I feel so passionate about. A special mention to the outgoing Learning Area Team

Leader Mr Peppe Di Ciccio whose enthusiasm, expertise and guidance has allowed me to efficiently transition into this role. Every day, amazing new developments are being seen through science, from using CRISPR to edit a human embryo and remove faulty genes to a machine that can pull water out of air with as low as 20% humidity. Science has tremendous impact on our daily lives and at De La Salle we are excited by the opportunity to educate tomorrow’s scientists who will make this world an even better place. Mr Shardul Kaneria Learning Area Team Leader Science


Technology In Year 7 and Year 8, students are introduced to various tools and equipment that includes some static and portable power tools. Students gain confidence and the necessary skills and knowledge to use them with various materials including timber, metals and acrylics to produce a product to a stated quality that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. The focus at Year 9 is for students to integrate different materials that include metals and metal forming tools as well as different jointing methods that includes welding to create designs that meet the specifications within a Design Brief. At Year 10, students in both Materials Technologies and Systems Engineering often integrate various systems and processes to develop more complex products with an emphasis on using ICT to assist in creating working drawings and developing testing procedures that simulate real life situations. They access various materials and use more complex tools and equipment that include both stationary and portable power tools to produce products that meet industry standards. In VCE Product Design and Technology students assume the role of a designer-maker. In adopting this role, they acquire and apply knowledge of factors that influence design. Students address the design factors relevant to their design situation and create products that met the need of a client/end user. VCE Systems Engineering promotes innovative systems thinking and problem-solving skills through the

Systems Engineering Process. Students produce, test, diagnose and evaluate functional electrotechnology systems that may include some mechanical components or electro-mechanical subsystems in Unit 1 and Unit 2. In Unit 3 and Unit 4 students apply their knowledge and skills to manage and construct the integrated and controlled system. Computing and Software Development provides students with opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to use digital systems efficiently and effectively when creating digital solutions both individually and as part of a network. Mr Warren Walker Learning Area Team Leader Technology

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VCAL It has been another exciting and productive year for the VCAL program in 2017. Projects such as School Beautification, Garden Refurbishment, VET Building and Construction, Hospitality “The Little Kitchen That Could”, Yarraville Special Development School interaction and work site, a five-day country experience in the North East of Victoria and a range of unique sporting activities have added to the diversity of our Applied Learning Program. Students gain knowledge of real options and directions for their future, ensuring a confident pathway to their chosen careers while developing a sense of community and camaraderie brought on by a close working relationship with teaching staff, workplace employers and fellow De La Salle students.

As shown in the image below, our 2017 VCAL group has done an excellent job of renovating a dozen tables from the VCD room, sanding and re-painting them. The tables will be transported to PNG in a container sponsored by the Lasallian Foundation.

VCAL students have also built retaining walls preparatory to planting new flower beds at the Kinnoull Campus. Mr Timothy Hogan VCAL Coordinator


VET and Careers The VCE VET program at De La Salle College has again worked extensively with College groups and the wider community with all students receiving the benefit of vocational education. The VCE VET Sport and Recreation students in Year 11 have gained coaching qualifications in the areas of AFL through AFL Victoria, cricket through a visit from Adam Hutton of Cricket Victoria, soccer with James Muir taking the students through their MiniRoos certification and tennis where the students learnt all about the ANZ Hot Shots junior program. 2017 also saw the students again make themselves available for the Dendy District Sports Association, where they were instrumental in both the football and soccer Lightning Premiership Days. Duties for the day included set up, umpiring, scoring and making sure the day ran as smoothly as possible, throughout the wet and cold winter. The Dendy District Sports Association look forward to our help and are appreciative of our efforts. The other VET subjects have also been very busy with Mr Noel Patterson extremely impressed with the work being done in Interactive Digital Multimedia, and the students in the workshop have been busy making cubby houses with expert guidance from Mr Warren Walker and Mr Tim Hogan. The Year 12 students have certainly had a busy year, with

the highlights being teaching two junior physical education lessons and the off-site camp. The camp which was held on Phillip Island saw the students plan, implement and debrief a series of activities which were undertaken in cold and windy weather. An ‘Amazing Race’ activity that centred on teamwork was one of the best activities, but even more impressive was some of the students’ driving skills on the go-karts on the Grand Prix track. Special thanks go to Mr Andrew Clements for his help on the camp. His outdoor education experience and knowledge was of the highest standard. Thanks to all VET staff members, other members of staff and support staff for all you have done this year to make the VET program a successful one. I know the students appreciate the hard work and dedication you put in. Mr Peter Larsen VET Coordinator

Careers The Careers Centre, which I like to fondly refer to as the Careers Hub, has always got something happening in or around it. Beginning with the buzz that the Year 12 students who are at the pointy edge of making decisions about their futures, make during their interviews and VTAC account appointments. This is an exciting way to assist the students on their way to undergraduate studies During Term 2 we had a weekly Speaker’s Forum in St Miguel Theatre, Year 10 through to Year 12 students depending on their interest voluntarily attended to listen to a speaker from an array of universities and postsecondary providers who came along and spoke to the students about different courses and opportunities at their university. The range of questions that the students ask really reflect the thoroughness that they undertake in their course and university selections. I also sat in on the Mock Interviews and Folio Workshop that the Careers Centre organises. Year 12 students voluntarily participate in these activities, and I was impressed with the intensity they displayed when they were sharing their creative choices that went into their folios. Let’s not forget where it all begins on the Kinnoull Campus. Year 10 students begin to make some conscious choices about

their future pathways and start taking control of where their future learning may take them. We begin this process by obtaining some valuable information from sitting the Morrisby Testing resulting in a journal which highlights strengths and career possibilities for each student. We then have a motivational speaker; Mr Darren Pereira from Shape your Destiny, who brings along enough speakers and music that all of High Street can hear us. The students are encouraged to open their minds and dream during this session. Year 11 students were involved in the Careers Passport - an initiative that encourages them to gain some credentials, attend Open Days and involve

themselves in experiences in the community outside the College. This year has been a busy one, full of exciting times where students are planning for the future that is all ahead of them. It is always a pleasure and a privilege to be on board and share a small part of this experience with them. Mrs Caroline Fitzpatrick Careers Advisor

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Visual Arts


Visual Arts Years 4–10


Visual Communication and Design




Studio Arts






Music Ensembles


Music Performance




The Addams Family





Visual Arts It was another busy year for the Visual Arts learning area. This year we participated in the 3rd Biennial ACC Art and Technology Exhibition held at Federation Square. The Exhibition included high-quality work from all schools in the ACC competition and was a wonderful celebration of The Arts within our association. The Exhibition was open across five days and attracted around 3,500 visitors. There were over 300 attendees at the Event Launch in Deakin Edge, with guest speaker, Mr Tom Goldner, delivering an entertaining and informative presentation of his journey into professional photography. The ACC Arts Committee has worked diligently over the past 18 months in preparation for the show. It is important to acknowledge the fantastic contribution of many people that helped make this event so successful, particularly event organiser Mr Paddy McKenna and curator Ms Maria Tallarida. This year the Year 9 ‘Urban Impact’ immersion program students worked on a glass tile mosaic of the college logo. The students worked tirelessly and meticulously to recreate the college crest from thousands of pieces of glass tiles. The piece is now proudly on display out the front of the Performing Arts Centre. We look forward to seeing more public works on display from this innovative program.

Art Exhibition We had another successful Art Show this year. We had works on display from Years 4-12 including Visual Art, Architecture, Photography and Visual Communication and Design.

We had the pleasure of welcoming a new member to the Visual Arts Team this year. Ms Carolyn Hawkins joined the department as our new Visual Arts Technician. Carolyn has quickly become a vital member of this department and has worked tirelessly throughout the year to support our staff and students. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our hard working staff who have made my job as

Learning Area Team Leader a lot easier; Mrs Christine Bassilli, Ms Emma D’Angelo, Mr Mark Gustincic, Mr David Happ, Ms Carolyn Hawkins, Mr Jon Hewett, Mr Shane Mackintosh, Ms Kerry Martin, Mr Noel Patterson, Ms Haylene Peipert and Mr Nigel Yates. Mr Ryan Hayward Learning Area Team Leader Visual Arts

Our 2017 Arts Captains; Luke Barron and Andrew Eracleous opened proceedings with a wonderful speech focusing on the importance of the Arts in education. The 2017 Arts Captains have fulfilled their duties with enthusiasm and diligence this year and the Visual Arts department thanks them for all their efforts this year in supporting and promoting our learning area. Principal Mr Peter Houlihan once again had a tough choice in choosing the ‘2017 Principal’s Choice Award’. This year’s recipient was Year 11 student

Brandon Luu for his large scale painting ‘Displaced’. The work is an incredibly detailed acrylic on canvas that focusses on the current homelessness crisis in Melbourne. I would like to thank all of our Visual Arts staff for the time and effort they have put in to planning and curating this exhibition. It seems to get better every year. Mr Ryan Hayward Learning Area Team Leader Visual Arts

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Visual Arts Years 4-10

Louis Power

Year 7 Printmaking

Year 7 Ceramics Michael O’Dwyer

Austin Earle


Aaron May; Bradley Higgins; Keegan Eardley – Skateboards

Daniel Gava

Nathan Salmon

Christian Dibbs

Peter Pearse

Year 4 Printmaking

Year 7 Ceramics

Heath McCullough

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Visual Communication and Design

Elijah Kingsley

Mitchell Rossittio

Elijah Kingsley

Callum Lewis

Oliver McCann

Christopher Groves


Adam Robertson

Jordan Vlahogiannis

Callum Lewis

Rory Clarke

Elijah Kingsley

Rory Clarke

Jack O’Neil

Rory Clarke

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William Corrigan – Alphabet

Benjamin Bizzarri

Jack Barnard

Samuel Paine

Connor Fitzharris

Samuel Spackman

Jackson Tyrrell


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Peter Pearse

Dean Drossos

Samuel Groves

Lachlan Bainbridge


Studio Arts

Mitchell Rogers Maxwell Harvey

Brandon Luu Principal’s Choice Award Winner

Benjamin Brownhill

Andrew Eracleous

Benjamin Carter


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Luke Barron

Alexander Mascarin

Andrew Eracleous

Jordan Vlahogiannis


Media Media Awards Night This year’s annual De La Salle Media Awards showcased the work of VCE Media students. A loveable film always looks so easy to make, but as our Media students can attest to, it takes a lot of forward planning and management skills. Students rely on the help of many people so a big thank you to the many parents, staff and friends who have contributed to the students’ films. This year’s Best Script Award was given to Adam Crestani for his hilarious comedy Deadline. The most Progressive Production Award went to Louis Osborne who stepped out of his comfort zone to teach himself the required skills for his cut out animation Fetch.

Louis Osborne - Fetch

Christopher Ovens was awarded Best Production Design Plan for the meticulous planning of his film My Presentation.pptx. Finally the Best Film Award went to Thomas Whitelaw for his crowd pleaser Alan’s Office.

Harrison Barr – The Reputation Game

Adam Crestani – Deadline

Harrison Campion - Gray

Ms Haylene Peipert Media

Thomas Whitelaw - Alan’s Office

Tom Moloney Morton – The Deal

Harrison Barr – The Reputation Game

Adam Crestani - Deadline


Music Somewhere before 7am most music students and staff are out of bed, moving through morning routines to arrive at school for an 8am rehearsal. Remember your instrument and music. Remember the parts you practised… and hope your sight reading is good enough for the parts you didn’t practise! Once the music starts, it doesn’t matter so much that it’s freezing or that the train was late or that one or two other parts of life are not quite aligned. Playing music interrupts all of that and for the next hour, there’s only room for music. I often come back to five key factors that draw people to learning music.

