5 minute read
Tiverton Campus
Martin Gibbs
The Year 5 - 8 Tiverton Campus gladly welcomed the new GROW wellbeing program with a range of special events that challenged our students to think more deeply and to prioritise their own wellbeing.
We began this journey with Dr Eoin Killackey from Orygen Youth Health, who presented at our Parent Information Evenings on the topics of the adolescent brain, the importance of positive reinforcement, and labelling emotions. The Year 8 students worked with Project Rockit about the importance of speaking up and using your strengths to ensure you know who you are and what you can do to make a positive difference. The Year 5 students listened to a presentation by Reuben Cullen, author of A Hero Born, focussing on positive emotions, and how to be the best version of yourself. All Tiverton students worked with Elephant Ed on a range of modules from Body Image, Choices and Embracing Change. The Year 8 students specifically focused on respectful language and the dangers of labelling students and how we can become more inclusive.
We also had Australia’s leading cybercop, Susan McLean, present to the students regarding online activities and their digital footprint. Her clear message of making good choices, being kind and being brave resonated with all who attended. Student’s leadership qualities were the focus throughout the various College Camps at Lord Somers Camp (Year 8), Ace High Horse-riding Camp (Year 7), Phillip Island Adventure Resort (Year 6) and Sovereign Hill (Year 5). The Young Lasallian Leadership Day and the Play to your Strengths program with the St Kilda Football Club were also activities embraced by the students. All Year 5 - 8 students were also encouraged to apply for the newly created High Performance Sports Programs. The students accepted into this program work with current and retired sporting stars and resources include a strength and conditioning coach and motivational and engaging presentations regarding nutrition, recovery and performance. In 2021, Tiverton has been upgraded with a new gym and weights room, synthetic turf in the Primary School playground, bright and newly refurbished classrooms in the Murdoch and Duffy Buildings, new gardens, and a freshly painted canteen. Despite the pandemic setbacks, the Tiverton Campus has continued to grow and flourish throughout 2021. Martin Gibbs – Director of Students, (Middle Years)
2021 has been a productive year for De La Salle College and the Tiverton Campus. Despite multiple lockdowns and remote learning, our community continued to thrive and find ways to be resilient, patient and motivated throughout the year.
In Semester One, the College was able to raise nearly $50,000 towards Lasallian projects across the globe through Mission Action Day. Throughout the year, we gathered multiple times as a community to compete in events such as the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals and House lunchtime competitions. Students have also been able to compete in some ACC sports and other activities including eSports, Debating and preparing for the College musicals. This year we emphasised mental wellbeing, and although we are in unprecedented times with lockdown and quarantine, we have been able to continue this focus when it has been needed the most. We kept this focus through class communication, at home House competitions and Wellbeing Wednesdays. Nonetheless, through challenging times and hardship, De La Salle College has been able to thrive and once again prove that it is more than possible to continue through difficulty when united as a community. Luca Yannas – Tiverton Campus Captain (Year 8)
This year has been a long journey with many ups and downs and an abundance of learning experiences. Throughout the year, I have been lucky enough to participate in many activities De La Salle College has offered through face-to-face, as well as remote learning.
One highlight was participating in the interschool sports. I had lots of fun playing in the soccer team, while others were part of the netball team. I loved playing sport with my friends and competing against different schools. I also enjoyed visiting Scienceworks where we tested the equipment and learned more about science. Sadly, we went into lockdown after only a few months of school. Since then I have learnt to adapt to the restrictions and became more resilient and independent. Even though we don’t like lockdown and remote learning, my teachers have made it fun. I have enjoyed the potato Olympics where we used real potatoes and hand drew faces on them to make them come to life! We then did fun activities with them, such as rolling, swimming, gymnastics and weightlifting. I have really enjoyed this year and can’t wait for Year 7. Ben Marchesani – Primary Captain (Year 6)
The De La Salle College Year 6 nominee for the 2021 Higgins Medal is Evangelos Fabiatos.
Evangelos joined the College in 2021 and has made an immediate impact. Voted in by his peers as Primary Vice Captain, he has conducted a range of school tours, primary information mornings and has been a vocal and productive voice in our student leadership team meetings. A highlight was his keynote speech at our annual Primary Parents International Women’s Day Assembly. Evangelos is also a very hard worker and continues to excel in his studies. He is strong at both literacy and numeracy and is constantly seeking extension activities, especially with his reading and writing. We expect him to transition well into Year 7 and continue his exceptional work habits and his thirst for leadership opportunities moving forward.