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Wellbeing and Development
Deputy Principal– STUDENTS
Jessica Alger
As Deputy Principal – Students, it has been my privilege to witness the growth and development of all students across De La Salle College, in yet another unusual year. 2021 has been a year of challenge and change, as well as community and connection.
As we look back on the year, it is easy to recall the difficulties, lockdowns, missing friends and family, lack of sport and other activities and generally wishing things were ‘normal’. However, what is more important is that we take the time to reflect on the ways De La Salle College showed its heart as a community in which students, staff and parents care for each other, and have kept connected in order to ensure we are all doing well and feeling well. I would like to recognise the work done by Classroom Teachers, Mentor Teachers, Year Level and House Coordinators, Health Centre Staff, Psychologists, Directors of Students and Heads of Campus to ensure that the students and families in their care were listened to, supported, kept up to date, commended and celebrated. The College’s Wellbeing team has worked tirelessly to make certain that each student has been guided, assisted and had someone to check in with each day. The multitude of Teams meetings, assemblies, phone calls, emails are testament to their efforts!
As Deputy Principal – Students, I would also like to acknowledge our students. They have showed themselves to be mature, resilient, hopeful and kind, all while dealing with life changing circumstances. I know that they will be able to achieve anything they set their minds to. Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students
Anthony Freeman Frances Kospetas
2021 presented many challenges to the De La Salle College students, yet also offered a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their incredible resilience, inner strength, and compassion towards both themselves and others. Building resilience is not something that happens overnight, in fact, it takes time and develops gradually as we experience the everyday ups and downs – and this year certainly presented many of those. Resilience does not mean we avoid the tough moments (as much as we would like to), but it allows for the development of skills and tools to adapt to change, learning how to manage disappointments and losses, and still come out the other side thriving. The students of De La Salle College persevered throughout a very difficult and taxing year, and despite undoubtedly feeling disheartened by lockdowns, craving social interactions and overwhelmed with the constant change thrust upon them, they continued to adapt and kept trying – and this is the key to building resilience. Anthony Freeman – College Psychologist Frances Kospetas – College Psychologist
2021 has seen De La Salle College embrace a new wellbeing program for all students – GROW (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing). The program has been developed by De La Salle College staff and the program is tailored to suit the wellbeing needs of each Year Level. It is targeted at students’ level of emotional, social and psychological development.
GROW is a program that encompasses Positive Psychology and Respectful Relationships, as well as vital aspects of Cyber Safety, Study Skills, Consent and Sexuality Education and Mental Health. The program has been shaped by student voice and creates a sense of community and connection across the College. GROW promotes and develops the qualities of resilience, openness, reflectiveness, growth mindset, positivity and purpose, and ensures that the De La Salle College students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to understand themselves, the world around them and their place in it. Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students