7 minute read
Identity and Mission
Rana Brogan
Once again, I find myself reflecting over all that has transpired in the Identity and Mission sphere throughout 2021. This year turned out to be another unpredictable year and I applaud the remarkable way that our staff and students have risen in each moment and showed outstanding resilience, adaptability, tenacity, strength of character and faith in themselves and each other to simply just get through it.
It has been so evident that the mission and message of our founder, St John Baptist de La Salle, is very much thriving. As a Lasallian school, at the heart of our mission is the way we connect with young people and how we offer support to help them nurture and grow in faith and develop a true sense and understanding of the rights of the poor and social justice. Despite all of the interruptions this year with the COVID-19 lockdowns, our students were extraordinary in the commitment they showed towards Mission Action Day in Term 1, the Term 2 St Vincent de Paul Winter Warmers collection, and despite the biggest lockdown interruption of all in Term 3, our Charitable Food Drive for Sacred Heart Mission, St Joseph’s Outreach and Malvern Emergency Food Program. I have been a witness to the Lasallian spirit in many ways, and one which has continuously demonstrated a passion for Christ and for social justice. Additionally, the senior students who have continued in various ways through the encouragement and support of their House Coordinators, raised awareness through various advocacy initiatives and fundraisers for their House Charities: St Austin’s House – Melbourne Catholic Migrant and Refugee Centre, St Edwin’s House – St Vincent de Paul Society, St Leo’s House – Caritas Australia, and St Mark’s House – Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Melbourne/Opening the Doors Foundation. I conclude by praying that God remains always present with us, that our hearts and the hearts of all our students and families are opened to the realities that are ever unfolding and evolving before us. Like our founder, St John Baptist de La Salle, who also lived in a time of confusion and uncertainty, I pray that as Lasallians, we too find within us a deep faith, zeal for God and trust in the hope that better days await us. Rana Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission
This year our College Opening and Welcome Mass took on a different look and feel to its traditional setting at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Due to COVID-19 restrictions in places of worship, we celebrated in the Br James Taylor Gymnasium at the Tiverton Campus. However, it did not hinder the sense of community and family spirit in welcoming members to our De La Salle College family, the Year 7 students, as well as, acknowledging our newly inducted College Captains into their leadership positions. We were also graced with the presence of former old Collegian, Monsignor Stuart Hall, celebrating the Mass. Rana Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission

Mission Action Day
On Thursday 1 April 2021, we celebrated ‘Mission Action Day’, our signature College fundraising event.
The key motivation of this campaign is to provide support, both locally and internationally, to Lasallian projects in need of financial aid. In recent years, over $100,000 annually has been raised and distributed to mission projects. Staff, students, parents and sponsors worked closely together to once again make the event a success. Students walked approximately 13km along the Gardiner’s Creek Trail between Ashburton and Kooyong to validate the wonderful work done in raising close to $50,000, an amazing total in a challenging post COVID-19 environment. Our 2021 total was distributed to key Lasallian mission projects and local charities we support annually. Visit our Mission Action Day page on the College website to view the MAD Fundraising Top 10 Tally and our 2021 sponsors. Thank you to the many school suppliers who donated to our 2021 effort, their generosity is very much appreciated. We also thank Stonnington Council and Gardiner’s Creek Trail public users for their support for our cause. Planning for Mission Action Day 2022 has been underway since August 2021. We look forward to going M.A.D. and continuing to do what we can for those in need. Chris Martin – Mission Action Day Coordinator

Founder’s Day

A Lasallian Youth Minister’s role is to build community and promote our Lasallian values in all aspects of College life.
In 2021, we have been challenged to be dynamic in our role, moving between on-campus and remote forms of Ministry. Finding ways to connect with students continues to change, whether that be on the Year 12 and Year 7 Retreats in Term 1, or in our weekly classroom visits and ‘Teams’ meetings. It has been a pleasure to form and develop relationships with the De La Salle College community, and to continue helping students to be the best versions of themselves.
We have enjoyed the challenges and joys that this year has brought, and we are extremely grateful for all the support we have received. We can’t do the work we do without the support of our fantastic community and we are so blessed to work here at De La Salle College.
Josh Paul and James Biviano – Lasallian Youth Ministers
2021 will be a standout year during my time at De La Salle College. COVID-19 continues to show us how important mental health is. The year has been a mixture of emotions, with many ups and downs. I am honoured to represent St Austin’s House and have loved being alongside the students in the St Austin’s House community. The Swimming and Athletics Carnivals represented the real St Austin’s House spirit through the participation of many students. This year has been amazing, even though it has been chaotic at times, I have enjoyed every second of it. Andrew Andaloro – St Austin’s House Lasallian Captain

I was privileged to be St Edwin’s House Lasallian Captain for 2021. Although our year had highs and lows with lockdowns and disruptions due to COVID-19, we also experienced many positive moments. Winning the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals provided me with some of my best memories of this year. Having a leadership role has taught me my strengths and weaknesses and how to lead a team even during tough times. Working alongside a group of St Edwin’s House Leaders, I was able to display integrity, determination and confidence in St Edwin’s House’s ability to win the 2021 House Cup. I have been fortunate with my leadership role in the mighty St Edwin’s House and I hope that the 2021 leaders have left a mark on the younger Year Levels and inspired them to achieve greatness. Bradley Abraham – St Edwin’s House Lasallian Captain
This year demonstrated the unpredictability in life. Like 2020, many challenges arose and yet at every step of the way, my fellow leaders, teachers and cohort remained hopeful and optimistic with tenacity in every sense. This ideology has been a constant, a message present within the 200 Year Anniversary Mass of Catholic Education in Australia – we have “200 reasons to sing” about how lucky and privileged we are and our accomplishments this year. From Founder’s Day to MAD and the St Leo’s House sausage sizzle raising awareness and funds for Caritas Australia, De La Salle College has not only celebrated its rich history but also assisted those less fortunate than us. This is the meaning of being a Lasallian – a legacy I hope inspires faith in the future.
Emmett McCann – St Leo’s House Lasallian Captain
2021 has taken another step towards a new normal. It started with us re-embracing the De La Salle College culture which was forgotten in 2020. One of the best things that came from this year was Mission Action Day. It reminded us of the amazing memories we had, helped us make new ones, and showed us the difference we can make in this world. As we move into 2022 and beyond, I hope we can all thrive to achieve success and help make a difference. Het Pancholi – St Mark’s House Lasallian Captain