They include a love of performance, unity of purpose, desire for challenge and professionalism, quality of relationships (with peers or teachers) and opportunities for individual growth and wellbeing. I believe these factors are captured in the curricular and co-curricular programs at De La Salle. There’s nothing better than watching a young musician strive and no better opportunity to celebrate it than at the range of concerts and events through the year.

The music tour is always a highlight. It seems impossible to perform eight shows in three days without falling into a heap and yet each year we smash records of setting up and packing up. Each year our repertoire is a little tighter. Each year we aspire to be better. In reflection of 2017, I celebrate the passion and creativity within the music department and thank the wonderful music staff and students for always being ready to play. Ms Cindy Frost Music Coordinator

The Addams Family Musical The annual musical production is by far the hardest gig for any music student. With only a couple for rehearsals in Term 4 of the previous year, the bulk of the rehearsals take place in Term 1, with the show at the beginning of Term 2. Any given show has around 20 to 25 songs, of which all of them are unmodified professional charts, the Addams Family Musical was no exception. The expectation is that the band complete 2–3 new charts each week with very little guided revision until the week before the show. Oh, and in the meantime, students still need to turn up to class, complete assignments and participate in normal weekly activities and family engagements outside of school. It is a truly enormous and amazing experience.

The calibre of musician for the production is high in both musicianship and work ethic. The level of trust and camaraderie is extraordinary, as everyone, including the conductor, work toward the same goal – a brilliant show. Every year the audience are blown away to hear the band, then realise they are students. Congratulations to the band from this year’s production of The Addams Family. Ms Cindy Frost Music Coordinator

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Music Ensembles

Concert Band

Stage Band

Back Row: J. Thompson, M. O’Dwyer, D. Gehrig, A. Perri, L. Gehrig, A. Ryan, N. Viscovich Middle Row: B. Coonan, R. Ranzolin, J. Arnold, D. Geddes, M. Harvey, J. Hunter, T. Pagonis, A. Pearce Seated: D. Clarke, N. Barrow, A. Eracleous, J. Burns, J. Clarke, E. Tambimuttu, S. Yuan, C. Flemming

Back Row: M. Harvey, A. Ryan, A. Scandrett, J. Thompson, N. Viscovich, R. Ranzolin, N. Barrow Middle Row: W. Dwyer, B. Coonan, B. O’Haire, D. Geddes, C. Menara, D. Clarke, C. Ovens Seated: A. Valcanas, J. Clarke, J. Burns, F. Bird, A. Eracleous, T. Pagonis

Percussion Ensemble

Junior Band

Brass Ensemble

Standing: M. Kovacevic, J. Miller, K. Teohaere, D. Gardiner, R. Garcia Seated: S. Birch, J. Nguyen, O. Corbett, R. Yogendran

Back Row: C. Devlin, K. Teohaere, W. Ashton, C. Fleming, E. McCann Middle Row: J. Nguyen, C. Ryan, E. Sinnott, A. Mackie, S. Birch Seated: R. Suffolk, S. Bunnik, S. Herdman, G. Kopczowski, J. Bunnik, L. Exell

Back Row: N. Viscovich, A. Perri, J. Arnold, G. Kopczowski Middle Row: S. Herdman, C. Menara, R. Ranzolin, T. Pagonis, J. Hunter, W. Ashton Seated: A. Ryan, B. Hunter, A. Eracleous, T. Potiris, B. O’Haire, N. Hunter


Intermediate Band

College Choir

Back Row: D. Gardiner, C. Menara, G. Kopczowski, S. Campbell, W. Ashton, N. Hunter, M. Herman Middle Row: A. Pearce, H. Lucas, C. Flemming, B. O’Haire, B. Selkirk, K. Xie, S. Fernandes, T. Andrewartha Seated: M. Barnett, D. Clarke, W. Khan, A. Mackie, B. Hunter, E. McCann, A. Valcanas

Back Row: J. Thompson, E. Te Moni, M. O’Dwyer, J. Barnard, B. Gibson, J. Hunter Seated: D. Van den Berg, C. Devlin, F. Bird, J. Burns, C. Ovens, G. Van Laake

String Ensemble

Saxophone Ensemble

Flute Ensemble

Guitar Ensemble

Standing: T. Seddon, J. Howat, B. Gibson Seated: J. Fernando, D. Van den Berg, P. Orlando

Standing: J. Burns, M. Harvey Seated: D. Clarke, J. Thompson

Back Row: E. Tambimuttu, B. Northey, S. Campbell Front Row: A. Car, A. Pearce, A. Mackie

Standing: W. Dwyer, J. Stefanoski, A. Scandrett, D. Geddes, S. Martin Seated: J. Gonzales, H. King, W. Gorman, J. Kaminsky

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Music Performance


Drama Many initiatives begun last year have come to fruition in the Drama Department in both the curricular and co-curricular areas meaning the department is growing and strengthening.

The Importance of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest, the classic play by Oscar Wilde, was performed under the auspices of OLSH.

One of the most exciting of these changes is the Year 11 Unit 1 and Unit 2 class of eleven students who have been creating works of theatre of a high calibre all year. This is the first such class the College has run in very many years and that there will be both a Unit 1/2 and a Unit 3/4 Year 12 class in 2018 is a tribute to the Drama teaching staff at all levels. Our third, annual production with Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) was the quirky, creepy and fun musical, The Addams Family. It was performed at the Drum Theatre, Dandenong in early Term 2 and was a triumph for all involved. As is our policy, student involvement was maximised for both schools with around 60 students on stage, 12 as crew backstage and 10 in the band, all drawn from both schools. Every year our young men and women learn and play the complex scores for these musicals with help from only one or two professional musicians and this is a great credit to our Music Coordinator, Ms Cindy Frost. As this article is being written, rehearsals for our next production with OLSH are already underway. We have chosen Legally Blonde the Musical based on the film of the same name which will be

performed from 3 to 5 May 2018 at the Alexander Theatre, Monash. Keep your eyes out for the ticketing publicity as this will be a show not to be missed. On 9 and 10 November, De La Salle and Sacré Cœur enthusiastically and proudly brought to the stage the original production of The Memory Case, the unique life story of one man, Arthur Allen Alexander. Inspired by many Australians who “have come across the sea”, either as migrants post World War II or at present as refugees, 78 cast, 8 band and 12 crew breathed life into a thought-provoking piece through their outstanding and mature skills. Ms Matilda Finn’s strong and varied choreography was embraced by girls and boys alike as dance entertained and paid an emotional tribute to Aylan Kurdi, the young

three year old Syrian refugee, and the lives of his grandparents. Ms Kelly Williams’ gentle and wise music direction took the band and cast voices to a point of beautiful harmony. The De La Salle “war cry” and Sacré Cœur’s “couer de jesus” blended together after the final performance to announce to one and all a sense of artistic victory in what had been achieved by each student in The Memory Case. Mr Andrew Murrell Drama Coordinator


Four of our very talented Year 11 actors, Jordan Burns, Daniel Hart, Lachlan Joseph and Owen Clune gave excellent, comic performances in this difficult but very funny piece. Wilde pokes fun at the upper classes in Britain in the late 19th Century through witty dialogue and foolish behaviour involving mistaken identity and alter egos. The De La Salle cast worked with OLSH cast under the directorial eye of Ms Michelle Fenton of OLSH and performed in the school hall to

the delight of the audiences. Audience feedback from the play consistently mentioned the excellent character and comedic work of the cast, especially that of Jordan and Daniel as the wealthy playboys, Jack and Algernon, who were perfect foils for each other and who captured the whimsical comedy of Wilde’s dialogue brilliantly. Mr Andrew Murrell Drama Coordinator

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The Addams Family As a television series it was quirky as much as it was hilarious, but as a musical set for the stage, it was outrageously entertaining. This year’s College production of The Addams Family brought Gomez, Morticia and their weirdly wonderful family to life in song and dance at the Drum Theatre, Dandenong for four sell-out performances. Once again produced in partnership with Our Lady of

the Sacred Heart (OLSH) College, Bentleigh more than 100 students, crew and musicians rehearsed for six months under Director and Drama Coordinator at the College, Mr Andrew Murrell. Together with the support of staff and families from both Colleges, The Addams Family was a thoroughly entertaining showcase of the rich talents of our students. Mr Andrew Murrell Drama Coordinator


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Stella Sacré Cœur’s senior production, Stella, which was written by their staff and used found music from the 1980s, was a triumph enjoyed by all who saw it. Involving about 17 of our talented De La Salle students, it was performed at the National Theatre, St Kilda in Term 3. The story of a young woman who wants to be a singing star, it effectively crammed in over 20 of the songs from the era to the delight of the students and their parents. After two terms of rehearsal, this colourful and musical production was performed for two shows in mid-September to large and very happy audiences. It also revealed some notable and surprising performances from students including Oliver Barr’s clear and expressive singing and Eli Te Moni’s brief but effective cameo as Stella’s father. It is to be hoped that further productions between our schools in addition to the now set and stable middle school shows will happen in the future as the benefit to our two Colleges is apparent to all. Mr Andrew Murrell Drama Coordinator


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Sport Report


ACC Golf


ACC Swimming ACC Athletics

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ACC Tennis


ACC Cricket


ACC Volleyball


ACC Basketball


Victorian Interschool Snowsports


ACC Football


ACC Hockey


ACC Table Tennis


ACC Chess


ACC Soccer


ACC Cross Country


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Sport Report The De La Salle sporting year kicked off with a bang in Term 1, 2017. The College enjoyed a great start to the year with excellent results in the major ACC carnivals of swimming and athletics along with the senior cricketers enjoying one of the most successful seasons in the College’s history. In what was to be the farewell ACC Swimming Carnival for our illustrious coaches ‘Team Windley’, our swimmers were able to produce a 2nd overall placing and also closed the gap on the powerhouse Whitefriar’s team. The team was superbly led by Captain Charlie Aitken and many swimmers produced personal bests on the night. Our Athletics team were unable to retain their title gain in 2016 but also finished a creditable 2nd placing overall. Unfortunately, the team was effected by some key athletes being unavailable through injury or illness but were still able to complete a great carnival. Under the leadership of National-level athletes Lachlan Menara (Year 11) and Dalton Di Medio (Year 11) this team will be seeking to regain the title in 2018. In what was to be Mr Marty Rhoden’s final year in charge of the 1st XI cricket team he produced a championship winning team that defeated a strong St Joseph’s College, Geelong outfit in the ACC final. Skipper Benjamin Paine led the way winning the MVP for the team but was well supported by all of his teammates. Our 2nd XI also produced a winning season

by beating our Lasallian brothers St Bede’s College, Mentone in their grand final producing our first Division 1 and Division 2 title in the same year for a long time. Our 1st XI team have now won five titles since 2010 to go along with our 2016 Victorian title. Our cricket program continued to grow with the inaugural overseas cricket tour. 17 boys led by staff members Mr Peter Larsen, Mr Michael Wilson and myself embarked on a 12 day seven match tour of Sri Lanka. The team ended the tour with a three wins, three losses and a washout, but most importantly, learnt some valuable cricketing and life lessons. We look forward to offering the experience again in 2019. The next three terms saw a smattering of successes, but our teams were most competitive in sports that we have traditionally struggled in. Our ACC Hockey program is now one of the strongest in the ACC with top four finishes in most grades and a premiership to our Year 10 team who have now won four from four during their time at the College. A resurgent AFL program took its first real steps towards becoming a powerhouse

in the ACC once again with our Year 7A team desperately unlucky to miss out on a place in the Grand Final, missing out by the narrowest percentage point margin. Whilst our Year 10 team had some stirring victories giving the College optimism for our 1st XVIII team in 2018. Our ACC Golf program continued its recent run of success winning both the Senior and Junior tournaments. Year 10 student Kristoff Soliven hit an ACC record with his outstanding score of 68 in the Senior Championship to finish under par on the day. Whilst the premiership wins and solid results are always welcome it is equally important to recognise the spirit our De La Salle students displayed throughout 2017. The students represented the College and their peers with great pride. It would also be remiss of me

not to mention the efforts of our wonderful coaching team who strive to give every team the opportunity to experience development and success. One of our long-time coaches Mr Gerard Barns was recognised by the ACC in 2017 becoming an inaugural inductee to the ACC Hall of Fame for dedication and service. Gerard was recognised for coaching teams here at De La Salle for in excess of 20 years across a wide variety of sports which include athletics, AFL, hockey and cricket. He was given the award by Mr Peter Riordon, former Principal of De la Salle College, now ACC President. As the year comes to a close I look forward to guiding the ACC program again in 2018 which promises to be a most exciting and successful year. Mr Jon Edgar Director of Sport

Mr Gerard Barns is presented with his ACC Hall of Fame award by Mr Peter Riorden, ACC Chairman.


