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The House System

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Our 2021 St Austin’s House moto was ‘Get involved St Austin’s House’. Students answered this call with impressive participation and showed amazing St Austin’s House pride at assemblies, House challenges and campus events.

As St Austin’s House Coordinator, my absolute highlight this year was watching the entire House’s reaction to coming second in the House Athletics Carnival – all in yellow, all so proud, cheering their hearts out. Happy tears were shed indeed. This was backed up by a second-place score in the Swimming Carnival. What an achievement! Without a doubt, our success is certainly attributed to the superb leadership of our team of St Austin’s House Captain, the ever positive Jack Forer, cheerful Vice Captain, Will Byrne-Jones, Sports Captain, Jake Miller, who always had a kind word to say about all the St Austin’s House students, Lasallian Captain, Andrew Andaloro, who spurred everyone along, and Arts Captain, Cormac Fleming who worked seamlessly to ensure that students across all three campuses felt included in our House. Thanks also to our Year 10 and 11 leaders, Liam Greening, Zane O’Keeffe, Will Richards and Dylan Carver. I express my gratitude to our St Austin’s House Mentors, Ben Williamson, Liz O’Connell, Halid Takimoglu, Marta Webster, Jamie Walles and Thomas Le and House Assistants, Sharon Richards and Mel Livera who cared for our St Austin’s House students in the best possible way each and every day and showed up in yellow any time I suggested it. We are St Austin’s House – and I couldn’t be prouder to lead such a fine House.

Angela Runci – St Austin’s House Coordinator I had the honour of working amongst a confident and inspired leadership team which created a supportive environment allowing every student to achieve their best in St Austin’s House. During our weekly assembly, we included a ‘shout out’ segment acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of talents that spread throughout St Austin’s House. The Athletics and Swimming Carnival saw our House spirit flourish, with an abundance of musicians creating an exciting atmosphere. Thank you to the Year 10 and 11 St Austin’s House leaders who were unwavering in their support, helping to coordinate the House Carnivals and promoting participation, which was instrumental to our success in 2021.

Throughout lockdown, we stayed connected through weekly House challenges, assemblies and homeroom competitions. It demonstrated our love and support for our blue and gold family. St Austin’s House is tremendously lucky to be led by Angela Runci and supported by the House Mentors. Jack Forer – St Austin’s House Captain

Starting off the year, it was clear that the students of St Austin’s House were eager for something new, something entertaining and something challenging. Unable to do our traditional ‘House Competitions’ in 2020 and big shoes to fill for myself and the other St Austin’s House Captains, we got to work straight away. We came up with new ways to engage all Year Levels in activities to cater for students with a variety of skills and interests. Being Vice Captain of St Austin’s House has required persistence and comradery. The students of St Austin’s House have always held their head high to any challenge they have faced this year. Because of their efforts for the House and themselves, I have strived to do my best for the students.

William Byrne-Jones – St Austin’s House Vice Captain

In St Edwin’s House we have many talents. We are made up of chess players, singers, dancers, footballers, swimmers, gamers, extroverts, introverts, VCE and VCAL students. In St Edwin’s House there is a place for everyone.

2021 was full of highs for St Edwin’s House and we give thanks for the opportunities that we have been fortunate to be part of. In February, we were lucky to come together as a House at the Athletics Carnival. Mere hours away from another lockdown, the students in green ran, hurdled and high-jumped their way to our first House Athletics win in six years. Our House pride was again evident at the Swimming Carnival as students swam, played water polo and chanted their way to a win for the second year in a row. Amongst these carnivals were Friday House Competitions where students from Year 7 - 12 competed in a range of activities, including the famous tug of war, 50m sprint and dodgeball. Carnivals aside, what gives me the greatest sense of pride is seeing how students have handled themselves during a year of many unknowns. Our St Edwin’s House students were able to learn remotely, stay connected and maintain a sense of House pride, while being disconnected from each other for a long stretch of time. These moments make me grateful for our St Edwin’s House family. To the Mentors – Georgina Dwyer, Ken Stokes, Jonathan Pertile, Justin Bourke, Clare Kennedy-Curtis, Caroline Fitzpatrick and Peppe Di Ciccio – there will never be the right words to thank you for the incredible work you do with our students.