ACC Golf Our Captain Kristoff Soliven had the best score of the day out of the 96 golfers who competed. Congratulations to our Junior Golfers who are back to back ACC Junior Golf Champions and to the Senior Team who were also ACC Champions for 2017. Golf is booming at the College and if your son shows an interest in golf, I strongly encourage him to become a golf member to accelerate his ability. The Junior ACC Golf Team and scores were as follows: ACC JUNIOR GOLFERS BACK TO BACK CHAMPIONS After a stunning win in 2015 by our junior golfers and then the ACC Golf Championships being washed out in 2016, our golfers were keen to compete at the Northern Golf Club in Glenroy, for the first time in ACC Junior Golf history. Our Junior Golf team was led magnificently by Kristoff Soliven, a very talented golfer off a scratch handicap. He has been integral to the success of De La Golf for the last four years.

The eight junior golfers listed below won selection over about 800 students at the College in Primary to Year 10. After some solid advice by Kristoff Soliven during the bus trip to the Northern Golf Club, our golfers had a consistent day where they dominated the 12 ACC schools and won by 16 shots over St Bede’s College, Mentone and St Joseph’s College, Geelong who were equal second.

Kristoff Soliven, Year 10 (Captain) 74 Michael Yuen, Year 7 84 Joshua Webb, Year 10 86 Levi Wardle, Year 8 86 William Purdie, Year 9 90 Kaimana Teohaere, Year 7 90 101 Sebastian Fernandez, Year 10 James Still, Year 10 101 Hugo Thomas, Year 7 (Reserve) Mr Peter Crellin Junior Golf Coach

ACC Open Golf Champions 2017 The De La Salle Senior Golf Team won Division 1 in the ACC Open Golf Championship at the Northern Golf Club. The team has performed extremely well over many years and it was great to win after coming so close last year where we finished second by only two strokes. This year’s team won in convincing fashion, by 30 strokes. The team consisted of eight players with the top four scores from each team combined to form a final team score, De La Salle’s score was 299. The team had some fantastic individual performances on the day. Benjamin Paine, Oliver Smith and Zachary Mulholland had great rounds and I would like to make a special mention

to Kristoff Soliven for equalling the best ever ACC golf score (four under par, 68) at the ACC Open Golf Championship. Kristoff also won the De La Salle Senior Golf Championship at Malvern Valley Golf Course earlier in the year. I would like to congratulate the team on not only for their fantastic performance but also the way they conducted themselves on the day. I would encourage all golfers at the College to try out for next year’s team as we attempt to go for back-to-back flags. Mr Ken Stokes Senior Golf Coach

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ACC Swimming The first major sporting event on the ACC calendar was held on the evening of Friday 24 February – the 2017 Swimming Championship at MSAC. Whitefriars College, Donvale continued their recent dominance, winning their 4th Division 1 title in succession. De La Salle was runnerup for the second successive year, bridging the winning margin from 62 points in 2016 to 20 points this year. The team looks to be on a sound footing to challenge for the title in 2018. There were some outstanding performances on the night from De La Salle Swimmers with 10 victories and an impressive 19 second placings. Event winners on the night were the U15 Medley and Freestyle Relays, Harry McLean, Morgan Morffew, Campbell Freeman, Angus McLean and Stefan Skarlatos. Congratulations to Campbell Freeman and Angus McLean who were both named in the 2017 ACC Team of Champions. The continued resurgence of De La Swimming can be gauged by the number of school records broken this season. A staggering 11 school records were broken on ACC night, confirming that the swimming team continues to improve. We look forward to the upward trend continuing in 2018. Congratulations! Mrs Gabrielle Windley Swimming Coach

Top Row: M. Morffew, H. McLean, B Richter, O. Bates, C Lewis, J. Lea, S Skarlatos, G. Mellios Second Row: P. Cugliari, C Hullin, A. McLean, S. Swift, S. Young, C Aitken, C. Freeman, S. Hullin, T. MacFarlane Seated: A. Kelly, H. Hayashi, A Puopolo, S. Hadaway, W. Orton, R. Hayashi, J. Shaw, S. Kelliher, J. Kaminsky, J. Beddoe, Absent: S. Bunnik, L. Williams, J. Pabst, P. Pearse, C. Gaiardo, J. Grigg, B. Miller, L. Cornell, H. Martin Coaches: Mr C. Windley (absent), Mrs G Windley (Team Windley).


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ACC Athletics 2017 saw the athletics team head to Lakeside as defending champions. The squad had prepared well for the carnival and we were confident of possibly retaining the ACC Shield. However disaster struck on the eve of our carnival with some key athletes being forced to withdraw through illness. We managed to plug some gaps but ultimately fell short of Parade College, Preston finishing in 2nd place overall. There were many magnificent performances on the day none more so than Under 17 Liam Halloran completing a winning 800m and 1500m double. This was even more remarkable as Liam had just returned from competing in

the Nationals in Sydney over the previous week. Under 14 hurdler Angus Edgar backed up his Under 13 form to once again win his pet event convincingly. Beau Sciberras got the day off to a great start with a convincing win in the 3000m and our throwers won a number of events including Jordan Brasher (Open Discus) and Ulysses Urban (Open Shot Put). Our 2018 squad is looking very formidable and will no doubt once again challenge for a top place finish, with National Level Athletes and next years co-captains Lachlan Menara and Dalton Di Medio leading the way. Mr Jon Edgar Director of Sport

Back Row: W. Dwyer, B. Firenzi, A. Edgar, L. Menara, C Menara, O. Schwab, J. Oh, D. Di Medio, J. Walsh, J. Forer Row 3: S. Hadaway, C. Zhang, T. Pateris, K. Hillemacher, W. Bitmead, B. Gelagin, J. Foden, F. O’Kane, K. Eardley, Z. Cumberlidge, J. Orell Seated: T. Nguyen-Vu, U. Urban, W. Callaghan, J. Vlahogiannis, L. Lymbouris, A. Trussler, C. Aitkens, C. Monaco, A. Di Medio, G. Wardlaw, L. Liakakos Bottom Row: N. Carr-Mackenzie, D. Prezens, H. Ford, B. Boscacci, R. Howard, J. Cumberlidge, H. Bird, J. Besnard


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ACC Tennis 2017 was a challenging season for Senior ACC Tennis at De La Salle. The games were all hard fought, but our opponents were generally just a bit stronger and able to close out the matches. Although we didn’t have any overall team victories, we did have some great wins in our singles and double matches.

each week as our number one seed and managed to be victorious in a number of his matches. We played competitive tennis throughout the season and can be proud of the effort we put in this year. Mr Michael Watty Tennis Coach

Notable individual wins belonged to James Bruce-Smith against Salesian College and Cameron Monaco against St Joseph’s College on a very hot day at Ferntree Gully. We were lead well by our Captain Anthony Ticinovic, and our strongest player was James Bruce-Smith, who battled the hardest opponents

Senior Tennis Team Standing: Mr M. Watty, H. Wolstenholme, W. Barnes, W. Callaghan, C. Monaco, R. Glass Seated: M. Pettit, J. Wiedemann, A. Ticinovic, J. Bruce-Smith, C. Groves

Year 10 Tennis Team Standing: B. Gelagin, M. Powell, S. Synnott, M. Fabian, Mr L. Kenealy (coach) Seated: C. Misquitto, T. Martin, P. Cugliari, L. Incretolli


Year 9 Tennis Team Standing: C. Woods-Scamporlino, H. Hawker, T. McCarthy, N. Wooldridge, C. Menara, A. May, Mr A. Wozencroft (coach) Seated: J. Lewis, A. Valcanas, B. Augustynski, H. Reed, J. Kaminsky

Year 8 Tennis Team Top Row: Mr M. Ryan (coach), S. Fernandes, W. Ashton, M. Berzins, G. Androutsos, J. Fernando Seated: G. Batziakas, L. Robertson, M. Nicholls, M. Barnett, S. Healey, H. Cutts

Year 7 Tennis Team Standing: Mr S. Mackintosh (coach), Y. Irramiyan, B. Gallo, T. Guillemain, T. Crossley, V. Boyd Seated: A. Puopolo, H. Thomas, M. Yuen, J. Domantay, V. Fiorello

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ACC Cricket College, Mentone and Ben Paine again exceeded 30 with the bat as the team looked to cover for the loss of Rory Drummond to a season ending hand injury. At Mazenod College, Mulgrave Jack Fitzharris recaptured his devastating State Championships form with a rapid fire 56, before Oliver Bradley’s (70* off 56) five fours and five sixes ensured that the Mazenod total of 177 was surpassed inside 25 overs. Hugh Hyslop, of course, picked up four wickets.

Senior Cricket 1st XI Team Standing: Mr M. Rhoden (coach), R. Drummond, C. Roberts, S. Field, H. Hyslop, S. Mahon, Z. Raymond, J. Clarke, M. Walker Kneeling: O. Bradley, J. Roberts, B. Paine, C. Gerny, M. Tyquin, J. Williams

If the young men representing the De La Salle First XI Cricket Team felt the pressure associated with being the reigning ACC and Schools Shield Premiers, they certainly didn’t let it affect their performance. Just six weeks after sweeping the State Championships, the boys could have been forgiven for suffering something of a premiership hangover. Rather than believing their own hype, however, the boys set about swiftly exerting their dominance and taking each game away from their opposition. In the pre-Christmas fixture, the Year 11 pairing of Marco Walker and Hugh Hyslop combined

for 5/36 against St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully, to indicate immediately that this crop of junior team members were more than capable of slotting into a team that was growing accustomed to success. As is his wont, Jed Roberts stepped in to capitalise on the promising start by cleaning up the last four wickets with his final 15 deliveries. With the bat, another Year 11, Rory Drummond, peeled off a chanceless and unbeaten 40 in a 74 run partnership with Captain, Benjamin Paine (40), to reel in the target with more than nine overs to spare. And thus, expectations were cast for another successful season. Walker and Hyslop again combined for five wickets against St Bede’s

Bradley didn’t have a huge amount of support at Whitefriars College, Donvale, although Paine did get to 20 for the fourth time in as many games. Bradley posted a run-a-ball 84 that was worth well in excess of 100 on the slow Whitefriars pitch. The quality of Bradley’s innings was evidenced by the fact that no one else on either side got past 30 with the bat. We crumbled with the bat against eventual grand finalists, St Joseph’s College, Geelong. Yet this merely presented the opportunity to unveil another match winner in Year 11 student – and second gamer – Zachary Raymond. With the Geelong side cruising towards victory, Raymond tore through their middle order to return figures of 4/15 from six overs. Back to back brilliant run outs from Samuel Field and Benjamin Paine capped off an unlikely win against our stiffest competition.

Hugh Hyslop resumed the heavy lifting with four more wickets in the Semi Final, again in the absence of Marco Walker, who had managed to tear his hamstring at the school’s Athletics Carnival. Mazenod’s total of 82 was never going to be enough and a steady 26 from Jared Williams steered the side past the target with nearly 15 overs in hand. For the second year in a row, the Grand Final was played against St Joseph’s College, Geelong. Having developed something of a trend chasing down opposition scores, we found ourselves in slightly unfamiliar

territory when we lost the toss and were sent in. In difficult conditions, Jack Fitzharris showed how far he had come with the bat in the space of under two years as he dug in for an invaluable 27. Never out of the headlines, Hugh Hyslop again demonstrated his value to the team as he hit eight boundaries on his way to 47. And so in scenes reminiscent of twelve months earlier, St Joseph’s were asked to score at under four an over to secure the ACC Premiership. In 2016, they had only managed 52.


While the bowling differed substantially from 2016, the outcome was much the same. The Year 12 quicks feared by other schools, Jed Roberts and Campbell Gerny, held up an end while the new faces in the lineup, Samuel Mahon and Zachary Raymond, combined for 6/10 from 12 overs. The Geelong school managed just 62 as De La Salle capped off an amazing twelve months with their second ACC Premiership to complement their State Championship in December.

Almost without fail, each year the Senior Cricket Team comprises amongst the most respectful and pleasant young men in the community, let alone in the College. Each year, the team has been characterised by a respect for the game, the opposition and the umpires, along with a desire to represent the College with pride. On top of this, these men have – more often than not – also achieved a level of success that is the envy of schools around the state. The opportunity I have been afforded over the past decade to be associated with these wonderful ambassadors of the College is one for which I am extremely grateful. Having witnessed the rapport that Mr Peter Larsen has built with the 2nd XI over the past few years, it fills me with confidence that this successful chapter in the history of De La Salle Cricket if far from finished. I wish Mr Larsen and the 1st XI success in 2018 and beyond. Mr Martin Rhoden Cricket Coach

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Senior Cricket 2nd XI Team Standing: D. Shipperd, Mr P. Larsen, J. Thorn, M. Doherty, H. Swift, L. Saldanha, J. Reed Kneeling: A. Riley, T. Cairnes, J. Caruso, J. Brasher, O. Smith, R. Drummond, N. Jarvis

The 2nd XI came from nowhere to win the premiership this year. By just scraping into the final on percentage and having to face the rampaging St Bede’s College team who had comprehensively beaten us the week before, the 2nd XI players were never really threatened although it took a classy knock from Rory Drummond to make sure we completed the cricket quinella. Many thanks to Jordan Brasher for captaining the side. Jordan was also a valuable contributor with the new ball. Good luck to the travelling party to Adelaide this year for the Brother Piggott Memorial Shield to be played against Lasallian rival St Michael’s, Henley Beach. There will no doubt be some revenge sought from the

Adelaide players after the triumph at Marcellin College, Bulleen last December. Also, it should not be forgotten that De La Salle College are the State Cricket Champions for 2016! Again having not lost a game for the entire tournament held last December, the boys played some outstanding cricket against the best teams from around the state. This effort was recognised when we beat fellow ACC rival St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully in a hard fought and close final held at Harry Trott Oval in Albert Park. Having won the ACC title again in 2017, this guarantees our spot in the State Championships again this year. Good luck to all involved. Mr Peter Larsen Cricket Coach

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ACC Cricket

Year 10 Cricket A Team

Year 9 Cricket A Team

Top Row: S. Fernandez, D. Foley, P. Traczewski Middle Row: M. Gerny, D. Venturoni , T. Lyngberg, N. Bufalo, A. Feola, Mr J. McAlroy (coach) Seated: J. Arnold, J. Webb, J. Lagastes, T. Kelly, J. Still, A. Sioukas

Standing: N. Martinz, E. Baulch, J. MacKinnon, J. Wiseman, J. King, Mr G. Barnes (coach) Seated: T. Stewart, T. Docherty, B. Higgins, S. Kelliher, T. Thwaites


Year 8 Cricket A Team

Year 7 Cricket A Team

Standing: N. Coplestone, T. Welling, L. Liakakos, A. Edgar, S. Anderson Seated: S. Wagland, M. Getley, W. Dwyer, J. Francis, E. McMahon Absent: Mr M. Wilson (coach)

Top Row: T. Childs, H. Martin, D. Carver Middle Row: J. Tyquin, O. Malki, P. Maillard, A. Liakakos, Mr J. Edgar (coach) Seated: D. Curnow, D. Shelley, M. Miller, J. Pabst, P. Baker

Year 8 Cricket B Team

Year 7 Cricket B Team

Standing: Mr D. Hale (coach), H. Pancholi, J. Forer, T. Mann, R. Bland, P. Bohan, R. Pires, W. Regan Seated: E. Sinnott, O. Corbett, A. Krekoukias, B. Borgese, D. Neaves, C. Melissinos

Top Row: J. Harper, R. Howard, P. Orlando Middle Row: N. Carr-Mackenzie, L. McNamara, L. Lyngberg, J. Cumberlidge, D. Prezens , Mr R. McDonough (coach) Seated: M. Prezens, D. Tucker, C. Wilson, K. Maurice, B. Wayman

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ACC Volleyball

Senior Volleyball Team

Year 10 Volleyball Team

Standing: P. Nikitas, L. Lymbouris, J. Epifanidis, U. Urban, K. Entwistle, J. Robinson Seated: M. Moolman, T. Sadki, C. Bird, T. Shannon, R. Beeby, J. Vlahogiannis Absent: Mr J. Edgar (coach)

Standing: W. Bitmead, T. Dean-Jones, S. O’Connor Middle Row: T. Coyle, C. Bruce, K. Bloomfield, J. Avgeridis, J. McNeany, Mr P. Houlihan (coach) Seated: P. Stanhope, F. Knowles, J. Adamopoulos, J. Tutty, D. Edwards

A more competitive volleyball season was enjoyed by most of the teams that represented De La Salle in 2017. Volleyball is a sport that is traditionally dominated by Mazenod College and one that De La Salle has traditionally not excelled in. Plans are set for improving the preparation of our teams in 2018 and thus hopefully allowing for better results in the coming years. Our 2018 junior squads will be selected in Term 1 in 2018 allowing them to prepare over Terms 2 and 3 in preparation for their Term 4 season. Volleyball is a technical game which is quite difficult to master with limited exposure to the game. We hope to

increase the experience of playing volleyball to all teams throughout the course of the year and thus improve the skill and technical level of our teams. My thanks to all the players for their effort and enthusiasm, and to the 2017 Volleyball coaches. Mr Jon Edgar Director of Sport

Year 9 Volleyball Team Top Row: J. Whitelaw, K. Eardley, M. Besnard Middle Row: J. Lawless, A. Lewis, Y. Nyanjok, O. Deam, D. Frazer, Mr H. Tregear (coach) Seated: T. Simpson, S. Martin, B. Doolan, W. Duncan, D. Jemmett, H. Jack


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Year 8 Volleyball Team

Year 7 Volleyball A Team

Back Row: L. Cain, A. Sheedy, T. Martin, L. Doyle, K. Hocevar, L. Pegoli, N. Willoughby-Rotstein Middle Row: W. Khan, E. Cavey, M. Simmons, H. Pietsch, J. Walsh, A. de Vos, S. Hadaway, M. Stephenson, Mr P. Crellin (coach) Seated: B. Watterston, C. Algeri, J. Orrell, A. Murray, J. Ludekens, C. Goumas, H. Boothey

Top Row: C. Eaton, S. Camara Middle Row: H. Wong, S. Tully, B. Selkirk, A. Di Medio, S. Herdman, Mr S. Buckley (coach) Seated: N. Catis, W. Richards, H. Ford, H. Bird, J. King

Year 7 Volleyball B Team Back Row: J. Nguyen, H. Podeu, O. McNeany Middle Row: E. Sanders, T. Martin, C. Spears, H. Moloney, Mr S. Buckley (coach) Seated: D. Chau, H. Cunningham, W. Roker, B. Purdue, A. Pethick

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ACC Basketball

Senior Basketball A Team Standing: Mr P. Larsen (coach), Mr J. Villani (assistant coach), J. Beaton, U. Urban, B. Robinson, Mr D. Constantineas (assistant coach) Kneeling: B. Crowe, J. Foltynowicz, L. Lymbouris, D. Tompa, E. Powell, R. O’Meara

Senior Basketball B Team Standing: Mr P. Larsen (coach), L. Eldering, Mr J. Villani (assistant coach), N. Jarvis, W. Callaghan, T. Marshall, Mr D. Constantineas (assistant coach) Kneeling: A. Galgani, A. Mascarin, J. Williams, L. Halloran, J. Brasher


Year 10 Basketball A Team

Year 9 Basketball A Team

Standing: Mr M. Rhoden (coach), A. Perri, D. Gehrig, L. Gehrig, J. Thompson, T. Lyngberg Kneeling: N. Bufalo, M. Skehan, N. Tsihrintzis, M. Gerny

Top Row: H. Mahon, J. Lawless, Z. Cripps, H. Zendarski, J. McKinnon, Mr R. McDonough (coach) Kneeling: T. Robinson, B. Higgins, L. Mackintosh, C. Menara

Year 10 Basketball B Team Standing: Mr M. Rhoden (coach), M. Powell, E. Te Moni, D. Minack, P. Traczewski, T. Coyle, J. Giuliani Kneeling: P. Muling, D. Biviano, D. Henriques-Gomez, J. Lagastes, S. Paine

Year 9 Basketball B Team Top Row: H. Hawker, Y. Nganjok, O. Deam, M. Besnard, K. Hillemacher, Mr R. McDonough (coach) Kneeling: S. Lanigan, L. Graffeo, T. Richards, N. Martinz

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ACC Basketball

Year 8 Basketball A Team

Year 7 Basketball A Team

Standing: Mr M. Wilson (coach), O. Williams, X. Geddes, B. Boscacci, Mr L. McKenzie (coach) Kneeling: A. Edgar, M. Simmons, S. McNidder, A. Yaksich, J. Walsh

Standing: K. Maurice, A. Kerr, G. Wardlaw, H. Montgomery, L. Lyngberg, Mr J. Edgar (coach) Kneeling: P. Baker, M. Prezens, S. Camara, D. Prezens.