To our 2021 Leaders – Sam McNidder, Xavier Geddes, Bradley Abraham, Albert Lee, Seb Hadaway and Will Dwyer – thank you for sharing my passion and enthusiasm for our House. Onsite and remotely, your leadership of our House is something that I am truly grateful for. Ever and Onwards Edwinners.

Jess Stevenson – St Edwin’s House Coordinator It has been an absolute honour to lead St Edwin’s House in 2021. It was truly a year of many achievements for the House. This was heavily driven by the involvement and comradery by our leadership team, our St Edwin’s House teachers and St Edwin’s House students. Without this we wouldn’t have be able to achieve what we have done this year; winning the House Athletics Carnival, ending the St Leo’s House five-year winning streak. This day not only showed our dominance but proved our House spirit and culture with so many St Edwin’s House students getting involved. We achieved 100% involvement rating in all track and field events. We also won the House Swimming Carnival, steps challenge and many House lunch time activities. My favourite moment this year was when the other three Houses ganged up and chanted against us. We then all rallied up and chanted even louder than the other three Houses. This symbolises the culture we have at St Edwin’s House.

“Ever and Onwards”

Sam McNidder – St Edwin’s House Captain

This year I had the privilege of working with a great leadership group which continued to build a legacy of compassion, resilience and resourcefulness across De La Salle College. Despite multiple setbacks, including lockdowns, event cancellations and COVID-19 protocols, we strove to create a better culture for those that follow. A culture of engagement, no matter your ability or Year Level. This was only possible with the assistance of Peter Houlihan, Jessica Alger, Shane Mackintosh, the four House Coordinators and the support of students across all Year Levels. St Edwin’s House has triumphed in so many of the activities because we put engagement first. This provides a blueprint for the mighty green going forward for continued dominance in everything. Follow the example of this year’s leaders, ‘Obstacles are put in our way to see if what we want is worth fighting for’. Xavier Geddes – St Edwin’s House Vice Captain

It has been fantastic to witness the determined and enthusiastic manner in which the St Leo’s House students approached another challenging year. When onsite, it was great to witness the comradery between the students in their Mentor groups and in the hallways of the St Leo’s House building.

Congratulations to our 2021 leaders: Austin Kelly, James Suffolk, Lachie Doyle, Blair Hunter, Emmett McCann, Sean MacNamara, Lucas McNamara, Bailey Hunter and Luke Lowe. These leaders did a great job continuing to build the unique culture within St Leo’s House. This was particularly evident during the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals we were lucky enough to hold early in the year. Whilst the overall results may not have gone our way this year, the way students carried themselves in their events and the way they encouraged each other to step up to fill in was fantastic to see. The contributions to the remote weekly challenges have also been great, showing a willingness to contribute to the House regardless of the circumstances. There have been some exceptional distances covered, amazing photos taken and impressive displays of general knowledge. Thank you to our amazing Mentors, Christine Thompson, Emma Fairclough, Kath Marino, Ebony Doherty, Jon Edgar and Tim Hogan. The Mentors have done a remarkable job supporting the students through another demanding year. They have helped create friendly and supportive connections within the students and have managed to sustain these connections throughout the periods of remote learning. Through their engaging online Mentor time sessions, they provided important opportunities for the St Leo’s House students to have an academic break and connect socially to their peers. I’m sure all the St Leo’s House students have learned a lot about themselves this year, and what they are capable of when faced with new and challenging circumstances. I hope that they take on board those learnings and apply it to a successful, and hopefully less interrupted 2022. Michael Watty – St Leo’s House Coordinator A year of turbulence did not hinder the brotherhood of St Leo’s House. It has been an honour to represent this House and its students, watching our students become more adaptive than ever, taking every challenge and obstacle thrown at them in their stride. Whether at home or at school, our innate sense of comradery has never diminished, it is a true testament to St Leo’s House.