Year 8 Basketball B Team

Year 7 Basketball B Team

Standing: Mr M. Wilson (coach), T. Martin, L. Doyle, Z. Cumberlidge, H. Lucas, Mr L. McKenzie (coach) Kneeling: H. Boothey, H. McAuliffe, C. Algeri, D. Kaminaris, C. Corrigan

Back Row: B. McLisky, P. Orlando, J. McCarthy, M. Gruzewski, O. Kerr, Mr J. Edgar (coach) Kneeling: J. Tyquin, A. McKenzie, M. Miller, W. Green


Victorian Interschool Snowsports Championships

Back Row: T. Martin, M. Powell, W. Martin, M. Moolman, E. Powell Middle Row: T. McCarthy, M. Besnard, H. Hawker, M. Bohl, E. Crowe, T. Thwaites, Mr A. Clements Front Row: H. Carver, H. Cutts, J. Miller, K. Hocevar, O. Corbett, M. Giorlando,

De La Salle was represented by 16 students at the Interschool Snowsports competition at Mt Buller, an annual event, in which De La Salle are proud to compete in each year. The students competed in both skier-cross and boarder-cross events. The trip was a successful one, with our team members competing to the best of their ability. Some narrowly missed qualification for finals, and Max Moolman made it through to the Division 1 boardercross finals event. The 2017 season saw some of the best conditions for more than a decade allowing for plenty of free-skiing to be done in the down time. Unfortunately De La Salle had no students progress to Nationals. However there are high hopes, with some of the junior students showing promising talent to come in the future years. Mr Andrew Clements Snowsports Coordinator

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ACC Football

Senior 1st XVIII Team

Senior 2nd XVIII Team

Standing: Mr P. Larsen (coach), B. Melissinos, E. Kingsley, J. Roberts, P. Bohan, C. Monaco, J. Paul, R. O’Meara, M. O’Connor, T. Fogarty, R. Bonnici (coach), Mr J. Edgar (coach) Middle: C. Aitken, D. Tesoriero, A. Pinna, C. Joyce, K. Morgenthaler, J. Gregory, H. Gustin Front: B. Cooke, T. Shannon, J. Williams, A. Trusler (captain), D. Trewarn, J. Squires, L. Armstrong

Top Row: M. Doherty, E. Kingsley, J. Brasher, W. Callaghan, J. Beaton, H. Hyslop, J. Foltynowicz, L. Armstrong. Middle Row: Mr D. Alexander (coach), J. McCormack, J. Caruso, T. Cairnes, L. Side, L. Lymbouris, P. Nikitas, R. Beeby, J. Thorn, Mr C. Fleming (assistant coach). Seated: H. Burt, J. White, L. Bonato, A. Martuccio (captain), J. Epifanidis (vice-captain), C. Gerny, C. Leyden, M. Moolman. Absent: Mr P. Harrup (assistant coach)

Senior Football in 2017 saw another tough year of competition for both De La Salle sides. Whilst the results on paper didn’t flatter the teams, with three wins from the two grades, their approach and commitment to the year was without question. Early wins in both teams and a couple of narrow losses to the eventual premiers, saw confidence rise and the feeling was that De La Salle Football was on its way up. Unfortunately, the First XVIII ran into a red hot St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully and a St Bede’s College, Mentone team full of talent and class in the last two rounds to

sour what was overall, a positive year and the Second XVIII couldn’t sustain standout performances consistently enough. Outstanding contributors to the year in both grades include Charlie Aitken, Aaron Trusler, Patrick Bohan and William Clarke in the Firsts while Jon Epifanidis, Liam Eldering and Jordan Gregory shone out in the Seconds. Thanks to coaches Mr Rob Bonnici, Mr Jon Edgar, Mr Peter Larsen, Mr Paul Harrup, Mr David Alexander and Mr Chris Fleming, support staff including physios, the scorers and the umpires and last of all the players who would play two, sometimes three games in the one week which is a fantastic effort. Mr Peter Larsen Football Coach


Year 10 Football Team Top Row: S. Fernandez, T. Lyngberg, J. Lloyd, T. Deane-Johns, K. Bloomfield, O. Ryan, S. O’Connor, D. Edwards Middle Row: Mr J. McAlroy (coach), T. Shannon, P. Muling, T. Coyle, S. McDonough, N. Bufalo, M. Gashi, T. Kelly, J. Adamopoulos, C. Sayers, Ms R. Connolly (assistant coach) Seated: J. Still, S. Paine, J. May, L. Jenkins, E. Fernandez, J. Tutty, N. Caruso

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ACC Football

Year 9 Football A Team Top Row: J. King, J. MacKinnon, J. Wiseman, K. Yeates, E. Manakis, J. Lawless, H. Hawker, S. Lanigan Middle: Mr P. Houlihan (coach), L. Mackintosh, K. Hillemacher, A. McGaw, N. Martinz, M. Besnard, H. Holzer, Mr H. Tregear (coach) Front: W. Purdie, S. Martin, J. Heriot, B. Higgins, H. McLean, B. Doolan, T. Docherty

Year 9 Football B Team Top Row: O. Montgomery, W. Duncan, E. Baulch, T. Simpson, B. Radlow, T. Robinson, J. Haberfield Middle Row: L. McKenzie (assistant coach), C. O’Neill, W. Gorman, T. Quinn, S. Skarlatos, L. McCaughey, H. Reed, S. Dunlop, L. Accarriesi, Mr L. Kenealy (coach) Seated: B. Bullard, J. Oakes, N. Carrick, O. Deam, A. Lewis, L. Waterstone, A. Yates


Year 8 Football A Team Top Row: J. Forer, S. Anderson, A. Edgar, B. Boscacci, L. Liakakos, Z. Cumberlidge, T. Welling, C. Thompson, L. Cain Middle Row: Mr S. Buckley (coach), J. Semaan, D. Gardiner, S. McNidder, E.McMahon, J. Walsh, G. Vill, P. Bohan, A. Sheedy, A. de Vos, Mr M. Ryan (coach) Seated: A. Murray, H. McAuliffe, S. Anderson, C. Algeri, W. Dwyer, M. Simmons, A. Kelly, W. Russell

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Year 7 Football A Team Top Row: L. Lyngberg, M. Gruzewski, J. McCarthy, H. Montgomery, R. Howard. G. Wardlaw, A. Di Medio, P. Baker Middle Row: Mr J. Edgar (coach), O. Kerr, A. McKenzie, N. Carr-Mackenzie, C. Spears, J. Harper, C. Eaton, A. Kerr, Mr M. Wilson (coach) Seated: C. O’Meara, D. Prezens, M. Miller, M. Prezens, K. Loughnan, H. Bird, J. Besnard

Year 8 Football B Team

Year 7 Football B Team

Top Row: D. Gardiner, C. Semaan, C. Thompson, L. Doyle, T. Martin, P. Thompson, J. Semaan, H. Pietsch Middle Row: Mr M. Morris, A. Murray, B. Rogers, M. Barnett, A. Sheedy, E. Sinnott, G. Moutsidis, S. Pickering, Mr P. Crellin (coach) Seated: B. Borgese, H. McAuliffe, S. Wagland, A. Kim, H. Pancholi, A. Paruit, J. Ludekens

Top Row: B. Purdue, J. Tyquin, T. Childs, P. Maillard, P. Orlando, A. Liakakos, L. Cornell, C. Gaiardo, K. Maurice, C. McMahon Middle Row: J. King, O. Boulter, O. Malki, J. Healey, J. Zitzen, Q. Glen, B. Wayman, S. Camara, L. McNamara, J. Pabst, Mr G. Barns (coach), D. Tucker Seated: B. King, W. Green, W. Orton, L. Ficarra, R. Eldering, B. McLisky, J. Domantay, T. Martin

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ACC Hockey

Senior Hockey Team

Year 9 Hockey Team

Top Row: Z. Mulholland, J. Fitzharris, L. Side, Z. Alexandropoulos, Middle Row: J. Reed, S. Howells, O. Smith, W. Cavey, O. Bradley, Mrs L. Phibbs (coach) Seated: A. McLean, W. Campbell, P. Menidis, E. Yeates, M. Walker

Top Row: L. Simcocks, H. Holzer, J. Heriot Middle Row: P. Thomas, S. Dunlop, E. Alexopoulos, J. Haberfield, Mr G. Barns (coach) Seated: J. Affinita, K. Yates, J. Wiseman, H. McLean, S. Skarlatos

The senior hockey team enjoyed a roller coaster season for 2017 finishing on equal points with 4th, however finishing behind on goal difference by one goal to miss the finals. The team started the season brilliantly with a convincing 7–1 win over local rivals CBC College, St Kilda. In the second round they played St Bede’s College, Mentone. It was a hard-fought match but St Bede’s got the better of De La, beating us 5-2. The seniors soon afterward suffered their biggest defeat of the season, losing 13-0 to Whitefriar’s College, Donvale, who went on to become premiers. This didn’t affect the morale of the team; the week after we won

8–0 against St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully, to keep the door open for a finals berth. We hiked out to Footscray a week later to play Emmanuel College in a match which would decide who would play finals. Sadly we lost 5-2. In the final round of the season De La needed a win of 5-0 to make finals but fell short, winning 4-0 against Parade College, Preston. Honourable mentions to Panos Menidis, who kept amazingly well for De La, making some score lines look better than they were, and Elliot Yates and William Campbell for making the ACC Senior Hockey team of the season. Mrs Elizabeth Phibbs Hockey Coach

Year 8 Hockey Team Top Row: J. Ludekens, C. Newell, D. Geddes, D. Gardiner, J. Beddoe, X. Fernandez, Middle Row: J. Sweet, J. Kane, J. Stacey, J. Salmon, L. Wong, Ms G. Skinner (coach) Seated: M. Nicholls, C. Fleming, B. Hunter, S. Hadaway, B. Watterston, C. Ryan


Year 10 Hockey Premiers On a blustery and wet Tuesday afternoon the Year 10 Hockey team kept their winning streak alive, winning their 4th Premiership in a row.

Year 10 Hockey Team Top Row: Mr A. Wozencroft, S. Andrews, C. Sayers, F. Knowles, J. Lloyd, S. O’Connor, A. Costa, A. Konstandakopoulos, W. Moloney-Morton, Seated: T. Krogh, L. Jenkins, J. May, B. Holden, E. Fernandez, J. Tutty, D. Edwards

Year 7 Hockey Team Top Row: T. Dyer, J. Atamian, R. Howard, H. Martin, T. Clune, L. Rowe, B. King Middle Row: B. Wayman, D. Rahaley, J. Harper, R. Yogendran, A. Di Medio, A. Tocchetto, J. Shaw, N. Carr-McKenzie, Mrs E. Phibbs (coach) Seated: H. Moloney, H. Thomas, C. Alexandropoulos, H. Ford, A. Pearce, A. Hrelja, J. Nguyen Front Row: D. Chau, C. Wilson, I. Cataldo, O. Boulter, J. King. B. King, J. Gullifer

This team has only ever lost one game in four years and won all the games they played this season. The team got off to a great start with Elias Fernandez scoring a goal in the opening two minutes, with a total of 5 goals to 0 at the half term break. The boys went on to defeat Emmanuel 8 goals to 1, in one of their best team performances of the year. Clearly, the senior team will be very strong next year as the Year 11 and Year 12 students combine. It has been great to watch all the boys develop as players over the course of the last two seasons. The skill of Elias

Fernandez and Declan Edwards is something to behold and I would encourage anyone who gets a chance to watch either of these two play to do so. It was also great that all 15 boys in the team got a chance to play and contribute to this historic De La winning streak. Goal scorers on the day were: Elias Fernandez 3, Joel May 2, Declan Edwards 2, Arki Konstandakopoulos 1 Best Players: Declan Edwards, Elias Fernandez, Arki Konstandakopoulos, Samuel Andrews, Joel May, Joseph Tutty. Mr Andrew Wozencroft Hockey Coach

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120 / SPORT

ACC Table Tennis

Senior Table Tennis Team

Year 10 Table Tennis Team

Top Row: B. Brownhill, C. Monaco, L. Yaksich Middle Row: M. Pettit, M. Mackie, H. Wolstenholme, J. Wiedemann, M. Collier, Mr L. Kenealy (coach) Seated: O. Bott, A. Ticinovic, J. Biviano, O. Hart, E. Tambimuttu

Standing: J. Adamopoulos, S. Synnott, T. Deane-Johns, A. Devereux Middle Row: G. Strain-King, S. Fernandez, D. Venturoni, A. Ryan, M. Gashi Seated: J. Webb, D. Foley, J. Still, K. Soliven, B. Loughnan Absent: Mr M. Gustincic (coach)

Year 9 Table Tennis Team

Year 8 Table Tennis Team

Year 7 Table Tennis Team

Standing: J. Lewis, N. Zeini, J. Oh, C. Woods-Scamporlino, C. O’Neill, Mr T. Ryan (coach) Seated: J. Stefanoski, W. Purdie, J. Kaminski, N. Trusler, H. Reed

Top Row: J. Fernando, L. Wardle, W. Ashton Middle Row: D. Neaves, J. Miller, D. Pertile, G. Batziakis Bottom Row: S. Healy, H. Cutts, K. Rossitter, S. Fernandes, A. Mackie Absent: S. Pickering, Mr M. Ryan (coach)

Back Row: J. Arthur, T. Childs, B. Selkirk, A. Day, E. Dunlop Middle Row: Mr S. Buckley (coach), D. Park, B. Gallo, T. Crossley, M. Yuen, K. Loughnan Seated: D. Tucker, C. McMahon, V. Fiorello, D. Shelley, V. Boyd, R. Dargan


ACC Chess

Despite chess being an ACC sport it does not run a fixture of games (like most ACC teams), it competes at single, one-day tournaments. This means our tournament chess play is always time-restricted which makes it feel like a different game again.

Preparing our boys for these events has been through lunchtime sessions, a couple of times a week, with the odd non-ACC day long tournament coming up once or twice a year. In an effort to at least provide some certainty we have been working at establishing a set of regular competitions through the years. This year saw the inaugural House Chess Cup instituted as well as two campus based tournaments. My thanks to staff member Mr Justin Bourke for coordinating events at Kinnoull while I coordinated events

at Tiverton and for the manning of the lunchtime sessions. This year our senior chess captain was Ethan Tambimuttu (Year 11) and our junior chess captain was Joshua Stacey (Year 8). Both are regular and passionate players who have helped drive the chess juggernaut in the right direction. Lastly thank you, naturally, to our loyal band of chess players who have made the chess club such an interesting and vibrant group this year. Mr Larry Evans Chess Coach

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ACC Soccer

Senior Soccer Team

Year 10 Soccer Team

Top Row: L. Rogan, A. Indovino, W. Campbell, T. Ciancio-Knauer, J. Dal Broi, R. Clarke, T. Pedruco. Middle Row: H. Stanhope, B. Luu, B. Northey, M. Pettit, C. Vanas, Mr P. Di Ciccio (coach) Seated: J. Agius, J. Dawod, P. Menidis, S. Doree, S. Beehre, A. Salemi, S. Panchalingham.

Top Row: B. Katsianos, B. Gelagin, S. Synnott, C. Milonas, P, Traczewski Middle Row: Mr M. Watty (coach), A. Konstandakopoulos, J. Avgeridis, J. Foden, C. Bruce, P. Stanhope, K. Pedruco Seated: F. Mackenzie, W. Moloney-Morton, T. Potiris, G. Mihailidis, A. Devereux, D. Henriques-Gomes


Year 9 Soccer Team

Year 7 Soccer

Top Row: B. Maher, S. Zampogna, M. Tinkler, L. Shelley, F. Bulman Middle Row: Mr D. Hale (coach), A. Ranzolin, L. Simcocks (captain), L. Cataldo, J. Ranzolin, P. Thomas Seated: A. Valcanas, P. Viera, C. D’amelio, C. Menara, D. Drossos, J. Graskoski

Top Row: T. Baxter-Spinks, A. Day, T. Dyer, N. Mouzakis, T. Guillemain, H. Podeu, A. Tocchetto, J. Shaw Middle Row: Mr J. Locke (coach), H. Kostarakis, O. Di Tella, C. Interdonato, E. Vo, M. Yuen, R. Dargan, L. Di Tella, C. Karamitos, M. Campana. Seated: D. Chau, D. Shelley, I. Cataldo, J. Hill, K. Abeyesekera, Y. Iramiyan, C. Psirris, W. Roker

Year 8 Soccer A Team

Year 8 Soccer B Team

Back Row: G. Androutsos, D. Pertile, D. Sauer, R. Pires, K. Xie, Middle Row: M. Rowbotham, M. Stephenson, C. Newell, C. Flemming, C. Melissinos, M. Giorlando, Mr D. Hale (coach) Seated: S. Hogan, D. Neaves, B. Watterston, O. Corbett, S. Marsilli

Back Row: N. Willoughby-Rotstein, L. Pegoli, J. Finestone, T. Mann, W. Regan Middle Row: Mr S. Mackintosh (coach), G. Androutsos, S. Hadaway, J. Orrell, N. Anastasiadis Seated: H. Fazio, S. Healy, C. Goumas, E. Ferentinos, N. Kocolis Absent: G. Mellios, M. Nichols, J. Pascal-Therios

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124 / SPORT

ACC Cross Country Unfortunately 2017 didn’t see the resurgence we were hoping for with our cross country team. Despite the expert coaching from De La Old Collegian Kevin Mannix our results on ACC Carnival day were somewhat disappointing. It was a difficult season with only a few core diehards attending regular training sessions. In order for us to improve all squad members must get along to training to prepare for this carnival. We did have one individual winner, Liam Halloran, who won

the Under 17 race convincingly. Liam will captain the squad in 2018 and we look forward to other members of the squad following the example Liam set this year with his commitment to training and improvement. Another notable performance on the day was Benjamin Richter, who also competed in the Under 17’s race. We look forward to a stronger preparation in 2018 and hopefully emerging as a top three team. Mr Jon Edgar Director of Sport


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Senior Cross Country Team

U/17 Cross Country Team

U/16 Cross Country Team

Standing: Mr P. Larsen (coach), F. Parton, J. Paul, C. Aitken, S. Callaghan Kneeling: B. Northey, N. Byrden, S. Beehre

Standing: Mr P. Larsen (coach), J. Van Echteld, M. Pulvirenti, J. Thorn, W. Moloney-Morton, L. Halloran, Mr K. Mannix (coach) Kneeling: L. Bonato, D. Trewarn, S. Mannix, A. Digby

Standing: Mr D. Alexander (coach), A. Kostandakopolous, J. Avgeridis, K. Bloomfield, A. Perri, B. Bufalo, Kneeling: T. Potiris, L. Jenkins, F. Knowles, S. Fernandez, B. Richter

U/15 Cross Country Team

U/14 Cross Country Team

U/13 Cross Country Team

Standing: W. Purdie, L. Shelley, O. Schwab, T. Thwaites, L. Mackintosh, L. Cataldo Kneeling: A. May, S. Kelliher, Mr K. Mannix (coach)

Standing: J. Forer, D. Prezens, Mr J. Edgar (coach), S. Hadaway, A. Edgar, J. Stacey, M. Prezens, L. Liakakos Kneeling: Mr P. Larsen (coach)

Standing: J. Cumberlidge, R. Howard, H. Montgomery, M. Gruzewski, M. Miller, Mr J. Edgar (coach) Kneeling: C. Haigh, O. Malki, B. McLisky, E. Hermus


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Houses 2017


St Austin’s House


St Edwin’s House


St Leo’s House


St Mark’s House



The House System 2017

It was another exciting year of fierce competition across all House activities and events. St Edwin’s dominated the House Swimming Carnival in 2016 and St Austin’s House went back-toback in the Year 7 Football and Soccer Lightning Premierships. The Kinnoull Tug of War Competition was a highlight of the lunchtime activities program and St Mark’s emerged triumphant. It was St Leo’s time to shine during the Athletics Carnival, the House Cross Country Carnival and again during the House Swimming Carnival in 2017.

Congratulations to St Leo’s House, House Champions for 2017 on 412 points. Congratulations to Adam Martuccio, St Leo’s House Captain and Mr Michael Watty, St Leo’s House Coordinator on their efforts over the course of the year. Ms Lisa Harkin Deputy Principal

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St Austin’s House 2017 marked another great year in St Austin’s as we further consolidated the successes of the House System. In starting the year, we had the St Austin’s House Welcome Liturgy, a great way to break the ice and formally start the year as a unified House group. Another key event earlier in the year was the Athletics Carnival. Despite aiming to break our painful losing streak, and a strong start, we were stitched up by an issue with the 200 metre race and we were all downhill from there. One of our most significant events in 2017 was Refugee Awareness Week 18-22 June. With our House Charity, the Melbourne Catholic Migrant Centre, we ran a College-wide casual clothes day alongside a Kinnoull barbecue and Detention4Detention in which students volunteered their time after school on a Friday to complete homework whilst showing solidarity to children in detention centres. In total, we raised in excess of $1600 for our charity to supply goods and

HOUSE LEADERS Standing: Mr Shane Mackintosh, Harry Campion, Alexander Martin Seated: Luke Barron, Declan Martin, Joel Caruso

support for new Australians so they can have the best start in their new lives. To everyone involved in the House events we thank you very much, and we extend further thanks to our House Mentors, Ms Martin, Miss Cotter, Mr Maxted, Ms Thiveos, Mrs Bassili and Miss Scott, led by House Coordinator, Mr Mackintosh - your support and guidance has been priceless. To the incoming Year 10 students: have fun and get involved. St Austin’s House Leadership Team


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St Edwin’s House Following a prosperous 2016 House Cup campaign, St Edwin’s House were keen to once again assert their dominance, and with new House Coordinator, Miss Jessica Stevenson at the helm, the notion of a ‘back-to-back’ was more than attainable. A promising start to the 2017 House Cup campaign had seen St Edwin’s House brush aside the competition to emerge victorious at the Swimming Carnival, however it was spirit possessed by each ‘Edwinner’ who participated that was to be commended and ultimately resulted in the victory. Following the success of the Swimming Carnival, St Edwin’s House were eager to follow up on their work at the Athletics Carnival, finishing a respectable 2nd place. The house spirit of St Edwin’s was contagious as the power of the Edwin’s army engulfed Lakeside Stadium. However, success comes second to the morale and electricity that is felt upon entering the Edwin’s corridor instilled by our six fantastic House Mentors Mrs Dwyer, Mr Stokes, Mr Bourke, Miss Peipert, Mrs Kennedy and Mr Di Ciccio. Without the hard work and persistence to tolerate the excitement and general silliness of the House none of the success and spirit would be possible. Edwin’s House spirit had been further demonstrated through the participation in the many social justice events that had been organised. The House Charity of St Edwin’s is St Vincent De Paul Society and St Edwin’s had partaken

HOUSE LEADERS Standing: Miss Jessica Stevenson, Cameron Monaco, Max Doherty Seated: James Biviano, Christopher Groves, Harrison Gill, William Campbell

in many events to aid the cause of this charity, including but not limited to; ‘Crazy Sock Day’, the Easter lolly jar raffle and the Winter Sleep Out. All of which were huge successes enabling us to raise thousands towards tackling poverty within our streets. The overall success of the reinvigorated House System is to be attributed to the zeal and enthusiasm exhibited by not just members of St Edwin’s House but by students and staff of St Austin’s, St Edwin’s, St Leo’s and St Mark’s across both campuses. It is an honour to have been a part of the St Edwin’s House and we are eager to hear of the promising future that stems from the phenomenal culture of our House. St Edwin’s House Leadership Team


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St Leo’s House 2017 was an eventful year indeed for St Leo’s House. It all began with our steal of a new House Coordinator in Mr Michael Watty leading us from the front. He acted as a role model for all and really kept us all under control. This was harder than it seemed as everyone was so enthusiastic about being in Leo’s house you would rarely walk past a quiet corridor. However, Mr Watty didn’t do it alone with the help of what many consider to be the six greatest House Mentors at the school. Downstairs we have our loving teachers, Mrs Thompson, Ms O’Connor and Ms Marino, patrolling the corridors making sure everyone looks sharp before they can even make it up the stairs in the Leo’s building. Waiting up the stairs we have our joyful teachers, Mr Lawler, Mr Larsen and Mr Hogan, who make sure everyone has a smile on their face before they leave the Leo’s building. Having such amazing Mentors gives the boys a great start to the day leading to great work in the classrooms.