With our year interrupted by COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, resilience was key to upholding the ‘Strength and Honour’ of the House. We saw great House participation when we were lucky enough to compete in our Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, as well as our remote learning challenges such as Science Week.

St Leo’s House students continue to strive for excellence, and I am continually amazed by the outstanding students and culture in our House. The future holds great things for St Leo’s House in 2022 and beyond, something I am immensely proud to be a part of. Austin Kelly – St Leo’s House Captain

Similar to last year, 2021 has experienced numerous lockdowns, interruptions and cancellations of College activities. This has in no way dampened our enthusiasm to do well, support one another and have pride in St Leo’s House. I have been a member of the House since commencing in Year 4 and St Leo’s House is certainly known for their success. We are a House that prides itself in having a strong sense of comradery and inclusiveness. Mr Watty and my fellow House Captains have worked together with the cohort to continue to build on this culture. Hopefully this will continue to grow with more success in House competitions, activities and personal achievements awaiting all students. James Suffolk – St Leo’s House Vice Captain

The year started well with House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals taking place. We all appreciated getting back together as a community and it was great to see the levels of participation at both the carnivals across all Houses. St Mark’s House students came out in force and got involved. Places rapidly changed throughout the day and although St Mark’s House were unable to improve their last year’s overall placing, it was clear that improved participation in both carnivals saw a much closer competition between all four Houses.

This year saw points added for Academic Awards, St Mark’s House finished just behind St Edwin’s House in the final count. We saw academic strength within the House both in Achievement and Endeavour Awards.

St Mark’s House fielded a strong Chess team, taking out the House Cup with many St Mark’s House students going on to represent the College in the ACC competition. Equally, the eSports team was well represented by St Mark’s House students who won the state championship and as I write are headed to the nationals.

It once again has been a challenging year as we navigate remote learning. Thank you to the St Mark’s House students for their involvement in the various remote House challenges. I want to thank each of the Year 12 House Captains, Mackenzie Rowbotham (House Captain), Cooper Johnstone (House Vice Captain), Thomas Andrewartha (House Arts Captain), Het Pancholi (House Lasallian Captain) and Thomas Welling (House Sports Captain). I am grateful for their efforts in finding ways to support the House during 2021. Equally I pay tribute to the St Mark’s House Mentors, Janet Holden, Warren Walker, David Ellul, Andrew Devlin, Catherine Loft and Ashleigh Hoogendoorn. Each of these Mentors has played a pivotal role in supporting St Mark’s House students throughout 2021. Andrew Wozencroft – St Mark’s House Coordinator It has been an absolute privilege being part of St Mark’s House. 2021 has seen both comradery and House spirit flourish. In a year filled with hindrances and hurdles, the St Mark’s House steadfastness proved our adaptability and resilience as a House. The St Mark’s House spirit sang and chanted loudly at each House carnival event where students opted to ‘Be the Change’. St Mark’s House saw outstanding levels of participation across all Year Levels in multiple events and sports. Our senior school students spent their lunchtimes spectating younger Marksmen competing in lunchtime activities and I observed younger students take pride in belonging to St Mark’s House as they chanted alongside their peers. 2021 displayed the innate sense of brotherhood and unity behind our House and through our academic endeavours and sporting goals. We Marksmen can rest assured of the bright future of this group. Mackenzie Rowbotham – St Mark’s House Captain

All thoughts of 2021 were approached with a sense of redemption as we entered this year of schooling. The screams of passion at the Athletics Carnival and the robust commitment of each person in their studies and their support of others, illustrates why De La Salle College is a special community. For the departing Year 12’s, we have had a chance to embrace school life and entertain every opportunity. For returning and new students, they have enjoyed the consistent support of great staff with hope for a future of normality but being resilient enough to persevere regardless of the circumstances presented. Cooper Johnstone – St Marks House Vice Captain

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