HOUSE LEADERS Standing: Mr Michael Watty, William Callaghan, Oliver Hart Seated: Harry Gustin, Adam Martuccio, Aaron Trusler, Andrew Eracleous

Mr Watty and our Mentors made every effort to make sure we were always entertained. This year we had a House Footy Tipping Competition which was won by Ryan O’Meara, we also had Inter-House activities and competitions, and the Friday Kahoot. The House has made huge changes throughout the year and we hope that it can continue to grow in the future. The St Leo’s House Charity, Caritas, had their Project Compassion campaign during Term 1. To raise awareness for this the Leo’s House Leaders had a pancake sale at Tiverton. St Leo’s House also contributed to MAD (Mission Action Day) with lots of amazing efforts to raise money for this cause. The Leo’s boy who raised the most money was Nicholas Nicolaou, we thank Nick and congratulate him for his efforts. St Leo’s House has some creative and talented students in the area of Arts. The production of The Addam’s Family was huge at De La and we are proud to say that Leo’s boys Heath McCullough, Eli Te Moni and Tim Loughnan all did a great job in their lead roles. All the St Leo’s boys involved in the production is a great representation of the House and the versatile abilities we contain.

The Art Show at De La also had many Leo’s boy’s pieces in the exhibition and all efforts in regards to the Arts are congratulated. It’s commonly said Leo’s are the most athletic house, however what was found out this year was that Leo’s are also the loudest. Having won the Athletics last year there was a lot of pressure to go back-to-back. We did it! It was a great day for all involved and the participation from all in the House was outstanding. The support from the sidelines with our Leo’s cheer squad was unreal and really gave our athletes the extra push to complete the final sprint. Leo’s were easily the loudest at the event and this led to the success of taking home the cup. It was a team effort and showed what this House is really about: being united as one. To cap the day off we had our Teachers Relay win comfortably with great efforts from all of our Leo’s Teachers and Aaron Trusler was announced Year 12 champion on the track. Fortunately, Leo’s sporting success didn’t end at the House

Athletics, we carried on our running ability into the House Cross Country which led to us coming home with 1st place. William Moloney- Morton (Year 10), was our only boy to finish 1st, this shows the depth of athletes in Leo’s House that everyone was able to do well and give it their best shot. Well done, Leo’s boys, for these achievements, everyone should be proud of themselves. Having these group successes are great, although in Leo’s all individual achievements are praised and a massive shout out to Ben Firerenzi on representing Australia in baseball and Matthew Damches on

representing Australia in weightlifting. All of these achievements are commended and we are proud of all achievements Leo’s boys accomplish. It is obvious our future is bright and on behalf of the Year 12’s we wish the Year 11’s best of luck in leading the House to a 3-peat in the Aths. It has been an honour to lead St Leo’s House and hopefully we will be able to stay in contact with the House and provide services if need be in the future. Good luck Leo’s Boys! #roadto3peat St Leo’s House Leadership Team


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St Mark’s House 2017 has been an exciting year for who’s house? - Mark’s House! It has been both challenging and rewarding. The year kicked off with a new Student Leadership Team, looking to make their ‘mark’ on the year ahead. We were led by the master of ‘puns’, Mr Harrup, who set the tone and guided the ‘Mark’s-men’ mightily throughout the year. In Term 2 we had a break from his string of ‘ripping yarns’ and ‘dad jokes’, enabling St Mark’s House wonder woman, Mrs Loft, to step in and help organise the House, with memorable birthday videos and attention to detail. Thank you Mrs Loft for elevating our House spirit to a new level. The year kicked off with a bang, being Year 12 retreat, which brought all the boys immensely closer and more connected. A real sense of camaraderie emerged.

In September, the House enacted a ‘Footy Day’ to raise awareness of St Mark’s House charity Opening The Doors Foundation. The Foundation strives to provide Aboriginal children with further educational opportunities and resources; a wonderful cause to raise funds for. The day involved wearing footy jumper/sport colours, a Primary footy clinic, a colouring competition, a longest barrel competition (for your Peter Nikitas and Jed Roberts types), and a classic De La sausage sizzle. It was a great day, supporting a great cause. The boys also raised funds to secure a booking with renowned musician Scott Darlow. In terms of social justice, a number of Mark’s students were involved in the PNG and Wilcannia trips, as well as the upcoming Yaluwo Immersion to Sri Lanka.

HOUSE LEADERS Standing: Jordan Brasher, Jed Roberts, Mr Paul Harrup, Leon Lymbouris, Oscar Cramp Seated: Peter Nikitas, Anthony Ticinovic, Christopher Ovens

Additional involvement in whole school events included R U OK? Day which raised mental health awareness, the Sacred Heart Mission food drive and support for our brothers in arms, St Edwin’s, with the Winter Sleep Out. The House tried valiantly to defend our Cross Country shield. We were bridesmaids in House Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country and Chess. We look forward to performing better in 2018. The year was also littered with funspirited lunch time competitions. Notably, the Mark’s boys took out first in the soccer, and a contentious second place in the “Squares” comp. In the second year of the House System we continue to build momentum and hope to leave a strong and enduring legacy for our younger brothers and peers. St Mark’s House Leadership Team


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De La Salle in the Community


Parent Network


A Day at the Races


Mother’s Day Breakfast


Father’s Day Breakfast



De La Salle in the Community Earlier this year students of St Austin’s House held a vigil to raise attention of the struggles facing asylum seekers. The vigil called, Detention4Detention, was part of the national Asylum Seeker Awareness Week and saw De La Salle students join over 8,000 high school students around Australia to stand in solidarity with children in immigration detention. St Austins’ House Lasallian Captain Joel Caruso led the Detention4Detention vigil which was about raising awareness of the issue as well as raising money for the cause. Detention4Detention highlighted the needs of this vulnerable group and raised over $1,600 in donations. Monies raised went to the Melbourne Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office. St Edwin’s House was part of this year’s annual Vinnies Winter Sleep Out, with almost 50 staff and students sleeping rough overnight at the Kinnoull Campus. The St Vincent de Paul Society is the St Edwin’s

House Charity so the organisers were keen to support the events, which this year have raised in excess of $5.6 million for Australia’s homeless. This event is about so much more than spending one nofrills night, sleeping on cardboard, in the thick of winter. De La Salle College commits itself to the Lasallian Core Principle of Concern for the Poor and Social Justice. We dedicate ourselves to raising awareness where there is injustice, being witness to the poor and needy, involving ourselves in community service and advocating for those on the periphery.

Malvern emergency food program School Service Award In October, De La Salle was among several schools to be invited to attend a special twilight celebration of the Malvern Emergency Food Program’s 24+ years of service to Stonnington, providing food parcels to those in need in our community. As representatives of the College’s Student Leadership Team, the five Lasallian Captains; Joel Caruso, Chris Groves, Oliver Hart, Peter Nikitas and Anthony Ticinovic represented the College. The Mayor of Stonnington, Cr Jami Klisaris presented the award of the Proudlock Perpetual Trophy for 2017 to the school which has contributed the highest number of food items on a per-capita basis to the program this year. De La Salle were runners-up, missing out by a fraction to the victors, Lauriston Girls School.

Christopher Groves accepted the certificate on behalf of the College and it was great to hear Chris, when unexpectedly invited to speak about what we do to collect our items, talk about our charism and about how being a Lasallian school is about social justice and service to the poor. Chris elaborated on the commitment to the House Charities, Mission Action Day as well as the collections at Tiverton. Mrs Rana Brogan Deputy Principal Faith and Mission

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Parent Network The Parent Network has had a very busy year. Firstly, in 2017 a new position on the committee of Year Level Rep Coordinator was created. Mrs Helen Groves took it on and has been outstanding in the role, keeping all the Year Level Reps in the loop. Trish Woodman, the College Alumni and Community Relations Officer has also been a support to the committee. It was a busy year! TERM 1 Welcome Morning Tea Year 7 Parent Drinks Year 10-12 Parent Drinks Year 8-9 Parent Drinks Primary BBQ – this event was run in conjunction with the VCAL team. Thanks to Mr Tim Hogan for organising the Year 11 VCAL students to cook the BBQ. TERM 2 Mother’s Day Breakfast, coordinated by Mr Eric Quitt and Mrs Cate Robertson. 550 mothers and sons enjoyed a lovely breakfast served

by the dads. Our guest speaker this year was Ms Michelle Gotch. Year 9 Reps organised a Father and Son evening at Le Mans Go Karts that was well attended. TERM 3 ‘A Day At The Races’ at Caulfield Racecourse, was our fourth annual race day. It was again a great hit and well organised. The lead up to the day was busy, selling tickets and finalising the online fundraising auction before the event. On the day, we had an accessory parade displaying items from Mary Rose Millinery, Missie Jewellery and Australian Designers Direct. Our MC

for the day was Mr Samuel Hyland who kept everyone well informed about the races and interviewed jockeys, including Mr Craig Williams. Special thanks to Mrs Jo McAuliffe, Mrs Sharon Herdman, Mrs Samantha Pickering, Mrs Cate Robertson and Mrs Eva Mihailidis, an experienced team that got the job done smoothly. An online fundraising auction ran alongside ‘A Day At The Races’ and was coordinated by Mrs Sonya Ryan who spent many hours preparing the site. Thank you Sonya for all the hours you spent on this fundraiser. Thank you also to the crew Mrs Meagan Selkirk and Mr Greg Selkirk, Mr Scott Barnett and Mr Anthony Muir who worked with Sonya on the Sunday after the race day to distribute the auction items. From both the race day and the auction, our Parent Network raised over $10,000. We are now be able

to donate towards the 3D CNC (Computer Numerical Control) routing machine for the use in Technology and STEM based subjects. Father’s Day Breakfast was held in late August and was coordinated by Mr Eric Quitt and Mrs Cate Robertson. The fathers and sons had a lovely breakfast with very little left over. An Old Collegian from 2016, Mr Tom Ponissi, came along and talked about his experience at Coolies last year. Elijah Kingsley (Year 12), spoke about fundraising through the sale of T-shirts for the Yaluwo Immersion Program to Sri Lanka this year. TERM 4 Term 4 rushed by and before we knew it the Year 12 students were leaving

The AGM for the Parent Network was held with new committee members joining and we were sadly saying good bye to retiring members Mrs Helen Groves, Mr Scott Barnett and Mrs Liza Zago Throughout the year the Year Level Reps have organised coffee mornings, lunches and dinners, giving parents the opportunity to meet other parents in their child’s Year Level. The Parent Network has also given support to the Year 6 Graduation dinner, Primary Lego Club and Yaluwo Immersion Program. Thank you to the 2017 Parent Network Committee, the Year Level Reps and all parent volunteers who have helped throughout the year. Mrs Cate Robertson Parent Network President


A Day at the Races

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Mother’s Day Breakfast More than 500 mothers and sons filled the College Gymnasium for the annual Mother’s Day Breakfast for a delightful morning celebrating all that is wonderful about our De La mothers. College Captain, James Biviano made a heart-warming speech about the values of mums which naturally brought on some tears. The guest speaker for the morning was Ms Michelle Gotch, who talked about her own personal battles with breast cancer and her involvement in the De La Old Collegians Football Club, and in particular her role this year supporting the inaugural women’s team. Thanks again to Mrs Cate Robertson and the Parent Network for making this event happen with the support of our generous sponsors – Pentel Australia, Mrs Liza and Mr Albert Zago, Runaway Cakes and Cooper and Miller’s, Toorak. Ms Kerry Martin


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Father’s Day Breakfast In August the College once again celebrated fathers and the important role they play in the lives of their sons with the annual Father’s Day Breakfast. More than 500 fathers and sons gathered in the Tiverton Gymnasium bright and early for a delicious breakfast. This year’s guest speakers focused on the College’s Year 12 end-of-year immersion. 2016 Coolies participant and College Dux Tom Ponissi (2016) recalled his experiences in India with last year’s group, while current Year 12 student, Elijah Kingsley spoke about the forthcoming immersion trip to Sri Lanka, rebadged Yaluwo. Special thanks to the Parent Network, especially to the dozens of volunteers who made the breakfast such a success. Ms Kerry Martin


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Year 4

Year 6

Year 5

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146 / YEAR 7

7 Benilde

7 Dunstan

7 Hegarty

7 Jerome


7 Roland

7 Solomon

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148 / YEAR 8

8 Benilde

8 Dunstan

8 Hegarty

8 Jerome


8 Roland

8 Vincent

8 Solomon

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150 / YEAR 9

9 Benilde

9 Dunstan

9 Hegarty

9 Jerome


9 Roland

9 Vincent

9 Solomon

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Austin’s 1

Austin’s 2

Austin’s 3

Austin’s 4


Austin’s 5

Austin’s 6

Edwin’s 1

Edwin’s 2

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Edwin’s 3

Edwin’s 4

Edwin’s 5

Edwin’s 6


Leo’s 1

Leo’s 2

Leo’s 3

Leo’s 4

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Leo’s 5

Leo’s 6

Mark’s 1

Mark’s 2


Mark’s 3

Mark’s 4

Mark’s 5

Mark’s 6

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Principal Mr Peter Houlihan

LATL Commerce Mr Ashleigh Hoogendoorn

Drama Coordinator Mr Andrew Murrell

Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission Mrs Rana Brogan

LATL English Miss Olivia Wenczel

MMEC Coordinator Ms Kathleen Holmes

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching Mr Mark Gustincic Ms Rose Connolly (Term 1)

LATL Health and Physical Education Mr Michael Wilson

Music Coordinator Ms Cindy Frost

LATL Humanities Mrs Christine Thompson

Personal Development Coordinator Ms Haylene Peipert

Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations Mr Tom Ryan

LATL Languages Mrs Vanessa Marolda

Reporting Coordinator Mr Justin Bourke

Deputy Principal – Students Ms Lisa Harkin

LATL Mathematics Ms Emily Ryan

Year 9 In9uiry Coordinator Mr Heath Tregear

Director of Finance and Administration Ms Kerrie Jordan

LATL Religious Education Mr Chris Church

Year 4-10 Progression Coordinator Mr Heath Tregear

LATL Science Mr Shardul Kaneria

GATE Coordinator Mr Shardul Kaneria

LATL Technology Mr Warren Walker


Director of Primary School Ms Anette Phillips DLD Curricula Programs Ms Rose Connolly Mr Heath Tregear (Term 1) DLD Student Progression Ms Lucy Russell

LATL Visual Arts Mr Ryan Hayward Careers Advisor Mrs Caroline Fitzpatrick

DLD Digital Learning Mr Rob Bonnici

Outdoor Education Coordinator Mr Andrew Clements

DLD Experiential Learning Mr David Alexander

College Librarian Ms Susan Jost

Director of Students 10-12 Mr John McAlroy

College Timetabler/Organiser Mr Marty Rhoden

Director of Students 4-9 Mr Luke Kenealy

House Sports Coordinator Mr Michael Wilson ACC Sports Coordinator Mr Jon Edgar

St Austin’s House Coordinator Mr Shane Mackintosh St Edwin’s House Coordinator Miss Jessica Stevenson St Leo’s House Coordinator Mr Michael Watty St Mark’s House Coordinator Mr Paul Harrup VET Coordinator Mr Peter Larsen VCAL Coordinator Mr Tim Hogan VCE/VCAL Progression Coordinator Ms Jodie McLaren



1 – Ms Emily Scott 2 – Miss Ellen Cotter 3 – Ms Kerry Martin 4 – Ms Louise Thiveos 5 – Mr Paul Maxted 6 – Mrs Christine Bassilli

Year 9 Coordinator Mr Andrew Wozencroft

ST EDWIN’S HOUSE MENTORS 1 – Mrs Georgina Dwyer 2 – Mr Ken Stokes 3 – Ms Haylene Peipert 4 – Mr Justin Bourke 5 – Mrs Clare Kennedy 6 – Mr Peppe Di Ciccio ST LEO’S HOUSE MENTORS 1 – Mrs Christine Thompson 2 – Ms Sarah O’Connor 3 – Mrs Kath Marino Mrs Grace Giudice 4 – Mr Graeme Lawler 5 – Mr Peter Larsen 6 – Mr Tim Hogan ST MARK’S HOUSE MENTORS 1 – Ms Janet Holden 2 – Ms Patricia Burke 3 – Mr David Ellul 4 – Mr Steve Young Mrs Courtney Walton Mr Paul Fegan 5 – Mrs Catherine Loft 6 – Mr Rob Hoich Mr Graham Haupt

Year 8 Coordinator Mr David Happ Year 7 Coordinator Mr Chris Martin (Term 1-2) Mr Shaun Buckley (Term 3-4) HOUSE ASSISTANTS St Austin’s Mr Noel Patterson St Edwin’s Mr Adam Jacobs St Leo’s Ms Emma D’Angelo St Mark’s Ms Marta Webster YEAR 9 CLASS MENTORS Benilde Mr Stephen Brick Dunstan Mr Chris Fleming Ms Roxanne James Hegarty Mr Noel Patterson Jerome Mr Michael Wilson Roland Ms Emily Ryan Solomon Ms Aoife Bermingham Vincent Ms Emma D’Angelo


KINNOULL STAFF Mr Brian Hayes Mr Kevin Hunter Mr Adrian Matarazzo Ms Marg McPhee Mr David Murray Mr Mark Sweeney YEAR 8 CLASS MENTORS Benilde Mr Jon Edgar Dunstan Mr Michael Ryan Hegarty Ms Jacinta Ryan Jerome Mr Peter Crellin Roland Mr Tim Brodrick Ms Melissa Walsh Mrs Courtney Walton Solomon Mr Matt Morris Vincent Ms Christine Cooper YEAR 7 CLASS MENTORS Benilde Mr Jeff Locke Mr Ryan McDonough Dunstan Mrs Gemma Austin Mr Jon Hewett Hegarty Mr Larry Evans Jerome Mr Shardul Kaneria

Mrs Eve McLellan Ms Jacqueline McKinnon Ms Robyn Miller Ms Michele O’Mahoney Miss Georgina Skinner Miss Carly Walsh Ms Muriel West

Roland Mr Adam Jacobs

Principal’s PA Ms Sandy Wreford

Executive Support (S&O) Mrs Patricia D’Arcy

Solomon Mr Chris Church

Assistant Business Manager Mr Daniel McGrath

Excursions Officer Ms Anna Kus


Payroll Officer Ms Mary Kiernan

First Aid Officer Ms Kylie Upton

Year 6 Mrs Katherine Aldcroft Mrs Anette Phillips

Accounts Officer Ms Ellenor Harris

Kinnoull Psychologist Mr Anthony Freeman

Music Administrator Ms Amanda Wallace

Administration Services Manager Ms Mary Georges

Tiverton Psychologist Ms Karina Dubroja

Tiverton Administration Staff Miss Mia O’Sullivan Ms Shanya Bond Ms Rachelle St Ledger

Digital Learning Services Mr Luke Georgiou (Manager) Mr Anthony Prescott Mr Robert Price Mr Peter Sikari Mr Stefan Wadds Mr Peter Whittenbury Mr Ian Zhou

Music Teachers Mr Mitch Brown Ms Yik Ka (Heidi) Ching Mr Paul Coyle Mr Francesco Fabris Ms Penny Karahalios Mr Jaymee Lee Mr Matthew Lewin Mr Jarrod McCluskey Mr David Reichman Ms Jane Robertson Ms Loretta Sayers Ms Serena Thean Mr Daniel van Bergen Ms Kelly Williams

Year 5 Mr Andrew Kearns Year 4 Mr Terry Atkins Mr Michael Chippendale Mr Tim Curran TIVERTON STAFF Mr Gerard Barns Mrs Jen Bonnici Ms Joanna Dickson Ms Marisa Di Giacomo Mrs Carmel Dwyer Mr Murray Enniss Mrs Mary Finn Ms Joanne Graham Mr Dave Hale Ms Nicola Mairs Ms Kate McIllroy Mr Thierry Moran Ms Elizabeth Phibbs Mrs Liliana Russo Mr Shane Slavin Ms Michelle SantAngelo Mr Chas Thompson Ms Marta Webster Mr Nigel Yates

Kinnoull Administration Staff Ms Nicole Wilson Development Manager Ms Rachel Cicala Assistant Registrar Mrs Cathie Zucchelli (Term 1-3) Ms Tanya Claudius Alumni and Community Relations Officer Mrs Trish Woodman Communications Coordinator Ms Hermione Gilchrist College Chaplain Mrs Joan Ferguson Executive Support (F&M and S) Mrs Chris Mundy Executive Support (L&T) Ms Di Nikolakopoulos / Ms Kirsten Morrison

Laboratory Technicians Ms Danka Orlowski Ms Joelene Dight-Smith Library Resources Ms Susan Jost (College Librarian) Mrs Rebecca Grech Mr Brian Hayes Mrs Clare Kennedy Maintenance Mr Michael Bohan (Property Manager) Mr Steven Broughill Mr Clinton Harris Mr Rob Oldershaw Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre Mrs Gemma Austin Mrs Carolyn Green Ms Kerrie Harman Ms Melanie Livera

College Archivist Ms Jessica Attard Materials Technician Mr Dave Murray Mr Kevin Reid Mr Ken McAlpine Technology Assistant Mr Murray Enniss Arts Technician Ms Carolyn Hawkins Support Br Paul Toohey Sport Assistant Mr Lachlan McKenzie

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Administration Staff Standing: Ms Tanya Claudius, Ms Mary Kiernan, Ms Dianne Nikolakopoulos, Ms Mary Georges, Mrs Trish Woodman, Ms Hermione Gilchrist, Mr Daniel McGrath, Miss Mia O’Sullivan, Ms Anna Kus, Ms Ellenor Harris, Mrs Chris Mundy Seated: Ms Kerrie Jordan, Mrs Sandy Wreford, Ms Lisa Harkin, Mr Mark Gustincic, Mr Peter Houlihan, Mr Tom Ryan, Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, Mrs Nicole Wilson

FROM THE EDITOR I had to count and recount past editions of the Blue and Gold before I realised that this production is my twenty-fifth. College annuals are individual time vaults, but reading them in series gives me the most satisfaction. I went through some magazines from years - decades - past, examining the development of very young Year 4 students to grown men graduating at their Valedictory celebrations, some even to reappear as teachers!

Maintenance Staff

Digital Learning Services Staff

Mr Clinton Harris, Mr Stephen Broughill, Mr Rob Oldershaw, Mr Michael Bohan

Standing: Mr Ian Zhou, Mr Anthony Prescott, Mr Luke Georgiou, Mr Peter Whittenbury, Mr Robert Price Seated: Mr Peter Sikari, Mr Stefan Wadds

I have enjoyed making every one of these annuals, from the first few created manually using galleys on the printer’s bench, to this edition, which did not use a sheet of paper in compilation. Black and white journals blossomed into full colour as technology advanced. It has been a printing odyssey. As always I would like to thank all who contributed to this edition of the Blue and Gold – Ms Hermione Gilchrist for her photography and journalistic skills, and Ms Rachel Cicala for her eagle eye in spotting discrepancies in the proofing stage. I hope you enjoy this edition (whenever you may be reading it!). Mr Jon Hewett Editor

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